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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 2, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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the the hello, i'm sorry, i'm minimize the welcome to the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes for gossen children of gaza dying from mound nutrition, denied the food medicine and facilities to bring them back to health. the thousands of his writings take to the streets of televisions to demand benjamin netanyahu, except the gauze. as these 5 proposal floated by, the us presidents also coming on picks it posts project to victory for india's prime minister, and to render moody's b. j. p. off to the final phase of focusing in general elections and
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100000000 mexicans gets set to elect 20000 politicians, including a new president who is almost seems to be a woman. in support around the trade of one of the european champions league, a record expending 15th time tomorrow should open. so now in the final, at london's wembley stadium, the we begin this news with a focus on the children of gaza. denied basic needs like food, water and health cap, children, a dying of malnutrition, and dehydration as simon spreads across the strip. live saving aid is available, but israel is preventing it from getting to the palestinians who need it most that
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are around 350000 children in gaza under the age of 5 rights groups save the children, says a 3rd of those under the age of 2, a wasting away target i was in, begins on coverage now from jarel, butler and just a warning about some of the images in his report that you're about to see. the wrong just seen has leukemia and needs and treatments approved as well as will and located ongoing. so is this something that his mother can only watch as his son's condition was said, i'll come. one of my sons who dies was a normal boy. he was a very good student. he fell sick 2 months ago, i took him to the hospital and they diagnosed him with the leukemia he comfortable and started using a wheelchair 2 weeks ago. he is in constant pain. we give him a dose of morphine to relieve his pain and to let him sleep. you know, lives on pain killers. you're seeing is also suffering from malnutrition.
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locks the hospital endeavors by. he's not load the amount nourish children every with here. and doctors say it can't cope. there is no food, no food, no roberta, hill surfaces or the biggest threats. visally a still more complicated uses, view and says children are solving as, as well continues to look at the entry of humanitarian aid into tones. according to the you, more than 20 children have only to mount nutrition in the north alone and 31 percent of acutely malnourished as a result of as well as will and restrictions that completely contradict international life goals. and so again, the frank assignment of small nutrition among palestinians continue to spread. so foster, due to the lack of old kinds of basic humanitarian and medical supplies with disease
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and even money fission. a deadly combination to recognize the algebra. there is the palestine to alexandria, sarah's head of humanitarian policy and advocacy. it saves the children, she joins us now from washington. so in april, your organization, documented children and gaza was suffering from massive weight loss, weakness, and cracked skin costs. we've just seen some really reflect pictures of the suffering of children in gauze or in that report just now, how would you describe this situation? been gone, sir, is witnessing the worst of the worst levels of mountain nutrition, a child by nutrition, especially worldwide right now. and it's what's appalling is that it's entirely manmade children in guys that are being stored, they're being deprived to clean water. they're being deprived of adequate medical
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assistance. and this is all being d, o 5, the systematic obstruction of humanitarian aid and the ongoing hostilities to give you an example. there was a medical point in coastal tongue that was addressing mt nutrition that had to close this past week due to the attacks that we saw in the area. and so because of the ongoing hostilities because of the ongoing bombardment and because of the, a systematic and continued obstruction of humanitarian assistance, we fear that there is now going to be an acceleration of gas due to around nutrition, observation, disease, and dehydration. possibly even higher than what we are already seeing us. so there are 2 main factors here. one is the health system in gauze, or has been obliterated. the other is that the tired tree is completely cut off
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from life saving humanitarian assistance, including medicine and well food that would be used to treat mal nutrition. so nothing can be done to help these children. how much longer would you give it before we see an acceleration and the number of deaths already, what we're seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. the numbers that have come in of children who have died of nom attrition. these are just the numbers of children who have managed to reach medical points and have had their deaths recorded. we actually feeling that already. the situation is much worse. i mean, back in march, the un warned of famine. and we have not, as humanitarian organizations been given, the access to stave off that fat man. and so we expect the situation to get worse. and in the south, we fear that the diamond light conditions that we saw in northern gaza earlier this year are making your way and may already be present in southern gaza. southern gaza
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has been completely cut off from humanitarian assistance. many 8 organizations have had to suspend distributions due to the lack of supplies and costs when we think about mile nutrition, starvation, simon, can you just explain what that means? the, the, the body, the sort of fraud child weak body of a child. what of his symptoms and how long before they eventually they eventually die from this. when children suffer from severe acute malnutrition, their muscles waste away, they become weaker. their body has become more susceptible from dine from common diseases like a common cold or a pneumonia. and it has both the media and long term impacts. not only does it,
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we can, their immune systems, their vision, and also impacts their long term physical development and cognitive ability. so what we're seeing now in terms of the levels of mount nutrition and the severity of non tricia in palestinian children will have lifelong consequences for them down the line. this is why we are continuing to urge for a ceasefire, so that we can get in there as quickly as possible to provide the kind of care that these children need. when children suffer from severe to bound nutrition, food alone will not save them. they need actual medical treatment to address the levels of starvation that they're facing. and so far, organizations have not been granted back consistent and predictable. she monitor and acts as needed to address this, which is critical in the international humanitarian law. they have every right to that access. thank you very much from save the children alexander sale. thank you
