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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 1, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, this is in use our own alger 0. i'm 40 by people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, is really stake to the 3 stuff. tel aviv to demand that 5 minutes or next, you know, accept the gaza si fi proposal. announced by the us president left opened by the war, we made some of the children in guys i who lost their parents. and those who now have the responsibility of taking care of that. also this, our exit polls project,
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a victory for india's prime minister in the run for moody's, b j p. after the final phase of voting in general elections disable our land line items for crew. ers, for red line project trucks and star line is cropped again. boeing's landmark launch man to carry us north to the international space station, east coast phone for 24 hours on his full london's wembley stadium is getting ready to host the biggest game in european club foot round madrid. be taking on for us it open in the champions league, final kick off no less than an hour away. the thank you for joining. as we begin in tel aviv with thousands of protesters have taken to the streets demanding these really government accepts the sci fi proposal for gaza, announced by the us president. the proposal includes a 6 week cease fire,
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the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza and the return of all captives in a press conference. relatives warns that prime minister netanyahu may try to stop the agreement from going ahead. they called on him to come out publicly in support of the deal. a deep stream missing vanessa. me know who governments are opposing the steel. they have allowed the minority extreme is to attack president boynton. they want the world to go one for an indefinite period of time. these people would sacrifice even the captives dunn's eyes in court gallant. this is your last chance to make sure that nothing, you know, who doesn't destroy the steel. i hear your voices tell the citizens that you support the steel and that includes putting an end to this will a while these are all his bind dial to 0 from reporting from there. so. so high rod is joining us from jordan's capital amman. so we're seeing huge crowds the and telling me right now, sarah, how much more pressure does is put on the government the
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well, they supposedly not giving up slowly because this is the scene. every single fact today. and of course, as you heard the trying to put more pressure on the government this time, they don't just mention problem. mister benjamin netanyahu them mentioning those are in the will cabinets as well as guy the eyes in court. and he's one of the observed as the will cabinet saying that you need to take this deal. they say it provides high pull them up because they're still a $125.00 pounds is still held in the gaza strip and they know full well, but the longer it's less, the more those are likely to be killed. those ones, the still that i even mentioned not in that statement, but interestingly we've just heard now statements from many guns who's actually fleshed out a little bit more, most certainly more than the statement we had earlier from the prime minister's office. and in this statement,
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he's saying we're committed to an adult and seeing the hostage release proposal. and he's also called for an immediate war cabinet meeting to convene as soon as possible with the negotiating team. it's been trying to bring back a deal. it's interesting also because they had to go see thing seemed just a few days ago was actually criticizing the prime minister. and that seems to be a bit of a debate between bodies where the prime minister says that there had been some lives that had been shed with the major. and that's actually not what had happened . the head of that negotiating team implying that the prime minister himself was trying to stop the deal from going through and not. so it's in the a sentiment, but also the families believes and that full. so because he is under a lot of pressure from those fall, right ministers, it's small, been given, sped, those smart. so they're the ones that wants to see is ro, resettle in goals that they want to go back to the year, 2005. when israel was already occupying the goal is the strip. and that's certainly the ones that have implied that protest simeon should leave voluntarily. so it's
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those inflammatory remarks that have almost landed, of course, as the number of just that we're seeing cause that land israel in the i c j with the order against them and such and these, that something that the junk bite and referred to as well as saying that this complete victory, this notion of a complete victory is only going to isolate israel, father, the people that you'll see now in that square life. they know that and that's why they all calling on more people to join them. and they want the process to be outside the homes of those ministers are in the little cabinet, but also the other ministers, the all in discussion governments. sarah, thank you very much. that's our high rise lives there in amman. jordan, because again these really government has banned judges era from reporting from inside israel. while that's how speak to one of the people who are are, is protesting today. mikhail levy who's brother or was taken captive on october. the 7th or his wife was killed on that day. mikhail is joining us from nearby that
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robbing and telling me thank you for being with us on alger 0. i know you've been among the crowd said, can you tell us what the mood is among the family members of the captives after the latest proposal? are you hopeful that this will come to felicia? i am yes. actually today feels a bit differently. ready with families that to me on a, a bit small, hopeful and crossing out seeing us the entry to be really fun. what, why do you feel more helpful when the government private isn't it to know is common, said that as they will continue the war and they haven't accepted the si, fi, even if it was presented by the us president as an is there any proposal you know as far as i know, twice and he's ready proposal,
