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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 2, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the the the hello i'm way laraca, this is and use our life from to how coming up in the next 60 minutes. pressure mounts on israel and egypt to reopen the crossing as desperately need. a date is blocks reaching garza starving palestinians and rescue teams. look for survivors in garza city after is really strikes on a residential complex, killed 3 palestinians,
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including a child's. mexico's had to the poles to pick a new presidents with 2 women as a top contenders for the very 1st time. plus the terminate the country election. and i'm kind of how much with the sports as well, and the toyota from the kings of europe. but for record extending 15th, that time, well beach enforced adult linda to now and the time is the final at london's when the stadium, the and we begin this news hour in gauze we're pressure is mounting on israel and egypt to reopen the crucial of border crossing talks are expected in cairo between egypt, the us and israel, hundreds of a truck ser, stuck in egypt, and for weeks now food supplies have been riding in the sun after israel to control
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of the crossing last month with a unable to reach the cause of the humanitarian situation is worsening for thousands of on the bull palestinians control over border crossings, especially at alpha, has been a sticking point is ceasefire. talk's mom involved begins our coverage. a set of border crossing is guides us on the plate of access by land that doesn't pass through easily for the policy means it's so vital economy can't humanitarian lifeline. but it's also a symbol of freedom of suffering too easily and has controlled it directly or indirectly. since 1967 even, we need to know states forces. we're leaving gus i 2005, the movement of goods and people to through the crossing. the main subject to easily the approval on the international bull controlling the borders of a 10 or 3 is considered an occupation and follow seniors argue that the occupation
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is that he is on that in conflict with the site or the last month. these are the army to direct the military control of that off crossing is made says it was unnecessary part of its preparations for a full scale invasion of the safety of pro 5 and the final bid to the feed thomas. and as it was just as a groups to move further, complicated efforts to bring desperately needed the humanitarian aid and to gaza and allow people like why didn't emergency medical care to be evacuated outside the facies wsp is calling for all border crossings and crossing points within garza to be open as he is really encouraging and rough or continues of does the state and impact on civilians and our own humanitarian operations or friends of the well food program warren, that there is little the agency can currently do in rough or with stocks. very low and mobility severely restricted that you on the us and egypt have been pushing for the immediate,
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the reopening of that off. i have to come up with sad them crossings. the lots of the south eastern people, the gaza strip, is mainly used by tax cutting to monitoring 8. it's fully on the east side to control a key focus of currencies. 5 talks is deciding the future status of the crossing. egypt is, this policy needs should control, and it is that a lead, add them into a mazda. and as that is, just as a groups should never be allowed to be in charge cleaning, they could use it to smuggle in weapons. while a fits this thoughts, these 5 talks continue policy and say that a station of life and gaza would be impossible without the easily luck case being lifted. how much fun does jo. well, jose and already is a former adoption assistance for administer, any joyce's now from cairo, egypt, a warm welcome sir, to al jazeera, are relations between egypt and israel. since the start of this war on gauze, i have freed. what are some of cairo's key concerns?
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they had of this meeting was when one president biden had a conversation. if one conversation was president the cc a week ago, a day he came to an agreement that the americans would send the emotional security team to keitel in order to discuss arrangements with egypt. and concerning the fact that crossing in fact, there is an american litigation in title a and the looks are going on with the, with, with, with egypt. and some is that he didn't present to them. so i gather in order to uh, agree on any treatments that would be major issues and concerns and tools. i don't even see that is position clearly that it put in agree to open the egyptian side of the crossing. as long as this will prove to the
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but it's the inside. now the, the question, the question is that is it, it should open who owns the land crossings between the slip and the outside world cannot knock on the alpha crossing. and on the other hand, you have to take into account the fact that that is the cut them of a sudden crossing. and that should be working should be open 18 and is 80 or 30. this should allow humanitarian assistance to enter and goes out and hinder. mm hm. so this is the issue of samples ition. and let's wait and see what this meeting probably not that are meeting between who's if they're not of sites and as an aged executives would uh come to. right. i mean, a lot is hanging on this uh, meeting. uh, as i said, the relations are very strained between israel and egypt. so do you expect
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this meeting to result in, in a deal that will see the resumption of the operations at the last off, across senior, specifically, which is a very pivotal, a crossing. as you know and, and, and who would operate it on the gospel side as well as, of course, back in 2005. and so american efforts and efforts the is very easy to buy this thing is and the to be in union game to an agreement on how to operate the crossings. uh, in, in, in does that include in that i 5 crossing and from 2005 to 2007. that had been european observers uh, working with uh, but his cdns, uh, on the crossing. so last week of the european union. uh, talked about providing an agree to revise this agreement. of course agent support this and we hope that the insurance that we have been talking about was
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a good one. take look at the european european observer as back back in a 2 man at least for design b the crossing. but having said that on the but it's the inside of the fact crossing that should, that should be and this vision ship part of you that should be presented. that was the 1st thing. and our daughter g, or a representative of buddies damian's in the gaza strip. that's the zip champ position, and let's wait and see what are what the americans litigation and capital one proposed into meetings taking place right now. i know, sir, it describes the dilemma that egypt finds itself, and at the moment, i mean, there has been a casualty. objection, casualty along the border, how much pressure is there from the public, for instance. a definitely, yeah,