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so much. all thousands of protests, those are in tennessee. they are demanding these riley government, except the seas. 5 proposal announced by us president joe biden is where the security forces of detained some of the protests is, and used horses to break up the demonstration. relatives of captives held in gaza. a concern, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu might tried to stop the agreement from going ahead. the proposal includes a 6 week ceasefire. withdrawal of his writing forces from gaza. i'm the return of all the captives. a deep stream missing vanessa meal, who government are opposing the steel, they have allowed the minority extreme is to attack president boynton. they want the will to go one for an indefinite period of time. these people would sacrifice even the captives, guns, eyes, and court guidance. this is your last chance to make sure that nothing, you know, who doesn't destroy the steel. i hear your voices told the citizens that you
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support the steel. and that includes putting an end to this war. israel has find out is there from reporting from there. so instead we go to amman and jordan sar higher to is that and so we are seeing some launch protests in tel aviv tonight. how much more pressure does this put on the government of the last thing that the system of the largest fully, in fact, the largest one since the war started up. but in terms of pressure, well, they've been out the every single week, whether it will put enough pressure on the government subsidy prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it's still not clear they have that in months, they've been actually very vocal saying that. so the prime minister is putting his political interest sus, and as you just heard there, and that sound bites of that there are certain extremist, what they call the ministers, the far right. ultra nationalist ministers, the,
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to put the ideological interest. first, the not is the resettlement of the, the gaza strip. insisting that they have to continue this rule until they get rid of how much they say to ensure the safety of the country. but for those families, they say that's at the end of the day. it's the cops, it's that needs to be for home, and that should be the number one priority above getting rid of him us even if it means just taking most of the do is available, but we'll insure the 125 cups of support by you while he's continuing threats, our friends and members of benjamin netanyahu is government, not least, is i administer of national security. so you're saying that any deal that ends the will with an ass would result in an attempts to bring down the government. yes. and strong was assisting this fast times as make those threats at 6 specifically to ministers and actually when a job i,
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as in 1st made that statement. so it was a time when those 2 ministers would have been observing the sabbath, which is the day of restaurants, of salts on friday, and to start today. so they weren't able to respond. all right, and you will soon as that's been over, they both sweets it around the same time and threatening private as to benjamin netanyahu to quit the government. they know that nothing y'all who needs this coverage and government, that's how we came back into a pop up in the 1st place. he's the longest southern prime minister as well as history. and he needed to pull this coalition with them to be able to come back into power. if they quit, it means a dissolving of the government, which then means early elections and then start those anti government processes that you've been seeing on those screens. tens of thousands of them every week. that's exactly what they won't. they won't this government's end so that they can go to elections as soon as possible, believing that perhaps another leader or if they can get rid of those extreme fall rights leaders would come up with the best supp plan to ensure the return of those
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that are held captive. so you know, strong statements from those 2 ministers. it put smith's and yahoo in the, in the here really. he has set the so he will maintain that same goal that he wants to accept a permanent c spot until he gets rid of how much entirely of whether even if this negotiation as pro. but by doing the same goes through perhaps within that 1st space. if there are any, either side isn't sticking with those demands. that will end, which means that for the phase 2, what happens in the 1st place? and that's exactly what happened back in november of to 10 days. they didn't get to go into the 2nd phase because or each one accusing vialva or breaking that deal. okay, so hire a 14 from amman and jordan, just a reminder that these ready government has been al jazeera. so we are reporting from outside israel will be the 3 countries and media using the sci fi talks
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between our mazda and isabella release, a joint statement they'll, urging both sides to accept the proposal, katara egypt to the united states, according on them to finalize the proposed agreement, they're saying that these principles of volt, the demands of old policies together and the deal that subs, multiple interests and will bring immediate relief to the long suffering people of garza and the long suffering hostages and their families. they go on to say that the deal offers a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire and ending the crisis. so let's go live to shop or town, see who's in washington dc now and what sort of impacts is this joint statement likely to have? it seems like an attempt to grab back to the attention to the on good nature of this following biden's page, which gave many people the impression of the as riley that basically signed onto this. this is the proposal of troll, but it's more complicated as much as we were told, always to meet you. they all fluids by senior administration. official, but i mean, you're in this in a state where they're talking about the ongoing discussions,
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the need to finalize on both sides as well, how miles on the road map for apartment c spot. that suggests what is actually what actually has been agreed upon, which isn't as much as many people thought had been agreed upon off to biden's speech. and we got a clear to that when the senior administration official said that this was a detailed 4 and a half page, a deal that was a painstaking and good. but it was for the house page we're talking about possibly be the end game for, for this conflict. so what has been agreed upon as you, you've discussed as 3 phases. but the mission about 1st phase is a fact to me, the temp a temporary things 56 weeks. so i'm sort of a captive exchange, humanitarian aid and to gaza. but then what happens is the stream, these 3 medium boxes are then the guarantors. but as long as on the go sions continue, then that cease fire is basically rolled over and rolled over until we get to phase 2. and phase 2 is, where are they going to decide on the future of hamas and all these other things?
