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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 2, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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so is the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the the so i'm, i am minimizing welcome to the news our life from dow. huh. coming up in the next 60 minutes. we look at this across in children of cause are they all dying from now? nutrition, denied the food medicine as facilities to bring them back to house the is there a the police try to disperse, protest is demanding benjamin netanyahu, except a us proposal for a ceasefire. in gaza,
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exit polls projected victory for india's appointment a sooner under modi's b. j. p. after the final phase of hosting in general elections. chelsea switch is not ready. fox stop at t minus 3 minutes. 50 seconds. darlena scrums, again, boeing's alignment launch meant to carry us, you know, us to the international space station is delayed the we begin this news out with a focus on the children of gauze tonight. the basic needs of life, like food, water, and health care, children, a dying of mal nutrition, and dehydration assignments spreads across the strip. live saving a is available, but israel is preventing it from getting to the palestinians who need it most. they're all around 350000 children in gaza under the age of 5 rights groups saves
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the children so as a 3rd of those under the age of 2 years old, wasting away dark i was in, begins on coverage now from daryl bhalla and a warning about the images that you're about to see. a surround just scene has leukemia and needs and treatments approved as well as well and located ongoing. so is this something that his mother can only watch? as his son's condition was said, i was come. one of my sons who dies was a normal boy. he was a very good student. he fell sick. 2 months ago, i took him to the hospital and they diagnosed him with the leukemia he comfortable and started using a wheelchair 2 weeks ago. he is in constant pain. we give him a dose of morphine to relieve his pain and to let him sleep. you know, lives on pain killers. yes, c is also suffering from malnutrition ox. the hospital endeavors by. he's
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not load the amount nurse children every with here. and doctors say it can't cope. there is no food, no food, no roberta, hill surfaces or the biggest threats. visally, a still more complicated uses you and says children are solving as, as well, continues to look at the entry of humanitarian aid into the tones. according to the you on more than 20 children, have billions of mon nutrition in the north alone and 31 percent of acutely malnourished as a result of as well as will and restrictions that completely contradict international life goals. and so again, the frank cosigned and small nutrition among palestinians continued to spread. so foster, due to the lack of all kinds of basic human italian and medical supplies with
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disease and even money christian, a deadly combination to recognize the algebra. there is the palestine. as andras, there is a hedge of humanitarian policy and advocacy, it saves the children and she told me earlier that this catastrophic humanitarian situation inc garza, especially for children, could and should have been avoided. garza is witnessing the worst of the worst levels of mount nutrition, a child by nutrition, especially worldwide right now. and it's what's all in use that it's entirely manmade children and gaza are being starved. they're being deprived of clean water . they're being deprived of adequate medical assistance, and this is all being fueled by the systematic obstruction of humanitarian aid and the ongoing hostilities to give you an example. there was a medical point in coastal tongue that was addressing malnutrition that had to close this past week. due to the attacks that we saw in the area. and so
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because of the ongoing hostilities because of the ongoing bombardment and because of the, a systematic and continued obstruction of humanitarian assistance, we fear that there is now going to be an acceleration of debts due to around nutrition, observation, disease, and dehydration. possibly even higher than what we are already seeing already. what we're seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. the numbers that have come in of children who have died of non nutrition. these are just the numbers of children who have managed to reach medical points and have had their deaths record as we actually feeling that already. the situation is much worse. i mean, back in march, the un warned of famine and we have not, as humanitarian organizations been given, the access to stave off back fact i'm in and so we expect the situation to get
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worse. and in the south we fear that the famine, like conditions that we saw in northern gauze or earlier this year are making your way and may already be present in southern gaza. starting to all the developments now, thousands of protest as intel aviva demanding these riley government except a ceasefire proposal. and it was by the american president. is there any security forces of detained some of the protest as they using the horses to break up the demonstrations that relatives of captives being held in gaza? concerned that prime minister benjamin netanyahu might try to stop disagreement from going ahead. the proposal includes a 6 week ceasefire. withdrawal of his variety forces from gaza and the return of all the captives the extreme missing vanessa mil, who governments are opposing the steel, they have allowed. the minority extreme is to attack president boynton. they want the world to go one for an indefinite period of time. these people would sacrifice
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even the captives dunn's eyes in court guidance. this is your last chance to make sure that nothing, you know, who doesn't destroy the steel. i hear your voices told the citizens that you support the steel and that includes putting an end to the school or israel is found out as they are from reporting from there. so this is why so high right is indigo dining capital online and has more now on what the protest is asking for. i was saying that this is some of the largest fully in fact the largest one since the, the war started up. but in terms of pressure, well, they've been out that every single week, whether it will put enough pressure on the government subsidy prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it's still not clear they have the to months. they've been actually very vocal saying that. so the prime minister is putting his political interest sus, and as you just heard there and that sound bites of that there are certain
