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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the where do you get the 0 enables me to make the other voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us then divide the the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. the. 2 historic landslide victory and mexico claudia sean bomb. when's the presidential election to become the country's 1st as a female head of steps in central kinds of palestinian civilians are rushed to hospital after as rarely strikes target homes and a refugee camp. the results are and now the negotiations begin as south africa is i
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n. c tries to build a coalition government and mcbride install web page with type for lou launch is a high tensions between the 2 careers and within sound career itself. the we begin this news out in mexico, which is just elected. it's 1st female president claudia sean bomb is projected to win the poll by i land slide. she's a former climate scientist and may of mexico city. she said to succeed her political mental, the outgoing presidents increased more lopez overdue for the for the mid of a in those seeing those, i am grateful because for the 1st time in the 200 years of our republic, i will be mexico's 1st female president
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and as i've said before, i didn't it arrive here on my own. all of us women came with me with our heroines, our ancestors, our mothers, daughters, and grand daughters. i congratulate all mexicans because today we show that our country is a democratic one with peaceful elections. but supporters of the present legs gathered in large numbers in the capital to celebrate sean bums landslide victory. mexico's electoral institutes is a rapid sample count project. she will win nearly 61 percent of the vide, she's based on who presidential rival? so to galvis, by more than 30 percent off more of this, we're going to go through our latin america editor, lucy and human, who joins us now live from the capital mexico city and looks like this will be a huge win push on pump. can you just focus through these into room results just how significant of that? you know, i understand that galvis has now conceded indeed, searching and godrays did concede and una phone calls specifically to cloud. these
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shame buttonhole mentioned it when she came on stage for her victory suite, she said that she's back searching the database. sparks photo bratcher 19. so that was we haven't actually seen her speak, but we know that she has conceded defeat the results extremely significant. they took a long, long time to come out, but they represent more than 74 percent of the 12 and they are impossible to, according to the electron council, the they are not, they can not be didn't nothing. they can change. what they really do represent a huge landslide victory. now you're saying about it's been recognized by everyone in the country so far. the final, the final numbers aren't out yet. they will be by the morning presumably. but this is absolutely, as you say, a landslide victory. much larger than anyone had expected to go back and it could be, in fact,
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the largest percentage of any candidate has had the recent history in mexico, including the thought of himself, extremely depressed as even leave him in. this is the historic for another reason as well. being the 1st female elected as president will message has she had for the females in mexico. she says that she's very, very proud and that she's not arriving at the presidency or she will not be arriving at the presidency. the would be sworn in no, such as the women of the country with her more than that she has allowed to change the system or to attack defaults in the system, particularly if it allows for a very, very high percentage. um, and besides in this part, take the highest percentage, in fact, many other countries in the western hemisphere, in,
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in terms of the population of the country. there's also, it's also known to be a country where male chauvinism is very high, domestic violence against women. i could go on and on. she has promised to tackle them how exactly she will do that since it is a systemic problem. when that goes back, not for decades, perhaps, or even hundreds of years is have is you have to be seen. but there is a lot of optimism, certainly among the people who are here behind me, and they're waiting for the last 3 months to arrive. so she can address those who have been waiting your for hours and hours to celebrate her big street. yeah, i meant to stay there in mexico, can you just run us through some of the, of the issues that, that she is going to have to deal with now that she is present? yes, absolutely. one of the things that she said in her speech, which i found very know where they is that she will be quite against rupture
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and against authoritarianism as well as of course the violence that has, that is definitely getting this country and they're just running around. but the number of people who are every day is extraordinary. the number of people that just think that disappear can only be compared to 3 and more in mexico is not technically a country at war, drug trafficking. the problem with migration relations with the united states doesn't well, of course issues that you will have to deal with what she was in her speech. very, very conciliatory. she reached out to the opposition. she reached out to the media . the current president, of course, has had a very, very conflict in our relationship with the media with the united states, depending on who is president. and of course, has been criticized for not doing enough to help migrants to come in by the hundreds of thousands to this country from other latin american countries mostly. and it was sent back to the border so that they don't cross the us border. so it's
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the very, very long list of things she's going to have to do whether she was doing the same way as an office over the lord speaking program, as she has said in the past that she will do is you have to be seen. but let me tell you that right now, she's just arrived here on the stage right in front of the presidential palace degreed, the thousands of people who been waiting here for many hours. some of them it started to leave. in fact, when they heard that she was coming, we believe that she will also address this proud of a very, very strong supporters who are over george by this victory. but as you say, she will have more than cut out for her. when she does take off with the presidency, mexico is very, very large country, the largest spanish speaking country in the world. it's next door neighbor the united states can be advantage and also
