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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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why had this is tina, how many between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the more than 1000000 palestinians forcibly displaced from rough. do you insist as well as attacks at full silly, half of guns as population to flee the cell? the potomac, right. this is all just here, a line from our house. so coming up across the strips, there's no safety to be found civilians and central counts that had been rushed to hospital up to is really strikes targeted homes and richard cheese and also hit the historic landside victory and
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mexico. claudia sean bomb wins the presidential election to become the country's 1st. if a female it of steps plus public pride in sol went to return the balloon launches a heightening tensions between the 2 careers within sounds correct. so the, we begin and goes away more than 1000000 people have been forced to leave rafa in the south bits, according to the human agency for palestinian refugees and roy, many of the displaced i've had to move several times during any 8 months of war. israel has been expanding it's offensive in the southern city that it designated sites on more than $3500.00 children are at risk of dying of starvation. according to kansas government, it says children, a suffering to mel nutrition is critical to the minute terry and i eat and medical
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supplies for cancer and being hosted up to israel, took control over the roof of crossing last month. meanwhile, hospitals and guns overwhelmed with patients in a critical condition, is rarely strikes continue across the strip with at least 20 palestinians killed on monday. but for more on this we joined now by a talk about was in from the bullet and central gaza, terry, because we mentioned that 1000000 people now displaced from rough or where exactly have they open false to god of the world. this has been like, mess up palestinians really have been experiencing since the beginning of the minute treat, encouraging the pro 5 district within the past couple of weeks we've been talking about roof or has been designated by the has been admitted tree is the main site stone where more than 1500000 palestinians have been taking it as a key refuge and now with the expansion of the fighting to get to the area. now people have been again, forced to intentionally being displaced from real fighting initially to a mossy,
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very a way they have been living in a very trusted 20 minute terry and could be seen in a very tiny strip of land cooled on my wasi, which is completely on suitable for human habitation by the vast majority of families have been also hitting to dairies. by the way, we are right now in the mid area generally, going to the relative houses, taking shelters in public streets while others have been taking. she'll say you've expiration since hes, which are really overwhelmed with evacuees and the realities that not only people are experiencing a rates, duration, and documented carrying conditions, but the even being kills of tons they've been following the is very minute to orders to eventuate today. for example, a family that has been displaced from the north of this trip had been killed in a zone. why the town as it means that the notion of safety for palestinians is completely trapped where they have been killed in areas in whole areas that does ignited as a safe stone. but literally, you know, with the close of borders with the ongoing prevention of the entry to the territory
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of families taught it to me again in the north of district. do people have been completely running out in terms of food for to know. so like with milk either from the children as you see it in the south and in the middle area, families are grappling to consume what has be left in the palestinian markets in terms of the products, which also are about to run house from that market that means that it's going to be any kind of immediate humanitarian intervention. the situation will deteriorate shortly. and that's what the international humanitarian life is completely has prohibited as the power of sending of the present load side with different to humanitarian organizations have been calling for an immediate intervention to risk to proceed in place. thank you so much for all of it. that's terrible. within for us that i'll follow to the logs, the hospital in central garza is overwhelmed with patients and the wound has many palestinians are in critical condition. they cannot get treatment outside of gauze or because of the closure of the roof of crossing. and they'll cut already sent us
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this report from the hospital. and del bala all oaks. the hospital has been treating the wounded since the war and cause of the gun. they've been constantly over when many patients have no choice but to sleep on the floor. and some need help at the hospital is unable to provide. but go no good them apply. i hope i will be treated and that will be cured. so i can go home. doctors here say i might need to be treated abroad. mother and his father were injured with him, is ready bomb struck their home doctors. he had a thought. ok, so i have been able to make him comfortable, but to the treatments outside of casa, if he's ever to walk again, a set of the symmetric, the but i've been waiting a long time to travel abroad and get treatment. i still hope to get cured to be able to walk, to play with my friends, and to go to school loudly as well as shut down the crossing to egypt until it's