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extremist where they quote, the ministers that fall right out to nationalist ministers. the, to put the ideological interests 1st, the not is the resettlement of the gaza strip. insisting that they have to continue this war until they get rid of how much they say to ensure the safety of the country. but for those families, they say that to the end of the day, it's the captives that needs to be brought home. i'm not should be the number one priority above getting rid of him us even if it means just taking whatever do is available that will ensure the 125 caps is approved by just a reminder, again, that is ready, government is bound out there. so instead we are pushing from outside israel. well, microwave is brother or was taken captive on october 7th, or his wife was killed that day. we spoke to michael earlier on he told alger 0, his message to benjamin netanyahu is simple,
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bring the captives home. now. today feeling a bit different we, we as families, that field a bit small, hopeful and not crossing out seeing us that i'm trying to be released back. you know, as far as i know was and he's ready proposal and i believe they were to go for it from us when they great to it. yeah. well, i know that they how much they, they want to, i think that they, they understand as much as well. all of us that have nothing more important than that and getting back there are the us to does. so i believe that they are doing what they can to bring them back. we, we choose to believe that the, what was present in the present, that is the real last off on that the, what was going to happen may come us one play games and agree to it all the seats, 3 countries of the media. i think the sci fi talks between him, us and israel,
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of an hour, at least a joint statement, judging both sides to accept the proposal. cats are egypt to the united states, according on them to finalize the proposed agreement, saying, these principles, bolt, the demands of old policies together in a deal that serves multiple interests and will bring immediate relief to the long suffering people of garza and the long suffering hostages and their families, it goes on to say that the deal offers a roadmap for permanent ceasefire and for ending the crisis. let's go to chaperone town, susan washington. now what about this joint statement? why is it been issued now? and what effect is it likely to have shot? and you get a sense of it's a bit of an attempt to, once i get on the line, the fact that this is an ongoing process, it's clear the bite and speech back find some more than being in being interpreted as having as being a summation of a far more expensive deal than has actually been agreed upon by israel. what has been agreed upon, according to senior administration, official, is phase one. the 3 phase do as you were suggesting. so that is
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a 6 week temporary c spot, which we rolled over as long as negotiations on the other phases continue. now none of y'all yourselves talking about how awesome. so those are all things that haven't been negotiated yet in their, in phase 2. so he does have room to talk about how mazda it seems of his interpretation of what he wants is different now, even from, by his bike, in the past, of evolved on, on the issue of home us. so that's why it was confusion as well. i mean, how can we refuse riley deal them by add that in the always use use like from a different from bite and what he's talking about phase 2, phase one which we understand it hasn't been agreed upon. there is them that temporary, 6 weeks the suave with big thumbs of the cap to reduce whitmore him out and terminate with, with limited removal of idea of is there any forces from populated positive areas? and the reason why that's happening now is because it has always been more by what that he's always that they've been. so i just always said is rock and do whatever it ones until the heat of the election season. and now about an extra season was
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approaching the conventions, beginning a month or so. and certainly the very least by can, can get his temporary pools, which we rolled out of us out every 6 weeks potentially. and i'm not an yahoo can begin some kind of price as a rehabilitation, as international law is, plays again, which is why it continues to be presented as the as really plan. if this is raven is without the peacemakers. quite remarkable, isn't it? chav off to everything that has happened of the last 8 months, and he's international court orders from the i. c. j that benjamin netanyahu has been agreed to give a speech before the american congress and, and he's a very much looking forward to it. it seems to be rid of a stroke of luck to the by the administration. this is an invitation from the republican leadership in congress intended to embarrass the democrats highlight that divisions on garza but now this will be a moment. carrot, ba, bye,
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and ministration. combine, go in front of that on yahoo and say, look, if you have at least have temporary pulls by the time if you're a congressional address or maybe, you know, months away, joints, congress, your, the piece, make your here talking about your deal. and that's how it's being presented, even by a puck, the, the main is really lovely here. all the politicians on capitol hill where you normally expect to be up in the homes of the very mention of a sci fi, they usually talk about it or they cease fire was stopping coming. problem settings . if i'm out on the semester, they're on board. best thing, we're hopeful that this is really a problem, will work this about rehabilitating nothing. yahoo! and by the same time, and i guess what the budget got before is and there is still, there are also some get as given the reaction from some of the coalition partners. and as well as one method, you always stick to this under pressure. but that's not about that kind of banking on here. the kind of a b, b 1st philosophy that in the end this is about him now trying to rehabilitate himself. and what better stage could that be then?