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which is why bible said one thing and then it seemed like that in yeah. who was like somebody else because yeah, they probably are huge differences. i mean bite and seem to be suggesting. all right, even vitamins of all about that as i'm talking about the eradication of i'm us because he never on yahoo hasn't yet, but, but it's, it's a stage by stage process that's, that's all the confusion but clearly as far as the, by the ministrations concerned. why that pushing for this right now? is it that timeframe that election timeframe, they always said they were prepared to let israel do anything they wanted until the heat of the election campaign of that begins in the next several weeks. so and by an one, some sort of pause, temporary or whatever being rolled over or whatever. that's what he's looking for. i also have actually one other homeless thing. and then we've been seeing that the conditions of the rough are continued to be deteriorating. we have tax, the leveling of the city, continue the administration officials that as far as that concerned, rougher is fine. still that can go on. they don't expect this to happen tomorrow and yet others, i'm, frankly, i'm, i'm nothing the right there's. i was digging off or is crossing any red lines yet,
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so we're not expecting any relief soon. i but despite what bye can seem to be suggesting. okay, thank you very much and pretense you're pushing to us from washington. on your own . we have from already go back and his really political commentators said the prime minister benjamin netanyahu isn't likely to change his mind despite the growing pressure on him. these are, these are particularly administered at the now i realize that there is no other option. the problem is that any allison has created in domestic political discourse . that just does not allow them to say this. all right? you cannot say towards the end of the war, the big ones being ridiculed and possibly dismissed by right wing religious elements of his government. and she also knows that until some real change of scene is there and the general consensus and supports the continuation of the war. now when i say this is important to remember that these are the general
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consensus will also support the seasonal ones. there's a cease fire in place of 6 or 6 weeks. is there a place i can attest personally from conversations with various people i know but also think the general mood here. the country is thirsty, eager hungry firstly. sorry collin, which are like cursory readings of is are in the media telling me that this is already being referred to as the nathan. yes. deal or bringing more and what's been happening inside cause or itself? now $9.00 to $5.00 palestinians have been killed by. is there any forces over 24 hour period? according to causes health ministry? at least 2 were killed in yet another is right. the strike on rough uh, the strip southern most city. is there any minute physical, more than $36000.00 palestinians and gaza since october, the 7th? i'll just there as honey. my mood has moved from darrell by law in central casa. this really military continues to pound across rough box city pushing the occupying forces into the central part of the city. and just within the past half an hour,
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at the peak of these leaves, there were a relentless air strikes taken back and tell us the bond at the western part of the city. coupled with the heavy artillery sitting on the central park, the city as well as the northridge western part of robust city, forcing more people into further internal displacement. meanwhile, these really monetary continues to a cause more tragedies in the central area as more areas be under tv, a era talks and artillery. so they get the northern part of the new site on refuge account that has been a talk repeatedly. while these really monitor the quite active in the central area and the southern part, people in the northern part are still absorbing the level of damage and devastation caused within the past. the 20 days of death. of these really military act operations in just give out of refuge account and much of the northern part of this trip, leaving a trails of destruction and devastation of preventing aid from region. 2 people
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were sign of graham and it started to be quite visible right now. but your valley a refugee camp is not what people are used to remember. it's completely turned into a waste land with no social services or with no means of life remain there. we're looking at the quite uninhabitable area, that's the northern part of this trip. meanwhile, palestinians are desperately searching for the remains of their loved ones. after his riley forces withdrew from the 2 body, a refugee camp in northern gauze, or on friday. it comes after a 3 week offensive force, tens of thousands from the most densely populated camp and gaza. i'm in the habit, has this report now and a warning that some of the images here might be upsetting to some people. it's a goose. some thoughts used to be speaking through debris to find the bodies of people have one on the beyond. but it should have done the over 30 people were
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killed and that buried under this rubble on the 11th of may. our house was born without any warning. and now these are the remains. well, we found the buttons. we haven't found any in tech bodies. they will decompose to make up be with us. he's a home had been hit by and these really, boom is giovanni. now just just wonder about it operating so destroyed and crumbling the houses, businesses and schools of the fee, which is really offensive. guys, the largest and most densely populated with the g, is wreck. beyond recognition street of the street, people tell seamless stories of mos lindsey said, what was that? what do i do with my father was standing in front of his own doorstep when a rocket targeted me struck him dead. what did he do wrong? you was 71 years old. so what harm did he call us to israel? what's the read that he posted it then?
