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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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supplies in the 1st part of the series, we follow the story of the position a worker to see confronts the news, the piece of citizenship revocation. i only want my citizenship fact if i'm proven in a sense, i don't want to wait on the technically stake listed in syria on a tuesday, around the starving to death. children in dallas or a dying from now nutrition of the israel stops food from entering the street. the voluntary johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from day will. so coming the is ready for these discuss protest system on thing, benjamin netanyahu, et cetera. so us proposal for cease funding. goss routing support for ukraine.
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preston, mazda lensky makes us surprise stop by the summit of defense trees. we'll have the latest from technical record for steve. when for round the drift beat, unless you don't miss the final of the insurance, the we'll begin with the children of gossip who are being denied the basic needs of life. food, water, and health care. children are dying of malnutrition on the hydration. this funding spreads across the district. lofts saving aid is available, but it's ro is preventing it from getting to the palestinians who need it the most . there are around 350000 children in gaza. under the age of 5. you want to, terry and groups say the children says a 3rd of those under the age of 2 of wasting away topic as it begins coverage from their also that you may find images in this report. the study surround, just seen,
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has leukemia and needs and treatments approved as well as will and locate ongoing. so is this something that is mother can only watch as his son's condition was that i was coming to my son. so dodge was a normal boy. he was a very good student. he fell sick. 2 months ago, i took him to the hospital and they diagnosed him with the leukemia he comfortable and started using a wheelchair 2 weeks ago. he is in constant pain. we give him a dose of morphine to relieve his pain and to let him sleep, you know, lives on pain killers. yes, c is also suffering from malnutrition ox, the hospital, endeavoring, but he's not load the amount nurse children every with here. and doctors say it can't cope. there is no food, no food,
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no roberta, hill surfaces or the business thread. visally a still more complicated uses view and says children are solving as, as well continues to smoke. the entry of the human at terry and age into the tones . according to the you on more than 20 children, have only devonie christian in the north alone. and 31 percent of acutely malnourished as a result of as well as will and restriction that completely contradicts international load goals. and so again, the frank assignment of small nutrition among palestinians continue to spreads. so foster, due to the lack of all kinds of basic humanitarian and medical supplies where disease and even money attrition, a deadly combination to recognize the algebra. there is the palestine zones of size, head of humanitarian policy and advocacy. i'd say the children,
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she says the catastrophic amount of terror in that situation in gauze could and should have been avoided. the god there is witnessing the worst of the worst levels of malnutrition, a child my nutrition, especially worldwide right now. and it's what's all in use that it's entirely manmade. children in gaza are being starved, they're being deprived of clean water. they're being deprived of adequate medical assistance. and this is all being moved by the systematic obstruction of humanitarian aid and the ongoing hostilities to give you an example. there was a medical point in postal tongue that was addressing mount nutrition. and that had to close this past week due to the attacks that we saw in the area. and so because of the ongoing hostilities because of be ongoing bombardment and because of the, a systematic and continued obstruction of humanitarian assistance,
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we fear that there is now going to be an excel aeration of debts due to around nutrition, starvation, disease, and dehydration. possibly even higher than what we are already seen already. what we're seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. the numbers that have come in of children who have died of non nutrition. these are just the numbers of children who have managed to reach medical points and have had their deaths recorded. we actually feel that already. the situation is much worse. i mean, back in march, the un warned of famine. and we have not, as humanitarian organizations been given, the access to stave off that fat i'm in. and so we expect the situation to get worse. and in the south we fear that the famine like conditions that we saw in northern gaza earlier this year are making your way and may already be present in southern gaza. thousands of protests as of taken to the streets of tennessee to
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bond. these very government accepts the safe spot proposal announced to bother us presents some relatives say they fear that is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they tried to stop the agreement from go ahead. the proposal includes a 6 weeks the spot they withdrawal of is very forces from gaza. unreturnable caps is israel has bound l just the or from reporting from there. so sorry, all right, reports now from the to thing in capital a month for months, thousands of israelis have been demanding that the government do something to bring . those health cap didn't go into the home. and yet again, heavy police presence the on protest is arrested. but this time there was a glimmer of hope to some 24 hours earlier. they listened to
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us president boynton, who for an end to, to reassuring them how mazda is capabilities, have been greatly reduced and can no longer attack is row. he urged both sides to take the 3 phase deal are 5 now these 5 and the sorrow. so we have to come here and i come here to find the line and to get the new election. we think of all the us present today as an is ready proposal. many say that government is incapable accusing prime minister benjamin us, and yahoo of sabotaging deals his own political survival and far right. ministers,