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definitely exemptions. uh am i talking to equations. i have been getting this be, is it a he the, or the other 80 minutes be can be and visit a yeah, aggression in guys uh for the last 8 months. and the assumption government has warmed throughout this period of grief consequences if this war would, would, would continue. and when, when, when, when we lost one soldier or 2 soldiers, toys and 80 fire, the worst fees of egypt and came to be the last on the crown. so of course, uh, this incident of this sad incident that has incident, has had really uh, an impact on the majority of egyptians. and this, the reason why we, we, we, we have supported the, uh, the marks of president biden, 2 days ago concerning uh, the ending of this war. uh, and an actual item that this will come to an end, not only not on the se, by the cdns,
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but also to verify 12 volume cds consequences and not on the, on his junction. is there any other nations but uh on the with the east at lunch. all right, uh jose and all righty. a former egyptian assistant for administer. thank you sir for your time. thank you man. at least the 3 post and use have until then and is really strikes on gaza city. the victims include an infant rescue workers are looking for survivors in what's left of the residential building that was hits in the garage neighborhood. as us, the health industry says at least 60 people have been killed since saturday and her name is melinda joins me know. lar from there, but in the central gaza. what more of do we know what happened in the striker heavy? the, the,
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it's like that will since the early hours of this morning, i know what it looks like. send an extension of the over not a talk. so across the gauze, us or that seem to be more concentrated right now despite these really withdrawal from the northern part. the air is twice continued to pound across gauze, as it'd be mainly in areas where people were told to go to either coming in from the northern part or from the eastern part of gods as if the neighborhood including a part of the main road that divides guides us it into 2 main parts. that's a july road where not only 3 people were killed in an air strikes and a residential building, but also a journal. this was gold of the late hours of last night along with her family members. that includes the, the further casualty caused by these villains, less ears, right, than just within the past hour reports of renewed or tillery showings on air strikes and a joint, a talk in the west run the sun, the eastern, a northern eastern part of gauze. did us as they to a neighborhood where there's really monetary is still operating aggressively in
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this densely populated area of this new. let's not forget, there's so many people who did not leave garza and the northern partners so far. they have been herded by the ongoing attacks and by these sharp evacuation orders are from one place to another and really concentrated right now in the areas that supposedly to be safe, only to get bomb and killed by those is really air strikes. meanwhile, in run by city, there's really military is bombing the entire city equally. and what we're looking right now, the update that we received, the american field, the hospital, the western part of the city had been ordered sharply to evacuate and suspend all operations by these really military. this is, seems to be on a preparation for days with the military. why then it's a tax to include areas that are supposed to be safe, not only for display families, but for international organization and particularly health care facility to charitable health care facilities to provide. 9 it's not necessary health
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intervention for casualties and for injures who need it. the most right now, on top of that, the artillery showing and the resort continued to destroy the major parts of neighborhoods, including guns, janina neighborhoods, as well as the ongoing bulldozing a raising of. i'm whole chart, land and public facilities, an infrastructure, a day strength and the northern part of the city. her name is mojdeh reporting from there that i had guys, i thank you so very much. i us, and the children of gauze are being denied basic essentials of life, like food, water, and health care. and dozens are dying from malnutrition and dehydration as israel siege of the strip prevents life saving aid from reaching those who need it the most. and then the amount of time groups save the children, says a 3rd of children under the age of 2 are wasting away, thought of was own reports. now from there is better and you will find the images in his reports, disturbing. the wrong just seen has leukemia and needs and treatments approved
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as well as will and located ongoing. so is this something that his mother can only watch as his son's condition was said, ask um one of my sons, who dodge was a new boy. he was a very good student. he fell sick 2 months ago, i took him to the hospital and they diagnosed him with the leukemia he comfortable and started using a wheelchair 2 weeks ago. he is in constant pain. we give him a dose of morphine to relieve his pain and to let him sleep, you know, lives on pain killers. yes, c is also suffering from malnutrition ox the hospital endeavors, but he's not load the amount nourish children everywhere here. and doctors say it can't cope. there is no food, no food, no roberta, hill surfaces or the business thread. the city is still more complicated,
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uses view and says children are solving as, as well, continues to look at the entry of humanitarian aid into tones. according to the you on more than 20 children, have deluge of mount nutrition in the north alone and 31 percent of acutely malnourished as a result of as well as will restriction that completely contradicts international load goals. and so again, the frank assignment of small nutrition among palestinians continue to spreads. so foster, due to the lack of all kinds of basic humanitarian and medical supplies with disease and even money. fission. a deadly combination. tar recognizing algebra, arizona, palestine. 7 the 3 countries mediating ceasefire talks between him, austin, israel, have released a joint statement, urging both sides to accept