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you know, my father was oppressive. is bad as being it'd be sent to of is really rate seems to will be gone. medical tough become well practice and retrieving bodies from under the rubble upon one of those other bodies of children alone with the funds to pay it is not long ago. we also to cover the bodies of the mother with a 2 month old baby. they fell victim to s truck what's unfolding in the body or for g camp and more broadly and cause a month to genocide against our people. many of the date of birth to come. i loved one hospital from insure out here. people i think, to find the body's young men will give them a dignified funeral, as they con oh, you're alone. nice woman was to be sticking to speak. she can only mater
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last tough um well those 2 of survived become completely conflict each other. i mean pre angry for those, they have lost heads them. i'm just or the exit polls in india is generally elections of projecting victory. send a render modi's governing b j. p and its allies and follows a 6 week long election with millions of load is battling a heat wave to cost the ballots. reminded that the indian government hasn't cronsa visas to algae. there is john list. so we are covering the election from outside the country. and the consumer sherry for ports. ringback of 2 weeks of voting for is only accept phones, some news channels and all the independent agencies began raising primarily projections. i go saw fact and more the it is very clear that moody is coming to
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power for the 3rd time with over 400. that was after the 7 phase voting officially ended on saturday. the expect, the government, hindu nationalist, b j b and its allies to win a majority. the b to b lead national democratic alliance is projected to win more than $350.00 seats for the opposition. the line slipped by the congress body. the fig goes more than a $120.00. a party needs 272 seats to get a majority. in the 543 member lou house of parliament, the kind of campaign was supposed to be around. uh, you know, was one center on, at this level. so it'd be uh, generating hey, if it gets muslims. so if, if, if that kind of campaign has produced smart victory if the examples are correct, then that is disturbing news. indeed, in 2019 the b, j. b 1303 seats. and together with the satellites pushed the number to 350 to
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the congress that killed 52 seats and its united progressive alliance. $91.00, the exit polls full of 6 beats of general elections that began on april. the 19 this election is seen as a test upon mister new range of movies, political dominate his constituency, in the ancient city of london. c in northern india auto for these voted in the last round onset today. actually move the need. so yeah, a little moody is done to look for us. a grand rom temple is being constructed. we will have to support moody, nearly a 1000000000 people have been eligible to cofton ballots in the polls. the turnout was low then in 2019 with the city a heat wave cited as one of the reasons for the millions who turned up the economy remains a major concern for approval of the but not the biggest issue here in vernon us is
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unemployment. so we all, we've lab those operating machines 24 hours earlier and that operating them twice a week. not i need to have people are upset. people are not happy immediately. lucas and leader may be satisfied, unhappy, but a normal person is not multi has let his party adjust the party to, to launch line victories in 20142019. if he wins, as examples predict, he will be the only 2nd prime minister in india's history to win a 3rd success as to proficient results will be announced on june. the 4th and the consumption eve, andrea caesar as well. so to bring you on this, these, now i don't know tom's be going to present. we'll hear from a lawyer in the us on what happened is now that the full president is a convicted felon. and i'm just seeing newman in the capital of mexico,
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a country known for its male chauvinism. yet now. oops, that's to elect a woman. as it's new, presence is floating around the time is number to move this step close. since winning have us french from time from have that story and more with on the, the high low that let's have a look at the weather full cost for europe when meter a logical stomach kicked off with some very warm and dry conditions of west and pots. of europe, thanks to an area of high pressure. we still got some very wet weather though as we move into sunday, across the central areas. thanks to an area of low pressure pushing his way further east. it'll bring some heavier rain to eastern parts of germany. poland down into austria. so as you all the way to northern parts of it,
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today was the west. so whether it's a come heading for the south, as we go into the new week, we'll see some of that right where the edge across the age you have to put heavy falls to come for croatia, some of the bulk and states as well as the baltic states with some pots of russia are in store for some showers as well, and when, when, when the weather is likely to touch into no way on monday, not temperatures have been sitting very high across scandinavia with also, and lisbon, seeing that at the same numbers on sunday, but you have just, we'll be picking up a course the iberia independent. sure they'll be coming down across a scan today. the but the heat will continue to build across the se, in particular, for grease with athens seem to to object nearly 10 degrees above the average through tuesday. with lots of sunshine. the hearing disliked sharp populations, a decline, 70 percent,
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and we're still not doing anything about understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting from the ex or whatever happens next to the university have already made history. i'll just say, who is teams across the world, bring you closer to the house of the story. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his i point by camera where all those refer not to the. i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught of us worse. filmmaker rally, packed, and also viet time when on the power of political ok, what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our task to change our future studio, be unscripted to on? i will jersey around the
