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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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across the united states, why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down? why, despite the insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza, the quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, the mexico whites historic results has the country get ready to welcome in the 1st seat of pressed the dog carried on. so this is all just from dave also coming out. israel saw me carries out multiple strikes across concepts. at least 7 palestinians are killed and the latest round the find, the pressure
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continues to mount on israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is divided walk happen, and each you have to get to discuss the latest guns and see spot for post test is gathering solar routing against north career and their recent, sorry, trash kills pollutants. searching across the board, the big in, in mexico, where the poles have closed in votes. so being counted, and the election expected to see the appointments of the countries. the 1st female president, the ruling marina pots. these candidates called the shine balm, and the opposition suits you gals is of the 2 front runners for the top job. chain volume is expected to windows past some of the exit polls that's coming out. election campaign has been overshadowed by violence. well, that's in america editor. let's see a name and joins us now. live from the cap who,
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mexico city this year, while we awaits the official results from the electoral commission, what has called the showing them the same the she hasn't been saying a word, not yet, at least, but the others have been doing the talking. in fact, we are expecting the electoral counsel any minute now to come out with the preliminaries with the 1st preliminary official results. but in the meantime, tele visa, which is mexico's largest media conglomerates, has already forecasts. the cloud as stream bound has won the presidency issues. they've been doing this now for over an hour, although they haven't been giving any numbers at all. both of the parties or positions are claiming victory for the matters position here in mexico city, which is the 2nd most coveted political office in mexico. but again, we cannot confirm any of those in the meantime. joining us now is stephanie brewer,
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the mexico director of the washington office on latin america. stephanie, thank you for joining us. and i'd like to, to ask you while we wait for this official results. what is at stake here, particularly if cloudy a stream bound does waiting because i understand that she would move forward with constitutional reforms at the current president lopez over that load has been trying very, very hard to put through. lots of other has centralized power, has taken steps to weaken some democratic checks and balances has militarized power . but he wants to take this further with a series of constitutional reforms to weaken the traditional branch. we designed the electoral institute further militarize security tasks, whether or not he can do that even before his successor it takes office will be determined largely by tonight's results in the federal congress and whether the ruling party coalition wins. the 2 thirds majority needed to pass constitutionally forms. if they don't meet that threshold, the incoming presidents, we'll, we'll see how they take up that agenda and whether they make changes to strength
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and some of those checks and balances. are you saying that the legislative branch will change even before the next president, just one in? yes, they will change in september and the new president comes in in october. so there's a month that still falls under the current administration of what. and what about the fact that the next president it'd be a cloud issue model or so g data, which is a woman, could that shift in any way? the emphasis on, for example, things like the high feminist side rate of mexico, which is the highest in this hemisphere. well, the candidates have pledge to take steps against gender based violence, certainly against feminist. like value, samuel has presented concrete proposals for strengthening investigations of them aside. whether or not those can have a significant impact. so it depends on the larger structures involved, including prosecutors, offices and investigate crimes security forces behind the country is higher rates of impunity. and to really move forward on those issues, we need to see changes in security. and just as policies
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a d emphasis on military deployment because you can't necessarily deploy your way out of violence in general, much less that of gender based violence and civilian strengthening, a sibling institution. suddenly we need to see in this ration, well, one of the things that everybody's been asking we have as well as who is cloudy, a shame bone because she is so much the voice of the current president lopez over as or is there really much of a difference between them or do we know what the difference really is? well, on the campaign trail, we've heard claudia, sand mount, endorse all of us. what are his policies? essentially? is that a question on everyone's mind as to what extent is she going to be her own 1st and then perhaps change some of those policies? if she wins the presidency, she describes yourself to someone who loves data, makes decisions and implement policies based on data. and that certainly is a contrast to lopez. otherwise, she is someone who has an environmental science and engineering background. she has spoken spontaneously about the need for mexico to be more in multilateral spaces,