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that other joint session of congress to hear about his piece deal. thank you very much. every time. see, bring us the latest on this from washington. thank you. she have that's not bringing rom inquiry. he is a distinguished public policy fellow, the american university of bay route, and joins us live from boston and rami can i stopped by asking you about your concerns regarding the american is write a ceasefire proposal. a sure, mary of this is an extraordinary situation. it's a, it's like a script that was written by netflix, the drama writer with 5 or 6 characters of who have central rules to play. and each one is following a different uh script of different agenda. so you made the statement to you yesterday. he said it wasn't as rarely proposal. that's not clear that it was of course, of the american proposal. you have barton nothing yahoo negotiating. you have
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nothing here who found his right wing extremists in the cabinet negotiating. you have a whole cabinet the go sharing with the there's really people who are especially the families of the passages. we're putting the pressure on down to shift the deal and do have israel and how much is negotiating at some point. so this is a really multi dimensional process. the almost the dimensions are important, but none of them are clear. and what is driving this right now today, literally as the desperation of 2 season politicians, the general, pardon and benjamin. that's now both of them are in deep trouble with their electorate or with the law. but with nothing, you know, i have both of them are afraid of big thrown out of the office for me i was thrown into jail. so this is an extraordinary situation. but at the center of this are
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real issues that matter to israel, to america and 2, how much of the file sending from those issues hopefully will be negotiated at some point very soon. but i just want to correct one point that you made when you're done or not do about the the statement that was issued by the 3 negotiated. there's a nightstand, she has not been the go and media of the ice age as an active participant, the genocide it has actively, the board has left never since the day birds went into the water at 7 and a half months ago. and they constantly, they americans supported israel and susie as stickly, and they're still do so up to, you know, seems fire only. i'm addition, they want the back and they want us to the other one party mouse on a supporters of the other. and all of these past due at some point, i sit down and negotiate the details that will build on the elements of this type love that uh that by doing well around the apps that you write about that last
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point. obviously it is where i would not have been able to continue with this for the 8 months, had it not been for american financial and military support. they've been given comp launch yet from us, appears to be willing to accept what the american present had to say. they were swift in that reaction last night. but now you have the likes of them. it's a mob bank of a national security minister. he, you know, those elements of an estimate all his government saying that they are not willing to accept any proposal the right hand. this actually made a similar proposal, almost identical to this about a month or 2 ago. and so this is expected. that's how much room respond positively to it. it's, it gives it a lot of the things that it was stopping the war, releasing, posting and prisoners in israel, getting these rarely armies out of you guys. it's like all of it, most of it and rebuilding guys. i'm zillow, are you monitoring a to come in
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a high level? so those are the key demands of how much has made down there? they're in the proposal. so nothing. yeah. whole and his government, the right when part of his government, the people of israel, all of these are different actors with different by priorities. but driving this whole thing right now is really great. the almost i would say desperation of joe martin, who is terrified. he and his democratic party cardinals are terrified that the base of the democratic party, young people, of african americans, hispanic american students, the jewish american are all down the party and because of the game. so and so he's desperately trying to make a statement that dramatic move that was maybe to stop the war. and so, and hoping that this will help them. so in november it's not clear that that will
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actually happen. you might be able to have a ceasefire, but he's done so much damage to his and the, it's really hard to hear in the us. people talk of him as a man of great morals, fairly. it was because he sustained this, as you can start, and soon as the optically personally continuously publicly, all the time saying i'm as i understand israel has to defend. and so he's gone away overboard those from what has been what is expected from the normal. how i so this is a fascinating process uh to watch and let us hope that much we 0 in on the matter. tell me, tell me what i mean, you mentioned in multiple dimensions to issues between the us and israel, israel and her mouth. and then, you know, countries of the countries in the region. but how is nothing yahoo going to navigate elements of his extreme is parts of his government with
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his american ally. he's going to do it and the way the politicians do it, he's gonna lie because they're exaggerated. does that make promises? he can choose. he's gonna make a this product moves that would allow them to stay in power, hoping that the parties interest coalition will stick with them. and this will satisfy the americans. they might as have shown that they have a very, very high threshold. they can withstand tremendous amounts of chilling and starving palestinians and beating directly involved in the process. so there's, there's not much difference between jo barden and the extreme right wingers and the government of israel. whether it's expanding the settlements of throwing the trucks, a few minutes, arrogant aid coming into the guys or onto the highway and burning them, burning post in the village of all of the orchards. the us government test very