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open again. patients like how much would be able to get the how they need phase, where you're located is also denying causes hospitals. the medical supplies, they need to keep people alive. some patients are worried about what will happen if they don't get proper treatment. what about the effect of the zillow items? because of all the disruption i'm afraid that my leg will have to be amputated here in the hospital. there are a lot of wounded and injured people and the medical staff can't cope with these big numbers. sometimes be treat my rooms even without anesthesia do. do a lack of supplies. a lot of the every day the hospital receives more wounded people. doctors here say time is running out and this is road doesn't stop, it's located. many more people will die. what do they know about the upcoming one of the actually the a more than 21000 critically wounded people in gaza. some of them of already died. we age the free will, and the international organizations to put pressure on israel to open the crossing
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. they must allow the wounded to travel for treatments, allow medical supplies to come in and allow field hospitals to open. the ref crossing has been closed for more than 3 weeks now, leaving all of these injured palestinians in risk of death. and they turn 18 how situation. this is in the pull, the data locks a hospital cause of palestine with us secretary of state in to the blinking has health phone calls with as well as will cabinet minister has been against. and you of go on to discuss that $65.00 proposal according to his reading, media gallons told blinking that any deal and got some must include the dismantling of from boss as a government and military or far as a to delia shines on this political enlist uses as well as prime ministers stuck in the same paradigm, he's been in since the beginning of the war. even though the plan seems to be the most elaborate and developed plans are coming from the well announced through the american ministration,
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supposedly reflecting israel's values of the or israel's proposal ultimately in its own. yahoo isn't the same position. his right wing blank is ultra nationalist, rather extreme as parties in his coalition have wrongly rejected it. they are really, you know, kind of flattering the deal of the worst terms, calling it a complete capitulation, victory for homos, etc. and he has the members of his expanded work habit of who are not exactly embracing it either, but they are at least not rejecting it and quite the same level. and so typically it's an yahoo is in a political line. they, the of course, the right, we parties to threaten to leave the government if the deal goes through. and it's really very unpredictable situation because the prime ministers, you know, has not, i mean he's centrally given out, is all statements rejecting what seems to be the terms of the deal. we're not seeing, you know, even even those of us who know how to read between the lines of what the government is saying they're, they're being very, very tight lips about any opening for raising this deal. or drawn,
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launched by his blah has cools the fine as well as northern city is in a hurry. yeah, that's 7 kilometers away from the lebanese border. israel's military suited wasn't able to into slips. the drawing no injuries were reported. this comes down to is roland has a lot exchanged files several times. so in a hold of reports from southern living on the increase tensions at the border here in southern lebanon. we've really seen hezbollah change its pastor. it is something the is really wor, cabinets even acknowledge saying that has the law has been crossing red lines and that it needs to be deterred even to is really media talking about the intensity of hezbollah as attacks as of late. they have been using arm drones. that seems to be their weapon of choice nowadays. and more often than not as well as air defenses are not able to intercept all these drones. so this is has belie using heavier
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weapons as well. uh, a when they fire rockets, they fire dozens of rockets at a time. they're trying to showcase their capabilities. yes, they are showing support for garza, but also this is, has been law a trying to achieve some sort of the parents. it's wants to tell the as radius that they cannot continue to escalate the situation along the border without expecting, escalates to and to be met in an escalation in kind that it's not just that. it's also trying to tell the israel is not to widen the conflict, but no doubt the confrontation along this border has reached a new phase, a more destructive phase. we are seeing areas in northern israel, of being destroyed. so all this pressure expected to a step up as a decision on a garza ceasefire nears the, the mexican villages have elected the 1st female presidents claudia shunned um
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from the lift wing. more than a posse has won a landslide victory. she's a fuller climate scientist and may of mexico city. the 61 year old politician will succeed her political mental, the outgoing president on christmas while lopez, alberto less than america instead of seeing human, has moved from mexico city. as the shame bounds, a little clients may not have been unexpected, but the mass of extent of her victory was the 1st woman to be elected president of mexico. one was more boats than any other candidates by a landslide. it says that i cannot see me until the wave loading of all this is the recognition of the mexican people in our political program. and for the 1st time and 200 years, we have a woman as the president of mexico. as
