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tv   Fault Lines The Shark Fin Hunters  Al Jazeera  June 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm AST

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an 800 build here very shortly, and they'll be a total of 3000 if any city, this is an indication that not just the state of psychotic us, but mexico is not expecting this crisis to end any time soon. a crisis that's reached unheard of proportions for a country that at least in theory, is not at war to see in human outages, era septic s l salvador is present. april culture has been sworn in for a 2nd time. full of may. a took the oath of office of the national potus and the capital san salvador keller was re elected in 70 or was 85 percent of the vote is maintained, a very high approval rating, carries out popular crack down or gun violence. now a boeing rocket was supposed to be on its way to the international space station by now. but the test flight of the stall line a spacecraft has been delayed again as your notes books will and sony,
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sony williams, were just minutes away from blasting off on the countdown was stopped and the launch delayed for 24 hours. buying has been trying to develop a craft to send a crew to the i ss for 10 years now. programs costs of, of a run by moving $1.00 and a half $1000000000.00. is that send is as an, as you know, at the center, faster physics at harvard university and she says the star line at the layers another blog to binds reputation. it's not a great look at this point. the bullying is definitely have problems over the years . they've had delays so far for those from software glitches, corrosion even issues with the pair shoes, all things that you really don't want if you have life humans going on a space crap. so we don't know yet the size of this particular era, but haven't yet. another delay is definitely very frustrating. i'm sure to them. it's very difficult us space ex has been going since may 2020 was the 1st time they sent astronauts to the space station. i mean, at some point it wasn't clear,
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it was, but people thought boeing was going to feed face x to this and the fact that they keep having these problems and space x keeps succeeding in this market is definitely difficult. if i was building, i would have a hard look at my culture at this point and see, i read to really doing the best we can to compete in this market. they've already invested so much money and they have such a good history. they could hopefully draw, hopefully they could make some changes to go forward in things like their personnel and how they're doing business. a lot set for myself, but so i have more news for you off the phone lines which is coming up next. hard, huge. i mean to be, is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on these government with these 5 digit you say getting less so late. thought provoking on the e, you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way
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. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing a present as not that important factor. he had the story on talk to how does, in the one of the families benefit for nearly 3 years. evelyn lemitrus has been investigating a sharp pen trafficking operation. now she's putting together the team that's going to rated a lexi, though they're still but at the will. but i said the less indeed this bit of a how most short events have become a global commodity prize doesn't ingredients. and the special soup in asia sharps that play the vital role in the ocean for hundreds of millions of years. but the trade is now pushing some species to the brink of extinction. the list of trade in
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short, francis valued of hundreds of millions of dollars a year. i'm which i didn't mind that then. okay. one more thing. go that on the wedding that i'm assume that we're talking about here. we gained exclusive access to a team of investigators ain't of dismantling or ring a short vend traffickers video be medical. ok. think of that. he always thinks under the send me until then. so the following is the car here as an investigator and a couple of cops in it, we're going to lead a rate today in the harbor against these traders who they say are putting some spaces, a sharp at risk it says detecting stuff in the audio, the photos, the same spotlight, no data mafia either got to pay investigation improved, also takes us to equity worse. mcclurg tells us details about where he sent us films. i want to keep long for the call for group or, you know,
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to just follow up with a few of the little and we went under cover in new york city where shark fin soup has been legal for a decade to see if it's still being sold this is where we are in the whole thing right here on this episode, we take you inside the world of sharpton smuggling, in the effort to correct down on the train. you always think that always he'll be, i saw no that be it again, some of where you're literally simpler. when camino you could almost say the there's a special prosecutor charged with enforcing crews environmental laws. evelyn stays often started early. i left the money on that in the most game,
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we got them all saying affordably can what they call affiliated for it. sadly, i've done body for that in between. gotten nothing better. castillo and this is simply on the sun go up to be. that is, i her plan this morning is to search fishing boats coming in for short, defense, anybody's, he felt like the whole is, it's been there a lot of course on the products. no. and the info. you know, given me at those cool, no spaces of what the gus can, that's going to see your everyone has received threats for some of the work she's investigating. so she is police protection everywhere she goes. you'll mean, you've seen why they get informed about the. * no, no, on the basic gaiety or the not the p you. but at the point, i'm not been thought of going through a movie that would have seemed play till they know one that i'm really slow. oh, they know us to that and the value of this will mean and then what do you support? basically a e. hi and my number for media a little them in middle. so the case,