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and i believe that they really go for it from us when they great. ok. mazda has already said that he receives this positively. do you think mikhail, your government is trying as hard as it can to get the cafeteria? fried? yeah, well i know that they how much they, they want to think that's a band. it's them as much as all of us that may not be more involved in them and get them back here at the office of this. so i believe that they are doing what they can to bring them back. yeah. but tom and the shuttle was, come out today again and said that you know, that the fight against mice will continue. and they seems to be some disagreements with the proposal that present binders put forward. you know, how have these comments and those of other cabinet members been received by,
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by the families of the captives? those comments was well wage and smooth. oh is like this, even on the last bill? then we choose to believe that um, what was present in the present. that is the real that was going to happen each time. yeah. come us one play games and agreed to make out. okay. can you tell us if you've heard anything about the whereabouts of your brother? ale, we know about the is that he was kidnapped alive, and if he wasn't the judge. and as far as we know that we have no reason to believe that i think different. the news this from john again and we believe that he sees okay, what have uh the past 8 months been like for you and your family yeah
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. can i come in spring tonight? no. waking up every morning knowing that there was someone that comes up cuz uh the whole thing conditions trying to keep the family to get um oh my god himself. okay, i'm his son, and this is me, for example, he lost his, my, them described as a hostage. and we're trying to say positive and happy for him of them. but it's not easy. i can imagine just looking at the pictures, so of tennessee right now, and you've been among the crowds have been demonstrating almost every week. the protests have been going on for many, many months now, and they seem to be getting bigger and bigger. do you get a sense that they're making a difference and is that
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a divide between the mood of these really public and that of it's lead is when it comes to this war and size. i know. and the what you see in kind of the people that came here, that the support of the every week and the fact that the is going means that the, everyone in need, well understand that got to do it the most important thing. and that's what i focus on. yeah. make out what's your message today to prime minister netanyahu and the walk cabinet, very simple thing and back as soon as possible. thank you for talking to us mikael levy, have family member. thank you. one of the captives have held in guys of his brother or was taken captive on october. the 7th. thank you very much for joining us on
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august here. meanwhile is or the opposition savers. i've also jeanette now to accept the ceasefire plan. one which the us president joe biden initially described as an is really proposal is nor con, with more nearly 8 months since it, israel's war on guns, palestinians whose lives have been up ended by death and destruction. see some lights in the darkness that solved the president. biden and failed a new proposal to end the war. a number of others we will come to you when we hope the will we spoke in order for us to go back to the areas and our houses seem to know. we have to suffer what kind of being and we hire people, support the palestinian people. and we hope you're serious about reaching a ceasefire agreement. we want to say 5 because we are very tired physically, and psychologically the proposal lays out 3 phases. the fuss would last 6 weeks and include a c 4. i'm withdrawal of israeli forces from populated areas of casa. it would also include the exchange of his way to cap tips,
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the posting and held in his way to jails. in a 2nd phase is rolling, her mouse would walk towards a permanent end to hostilities, and the 3rd would have both the reconstruction of garza. this is truly a decisive moment, is made their proposal how much as it wants to cease fire. this do as an opportunity to improve whether they really need bite and describe it. and this way, the deal bought a statement from the office of its probably minister says israel's conditions the ending, the will have not changed the destruction of her muscles, military and governing capabilities. the free of all hostages and ensuring the gulf and no longer poses a threat to israel. the american pressure on the is right, maybe on both sides, islam, the jewel creating some. i'll be viewing the that we raise the brushes all the
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prices on it, but you know, not only from do likes they also from europe and the rest of the hemispheres also reacted saying the movement reaffirms it's readiness to positively engage and cooperate with any proposal on the foundation of a permanent ceasefire. complete withdrawal from the gaza strip reconstruction, the return of displaced persons to the homes and the completion of a genuine present to exchange deals from mass because in displacement come to be haunted by stone station and disease and a strip of land rented and habitable many posting is a clean to the hoop, the deal will finally be reached, the can change this reality, the work on which is 0, a slice ringing. she advertising in washington dc for as she have understanding us secretary of state on to me blinking it's just spoken with cutoffs prime minister. what do we know about this?
