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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours. the close to 100000000 mexicans had to the pose to choose a new precedence. to female candidates, go head to head boats as much 5 volumes, the periodontal, and this is all just here. a lot from the also coming out is rose. um, a car is out multiple strikes across gauze, or at least 70 palestinians a till the latest rounds of boxes. the pressure continues to
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mount on israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is defined as wall cabinet meets yes. again, discussed the latest cause of the safe spot proposal. and the results are in now the negotiations began. how south africa's amc charts to build the coalition government the beginning and mexico with presidential end. and i just did it for elections have been mowed by finance given at least 2 debts on the opponent, a loan with voting suspended in a town in pueblo state pose have not closed an old but the state of california. well, opposition that presidential candidates and such, you galvis says it's been the most violent campaign season, mexico's history multiple opponents stations was set on fire. the 1st time a female president is expected to be elected as both the front runners,
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the women building, 100000000 people are eligible to vote. oh, that's in america edit. so let's see. newman joins us now live from the capital of mexico city. let's see a we understand that was a higher turn out. so how much that's influenced the result then yes, there was a very high turn out. in fact, there are still some people here to i o as in the capital and in other parts of the country. like can cooling in line, waiting to vote, but it is most of the posting stations, as you mentioned, except in by how california are now closed. and the, if there is a very large turn out, the opposition is hoping that it will do better than the expected. they really need to get their voters out there because the difference, especially for the presidency between cloud, their shame bound the candidate of continuity and search the database, the opposition co ignition can that it is quite large between 15 and 20 percentage
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points. but now joining me to talk more about what this election, this incredibly huge selection you already mentioned, how many people are voting means to the mexican people? it's stephanie brewer. she is the mexico director of the washington office on latin america. stephanie, thank you for joining us. and tell me, 1st of all, because we've been talking about it now for so long. how significant is that? whoever wins will almost certainly be a woman. what does that mean for mexicans? it's certainly historic. and it generates expectations that whoever wins is going to prioritize addressing gender based violence in the country, women's rights, women's equality. and certainly those issues have never been more important. and so, speaking of gender based violence, mexico, unfortunately known for high levels of spanish sides killing of women for being women. those levels of hubbard between $900.00 to a 1000 and according to official figures in recent years, a growing number of women being murdered each year. even those murders of man have
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leveled all the and had historically high levels. thousands of women being disappeared each year, and we do hear proposals from the candidates to address gender based violence in the kids azalea came out and it was a party candidate. and the polls favor saying there will be more women agents in prosecutor's office to investigate crimes saying, all murders of women will be investigated as spanish sides. and yet, at the same time, even if there is a renewed commitment to these issues, it's very difficult to advance against gender based violence or violence in general, within the current framework in which there are so many deficiencies in mexico's security injustice institutions where impunity levels are so high where you have collusion between state and non state actors, those are some of the big issues that are going to face whoever is elected as president today. indeed, and now that you're speaking about the impunity, one of the things that has a lot of people worried in this country is that if the candidate of continuity, cloudy, a shame bound is to be elected as opposed seem to indicate that you will be she has
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about to continue with the platform of the current president and the respond to a little bit slower level, who has been using the military in ways that have many people, including yourself uncomfortable? yes, militarization of policing. mexico really became a large scale phenomenon 3 presidential administrations ago under president called it on when deployed the military and and all out war on crime. that legend spiraling levels of violence in human rights, violations committed by the military. that policy continued under a pretty president's and to be given any of them. and now under lopez over to the board, initially as a candidate, he had said he would demilitarize and yet he has doubled down on giving the military the monopoly over policing passed through the federal level and expanding their role beyond the leasing into everything from infrastructure projects sports and customs a large role in migration control, airports running state businesses. this gives them outside political and economic