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come back look at the main story with following the south thousands of protest as of galvan and tele visa pressure. these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu to accept these 5 proposal announced by the american president, the families of captains held in gauze. i want nothing. you all need to do whatever it takes to bring that relative destiny, all who is saying that the war will continue until all of his goals are cheese, including the return of captives and the immunization of how much is also accepting an invitation to address both houses of the us congress and are on the top story of losing his engine in india off to a 6 week general election,
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early exit polls and projecting a landslide victory funder engine load is b. j. pete was around $350.00 seats. if it's majority holes, it will be moody's, the time is fine. minnesota now is right. e minute, 3 dried has crashed and solved and 11 in the off to being hit by a has bullet anti crawford. ms style was one of israel's most expensive croft. it's the 4th time since october, that has bullets as it has shut down, is ready drones of a southern lebanon. when he's ready on the responded with that strikes, targeting a house in the region. 7 people were injured. nearly 8 months of violence has killed at least a 2 civilians in lebanon. we go to mexico, now around a 100000000 people are eligible to go to the polls on sunday, to elect move in 20000 federal state and local representatives. the 2 leading candidates for the presidency are, for the 1st time in history. both women control. galvez represents an opposition
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coalition, and katia shine balm is the current president's chosen successor out there is latin america, added salisia, newman reports now from mexico city a mix. it goes to the presidential candidates, have almost nothing in common except for their gender if they steer the 61 year old, cloudy, a shame. balm vows to continue in the footsteps of mexico's current populace president . she would expand his programs, aimed at reducing the privileges of the wealthy. in favor of mexico's, have not well got a boat in may he go, our program has aim to overcome the old free market model and start writing a new chapter of moral economics. this under the leadership of our best president in history, and that is monroe lopez. whatever she is endorsed by president lopez over the lord is popularity remains high. thanks for his social programs. critics fear she will
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be the clue of a president. many accused of being authoritarian, she was chosen by the president. so there is no really the country changing power is a computer t of what started in 2018. so to the guy, this is also $61.00 but grew up in poverty. the former senator is noteworthy for being a self made business woman with strong indigenous roots. she's really the mexican dream of social mobility. and so it was obvious to so many, many people, a starting perhaps with myself that she was the best available candidates to the database is outspoken about the rise in organized crime, violence corruption, and the enhanced role of the military under lopez over that. or she's leading the coalition of 3 largely discredited parties from the center to the right. although
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she herself is not a member of any one of them. no. 6 my government will have no greater priority than the safety of you and your children. that's why i will give back the results as to local authorities that this government took away. both candidates described themselves as feminist, yet neither one has made women's issues or mexico's very high pen inside race. i keep pointing their campaigns. but one thing is clear, mexico's next president will be a woman. and that in itself is a change. how much of a change is far from the clear? you'll see a newly now to sierra mexico city. as now bringing pablo called her on martinez. he is an associate professor in politics and international relations in northeastern university, joins us live from london. so katia shane bomb likely to be the next president of mexico and the 1st woman to occupy the presidency. very interesting. sort of 2
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sides of her personality. she's known for pragmatism, but she's also a long time leftist activist. what sort of president is she likely to be as well, that is, of course, a big question and everybody's waiting for that to happen. i think it's almost didn't and it's very clear that she is going to win the election to questions by what margin. but yeah, i think she's going to be a president that's i think what occurred in the last 2 days in particular. she's trying to maybe people little bit further away from the office around or just striking them or because cigna 3rd. so what happens when she gets it by words? it's really a no, no quantity but, but i do think she's going to be a problem with this. i think pragmatism has been what has defined her political career. well does you mention, she does have very strong left these roots, but i thing when it goes, you think if you want to jump pregnancies in which are the same but probably the pregnancy sometimes to when to people identify her, identify with her in the country is she someone who is popular in her own right,
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not just as the chosen successor of the current. anita is very hard to tell a thing to record in mexico city because all these you as a may, are mixed cd before she started looking, the presidency is relatively strong. the likelihood is as well that more than i bought these going to retain the, the governmental mexico city as well. so we can see that her record is strong. and i think she got a lot of recognition for that for her own personal record. but again, it's very, very hard to move away from a precedent. lopez, a lot of who just dominates to debates and dominate these cuz and dominates political lives. so every political life through mexico just progress. shane valley somehow defined by the relationship. but under the shadow lopez, so what i'm going to assume the stain, such as regardless as well from the position was chosen because she's a more similar personality flop as the project thought she could bring something similar to the question. so everybody, to some extent is dominated, or at least some of the shadow of these huge political theory, mexico,
