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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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died live monkeys from across europe. this female racism of gas gold can survive 19 joseph experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given to you home at lot, then yet the as israel carries on, it's a tax on profit. the do instead is over a 1000000 palestinians have been displaced from what was meant to be. as i saw the i'm told mccrae this is they'll just say we're alive from to how also coming up. the historic landslide victory and mexico county is showing when is the presidential election to become the country's 1st. if a female head of step 5, robert cried in soul with tit for tat balloon launches
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a heightening tensions between the 2 careers within south career itself. the interest in science el nino, which is close to extreme weather events in soaring temperatures, right across the globe. the we begin and gone, so we more than 1000000 people have now been forced to leave roughly in the south. that's according to the u. an agency for palestinian refugees. and roy, many of the displaced have had to leave and find shelter several times during nearly 8 months of war. monroe says, these living conditions are, i'm speaking of israel is preparing to expand it's offensive in the southern city that it does ignited sites. on 1700000 palestinians had been sheltering in the process of to being pushed south from other areas. more than 3500 children are at risk of calling of salvation. according to gallons, is government children
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a suffering from malnutrition? and it says that we can do immune systems prone to infectious diseases. critical humanitarian item, medical supplies for gals that had been halted up to israel, took control of profit crossing last month, who despite growing pressure at home and abroad to accept the license these 5 proposal is trial is continuing its account attacks across the causes trip and is rarely is drunk, has killed at least 3 people, including 2 children in central cancer. at least 10 others were injured when the ami talking to the house and berries, refugee camp. the bodies of the dead and wounded had been taken to the hospital and i'll follow at least 20 i pellets indians have been killed in this. randy attacks across kansas since monday morning. teracon boone has more from day i'll follow the families of bidding farewell to the beloved ones. since the hours of this morning, we so completely disturbing seems the mother's children crying over the last of the
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loved ones and even some of them. and this will happen to you directly targeted without receiving any kind of of cry. a warning on the how to. ready completely asking for an immediate so as far as that would bring an end for the fighting. but the situation extends totally to be difficult. also in the false health of the call, just tripping fluid in calling you and is a city where at least also 10 top sentience have been killed in an asteroid that destroyed there. was it in shield building and including or the, or including of the victims with there are at least 3 palestinian children as well . so this is the reality and the grim one. and so the territories, as we have been hearing within the past couple of minutes more to be bombardments into another part of, on this a rock and a great richard come the, because the news generally are completely is tabs and have a great sentiment of frustration. but due to this ongoing compartments specifically that there are still thousands of people who are stuck under the roof of as the house system displays, palestinians have been completely turned into
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a great view of the all. ok, so hospital and central garza is overwhelmed with patients. and the way to many palestinians are in critical condition. they cannot get treatment outside of garza because of the closure of the roof of crossing and del called or sent us this report from the hospital and the obama oaks. the hospital has been treating the wounded since the war and cause of the gun. they've been constantly overland. many patients have no choice but to sleep on the floor. and so many tests that the hospital is unable to provide. but go no good them apply. i hope i will be treated and that'll be cured. so i can go home, doctors here say i might need to be treated abroad mother and his father were injured with him is ready. bomb struck their home doctors. he had a thought. ok. so i have been able to make him comfortable, but to the treatment outside of cause. if he's ever to walk again, a set of bose to natalie the but i've been waiting
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a long time to travel abroad and get treatment. i still hope to get cured to be able to walk, to play with my friends, and to go to school loudly as well as shut down the crossing to egypt until it's open again. patients they can have much would be able to get the help they need phase where you're located is also denying causes hospitals. the medical supplies, they need to keep people alive. some patients agreed about what will happen if they don't get proper treatment. put them up a set of the zillow items because of all the disruption i'm afraid that my leg will have to be amputated here in the hospital. there are a lot of wounded and injured people, and the medical staff can't cope with these big numbers. sometimes be treat my rooms even without anesthesia due to a lack of supply. it's not of the every day the hospital receive more wounded people. doctors here say time is running out and this is rose, doesn't stop. it's located. many more people will die. what are they not fit the
