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tv   Witness Remains  Al Jazeera  June 2, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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sides the hospital out 0 world investigates where the east ran is violating international. no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis doctor to run hospitals on, i'll just say around the way little rock and do how the top stories on alger 0 pressure is mounting on israel and egypt to reopen the crucial loss of border crossing to allow a deliveries and to gauze off docs are expected in cairo between egypt, israel and the us is we also control of the crossing last month, and hundreds of trucks carrying desperately needed aid are being held at the border . thought about assume has more now from barely by law in central guys, a of the ongoing cloud, giles coursing forward as,
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as especially the vice of the rough crossing has prevented the humanitarian aid flew into the goal is a strep, including food, water, medical supplies, alongside with fuel it means that simon is eminence and this is a clear result of it is very military operation and rough uh we need to remember clearly that citizens are suffering from c, b levels of mount nutrition alongside with food in security. and that is absolutely contradictory to the international humanitarian load which stipulates that to any of you. probably impala is responsible for securing food supplies and even securing the needs of the uh, the uh, the fuel pipe nation. and thousands of protesters rallied in tel aviv on saturday to pressure is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu to accept a ceasefire. deal all the proposal includes a 6 week ceasefire. that withdrawal is rarely forces from gaza and the return of all captives. families of captains held in gaza or calling on the government to
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secure their safe luis otherwise former presidents. and i'm, what i'm doing a job is making a comeback. bid for the upcoming presidential election. is one of the most prominent candidates to register for the elections. so to take place on june the 28th and doing a job previously served to 4 year terms from 2005 to 2013. the election is being held following the death of present abraham and i, you see in a helicopter crash last month. and south africa's governing african national congress. the agency says it's open to coalition talks with any other political party, and that's after it failed to secure. another parliamentary majority in wednesday's general election, of the party has been in power. as soon as the end of apartheid 33 decades ago, and with nearly all ballots counted, the amc has taken just 40 percent of the vote. that's down from 58 percent and the
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previous election. are we talking to everybody because the election did not give us out, but majority also to effect as well things that's doing yourselves or the media connected to the individual. i saw you in the cues punching the life change, change change the most of you. we've got, we don't on the media, even upset that his eyes you are using very harsh with the amc has been put that out. and, and all of that went up with the out. the soft hit that but when looked out and turn is defense minister has issued a warning to taiwan against pursuing independence. don young said any one who backs independence will quote and up in self destruction. his comments that
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a security summit in single 4 comments concerns are growing about china is military activity around the island. south korea says north korea has launched more blues carrying rubbish into its territory. john. yeah, it says they were sent in retaliation against activists in the south, sending propaganda leaflets across the border. dozens of balloons full of waste have landed in parts of sol and nearby areas. and china has successfully landed its latest unmanned craft on the far side of the moon, the chinese 6. we'll collect samples using a robotic arm and also a drill to collect material from beneath the surface. and then it will attempt an unprecedented feet launching back from the side of the move that always faces away from earth. witness is up next. that's the
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the, the case of the bill is indicates the painting on the wall here. and i go, which was on the and have a little i would prefer to to take a look at it. okay. is it human? yeah, yeah. it's human a do mind that i have a local just a quick google. yeah. come on down. ok,
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thank you. so that basically means is that these potentially could be the oldest human news remains in the, in, in america. i mean, potentially it could be, you know, what is it you're doing? i'm putting it in red, felt i need to make a phone call here. so, so who are you calling? i'm calling perry talked to declare mas try this is that need to american of the tribal leader. i need to consult with him about what we're going to do about this. hi, we've got a problem. we've found a tooth and cave number 2. yeah. when i put it and read felt, i got it with sage. okay. it will be taking the tooth with us, but it's uh, it will be re buried later. so, but don't you think this is something we could do, tell them that,