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a great disadvantage. and now this chamberlain is going to have to show mexico in the world that you can really speak with her own voice, not just with that as the current president and the respond with no visual of it. i thought it would be fascinating to follow her presidency. thank you so much. let's see. let's see. and human, the outlet and american editor and mexico's to see the to goes. and now despite the growing pressure at home and abroad to accept the license these 5 proposal as well, is continuing its attacks across the gaza strip and is rarely a strike is killed at least 3 people, including 2 children in central gallons or at least 10 others were injured when the target to the house and breach refugee can the bodies of the dead and wounded have been taken out of the hospital and the obama. this is the scene at that hospital after at least 7 people were killed in the drones throwing on the cotton central
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cancer. the child was among the victims. the locks, the hospital is overwhelmed with patients. and the point is, many palestinians are in critical condition. they cannot get treatment outside of gaza because of the closure of the roof. a crossing indelicate already sent us this report from the hospital in general by all oaks. the hospital has been treating the wounded since the war and cause of the gun. they've been constantly over when many patients have no choice but to sleep on the floor. and some need help at the hospital is unable to provide. but go no good them apply. i hope i will be treated and that will be cured. so i can go home, doctors here say i might need to be treated abroad. my mother and his father were injured with him, is ready. bomb struck their home. doctors. he had a thought. ok. so i have been able to make him comfortable. but to the treatment
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outside of cause i if he's ever to walk again, a set of bose to natalie the but i've been waiting a long time to travel abroad and get treatment. i still hope to get cared to be able to walk, to play with my friends, and to go to school loudly as well as shut down the crossing to egypt until it's open again. patients like how much would be able to get the how they need phase, where you're located is also denying causes hospitals. the medical supplies, they need to keep people alive. some patients are worried about what will happen if they don't get proper treatment. put them at the foot of the zillow, and because of all the disruption, i'm afraid that my leg will have to be amputated here in the hospital. there are a lot of wounded and injured people, and the medical staff can't cope with these big numbers. sometimes be treat my rooms even without anesthesia due to a lack of supplies. a lot of the every day the hospital receives more wounded people, doctors here say time is running out and this is road doesn't stop. it's located.
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many more people will die. what are the upcoming one of the actually the a more than 21000 critically wounded people in garza, some of them of already died. we age the free willed and the international organizations to put pressure on israel to open the crossing. they must allow the wounded to travel for treatments, allow medical supplies to come in and allow field hospitals to open. the ref, crossing has been closed for more than 3 weeks now, leaving all of these injured palestinians in risk of death. and they turn 18 how situation. this is in the pull, the data locks a hospital cause of palestine in northern gals, a palestinian officials have declared the entire area, including the valley. a refugee camp dissolves design, risky workers have, are covered at least 120 employees the can since the end of israel's free week operation, that these rarely military has destroyed 50000 tons and left. what was one sconces,
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largest refugee camp, and ruins, or the palestinian side. diane determined to rebuild all that they have lost out of the bundle of them. i assure you we will remain steadfast no matter what. on foot, even if they demolish the shop. once more austin firm and won't leave us, set up a temp here and will continue our sales with a smile in our faces when serving customers. despite everything he wants to reclaim our lives, through the tents of the come, we wish to at the very least, clear some space. i meant the rubble where we can sit this way. we'll at least be living in the company where we have cherished memories, refuse to remain in schools and shelters. abandoning our come will clean up as much as we are able to, and we will remain here. this is a message of resilience to the palestinian people. the families of is ready, captives held in cause i have staged the protest outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office in west jerusalem,
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that's where the bull cabinet gather. to meet on sunday, there have been weekly protests and as ro, cooling on the government to secure a deal to return the captives of netanyahu faces pressure from the us to bring it into the void sufficing of different kinds of pressure at home. the leaders of to ultra national as policies are threatening to bring down the governments of newton, yahoo backs to cease 5 deal of the positives of 5 rights ministers, visit a small church and as my bank they hold 14 states. the 2 men also influence of the right wing policies, making them hugely influential to the governing coalition that both urging the war to go on. that as opposed to this interest, positive been against who wants to clear postwar plan against leads a coalition of interest potties which held i'd say it's giving the found right elements of the coalition. most why of a nation, yahoo! we guess a billing is a form is rarely cabinet minister and negotiate of the always low accords. he says it's in, you know, his best interest to accept as these 5 to