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a ceasefire proposal announced by the us president on friday guitar, egypt and the united states are calling on them to finalize the proposed statements saying that these principles brought the demands of all parties together in a deal that serves multiple interests and will bring immediate relief to the long suffering people of gaza and the long suffering hostages and their families. and it goes on to say that the deal offers a roadmap for a permanent ceasefire and ending the crisis. and israel's, what happens is due to convene in a few hours to discuss that possible, sees fire deal with him. us will be as rarely, governments, as you know, has banned al jazeera from reporting israel. so am on con is in the jordanian capital a mont, with war on the meeting. or the war cabinet is divided. you have many gallons and you have the defense minister. you are glad who have long been talking about applying for the day off now, but again, this has reacted to is ro, uh,
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to the us presence for our proposal. he says it needs to be started. it needs to be looked at. he's effectively hedging his bets. we haven't netanyahu aid who's been speaking publicly. he says, look, it's a bad deal, but it's something that we do need to take seriously. so if there was a crystal ball and if the political analysts had access to that crystal, they'd probably be talking about some sort of compromise deal the allows them to accept. well, uh the us president joe biden proposed, even though he framed it as in his rate proposal. so maybe that will be that the they will agree to the 1st phase of that. and then they say if that goes well, then we'll do the 2nd, then we'll do the 3rd. but they won't agree to a 3 phases at once. remember israel's position from providence, benjamin netanyahu is absolutely no permanency spot until they goals have been met . come ask you the reaction that they're willing to look into this. and so it's
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going to be interesting because external prices are also building on the weak covenant. uh, there was a huge protest in front of you last night. we're looking about a $120000.00. he's right. he's out on the streets next. it violates suggesting that the fighting deal needs to be taken. that's something that the war cabinet, the people within the war cabinet simply call to go. it's public sentiment. but prime minister benjamin netanyahu still has his secret weapon. he still has those far right. ministers who have threatened to pull out the government if he accepts the deal wholesale that's being proposed by a job. i think he also knows that if he can come up with some sort of compromise, they'll remain within the coalition and he'll remain in power. so a lot of negotiations to come according to a lot of people in his reading media, political commentators and the search. it's due to be
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a very uncomfortable will cover research. this reminder, again, this really government has bound al jazeera and that's why we are reporting from outside israel and plenty more had the on the news. our include a, it runs for president and i moved, i'm a did a job registers as a possible candidates in elections this month. and china's defense minister uses a regional security for him to issue a warning against taiwan independence. the was around 100000000 mexicans have begun voting to pick a new president. more than $20000.00 political and administrative posts up for grabs. security and integrations that are seen as the top issues for voters to run up to legal action was marred by a number of incidents of political violence all for the 1st time in mexico as
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history, the 2 front runners for the presidency. our women, which is 0, is latin america editor to see a new and reports from mexico city mix, it goes to eating presidential candidates, have owners just the incoming except for their gender. if they see it is up to 61 year old cloud, the shame balm vows to continue in the footsteps of mexico's coverage populace president. she would expand his programs, aimed at reducing the privileges of the wealthy. in favor of mexico's have not well got a boat in the maggie. oh, our program has aim to overcome the old free market model and start writing a new chapter of more all economics. this under the leadership of our best president in history. and that is monroe lopez, whatever she is endorsed by president lopez, the lord is popularity remains high. thanks for his social programs. critics fear
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she will be the clue of a president menu, choose a being authoritarian. she was chosen by the president. so there is no really concrete changing power. is that computer t of what started in 2018 so to the guy, this is also 61 but grew up in poverty. the former senator is noteworthy for being a self made business woman with strong indigenous roots. she's really the mexican dream of social mobility. and so it was obvious to so many, many people, still parting perhaps with myself that she was the best available candidates. the database is outspoken about the rise in organized crime, violence, corruption, and the enhanced role of the military under lopez over that. or she's leading the coalition of 3 largely discredited parties from the center to the right. although
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she herself is not a member of any one of them, no, my governments will have no grace a priority than the safety of you and your children. that's why i will give back the results as to local authorities that this government took away. both candidates described themselves as feminist, yet neither one has made women's issues or mexico's very high friend, the side rate, a key point in their campaigns. but one thing is clear, mexico's next president will be a woman. and that in itself is a change. how much of a change is far from clear? lucy and human, i'll just sierra mexico city. and we took to the streets of the capital to gauge what issues are most important to mexican voters and how they feel about to women going have to for the presidency, the most important equal i am is n s o l complete got a one, then we'll credit you guys for i think one,
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so press because no see us in the in the us and look it up to say is if you invest x and you'll see got some of your spittle and my skin up with good samples. then we took a look over your mind, mazda, what do you guys put on the list for, for the, what are you thinking of the mixup with the, about this presidency? i live, my prof. width is booth you said your, you say your legal yes. the capacity is good for the what is up with a 5 biased place of the board get they will get the get, get it all the way in the way of with the government or get there would be a side of noise. yes. all in going on. all right, we love it is acting director at the wilson centers, mexico institute, and she joins us now from mexico city event. a welcome to alger 0. mexico will have its 1st ever female president. how significant is that contextualize that for us?