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i mean make them interesting in, in the dna results. so if we were, maybe we could just take a new piece of of it. so yep, it definitely is a tooth. now where this was found, did you, did you find text goals? did you find? yeah, i think they just found some 6 die. so did they found some text eyes? yeah. and they were indicative of the clements mode arc style. yes. to me, there is your answer and you don't have to do uh, investigation uh, disruptive dna testing on this, this quicker to if we could show it with you in a quick convince all the sciences, the, even though everybody goes over games that, that you know, that your opinions came into your 1st, for example, that native americans hasn't been there so long as you are, or people really aren't interested or not interested in,
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in the rest the world. we've lived here for thousands years and, and we're very comfortable knowing in our minds, we're not approved to the world, anything i'm happy with the tools. i'm gonna take it back to where it was found and i'm going to do ceremony on it. and i'm gonna ask the creator for forgiveness for being disturbed. no one has the right to disturb the remains of our people, the of the just the
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dear professor eskoville or slash my name is sarah and 6. and i'm a molecular biologist from montana. when i was 2 years old, some construction workers collecting gravel on my parents land came upon an ancient burial site with over 100 stone artifacts. and the partial and fragmentary remains of a small child. since it was found on my family's private land, the law does not make its subject to repeat ration from the local tribes. i'm therefore inviting you to my home in montana to see the remains and possibly take a sample for further study. the really nice house so thank you. can i get you something to drink or? no, no, i'm fine. i'm new. where do we have the bones of their downstairs. uh huh. um. so
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you wanna see them now or the interested them right away. okay, sure. we can hello, sorry, earlier test on the bones found that the skeletons that of a 5 year old boy who passed away 12000 to 13000 years ago to my knowledge. it's the oldest skeleton found in the americans today. the analysis. here's the columns of traditional as but the really, it's an energy politics. so be careful. as long as you're saying what they like to hear or they will be on your side. but as soon as you disagree with them once
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they will cut the if indeed, that's what the mental feelers say, a super super fitness cajun, one for you as are to be here week as the new tech i'm talking to talk to is there some quite specific i mean that, you know,
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typically getting charged for these guys. yes. that would be shane doyle. what kind of guys? enrolled member state university in the native american studies department. yeah, welcome. thanks a thing. so i guess to ask you, sir, if you want to discuss your genetic art is your, i would say we took a little piece of the, of the phone a to get a complaint, you know, and, and with those being all these theories about what shall we so those be an archaeologist, the still even archaeologist, claiming that the 1st people coming in to americas, but not the answers to some nice americans, but waiting on some of these, all the issue groups honestly, is that you have heard about that. okay, this proves that needs for americans for the 1st ones. okay. and this child here is a spot on nature american and basically it seems to be the rick and system always
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to me. it is about 8090 percent of all needs are americans today the i want to thank you for what you did know it's kind of a lot to process. you know, i know i don't know where to start. you know, the just kind of south of the black feed west for the cro east for the stainless. and then was just kinda north of relief for the showing. okay. it's been over a 100 years. some of the tribes are re forcibly removed from here and they've been on the reservations and so we could drive to 4 different reservations. visit the different charge. yes. i believe that is the right thing to do. did you pull out in the troll reservation? yeah, it's how, how was it, i mean growing up there. oh, i loved it as a kid,
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it's the greatest thing in the world. you know, and you have a huge, extended family and i just had the greatest childhood. but what happens is you hit adolescence for a lot of us, i think the in the weight of the, the depression and the despair and all that stuff starts to creep into your consciousness. i think it's in comprehensible when you're american and it maybe you just it's just too much. you can't deconstruct everything. you don't have the psychological, you don't have the intellectual tools. know without knowing the history of tribes. everything the shattered our community. yes. do you just think the attendance or somehow west or people because you've been bored into a community that despair the the
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my great grandfather was the head cheese and yeah, 2 sons, 3 songs with the youngest, one raised me tell passed away. he was on 50 war rates, is younger brother yelling some 33 more. wow. and so your kidneys gave me my 1st name. what else? one boy as well. and so we have a real close connection to the buffalo days. we would stride horses, race horses, square heart and skin animals or whatever. you know, when my grandfather died, they were trying to get me the word at modern playgrounds for me out there. and i ended up when he died ended up yeah, grow price velocity was to show him, didn't cultivate them. and and,