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the sort of iraq. and he'll still play some sort of role even if it's uh, slightly and in the background. and i doubt it's, i don't think that's true. i mean, obviously it's very hard to tell them nobody will ever know. i know that i'm perhaps lopez, autumn by himself and try to shame, but nobody will ever know. he said many, many times before that he wants to retire and he was supposed to go through his farm in the solace of mexico and the company a happy life are i think he's going to be, i think it depends pretty much of what on the margin of victory, i think it's got a shame, but has a large enough margin of victory and the situation that jersey should've powered some tennessee is peaceful with all major hiccups. it'd be a position x x other defeats. i don't see that nice pull up a sort of the to getting balls the and then it's the sort of way. i think the only way you would getting both. obviously if he feels he has to mobilize the basis of his political movements. but i don't see it up as i slot, i believe. so i think by probably he's taking the, i guess i don't know. i do think he's gonna stay at barclays electrician. but do
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grown, think it's interesting election and a daunting task facing the next leader of the country. public called her on martinez. thank you very much for joining us. the around 99 percent of the votes have been counted in south africa's elections. the governing african national congress has lost its majority in parliament for the 1st time since the end of a pa tate 3 decades ago. and sees tally currently stands at just about 40 percent. that's going to force it to seek a coalition partner to get the backing. it needs to name a president and ultimately form a government in 2nd place. the democratic alliance with around 21 percent of the vote. former president jacob zoom is m k. policy is done surprisingly well for its 1st contested elections coming inside place with the gist of a 14 percent. it's running ahead of the economic freedom fighters policy,
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which is in 4th place with 9 percent. i'll just there, as mike kind of has moved from the results of operation center in the town of the grand of the be a and see was punished by voters nationally and in the provinces. its representation in the 400 seat national assembly was slashed. it will remain the biggest party, but for the 1st time will not be able to govern the loan. and the biggest surprise is the performance of the new content we seized way, party o m. k headed by pullman and see president jacob zoom a, who says he's still and a and c member, a reflection of the political twists and turns the country is witnessing. and the party is adamant on one thing. they'll be no colors until to the n c. b i n c's, national chair person is reluctant to talk about the coalition option. what's the agencies position at the moment? the 0 are discussing that? we talk to a number and a,
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it depends on the agreement on major policy issues that we need to do to determine what did the strong resistance within the organization to an alliance with the da's seen by some is a really of the upon take past others would be deeply opposed to bringing in the e f. s. when it's ready go lift wing policy. you have good for the, it's kind of the parties that are on the lights. the political parties got on the left and left a but this issue that the amc has to take will give die of consequences on that. but, but the best option for me that the a into the team would be to go for some of the political parties that's have to get to the center. and there is a ticking clock. the constitution says the 1st sitting up, the new parliament must take place within 2 weeks of the official result being declared. and its 1st act must be to elect
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a president that's only 14 days in which to me about an entirely new political landscape, montana. oh, just the era, madrid and south africa. i want to turn to another election now and there occurs still considering what it means to have a contender for the white house. also be a convicted felon for the president, donald trump was convicted on study for fund any challenges related to falsifying business records on 1st day. and he's already back on the campaign trail, quoting himself a political prisoner is the 1st for the american president to be convicted of a criminal offense. he'll be sentenced on july 11th. randy's island is a trial attorney, an adjunct professor of lord cornell law school. he joins us from new york says he was saying, trump was convicted of falsifying business rank was what is the possible present time for this specific felony? well, the truth of the matter is, there is the potential, technically for a tremendous amount of jail time. i think most of us on,
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over here in new york in particular, believe that based upon the fact that the former president has no criminal record, he is 77 years old. he has been a lifelong business person with a family of children, grandchildren. if he's not a candidate for jail, this is a case. moreover, these kinds of criminal charges are rarely even prosecuted in new york, let alone does anyone convicted so? but for the fact that the president goes out of his way to trash, the judge, i see absolutely no reason why geo would be in the picture. what does this mean for the of the cases against him, how we likely to see those now on the fault, as this trial has no impact on the other cases, those other cases will not come to trial before the election in the united
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states on november, the 5th, and therefore this conviction does not affect those of the cases at all. those of the cases will not be expedited because of this conviction, this conviction. and those cases are apples and cement, right? so they are completely different. one doesn't impact the other. and as you say, those cases won't be won't be exit expedited. can i ask you, what did you think of his remarks off to is there's obviously very angry. he said the judge was very confused, and he said it was all very unfair, denounced the trial as a sham and a disgrace. and he told reporters that he was an innocent man. what were your faults as you, as you are watching this? and i certainly am of the opinion that this was not a fair trial, that there was no reason to have a judge preside over this case who had even the appearance of
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a conflict. and the relationship between the judge and his family, to contributions to the democratic party in the united states. it made no sense to me whatsoever. why another judge could not have been selected, who didn't have that connection to the democratic party. so that's the beginning of the problem. and then the end of the problem is the instructions to the jury. the law that was given to the jury by the judge was incredibly unfair in this country. a defended must be proven guilty by the prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt, and that verdict must be unanimous, unanimous on every element in here. this jury was given apparently the opportunity to not have to agree unanimously on what and what we would call another for all i