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little to, to stop any of these facts that make these statements. i'm totally blanking who's a bit of a cartoon character says we want to, to lower the amount of suffering, the palestinians. this is much serious. it's not credible. united states no longer because, believe, but the vast majority of people around them, at least i'm in the global, i'm much of the worse. so these are the issues, the really difficult issues for both of these characters showing up now. um for a bite. and it's surprising the premises made just this one statement, and we'll see what comes next. but that's like the other elements, which is intriguing. i think what you're starting to see on what you're going to see it at some point, some is more direct, not negotiations, but messages from the us to how mass on from, from us to the us. because just like the us negotiated where we had come after
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fighting them with a toby bomb out by the of them that are shared with how much spouse they're trying to destroy them. and the message them by the savings yesterday was fascinating. that, well, how much has been brought to a level where i can't do any more damage? in other words, they're not dangerous rules anymore. i think that's the 1st step on spoken towards the trying to engage them. then directly, obviously, which is the right thing to do with the exactly what the lives to ami curry. thank you very much. thank you. so how do we have from and his righty, political commentator already, but go back now. he is saying that promise of benjamin netanyahu isn't likely to change his mind despite the growing pressure on him. and these are, these are particularly administrative. now realize that there's no other option. the problem is, within the hour has created in domestic political discourse and it just does not
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allow them to say this. all right. you cannot say towards the end of the war, the big ones being ridiculed and possibly dismissed by right wing religious elements of his government. and she also knows that until some real change of scene is on the general consensus and supports the continuation of the war. now when i say this is important to remember that these are the general consensus will also support assist. once there's a ceasefire in place, a 6 or 6 weeks. is there a place i can attest personally for conversations with various people i know but also think the general mood here. the country is thirsty, eager hungry. firstly. sorry to call it what you like. tertiary readings of us are in the media telling me that this is already being referred to as the nothing. yeah . deal on of a more on what is happening inside of cause or itself. 95 palestinians have been killed by his right. a forces over 24 hour period according to cause us health
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ministry that needs to be killed and yet another is righty. strike on rough uh the strip southern most city. is there any way that trees him on 36000 palestinians in gaza since october 7th august? there is honey law who it has moved from darrell by the in central gaza. are these really military continues to pound across, rock city, pushing the, occupying forces into the central part of the city. and just within the past half an hour at the peak of these leaves, there were a relentless air strikes sticking back and tell us, hold on to the western part of the city. coupled with the heavy artillery sitting on the printer on the part of the city as well as the northridge western part of robust city, forcing more people into further internal displacement. meanwhile, these really monetary continues to a cause more tragedies in the central area as more areas be under tv, a era talk then art dealer's and they get the northern part of that. no say that refuge account that has been
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a talk repeatedly while these really monitor the quite active in the central area on the southern part, people in the northern part are still absorbing the level of damage and devastation cause within the past the 20 days of death of these really military acts operations in just give value refuge account and much of the northern part of this trip, leaving a trail of destruction and devastation in preventing a to from region. 2 people were sign of famine and started to be quite visible right now. but your valley a refugee camp, is not what people are used to remember, it's completely turned into our waste land with no social services or with no means of life remain there. we're looking at the quite uninhabitable area that that's the northern part of this trip. the alley exit polls and india general elections are projecting
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a victory for the governing. the j. p and its allies follows a 6 weeks on the election where hundreds of millions of votes has bottled a heat wave to cost that pilots. the indian government hasn't gone to the visas to alger 0 is john list. so instead we cover the election from outside. the country on the close of sherry supports off to weeks of voting for eyes on the exit phones. some news channels and all the independent agencies began raising primarily projections. the software is very clear. that mode is coming to power for the 3rd time with over $400.00 seats. that was after the 7 phase voting officially ended on sack today they expect the government, hindu nationalist b taping and its allies to win a majority the be to be lead. national democratic alliance is projected to win more than 350 seats for the opposition, the line slipped by the congress body. the fig goes more than