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and we don't think that philosophy has changed. my grandfather's title uncle died available. all the people i was in rank or with all the all the my best friends and bodies go are all gone because my son is under the assisted living home i our son because is traumatic brain injury because of all my other son. it was a former majority of temper, died at all. and my mother died of chicago since it's all because of the government relations for my friends. my great grandfather was the head chief. so you know, if you're asking me if, if they should put the balls back, you know, of course, you know, the
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73 years old and you just send into this area. we lost our sundance in the us government for this year to do our religion. and then our elders passed away without passing it to the younger generation. so without that knowledge, our son, this went away always tell you that the skeleton is no longer with the sphere. spirit is what i deal with dealing with this period to go get back to those periods. if it's getting back to the side again, you know,
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come back to getting the we are all relative. remember that any time you see, i mean, you know, just an indian, so relo to, to and to the people that own this land. i say thank you for allowing us to come here. hey, our respects really thing is feared to go to the other side. can of the and these are the
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. 2 the single stocks but the entail on the history of c. 2 huffman and see if you just got sophia's the
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if we can get the leadership of the new see young twin boys. you know the 2 neighbors. uh, not too optimistic that you will get the endorsement that you need. have you seen this? you know, the indian community is not very happy with stuff like that. and with this approach this i see it as a threat to their own position in the country. oh yeah. and uh, as uh, desecration of, of the remains of the ancient one, the, they call it, the kennewick man is american indian communities. he's the ancient one. mm hm. and they feel very protective about giving him his,
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his rightful rest. mm hm. the scientific good seizure of his remains is extremely distressing in many people and it's um, another result of bad science on the american indian. i agree is brad science. this is exactly why we need some, you know, some kid a research to either confirm or most likely. just confirm, right? these contributions based on just called measurements. right? i mean, what would be the way to do this? it would be, but there are there's, there difficulties that science has almost exclusively been used to repress and to have really no benefit for the community. uh, i of course understand your concern. but if we do any research, you have this opportunity to kind of say, okay, well,
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we will apply state of the art signs to question these kinds of conclusions. which in my view, which is based on 1st of all, very old school science, but probably also 3 poor science. right. why do native people lot then say candidates and breeze the newest technology and see if that can help us? you know, get all the answers those back. yeah. because it's always the newest technology. okay. whatever the state of the art science has been has always had a negative impact on the need of an indigenous people. over the past 5 centuries, the so called scientific study of native people has been used to show their lack of civilization, the categorization of people either physically, spiritually or mentally to be inferior. which then lead to policies of search
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extreme brutality on our children, like with importing schools of this philosophy of killed the indian. saved the man the idea about taking a plan because people are mentally incompetent. i can certainly see where we're coming from the for sure. i mean, it hasn't been good. it's, it's been genocidal as good losing it would cheat. frank. that relationship between signs and indeed people what, what do you think it would say? i think it takes it takes trust and that takes time and it takes sincerity. and proof to rethink, i mean, if they got kind of a back would that help breaking some of the eyes? i think it might be a really strong. i know it would be
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a really strong part of the proof and cic turned out to be native american. and it's an old investigative category. so i think there's a higher chance of kennedy turning out to be native american then something else based on that. of course i come for sure. if the science supported the tribal position, i think that would be a very dramatic a new development and, and you'd be a hero. the so yes, it is just the final data,
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not just shows you how much the genetic relatedness you keep on. it's absolutely no doubt that as close as a native american and that is said 100 percent of native americans. this is just native americans obviously. yeah, i'm 100 percent. sure. and there's no new with, you know, and that's great to know the so as you know, there's been quite a bit of controversy in regard to the ancestry. and after the ation of the categories man or the engine on a, we manage based on 200 milligrams off the phone from the handful show up team is that, you know, since when off it can be man we find when we compare to