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a daniele does and has a real problem. i mean, you said the extreme right. the least the government to then the, the, in the future, a default the of the, of the unit pied and did about the 2 of the guns. it was the faulty either from weaving or from without maybe guns. we remaining the government and the remaining position. but both of them was faulty. so way that the problem that he is having is in many ways, ok fission. he, you agrees to something that according to the president of the president, the by them incense is in use really a also a then they hearing, he will have her coordination all he will ever able to join the dream clemente, the right wing government is causing the oil 5 see huge providence if it was
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a political decision or if they've danielle who had rejected them only 3 years ago . he said they would never be on my government. but the, since he needed them to have the majority. and he made it a, the most important thing to get back to the function of the bread minister. he agreed eventually to something which he should have never agreed to. making them diminish. still finance the dominion still of police got fully. he wouldn't be criticized. but the, the majority of these various really lose the full deep and is this the, is eventually connected to allowed you region as the a, according to the arab initiative of 2002 and the readiness of the. so these a to be part of a,
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a security coordination under the united states. this is really, this is the most important, the legacy. otherwise, his legacy would be very disappointing. and so even if it is assessed, we should thing a, he should support. okay. support his own leg if he is really he's his own plan from all on all of this assure a joins us now. professor of security military studies at the institute, the graduate studies. thank you very much for being here with us. as we heard the from you'll see feeling anything, politically it's and isn't. yeah, his best interest to accept this, these 5 deal that was proposed by us president showed by them. but militarily, what should happen now from this early point of view thank. say admitted saturday, it's probably not working. it's, it's extra. it's definitely not working. part of what got us into this situation is that that made it through the stretch. i used to close the bills on the fly far as
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you know. so do you want to buy me parts of guys? the strip, including the one, could all make their buffer zone, including the net setting corridor, including that these positions along side of the slide. dean road to dissect does a would divide guessing. eastern west at 1st, reoccupied them and then re 45 them to make strong positions and then initiate rates from there into specific points. these are intelligence lead. the raids that seems to degrade and destroy the, the, uh, the sales and the other met at the formation. and then after that when the, when the forces get tired, v rotate the boy and continue and repeat again. so this is not what, as we saw in devalue it created more of most of it in this is and therefore more or more pressures on. and it's in the old government. but at the same time, they went in and they could not create it like they didn't show that before a house white house. so with 2 divisions because they don't have the manpower. so you don't have the manpower to be in an area like get by there,
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which is it took you told me to, to select it on me today. it's not a huge idea. you have, you do, you, you create a lot of civilian deaths which create more and more international pressures. mm. uh, so the, the, the, the overall strategy is not really working if, if we've been called at the strategy of, so that's on one. and so what, what they need to do now i, i don't think in rough, are they not the cheapest ones that are objectives they had they, they cleaned that are for battalions that they engaged. one of them. yeah. but not in, in, in the, in the gulf or the eastern battalion. no one knows what's happening with it. the one in tell us will fall and they did an air strike on the field. also a 45, isn't it? civilians. yeah. and the one in the, in the in trouble. no, no, no information about whether by those or you side or by any other side. so a pen and the, the, not that shavings admitted to the objectives. so now i think a ceasefire may be a at this point, they can declare that they degraded hum us. they didn't calculate what killed that either ship. they will get at least some of the civilians, some of the hostages,
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an exchange of prisoners. but i think that government will not agree to appointments these 5 years is what this is probably a deadline for this coming year. obviously there's a lot appreciate coming on that will cabinet to either accept it or, or not depending it's, if it's from the us or the families of the captives. what about from the military? what's from a military point of view, what pressure they putting on this will cabinets and, and what would they want to say from any, any detail? do you think it's very difficult to gauge the military because they know that there's been a very censorship uh, but from what we get out there is some resentment on the issue. all the reserves are serving for a long time. we. you have to now reserve battalions. is there a big a is actually a quote many then that setting according to or you have a treating the gate, a training brigade, 460, it's a, it's an army training brigade that was sent into jebediah into a fight on demand. because a in shot the, in the, in the smaller area, the small, the small, the refugee camp. they needed 2 divisions. yeah. in the body of the larger that you
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can, the 7 months into the war they, for, they, they tried to play with was one division. and it was not even a success. and one of the one deficiency big, it's only so a to recognize. and then one reserve. yeah. and so with this, this, oh, clearly is creating more and more pressure across the reserves are up in the north facing south lebanon. one of these are the service and they want to go back to the other homes of the family. so that you cannot make and the psychological pressure there is high, then it goes to a different story, but that part 7 months, uh, some of them are rotating but not the rest and really recalculating periods. oh no, uh, not long. and also there's a question, what is the end? what? because literally, that is, there's no end in sight. there's no problem inside dissecting garza and trying to to do these rates will not administer gather, would not govern that. so west banking gets a new wish, creating your westbank and on the west bank and gaza without the palestinian or quantity to take the responsibility, problem covenants. so because they what they want from us. mm hm. so what does the