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says story moment for mexico's history and reality, even though there have been women presidential candidates in other electoral cycles, not really had the opportunity of becoming mexico's president. and so not only is this electoral cycle historic because of the large number of positions up for election, but because of mexico, it's set to unless it's 1st female president, now whoever wins the election will inherit a country with skyrocketing levels of violence with high levels of immigrants trying to transit but also now staying in mexico with an economy that slowing down according to the i, a map, mexico set to only grow by 1.4 percent lila. and so these are some of the real issues that the next president of mexico will have to address immediately when she comes to office on october 1st. and while the attention is rightfully placed on the presidential race congress, the $500.00 congressional deputies, the
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a $128.00 senators, their upper elections, the way that congress is composition ultimately. and so, you know, constructed by a certain percentage of the opposition and the governing party will really dictate what the next president is going to able to achieve during her 6 year term. and so, you know, mexicans have already gone to the ballot box to, you know, make exercise their right to vote. and a lot of people here in mexico believe that democracy is also on the ballot given the deep democratic deterioration that has been registered under the unload ministration. layla now and before you tell us about what the 2 candidates roughly are, are running on. i want to ask you about the violence around this look toral campaign, which you know as an outside or appears. you know, a shocking how do you explain that 6 to bring them in, then there's one rollover. so right door security strategy hubs. not bullet has really not so mexico, since security problem. i mean, during his tenure, more than
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a 180000 homicide have occurred. there's $10.00 to $11.00 women that die every single day because of their gender. $37.00 or more journalists have been assassinated under, under his administration, and more than $35.00 candidates have been killed during this electoral cycle. and so there's been a real absence in terms of the state being present, not only ahead of the elections, but also just nationally, mexicans prep, mexico's president has really sort of focused on the preventative side of security . and having taken a very confront confrontational strategy to combat transnational criminal organizations. and so therefore, we entered this electoral cycle with an incredible number of assassinations. and something that will continue to occur is the next president doesn't adopt a different security strategy. and so that does make the question about, but it's a say for voters to, to cast their ballots. i think it depends on,
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on the state that the voters reside. and uh, there are certain states like jeff asked me to look on um, get riddle and others that are very hot spots and that even criminal organize, uh, groups have not allowed the national electro institute to install pulling stations in several of these areas. and so for many mexicans, it will be an extremely been challenging situation to go out. and so many perhaps may not be able to do so for this, for the, because of the conditions that i just mention. but hopefully, the majority of mexicans will be able to go to the ballot to, you know, vote for whoever they believe will topple mexico uh forward. especially at such a critical juncture for the future of us mexico relations. given that every 12 years us and mexico elections coincide and so whoever wins today is really going to dictate how mexico well, you know, become either closer or distance itself to its north american partner. very consequential elections in mexico. i love bed acting director at wilson centers and
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mexico institute. thank you so much. thank you, lela now yvonne's former president of my mood. i'm doing a job is making a comeback. bid for the upcoming presidential election. is one of the most prominent candidates to register for the elections set to take place on june the 28th. and then a job previously served to 4 year terms from 2005 to 2013. and these elections are being held because the presidency from recei uh, died along with 8 other people in a helicopter crash last month. and i'll just there is, uh, we have some joyce as life now some tear ron um, ali for presents. i'm gonna do to just throw in his hat into the ring. what are, what are his chances as well, in fact, controversial presidents also a controversial candidate. this is not the 1st time i think the job is applying for
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candidacy because any are on the have to apply for candidacy. then the guardian concert, accepting applications, then the approved to or somebody in a job or did they apply twice once in 2017 and the 2nd fund, the last election 2021. in both cases he was the fuse. of course, i'm of, you know, job the 3 there was the president is different from i for the just the candidates because now he is on different terms with his obligations isn't very critical. and of course, this makes him and we have all the kind of in a position to figure in the radian political spectrum. however, some of the jobs that pop out of houston raising, he has a rates in the country. and that's what you know, what makes him a police according to one of the full is conducted by the most of the university of intent on leaving the uh, the, the falls with out on 53 percent of the votes. uh,
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i cordell of course to 1100 people who i would ask. so yeah, i'm the judge wants to be the next president, but it doesn't seem that his chances are big to be approved by the guardian. cons. talk us through the process of how erewhon goes about picking a new president. it was after the death of president fry, you see the announcements of the next election. and that was, i mean, we never know that from the 28th of june. now people are applying for the candidacy around, so that's if people are applied over the past few days out. of course we have tomorrow for the last day at for the sound of the season long then i loudly johnny a full my speak out so. so i need it for my diplomats and also i the reason i was a county mayor of to have on several people who are well known, of course that does one ladies already and
