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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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is unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantees. piano moves up that engine free. the pressure mounts on israel and egypt to reopen the roof of crossing in southern gaza . the vital entry points has been shots preventing desperately needed aid from reaching solving palestinians. the money in cyprus, is there a lawyer from tow? what's the coming up rescue teams? look for some volume is in gaus, especially off the is really strikes on a residential complex killed 3 palestinians, including a child who runs former president must mood. i'm a did the job registers as a possible candidate, the elections this month. and south korea slams the newest of sending move rubbish
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fil balloons across the board. the hello welcome to the program. we begin in gaza. web pressure is mounting on israel and egypt to reopen the crucial rough of border crossing talks expected in cairo between egypt, the us and israel. hundreds of a trucks us stuck in egypt for weeks. food supplies have been rushing and the son of israel took control of the crossing last month. now with aid unable to reach costs of the humanitarian situation is worsening for thousands of valuable palestinians control over border crossings. especially rasa has been a sticking point in space. 5 talks, mohammed val begins coverage. a set of border crossing is guides us on the plate of access by land that doesn't pass through easily for the policy names. it's so vital
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economy kind of humanitarian lifeline. but it's also a symbol of freedom of suffering to you, so who has controlled it directly or indirectly? since 1967, even we need to know states forces we're leaving gulf i 2005, the movement of goods and people the through the crossing the main subject to easily the approval. on the international bo, controlling the borders of a 10 or 3 is considered an occupation. and policy is argue that the occupation is that, isn't that in conflict with the site or the last month, these are the ami to dialect the military control of that off crossing is what i have says. it was a necessary part of its preparations for a full scale invasion of the safety of 4 or 5 in a final beat to the feet. hum us, as it was, just as groups to move further complicated efforts to bring desperately needed the humanitarian aid and to gaza and allow people requiring emergency medical care to
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be evacuated outside the facies deputy f. p is calling for all border crossings and crossing points within garza to be open. as he is really encouraging and rough, it continues to have does the staging impact on civilians and our own humanitarian operations or friends at the well food program warren that there is little the agency can currently do in rough or with stocks. very low and mobility severely restricted to you on the us and egypt have been pushing for the immediate the reopening of that off. i have to come up with sad and what crossings the lots of the south eastern people, the gaza strip, is mainly used by tax cutting through many teddy and 8. it's fully on the east side to control. the key focus of kind of ceasefire talks is deciding the future status of the crossing egypt to systems policy needs should control and it is that a lead to add them into a mazda. and as it is just as a groups should never be allowed to be in charge cleaning,
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they could use it to smuggle in weapons. while a fits this thoughts, these 5 talks continue policy and say that a station of life and gaza would be impossible without the easily luck case being lifted. how much fun, how does you as well the children of gauze are being denied basic essentials of life, like food, most and health care, thousands of dying from mel nutrition. and the hydration is ro, fees of the strip prevents love saving a from reaching those who need it. the most humanitarian group save the children, says a set of children under the age of to all wasting away. tar. couple assume reports from darrow by a you may find images in his report to study the wrong, just seen has leukemia needs and treatments approved as well as will and locate ongoing. so is this something that is mother can only watch as his son's condition was said, i was come. all of my sons, who dodge was a normal boy. he was
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a very good student. he fell sick. 2 months ago, i took him to the hospital and they diagnosed with leukemia. he comfortable and started using a wheelchair 2 weeks ago. he is in constant pain. we give him a dose of morphine to relieve his pain and to let him sleep. you know, lives on pain killers. yes, c is also suffering from malnutrition ox, the hospital endeavors by. he's not load. the amount nourished the children every with here. and doctors say it can't cope. there is no food, no food, no roberta, hill surfaces or the business thread. visally is still more complicated, uses view and says children are solving as, as well continues to look at the entry of humanitarian aid into don't. according to
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the you on more than 20 children, have deluge of mount nutrition in the north alone and 31 percent of acutely malnourished as a result of as well as will and restrictions that completely contradict international load goals. and so again, on the frame consignments as small nutrition among palestinians continue to spreads . so foster due to the lack of all kinds of basic humanitarian and medical supplies with disease and even money, fission, a deadly combination. tar recognize the algebra, arizona palestine and by roam is the norwegian, refugee councils middle east spokes past and he says, results is on the ground on the precinct. very little aid has made it into goals that in the past month, if i speak on behalf of the regional refugee counselor, we haven't had any supplies, make it through any of the crossings for the past month now. and with all the, you know, you're relying on the preaching resources on the ground it's,
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it's nowhere near enough. we have had big promises that apples. so you know, a promises if it's more a promises of safety for, for a h workers which my team in terms of described as a big policy. and of course, the closure of the 9 uh possible potential crossings is a catastrophe, as you have heard from your reporters. of course, as we have uh, we hit on a daily basis for a lot of teams that uh, you know, children are sleeping on this times because there's no tense left. they'll drinking a, you know, on say full time, all day long. and they are eating very, very, very little of the 3 counties mediation ceased 5 talks between homeless and israel . have released a joint statement, judging both sides to accept the proposal,