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call the advocates every 5 minutes for express express meetings, hopes for all parties to feel positively with principles of the cause of some stuff actually blinking. also cool. the saudi arabian 4 minutes a similar sentiments. express that it's interesting that there's a lot of positivity that being suppressed about this deal. not just from comp, todd and others, but also from a pact is really low. be here in the us. i'm the politicians of a phone and that are also presenting this as a hopeful moment for an is really, is really proposed deal. and yet then we have the minimum yahoo statements. and so then we would have to guess we're all trying to ross and grapple with the contradictions that have the seem to be a parent. i think they become explainable when you take into account what a senior administration official told us shortly after biden spoke out. and it really became clear how little is actually been nailed down,
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all the of them that phase, that phase one, which is a temporary 6 weeks the spa, but then everything else about the status of a mouse and so on, has yet to be, has yet to be negotiated. so basically you definitely obviously, i mean you of us right now about all the other elements since may seem at all right now with what binding the say. what the point is that this is a temporary c swaps that will be constantly rolled over and rolled over as long as negotiations on a permanent ends of the conflict. go on. so that's what we have the 5, and they do not expect the white house does not expect us to start tomorrow. they kept saying, so even as we talk about us these 5 z, as also as the green light to do whatever it wants to the rough of the bottoms can, can continue even as we see the leveling of rough or in a similar. 1 communist, that's no longer red line, it would seem. but when you look at the electron calendar, and this will makes much more sense as well here in washington, right? because the administration has always said they would do what israel, that we'd like to do anything at once until the heat of the election season. but
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huge of the election season begins, arguably in about a month. also, when the conventions begin to bite and will get his pause during the huge with the election season, i think that's, that's a major victory providing potentially, that's the plan. but they are still worried about what happens to nothing yahoos. acceptance of this deal right once once has coalition partners way of. yeah, and we're just hearing now. she have that these ready prime minister has accepted an invitation to speak to the us congress without having accepted this plan yet, which was announced by biden. what should we read into this? and you get a sense of maybe the ministration or you know, this is terrible phrase in making lemonade out of lemons or whatever. they weren't too keen on this invitation. but now i think well that dangling in front of mentioned y'all, who is the prospect of coming to congress, have you accepted to the very least phase? one of this deal having some kind of temporary for who knows about phase to imbibe is the guarantor of face. so here we model even we empower by next. yeah. but
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initially a phase one he can come here which presents himself as the parts of his wife's keeping as being frame like this, as i was thinking is really a piece deal to bring peace and bring the captives home and all of this kind of stuff in front of a joint session of congress that's quite alluring. i would imagine now that it seemed it was going to be in by his anyway, by the republicans, because they read dozens. the last thing to buy the most i should have democrats is a look will make this part rather comfortable for you when you come. so that's a bit more leverage potentially. so that's another problem is, is rehabilitation. that's part of, it's not just that on yahoo, but also for the bite administration itself. the question is, what i'm asking you, i would stick to it once he gets his color from. putnam is a response to what's, what's been going on. she have, thank you very much, she, every time she lived there in washington dc. well, and i'll get an update on the situation and got assigned speak to honey, my mode hosing down the line in central guys. honey, as we've been mentioning how mazda has reacted positively to the sci fi proposal,
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and i know that people and guys have been disappointed in the past. are they a little bit more how for this time or the is holding deposit will or will dollars have pretty wide, exhausting and draining for people here. and they are waiting for more of a solid announcement of the potentials these fire deals in the horizon. and it just, within the past couple hours, we started to change and evolve into a little bit more positivity compared to the d hours earlier today. as the leads coming in from these really broadcasting corporation, stating that the is really 5 minutes 3rd, benjamin nathaniel accepted the 1st phase of the fire. that is, it still hasn't been widely circulated, but there is really channels the newspaper are actually talking about this right
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now. is sending more of a positive atmosphere of the people as recorded the already quite in the laboratory mode right now in the, in part of the central area and the northern part, just this part of the free time there talks about an agreement. people are twice thursday, quite eager to hear something solid about a ceasefire, and at the moment the hear anything positive, the take the streets and it is cheering for a more hopeful announcement in the coming hours. we're expecting the story to keep evolving till midnight, and that's the time that everybody's expecting that it will. it will mature enough for something more solid. and still, there isn't a final or a more of a, or a comprehensive statement about whether there is a wider acceptance of the ceasefire deal announced by byte or not. but at least now
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the league just started to come out of from the broadcasting corporations here. and other news, the paper talking about positive direction, you know, the positive direction, but no confirmation as of yet from these are the government that it has accepted. the 1st phase of a ceasefire, even if it's being reported by is really media is you say, honey, what is the humanitarian situation like in gaza as this the cyber holes that is being discussed? i imagine it's only getting worse on the ground. yes, and that's exactly the reason why people have been largely so cautious about their a there a optimism in terms of whether they're going to be a confirmed ceasefire deal or not is because of the time they're least of, of acceptance of accepting the deal. these really military continues to pound across, rock city, pushing the, occupying forces into the central part of the city. and just within the past half an hour, at the peak of these leaks, there were