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advocating the resetting of garza. the extreme, missing vanessa. me know who the government are opposing the steel, they have allowed the minority extreme is to attack president boynton. they want the will to go one for an indefinite period of time. these people would sacrifice even the captives, guns, eyes, and court guidance. this is your last chance to make sure that nothing you all who doesn't destroy the steel. i hear your voices tell the citizens that you support the steel. and that includes putting an end to this war. the ultra nationalist ministers. it's small ben b and visit all smart troops have reacted angry by threatening to quit. benjamin netanyahu goes ahead with this night to these 5 proposal. a move that could lead to the dissolving us because relation government is the prime minister, tries hard to cling on to power the whole thousands of
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protesters gathered instead of even all the cities for position b, the p plans. governments want to get the worst and most wanted in israel's history, promising to by commit to neil who dies if he accepts the deal bolt missing, you know who is still insisting on getting rid of from us before he finds a full see spot agreement. depending on who you speak to, some will blame is ralph and alt securing a see spot deal since november. others will blame him, us for changing terms and conditions and international pressure doesn't guarantee the deal. we'll even go through. but for now the, the protesters and families of those health cap to have this message. so out of sight of al jazeera, i'm a reminder, again, these ready government has banned doubts reporting from outside israel. of the 3
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countries media. it's in the safe spot, talks between a mass and as well have released a joint statement, edging both sides to accept the proposal, katara egypt 10 united states. according to finalize the proposed agreement, saying that these principles brought the demands of old policies together in a deal that serves multiple interests and to bring immediate relief for those suffering. people have gone so long, suffering hostages, and their families. it goes on to say that the do offers a roadmap for permanent cease 5 and ending the process of masters folks best and the son of him down. it says the group has not received the proposed goes us. the spot agreement announced by the us president on friday, but the little bit to them we have not received anything written and based on our experience, what is verbally said when is not what is usually documented, such as why we are ready to study any documents with all the details, however, what is being brought cost in the media,
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reflect the positivity. we can see that people are conscious that the continuous rule of the killing of our people we must make us lose our steadfastness. so there were lots of posts development. however, we need to see a documented on a piece of paper about that, and so i should be sent to us what i'm yeah, excellent. i mean, she have her time. she has the latest now from washington dc. it has been very striking here in washington, the, the largest is raising all be a pack and the various politicians that it spawns. so it is ordinarily agreed any suggestion of a cease fire as being anti symmetric, a whole welcomes. i will welcome this proposal or, or presenting this as an as rainy proposal and say that they are hopeful it will succeed, that despite some confusion following joe bite and speech as to whether benjamin doesn't yahoo really was on board given some of the comments he made but there's comments mainly relate to phase 2 of the deal which has yet to be negotiated. phase
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one is that 6 week si fi which will happen tomorrow, the administration official say that and they will also add that as well. so that's the green light to do whatever it once in rough or for now. but a 6 weeks he saw that can be rolled over as negotiations continue on the other phases of the deal. and by doing needs some sort of pause going in to the election season and attempt to rehabilitate himself even on saturday as he took refuge at his beach home in delaware, he was head tools as he attended a church service by protests as he was followed by protest as the binding the restrictions hoping that by presenting this as his riley deals not only well joe biden would be able to rehabilitate himself going in to the election season. but benjamin netanyahu could also attempt to rehabilitate himself with the best deal, which he will claim credit for as international,
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more places than she ever chancey elders here at washington or what's happening to the situation on the ground and goes and now clauses. health industry says 95 palestinians have been killed by as many forces over 24 hour period. at least 2 were killed in yet another is very striking. rafa strips a southern city. these very minute tree has killed more than 36000 palestinians in garza since october the 7th. and the northern gauze that palestinians are desperately searching for the remains of their loved ones, often is very forces withdrew from the jamalia refugee camp on friday. it comes up to 3 weeks offensive, forced tens of thousands from the most densely populated count in garza. i'm a 100 has this report on a morning. it contains disturbing images. it's a gruesome thoughts used to be speaking through debris, to find the bodies of peace resolved once on the beyond,
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but technician in the future. over 30 people were killed and that buried under this rubble. on the 11th of may, our house was born without any warning. and now these are the remains. well, we found the burns. we haven't found any in tech bodies. they've all decomposed, make up, be with us. he's home had been hit by and these really boom in is your body now. just just wonderful operating so destroyed and crumbling the hoses, businesses and screws of the key, which is really offensive. guys, the largest and most densely populated with a company is wrecked beyond recognition. street of the street, people tell seamless stories of mos lindsay. the door settled was the under my father was standing in front of his own doorstep when a rocket targeting me struck him dead. what did he do wrong? you was 71 years old. what harm did he call us to israel? what's the red?