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a $120.00. a party needs 272 seats to get them majority. and the $543.00 member lou house of parliament, the kind of campaign was supposed to be around. uh you know, was one center on, at this level. so it'd be uh, generating hey, if it gets muslims. so if, if, if that kind of campaign has produced smart victory if the examples are correct, then that is disturbing news. indeed, in 2019 the b, j. b 1303 seats. and together with the satellites pushed the number to 350 to the congress that killed 52 seats and its united progressive alliance. $91.00, the exit polls full of 6 beats of general elections that began on april. the 19 this election is seen as a test upon mister new range of movies, political dominate his constituency, in the ancient city of london, c in northern india as well to for they voted in the last round on sack. today
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actually more of these you need. so yeah, i'm little me, moody is done to look for us. a grand rom temple is being constructed. we will have to support moody, nearly a 1000000000 people have been eligible to cost that balance in the polls. the turnout was low then in 2019 with the city a heat wave cited as one of the reasons for the millions who turned up the economy remains a major concern. it's up to the bottom of the book, but not the biggest issue here in vernon us is unemployment. so we all, we've at lab those operate to machines 24 hours earlier and that operating them twice a week. not i need to have people are upset. people are not happy immediately. lucas and leader may be satisfied, unhappy, but a normal person is not multi has led his pub p a just a party to, to launch line victories in 20142019. if he wins,
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as examples predict, he will be the only 2nd prime minister in india's history to win a 3rd success as to sufficient results will be announced on june, the 4th and the consumption leave on caesar. which is to remind you that the indian government hasn't gone to the visa style just there is john list. so instead we cover the selection from outside of the country. we're also watching another election very important one in south africa. 99 percent of the votes have been counted that the governing african national congress has lost its majority in parliament for the 1st time since the party ended 3 decades ago. the n c's tally cart is stands at just about 40 percent. that means it has to get a coalition partner to win it enough, backing to name a president and also to form a government in 2nd place as the democratic allies with around 21 percent of the vote for president jacob zoom is m k policy is done surprisingly well for its 1st contested elections coming inside with just over 14 percent. i'm running ahead of
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the economic freedom fighters, pos who are in full price with 9 percent out there is mike kind of has moved from the results operation center in the town of midland us the b a n c was punished by voters nationally and in the provinces its representation in the 400 seat national assembly was slashed. it will remain the biggest party, but for the 1st time will not be able to govern the loan. and the biggest surprise is the performance of the new content we see is way potty o m. k. headed by pull him and see president jacob zoom a, who says he's still an see member, a reflection of the political twists and turns the country is witnessing. and the party is adamant and one thing. he'll be no correlation until to the in c, b i n, c's national chip, us and is reluctant to talk about the coalition option. what's the agencies position at the moment? the 0 or discussion back with up to
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a number and a, it depends on the agreement on major policy issues that we need to do to determine what the fit, the strong resistance within the organization to an alliance with the a seen by some is a really of the upon take past others would be deeply opposed to bringing in the e f, f. but it's ready go lift wing policy. you have good political parties that are on the lights. the political parties got on the left and left a but this issue that the aims is to take would have die of consequences on the pads. but the best option for me that the a into the team would be to go for some of the properties. that's have yet to be on the center. and there is a ticking cook. the constitution says the 1st, the taking up a new parliament must take place within 2 weeks of the official results being
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declared. and its 1st act must be to elect a president. that's only 14 days in which to me about an entirely new political landscape, montana. oh, just era mate ran south africa. it was still to bring you on the program. a $100000000.00 mexicans get set to like $20000.00 politicians, including the new price is almost certain to be a woman. and we follow the desperate search for the remains of their loved ones. many palestinians dig through the russell in giovanni off the is riley strikes the the a load that australia has seen some very wild weather this weekend. and that's gonna take us through into the new week and a fix to, to frontal systems. one of those is affecting eastern areas is an area of low
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pressure, just off the coast of new south wales. its still gonna throw some rain coastal areas here on sundays. it slowly walks its way closer to victoria and tasmania. bring you some relief to sidney with most settled conditions coming back in on monday. i'm all settled. conditions will be coming back into the western areas of w a as another frontal system that's a heavy band of rain pulls across small central areas. when you move in the way of west to weather, to places like alice springs on monday, but dry a skies come back into pass on monday with those settled conditions and has been largely settled for both islands in new zealand. we'll see temperatures pick back up slight across the south island on monday, but so will the winds. you can see the south west city winds blowing up the coasts on both the north and the south island and more. when, when do, when the weather is on the cods, the indo china was very heavy. fools and blustery wins for thailand and malaysia.