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a relentless air strikes sticking back and tell us the western part of the city, coupled with the heavy artillery, sitting all the couldn't from park the city as well as the northridge western part of robust city forcing more people into further internal displacement. meanwhile, these really monetary continues to a cause more tragedies in the central area as more areas bits under gives a era talk then art dealer's and they get the northern part of the new site on refuge account that has been attack repeatedly. while these really monitor the quite active in the central area and the southern parts, people in the northern parts are still absorbing the level of damage and deposition costs. within the past, the 20 days of death, of these really military act operations and just brought value refuge account and much of the northern part of this trip, leaving a trails of destruction and devastation of preventing aid from reaching to people
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work sign of famine. it started to be quite visible right now, but the value of refugee camp is not what people are used to remember. it's completely turned into our waste land with no social services or with no means of life remain there. we're looking at the quite uninhabitable area. that's the northern part of this trip. honey. thank you very much for the update. that's all just there is honeywell who's revolting their life from down below, in a central, gaza, or palestinians are desperately searching for the remains of their loved ones. after is really forces withdrew from jabante, a refugee camp in northern gaza on friday. this comes after a 3 week offensive force tens of thousands. some of the most densely populated camp in gaza. i'm home, it has this report, a warning. it contains images that may be of setting to some viewers. it's a gruesome task used to be speaking through debris, to find the bodies of these resolved ones on the beyond,
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but it should have done the over 30 people were killed and that buried under this rubble on the 11th of may. our house was born without any warning. and now these are the remains. well, we found the buttons. we haven't found any in tech bodies. they will decompose to make up be with us. he's the home had been hit by and these really boom in is your body now, just just wonder about it operating so destroyed and crumbling the houses, businesses and screws of the key, which is really offensive guy. the largest and most densely populated with the g is rec, beyond recognition street of the street, people tell seamless stories of mos lindsey said, what was the under my father was standing in front of his own door certain for when a rocket targeted me struck him dead what did he do wrong? you was 71 years old. so what harm did he call us to israel? what's the red?
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but he posted it then you know, my father was oppressive. is bad as being it'd be sent to of is really rate seems to will be gone medical tough become well practice and retrieving bodies from under the rubble upon one of those other bodies of children alone with the funds for parents not long ago. we also to cover the bodies of the mother with a 2 month old baby. they fell victim to s truck. what's unfolding in the body or for g camp and more broadly and cause a month to genocide against our people. many of the date of birth to come. i loved one hospital from insure out here. people i think to find the bodies young and old to give them a dignified funeral, as they con oh,
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you're alone. nice woman was to be sticking to speak. she can only mater, but she's lost her son. well, those 2 of survived become completely conflict each other. i mean pre angry for those. they have lost heads them. i'm just, all the united nations is more than 14 and a half 1000 children have been killed since the start of israel's war on gaza. thousands more have witnessed their parents dest, those who are opened, or now being casual by friends, a wider family members who have to carry the extra responsive responsibility. dari cup was whom i pour some dow, blah children's be hearing this cause of pool is a comment solely in going. so this goes to be seen on likely to have the most profound bloomington, the 6 and my mother and father with king. my head and legs
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went out solely to hospital in gary, bella, how much is my twice to raise his families periods? but he has a huge weight of responsibility on his shoulders. and isabel is try kit the campaign roughly this week. his brother was killed along with his wife, leaving the 4 daughters the youngest, only 2 months old in his soul cab. okay, got him, you know, but the reason we woke up to loud explosions, my other brother was killed along with his wife leaving their daughter. so thought they were all insurance, but survived. i'm single. but now i have 4 daughters to look after. i hope i can be as good as their late parents assembly had been approved to it from the law here in northern goza. an area now are rooms. i'm so show to in rough, so called save. so according to israel, 3 weeks ago, because the very minute, 3 last and operation,
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the ignoring tips and national warnings that this could lead to slower. so in an area of the crown that was displaced before contamination turned out, treat went on sunday as well as strikes puck funny in that camp also designated a save. so these chairs remains all that's left. at least 44 people, mostly women and children with killed as you and expects, demanded account's ability of to stating hiring images of destruction. displacements, and have emerged from roughly including incense pulling apart and people tend to live. it didn't in the another attack when camp in western roughly killed 21 people. when tuesday is billed the noise responsibility,
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i just saw that our tent was hit by missile. that's all i can recall. i'm scared. my life was injured. it was hurting too much for now. how much can only hug his family cloves and hope he can protect them? like a father? garza is a graveyard full pallets sitting children. united nations says since october, the 7th is well, has killed more than $15000.00. how many children and so this will save volume such as the non fonts a month, the experiencing psychology control man, every single time they hear the sound of the buttons. topic about zoom out just the right there is that i had a story still had on the news our we investigate the wave of kidnapping spreading fee. it's a lot mexico had of sundays elections and support the well tennis number. 2 moses,