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end game do? what does the strategy this year as will start to so just to confirm from and it's really military point of view, they want to see a ceasefire happen here because of the, the, the house. how finley stretched. i have been over the last 8 months. what would that be fair to say? do you think? do you think that that would be putting that pressure on, on the latest? i think so. it's a temporary cease fire. yeah. uh, they probably already had the rotate get it right. yeah, yeah. take the corporate recalls to june the lead and we send forces that a temporary cease fire that that will get to also get some political capital. why i getting a hostages out and uh, getting some, getting some prisoners back about for the question is now why where does the end game? because then this is not then again, this is just a temporary truce. and the 2nd would, how much accept this? because how much also wants to end this, what and stopped reconstruction and, and the, the, the demand is
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a complete with all of these really forces. so maybe this is not a, also an acceptable for them. but so it have to do it to wait and see on that one. but again, the, the, the main pressure on the government is to show where the, this end of the oldest death and destruction. 7 months long war over 30000, a civilian. this is, this is on the, on these really forces as well, with all that you being any objective. so a big question mark here on where is the envy. thank you so much. as always, we really do appreciate you your insight and expertise into this. thanks so much. i'm a drawing to launch my. his blog felon cools the fire and his rouse, northern city of santa maria, or israel's military suited was unsuccessful in disputing to try and no injuries were reported. that this comes and die off to israel and his blood exchanged fire several times without
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a hold of joins us live from southern living on down, understand as well. so i mean, the ballistic missile, which was launch from human. now that has been shut down as well. yes, what we are witnessing is the different groups of the around. yeah. and lead so called the axis of resistance, stepping up military pressure on israel, on multiple fronts as a decision on a garza ceasefire near. so we know that all these groups opened up funds to help relief pressure on garza. what they are telling the is rate is, is that you can expect, you know more, a military action if there is no cease fire and gaza here in southern level. non we've really seen hezbollah change. it's pastor, it is something the is really wor, cabinets. even acknowledge saying that has the law has been crossing red lines and that it needs to be deterred even the is really media talking about the intensity of has well as attacks as of late. they have been using arm drones. that seems to
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be their weapon of choice nowadays, and more often than not as well as air defenses are not the able to intercept all these drones. so this is has belie using heavier weapons as well. a when they fire rockets, they fire dozens of rockets at a time. they're trying to showcase their capabilities. yes, they are showing support for garza, but also this is, has by law a trying to achieve some sort of the parents. it's wants to tell the as rarely is that they cannot continue to escalate the situation along the border without expecting, escalates to and to be met. the, an escalation in kind that it's not just that. the also trying to tell the israel is not to widen the conflict, but no doubt the confrontation along this border has reached a new phase, a more destructive phase. we are seeing areas in northern israel being destroyed. so all this pressure expected to step up as a decision on a gauze
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a ceasefire nears. thank you so much as i understand a hold of for us that and southern living on the despised palestinians struggling to find shelter in the ruins of gauze, and many had been forced to move repeatedly to escape is rarely phones. some, a sheltering in school was set out by the wind, but his friends in one hand reports in reality no with sight from israel's war on goss of the for palestinian families, displaced by his rarely palms. this ruined school is the best shelter they can find . somebody has previously taken refuge here earlier in the war, but he and many others were forced to flee from these really war machine. but the many were staying in other schools that were supposed to be safe place. and some of these really bump some people were killed and injured. there were some who could not get out. we were 1st the fleet of the coastal areas. these riley's left little behind after their last attack. and we'll take
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a lot of work to make sure that the cool fit for people to live in the don't, we found this to completely burned down and had no blankets or bedding to sleep. when we return, we found everything destroyed with our living jamalia. and that will die here. many palestinians and garza are forced to be constantly on the move. their homes have long been destroyed and israel is restricted shipments of aid. now all these families can dare to hope for is a temporary roof over their heads and may be a free for spike from the bombing this while i'm with the side displacement is very hard. we have children with us. we have suffered a lot and this is the 3rd time we have had to be displaced from this score. i don't know how i would manage. we don't have money. we don't have possibility. millions of palestinians and gaza are suffering the same fate. a daily struggle for survival that grows ever more difficult as the war rages on. vincent monahan elgin's era
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but still a hit here on elk 0 full, a rainy, and later when a judge read, just as for the countries the upcoming presidential election, that he'll need to clear in major hurdles. 5th, the hello there is still no real laptop in live, very live the showers that we state across central positive you. you can see they say river clout just looking away. he bought some fairly heavy, the apples thudding right into southern parts of jeremy, driven by quite a keen normally when coming around this area of high pressure, i just pushing down into the central air is not a matter of light pressure ever towards the politic system. live the showers here between the 2. we go, the very womack to the east and south of that. i've chosen no equipment but quite