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on the climate emergency. she's someone who despite endorsing militarization, did strengthen and take action on the civil and police in mexico city as marriage or so there's reason to think that there could be some differences, but the jury is still out. thank you very much. well, we are still waiting until the also official results to come out so that we will be able to tell you who will be the next president. and also what has been the result of the largest election in mexico history in general, back to you. i see a thanks very much whether it's head of announce it manually rap. hello. who's out to such a gap is, is a campaign h q in mexico city. so what's the mood like where you are of the good to be with the carry. i think the, the anticipation is mounting here at the coalition headquarters in mexico city for such a big gap as the main opposition candidate. uh, it looks a little bit sparse. uh, behind me its uh, at the moment
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a little more press turn out, then supporters. but i do want to talk about that base for so do you think you got it as a little bit um, throughout the course of this campaign, we should know that the very just just the notion of creating the political coalition that such if you've got it it says manage to create this is several political parties here in mexico that would normally not have anything at all in common. other than the, the vitriol that they have for the policies of the vision of mexico's current president. under this monumental piece over that or um, so if, if a, as we were hearing in that previous segment with our latin america editor, lucy, a newman referring to claudia, shane bob, as we're representing the sort of continuity for mexico for. so what you've got of as represents probably the stark is departure from those policies. throughout the course of the day, we have been reporting from several different pulling locations throughout the city . you mentioned in your introduction there kerry that violence, unfortunately has sort of overshadowed the historical significance of this election
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. mexico sort of points to welcome its 1st woman president with, with a person who was killed in the state of the web lot with the political candid that was killed in the truck con overnight the 37th political candidate at a local level that's been murdered. so far this year, so there is this sort of excitement here specifically within the search if you've got it as camp that because over the last 6 years, violence has remained at historic levels. whether it be violence linked to drug cartels, violence against women and force disappearance. is that regardless of the fact that regardless of who, when stay there will be some sort of change that were caught curve violence and really being a, bring a meaningful and less lasting piece to the country moving forward model. that's what a lot for staff. thank you. the,
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the spot green pressure at home unable to accept the latest the spot proposal. israel is continuing to strike targets across garza and one of the latest attacks at least 7 people were killed in a room striking a cough in central gaza. a child was among the victims, their bodies and now those who were injured had been taken to the out extra hospital which has become increasingly overburdened in northern gaza. palestinian officials have declared the entire area including the giovanni, a refugee camp. a disaster rescue workers in the cam have recovered at least 120 bodies since the end of israel's 3 week operation. the is very minute tree has destroyed 50000 homes and left towards was once gauze as largest refugee count in ruins. the palestinians are determined to rebuild. oh, that they have lost honey. my mood is in the office with mol,
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on the catastrophic humanitarian situation unfolding in the no. the people who are or able to get back to these area, describing a very dire situation, is right now with nothing left for them to stay in their life. for the coming years, we're talking about an area that turn to from quite densely populated, with all the necessary needs available into a waste land right now, including water, wells, public facilities, infrastructure, health facilities that are completely now out of service. whatever is really any of these health facilities is nothing more than a standing skeleton. nothing more or more to receive bodies that are collected from the streets or removed from under the rubble of maybe the hardest part of what we've seen it from. the northern part is the many bodies are removed from under the rubbers completely deceived. skeletons of calls of children and women. an elderly collected from sites and areas which was very difficult for the paramedics and the
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civil defense. the crew members and their route to reach to but they are able to right now there's a total of at least 70 of these bodies already collected. but the, the inability and the lack of equipment making the job a civil defense to go on the ground the quite difficult. there's still need more, more efforts needed more time needed to remove these rubble and remove more. 5 his reports of entire families that have done missing as well. but the worst of it is the complete elimination of, of social services on the ground. the closure of nebraska crossing his crippled gauze, his remaining hospital's vital medical supplies con, get to those who need them. and patients in critical condition con, leave garza to receive treatment abroad and also to be reports from the it all out. the hospital has been treating the wounded since the war and cause of the gun. they've been constantly overland. many patients have no choice but to sleep on