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on sunday to monday, he says he went to go to and syria, to provide a 27 year old activity as to how kids survey testing working as i'm doing so i that with notes in the eyes of his governments with my citizenship was to of, of i was surprised in the 1st part of the series we found it was to either push the shape worker to see confronts the news that the citizenship verification. i only want my citizenship back if i'm proven in a sense, i don't wanna wait honest, technically stake listed in syria on which is era. ours before is killing a canadian seat leader said the agents of the indian governments were pumped it was sent to make fault lives. explores how the coal for an independent state a spilled beyond india's borders and investigates. the nation's alleged campaign of
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eliminating critics on foreign soil. the indians assessing nation on a jersey to the fucking by top stories, thousands of protest as of galvan and tennessee to pressure is really fun. mr. benjamin netanyahu to accept this. these 5 proposal announced by the american president, families of captives housing cause i want messing you all to do whatever it takes to bring that relative home fitness and yon was saying the war will continue until all of his goals are achieved, including the return of captives um,
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the illumination of from us is also accepted an invitation to address both houses of the us congress and voting has ended in india or off to a 6 week general election on the exit polls and projecting a landslide. victory from the rental mode is b. jp, with around 350 seats. if his majority holes will be moody's fat tom as prime minister ra viagra, awhile is editor in chief of foreign policy and host of f. p. live and magazines. video chaplain, pod costs. he joins us live from new york, so it looks as though your angel moody is points to for come on the, the 2nd prime minister off to independent. see that you are allowed narrow to wind 3 consecutive times. how much more emboldened does he likely to be now? quite a bit busy. this is a man who has, you know, been very popular in india. it's not entirely a surprise that his party would when of course,
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exit polls which you've just cited. do have a somewhat patchy record in india, they have been wrong in the past. they also have been right. i think will none of the final results on tuesday. but if they do follow the exit poll data, which suggests, as you pointed out, a landslide victory for the range or more of these b j. p. then you can imagine that he would indeed be emboldened to advance many of the things that he has promised in the past. of course, his particular administration has been very focused on infrastructure, has been very focused on populous measures, handing stops and subsidies free food even to india is poor and lower middle class . you can expect that to continue. you can also expect the government's pro, him to do policies to continue as they have over the last decade or so many of which have concerned civil rights activists in india and all of the world. what do you think the implications are then the minorities, especially if
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a country is 200000000 less than this? because, you know, we have some very inflammatory statements being made by the b, j. p. in the selection. indeed. and during the campaign, prime minister movie himself has said some things that are very inflammatory towards muslims. he has called them infield traders, for example, a to suggest that they aren't native to india. they've come from somewhere else. and this is part of the piece of his body's broader agenda and belief that india could and should be a nation for him to is better and say him to state. this is a vision that they have a spouse for about a 100 years, which is now coming to fruition and 200000000 people. that as you point out is a lot. india has more muslims than any other country in the world bar and indonesia . and they're not going to go anywhere. and there's a fiery debate about the status of muslims in india. on the one hand,
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they are living there. the to receive many of the subsidies that are handed out to india is poor and lower middle classes. but on the other hand, there are many aspects of life in india that are challenging for them is especially when you have the prime minister saying things like calling them instead of infield traders, which makes it much harder for them to subsist in society at large. it's been difficult for a long time from lessons this didn't just happen over night or necessarily was low d, right. and he's managed to exploits these issues for his own political gain and he continues to do so. but now with another time, 3 consecutive times does this sort of cement and of the id ology in the country has the sort of secular socialist constitution, the very character of india that we have known so many is,
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is that now forever changed. can this be a robust that everything can be reversed, but it doesn't. bolden the people who want india to be less secular and have more hindu. india hasn't changed its constitution. this is still a country that is constitutionally secular, but the more powerful the b j. p. becomes in the lower house, which is up for grabs on tuesday, but also in the upper house. the longer that the b, j. p is in power. the more ability it has to change. true laws of that nature of india is the secular constitution. it has the ability to change the citizenship and how that is defined. it has the ability to demand paperwork of citizens to prove their citizenship. there all kinds of things that could happen and could advance. if more the does indeed, when it's a mess we expect, i should point out, however, that all of this is elect toward the populate has been for quite
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a while. i'm part of the beach. it piece that is that if they win enough of the him to vote in those comprise about the 81 percent of the population. and what movie needs is just about half of their vote to be able to win in 9 slides. the likes of which we saw in 2019 and that we may see on tuesday. and so it's important to put this in context that this is popular in india. this is what most indian seem to want. and of course, religion is one aspect of it. there are many other aspects that people think about when they go to the pools, whether it's the economy, whether it's their well being, whether it's whether they feel proud, just to be indian proud to be in do. and there are a lot of things like that that movie is being able to mobilize a sense of self pride, a sense of awakening in the hindu identity in the indian identity writ large that we've seen play out of the last decade and in the selection. thank you very much