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that tulsa to winning her 1st french open title, has come to the ally that isn't very wet, and when do, whether to come for south africa. but before we get to africa, let's have a look at the middle east and live and, and his belly, a cloud in the sky across the region. so lots of hots and dry weather to be found here. it is a little bit breezy. however, on sunday we could see some lift the dust and sand across to golf, bringing lots of hazy sunshine. but the temperature is all set to peak for the likes of to wait and iraq over the next few days as hot conditions extending across the event with 39 degrees celsius in damascus on monday. and it's been a little bit cooler across the north west of africa. we've got some storm warnings out for northern parts of algeria when the conditions expected across the southern parts here. but the wet and windy weather is for the south of us across most
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central areas towards the north east of africa. it remains very hot and dry. cairo's expecting to see 41 degrees celsius the on choose day. so little bit cooler across that central band is more in the way of west to weather, moving across the congos sponge. why? however, until we get to south africa, you can see that frontal system is lucky to bring some disruptive rain as well as damaging wins to the very self on sunday. in the pod, huge, i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on these governments with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up,
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present as not the need for the fact that he had the story on talk to how does era, i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye. point by camera where all those refer not to the i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up. and us worse to make a round peg and also viet turn when on the power of political lot. what i'll just stories we tell sales about also, and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted, want to on i will jersey around the
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welcome back. and we can provide top stories on this policy or use our thousands of protesters of gathering tel aviv to pressure israel's prime minister benjamin this, you know, to accept the si fi proposal announced by the us president families of kept his housing guides. i have told dodges here at that message next now is simple. spring relatives home. now. voting has ended in india after a 6 week election. early exit polls are projecting a landslide victory for rent remo. these b j. p with around 350. see if he's majority house, it'll be modi's for term as prime minister. all those early exit polls, he didn't just general election of projecting as we said, a landslide victory for the b j. p. and his allies. it follows a 6 week long election where millions of voters battled a heat wave to cast their ballots. will make a film share a frequency of 2 weeks of voting for eyes on the exit polls. some news channels and all the independent agencies began raising primarily
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projections. i go solve, the more the it is very clear. that mode is coming to power for the 3rd time with over $400.00. that was after the 7 phase voting officially ended on saturday. the expect the government, hindu nationalist, b, j, b and its allies to win a majority. the beach i p. lead national democratic alliance is projected to win more than $350.00 seats for the opposition. the line slipped by the congress body. the fig goes more than a 120, a party needs 272 seats to get them majority. and the $543.00 member lou house of parliament, the kind of campaign was supposed to be around. uh, you know, was one center on, at this level, so it'd be uh, generating hey, if it gets muslims. so if, if, if that kind of campaign has produced smart victory if the examples are correct,
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then that is disturbing news. indeed, in 2019 the b j. b 1303 seats. and together with the satellites pushed the number to 350 to the congress that killed 52 seats. and it's united progressive lines, $91.00. the exit polls full of 6 beats of general elections that began on april the 19th. this election is seen as a test upon this to move range of movies, political dominique, his constituency, in the ancient city of london. c, enrolled in india's order for they voted in the last round on saturday. actually what do you need? so yeah, i'm little moody is done to look for us. a grand rom temple is being constructed. we will have to support moody, nearly a 1000000000 people have been eligible to cost that balance in the polls. the turnout was low then in 2019 with the city a heat wave cited as one of the reasons for the millions who turned up the economy
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remains a major concern. so the biggest issue here in vernon us is unemployment. so we all, we've lived with those who operate did machines 24 hours earlier, and that operating them twice a week and not i need to have people are upset. people are not happy immediately. lucas and leader may be satisfied, unhappy, but a normal person has not multi has led his punk kid just to party to, to landslide victories in 20142019. if he wins, as examples predict, he will be the only 2nd prime minister in india's history to win a 3rd success as to the official results will be announced on june default. on the consumption eve, andrea caesar in south africa with around 99 percent of the votes counted in the elections. the governing african national congress has lost its majority in
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parliament for the 1st time since the end of apartheid 3 decades ago. the n c's tale currently stands at just about 40 percent. that will force it to seek a coalition partner to get enough backing to name of president and form a government. in 2nd place is the democratic alliance with around 21 percent of the votes. former president jacobs who most m k party has done surprise me well for its 1st contested elections coming in. 3rd with just over 14 percent. it's running ahead of the economic freedom fighters party in 4th place with around 9 percent as well with the talk of a possible correlation government and who the a and c's chooses to work is being closely watched. here's my kind of, we pushing from the result operation center in the town of minturn. the b a n c was punished by voters nationally and in the provinces. its representation in the full 100 seat national assembly was slashed. it will