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cuts all egypt and the united states, a cooling on them to finalize the proposed agreement, saying that these principles vote the demands of all parties together in a deal that subs multiple interests and will bring immediate relief to the long suffering people of gulf and the long suffering hostages in the families then goes on to say that the deal offers a roadmap for permanency is 5 and an ending of the crisis. most folks pass in a summer hung down says the group hasn't yet received the proposal announced by president biden on friday. but there's a little bit to them. we have not received anything written and based on our experience, what is verbally said, when is multiples is usually documented or such as why we are ready to study any documents with all the details. however, what is being broad cost in the media reflect the positivity we can see that people are conscious that the continuous rule of the killing of our people will most make us lose all steadfastness. so there were lots of posts development. however,
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we need to see a documented on a piece of paper about that, and so i should be sent to us. what am you said? what i'm just reminded me is there any government has found out is era from reporting and as well, which is why i'm on call and joins us from the jordanian capital, amman, and uh, emeralds b is riley. will cabinet is due to meet in the next couple of hours so we may have a clear idea on israel's position as well. i think the opposite. where that is made. let's see, will that won't have enough meeting actually does. now remember, this is the regular rule of cabinet between your wasn't an emergency session that was convened in the light of the us presidents proposal. but the war cabinet is divided. you have many guns and you have the defense minister. you are gland who have long been talking about applying for the day off the now, but again says react to the to is ro uh, to the us presence for our proposal. he says it needs to be started, it needs to be looked at. he's effectively hedging his bets. we haven't met them
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yet, right. who has been speaking publicly? he says, look, it's about deal. but it's something that we do need to take seriously. so if there was a crystal ball and if the political analyst had access to that crystal, there'd probably be talking about some sorts of compromise deal the allows them to accept. well, the us president job of being proposed, even though he framed it as in his rate proposal. so maybe that will be that the they will agree to the 1st phase of that. and then they say if that goes well, then we'll do the 2nd, then we'll do the 3rd. but they won't agree to a 3 phases at once. remember israel's position from providence, benjamin netanyahu is absolutely no permanent seized by until. ready they goals have been met, come out, so you've had the reaction that they're willing to look into this. and so it's going to be interesting because external prices are also building on the cabinet.
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uh, that was a huge protesting telling me last night. we're looking about $120000.00 is right. these out on the streets. not saved by the suggesting that the binding deal needs to be taken. but something that the won't cabin up. the people within the war cabinet simply caught a large public sentiment. but prime minister benjamin netanyahu still has his secret with an east still has those far right to ministers who have threatened to pull out the government if you accept the deal wholesale. this being proposed by a job. i think he also knows that if he can come up with some sort of compromise, they'll remain within the coalition and he'll remain in power. so a lot of negotiations to come according to a lot of people in his ready media, political commentators in the search. it's due to be a very uncomfortable will cabinet music 19th um you'll be keeping across any developments for us and wrong come that for us in amman,
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and just to remind you again, fee is there any government has found out, is there a from reporting inside israel so it runs full, the president must hood i'm within a job, is making a comeback bid for the upcoming presidential election. he's one of the most prominent candidates to register for the election set to take place on june the 28th he previously sub to 4 year terms from 2005 to 2013. these elections are being held president abraham re, you see an 8 of the people were killed in a helicopter crash last month. i'm certainly to piece got to like each other. i'm the most important motivation. and goal for me is to focus on solving people's livelihood problems. this can be done by improving the country's economic situation and the business environment ending economic range and monopoly and limits and interference. the government's policy is to remove all schools and open up as much
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as possible for entrepreneurs and create a platform for the developments of domestic and foreign investment. let's get more on this with a has somebody's life for us into her on. so at a how is for the president, i went to the judge as throwing his head into the ring being perceived where you are slow. the fact i'm in a job is gone through a virtual position in the wrong for the president who was also controversial. this is the 2nd set time use of applying for a being candidates in 2017, and 2021. the applied for the guardian council did not confirm his application right now. also there's going to be another step which is the confirmation from the guardian council of cause. the line of thought that the judge of presents today's quite different from the, by the judge when he was the president. that time he was so close to the
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establishment today. he is very critical of the establishment then that's why today is to controversial. the judge wants to run for the election against the several other candidates who are running uh golf course. the, the, the issue is going to be very difficult for him, especially with the guardian kansas criteria that might refuse is a candidacy. this is, this is the situation for, for somebody, the child who is by the way, who's just the similar can do the 2 sides really work together in the past when he was depressed inside jenny was and then a senior diplomats, he was the, the senior negotiator, and of course they shut down the the same uh, um, uh, the fox background book today. of course if, if the new job is way to cross the guardian council as body a,