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boxes and then one of the actually the more than 21000 critically wounded people in garza, some of them of already died. we age the free will and the international organizations to put pressure on israel to open the crossing. they must allow the wounded to travel for treatments, allow medical supplies to come in and allow field hospitals to open. the rest of crossing has been closed for more than 3 weeks, no, leaving all of these injured palestinians in risk of death. and they turn 18 how situation. this is in the us, ita locks the hospital cause of palestine. this place, palestinians are struggling to find shelter in the ruins of gauze. have many have been forced to move repeatedly to escape this riley bones sound. the sheltering in schools sit on 5 is you in the distance and monahan reports in reality. no with aside from israel's war on gaza for palestinian families, displaced by his really arms. this ruined school is the best shelter they can find
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. somebody has previously taken refuge here. earlier in the war, but he and many others were forced to flee from these really war machine. but the many were staying in other schools that were supposed to be safe place. and some of these really bump that some people were killed and injured. there were some who could not get out. we were 1st the fleet to the coastal areas. these railroads left a little behind after their last the time. and we'll take a lot of work to make sure they cool fit for people to live as well. and the don't we found the school completely burned down and had no blankets, so bedding to sleep. when we return, we found everything destroyed with i live in 2 volume and that will die here. many palestinians and gaza are forced to be constantly on the move. their homes have long been destroyed, and israel is restricted shipments of aid. now all these families can dare to hope for is a temporary roof over their heads. and may be
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a free for spike from the bombing is a while i am with the side displacement is very hard. we have children with us. we have suffered a lot, and this is the 3rd time we have had to be displaced from this score. i don't know how i would manage. we don't have money. we don't have possibility. millions of palestinians and gaza are suffering the same fate. a daily struggle for survival that grows ever more difficult as the war rages on. vincent monahan al jazeera, the family service, rarely captives health and guns that have staged a protest outside prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office, and with jerusalem. but that's where the will come together to meet on sunday had been weekly protest and is ro calling on the government to secure a deal to return the captives? a drone lost by his blah has coals the fine as well as northern city of maria. that 7 kilometers away from the lebanese border
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israel's military suited wasn't able to in the sips, the drawing, no injuries with reports as this comes with di, up to israel, and his blood exchanged bias several times. and all the reports from the southern living on the increase tensions along the border here in southern lebanon. we've really seen hezbollah change its pastor. it is something the is really wor, cabinets. even acknowledge saying that has been law has been crossing red lines and that it needs to be deterred even to is really media talking about the intensity of hezbollah as attacks as of late. they have been using arm drones. that seems to be their weapon of choice nowadays, and more often than not as well as air defenses are not able to intercept all these drones. so this is has belie using heavier weapons as well a when they fire rockets, they fire dozens of rockets at
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a time. they're trying to showcase their capabilities. yes, they are showing support for garza, but also this is, has by law a trying to achieve some sort of the parents. it's wants to tell the as rates that they cannot continue to escalate the situation along the border without expecting escalates to and to be met. in an escalation, in kind that it's not just that, it's also trying to tell the israel is not to widen the conflict, but no doubt the confrontation along this border has reached a new phase, a more destructive phase. we are seeing areas in northern israel, of being destroyed. so all this pressure expected to a step up as a decision on a garza ceasefire nears the hell is to now to mexico. we have, i was just have elected the 1st female president, claudia sean bomb from the left. when the more in
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a posse is projected to win by land slide. she's a full, the climate scientist and mirror of mexico city. the 61 year old politician will succeed her political mental, the outgoing presence, a very small lopez overdue. i will not let you do. today. we've managed a curio continuity in progress. and for the 1st time and 200 years, a woman has made it to mexico's presidential seat. we will govern for every one. a lesson in america, it is at least seeing human has moved from the mexican capital. i'm speaking to you from in front of mexico is residential palace where you may see the stage behind to be now the same by the new president, the elective mexico is speaking right now to some orders. what do waiting for hours to see her earlier? she addressed the nation, a very, very conciliatory speech, where of course, she celebrated the fact that she is the 1st woman to be elected president of mexico
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into a 100 years. he also won by a landslide, something that was not expected. it would to women for leading the race, which one, again, was twice as many votes as from a competitor's searching database. she says that she will govern from all mexicans, that you will not be able to for a terrier. she also reached out to the media issue, and of course she sang to the president on that is someone with your office over the per mentor who had already said that he believed in that kind of the story about what lead this country would be. the person to succeed him. that is what will happen apparently add that put change history for this country to see you and you've been out. does your mexico city south korea has announced that suspending a military agreement with north korea that comes, dies off to pyongyang. it's in hundreds of balloons filled with rubbish. rubbish.