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but he posted it then you know, my father was oppressive. is bad. yeah. i think it'd be sent to of is really rate since the will be gone, the medical team to become well practice and retreating bodies from under the rubble upon one of those other bodies of children alone with the funds for parents not long ago. we also to cover the bodies of the mother with a 2 month old baby. they fell victim as truck was unfolding into a body or for g camp and more broadly and gaza, amongst the genocide against our people. many of the date of birth to come. i loved one hospital, abrupt insure out here, people i think to find the bodies. young men will give them a dignified funeral, as they con who loan nice woman was to be
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sticking to speak. she can only mater that's useless. pass on well, those 2 of survived and become kinda looking for each other. i mean pre angry for those. they have lost heads them. i'm just so to come here on now just here a l. c switch is not ready. prox stopped at t minus 3 minutes 50 seconds star linus, corrupt again, boeing's landmark known to carry asymptotes to the international space, which is today. plus, i'm just seeing human in the capital of mexico, a country known for its male chauvinism. it now looks that to elect a woman as its new president, the the
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peddler, that despite the advancement on the monsoon rains across the south asia, it is still a story of deadly and dangerous heat across pots of pockets done and enrolled in india, we've had heat relate to depth and people forced into hospitality because of those very hot and dry conditions, with exception high temperatures over the past week. now they're not as high as they have been on sunday. they still above the average. the whole sees a temperature of $45.00 degrees celsius and the temperature is set to linger into the early forty's, across the north, west of india, stretching down to more central areas. but we'll see more in the way of west to weather splash into northeastern areas and affect the east coast of india as we go into the new week with some heavy falls of rain effecting southern india and sri lanka. as we go on monday into tuesday, the southern china is set to see more heavy rain. thanks. what area of low pressure
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it moves across the southeast and on woods to taiwan. we are expecting flooding from this very heavy rain. it is looking at lots quietly across, move in areas of china and across the korean peninsula. isn't heavy rain to come for japan, but it's an improving picture into the new week. and there'll be some recovery in taiwan on monday. a unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump, with flat folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the farm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community. and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera, the,
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the watching out, just their mind about top stores. now the children are dying of malnutrition. on the hydration, as found in spreads across the gaza strip. nice for saving a is available, but israel is preventing it from getting it safe and chosen, says a 3rd of those on the age of 2 of wasting away. thousands of protests of gallons in tennessee. pressure is very time minutes to adventure, and that's in your to accept a safe spot. so announced by the us president, families of captain housing got several things to do whatever it takes to bring their relative destiny. all here says the wall will continue until one of his goals
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are achieved, including the return of capt. sunday. illumination of from us, is also accepted an invitation to address both houses of the us congress. a ton is defense minister says beijing is open to more than it should. communication with united states function made the comments on sunday, on the final day of a major security summit and single pool. last off, the he held a read meeting with the us secretary of defense on friday. they were the 1st face to face talks between the 2 defense chiefs in 18 months. okay, so autumn glenn is not submitted, strove defense. she joins us from single port. welcome to the program, but firstly, if i'm in the us, i'm definitely ins. recently conducted by latrell naval operations in the south china see how do you view the rogow netherlands in the region? well process of course important if this about the freedom of not the subjugation
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of freedom on the seas, which is a basic principle, a universal principle, important also for trade. so the presence of our vessel here and also conducting joint exercises with us, but also with countries from the region demonstrates that commitment from the netherlands to that principle. and this also shows our favorite countries in this region of batch the countries in europe. we're not only concerned with the war in ukraine, but that we also feel that the security concerns this region have to be addressed. you do mention ukraine and with the presence lensky actually at the event. now, i mean that the dutch government says it will forge ahead for the initiative to supply you create with the patriot missile system. but do believe all nato countries are in agreement with this of the what we are on agreements that ukraine needs more air defense. we see the continued and increasing
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a russian attacks on ukraine, on the whole country, also against civilian targets, events, electricity, uh, energy networks. so it is vital that they get more air defense. we know it's a scarce capability within nato, and we have now taken the step forward and said we will deliver for components on the page it system. we are discussing this with various partners. i am confident that we will be able to deliver a better system. i encourage other countries will have that capability to join in, so that we can increase optic, this route. they are in dire need of this in the car keys and elsewhere, the more died because of not sufficient or the sense. i'm going to turn to gauze in a few months ago. you called for a humanitarian pools and is rose warren gone. so would you now cool for total and permanent cease 5 of the yes uh i think it was november. and when we