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i said before, i am not living alone. we women arrive together the popularity and support of the current president and the dish. and we look this over the gold isn't argued responsible for shame bounce when she's a scientist, a former mexico city mer, and founder of the governing lift wing. what in a party, in fact, looked us over to lord had singled her out as his preferred successor years ago. unlike the president, shame bone has generated expectations that you will fight for women's rights and address violence against females in mexico width and the sides of the highest per capita in the western hemisphere. as women, these means a lot. it means break is through the glass ceiling that we've had for centuries. it means at least for me breaking this through a top that a woman cannot take a leadership role. and they don't, they love shame vall promises to continue the president's social programs. but critics a worry that you would also push other policies seen by many esl authoritarian,
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certainly on the campaign trail savvy as say about bullying and doors. up as the model is for lewis constitutional rewards. and those represent his efforts to really weekend some democratic checks and balances in mexico, the centralized power and the federal executive ranch to for their militarized power within and the securities. here, the election campaign itself was marred by unprecedented levels of violence and the action date also saw people killed and putting stations attach or in the countries mounting security crisis. mexico's next president will have her work cut out for her. but supporters of overwhelming support for president lopez overlord may not be as easily transferred to shame bomb. she will have to strike a delicate balance between keeping her promise to his doctor and one at the same time trying to find her own voice. dizzy and human algebra, mexico city,
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pablo color on mountain is, is an associate professor in politics and international relations at northeastern university. this is claudia, shun bombs rec, hold on security and migration. 2 of the biggest issues in the country resonated with the versus i think the issue of drug, violet and drug related violence has a very complex and complicated issue. of course, i think she has a strong record of her performance as a mayor of mexico seats. and i think that was one a for a stronger cards during the campaign because she'd be admonished to bring to immunology down in mexico city. and it was particularly interesting because she seemed to deviate the little bit from the policy offer meant. or the article failed with the claim that it was about hogs the bullets. but she definitely took a stronger approach towards dealing with the criminality. mexico city, which proved some successful, which is going to replicate that at the national level, is yet to be seen. the issue of migration, i think it's more of an issue of
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a foreign policy with the other states in particular. and that's going to be a very complicated issue, depending on what happens as well in the american elections in november. so still a hit here on that, which is here. the in the isn't the size file menu i have which is cool. 6 dream weather events and store and temperatures right across the globe. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced. these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages. october 2nd didn't return and i want to stop inside story on al jazeera, the
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. ringback the colleges here with the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, what you'll just hear a reminder about top stores the sell it more than 1000000 people have now been since to leave rasa in the south. this, according to the un, is round, has been preparing to expand its offensive in the southern city, but it does ignited the site's done. more than 3500 children are at risk of dying of starvation. according to kansas, governments, critical humanitarian aid and medical supplies because i have been horses up to this wrong to control of the rock, the crossing last month. and it makes the coax out of the shape as one a landslide victory in the presidential election. she's become the country's 1st female head of states, often facing her nearest ronald. so she'll go visit by more than 30 percent. the 5 day registration period for presidential hopefuls and a bronze drawing to a close. the guide you and council is expected to bid the candidates and announce
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those qualified to run. applicants will have 2 weeks to campaign. the presidential elections were initially scheduled for 2025, but they were brought forward when presidency for him received was killed in a helicopter crash last month of more. and this we're joined now by i'll just there was only how sion who is in town and i tended this is running out of time to register. can you explain who's on the list and how the process actually works? a indeed in a few hours the registration will end and then we'll have a complete list to be. that's why the guardian council in few days with how to find the list that's going to compete on each other for iran, this presidency on june 28th. but for now, we have several prominent candidates all presidential hopefuls, at least for example of, for my father and speech i. i,
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larry johnny and it runs as a family does representative to the, the supreme uh, security council side jelly. also the raw's form of vice president and he's the representative of the reform is the comp as hug john give you, we just said today so many, all the names including mail stuff may off that on i live is a county and we are still expecting some heavy weights candidates to reduced by the end of this day, the selection is expected to be held by the end of june, as we said. but it all depends on the godaddy tells the decision. and how does that think is going to happen? then we'll see if there is a, a kind of an approach to open up then there's good. there could be, may be a wide participation. if not, then we'll just see the condition of the class that extra. right. and the supreme leader has given his annual speech. what exactly did he say about the election?