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a world wide panel of contemporary populations that can be gland ancient. one is more closely related to contemporary native americans and to any other contemporary organizations in the world. a mutual trial over a few years ago, the vin, literally in doing this is truly the scientific crew. will be best for us to ensure we marry this is renee, easy to be treated the
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through the we have bbc news, washington post nbc news history. no push back at all. no perfect from the scientific community for a 100 year old skeleton is finally over president. legislation, in that case, you're fine to try for the signature of american burials. sometime this month, more business. i mean, the chance of finding a direct answer is basically single was really major on proceeding in the fight between indigenous accommodations and sciences. and it turned out that you knew
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this is 100 percent native americans. thank you very much for the you read the benefits of the controversy over kennewick, man, you're in the benefits of the scientific findings. we're taking the consequences of a science by the right now you're writing ways of political correctness. but at some point the wave is going to crash on the shores. the she says he went to vote on syria to provide a 27 year old activity as to how to survey testing, working as an i'm didn't start with nursing. the eyes of his government with my citizenship was to help. i was surprised in the 1st part of the series we funded restore you to push the shape worker because he confronts the news,
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the piece of citizenship revocation. i only want my citizenship fact if i'm proven in a sense, i don't want to, we don't have to click on the state list in syria on which is the era. in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they are managing the crisis. one day, the internal security acts against violators, and then they don't do anything for you. use human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deforestation often without judicial review. and the latest crackdown security forces are closing shops be legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the government into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the
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listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the a la rock and doe how the top stories on algae 0. pressure is mounting on israel and egypt to reopen the crucial off of border crossing to allow a deliveries into gaza talks are expected in cairo between egypt, israel and the us talk about, as boone has more from the better and central gaza. the ongoing chloe gentle's crossing forward is especially the vice of the rough crossing has prevented the humanitarian aid float into the goal is as prep, including food, water,
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medical supplies, alongside with fuel. it means that simon is eminence. and this is a clear result of that is very military operation and rough uh we need to remember clearly that citizens are suffering from c, v levels of malnutrition alongside with food in security. and that is absolutely contradictory to the international human terry. a load which stipulates that to any of the point in paula is responsible for securing food supplies and even securing the needs of the uh, the uh, the occupied nation to thousands of protesters rallied in tel aviv on saturday to pressure is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to accept a ceasefire deal, the proposal includes a 6 week cease fires, the withdrawal of israeli forces from casa and the return of all captives. yvonne's former presence in my mood, i'm doing a job is making a comeback. bid for the upcoming presidential election. i'm a doing a job previously served to 4 year terms from 2005 to 2013 while the election is
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being held. following the death of president, if any. but i, you see, in a helicopter crash last month and south africa as a governing african national congress says it is open to coalition talks with any other political party. and that's after it failed to secure another parliamentary majority. in wednesday's general election, the party has been in power since the end of apartheid 3 decades ago. with nearly all ballast count to the amc has taken just 40 percent of the vote. and that's down from 58 percent percent in the previous election. and china has successfully landed its latest on mand craft on the far side of the moon. the chinese 6 will collect samples from beneath the lunar surface, using a robotic arm. and a drill an officer with his, his next mm
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. the just wondering and not with the building of the americas. i would be amazing if we found a native american connection. wow. the must be somewhere. the the ancestors of native americans in siberia. no. wow. how many scholars that you're measuring like this? all of them? because they charge the, well, they look very well preserved. so has anybody done to any on any of these? okay, so we could potentially be,
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i mean these could be related to native american in systems. right. and there are tardies, so i found your card. yeah. yeah, oh you're good. how are you? is every single case. good. good. so your visit? connect to 3 months past night? yeah. that's the main reason. i mean, i'm trying to find the and sisters of the 1st americans and you know, they should be somewhere in siberia. right. well, oh wow, i guess. yeah, yeah, yeah. pretty mcdaniels. yeah. okay. the task of memphis, which was caught, caught the by humans. yeah. is there any of those sites where they have found truman material? i mean, besides most, ha, i mean, is there any sites like this? but whether it's also human remains found. i think it's a younger site. sure. also we're very close to search. it sounds like you had to be from human remains that because i know about the honest side,