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a warm temperatures, the closest where they should be. is it go through the next couple of days? we're all going to see. hate really gathering across many eastern pulse southeast and there is a few of the temperature in athens, 36 degrees celsius, one into the mid thirty's. that's a full central pos of spain. so we are looking at so some very live the show is still just around the central areas of here down to was the out was about 6 days pushing the race was across austria hungry, romania and still some went by a towards that western side of a rush, i little quieter, up towards the north, west. more in the west sunshine here for a time. we will see showers rolling in across the for yourself as we make our way into the middle part of the way. be well for central africa will show us to come the, the teams in the gaza strip as is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be
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question, sustained coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best. okay, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st over 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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if you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories, the solid foundation bomb. it has one a lend slide election victory and mexico. she's become the country's 1st female president. after beating her nearest ronald social calvin's by more than 30 percent in the polls. the opposition has conceded to fix his registrants have killed at least 10 people throughout central casa, 3 palestinians died in the same were injured. and an attack on a house from the breach refugee camp on sunday night drove strikes, and kills sits in the office. the families of israeli captives held on guns. i have searched the protest outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu office with jerusalem. protests have been held weekly and is from calling on the government to
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attempt to return those. townsend garza, a 5 day registration period for presidential hopefuls and around this drawing to a close. the guardian council is expected to visit the candidates and announce those qualified to run. applicants will have 2 weeks to campaign. the presidential elections were initially shields the 2025, but they were brought forward of the presidency for him received was killed in a helicopter crash last month for the president's not moved on in his job is making a comeback bid in the selection. he's one of the most prominent candidates to register for the polls he previously served to boy he attends from 2005 to 2015. how the, how sion has more on this from taura. so, one day before the end of the registration period for candidacy to re runs the presidential election, full amount uranium president moved from the shots, submitted his application, and now the gods installed. so we would have to assess his application along with
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all those of course, or for the job as well known for him being comforter virtual as the president. and they saw when he became a physician, figure and spots is criticizing. the establishment became more controversial. so a lot of skepticism, although with the the guardian cos it is going to approve his candidacy along with that might be an issue. i've got another, i know the 10s of all the candidates such as much as i just need to add the form of diplomats on. the supremely does the representative of the supreme national security council and iran also. i mean that is jenny, a former speak louder. jenny also applied for the previous election, but he wasn't. he wasn't approved by the guardian johnson. one lady have has applied for the candidacy, is that it is only a young, she is a former am feats. and this is going to be interesting to see whether she's going
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to be approved on or no, no, or in the coming 24 hours the registrations are going to be rock then because guardian council is going to approve whoever is going to approve issue a list with several candidates then the debates will start and everyone will be waiting for the election day on june 28th. i should just, you know, definitely some holland warranty is a professor at university of toronto, joins us now from durham. thank you so much for being with us. uh, once again here on al jazeera. uh, i understand the supreme leader has just finished speaking a short time ago. did he focus a little about this presidential election and the registration process that is due to wrap up in a few hours it was a very important speech that just ended moments ago. we spoke about 2 broad issues. the 1st was about palestine and he spoke about how the late m on so
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many here's a vision of the future is turning into reality and that that is, randy regime cannot survive in this region because of its brutality. and it's legitimate major who spoke at length about the resistance and gaza and the resistance and the region, they access a resistance and how they will succeed. and then he also spoke about present, right? you see and the elections a call for the candidates to look to present, right? you sees model because he was constantly on the move. he was very popular, a focus on the disenfranchised in the 4. and he called on the candidates that are ultimately approved not to attack each other and not to be abusive. and he called for a large turnout. me as we who would elio,
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the phone president, some of the initiate is trying to make it come back here. how likely do you think that would be how successful willie be even to, to register as a candidates, as well. he's one of many who have applied to stand for election. there are quite a few heavy weights that will be a standing forward. we'll have to see who is approved. he has applied like the others, and there will be more to day. i think today's the last day of the main cvc, personally, i, i think because he's such a controversial figure and that he has had a pause many problems for all sorts of different individuals. i find it difficult to imagine that he'll be approved, but i think that the people that live with the real question is not about him. it's