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well, i have to walk. i'm in a while speaking in the anniversary of the founder of this number to probably to hold off for many. and he a stress that there's a need for why participation in order to keep the legacy of the lights presence. right? you see also called on the the candidates to keep the promises within the possibility of fulfilling and not to go towards fact using each other sir. and the way i don't know that i was calling for white spots to patients and i give and the fact that there are many kind of the sole see, was a kind of a talking to them, trying to advise them not to get interpersonal accusations because we know, and you know, and you've on whether when that are on presidential debates, debates gets hot to bits. and they thought that using each of the author of the company, they spoke about the best of the presidents and how this was a tragic incident that has been is only effective on the whole goals. and also i
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mentioned the drugs a war and said that it's on like you guys, there's going to be, this is fine. okay, thanks so much. uh, there's only hushing for us this winter in the you, k, france and germany are reportedly speaking to essential around know if it's a lack of cooperation with the you. in nuclear watchdog, the international atomic energy agency says surroundings enriching uranium to close to within his grade level discussions and that improving its corporation with the i a e, a installed the agencies board of governors is missing in vienna, around and ukraine, of course, on the agenda with some of in java is the 1st 9 that the international atomic energy agencies board is meeting after the death of the drawings. president gracie, it is expected that the e, 3 members, front c, p and germany are doing 2 tables. a resolution to us for the agency to do more,
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to investigate it on even further ad to push it towards compliance. that it's worth noting that it on stop it's compliance in accordance with the joint comprehensive plan of action in 2019. when it says the americans and the europeans, reneged on their words and did not comply with their part of the payment. so that's why it has stopped the compliance with the international atomic energy agency, especially specifically with the aspects of the diesel, you 8, allowing inspectors and it's experts to be loud and clear around removing some of the equipment which we've had been placed. the often 2015 vendor on signed the agreement. so it is going to be just another resolution, the 4th of its time against it on so to speak. but it is not going to go towards calling for what had been speculated for months now that the indians are going to be taken to the security council of by the i a this resolution does not call for it . and there is no indication that yvonne will be the push to quit for the i by the i,
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it's worth noting. raphael grossi has visited iran in may. he's trying to push it onto its present compliance. but it is uh, allow me that the i, i, according to i e that are on, has for the enrich uranium of a bytes, a 60 percent to towards weapons. great. it could, which could be taken towards weapons grades, uranium the quite easily is around $1.00 to $2.00 and has not been complying as much as the i e. i would like it to this is going to continue for the next few days . as a members are going to present to their resolutions the i. e is going to tell the board of governors how it's a mechanism and not just on here on but on other issues such as ukraine, celia and other nuclear issues are going to be discussed here. for the next few days, and the, or focus is going to disappear me on iran and how i can push it on to words compliance and towards doing more so that it's really raining and program billions civilian as iran has been saying. and we've heard reaction in the last few days
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from that on that it will be monitoring this uh and it is warned against any actions which would escalate things. put something on bizarre without 0. yeah. south korea has announced is suspending a military agreement with north korea that comes days off to pyongyang, sent hundreds of balloons filled with rubbish. across the border with the south. some flew of the soles international airport forcing flights to be delayed. the military deal was signed back in 2018 to east tensions between the neighboring countries. as silvia as governing potty has declared victory in municipal elections, but the opposition says they were regularities. during sundays vice opposition supported scuffled with police and the northern city is now decided and, and the capital bell dried people. also costs pellets. a bad thought was a rerun this one held in the same that because of fruit allegations backed into officials with the right wing, serbian progressive party of president alexander fisher, which say they would not problems with sundays fox. the well to meet her illogical