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the floor and some need help at the hospital is unable to provide. but go no good them apply. i hope i will be treated and that'll be cured. so i can go home. doctors here say i might need to be treated abroad. my mother and his father were injured with him is ready. bomb struck their home. doctors. he had a thought. ok. so i have been able to make him comfortable, but to me treatment outside of cause i, if he's ever to walk again, said of us to natalie the but i've been waiting a long time to travel abroad and get treatment. i still hope to get cured to be able to walk, to play with my friends, and to go to school loudly as well as shut down the crossing to egypt until it's open again. patients they can have much would be able to get the help they need. phase ready locate is also denying causes hospitals. the medical supplies, they need to keep people alive. some patients agreed about what will happen if they
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don't get proper treatment. put them up a set of vanilla zillow items because of all the disruption i'm afraid that my leg will have to be amputated here in the hospital. there are a lot of wounded and injured people, and the medical staff can't cope with these big numbers. sometimes be treat my rooms even without anesthesia due to a lack of supplies. a lot of the every day the hospital received more wounded people. a doctors your say time is running out and this is rose, doesn't stop. it's located. many more people will die when are they not fit the boxes? and then one of the actually the more than 21000 critically wounded people in garza, some of them of already died. we age, the free will, and the international organizations to put pressure on israel to open the crossing . they must allow the wounded to travel for treatments, allow medical supplies to come in and allow field hospitals to open. the rest of the crossing has been closed for more than 3 weeks now, leaving all of these injured palestinians in risk of death. and they turn 18 how
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situation. this is in the us. ita locks the hospital cause of palestine. a deeply divided is very, wor, cabinets has been meeting to discuss the latest proposal to bring an end to the will. there's an increasing amount of pressure at home and abroad for israel to agree to a deal yet prime minister benjamin netanyahu as far right ministers of threatened to the top of the government if he agrees to the plan. on friday us present, joe biden outlined the 3 face plan to end the war, but he said it was originally proposed by these rainy's the family. so if it's rarely caps is held in gaza, states of protest outside death, and y'all, his office in west jerusalem, that's where the war cabinet gather to meet that the weekly protests in israel, according on the government to secure a deal to a ton, the captives as well his band, i'll just hear from reporting from this,
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so it's sort of hot rods. i sent this update from the jordanian capital. i'm on a israel is saying that it won't be having holding a permanent ceasefire until it completely gets rid of him us. but we have been hearing from the defense minister, he's part of the war cabinet. you i've got, let's take listen to what he has to say about the post will plan the bill up for lots of i, the 1st of all the security establishment undermine. instructions is preparing the governing alternative to how much. while we will isolate diary is removed from muscle preserves from these areas and introduce other forces not to enable an alternative government that's will also threaten how much nice talking about and alternative group to rule him us. it's not clear what exactly, but he's been pushing for a post will plan as has many guns. one of the will cabinet members that has actually given prime minister benjamin netanyahu an ultimatum by june the 8th. he
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says he wants to hear what this post will plan is, and this is also parts of the proposal that by didn't had talks about a couple of days ago. but where do we move from here? these riley's and the americans is saying that how much now has this proposal and is there waiting to hear back from them. but then you also have prime minister benjamin netanyahu up being told by the ulta nationalist and those far right ministers, that they will quit the government, which will result in the dissolving of this coalition government, which prime minister benjamin bit benjamin netanyahu has needed to stay in tip and pals, and then you also have the p d o position be the same. take the deal, the families of the cap to same take the deal. i'm inside the p said, don't worry if you take it. we will support 2 and there's many of the ministers are saying this. so prominence to benjamin netanyahu is stuck between both sides. but what we do know is that those thing that they will continue the fighting till they
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get rid of a home us, where the 6 weeks in the 1st space phase will be enough, is yet to be seen. but as long as they still deliberates over this, the families of those held captive, there's a 125 of them in the gaza strip. will continue, they say to price says, i'm cool on the government to take the deal as soon as possible. and a reminder, again, these ready government has banned down here. we're reporting from outside israel. a number of people have been killed and wounded in s, strikes near the city of a lat pole in northwest in syria. well that's according to suicide state media missiles believe to have been 5 by israel, reportedly hit a number of sites and a ton of high on shortly after midnight. israel has stepped up attacks inside syria in the past months, though, it has never admitted it to. so to come on, i'll just share results surrender. now the negotiations begin. as in south africa's amc tries to move the coalition for me, i need my food. i'm gonna do
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a new job that just has 4 rounds presidential election on to the, to clear with page. first, the hello. the weather does remain very unsettled across the southern parts of china. still plenty of clouds of rolling for you have seen some really big temples. recently, a few more advice to come over the next couple of days to support the cloud a little further north. we're also looking at a fair, but the dry weather up to was the yellow sea by doing the $32.00 south, just remarked as cassy or rogue shabby, you see, the shot was more widespread across southern parts of the country. one of the 2 shelves inside the korean peninsula for the west, showers the into central and northern parts of japan over the next couple of days. as you can see, took care of it around 26 degrees celsius possibility field off the new child