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it crosses border with the south. some flu or the sol international. airport forcing floods to be to life. and the military tales assigned back in 2018 to ease tensions between the neighboring countries. from mcbride has the largest from so with a changing wind direction over the weekend with winds coming more from the north of north korea was able to launch 100 small balloons across the gmc border into south korea. and many of those balloons landing in boulder areas. others to the west of sol, including in shown applewood. that's the main gateway airport for the whole, the south korea, causing some disruption to flights the north koreans. it was their state it on sunday, the sofa since last week. they have loans. 3500 balloons. containing they say 15 tons of garbage. all of this has been in response to north korean defect is living here in south korea, launching propaganda balloons into the knolls. now this is
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a very contentious area here in south korea. the defect to say it's the right to free speech to be able to launch these balloons. other people, though, drawn from a more progressive liberal groups like these protest is outside the presidential office here, saying that this is an undue profit cation that could escalate things out of controls. given the tensions on dependency level concept isn't that effective groups or should refrain from reckless actions if your citizens living in south korea, you should avoid provocative behavior, but also come in and say they have now suspenders that balloon launches, but have one they will review one small, if they receive propaganda, balloons from the south. meanwhile, the defective groups who launch those balloons have issue the statement, showing no sign that they are going to give up the propaganda. believing campaign, rob mcbride, i'll just say a rest. so the silver head here on the images here are the results are in now the negotiations begin to the south africa's amc tries to build
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a coalition government more spills and thrills. but this annual offer, oh, defense and kenya is aimed at promising environmental conservation the, the hard hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on these governments with these, this 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important effective he of the story on talk to how does era the
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award winning progress from international affairs exploring the funds of the world cloth programming programs that open your eyes to tennis, if you are on algae is here the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the old is there. a reminder of our top story is the ssl for the
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1000000 people have now being forced to leave for alpha in the south, according to the you in his role has been preparing to expand it's offensive in the southern city that it designated sites on $1700000.00 palestinians had been sheltering and rough off to being purcell from other areas. over $3500.00 children are at risk of dying of starvation. according to kansas governments, critical humanitarian aid and medical supplies because that has been halted, often as well to control of the roof across in last month. claudia sean bomb has won the land slide election victory, and mexico. she's become the country's 1st female president of to beating her nearest rival switch on campus by more than 30 percent in the pounds. your position has conceded to fix the so that for kids electro commission has announced the official results from
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wednesdays, general election. the amc has govern since the end of a past 530 years ago, but has now lost this majority in parliament and share of the drops nearly 20 percent from election results in 2019 to just over 40 percent. submitted miller reports from the election commission headquarters and the trends south africa to san independence south africa's independent intellectual commission declares the election, free, and 5th, as in many ways represents a victory. for our democracy, a saw of africans. it also represents a victory of our constitutional order. busy more importantly, it represents a victory for all the people of south africa. but for the african national congress, this little celebrates it, got just 40 percent of the vote for the 1st time in the city us since the end of a par date losing its parliamentary majority. a message for the party that it says
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it's a loud and clear. despite is newly formed, i'm going to receive a party u m. k. doing well at the polls, winning almost 15 percent of the vote. opponents and full of presidents of the a and c jacobs luma is not as accepting. he says the votes being raked, this is what he had to say ahead of the declaration of the final results. people have been provoking, was we know, i guess we're not in why they like to. well, they are more than $500.00 objections and $24.00 recounts, have planned, the commission says everything's above board and the recount won't change the poor the outcome. while the amc and other parties get on with negotiations to form a coalition government in case preparing legal action and do most threats. however, we can also to resist the efforts. one of those sources.
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we can know what the customer wants to undermine the printing preferences and would love to do for the god the we of the people. we have heard another successful election south africa has 14 days to form a government. the president will be nominated during the 1st sitting of the national assembly, but this uncertainty around what exactly the new governments will look like. and if the amc and the coalition partner or perhaps several will be able to work together effectively, somebody the ultra 0 med rent, a 5 day registration period for presidential hopefuls and iran is drawing to a close. the guardian council is expected to visit candidates and announced as qualified to run. applicants will have 2 weeks to campaign. the presidential elections were initially shields the 2025 that they were brought forward of the presidency for him received was killed in a helicopter crash last month. mohammed mirandi is
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a professor at the university of toronto. he says the guardian council is likely to announce approved candidates in the coming test. a card guardian council has 6 people that uh, 6 uh, jersey, 6 lawyers that are chosen by the parliament and the head of the judiciary and 6 by the leader. and according to the law, they have to look at the candidates and approve and see which one which candidates are can stand in accordance with the law and the constitution. that process has been controversial in the past, especially during the previous election, where doctor lot a johnny was also standing or hoping to stand for election this time around. during the last election, he was not approved. many believe that the guardian council went too far. in fact, i told him how many,