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but i do yes. so yes they hear from human remains. what about 10? 15 is people's. i mean, if you're talking about another ty yana remains, i mean is, is it a general? like is it like in america? there's nothing like in america how, how, how is the situation with indigenous people being upset? no is i never showed somebody do, says that to reduce thompson good, bad for them. during this time, all in virginia was people as a go through the soviet schools. all children are collected from tundra, from forest and brings to the big settlements through the schools. so all of them, and so they have people who spam to at least 10 e as in the school and the story as somebody there. so yeah, 5 is that you think they many of them the piece the they don't
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follow any rules of the ancient tribes of these people. do you think you could get me in touch with this picture will go via, you know, to provide the samples no problems. ok. these might go into a colleague and friend, and we'll be ready to start and the collaboration review, the few guys the whole staff called like how much the same type, some of the civilian. so he was to get through to some hopes in austin walks and he was a pen fox. his plan starts point to n p i c j e s e. a. don't know if we know as
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a future to promotion due to the mental can, which way you will be a see me, a cox cubic talk to think that's with you. i'm what keeps changing as a mazda 6 of youtube us offices in the world. and that's what i 1st thought when i saw your data, is that wait a minute. i as in northern european, northern western europeans have just as much right to these columns as the lead of america doing introducing some hasn't been suggest is going to be continued to please get there before lock sauce boss, who's just fabulously, is clear to us. it's difficult to consume the people's top dot not really on call. we what happens, you know, where did they come from? when did they call and with the kenning mcmann returning to the tribes. right. i think all the try to start engaging with us trying to get the remains back. right.
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so it's just very key for example, but, but the issues, i mean so, so can we put the native americans soon? did you as 10000 just most of all set up with the also like that they actually, you know, this isn't so somebody that came from asia, i mean, and you're going to tell them that the sentence from posts or your p s. was it like that? i mean, i've never said we would give them what the one to see. i've said we're giving them what the beta schultz and think has been buried. kenneth mans been buried and i understand you're interested in looking at spirit k. that's the best human skeleton in the americas. and as soon as you get done with your work, they're going to stick that entire scale it and probably the clothing on it in the dirt. in nevada. peter, you know we have a dispute time. so johnny yet. how do you know it's running buddy to take some time? so if i'm going to be interesting man, but the, i mean it's those,
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i'm good. i mean, i'm going to the pod for sure. we really should not only do things for gaming, but we get multiple samples, you know, from that area. and so candidate has really paid all nice. i mean, that's what's really important. but let's mean, do they know that you're the guy that has put out this? put the european montague theory on the i, they don't know is still fights only bidding the scientific community and the loop as they just as a lie. so you're not going to tell me, no, no, i mean, that would be on the right under these, you know, we're going to sample, but i'm, i'm fine out. you know, choose, which would you, did you is what, what if you get the results right from the st times have gone up just cold enough to the problem. ok, sure is you, man, they are here
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. we're getting close to the, this is in fact only in the 2nd time i have, i'm going to go into the case a while. only student a distance unknown. so there's an urgency to us, you know, and bringing our people home. we think about, you know, financial we came, our tribe continue this journey and it was a lot of questions that we had, i guess a, so was hoping that expensive and kind of go fees, right. to fight for these remains. now we have social issues that we can spend our money better on. we have other things as with other people, you know, other tribes and we're a small tried, you know, we wanted to share with you our history, our culture because obviously not only myself, but other tribal members are tribal leaders, be something we'd like to bring in with the new, you know, an honesty and i know with your history of your science, you know,
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it may change. but right now it's, we feel that it's tolerable. you know, there's a little bit of truth that we can at least trust, truth, entrust is, you know, is a lot you know, sometimes people are coming to our lives for reasons whether we feel it's good or bad normal as we learn from most people. and we feel that you weren't chosen to walk on the path with and that's very important to us. it is the