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who whether dr. lot a johnny will be approved the storm or speaker problem and whether the current speaker of parliament will stand. where will the previous had it been actual supreme national security council of se jenny, who, how, how he will be able to present himself. there are lots of the leading or may a heavy weights that are stand has to have gone to register. i think we'll see more today. okay. uh will, will not assume because this is going to be a very quick election since because of the eyes of the president may see will know within a few days who will be the final candidates. you can some people outside of around . can you just give us a bit of an idea of how the guardian council actually works well, what's the process from here as well? the card darting council has 6 people that uh, 6. uh sure,
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a 6 lawyers that are chosen by the parliament and the head of the judiciary and 6 by the leader. and according to the law, they have to look at the candidates and approve and see which one which candidates are a can stand in accordance with the law and the constitution. that process has been controversial in the past, especially during the previous selection where a dr lot, a johnny was also standing or hoping to stand for election this time around. during the last election, he was not approved and he was a, one of the 2 major 10 was why why he said why it wasn't a for the last time. as well as that again as controversial. um, there is a letter that has been published that's attributed to the guarding counsel,
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which i don't know if it's true or not, making certain teams about different issues, which i don't want to discuss here because i don't know how that authentic that letter is. but uh, issues about, uh, present you know, about personal issues or about, uh, family issues or about, uh, you know, all of these can be a part of the decision making process. so in the case of doctor lot, it's any many believe that the guardian council went too far. in fact, i told off i'm in a 3 years ago, he disapproved of the decision of the guardian council and he said that they should make up for it, which they didn't. and so this time i will have to see, for example, if dr. large any will be approved. we'll have to see again whether uh, the print speaker, parliament mm hm. uh, whether whether he will register today and again the number there are quite a few people who stand for it. i think ultimately 56 or 7 will be approved and then,
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but we'll know that we'll know the final names shortly because there isn't much time not until the end date will have it will be keeping very close eye on the decision from the gathering council in the next few hours. thanks so much. this mohammed more on the professor at the university of toronto. thank you. the said advocate is electro commission has announced the official results for wednesdays, general election. the amc, which is ruled south africa since the end of a past 530 years ago has lost its majority in parliament. its share of the vote has dropped really 20 percentage points since 2019 to just over 40 percent of somebody to millet reports from the election commission headquarters in mid ran south africa and independent south africa's independent intellectual commission declares the election free and fair in many ways represents
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a victory for our democracy, a south africans. it also represents a victory of our constitutional order. but more importantly, it represents a victory for all the people of south africa. but for the african national congress, this little celebrates it, got just 40 percent of the vote for the 1st time in the city us since the end of a, par tate, losing its parliamentary majority a message for the party that it says it's a loud and clear despite is newly formed, i'm going to receive a party u m k. doing well at the polls, winning almost 15 percent of the vote. opponents and full of president of the a and c jacobs luma is not as accepting. he says the votes being raked, this is what he had to say ahead of the declaration of the final results. people have approval. once we know, i guess we know in why we like
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to go. while they are more than $500.00 objections and $24.00 recounts supplant, the commission says everything's above board and the recount won't change the poor the outcome. while the amc and other parties get on with negotiations to form a coalition government in case preparing legal action and do most threats. however, we can also put it, this is the effort. one of those sources. we can know what the customer wants to undermine the printing preferences and went to this would have gotten the we of the we have heard another successful election south africa has 14 days to form. a government for president will be nominated during the 1st sitting of the national assembly, but this uncertainty around what exactly the new governments will look like. and if the amc and the coalition partner also have several will be able to work together
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effectively. so meet them, a lot, ultra 0 med rent really of, we spoke to him in melba from the northern africa institute. he explained how many liberation movements in africa had struggles and the transition to political parties. what we witnessed is the slow, this a formal declaration movement as government and political power since the transformation of the society. it has several reasons. one of those is the lack of delivery. it's a rob incestuous reproduction of control and power. it's a re, they divide between the former liberal race as liberators, as they see themselves. and the people risk the gratian that if you are not with us, you are against us. which creates a device if at most, for yeah,
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instead of being open minded and co op team and it was nuts, monday law, who in an interview some 24 d as a goes to head. it's the wrong, the question, the question should be, if you're not against us, you always us. but the former legal ration movements as governments have reproduced a military mindset. so they also feel is tied to, to not only to the execution of power but also to the river, which is that come along. we have with this machines where corruption watched and demick or remains and demick and the all the people who expected from the sole cause liberal rates us also a material well being under the government has been extremely frustrated. and now is the payback time for the so the governing party has declared victory in