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3 years ago he disapproved of the decision of the guardian castle. and he said that they should make up for it, which they didn't. uh and so this time i will have to see, for example, if dr. large any will be approved, we'll have to see again whether uh, the print speaker parliament uh whether whether he will uh register today. and again, the number there are quite a few people who stand for it, i think ultimately 56 or 7 will be approved and then, but we'll know that we'll know the final names shortly because there isn't much time until the so the will meet your logical organization says the nino, whether offense is showing signs of ending as health fuel overall i think level temperatures and extreme with it around the world. the conditions are expected to ease with the arrival of letting me in your life of this year. it was in fox explains reco at high temperatures space in the sea and
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on land devastating floods and storms and intense drought. these extreme weather events often wesson's by the el nino where the phenomenon that along with its opposite state notice. but i mean, yeah, significantly alter the global climate. el nino can be identified through different measurements. mainly the warming of c. temperatures at the surface is declared when temperatures in the tropical eastern pacific ocean rise half a degree celsius, above average. it peaks around christmas, hence the name, meaning christ child, given centuries ago by fishermen from peru, maine. yeah. oh the go. the opposite side of the cycle brings cool with an average sea temperatures. say for around $3.00 to $5.00 degrees below average. a site
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brings kula dry weather to the tropical eastern pacific. 2023 was the hottest year on record, boosted by el nino conditions on top of human infused climate change. and that boom continued into 2024. the way across asia in april and may or end of the hill and also some of the so how have been really intense and that's being made a lot more intense due to climate change. the latest forecasts from the wells, me to a logical organization keeps a 50 percent chance of staying in a states of neutrality or moving into the media within the next 3 months. and that's charles increases to 60 percent between july and september of going into mean yeah, i moves further up to 70 percent between august and move in by the past 9
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years. have been the us warmest on record back despite the cooling influence of the media that came before the latest el nino and that was one of the 5 of strongest evelyn scientists say they are not expecting any significant change to global temperatures brought on by the upcoming shift employment habits and folks out usually around the run or charges, an annual fraud competition taking place in kenya that organize the site promotes environmental conservation that drive this path through several checked points while traveling across rocket to run. catherine, so as reports from taurus, say, in southern kenya, the landscape of per se is unforgiving, but at the same time breathtaking a deep in the wilderness levels of because has made this down insult in kenya, the playground for a day. the staging
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a competition with that environmental top us raising money to protect what the towers fence wide live reserves and help communities deal with the facts of climate change. grow hallmark, a trick that team has competed several times, sees the ride, no charge tonnage started 3 decades ago. so i think this year we've kind of seeing the effects of not protecting our water towers in a new environment. so it's, it's just something i've grown up with and i feel very passionate about it. this is not a race based on speed. although contestants do have to go through check points. in the quickest time, the math to use the most difficult truth, part of this swell is that they know mocked trail. so the drivers have to find the way to the to rate, to find a way to get to the finish line. organize a c measures have been put in place to ensure the reason many more damage to the environment, where looking at the mission coming from florida cad files of 3 of
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a here at the vin, you produce a missions for the to, to, to the building of the by with the had the big waste, the treaty on the on site. then we, we buried identity. we put that into a, a mega c o 2 emission calculate. so i did before chase upset from the focus to the project that is being by the data. the incentive for the driving teams is to raise as much money as they can and to win a match because i touched trophy, protecting your is one of the top fund raises. he's been doing it for 27. yes. every straight root was a tiger line, a tiger line in terms of was very, very hard rocks, cliffs. anything you could imagine the most deems made it back to comp on time some more bought than others. and they say they wants to play that
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part in saving the planet one, having a good time to catch the story per se, solid. and can you all that? so from may till mccray for the moment so you can find much more information on our website. the news continues up to 1212 to sierra, which he has from us students, protesting is, rose was on cancer. to stay with us the the, a teller that there's some heavy rain, so comes of south east asia. you can see from the satellite image, we've got dense cloud lingering across the western parts of the region. and that's nice to wet and windy weather around the bay of bengal with heavy falls to come on tuesday to me in mountain and thailand, we could see some flooding from that heavy rain continues as well. the western parts of indonesia,
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southern malaysia and of borneo. now the enhanced show was offset to continue across moving parts of the philippines tuesday into wednesday, thanks to active, whether accost southern parts of china. and we are expecting more in the way of wet to weather across the band island stretching towards pep on your guinea monday to tuesday as well. but it is a laundry settled story. i'm much dryer across australia that band of heavy rain moving across central air is, does start to we can on tuesday, it is looking much clear across south eastern areas as well. thanks to an area of low pressure that's working. it's way out to see is looking to y as well, of course w way was some cloud across most southern areas and fluffy and fall case thoughts to the mornings as well. potentially. it is looking more settled for that southeast corner on wednesday, as well as phone you zealand, lots of sunshine for both islands of the
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june 1967. 6 days the re drew the map of the middle east to dark colored hair crust appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences. which it still felt today and it was such as the start of his land, the war in june on outages era. the us is with team use it to guys that young voices have taken to the front plan. so our 4 wave of student activities that swept across universities in the united states from new york to california students are demanding in to the world guys and calling for their


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