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you don't know what you're dealing with. and it's scary for us to think about because you know, some of these, some of the remains they're, they're good people, some of them are not so good people. some of them have their met, their medicine in, you know, and women. and there's powers that they were buried with, and you start disturbing that and you know, we have to eventually have to deal with that. when we pass on and, and in this life into the next. we have to answer to that. we have to answer to those on the dusty trail, they have desktop, they can continue on their journey is we would want to and we have to answer and they're, they're probably going to ask us, you know, why were they not good enough to come home? and it's not for other people to understand, it's not for other people to just not up to interpretation,
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but that's our reality that we live it of the right now we're just going to say a quick prayer for sure. and it's very simple. we pray that the spirits are at rest, that they understand that the work is not meant to be harmful. we um, we pray that nothing follows us from here. from our relations. the 4th and 8 dates are far and sick. cubic man from a tile and participant jane of yours for the day so far it is your boss was
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probably came in. so for the 80 minutes i abuse to what you believe in this is booked for $2.00 from say, you know, some of these didn't have opinions to pay on it to me from the tribes were coming. what was that from other places? we have people from all over in nevada, we have the chairman, we have council, we have a tribal members. okay, thank you very much. it's a, it's a great honor for me to, to be here. and the, i'm very pleased that you can see that some of the work we have done with the dna testing have actually helped to getting your answers those back. i know that the many communities has helped me. well, we have always been here. we retain from this land and the for you, i would say it's also been a little bit difficult for me to, to present this data because maybe some of you will not like it. but anyways,
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not that long ago. we were looking at a skeleton remains 24000 years old from the buy top, which is inside the area. and to our great surprise. but we sold the genetically is an individual who is genetic, this anything pots in native american and partly your opinion. okay. and so in other words, it's your opinions that their rice a tomato, americans and the somehow crossing you know, the building a land bridge. i would say this is the best bet at the moment off, off what science can see off off of your industry. so yeah, i just wanted to be honest,
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i didn't want to be like the other scientist that i was just filter with lies and stuff. right. i mean, i mean it hasn't been easy for me standing, i knew that it wouldn't be well received. of course, i mean in the, i knew that, but at least i'm honest, right. about your series. yeah. about your theories. you're going to be honest with us. we've heard those types of things before. those theories change all the time. the
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language was easy. so my gosh, i'm the twins because many i'm and dates. if it is what you did, st coma, 5 opposite beach. afraid to make a likely that mess, process it on at or at the door if it needs to come to you. if i'm in other parts period gave me your name. i think you did sing take us on i think. okay. and do a blue escape or the probate he saw the price of the for spent that both days or would you be coming or what's
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happening? so i will show up to the do event or is more space over spread this way you don't like doing bagel back office to because his name is the who, who thought you makes kate, i mean little that mr. reuben, or did you say to do the misconduct on that girl? thing was the single uh, hold on for di, thoughts for it to come up. be, see, it is a sense increments gold of asked to ask me, see it as a big as a i goes to your bedroom just equally as accurate tech. wait to tell you. i mean, as of the probate as a corporate main menu received, go ahead and finish the movie. of course my in my,
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in the afternoon in the middle of some so you'll receive some physical preset as really purposely as a offer. so some of what was said, 1st thing to be said, dave, to do cool what i saw in north week as a to consider the cost you a quote like uh, as i knew it was locked as a new car. so i can see some somebody get no, i can do from you guys close over here to meet. you mean maybe it's just a coincidence, but i'm, i, i just take care of those guys. so so remains we call it and then sickness. hey donna, i mean just say spiritual sickness or hinge and sickness or whatever,
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you know, these guys were talking about, how much do we believe in that? i mean, of course, on the science system, or are you done with your science yet? are dead there in an interrupted place. you know we, they never asked to be prisoners of science. is there somebody who could help me if there are people out there? i think i want you to talk to somebody. i know of a person who can possibly help you and everything we can try to, you know you don't carry the believe that remains are kind of sacred. yeah. in the to be left alone. so when you do that, the spirit will kinda mess with your mind. yeah. sometimes they do worse things and we've seen that with our geologist. do we see what the answers are?