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municipal elections, but the opposition says they were regularities during sundays funds. opposition support has scuffled with police and the northern city is no. the said and, and the capital belgrade. people also cost ballots, and that board was a rerun of one held in december because of food allegations back into the officials with the right wing sybian progressive, positive presidents, alexandra village, say they with no problems with sunday's vote. they accused opposition? party members of attacking. it's activists, genetic gucia, it's reports now from the sabine capital. this is victoria and the local elections in belgrade and about 1800 citizen municipalities, serbia, the elections in belgrade for repeated after integration. so i looked around fraud into december election, small the progressive party for the cheese and people venture result here. as they
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said, a particularly good results with the choosing know the song, the capital of the problems of voice within the however, the biggest were the letters is very important there. when the opposition together with the citizens stone and the call center of the serbian progressive party. so this includes dad, the results from now besides not accurate and it's dave on there at all. the elections for local uh the contains a themes were national. so we could see how important it was for the government to win as many as soon as possible. on the other hand, do you position mostly spend their time debasing whether or not to participate in the election. so some participated in the election. some boy go to the gym, all of which further confused the citizens and the turn off was all over that in december. yelling the blue shirts out is it a bud great, exposes, across the european union will soon take part in the blocks parliamentary elections . supposing started on thursday and populous parties are expected to make big gains
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in front. smearing the pins, fire ride potty is leading opinion impulse. latasha butler reports from northern front. a lorraine the pen rally in northern fraud in a buoyant mood did. so p s y, a fall right on to immigration parties, leading opinion polls, head to the election in the country. ideological victory must become over zoned in an indisputable political victory on june 9th. and to achieve this, we need to send as many pictures. i'll take members as possible, so the european parliament meeting the national riley's campaign. jordan bardello depends protege, the rising political stock, which i want to see on june 9. when the results, i noticed that the french will open the way to an alternative by choosing political leaders who love and respect them. 23 bought ella was elected as an m e p. i 28.
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he's taking the pens polity to new heights. yeah. and he is law, nationalist message is the same, but he's use is attracting younger folks to for the most part like his ideas on your, his vision, his immigration policy. he has pressed ideas that being with today's reading problems. and definitely jed, he's someone who understands young people and politics isn't always accessible to people like us. so it's good to hear how he wants to improve friends. when from the pen policy in the election, funds could bring her closer to fulfilling her main police go on patient coming in most places present. emmanuel, macro called run a gain in the 2027 french presidential election. someone, the if a swing to the fall row, i told you 9 could be a taste of what's to come in fronts, particularly as macro as liberal. a you candidates all liking, follow behind, depends all this pump to the president issue warning on a recent visit to germany?
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no, to offer that there's an old wall and so then the communion. now europe is not a supermarket. al. europe is not just the place where we have common rules and it's a set of values of culture and of individual and political freedom. a settlement of centuries holds us together. yeah, of installation health and immigration, all major concerns to many voters in the u. a war the blocks doorstep adds to a sense of and security the pen used to want to pull from out of the european union . now she says, the best way to change it is from within. my call me talk about a window of extreme sweeping the you about the pen. the only wind blowing is the one in her sales. natasha butler. i'll just sarah and obama open from the ground from the spanish region of catalonia is forcing people to rethink how the area can survive without sufficient rightful climates. active site decisive action, now cut down to avoid catastrophic shortages in the future. sonya geico explains
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from bustling praying for help at a time of need. an ancient relic is pro rated through the streets of boston. lona, for centuries old ritual to summon much needed rain during a prolonged drought. one that has wreaked havoc on the regions most important set to agriculture and in the face of a struggle. the also lies in the land and how it is cultivated. 11 years ago, just up maria began to pine in you've a right to use a fruit that could withstand the forces of nature. the project started as a way to prevent fungal diseases powering the natural selection process to produce stronger, more resistant crops, the seats, where we blended on the soil, and then we look for the ones we have the correct these things you. we want bridges to the down in 1000 emilio in july. and the ripest doors is whether they're dressed
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as a climate. and catalonia continues to evolve. the development of drought resistant crops has become an important strategy, not just in spain, but throughout the european union, which is also funding this project of the work that's taking place. and this vinyati is just one of the ways that farmers are having to deal with the worst route on record. and it's not just the agricultural sector that's having to adapt urban areas to be depressive was a critical, lowe's, alternative water sources have become vital. the go pretty got the cell. a nation plant has gone from providing only 3 percent of bustle known as drinking water to 25 percent. they bought it, i've got to say, it's gotta be on this. this plant is important. it provides an alternative water supply to those produce conventionally. and we're managing to produce 2000 cubic feet is per 2nd for this area. the diesel a nation is an energy intensive process with its own environmental impact. the main