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power control over an enormous in growing budget. and it leaves on address some of these issues that really need to be transformed to actually improve levels of security and violence in the country. exactly. and we haven't heard transition bound saying that she is going to deviate in new ways from that policy. well, thank you so much. stephanie will be coming back to later on in the, in our coverage. but right now, back to you in doha, in mexico city for a spanish and even thank but wait till the streets of the cabins engage the public, moved on to the views on 2 women going head to head for the presidency. almost a month ago, i am as in feeling as though they're looking pretty good. okay. well then we'll credit you a good. well, i just think once i'll protect because no see us in the, in the tool the if fed up just say it's just in the fax and you'll see got them on your spit. oh, i must get up with him when we took
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a look over your mind. mostly. what are you that? but i'm the one that pulls up what you think the. the mixup with does not the about this presidency. i live my prof. width uh is goofy. said your you say your legal yes, the capacity is good. bye bye bye. you move forward. get. they will get anyone the get. get off the weight in the way of what the board get the can with that would be a side of noise. yes. all in going on the despite squaring pressure at home and abroad to accept the latest the spot proposal . israel is continuing to strike targets across gauze it. and one of the latest attacks, at least 7 people were killed and it drove striking a call in the central goza. the child was among the victims. they both these and all those who are injured in taken to the hospital,
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which has become increasingly overburdened or on the northern garza, palestinian officials have declared the entire area, including the jump on the refugee camp are dissolved as the rescue workers in the account have recovered at least 120, both these since the end of as well as a 3 week operation that is rarely minute treat has destroyed 50000 homes. next one was one sconces, largest refugee camp in ruins. the palestinians are determined to rebuild all that is most honey, my flute is in the of, of the with more on the catastrophic monitoring situation unfolding in the no, the people who are or able to get back to these area, describing a very dire situation is right now, with nothing left for them to stay in their life for the coming years, we're talking about an area that turn to from quite densely populated, with all the necessary needs available into a waste plans right now,
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including water, well, public facilities. infrastructure health facilities are completely now out of service. whatever is within of these health facility is nothing more than a standing skeleton. nothing more or more to receive bodies that are collected from the streets or removed from under the rubble of maybe the hardest part of what we've seen it from. the northern part is the many bodies are removed from under the rubber is completely deceived. skeletons the cause of children and women and elderly, collected from sites and areas which was very difficult for the paramedics and the civil defense, the crew members and their route to reach to but they are able right now there's a total of at least 70 of these bodies already collected, but the, the inability and the lack of equipment making the job a civil defense to go on the ground the quite difficult. there's still need more, more efforts needed more time needed to remove these rubble and remove more of. 5 his with the reports of entire families that have done missing as well. but the
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worst of it is the complete elimination of, of social services on the ground. the closure of the rafa crossing has crippled gauze, is remaining hospitals, bottled medical supplies comp get to those who need them. and patients in critical condition called these gaza to receive treatment abroad. and all who do reports not from the of all of the hospital has been treating the wounded since the war and cause of the gun. they've been constantly overland. many patients have no choice but to sleep on the floor. and some need help at the hospital is unable to provide . but go no good them apply. i hope i will be treated and that will be cured. so i can go home. doctors here say i might need to be treated abroad. my mother and his father were injured with him, is ready. bomb struck their home doctors here. i thought ok, so i have been able to make him comfortable,
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but to the treatment outside of cause. if he's ever to walk again, a set of most symmetric the but i've been waiting a long time to travel abroad and get treatment. i still hope to get cured to be able to walk, to play with my friends, and to go to school loudly as well as shut down the crossing to egypt until it's open again. patients like them, how much would be able to get the, how they need phase ready locate is also denying causes hospitals. the medical supplies, they need to keep people alive. some patients are worried about what will happen if they don't get proper treatment. put them up a set of vanilla zillow items because of all the disruption i'm afraid that my leg will have to be amputated here in the hospital. there are a lot of wounded and injured people, and the medical staff can't cope with these big numbers. sometimes be, treat my rooms even without anesthesia to do a lot of supplies. a lot of the every day the hospital receives more wounded people, doctors here say time is running out and this is ro,