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remain the biggest party, but for the 1st time will not be able to govern the loan. and the biggest surprises, the performance of the new content we see is way pa t o m k headed by puma and see president jacobs. luna, who says he's still an see member a reflection of the political twists and turns the country is witnessing and the party is adamant on one thing. there will be no collision. so to the amc. amc is national chip us and is reluctant to talk about coalition option. what's the agencies position at the moment? the 0 or discussion that we talk to a number of questions. and uh, it depends on the agreement on major policy issues that we need to do to determine what the did the strong resistance within the organization to an alliance with the da, seen by some as a really of the upon take past. others would be deeply opposed to bringing in the
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e f. s. when it's ready go lift wing policy. you have good for the to color parties that are on the lights. the political parties got on the left and left a bi position that the amc has to take would have tie up consequences on that. but, but the best option for me that the a, in some of the team could be to go for some of the political parties that to have to get to the center. and there is a ticking cook. the constitution says the 1st sitting up, the new parliament must take place within 2 weeks of the official results being declared. and its 1st act must be to elect a president that's only 14 days in which to map out an entirely new political landscape, montana. oh, just era madrid and south africa. well, who the and say choose as to form a coalition. government is being closely watched by the business community, hif latasha reports,
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some driven so that's what gives economic landscape looks much a poor performance by the governing african national congress is making the company speaking how many prospects even more on such terms of the general knew that some more of a sense of, of kind of nervousness because, you know, what does this mean, and what are the condition outcomes going to be best? particularly at the national level, the coalition is going to have to be formed. a businessman, my listing is not. so if a coalition government is the answer for selective alliances haven't was in some of this appendix. he's in the country and he doesn't believe a coalition at national level. well, it's color, is it cool collision? it makes the proteins or the government course though because these are the oldest negotiations. yeah. for those negotiations by 1226 with c. but so i just thought i'd skipped the amc as tough decisions to make. it could align itself with
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offices and policies that percent of life policy, such as grace of privatization and discretion of the minimum wage. or with more lift as parties, quoting for border ownership of the economy by celebrating elantra for policies and the nationalization of mind. whatever happens in south africa politically will affect economy and as the most industrialized country of the afternoon, confidence is seen by many other nations as a potential to teach it global. any call us and deal at national level will depend on what happens in the provinces, especially the big ones have how to hope to have a search and for toya. and yeah, because we were gonna tell how do we toss out of their devon and mexicans? go to the polls on sunday, the next more than $20000.00 officials, including a president. one of the challenges at the window will faces a wave of kidnappings, which is spreading fi throughout the country a lot in america, to tennessee and newman. re for some vaca take us in mexico,
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in the colonial city. the septic ash, it's a world heritage site, but it's beauty like that of so many parts of mexico has been overshadowed by one of the most cool forms of violence. nearly 115000 people in mexico have disappeared unwillingly, according to the national register of disappeared and, and found people more than 11000 last year alone. here in septic as there's been a wave of kidnappings, of young men between the age of 14 and 28 believe to be forcibly recruited by organized crime groups for the last 5 years. elizabeth, i used has been searching for her brother jose nathaniel or a mechanic who went out to fix the car one morning and never came back for listed up in may the violinist we went to well 1st aunts together in the 1st time we both
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drink close together he accompanied me to buy my wedding dress up and to get my facility treatments. we were very close more than any of a civilized with armed men grabbed and murdered her father because he was searching for his son and like many family members, she's been threatened. in the symmetry of fish, neil the unidentified bodies of hundreds of presumed victims of unwilling disappearances lie in these cement pits up to 9 bodies. fit in these tombs, each has a number and a date none, and have a name. in the state attorney's office and forensic scientists department of secretary desk has set up a system to help families identify bodies. they've found many a burnt or decomposed beyond recognition, but photos of tattoos and clothes are proving useful. so the special prosecutor is this. they're making progress. the research as we do everything so that
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murders are punished, if the culprit of a disappearance is found, the person is tried and sentenced accordingly. perhaps much 99 percent of disappearances in mexico go unpunished. according to 0. impunity, a respected and g o and a number of bodies phone is minute compared to the countless searches for time. the stine grades, the desperate families carry out constantly. neither of the 2 leading candidates for sundays presidential elections seems to have a plan to tackle this drama. this is, authority is run out of room for bodies. they do find, but can't identify. what you see here is the new center for the temporary burial of unidentified people here in socratic, gosh, are a total of 1336 of these just to your loan. each one will hold a casket, but it's not all. they'll be another 800 build here very shortly. and there will be
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a total of $3000.00 if anything, this is an indication that not just the state of psychotic us, but mexico is not expecting this crisis to end any time soon. a crisis that's reached unheard of proportions for a country that at least in theory, is not at war to see and human algebra. septic s is coming up on alger 0, a display of unity from the us. and the philippines against china is strategy in the asia pacific region, plus where live at london's wembley stadium ahead of the european champions league final i d, 's here with that and the rest of the base stay with the the floods from the world's most secretive states now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but shining