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was committed by the former president. in other words, essentially, the former president had to commit to different crimes. one, the false entry into the books and records and that had to have been to conceal or in further is of another crime. and with this other crime, it appears that the jury didn't have to be unanimous on what the underlying basis of this other crime was. it could have been a state tax law violation. it could have been a federal election law of violation or state election load violation. and that is something that has no place in the american system of criminal justice. that lack of unanimity is something that to all of us, i think or at least most of us believe just makes absolutely no sense. okay, randy zyden, i dropped pressure of laura to cornell low school. thank you for joining us on the news. our thank you for having a wonderful account sign grandma cole gemini said it had
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a humanitarian responsibility to taking refugees and to integrate them. now nearly 10 years on that attitude has changed new rules and making life more difficult for refugees. there's dominic kind of reports from violin and the people believe this is a reflection of how german politics has shifted. jemina, an idea of shopping for household goods. as a somali asylum seeker, she gets around a $160.00 every month from the state, but not has cash. instead, she has to use this new pre loaded payment card. and there are lots of technical on logistical problems with it. because she still waiting to find out if she'll get assigned, then she's lost as not to show her face and not to use her real name. so she says the newly introduced payment card has made life more difficult for her. when you have cash. and when you have a card today, because when you have cash,
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you have the all freedom. and even if you have the normal time, it's still cancelled. but this card is a different from the other funds or cash. so we have limits and we don't feel afraid on the federal government says this measure is about helping local authorities coordinate how they provide financial help, and to cut down on crime, this type bargain. we are limiting the possibility of withdrawing cash due by taking into account the individual case and local circumstances for us. the decisive point is that transferring money abroad is no longer possible. it's a far cry from the moment in 2015. when the vin shots of the angled and mackerel set her country, had a humanitarian duty to take in refugees and makes them welcome. gelani's emphasis now is only encouraging skilled workers to come. and for the people whose asylum claims fail to be sent back more quickly. one on the list says the recent surgeon
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support for the political far right is possibly to blame, i think is also a sacrifice actually to the populace. annoyed at the moment actually that people are on top of everything actually afraid of migration. and that the, the idea of the narrative behind it is actually that it should make it less attractive to come to, to germany. which is power. adults that go at a time when many employers say there's a chronic shortage of workers in this country. so if this appears a sign of kind of gemini is being dragged to the political rights, then perhaps elections to the european parliament in june may show us just how far so many houses. their bowling still had only use out the south east, which is not ready. clark stopped at t minus 3 minutes 50 seconds. buying land locked in orange meant to carry us, you know, so the international space station,
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this phone again. and it's fully on the tray to once again at the top of your p in foot 4 will be live at the champions. the final match, the on june seconds, mexico, head to the polls to elect a new president with 2 leading female candidates, the country is points to make history. what can the new leader tackle escalating violence color to mexico presidential election on al jazeera, they fled from the world's most secretive states. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune, celebrity influences, but to shining a light on the home of kings and bring danger $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, accounting, the costs,
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the rates for clean energy is gathering speed. when could the change in energy systems reshape the label? balance of power plus is the we brief becoming a luxury. many people can also count you the cost on out to 0 for the the for now is on the back to my room. yeah, pretty familiar story round, which would have won the european champions league a record 15th time, the spanish champions between russia, goldman who knew in the wembley final david stopped triples to teams with a shed. um fission, the very different champions, league histories,
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since bursey adult and last reach the final in 2013 right on madrid. if one of the typo on 5 occasions, it was the gym and seeing who dominated the 1st off at london's when the huge gray, i'll keep it, keep our quotes while it was full, stretched on more than one occasion. the sorry about the rail will jump in the 2nd half across. tony crows playing its bundled game from a trades post. the 1st safe from door opens, keep a critical cables, but he could do nothing when defend the dunny cub of hills. tending close is corner to put rail one mill up with 17 minutes to go. the easiest genius then put the result beyond doubts in the 18 minutes historical record
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to new the final school rail madrid champions. if you're to record extending 15 times, david stokes it would you do? well, correspondence, henry full citizens, wembley for as henry a familia fairly for quite a few of those adult lynn funds, leaving the stadium behind you of the it really was. yeah, they did that the team last here in the final, in 2013 to buy and munich. they being 2nd so many times in the industry get, including last year when they lost the german league title on the last day of the season. and so they wouldn't be in hope that they might have turned things around and put on an incredible, on the dog upset victory. but as much is the funds that we spoke to were proud of the way that to play the way they dominated so much, especially of the quote 1st off of the match without scoring crucially, there was a recognition that the longer they went without that go, the more likely the champions,