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doesn't stop. it's located. many more people will die. what are they now? here's the bottom. and then one of the actually, the a more than 21000 critically wounded people in garza, some of them of already died. we age, the free will, and the international organizations to put pressure on israel to open the crossing . they must allow the wounded to travel for treatments, allow medical supplies to come in and allow field hospitals to open. the ref crossing has been closed for more than 3 weeks now, leaving all of these injured palestinians in risk of death. and they turn 18 how situation. this is in the pull, the data locks a hospital cause of palestine. it's a deeply divided, it's very wall cabinets, has been meeting to discuss the latest proposal to bring an end to the will. there's an increasing amount of pressure at home and abroad for israel to agree to a deal. it prime minister benjamin netanyahu is far right ministers of threatened to the top of the government if he agrees to the plat. on friday us present,
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joe biden outline the 3 phase plan to end the war. but he said it was originally proposed by israelis. the families of these rarely captives held in garza his stage, the protest outside, missing all his office in west jerusalem. that's where the war cabinet gathered to meet the weekly protests in israel, according on the government to secure a deal to a ton. the captives as well, his band, i'll just hear from reporting from there, so sorry. all right, so this update from the jordanian capital, i'm not a israel is saying that it won't be having hosing a permanent ceasefire until it completely gets rid of him us. but we have been hearing from the defense minister, he's part of the wall cabinets you i've got, let's take a listen to what he has to say about the post will plan the bill up. lots of i,
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the 1st of all, the security establishment on the my instructions is preparing the governing alternative to how much. while we will isolate diary is removed from muscle operatives from these areas and introduce other forces that to enable an alternative government that will also threaten how much nice talking about. so and alternative group to rule him us. it's not clear what exactly, but he's been pushing for a post will plan as has been. he guns, one of the will cabinet members that has actually given prime minister benjamin netanyahu an ultimatum of by june the 8th. he says he wants to hit well this post will plan is in this is also parts of the proposal, but by didn't had talks about a couple of days ago. but where do we move from here? these riley's and the americans are saying that from us now has this proposal and they're waiting to hear back from them. but then you also have prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i've been told by the ulta nationalists and those far right
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ministers, that they will quit the government, which will result in the dissolving of this coalition government, which prime minister benjamin bit benjamin netanyahu has needed to stay in tip and pals. and then you also have the i la p, the opposition leaders say take the deal, the families of the caps this thing take the deal. i'm inside the piece that don't worry if you take it, we will support you and there's many of the ministers are saying this. so prominent . so benjamin netanyahu is stuck between both sides. but what we do know is that they're saying that they will continue the fight thing until they get rid of him. us, where the 6 weeks in the 1st space phase will be enough, is yet to be seen. but as long as they still deliberates over this, the families of those health captive, there's a 125 of them in the gaza strip. will continue, they say, to pray. it says, i'm cool on the government to take the deal as soon as possible. for me on to again and these where the government has been down to see really reporting from outside the as well. so to come here on the format the,
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the new chat registers for ron's presidential election. but you need to clear major 1st the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his i point by camera where all those refer not to look. i write about what it needs to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up. and us want us to make
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a round page and also via time when on the power of political lot. what are the stories we tell sales about also and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted want to on? i will jersey around award winning program from international assuming, exploring the funds with weld cloth programming programs that open your eyes to an alternative view. on alex's here, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the
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fucking back reminder about top stores this how mexico's the presidential and they just as of elections have been mod, bond audits, or to say to people have been killed at separate coating stations in the state of po, suggest the routing fox is kind of, it's kind of the, a shame them when the presidential at least 7 people have been chosen and is rarely to own striking a con central does it. a child was among the victims that bodies having to take it to the ex ultimately, which is struggling to displace palestinians are struggling to find shelter in the ruins of gauze, and many have been forced to move repeatedly to escape is really palms. so i'm a sheltering in schools that's out of the united nations task intern monitoring reports. in reality, nowhere is safe from israel's war and gaza for palestinian families, displaced by his really palms. this ruined school is the best shelter they can find