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organizations is the nino weather event is now showing signs of ending it helps fuel a spike and the level temperatures and extreme with around the world. it's hope some of those conditions will ease with the arrival of la ninette. life of the c as in fox explains reco at high temperatures, facing the sea and on land devastating floods in storms and intense drought. these extreme weather events often wesson's by the el nino weather phenomenon that along with its opposite state notice, but i mean yeah, significantly alter the global climate. el nino can be identified through different measurements. mainly the warming of c. temperatures at the surface is declared when temperatures in the tropical east and pacific ocean rise half a degree celsius,
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above average. it peaks around christmas and the name meaning christ, child, given centuries ago by fishermen from peru, maine. yeah. all the go. the opposite side of the cycle brings cool with an average c. temperatures say for around $3.00 to $5.00 degrees below average. fat brings cooler dry weather to the tropical eastern pacific. the 2023 was the hottest year on record, boosted by el nino conditions on top of human infused climate change and that boom continued into 2020 for the slightest full cost of only wells made for a logical organization gives a 50 percent chance of staying in a state of a neutrality or moving into the media within the next 3 months and that's charles increases to 60 percent between july and september of going into the name. yeah,
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i moves further up to 70 percent between august and november, the condition now i'm a woman. so in the background also like d r. u, between the central and eastern pacific ocean. but it's happening in the background of the global warming so so one thing we can say is it over what she said, we did a woman, orville, nadia. we my slow down slightly separately, the, the global warming. but you might be able to get us back to where we went 10 years ago. the past 9 years have been the us warmest on record the match despite the cooling influence of the media that came before the latest el nino. and that was one of the 5 of strongest evelyn scientists say they are not expecting any significant change to the local temperatures brought on by the upcoming shift
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employment habits and folks out usually around the sofa may tell them the cry. for the moment, you can find much more information on our website, that's l g 0. don't. com. where there is coming up next and inside story will examine the future of politics in south africa after the amc lost his majority to the 1st time since the end of a past due stay with us the the had low, then let's look to east asia and there's more heavy rain to come for southern pots of china, areas that have already seen flooding. i'm going to get more rain in the days ahead . places like one don't problems as well as a few chung and some of that rain will be pushing into hong kong with isolated thunderstorms expected on choose day. but it is set to, we can to, by the time we get to the state that is looking much dryer along coastal areas of
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china with shanghai, seeing sunshine at $25.00 degrees celsius, beijing will escape the rain for at least a day, but it will turn with a slight, a cooler here, it winds up across much of japan on wednesday, and they'll be lots of sunshine with the temperature pushing up and sold for the korean peninsula. now as you move to south asia, it is all about the exceptional heat across parts of india and pakistan. the numbers aren't as high as they have been, but we have worked amber warnings out for more central areas of northern india as we go into wednesday. and despite the heat affecting east scenarios, we've still got fund the storms. thanks to the monsoon range, it will be very wet around the bay of bank goals for places like bung with dish, as well as me in my. and you can see some pretty intense storms developing across the southern and central parts of india through to the middle of the week. of the june 1967,
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6 days the re drew the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on. they dropped the ball on the run out as they were exposed. the events leading to the will and its consequences, which i still felt today where i could really all me and it was such as the, the, the stuff is when the war in june on out is there a, b, i n saying has controlled politics in south africa for 3 decades, but not anymore. the african national congress has lost this majority for the 1st time since taking power. so what's behind the civic and how will it shape politics in the country? this is inside story, the


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