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then they are going to be competing with each other. and ali, uh, what else is that to know about the process of picking a new president's as well as of now? well, we have 36 people who applied for the candidates including forma, a volume and speech i let is john hughes thought to be one of the a favor to kind of candidates with a lot of chances. however old. so as i tell you, i just to mention now also applied for candidacy either the county who's the head arms mayor. and one of you need the only lady to apply the he on. she's a former m p a for, according to minister. he's the only one from the from races government who has applied well, how much matthew is my idea. there are many names what i expected to come to the uh, the self uh for interior to apply for the candy. this is over the coming hours by
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tomorrow. afternoon, the candy this is will be stopped to be the deadline. and then the guardian council was thoughts studying the applications a week later with have find the list. and this find the list is going to compete among each other for the election on the 28th of june. okay, thank you for that. all the hash and by for us into her on still ahead on allen to 0 ton is defense minister use is a regional security forms issue, a warning against taiwan independence. and i'm just seeing human in the capital of mexico, a country known for its male chauvinism. yet now look, set to elect a woman as its new president, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive,
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where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return once the killing and got to stop the inside story on al jazeera, the colleges when the
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book back you watching out. as a reminder, thought top stories based, our pressure is mounting on israel and egypt to reopen the crucial russell border, crossing to low a deliveries and goza talks expected in kyra between egypt, the us and israel, thousands of processes of right until of eve on the south today to prussia is
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rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so except to cease 5 d o families captive held in gaza, according on the government to secure that's safe on the roads full, the president, my food i mentioned the job is making a comeback. bid to the upcoming presidential election use fast prominent tons of it to much for the polls due to take place on june the 28th. john is defense ministers issued a warning to tie one against pursuing independence. on june said anyone who backed this will quote, ends up in self destruction. his comments as a security summit and cigna pool comments, concerns and growing about ton is ministry activity around the islands. they included exercises carried out off to the integration of ty, once the president patrick fault has moved from single stone. jen salt about a new security partnership of safeguarding the reason,
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essentially one that is determined by the region itself and referencing the us and its efforts to build alliances as a deterrent against the use of military force. he said that schools, cole's target, another country, the trees wouldn't make the region safe. you also have to buy, buy rewards on. so i want you said it was a st. good issue for china and say for the, for the chinese military. and the accused to try ones that lead is all trying to achieve independence. ink for mentally. he said that this was a betrayal of china and a betrayal of the ancestors. and he said, and he said that they would be nailed against a pillar of shame, all things perhaps. so we would expect to join. does it say on taiwan? but again, it highlights just how serious an issue this is for beijing. he also touched on the south china sea and trying his disputes with the philippines and the queues middle
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of pilots in laws and breaking promises and again, referencing the us without mentioning him by name. he said that minute of was being in bowls and by other countries, and that that was the limits to how restrained that could be. you know, it's great. it has launched move balloons carrying rubbish across the border to south korea. the launch follows the failure of as i satellite launch and short range missile test. i said thank reports. this is the 2nd wave of the news coming trucks to and to south korea from the north. authorities told residents to stay indoors a 600000000000 ceiling from north korea last week in the state to me and kim go junk. the powerful just of the countries lead to conjunction confirmed the north that sent the balloons to make good on her countries. direct just got to the mountains of waste, paper and filth, and that's in response to politically fits, being sent to northwest, that's create an activist. the 2nd wave comes after north korea launched 260
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balloons last week. rubbish such a cigarette, butts. cloth, paper waste and pest stick with fine scratches across the capital. so size square said it's admitted treat detected the launch of the balloons and issued emergency a let's. they want people not to come into contact with the balloons. besides the christmas tree dispatched chemical rapid response and explosive clearance teams to recover the daybreak. we don't okay, in terms of this. so this whole, it was so creepy and scary that the building might have for them. because north korea might have had a specific target. because it's, it's worthy of me. everyone was so scared at that moment. i wondered, what would have happened to us if there was not just garbage, but viruses or chemicals at all continue the notices. i felt well could occur right away to put a little strongly. i felt like that and if this situation grows, it will become a will. since i clearly don't know how far north career is, i was very anxious. the miniature says the blues choir,