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. somebody has previously taken refuge here earlier in the war, but he and many others were forced to flee from these really war machine. but the many were staying in other schools that were supposed to be safe place. and some of these really bump that some people were killed and injured. there were, some, could not get out. we were 1st the fleet to the coastal areas these railways left little behind after their last the time. and it will take a lot of work to make the cool fit for people to live as well. and the don't we found the school completely burned down and had no thank you to bedding, to sleep by god. yeah. when we return to the sound, everything destroyed but i live in 2 volume and that will die here. many palestinians and gaza are forced to be constantly on the move. their homes have long been destroyed, and israel is restricted shipments of aid. now all these families can dare to hope for is a temporary roof over their heads and may be a free for spike from the bombing is
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a while i am with the side displacement is very hard. we have children with us. we have suffered a lot and this is the 3rd time we have had to be displaced from this school. i don't know how i would manage. we don't have money. we don't have possibility. millions of palestinians and gaza are suffering the same fate. a daily struggle for survival that grows ever more difficult as the war rages on. vincent monahan, alex's era, number of people had been killed and wounded in as strikes and the city of lat probably northwest and syria. that's the quoted to city and state media. solves belief within 5 by israel, reportedly hit a number of sites in the town of high hon shortly after midnight. israel has stepped off a tax inside syria in the past months though, it is never admitted. it supports as of as well, have held
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a protest in new york to demand the release of captives being held in gauze. it demonstrates is held up pictures of some of the captives and close on is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reach a cx 5 deal with him as they also condemned racism and anti semitism in march was part of an annual parade to show support for israel the, the south africa is electro commission is announced the official results from wednesday's general election and see which is rule south africa. since the end of a pol, type 30 years ago was confirmed to have lost its majority. for many, the minute reports from the election commission headquarters in midland, south africa, san independence, south africa's independent intellectual commission declares the election, free and fair in many ways that represents a victory for our democracy, a saw the africans. it also represents
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a victory of our constitutional order. but more importantly, it represents a victory for all the people of south africa. but for the african national congress, this little celebrates it, got just 40 percent of the vote for the 1st time in the city us since the end of a, par tate, losing its parliamentary majority a message for the party that it says it's a loud and clear despite is newly formed, i'm going to receive a party u m k. doing well at the polls, winning almost 15 percent of the vote. opponents and full of president of the a and c jacobs. numa is not as accepting. he says the votes being raked, this is what he had to say ahead of the declaration of the final results. people have approval. once we know, i guess we know in why they like
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to die. while they are more than $500.00 objections and $24.00 recounts of plant, the commission says everything's above board and the recount won't change the poor the outcome. while the amc and other parties get on with negotiations to form a coalition government in case preparing legal action and do most threats hava. we can also because this is the efforts of those questions. we can know what the customer wants to undermine the printing preferences and well to disregard the wheels of the people we have held another successful election south africa has 14 days to form. a government for president will be nominated during the 1st sitting of the national assembly, but this uncertainty around what exactly the new governments will look like. the amc and the coalition partner also have several will be able to work together effectively. somebody them a low ultra 0 med rent,
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their ons full of presidents. my food i mentioned the job is making a comeback. bid the upcoming presidential election. he's one of the most prominent candidates to register for the elections set to take place on june 28th. and the jazz previously says 2 full year times from 2005 to 2013 elections are being held off to present abraham racing. 8 on the people were killed and a helicopter crash. and also i'm certain, once you start to like each other, i'm the most and patient motivation and go for me is to focus on solving people's livelihood problems. this can be done by improving the country's economic situation and the business environment ending economic rains and monopoly and limits and interference of the government's policy is to remove obstacles and opened up as much as possible for entrepreneurs and create a platform for the development of domestic and foreign investment o d, but all your tuesday. so it'd be, as routing policy has declared victory and municipal elections. we all positions