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a young who applied also for the for the candidacy. however, now after tomorrow is deadline, the guardian console is going to study all the applications and then the applications are going to be vetted and we have a find a list to find the list will be competing almost among each of those of the week after the announcements off the list with thoughts watching the debates on the national tv among the, among the candidates. sometimes the election would be on the 28th of june. i was want to, i have some reporting from there. ok. thank you. and voters is, sir, we are heading to the polls as well for municipal elections, including a re run vote in the capital belgrade and the rerun is taking place after allegations of fraud and irregularities. martha last vote in december present to alexander which it shows right wing serbian progressive party is favored to win
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and yellow now, let's know which has more now from the capital bell. great. the central south because the local elections in serbia is rather the opposition can challenge the ruling. serbia and progressive party, which rules in almost all cities and municipalities in serbia. the serbian progressive party is hoping to gain $85.00 or more out of 18. 9 local governments units, while the opposition is hoping to gain at least one, these are city. we are talking about the local elections, but they're only far to may national political issues, the central topics or the election campaign. the whole election procedure is best thing with the oppositions. dissatisfaction with the election conditions and the new elections in belgrade were called at the request of the opposition due to the manual relations and few regularities they recorded in the previous selection.
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since december. this was also confirmed by non governmental organizations. also, today's elections are pressing with dozens of irregularities reported. improvements of the election conditions was soaked to both of us. while the government is claiming that the elections are held in a democratic manner. the opposition says that there is no real progress in the efforts to improve the election conditions. due to such conditions, far sales to the opposition decided to avoid the election and is out time for the weather here is carol had low, the south asia continued to swelter under the extreme heat over the weekend, not just across moving parts of india, but also pakistan down in the south, people was looking to the beach to try and escape those high temperatures and humid conditions. now the numbers aren't as high as it was last week, but they still sitting went above the average for this time of year,
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across moving parts of pockets down into the north west of india. 45 degrees celsius in the whole. that on monday, it will be new eastern areas on tuesday that we'll see those high numbers. we got some album warnings out for the heat for the show, but also for some thunderstorms that if i show you the satellite image, you can see the monsoon rains that are crept across into carol, up towards the north east of india. s, as in very wet weather to come here, we have got some amber looks out for those thunder storms on tuesday. i move thunder storms are set to roll across 7 pots of china, bringing some intense rain across regions that have already been flooded. hong kong will see those thunderstorms monday into tuesday, and it will be a legacy of showers remaining for places like ty, one. if we have a look at the 3 date, there's some improvement for ty pay. we could see light rain on thursday. as so head here on al jazeera with no party winning a clear majority in south africa, the governing amc looks for coalition partners. i just wanna go in,
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lemme and catalonia, where farmers are finding new, ingenious ways of dealing with droughts and history made as the usa host, a global cricket tournaments for the very 1st time. that's coming up next, stay and sports the . the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me kids and the hatred of jews. because the country is honest and it's not about use, it's about teacher and we need to talk about design is a listening go special on of just the latest news as it breaks here. that being
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event basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth. it's been under heavy ariel from above and to months. now the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which you'll see here is a catch of muscles of the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out and just for hours the the, [000:00:00;00] the washing out, is there a reminder of our top stories, this,
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our pressure is mounting on israel and egypt to reopen the crucial off border crossing to allow 8 deliveries and cigars on more talks are expected in cairo, between egypt to us and israel. at least 3 palestinians have been killed in an is rarely striped on. gosh, i cities, the victims include an incense, the desktop all across the gaza strip. so saturday is 60 at around 100000000 mexico. so have begun casting their ballast at pick a new president more than $20000.00 political and administrative posts are also up for grabs. security and immigration. are seen as the top issues for voters. the south africa is governing african national congress. the agencies says it's open to coalition talks with any other political parties as an after it's failed to secure