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the repeated champions of rout madrid. we're going to take this match and they did with those 2 goals. they have that incredible to combination of experience and she has the power in the ranks. i may have something else that the manager, colorado, too lucky was, was referring to ahead of the game. the special ingredient that they have in this tournament, this kind of killer instinct champions, instinct. and they have the champions, we once again, how are the last big your i find, let wembley, it resulted in thousands of take it was found storming the venue. just tell us how the atmosphere and security operation of different this time. well, it was different from that event 3 years ago when we just vast numbers of people trying to make the most of what they saw as weak spots within the wembley infrastructure. trying to break the way into the stadium on mass, all sorts of drunken and drunk sealed violets going on. however,
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there were some elements of that even this time around as well. there was small groups of the crowd who did try to rush the stadium before kick off. the difference though, was just how much of a security operation been put in place that spent $5000000.00 times on the physical infrastructure of the security of the stadium itself. they put in ranks of ticket checking and the police were really out in force and they made sure to pen the troublemakers into an area in front of the stadium. and then at half time pushed them back in pretty large numbers with dogs. some missiles thrown, so that was some of that again, but nothing on the same scale that we saw 3 years ago. and lots of the focus was on what was another incredible rel, madrid science, leading developments inside the stadium. thank you so much. a harry full sit reporting for is a when we study more round madrid of one, the champions we trophy for a 15th time. it's never joking. it's looks been so late nights with a friend,
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sharp in his 3rd round, much against italy's lorenzo, my se, delta just up to 10 30 pm local time in paris for the writing champion, invited me to stay on track a record extending 25th ground fund cycle. what are the best of us yet? so when it's final in 2024 is the assess up in mismatch. you took it 75. that's only a number full seed. alexander is there who isn't like it's worth 50 percent song break against thoughts, plateauing greeks pool gym and was cool one down in the face, but hit back to reach the last 16 there was reached the semi finals. and it's the last 3. roland carroll superior says, let's get frustrating. i've been champion arena sutherland here is 3 to around 4 and parents of the ending the run of one of her best friends in the game of however, i say she won this 17561 by the russian. looking for her 1st time to win this grand slam, and the navarro is next the for her full seat leaning river kane and she's old site
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through. so the last 16 astray says when he released motions of belgium from the women shopping for you to swim, freeze on her best of what was in power as that was when she finished was a quote, a finalist in 2020 it's an in champion, francisco, buying a when the most of the sprint race based on his contract amendments, if we get the chance to meet a whole day most and he crushed down on last night. he will, those thoughts on told for the main rice on sunday, a set by the world rally championship plated siri, nibble of belgium. here he's out of the race in so then you're after a crash and his absence of us, you know, j has taken the lead that event jus to finish on sunday. the city of troy is the winner. i just want a full stray series. most historic events are showing host wouldn't be $200.00 and this running if the england epson bounce polls the christmas,
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which is the flat rice, those took place in 17. all right, that is how useful it is. uh, looking for number. thanks so much wendy. now of buying rock, it was supposed to be on its way to the international space station by now. but the test flight of the style line a spacecraft has been delayed again. as you know what some books will know, and sony williams, which is minutes away from last spring off on the countdown, was stopped. and then launch delayed for 24 hours. but it has been trying to divide it across to send a crew to the i assess for 10 years now. experience several delays and costs of, of a wrong $5.00 more than one and a half $1000000000.00 for the crew trans. so i'll be back with another hour things for you. that's just a couple of minutes time for us. special report actually will be focused on the children in gaza and the the conditions of starvation and malnutrition that the, facing them to stay with us. the,
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the latest news, as it breaks the heart fidelity is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all the for this with detail coverage houses are being forced down. they live with the constant fear that more is where it is. hawks are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well in the gaza strip, has led to talk to can you tell your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste flags for psychiatry, since israel's war on gaza, thousands of on the stadiums, helping indiscriminately displaced really forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure hospitals of one of the only safe options to seek refuge until we became targets from us wages war from hospital. i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital. alger 0 world investigates where the east ran is violating international law, but targeting supposedly
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a new crisis. dr. silver on hospitals on out to 0. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red, chris to interrogate the narrative is the us has continued support for israel, affecting is global standing. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit to the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without
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the the so i'm, i am i the welcome to the news our life from dow ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. we look at this across in children of cause are they all dying from now? nutrition, denied the food medicine as facilities to bring them back to house. the israeli police try to disperse, protest is demanding benjamin netanyahu, except a us proposal for.


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