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different types of trash. i'm in your but no dangerous substances. some of find or time is designed to pop open bags of trash in mid day. north korea has called the pollutants gifts of sincerity. the sas career. is it seeing them that way? i said big a 0. sorry, ray bay is hosting ministers of oil producing countries to discuss an agreement deal that could expand production costs since next year. opec plus which include some of the wells tow petroleum exposing countries as carly counting output, by more than $5800000000.00 barrels a day. that is equal to about 6 percent of global demand. group has made a series of output cuts since late 2020, to a mid rising production from the united states and all the known mendez so that because governing african national congress says it's open to coalition talks with any of the political policy itself that fail to secure another problem into
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majority in wednesday's general election. the policy has been in power since the end of the a pot side 3 decades ago. but it's now dealing with its law just as a decline in support. with nearly all the balance count of the n, c has taken just 40 percent of the vote, which is down from 58 percent in the previous election. the policy as well reporting is now seeking a coalition partner with talking to everybody because the election did not give us out the majority of the effect as well. things like new york media connected via an individual. i saw you in the queues punching the life change change change the most of you. we've got
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it. we don't on the media. even after i did advise you are using very harsh with the amc has been put that out and, and all of that went up to the out, the soft hit that but when i looked out to around a $100000000.00, mexicans will begin advising in a few hours time with $20000.00 political and administrative posts being contested across the country. and the 1st time in mexico's history, the 2 from brothers for the presidency, all women out there as the last in america, madison, let's see. and human reports from mexico city mix. it goes to the presidential candidates, have almost nothing in common except for their gender. if they steer the 61 year old, cloudy, a shame bound vows to continue in the footsteps of mexico's current populace president. she would expand his programs aimed at reducing the privileges of the wealthy in favor of mexico's have not well got
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a quote in may he go. our program has him to overcome the old free market model and start writing a new chapter of more of economics. this under the leadership of our best president in history, and that is monroe lopez, although she is endorsed by president lopez over his popularity remains. hi, thanks for his social programs. could expire. she will be the clue of a president. many accused of being authoritarian. she was chosen by the president, so there is no really concrete changing power is that computer piece of what started in 2018 so cheese guide is also 61 but grew up in poverty. the former senator is noteworthy for being a self made business woman with strong indigenous roots. she's really the mexican dream of social mobility. and so it was obvious to so many, many people,
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a starting perhaps with myself that she was the best available candidates. the database is outspoken about the rise in organized crime, violence, corruption, and the enhanced role of the military under lopez over that. or she's leading the coalition of 3 largely discredited parties from the center to the right. although she herself is not a member of any one of them. no. 6 my government will have no greater priority than the safety of you and your children. that's why i will give back the results as to local authorities that this government took away. both candidates described themselves as feminist, yet neither one has made women's issues or mexico's very high friend, the side rate, a key point in their campaigns. but one thing is clear, mexico's next president will be a woman. and that in itself is a change. how much of a change is far from clear to see a newly now does he or uh,
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mexico city. okay, that's the name of the inside. whether it's next then inside story we'll examine donald trump's conviction of full charges. the, the, i had low that let's get the weather across east asia and a tropical storm fell upon after making landfall across southern pots of china and boats and very heavy rain and caused flooding for some of those south eastern regions. and there's going to be more of that to come, because as it works, what is the way to the east of taiwan? it's going to need behind a legacy of showers. some heavy rain storms will come back in for those southern areas with sundry showers, expected in hong kong over the next few days. not much to why i'm room across most central areas and lots of sunshine coming in for shanghai on monday,
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aging. we also see the sunshine that manages to escape the west the weather over the next few days. that's not the case for tokyo. we all going to see some wet weather as well as some sunshine, but the temperature here is expected to rise in temperatures. all the story across the south asia was an exceptional heat of the past week. now the numbers are not as high as they will, but we're still seeing them touch up into the mid forties for northern parts of pockets done as well as india. we've got some strong surface winds blowing in as well. that is gonna feel very hot and humid, particularly for places like correction. before the south of this, the monsoon rains continue their advance, bringing some heavier rain to carola and the north eastern states of india. the latest news as it breaks here, that being even basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to
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feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth. it's been under heavy ariel from above and to months. now the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which you'll see here is a catch of mussels of the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. and now we have to go out and just for hours donald trump could face more than $100.00. he is in prison for falsifying business records, you'll find out solely before the public ins decide with a he's been mans of president to help with all of this shy cus selection, and we'll just the rest of the world think this is inside story, the hello and welcome to the program. i'm toma cried donald trump has been convicted on 34 charges and his circled hash money trial. he was found guilty of falsifying rick


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