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boy assume no less cost has to be a know when did you become aware of start in trade? they don't you mean the safe comments almost heads up. i see that most solid a instead of people, mercedes, a feel is part of a feeling the best that the world in phones is about to feel to be a common. some of i know that in 2018, evelyn and her team arrested to trap caught with truckloads of tried fence leading to the 1st ever conviction in jail. send it to me preferred for sharpen trafficking . i don't have to work on that. i to come, you know, put a lot of my meant they will know of that is, oh my say, you know, no, i don't want the one, you know, i live, you know what? i don't want to pay another month or what through. i knew the business, the chart mentioned per it was legal, but heavily restricted. most of them are sold in the black market. they can go for
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more than $500.00 us dollars a pound in hong kong sharks and is an incredibly lucrative commodity. i mean the price per kilogram is equivalent to several different alyssa drugs and it's almost like the now look it up. tell me what it says. i mean, don't you know that? that's fantastic. well, i think i have to go see him, but he is a hood. i think i hear from them. and that is basically means that he goes to the indiana case, a king view only. so if at the politics you on his computer a late, but at that mean that in that kind of simple lab, then it will cost the will. yeah. and so, but i most i said from the law. ok. evelyn inspected fishing nets and the catch the boat for bringing it up. some fishermen were not too happy with their presence . 250 and we will need the full so, you know, mean, did they send me? this book captain was brandishing a nice one
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or 2 to illegally, soon as next to get a smaller fish. they said i thought of a separate daniel or let the young lady say your favorite on the video, you'll be looking movies. i will spit on scene. said he, that is the yeah. whenever you really love as well, through the findings, shorts didn't somewhere in the see a boat to the long shot. even evelyn is successful. the small time fishermen are not target building. when is the case, the only way you didn't want to invest yourself little bit to they as a gift from home as well. so you'll get an admin and this is done by that student that missed a lot to him by the will in the middle side of go. so key and say again a little we'll see you as soon as can somebody when i get in the dark
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eco space, see where everything is new halves by the end or no or the put it on. but the rest of the know, we're looking for fun, that's a good thing. i am a little bit. get us into industry. sodium. goodness, good. sadly, i will scott, at good. yes. let me though. this illegal is required or that gave me in the us is to a said lot of me in the, in a lot better. so not good. we always have to be nice and this is the handle. the peruvian coastline stretches for more than 3000 kilometers. the waters here have to push for sharks for thousands of years. no no, got to go stop and for the. ready best of best said that the one on it, no, i put it in my final lumen and instead of telling me allow me i am unable. ready ready to popularity of consuming shark fin. soup considers a delicacy in countries like china and thailand has cost
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a number of sharks of world wide deployment. as many as $100000000.00 sharks are harvested each year for their fence. you don't devote about that in waycross, expand law less, but i assess okay, not mind meant that and i'm going to meet the what is the webinar? oh it is. it'd be a fine. i think i meant that to say no, i don't approve you fit in the middle of the cost of it contains the entire marine eco system, the back of the fastest cycle, more like one assignment, the fellow settlement known and can reach critics to help the wellbeing of the planets oceans were sharp shipping over fished, some countries of the band, the short entry, did not permit which isn't hers, just one of the leading exporters of sharks hands worldwide. we went out to see what's improving fishermen who spent their whole lives pushing these waters to about 10 p. m. now the last hour they've been bringing and then
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after the 1st time tonight and then that goes much further than you were thinking. they really didn't take a full hour to bring it all ended, but in their 1st catch, they've got to hammer had sharp for the best and see what all this was the outcome . the other was done. they don't want people to come to us for the month because they say the most recent email and what's the name of the sample and all that kind of stuff. i'm not good, i don't think we're on this. most of the is even so sharp fishing is francisco likelihood and he feels that artisan will fishermen like him are not the main problem when the press ok. you level this is the actual not, unless you're not the not the most noise today most inc guntee that inc. i'm gonna sparkles, but on this see 4 people get stuck on the phone. the last, the, this is one of the,