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rolling through the 28th for by james. again. tell us of some which weatherford time of the what's the weather will continue across southern china, slipping down across a good part of indo china as well. some very heavy down pulls on the costs for many gifts scattering a showers across the philippines, malaysia, down towards indonesia. we'll say, looking at it a good, i'll scattering a showers across the good parts of this for lanka over the next day or so. i saw the impulse of india southwest month, so it is now in. so we are looking at some heavy right here. the final phase to the same applies into bung with dash. meanwhile hawk, but notice how with advert warnings for the north west of india. idol say, focused on the okay, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure
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beneficiaries come 1st of the $300.00 on luis. haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the, you're watching out just a reminder about top stories. this votes to being counted in mexico in an election expect to to see the point of the country's 1st female president, ruling loraina parties. candidates, the shame them, you know, positions, social galvis to front runners for the top to jane bomb is expected to win. some of
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the exit just coming out of the 7 people have been chosen and is really droned. striking to con central garza, a child was among the victims. if all these have been taken to the x, the host with which is struggling to cut supporters of as well have held the protest in new york to demand the release of captives being held in 1000. the demonstrates as held up pictures of some of the captives and called on this very prime minister benjamin netanyahu to reach a cx 5 deal with how much they also condemned racism and anti semitism. the match was part of an annual parade to show support for israel. an earlier in london demonstrates has violated them onto the immediate release of the captives. the cold on the is rarely a government to accept the c spot proposal announced by us present to bite on
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friday. so the array there is a hosting administer as of oil producing countries to discuss an agreement to a could extend production costs into next year. okay, plus, which includes some of the wells top petroleum exporting countries is currently coughing, outputs by more than $5800000.00 barrels per day. that's equal to about 6 percent of the amount that runs. former president mark with i'm going to new jobs is making a comeback at the upcoming presidential election. he's one of the most prominent candidates to register for the elections set to take place on june 28th. i'm an image i'd previously served to 4 years times from 2005 to 2013 elections are being held off to present even embrace c and 8. other people were killed, the helicopter crash last month's. i'm certainly to piece that's hard to tell. i'm the most important motivation and goal for me is to focus on solving people's
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livelihood problems. this can be done by improving the country's economic situation and the business environment ending economic rains and monopoly and limits and interference. the government's policy is to remove obstacles and open up as much as possible for entrepreneurs and create a platform for the developments of domestic and foreign investment. so the africans electoral commission has announced the official results from wednesday's general election. the amc, which is rule south africa since the end of apartheid 30 years ago, was confirmed to lost its majority. it share with the fed dropped to 40 percent from the reports from the election commission headquarters in midland, south africa. independence south africa's independent intellectual commission declares the election, free and fair in many ways that represents a victory for our democracy, a saw the africans. it also represents a victory of our constitutional order. busy more importantly, it represents
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a victory for all the people of south africa. but for the african national congress, this little celebrates it, got just 40 percent of the vote for the 1st time in the city us since the end of a, par tate, losing its parliamentary majority a message for the party that it says it's a loud and clear despite is newly formed, i'm going to receive a party u m k. doing well at the polls, winning almost 15 percent of the vote. opponents and full of president of the a and c jacobs luma is not as accepting. he says the votes being raked, this is what he had to say ahead of the declaration of the final results. people have approval. once we know, i guess we know in why we like to die. while they are more than $500.00 objections and $24.00 recounts, have planned,
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the commission says everything's above board and the recount won't change the poor the outcome. while the amc and other parties get on with negotiations to form a coalition government in case preparing legal action and sue must threats hava. we can also because this is the efforts of those questions. we can know what the customer wants to undermine the printing preferences, and would this would have gotten the we of the people we have heard another successful election south africa has 14 days to form. a government for president will be nominated during the 1st sitting of the national assembly, but this uncertainty around what exactly the new governments will look like. and if the amc and the coalition partner also have several will be able to work together effectively. somebody the ultra 0, the grant. so there's rooting polity has declared victory in municipal elections.