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called for humanitarian pose, since then the war has been raging. and if you see the disaster and guys are now you're going to tell you to test your fee is, is going on. there is no other solution. in rough, i have to stop. you under has to be an immediate cease fire. and i think that the plans that are on the table right now proposed by president biden's are the basis for what is needed. and this is not going to resolve anything. there is no military solution. there has to be a discussion about the 2 states, about a solution that is a real solution for people who are suffering. so a ceasefire, and as part of this war is, is really what must happen as soon as possible on any of this. yeah, you visited these rather have discussions with is rarely minutes through the defense. we have got on to refer to the meeting as an expression of the sort of
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dots in friendship between our establishment and nations. what do you agree with we try to speak to the is there any government as we always also speak to the palestinian authority and to the countries in the region. but what i think it's important is to continue to impress from the currents, israel and governments, and therefore also to diminish self defense. what our perspective is, and our perspective is that the, the offensive and the more as they come back to they also now is causing many casualties. innocence, civilians, children, that this is not sustainable. and i really urge israel to, to stop this. therefore you have to have this conversation and i think you have some dare to. yes, because the, the terrorist attack on the 7th of october, the hostages. so it has to be nice. yes, of course we expressed some authority with that. but we also express our deep
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concern for the situations in gaza, our commitments to providing you any terry and agency that we have taken part in the air drops. um, so it has many size, but our 1000000 in message now as for many other countries, as the war cannot go on like this, it has to stop and we have to have a few stretched loose. you mentioned casualties. the earlier, the sierra dots quotes order the government to holt delivery of pots for f. $3055.00 projects used by israel, and it's a tax on the guns and strip saying there was a clear risk. the pots are being used in serious violations of international humanitarian. know, how would you respond to that? we comply by the ruling. so the ruling says we cannot send the transfer parts uh for the certified from the members too, as well as this really uh there have no be no transfers. um, this is a,
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a warehouse. it provides spare parts for f $35.00 to all countries involved. and we know that it's an important message for, for israel, in general, for their defense as we've seen when the attack happened from iran. but we compliance course by the court's ruling. there is still another court that is still considering the case. and of course, we will wait for the outcome of that. we have to leave the caution on going. we very much appreciate your time. thanks for joining us here on out just here. thank you very much. it's around 100000000. the mexicans are eligible to go to the polls on sunday. so that's more than $20000.00 the federal, a state and local representatives. the 3 with leading candidates for the presidency or for the 1st time both women. social galvis represents an opposition coalition, while it coyote or shame bottom is the current of presidents chosen successful.
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i'll just say it was not to the american edits and let's see and even put stuff from mexico city mix. it goes to the presidential candidates, have almost nothing in common except for their gender. if they steer the 61 year old cloud, the issue involved vows to continue in the footsteps of mexico's current populace president, she would expand his programs aimed at reducing the privileges of the wealthy. in favor of mexico's have not well got a boat. and when the american eagle r program has aim to overcome the old free market model and start writing a new chapter of moral economics. this under the leadership of our best president in history. and that is monroe lopez. although she is endorsed by president lopez or whatever is popularity remains high. thanks for his social programs. critics fear she will be the clue of a president menu choose of being authoritarian. she was chosen by the president. so
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there is no really the country changing power is that computer t of what started in 2018 such as a guy. this is also 61 but grew up in poverty. the former senator is noteworthy for being a self made business woman with strong indigenous roots. she's really the mexican dream of social mobility. and so it was obvious to so many, many people, a starting perhaps with myself that she was the best available candidates to the database is outspoken about the rise in organized crime, violence corruption, and the enhanced role of the military under lopez over that. or she's leading the coalition of 3 largely discredited parties from the center to the right. although she herself is not a member of any one of them. no. 6 my government will have no greater priority than
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the safety of you and your children. that's why i will give back the results as to local authorities that this government took away. both candidates described themselves as feminist, yet neither one has made women's issues or mexico's very high pen, decide race. i keep pointing their campaigns. but one thing is clear, mexico's next president will be a woman. and that in itself is a change. how much of a change is far from the clear? you'll see a newly now to 0 mexico city. oh, some of those prestone today, buccheri has been sworn in for a 2nd time. the foreman that to the oath of office that the national products in the capital academy, it was re elected in february, was 85 percent of the vote. is maintain the high approval rating us and carries out to crack down gang violence is new ideas. the controls 90 percent of palms. a boeing rock. it was supposed to be on its way to international space station by now
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for the test fly to the stall, the spacecraft has been delayed or to get from asked to noise, which will more in that scene to williams with just minutes away from dusting off. when the countdown was stopped, burying has been trying to develop a cross to send a crew to the international space station for 10 years is experienced, it was successful delays and the cost of of a lot. and by more than one and a half $1000000000.00, a china has successfully landed its latest unmanned craft on the fall side of the moon, which on the 6th began it's jenny a month ago, which will collect samples using the baltic, and also a drill to collect material from beneath the surface, but it's to attempt a sofa on precedent. reaching back to us from the side of the move that was faces away from football now and beyond the dre, the champions of europe for record 15th time, the spanish john speak, bruce adult.


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