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of our ships he's talking about. hundreds of chinese fishing vessels operate off the coast of south america, including for they are responsible for the majority of sharks, harvested from these waters. in the last 50 years, the population of sharks has declined. i'm more than 70 percent. we want you to sufficient and brought their sharks into this port in northern preferred plan to sell them. but they weren't very clear about what would happen with the fence. is there a black market or a gray market, as from the, the, the big ones that i wanted to kind of made so far? no one is willing to tell us what's gonna happen to the film. some of these hammerhead sharks that they caused it to protect its pcs and i think the camera is making them nervous. so we're gonna have to keep looking to figure out where they're cut off, drive and moved the
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additional marketing boat to we found shorts for sale. but it was just the trunk. so there's a cheap protein substitute. the most valuable part, insurance depends, had already been removed, but they may not be that far away. across the street from the fish market. everyone in her team have identified a been trying operation. i thought the convenience store in the basement being will be kind of the distance economy for the people. i think the other thing, what else is i would only say, $1115.00 photographic evidence of difference on the roof. meaning that, let's say the latest you said with the pin for the, for the rescue. mean it's a little stone course. is supposed to. i'm on the post that the modem. mean. i like the select the select the select this i live. this involves, but you don't says most most of them in a flow you i've got
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a bit to say that they'd be guessing, but the said god most most in your with just received word that the judge is a for the re tablets barney headed over there. were rushing there to meet her now the one the thing was i was going to do is the name on the but i am not a civilian easily. i just had a very big part of the dimensions of diesel the yeah, it's bad. yes. a good that are the what a lot of that it's aria that the for the with a b will resario the
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telephone go down to give was kind of like, given when people that opened me in the field with the man the most available. let me see, let me get inside this member's office, the investigators found bags and bags of dried sharp pens. metallic tough guy must select the s s. i'll have to get this out in my line. so no, i don't see must be on this. as a math or problem,
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can you say that that on the one bullet, by the way, to get the escape? evelyn entertain collected more than a 180 cube. those from 9 different species including baby will show which is in danger. and better stop review. i thought, but it was administered about some the my bad up there monday. i know it's a stop. what are you? yeah, less that sound government studies. i saw you that on spot terms. part the process . i mean, 1st the space, you know, but at the will a form of the index. it don't source, but no, they is the same. we took them, but the sign your sample of what i mean that it most going to, you know, it looks should be, will a, you must have one double moscow, your windows, the system, the looses, they gave them for link. i mean definitely helps to convince the smuggler to cooperate with their investigation. issue choices the next might be in the supply
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chain. why is that important? what, what you still pointed them off in and you know, for the client, most of them at that point, the ways that if i'm being in speed, i don't know nearly 55 percent of the short bands that are ex, border from, for actually coming from neighboring ecuador, shark fishing has been banned here for almost 20 years, but there's a loophole that can be brought to shores, part of a bike catch, meaning that they were caught by accident networks, the smugglers then move the product across the porous border to prove it. well, you mean the product of fast import bustles can also look for them. at least a gives you a put in. but if i set it up as one, it will go out. you will be a, whenever you click the north stuff i found the control understanding has one is the security situation in ecuador is worse and deeply over the past few years.
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international drug cartels and boot in the homicide rate has skyrocketed in the last month. although under been 3 major political assassinations here and even more times than that, the violets is really shaken, ecuador, and dripping the sharks and trade even deeper underground. the under saturday morning weekend where access to the santa rosa market on the south west coast. when it's short been, smuggler's got us while we were here, it didn't seem like any one was inspecting the catch the window. isn't that the fish market in santa rosa? i don't see any government officials inspecting or observing one kind of look at buffy because the statement is going to allow for marcus. no, i use victoria how that we will. no,
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i 90 of the month just at least 9. not the seen the money today or that i business our team or caught a fisherman bringing the hammerhead sure. most of this beast is in danger. he jumped off the head and the body was destined for the pinning pile. indistinguishable from the other sharks. the presence of the market quickly became problematic. the person who arrange to visit was threatened and asked us to leave the book before we left. we made another important connection fishermen who had just been a week on the high seas. off the coast of ecuador shared some of their videos with our team. they show a hammer, head shirt, protected, spacings being hunted, and held. the shirts for ultimately killed the new crime is so far out it see that it is away from people's radar. a perception of sharks. this is scary.