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a light on the home of kings and bring danger. one on one east meets north. korea's influence is coming out in new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera showcase of the best document refills from across the network. on al jazeera, he says he went to vote on syria to provide a 27 year old acted as soon as the health care service testing working as it didn't start with nursing. the eyes of his governments with my citizenship was to help. i was surprised in the 1st part of the series, we found the restore here to push the shape worker because he confronts the news, the piece citizenship verification only what my citizenship back if i'm proven in a sense, i don't wanna, we don't have to click on the state list in syria on which is the era of
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the the time that of course is andy, thank you so much. probably will london's wembley stadium getting ready to host the biggest game in european club football, rema dread, taking on brushing goldman in the champions league final kick off. now just a few minutes away. the funds will that be hoping to bonnie some memories of our last visit to this the new for champions league final in 2013. they were paid some by bon unit, cannot solve for the cider, and i've only looked at the trophy once before. that was back in 1997 where as rail funds they will but expect to be attending this fixture. that's a aiming for a record extending 15th title, which i think is something special that depends from what i really don't know, but i think it can be very story. it can be that the issue,
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i'm just going to be the quality of the play. i think can be to conduct that because it happens so many times. maybe if you play 10 times against damage it's, it's going to be very difficult. 34. impossible. but if you break it down to one game and this is what you do, if you go to a final, then everything is possible in football. but the most important thing is not only to see the occasion where we are playing the mother this about the game. and we played so many games this season altogether. 6060 games with all the bonus like a cup trim is the confront again. so we had 60 games to prepare ourselves. harry full sits, is life for us now at wembley stadium. how are we disappointment you start for a decade ago. it's built into the venue. what are the realistic chances tonight you think? well certainly they all and the thing about favorites rail madrid was all of their experience with the array of stalls those veteran and young
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a very much favored to witness match not least because of the presence of 2, depending on who caused the left dormant for madrid. at the beginning of a season, for a 100000000 euros, and as being absolute star, many people talking about him as one of the best players in the world. and a lot of the document signs we were talking to really did seem to be quite so has about his disappearance from their ranks and his being on the opposing team. in this match, studies the manager of don't mind is saying, look, we may not have had a great season. they can finish fixed in a german book, destiny got. but they did perform very well, especially in the quarter final, in the semi final, to get to this point. the other thing can happen, as you heard him say, in a one off match. i've been talking to the times, you get the impression that one side is more in hopes while the other, the real madrid funds are an expectation of a victory tonight the,
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to be on the date with 30. there's going to make a difference which plan, i think really says yeah, maybe been a com. do you wish to read that again, we're still playing for documents or we won't be great quotes. i think it's a positive, it's a pain. so that's a good way of life. to be honest and ruby, i gave you a very high game, but we are germany, the support. those are support the 90 minutes and honestly is opinion to use every single possible no hurry, the, the less big europeans find a wembley, the euro 2020 sinus of thousands. a ticket was found storming the stadium. all sorts of count explains how is the atmosphere and the security plan they fit for this much wave security certainly being tights. and generally i saw a few of people coming up, wembley way towards the stadium. and then we saw a 3 years ago when those are real assaults on the stadium and is generally being
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relatively good natured with a few people being arrested and taken, tossed us and cups during the last few hours. but i have to say just the last few minutes before you came to us, there are about 20 police in full right who was stationed, just decide as to may run off very fast as did a couple of mounted police as well towards the same area of the stadium where people would battering down doors trying to get in 3 years ago. so obviously some limited disturbance still going on on this occasion. otherwise though, they have very much buttress display, spend 5000000 pounds on the sort of physical security, reinforcing doors, putting up barricades and the like. there was 3 ranks of ticket checking, the people going in most cctv. i'm trying to avoid the really shameful savings that we so 3 years ago. certainly nothing on this on that kind of scale saying so far on this occasion. all right, thank you so much. hopefully we can focus on the football and not the funds to the,
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the next couple of hours. how resource in their life is that when we study to know what you all can make, it looks to be in for late nights at the french open, his food are i much against lorenzo me, said he gets his thoughts and is coming up to 9 pm local, so i'm in paris a little earlier number full seat ice on his there of was taken to a 5th set, probably break against thoughts, plants, how increase for the gym and having full one down in the face, but hit back to reach the last 60 services reach the semi finals and these last 3 roland carroll's appearances in women's draw straight an open champion of really some blank of 3. it's the full front of parents of the ending, the run of one of the best friends in the game. paula pedrosa, 756 for ms. finished validation. looking for hers. first title when it is grand slam. like stuff is madison keys or m in the vars. i mean, it's tough to play your how your best friends and this is incredible player coming back up. stories are and i'm pretty sure is who's going to be back until verse on monday. so that's what i thought by 3. as i said before, i leave with