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stuff done to them. okay. and it's real in our own indian people. they're the ones suffering also because we're not taking care of our ancestors the way we should be . and a lot of them are still in museums and other places where there shouldn't be i'm making a living from doing these kinds of sources, right? this is what i'm doing and, and it's also i, it, it seems to sort of, while i have help getting some of these remains back. yeah. and we tried to help you the best we can. we have things that we can use and keep you to help you protect your spirits and your soul and yourself because you're doing so much good for our people. you really brought these ancient ones home and in our creation legends were made from the dust and the dirt. and when we die, we should go back to the dust and under an or whenever we walk on mother earth,
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we're always walk on on the shoulders of our ancestors. that's turned back to the test. the
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launch source much all the time. i mean, if you're working with thought about this is wrong and so we need to re cool these the, the c team shoot, i'm a new, do you guys for training and they're flop for they need a is causing the pool. is some you fix the, you know, a pretty busy, so it come to show some of your, a fucking you on the top pull a,
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the circuit, the portfolio piece of. so let's do duplicate as a just to some and find the use be quite hard for me to present the preparing this tool. because along this route, i have this interpretation to some of my own findings. basically because i'm in your opinion and is pretty clear that background has affected how i initially interpretations the results. because i assume your opinion must be the only one. the mary test must be the only one. and based on that, you know, i myself, when i'm trip, retrieving my data,
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and i'm taking that to you. and it was 1st when i got a rick evidence which contradict the death. i was like, oh, what have i done? you know, this, this is totally wrong. we can see the display of genre and most far is neither ation. neither you or it's something complete. so when the branches separates into what we eventually becomes your people and eventually becomes what we call agents to be. that was actually a 3rd group of people enriching way, way back in china. and these peoples were the ones that settled, you know, the by concept, the 5 final long time ago. and also 5 or 6000 years ago domesticated the horse and native americans at arriving among other things from
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this group of people. and in that sense, you can say sciences, we always want to present ourselves as being very object to right. but i just have to contribute, at least on my own behalf, when i think i that goes to a lot of my colleagues to, i mean, we are also a product right on that societies have been part of and raced by. and this is also affecting the way you can see, you can interpret the or the latest news as it breaks. the hot fidelity is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all the
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further fits with detailed coverage houses are being forced to the guns they live with the constance. fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well and the gaza strip has led to talk that can go human having position as a huge amount of waste, like close to the factory the there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken, active risks making that boy exceeds her. how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate? catastrophe? this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do that much destruction, you cannot face the consequence. nature is done. i will just see arisen new series dying now or never
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had that. let's get your weather for south america, and we've got a lot of dry weather across that central part of the continent. the west of the weather can be found across the northern quota and the south. and that's thanks to an area of low pressure bringing some wet and when the weather to pots of a southern argentina, some weather creeping up into northern areas, uruguay as well. and when a server is seen some of those showers on sunday and eventually work its way southern rolls into southern parts of brazil once again on monday. says what weather to come here and some showers rushing across coastal areas of brazil with heavier rain across the guy on his and sewer. now there's the weather pushing up into columbia as well. despite that, we're all going to see the heat, build warnings remain across from the west and pots of equitable. in contrast to that, it has been a lot colder, across southern part, lots of the region, but we will see temperatures start to pick up the course that central band from
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monday. and high temperature is a still the story across much of mexico. we'll see them pick up across mold in areas sunday into monday. mexico cities seeing the figures sitting above the average, but it will be some relief to come hopefully on thursday. there's a chance of rain. the june 1967, 6 days the read through the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on. they dropped the ball on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which it still felt today. it was such as the surface of the war in june on outages, era the challenges
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the the hello, i'm a little rock, this is and use our life from to how coming up in the next 60 minutes pressure mounts on israel and egypt to reopen the crossing as desperately needed aid as blocks reaching garza starving palestinians and rescue teams. look for survivors in garza city after is really strikes on a residential complex, killed 3 palestinians, including a child's mexico's had to the poles to pick
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a new presidents with 2 women as a top contenders for the very 1st time. plus.


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