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predators hasn't always lent them to be the most sympathetic animal, but people need to understand the importance that they play in maintaining out the marine ecosystems. we wanted to find out what happens to the students after they lead the market. so we met a smuggler who was willing to share some of the secrets of the trait, but only we create the conceal was identity. how many sharpens do you buy every week or month? pre owned, and what do you remember? how soon after you sell your sharks fence, what happens to them next? beautiful, beautiful, beautiful view um all through a remote in monta, a bigger postal city. in ecuador, there are large scale operations set up to drive the fence before they're smuggled out of the country to drug was on the water all the years on the water up here to look at this point,
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most experts had told us that almost all sharks dense from south america are shipped directly to asia. what our contact had one more to us for us. we'll take care of one folder for multiple on view apartments. we're going to be more. do you know if short, vince are sent directly to the united states? the number one team on the bottom of a few minutes to go through. i'm not sure, but i'm through a lot of your law. the 1st part of the month is the most warmer. the one that we've got the very reasonable offers the new york had long been one of the largest ports of entry for short fence in the united states in 2013 from one to years long campaign, but conservation groups, the state and the shirts. ben trade in 2022,
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it was banned nationwide. we wanted to follow up on the information we received in ecuador, so we hired and experienced while black trafficking investigator to work with us. we changed his voice to protect his identity. have you also been down in south america working on the shark fin issue? yes, i have been to the peru, ton of many countries in south america. it's highly illegal here. what are some of the challenges of trying to source this? if you walk into a fantasy chinese restaurant, the owner and a manager as they with united dealing he, they do so those who are in the restaurant. because they see a strange face or new face. they will not take the risk because they don't. this is a vehicle so it's impossible for me to walk in portable but sharpen so i think that you have almost 80 percent chance 0 percent. yeah. 0 percent. we dropped him
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off the shops and restaurants around the city. in just a few days, he made a break through a dinner reservation for, for that didn't otherwise nondescript chinese restaurant in brooklyn, or investigative reserved a table in a private room and arrange for 2 pounds of sharks to be served as part of an elegant meal. at $700.00, a person in the kitchen, the ship showed off the fence prepared to move them into sort of a you to the specialist. we looked at the hand written menu, sharpened soup was listed as the 2nd course. the tents have virtually no taste. so the ship sewed them inside the skin of a whole chicken and cooked it for hours. in the
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soup is considered a status symbol is often reserved for special occasions such as weddings or banquets. while the service were out of the room, we removed from the fence from our boat and preserve them in a plastic case. after the middle, the ship came in to meet our crew. he showed us a photo of the fins before it got them. he said they came not from prue or ecuador, but from goodness toilet we sent the soup to a laboratory to have the dean extracted and tested. the results, confirmed with a short pin in the suit, was locked in. the new york stopping the trade of it was instructions as the responsibility of the states department of environmental conservation. we shared the results of our investigation with them. they declined to speak with us on camera for answer any of our questions. the federal agency, the combat 12 trafficking official language services also did not answer our
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questions. there should not be sales sharpens anywhere in the us. hey, more. so it's surprising that there isn't, it's disappointing, but speaks to the challenges for really effectively implementing and enforcing this permissions on our last day. and through this, evelyn was rounding up defense moraine. we searched for more trying operations nearby. we're trying to be like conspicuous. but we're going to drive by so what we can see from the street, can you see anything? it was clear that if we were going to find more fence, it would have to be from above. which houses from that block over there. yeah. there we need to go is our street one of these streets. it didn't take long before we found a house. they had even more finished drawing in the sun. although there, covering every yes even more. we shared our image,
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we definitely feel center feel sense which will see the name was going through. we need to spend. what is it mosquito mrs. heath? almost. i you this is he the most? are you a little? that's one thing is clear. this isn't just an issue of wild life as an escalating environmental catastrophe. in order to save the species, the spin on our planet longer than trees, sharks will need help from the various basics, pushing the brink of extinction. for most of most models done useful inside of the solar main thing. i don't know. so local succulent way nobody see in the middle of the big say 9 will 30 minutes, you'll forego the toilet. meant to look and we'll do it. so this 3,
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it implemented that the the hours before is killing a canadian seek leader, said the agents of the indian governments were pumped into assessing a fault lives, explores how the call for an independent state as spilled beyond india's borders and investigates. the nation's election campaign of eliminated critics on foreign soil. the indian assessing nation on a jersey to the
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you will see caught a duty and a growth viewing for p. use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request. the. the knowledge is with the
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for testers, in israel pack the streets and tell of the to the mom, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu accept deceased 5 proposal announced by the us presidents the flow, i'm sorry, i minimize the, this is alger 0, life from doe house are coming up on the profile, bring them back as soon as possible and message for the prime minister netanyahu for me in his writings process is one of the captains being held in gauze.


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