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another problem. entry majority in wednesday's general election with nearly all ballast counts with the amc has taken just 40 percent of the vote. that's down from 58 percent in the previous election. we've been talking to because the election did not give us out the majority of the effect. as we had things that's new york media connected via an individual. i saw you in the cues punching the life change change change the most of you. we've got it. we don't on the media. even after i did advise you are using very harsh with the amc has been looked at out and, and all of that went up with the out. we saw fox hit that, but when i looked out the down but not out,
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let's go to our and we test that was live for you in durban, where m k, a party supporters are celebrating their success. and i see there's a cookout day in place behind. you can the and see kind of deal with the former president of jacob's whom is m k party the. well, here it's a place to me, the name case from most people celebrate to the fact they pocky did really well in here are some of the, you know, in some parts of the world, the cold, the barbecue, in south africa, it's called a bribe. but of course, people are talking about the whole issue and so once they could look like and can't participate as it said, they would never ever pull the coalition with the amc and as president to wrap up with that resides with the n. c time still have options, for example, do us whatever is a party as it is willing to work with the and see, but it won't compromise and things have just flat expropriation, for example, the secret also put together their lives with smaller parties, try and put in the government,
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they have 14 days to do so when official results are now and what has the m k party been saying about these remarkable results? well, the late your commission plan to announce the final results at 6 pm local time on sunday that 16 t and t jacob's theme of the leader of the n k has said to you in a trophy. so, do not rush to announce these results because they will be trouble his party at more than 20 either beautiful parties. i need to go through doing that once the issue is address before these results announced at m k participation. feel that the laser permission has been compromised, they've shown it themselves, or they have compromised themselves. these auto pins is launch in the monday is the monday does one and you have to allow complains.
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if to allow objections you have to attend to pay for the set dolphin can do for test the people to avoid date for their part due for their particular practice. in this case, what i'm going to assume or do want to see is our voice being active on eyes on the nature permission, 6 pm local time, sunday 16 t and t with a 6. the amounts of final official results in case support is losing going across the country to watch. those is actually very close to waiting for directions from check and see if he's not happy with the outcome term with us. uh for us, a reporting in durban, where m k party supporters are celebrating the results. thank you. let's take a look now at where the parties stand. the a is, sees the tally currently stands at a fraction of a 40 percent. that will have to seek
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a coalition partner. so across the 50 plus one percent threshold needed to form a government to the 2nd place. it's the democratic alliance with over 21 percent of the votes and former president jacob zoom as m k. party has shocked pundits. are coming in 3rd with just over 14 percent. it's running ahead of julius malayna as economic freedom fighters parties, the e f. s and forth place where the around 9 percent william the media is the executive chairperson at the democracy works foundation to join us now from western cape in south africa. welcome back sir. um, and tried territory amc did not secure majority. who can they do deal with? what are their options? so no, thank you for having me as a customer that i'm you know, yeah, and see now we'll have to make it a very big this isn't very, very quickly because it's not gonna know what to do. next is $4000000.00 is only 40 days to put together
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a combination of the common so many options are bottom full options. you know, the one option extra have a competition where the phenomena freedom fighters is a really popular selection of spotty. and that has made the models of start chairs and nationalization of state to own companies and so on. and they also wanted to finance ministry and possibly the deputy presidency. so last along the 2nd one, these 2 to involve jacobs, who am i, the agencies, former president of the company is former presidents in a television and south president jacob as again east parties intake. i'm going to research right now. he is the mom that i'm bets out. i'm a president of the closer designs. this is one condition and the 2nd big condition is a president. so partly because you know, jacobs numa will be eating 40 orders for just a 100 charges of corruption and condemned rock of deity. i know you have to, you know, and he,
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the price is interpretive. so i knew joe joe sentence. den nancy option for you, you know, 3 and so you to go with a much with a centrist accommodation is the multi part charts, accommodations by the name of policies and by the democratic alliance, which is a big yourself, it's impossible country just going to set on 21 percent. and then secondly shows i haven't caught it pretty than positive hassle. sort of has it strengthened cause a lot of talk problems. you know, that's one of my or 6 i, i changed a couple to get of the problem for the a see a, the, you know, that i split between, you know, to be few is the i is your want here is to go back me up at the top of alliance, so i mean that sounds good and, and i'm not here to go what i think, i think the lines multi policies child to a combination. i know that i'm a polls. i couldn't, and as i understand, i was kind of