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problem is that it means your job to, to, to the most fit. so you, you have a lot of design nation plans, you will increase a lot the images of to, to, for so that this organization is interesting, but not a lot of scale. the effects of climate change on our reality. and the question of how to deal with it is less a matter of face, but finding practical last thing solutions. sonya jago out is era. barcelona, a facilitator on al jazeera, most fills and thrills in kenya during an annual offered event. i'm that pricing money the
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the south korea has announced is suspending a military agreement with north korea that comes, dies off to pyongyang, said hundreds of balloons filled with rubbish. across the border with the south. some flew of the soles international airport, forcing flights to be delayed. the military deal was assigned back in 2018 to ease tensions between the neighboring countries. but mcbride has the largest from so with a changing wind direction over the weekend with winds coming more from the north of north korea was able to launch 100 small balloons across the gmc border into south korea. and many of those balloons landing in boulder areas. others to the west of soaks, including in, shown apple, and that's the main gateway airport for the whole, the south korea, causing some disruption to flights the north koreans. it was their state it on
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sunday, the sofa since last week. they have loans. 3500 balloons containing they say 15 tons of garbage. all of this has been in response to north korean defect is living here in south korea, launching propaganda balloons into the knolls. now this is a very contentious area here in south korea. the defect does say it's the right to free speech to be able to launch these balloons. other people, though, drawn from a more progressive liberal groups like these protest is outside the presidential office here, saying that this is an and you probably cation, the could escalate things out of controls, given the tensions on dependency level type of stuff and set it up that effective groups that should refrain from reckless actions. if you're citizens living in south korea, you should avoid provocative behavior. but also create and say they have now suspended that balloon launches, but have one. they will review one small if they receive propaganda,
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balloons from the south. meanwhile, the defective groups who launch those balloons have issue the statement, showing no sign that they are going to give up the propaganda. believing campaign, rob mcbride, i'll just say a rest. so the rhino charges an annual off road competition, taking place in kenya, which i'm to promote. environmental conservation drive is passed through several check points, fall traveling across difficult to run. catherine story reports from tara site and southern can of the landscape of per se is unforgiving, but at the same time breathtaking. deep in the wilderness levels of because has made this down in solving tenure the playground for a day. the staging a competition with an environmental purpose, the raising money to protect what the towers fence wide live reserves and help communities deal with the facts of climate change. grow hallmark
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a trick that team has competed several times since the ride no charge. charlotte started 3 decades ago, so i think this year we've kind of seeing the effects of not protecting our water towers in a new environment. so it's, it's just something i've grown up with and i feel very passionate about it. this is not a race based on speed. all the contestants do have to go through check points. in the quickest time, they must to use the most difficult truth. part of the swell is that they know mocks true. so the drivers have to find their way through the terrain to find a way to get to the finish line. organize those same measures have been put in place to ensure their reasons many more damage to the environment. where looking at the mission coming from the can files, the 3 have a he a, at the venue produce a missions for the to, to, to the building of the big had the big waste. the treaties on the on site. then we,
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we buried and then we put that into a, a mega c o 2 emission to calculate. so i did we pull chase upset from a full history project that is being by the data. the incentive for the driving team is to raise as much money as they can and to win a match called back to trophy. pete kenya is one of the top fundraisers. he's been doing it for 27. yes, every straight route was a type line, a tiger line in terms of was very, very hard rocks, the cliffs, anything you could imagine. most themes made it back to comp on time some more bought than others. and they say they wanted to play that part in saving the planet one, having a good time to catch me. and so i per se solved. and can you pull that soul from the top of the credit for this use out?
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but i will be back in just a moment with much more of the dice news to stay with us the the hard hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that's the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in guns? no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era the
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i was i was planning on a scooter with my cousin. he said, we're on our way home when we saw in his reading the jeep driving towards us. so we started running soldiers begin, shooting. jude was hit in the neck and felt it happened near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and they occupied westbank soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipelines before leaving him. hadn't his really hosp these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from an is really assault. his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay posting and officials told to 0 that in situations
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like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. she says she'll never write a scooter again. the historic landside victory and mexico cloudy a shawn bomb, wins the presidential election to become the country's 1st is a female head of states, the atomic pride, this is l g 0, live from doha. also it coming up in central kinds of palestinian civilians were rushed to hospital offices, riley strikes target homes and of refugee to the end of the inside to the nino, which has caused extreme whether a.


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