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a separate thing set on quarterly open in, so i'm not to, i'm trying not to watch on the other side just trying to focus on myself and just bring my best game about that anyway, it's a self my just against her full say the lena river can i reach the last explain with the straight sets when of at least mentions of belgium champions looking to improve on her best performance impediments that was when she finished with the quote, a fine list back in 2012 the defending champion francesca by new i won't be attending my t p. sprint race based on his parking chunk of magellan. a moment to get the championship lead a whole gang matson crushed out here on last night's loss and we'll still start impulse . the main rice paddies on sunday to set back the world rally championship laid its every new bill as belgium. he's out of the race in so then you after this crash nibble's absence of us who knows. yeah. who's taking the lead with the events to to
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finish on sunday. a city of troy was the winner. and one of course, racing is most historic events are showing who is winning the 200 and 45th running a stone will be a single up some downs pools christmas, which is a flat closer i suppose, took place back in 1780 right. but as i suppose is looking for an apple id. thank you very much for that. are you a secretary of defense lloyd austin, has told a security for him in singapore, that war with china is neither imminent, no unavoidable. austin's comments comments tensions arising in the asia pacific region. he also defended the actions of the philippines that seem to stand off with badging over the south china sea. patrick fock is at the conference in singapore and has this update for the secretary of defense to deliver the strongly worded address. so with stinging criticism, all beijing accusing china dangerous harassment towards the philippines and using
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language that was similar to the sort of language that present ferdinand ma, costs and junior used in his speech at the summit he said so the beijing actions were illegal and was tiffany set the washington's commitment to is tracy ally was on clad separately at a time when the wrong questions about how thinly spreads us move, who is also is, are across the middle east. and ukraine, you said, says that the us is deeply committed to the and the pacific. america will continue to play a vital role in the end of the ship. together with our friends across the region that we share the united states across the united states government across our political landscape, you will find a strong and bite parson commitment to the and the pacific. now,
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critics and propagandist will still oppose the principal principles that dr. virgins, they will continue to reject the name of the law. and they will try to impulse their, we own. the origin of russian bows was prompted a strong response from china and member of the chinese delegation accuse washington and seeking to build an asia pacific version. all the nato, a lions to maintain the gemini over the reasons. thinking on the sidelines on this summit. so they've done in general, jean john thing said the, the us in the pacific strategy. sounds good but does no good. and they also hits out of the us for all named taiwan. now we know that there was some tough conversations had behind the scenes yesterday, but progress was made but to days was in many ways. highlights how far apart the us in china are still on some critical issues that boeing rock. it was supposed to be
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on its way to the international space station by now. but in the last few hours, that test flights meant to carry to austin also has been delayed astronauts bush. well, more and sunny williams were just minutes away from blasting off when the count down the stopped and the launch delayed by 24 hours following has been trying to develop a craft to send a crew to the international space station for 10 years. now, it's experience several delays and costs have over $1.00 by more than one and a half $1000000000.00 i spoke to yvette send azalea was an astronomer at the center for astrophysics. at harvard university. she says the style line a delay is a further blow to boeing's reputation. so it's not a great look at this point. the bullying is definitely have problems over the years . they've had delays so far for those from software glitches, corrosion even issues with the pair shoes, all things that you really don't want if you have life humans going on a spacecraft. so we don't know yet the size of this particular error,
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but haven't yet. another delay is definitely very frustrating. i'm sure to them. it's very difficult us space ex has been going since may 2020 was the 1st time they sent astronauts to the space station. i mean, at some point it wasn't clear, it was, but people thought boeing was going to feed face x to this and the fact that they keep having these problems and space x keeps succeeding in this market is definitely difficult. if i was building, i would have a hard look at my culture at this point and see, i read to really doing the best we can to compete in this market. they've already invested so much money and they have such a good history. they could hopefully draw, hopefully they could make some changes to go forward in things like their personnel and how they're doing business. and that wraps up as news. our knowledge is 0, but do stay with us. we've got plenty more news coming up with my and the mazda and just a few minutes, including the latest on the processing israel against the war on guys from me for the back to go. and the whole team here in doha,
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thank you very much for watching and just stay with us on how to see the account to the costs. the rates for clean energy is gathering speed. when could the change in energy systems reshape the label? balance of power plus is the we brief becoming a luxury. many people can also talk to the cost on how to 0. ok, foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex toss emergency donation spence on projects. we insure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless. i'm we all turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with
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confidence the the, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. now to sierra hunted and then millions. stephens prize does a delicacy value just as highly if i called tells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access phone lines joins
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the environmental prosecutors, turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the list of the world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planets oceans. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera, the thousands of is riley's taking to the streets now to mon prime minister benjamin netanyahu, except the cause of these 5 proposals floated by the american president. the hello, i'm sorry,


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