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but no position says the irregularities during sunday's vote. opposition supports us scuffled with police northern cities. nobody said people in the capital, downgrade also costs their pallets. but there was a re run of a poll held in december as well, allegations are full, but then as well, they know, at least that supports now from the sub in capital invested policy was declared, this is victoria, and the local elections in belgrade, and about $1800.00 of citizen municipalities, serbia, the elections in belgrade for after integration. so i looked around fraud into december election, small the suv and progressive party for the cheese and people venture result here. as they said, a particularly good results with the choosing. know the saw the capitol of the problems of voice within the however, the biggest, where the letters is very important there when the opposition together with the citizens stone and the call center of the serbian progressive party. so this
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includes dad. the results from now besides not accurate and it's dave on there at all the elections for local the contains a themes were national so we could see how important it was for the government to rent as many as soon as possible. on the other hand, do you position mostly spend their time debasing whether or not to participate in the election? so some participated in the election. some boy go to the gym, all of which further confused the citizens. and the turn off was all over that in december, yellow, blueish, that's all to 0 ball. great. north korea says it will now stop sending a trash carrying balloons into south korea. the announcement k now is off the government and so valid to punish prone young having sent hundreds of balloons carrying the new cigarette pots and all kinds of trash. i said, bake has a store. this is the 2nd wave of the news coming. crushed decides career from the
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north. authorities told residents to stay in doors, a 600000000000 ceiling from north korea last week in the state to many kim jo junk . the powerful system of the countries need to come jump on, confirm the north that sent the balloons to make good on her countries. direct just got to the mountains of waste, paper and filth. that's in response to particularly fits being sent to northwest. that's create an activist. the 2nd wave comes after north korea launched 260 blues last week. rubbish such a cigarette butts. cut off paper waste and pest stick with fine scratches across the capital. so, size square said it's admitted treat, detected the launch of the balloons and issued emergency let's they want people not to come into contact with the balloons. besides careers, ministry dispatch, chemical, rapid response, and explosive claimants teams to recover the daybreak. we does okay, in terms of the to dealing with this whole it was so creepy and scary that the
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building might to for them because north korea might have had a specific target because it's, it's a wordy, i mean everyone was so scared at that moment. i wondered what would have happened to us if there was not just garbage, but viruses or chemicals at all? continue the notices. i thought well, could occur right away to put a little strongly. i felt like clicking that if this situation grows, it will become a will, since i clearly don't know how far north career is, i was very anxious. the manager says the blue sky or different types of trash, i'm in your but no dangerous substances. some of find a time is designed to pop open bags of trash and mid day the most career has called the balloons gifts of sincerity. the sas career. is it seeing them that way? i started big a, just 0. the rhino charge as an annual offered competition, taking place in kenya with james to promote environmental conservation drive. as passed through several check points, while traveling the shortest distance, they can cause difficult terrain. the competition also raises funds to support an
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energy dedicated to the conservation of kenya's mountain forest. katherine story reports from per se in southern canyon. the landscape of per se is unforgiving when at the same time breathtaking, deep in the wilderness levels of because has made this down and solve in kenya, the playground for a day. the staging a competition with an environmental top us raising money to protect what the towers fence, why live reserves and help communities deal with the facts of climate change. grow hallmark a trick that team has competed several times since the ride no charge. charlotte started 3 decades ago, so i think this year we've kind of seen the effects of not protecting our water towers in a new environment. so it's, it's just something i've grown up with and i feel.


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