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a open today where they need to go with a most most interest pro, business pro, market pro reinforcing program it's democratic alliance and mostly parting shot for that. so that's the sort of reliance. but today he is golf course back and then he see is deputy a person as the deputy message from us the to this is, you know, me as a group. there's lots of much more of less stress economic freedom fighters. and perhaps we'll have some financial policy so that really easily agent will have to decide. the problem is that presents for them is, is very weak at the moment. he's being blamed for the answers for you here to get to the majority. so he doesn't have strong bargaining power and because it has, it doesn't have strong binary poles at this moment. it could be a really big dilemma for the amc and it isn't. it might mean there's a good because opponents,
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who are paying for the sort of less task popular sponsors that are, that you could almost see and vices this on my, when i'm today. all right and tried territory. william go made a executive chairperson at the democracy works foundation as always, thank you so much for waiting and picture us and voters across the european union is a 27 member states are preparing to take parts in the blocks. parliamentary elections falls open on thursday and populous parties are expected to make big gains in france. a strong showing by money depends the far right national riley party. this week boost her hopes for the french presidency in 2027. and that is something worrying her opponents as natasha butler reports from an northern france, a lorraine, the pen rally in northern fraud in a buoyant mood did. so p s y, a fall right on to immigration policies,
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leading opinion polls ahead of the u. election in the country, all ideological victory must become a resigned and indisputable political victory on june 9th. and to achieve this phone, we need to send as many pictures. i'll take members as possible to the european parliament meeting, the national riley's campaign, jordan bardello, the pins, protege, the rising political stock, which i want to see on june 9 when the results announced that differential are open to ways to an alternative by choosing political leaders who love and respect them. at $23.00 bought the was elected as an emmy pay at $28.00. he's taking the pens polity to new heights. yeah. and he is law nationalist message is the same, but his youth is attracting young good faith to the most. i like his ideas on your, his vision, his immigration policy. he has pressed ideas that being with today's reading problems and definitely said,
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he's someone who understands young people and politics isn't always accessible to people like us. so it's good to hear how he wants to improve friends. winful independence policy in the election. st phones could bring her closer to fulfilling her main political one position, coming from the french presence, emanuel macro called run again in the 2027 french presidential election. someone the if a swing to the fall row i told you 9 could be a taste of what's to come in from, particularly as macro as liberal e u. candidates or liking, follow behind the pins. all this prompted the president to issue a warning on a recent visit to germany. no to off with us years on, on the wall and so then the communion. now europe is not a supermarket, l. europe is not just the place where we have common rules. it's a set of values of culture and of individual and political freedom. a settlement of centuries holds us together. yeah, of installation health and immigration,
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all major concerns to many voters in the u. a war the blocks doorstep adds to a sense of in security. the pen used to want to pull from out of the european union . now she says, the best way to change it is from within. my call may talk about a window of extreme sweeping the you about the pen dionte wouldn't blowing is the one in her sales. natasha butler. i'll just sarah and obama moved in from china's defense minister, has issued a warning to taiwan against pursuing independence. don jones said to anyone who back this will across end up in self destruction as comments that a security summit of single port come as concerns are growing about china's military activity around the island. included exercises carried out after the inauguration of ty wants. new presidents and patrick bulk has no more for a single for of the dungeon. salt about
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a new security partnership. the safeguards in the region, essentially one that is determined by the region itself and referencing the us and its efforts to build alliances as a deterrent against the use of ministry force. he said good schools, goals, targeting other countries, the trees wouldn't make the region safe. i usually have to buy fly rewards on, so i want you said it was a st. good issue for china and say for the, for the chinese military. i mean i used to tie one's lead is all trying to achieve independence. ink for mentally. he said that this was a betrayal of china and a betrayal of the ancestors. and he said, and he said that they would be nailed against a pillar of shame, all things, perhaps. so we would expect to join, does it say on taiwan? but again, it highlights just how serious an issue this is for beijing. he also touched on the south china sea and to on his disputes with the philippines and the cues,
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the middle of all the pilots in laws and breaking promises and again, referencing the us without mentioning and by name. he said the minute of was being in bowls and by other countries and that that was of limits to how restrained it could be and it's time now for your support here center. thank you very much and layla well around the druid champions of europe for a record 15th, a time, the spanish giants. it'd be for she, i don't mean that to now. and the final high full set was at wembley stadium and london for us to teams with a shed and vision, but very different champions, league histories since pursued to have been lost, reach the final and 2013 rail madrid have won the title on 5 occasions. it was a german team, dominated the 1st off at london's wouldn't be stadium another huge to, to re, i'll keep it simple. close was. is it to stretch on more than one occasion?