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says the irregularities during sunday's vote was just to support a scuffle with police and in northern states, you know the side people in the capital build. great, also costs that outlets the vote. there was a rerun that a poll held in december, so negations of fluids, but then as well, the right wing, so being progressive party of preston, uninstalling the food church, says the with no problems with sundays votes and the cheese opposition party members of a talking. it's activists or sorry that has warranted will take resolute action against any move car without light taiwan attentions continue to prove in the region. the fiery speech of ages i know at the top security summit to sing a pool. ton of defense minister also shared his country's vision of the security from the audience of defense leaders from around the world. patrick felt reports now this was that no dungeons 1st appearance in single post china is defense chief. without that, in his address, he called for new security partnership to safe gone the region, one free from interference,
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referring to us that efforts to build the lines as to the, to really use a full spied vision. you'll also hit out of the us for arming type pay. well, just to use this essentially fuels time when he is independence, ambitions attempting to use, tie one to contain china. these malicious intentions are dragging, tie one into a perilous situation. soon as i bought a dialogue, john has differences with the us with laid bare at the summit. so we gotta frank discussion 6th street lloyd austin earlier accused basing of dangerous harassment against the philippines. but the 2 sides did manage to engage with one another. here. defense chief from both countries spoke face to face for the 1st time, and need to use the last time such a gathering took place that was little more than a handshake between them. this time china says because of its ministry differences with the us, they must communicate with one another. importantly, the 2 sides agreed to open off the military to military level dialogue, further here in singapore, and also to set up
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a crisis communications working group by the end of this year. it's a notable piece of progress considering the low level of engagement the just a year ago, i think is the beginnings of rejuvenating the lights of communication and defense as a girl with the match as between us and china separately. ukrainian president, a lot of me is wednesday made a late appearance at asia's premier security gathering. he said to drum up support for his peace conference, jude, to be held in switzerland's late to this month. here he accuse china of undermining the initiative the ship. unfortunately, there are also attempts to disrupt the summit. we don't want to believe that this is a desire for i'm going to police the power in the world to deny the global community, the opportunity to decide on war and peace at to lead the spot. we're in the hands of one or 2. china is criticize the conference because russia isn't invited and says with that it's participation. it will be difficult for it to play
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a role in restoring peace, patrick sock houses, 0 single people move on our website. i'll just say a dot com, the web that is next then inside story will examine the future of politics in the south africa and see most of the majority for the 1st time just slipping. the the, or hello, the weather does remain very unsettled across the southern parts of china. still plenty of clouds of rolling for you have seen some really big temples. recently, a few more advice to come over the next couple of days to spot the cloud a little further north. we also looking at a fair but a dry weather up towards the yellow sea. by doing the 32 south just remarked as cassy or rogue shabby can see the show was more widespread across southern parts of
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the country, one to 2 shelves inside the korean peninsula. for the move west, show us the into central and northern parts of japan over the next couple of days. as you can see, took care of it around 26 degrees celsius possibility. if the or off the new shaft rolling through the 28th or by jane again, tell us have some what weatherford time of the what's the weather will continue across southern china, slipping down across a good part of indo china as well. some very heavy down pulls on the costs for many good scattering and showers across the philippines, malaysia, down towards indonesia, we'll say, looking at it a good, all scattering a showers across a good pot. so best for lanka over the next day or so, i saw the impulse of india southwest most so it is now in. so we are looking at some heavy right here. the final face to the same applies into bung with dash. meanwhile, help. but notice how with ample warnings for the north west of india, and also august on the
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ancient human remains cold between science and spirituality. both seeking to understand and the owner of those who came before us the danish, scientists, quests to interrogate the dna opi. earliest people in the united states reveals shocking, ethical and personal dynamic remains. a witness documentary on a jersey to a d. i. n saying has controlled politics in south africa for 3 decades, but not anymore. the african national congress has lost this majority for the 1st time since taking power. so what's behind the civic? and how will that shape politics in the country? this is inside story,
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the hello welcome to the program on tell mccray, it's a vote that's engine. suzy. g is a v i n c's dominance and south african politics. but it has dealt


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