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for joining us. pleasure davi. okay, well, and i want to bring you more on what's been happening in the cause of palestinians desperately searching for the remains of their loved ones. off to is riley forces withdrew from that your body, a refugee camp in the north. on friday, it comes off to a 3 week offensive full tens of thousands, for the most densely populated camp. and the largest in the strip comes in the home . it has this report and a warning that some people might beat the stubs by the images. you'll see it's a gruesome task used to be speaking through debris, to find the bodies of pieces of the ones on the beyond. but it should have done the over 30 people were killed and that buried under this rubble on the 11th of may. our house was born without any warning. and now these are the remains. oh well we found the buttons. we haven't found any in tech bodies. they will be composed,
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make up, be with us. he's home had been hit by and it's really boom in your body. now there's just one button that brings up destroyed and crumbling houses, businesses and screws of stuff which is really offensive guy, the largest and most densely populated with it. g. com is wrecked. beyond recognition street of the street, people tell seamless stories of mos lindsay the door said it was another one. the other is my father was standing in front of his own doorstep when a rocket targeting me struck him dead. what did you do wrong? you was 71 years old. so what harm did he call us to israel? what's the red? but he posted nothing. you know, my father was oppressive. is bad as being a good it'd be sent to of is really rate. since the will be gone. the medical team to become well practice and retrieving bodies from under the rubble upon one
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of those other parties of children alone with the funds to pay it is not long ago. we also to cover the bodies of the mother with a 2 month old baby. they fell victim as truck was unfolding into a body or for g camp and more broadly and cause a month to genocide against our people. many of the date of birth to come. i loved one hospital from insure out here. people i think, to find the bodies. young men will give them a dignified funeral, as they con who loan nice woman was to be. she came to speak. she can only mater that's useless task. some of those 2 of survived and become kinda looking for each other. i mean pre angry for those. they have lost heads them. i'm just data is riley minutes
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redrawn has crashed in southern lebanon off to being hit by a has bullet idea across from it. so it was on have these ready ministry's most expensive at croft and the full time since october, that has butler says it's shut down, is riley drive over the area is ready to army responded then with strikes, targeting a house in southern lebanon, 7 people were injured nearly 8 months of violence has resulted in at least a 2 civilians. a civilians have been killed in lebanon. as she lays president, gabrielle bar, it says, is country is supporting south africa's case accusing israel of genocide at the international course of justice. because much more must be done to help the palestinian people these acts demand to fit and 10 minute response from the international community. besides the humanitarian a, we provide this the palestine recording on boss of the to israel for consultations, and along with mexico. submitting a referral of the situation in palestine to the international criminal court. i've
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decided the chile will box the case presented by south africa to the international court of justice in the hague, within the framework of the un genocide convention. and now the news el salvador was president, i became a, has been sworn in for a 2nd time before may. it took the oath of office at the national palace in the capital can i was re elected in february was 85 percent of the vote is maintained to high approval rising as he carries out a crackdown on guns violence. his new ideas, policy, controls 90 percent of the parliament. around the 100000000 mexicans are eligible to go to the polls on sunday. to like move in 20000 federal state and local representatives. the 2 leading candidates for the presidency all for the 1st time. both women hotel galvez represents an opposition competition and called yet shane balm is the current president chosen success. so i'll just, there's lots of america that as soon as see a new and reports now from mexico city,
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a mix, it goes to the presidential candidates, have almost nothing in common except that their gender is where they get to the 61 year old cloud. the a shame bell vows to continue in the footsteps of mexico's coverage populace president. she would expand his programs, aimed at reducing the privileges of the wealthy. in favor of mexico's have not well got a boat in well, they may go, our program has aim to overcome the old free market model and start writing a new chapter of moral economics. this under the leadership of our best president in history, and that is monroe lopez. whatever she is endorsed by president lopez, the lord his popularity remains high. thanks for his social programs. critics fear she will be the clue of a president. many accused of being authoritarian. she was chosen by the president, so there is no really the country changing power is that computer
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t of what started in 2018 so to the guy, this is also 61 but grew up in poverty. the former senator is noteworthy for being a self made business woman with strong indigenous roots. she's really the mexican dream of social mobility. and so it was obvious to so many, many people, a starting perhaps with myself that she was the best available candidates in the database is outspoken about the rise in organized crime, violence corruption, and the enhanced role of the military under lopez over that. or she's leading the coalition of 3 largely discredited parties from the center to the right. although she herself is not a member of any one of them. no. 6 my government will have no greater priority than the safety of you and your children. that's why i will give back the results as to
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local authorities that this government took away. both candidates described themselves as feminist, yet neither one has made women's issues or mexico's very high pen inside race. i keep pointing their campaigns. but one thing is clear, mexico's next president will be a woman. and that in itself is a change. how much of a change is far from the clear? you'll see a newman alj, a 0 mexico safety us x ray of defense has sold a security for him in single for the war with china is neither imminent. know is it unavoidable? lloyd austin made the comments, has tensions of rising in the asia pacific region. he also defended the actions of the philippines, which is in a stand off with badging over the south china sea. patrick focuses at the conference in single pool to the secretary of defense delivered a strongly worded address, so with stinging criticism of beijing accusing china dangerous harassment towards
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the philippines and using language that was similar to the sort of language that present for 9 mach austin junior. used in his speech at the summit and he said, so that base things actions were a legal and was if. and he said that washington's commitment to is tracy ally was on clad separately at a time when the wrong questions about how often the spreads. us move, who is also is, are across the middle east and ukraine. you said says that the us is deeply committed to the in the pacific. america will continue to play a vital role and you end up with something together with our friends across the region that we share in the united states. across the united states government, across our political landscape. you'll find a strong and bi partisan commitment to the endo pacific