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so sorry about that rail wound up in the 2nd half, it's gross. so the gross playing his final game, so madrid pulls the 1st se, some documents keep the regular cable, but he could do nothing. when defend a done a carve, a house, turned in across corner to put rail one little up with 17 minutes to go. the this is junior, then put the result the on down the and the 80 to admitted to the final school. really good champions of your for risk would extending 15 time and 15. perfect. there's a lot of sit on top of you from marie. yeah. wow. it's a, i was very, very happy i. i've never seen it live. it's my 1st time seeing a life,
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plastic, plastic madrid when. yeah, for me is very special because i'm reading the funds from diaz years ago when i was so gape and the baby also. but yeah, for me is especially a moment competition the gave to me fantastic happiness. as i play out as a manager and i have deluxe to be the best club in the match, didn't quite go according to the script. the results certainly did. real madrid haven't lost the european final since then. it will be in 1981 more than 40 years ago. but don't minutes the case of what might have been that 27. you wait for a 2nd champions, the trophy continues, are you close it out? a 0 wembley stadium in london? it was also the conquer coffee equivalent to the champions. the final on saturday as mexico's which was the one the champions caught before or 6 times as far as a beat,
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and the less raining champions columbus quotes we now to maintain their undefeated rep for the final on the pavement. each saw solomon rhonda underscoring the when i did the 3 sense that me to come to the 2025. welcome did elementary school these 12 a goal of the season. as these eastern confidence leading into miami came from to goes down to jo spc with saint louis. it was his last and the last game of the season before heading to the call that mary codes argentina, which starts later this month. it gets fine, takes the french open, title defense continued and blistering fashion as she overcame out of size. yeah. for the full but with the double bagels. big $36.00, love 6, love it. well, number one is looking for, for french open title and easy pro question to the quote. the final is here. i few drops just 10 points for watching the opponents submitted to 19 unforced errors and all is the 2nd time in the grass. them best buy a tech has one without losing a game, doing the job here in just
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a minute. another quota for each of the same by there was a 3 or 4 questions to through the, in the zone. and i wasn't really looking at this course so i just, you know, continued, so you mind gammon working on the subject, i want it to work on. and yeah, it was pretty quickly, pretty weird. stay on tags. so it will be joined by said to coco golf in the course of final se american beach. it's it is elizabeth stuff. hope you have a great set. us open champion, gulf flu, take on the window of the match between a silver and then most flight for the safe and loss. so the deal coverage also kept these types of defense. i live off the late nights right now are all engulf the will. number one that came through 5 sets epic against lorenzo. was it just a joke of its full back up from 2 sets to one down to when 756726636 of
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that 3rd round that started before 11 pm. and, and it just office 3 in the morning, the local thomas house, making it the latest finish. and tournament history is he 20 woke up is officially underway, and co host usa have got off to the perfect start. is that the 1st time hosting the farm and to and it is the 1st time taking part as the sport aimed at to grow its global footprint. and there were fireworks on and off the field in texas as our in jones smashed 94 of just the 40 both to lead usa to 7. we could, 5th street, west indies are also hosting the tournament. they play against super new guinea later on sunday. now to some boxing engines, he pulled off the biggest when of his career as he knocked out the on to was are and they're heavy weight fight in the re out. the tiny is a fighter. last sees in tim heavyweight title belts. it shows us that profit in
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march for the 41 year old is back on track off the landing a huge white. okay. and the 5th round that eventually so while the hit the show while the set up but missed account is the american 4 feet and 5 bytes leading feature of the split ends of the spot from a 100 bucks the layla. thank you so much. i greatly appreciate it. now the china has successfully landed its latest unmanned craft on the far side of the moon. chang e. 6 will collect samples using a robotic arm and also a drill to collect material from beneath the surface. here's your pnc peaceful digital is the 1st time in human history, there's been emission to retrieve luna samples from the fall side of the moon if tiny science to succeed in obtaining, leaving the samples from the false site that will be numerous technological achievements. this represents a significant advancement for us, but also poses
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a substantial challenge to let you know you know as well. and are you up to speed on layla, iraq on behalf of all of us here. thank you so much for spending this part of your day with us for news coming your way in a moment. the i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all those refer not to the i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse to make a round, peck, and also viet time when on the power of political lots, what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted, want to on? i will, jersey around these call, choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative
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solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life and all the stages we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we become about to on we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserves to be treated equally. we are in the footsteps, our ancestors. whatever has been done before, can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear. ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world,
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100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hub. and so it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with come from does the pressure mounts on israel and egypt to reopen the alpha crossing as desperately needed. aid is blocks from reaching garza starving palestinians. the rock. this is all just 0. live from joe. how also coming up rescue teams look for survivors in garza city after is really strikes on a residential complex,
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killed 3 palestinians, including a child. mexico said to the goals to pick a new presidents with 2 women and as the top contenders for the very 1st time and


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