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of critics and propagandists will still oppose the principal principles that drive convergence. they will continue to reject the reign of law and they will try to impulse their we own origin kind of direction of those was something a strong response from china and member of the chinese delegation accuse washington and seeking to build an asian pacific version. all the nato, a lions to maintain the gemini over the reasons. thinking on the sidelines on this summit. so they've done in general, jean john thing said the, the us in the pacific strategy. sounds good but does no good. and they also hits out of the us for all named taiwan. now we know that there was some tough conversations had behind the scenes yesterday, but progress was made but to days was in many ways. highlights how far apart for us
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in china are still on some critical issues that i have for you on the news out there is want to bring you. we look at a new benefit card system in germany for asylum seekers and why it's coming into force. now the that there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken activists making that boise how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the, how much destruction you're gonna face the consequence nature is, then i will just be a risk new series dying now or never. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of this. i point my camera where all those prefer not to look. i'm right about
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what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse. filmmaker rally and also viet turn when on the power of political ok, what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted want to on? i would just say around the want to take you to germany now under the form of johnson, the angling back of the country had a humanitarian responsibility to taking refugees and to integrate them. that was that policy. well now nearly 10 years on that as of jude has changed new rules and
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making life more difficult for refugees. i could no longer access cash and they have to use restrictive payment cards. and it's done, but it kind of reports from, but in many people believe it's a reflection of how german politics has shifted a drum in an idea of shopping for household goods. as a somali asylum seeker, she gets around a $160.00 every month from the state, but motors, cash. instead, she has to use this new pre loaded payment card. and there are lots of technical on logistical problems with it. because she still waiting to find out if she'll get assignments, she's lost as not to show her face and not to use her real name. so she says the newly introduced payment todd has made life more difficult for her. when you have cash and when you have a card today, because when you have cash, you have the all 3 done. and even if you have the other know most time it's still
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cancelled. but this card is a, the frame um from the other funds or cash. so we have limits on we don't feel afraid of the federal government says this measure is about helping the local authorities coordinate, how they provide financial help and to cut down on crime. didn't move this type bargain. we are limiting the possibility of withdrawing cash due by taking into account the individual case and local circumstances. for us. the decisive point is that transferring money abroad is no longer possible. it's a far cry from the moments in 2015 when the vin shots, so the angry macro said her country had a humanitarian duty to take and refugees and makes them welcome. germany's emphasis now is only encouraging skilled workers to come. and for the people whose asylum claims fail to be sent back more quickly,
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one on the list says the recent search and support for the political far right is possibly to blame, i think, is also sacrifice actually to the populace. annoyed at the moment actually that people are on top of everything actually afraid of migration. and that the, the idea of the narrative behind it is actually that it should make it less attractive to come to, to germany. which is power. adults that go at a time when many employers say there's a chronic shortage of workers in this country. so if this appears a sign of have gemini is being dragged to the political rights, then perhaps elections to the european parliament in june may show us just how far out is there fully or disappoint things, storage and then use our boeing rocket. supposed to be on its way to the international space station has failed. in that endeavor, the test flight of the stone line, a spacecraft has been delayed. budding has been trying to develop a cross to send
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a crew to the i assess, but no less than 10 years. and that sunday is an astronomer at the center of astro physics the hall. the she says, the star line, a delay is another blow. it's not a great look at this point. bullying is definitely had problems over the years. they've had delay so far for this from software glitches, corrosion even issues with the parachutes. all things that you really don't want if you have live humans going on a spacecraft. so we don't know yet the size of this particular era, but haven't yet. another delay is definitely very frustrating. i'm sure to them. it's very difficult us space ex has been going since may 2020 was the 1st time they sent astronauts to the space station. i mean, at some point it wasn't clear, it was what people thought boeing was going to feed face x to this and the fact that they keep having these problems and space x keeps succeeding in this market is definitely difficult. if i was building, i would have a hard look at my culture at this point and see,
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read to really doing the best we can to compete in this market. they've already invested so much money and they have such a good history. they can hopefully drawn, hopefully they can make some changes to go forward and things like they're personnel and how they're doing business of israel's war on gossip be coming forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the
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you will see a duty of the growth viewing for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris
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there is no channel that covers the world news like we do. we revisit places the state houses are really invested in that. and that's a privilege. as a journalist, the difficult in children of garza dying from malnutrition, denied the food medicine and facilities to bring them back to house the voluntary johnston. this is out to 0 with not some to how. so coming the, it's ready, police trying to disperse for testers demanding benjamin netanyahu, except the us proposal for cease funding. gone.


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