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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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to damascus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the move in one minium palestinians, forcibly displaced from rafa view and says israel is a tax of full city hall, so they've gone for the entire population to flee a sound. the child is out of here, alive from doha, also coming up as nice safety to be found across the strip civilians and central garza have seen boston hospital officers rady strikes targets homes and a refugee county also has the. 2
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historic landslide victory in mexico, cody a strain bomb wednesday presidential elections to become the countries fast of a female head of states and fine rub, mcbride, and sole with tooth with type for lu launch is a heightening tensions between the 2 careers within sales career itself. the so we begin in gone, so when more than 1000000000 people have been forced to leave rafa in the south. that's according to the u. an agency for pablo, sending refugees on many of the display. so i've had to move several times during any 8 months of war as well, has been expanding, it's offensive in the southern city, which it designated a safe time. well then 3500 children are at risk of dying of starvation. that's the closing of holding to dollars as government as
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a suffering from malnutrition. as critical, humanitarian aid and medical supplies, full gaza have been hold to since as well to control the roof of crossing last month. hospitals and gaza, overwhelmed with patients in critical conditions, is rarely strikes a continuing across the strip. at least 28 policy ends up being killed on monday. that's bringing all correspondent and darrell bala and it's central garza honey lockwood, honey, you're standing there in front of a hospital. tell us about the conditions the adult says and for patients, many of whom have been displaced several times. the yes laura will, by the hours will looking at a quite dire situations, keep evolving to do much more complexity inside this hospital we happen to be reporting it from the courtyard of the only operational health facility in the central area being providing whole services for not only the local residents,
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but for all the display families from the profit months coming all the way from the northern part of this trip garza city. and more recently, the influx of more displaced families are from rubbish, city and the hon. you and if they've given the ongoing intent bombing campaign that keeps pushing people into further internal enforce displacement, adding more pressure on this particular health facilities. doctors here inside the hospital, we're talking about exhausted medical this i've been working for the past 8 months . non stop the suffer from the acute shortage of medical supplies. for the most part we're seeing injuries and patients inside the hospital literally on the floor of the hospital because it's simply run out of space. it doesn't have the capacity to accommodate this large number of injuries. and on top of that, the, the, the patients and other kids is a transfer from other hospitals. i just adding more pressure on everybody inside the house. but it's also important to the point out that the courtyard of the
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hospital turned into a displacements a good time for evacuated from different parts of district, literally and wherever you walk here, you would see tens that set up by evacuated and display families inside the courtyard. of the house is opposing more difficult is any challenges for paramedics civil defense, the crew, but it goes south. everything is quite facing it's status to get a better picture of what's going on inside the hospital. we're joined by the good char. do she is the director of development of from the glee. uh uh, yeah, thank you so much for joining us. uh. what is the situation in hospitals? uh, the situation in hospitals today is beyond catastrophic. um, what we've been witnessing since october is a complete, systematic destruction of hospitals by the is really military starting in the north working their way all the way down to the so as you said, honey, there are a few operational facilities. we've got one semi functioning hospital behind us.
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patients aren't able to access the health care that they need, and doctors are unable to provide the resources that they require in order to provide health care services. yeah. can you share with us your personal experience and how your work here has been going? sure, so ugly as been in guys are providing uh, support through medical delegation since february. or we've been bringing in international health care workers to assist in the hospitals. specifically, we were having in rossa, in tulsa, tom primary health care clinic and, and radi hospital. and i now have some emergency nurses here at alex on hospital. and each delegation will be bringing in medical supplies with them, medicine and equipment that were desperately needed, but were never enough. as i understand this is not your 1st timing guys, they were here back in march and you're back again. that within the past couple weeks, can you describe the scale of deterioration and inside the hospitals,
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the health care system in general? sure. yeah. the situation has gone from bad in march to worse now. uh, so i was in rough uh when the evacuation orders were issued before the as really army made its incursion into that area. and what we saw was initially, um, at least hospital in health care spaces that were being used by many, many people. we had a large influx of people into rafa, so these spaces were seeing about 1200 patients a day. once those evacuation orders were issued and about $900000.00 palestinians moved out of ra fi into the mon, milwaukee area and up north. those hospitals emptied out as well. that didn't mean they didn't need the services. they desperately needed the services, but they were too afraid to go into the hospital speak those services because everyone saw what happened in the north. and nobody wants to repeat of that here in the south. and so we had a lot of patients who were requiring health care who weren't asked to see it because they were afraid or they were on the move and couldn't access it because
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they were now displaced. once again, right, we're talking about a population that has to move 34 or 5 times desperately in search of a better, safer space that we all know simply doesn't exist. yeah, in light of what we're seeing now, there is no little been debt tax. no slowdowns that meant by the israeli military. what are the major medical needs right now? we just saw a few minutes ago. injuries keep coming to the hospital. what. 2 needed right now and like major medical needs and got yeah, literally everything. i cannot overstate what is needed. every single item is required and these hospitals, i mean we're looking at people who have chronic cases, for example, who are suffering from cancer, who cannot access their medications. we have people who have kidney failure, who cannot access the resources that they need in order to sustain their life. and then combine that with a high amount of trauma cases that we're seeing in these hospitals and they don't have the gauze, they don't have to squints, they don't have to turn in keys to treat these patients. but i think it's also important to know, but personally i don't think that what the hospital needs are more of things,
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but they actually need a succession of things. they need to stop to things and you just stop to this or right. as soon as the short ends and we can open up the borders, then the solution was begin to flood and then we can get the aide. then we can get to kind of hearing workers. then we can help give a break to these exhaustive and traumatized health care workers. the thank you so much. thank you. so as we heard from the director of development of from the gui at the situations are the on catastrophic. it's perhaps better described as the crisis above emergency inside health facilities that we see it every day inside the corner doors of this hospital right here and did it by the city where people are on the floor of the hospital or in overcrowded rooms. and with the inability to intervene and provide the proper health services and the rich vengeance, it's becoming very, very difficult to sustain the operations of these hospital honey, my foot in the central gauze of the for us, thanks very much,
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honey. i will says the saucer if he is ready will on gauze with that being several communications blackouts by preventive palestinians from being able to stay in touch with each other within the strip or in the outside world. as well as targeting of goals as infrastructure, has also had an impact on communications. i started big reports. i meant the will and cause this thing connected has been one of the major challenges. electricity comes along with damaged communications infrastructure. that's meant, palestinians are cut off from each other to $500.00. from the internet's problem can be classified into 3 levels. the 1st level is that it is a violation of my rights. i have the right to know the news to communicate with my family. the 2nd level is that it stops our work and hinders us and sending our messages to clarify the suffering of the palestinian people. the settled level is that it separates you from the want and prevent you from checking on. your family.
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does a desperate attempt to find any kind of connection to use messaging apps to communicate with family inside garza and abroad. in some places, communication helps have been set up, but resources are limited. so the panels i use to power laptops and phones for gen, this reporting on the will, the lack of internet and phone connections makes that job even more hazardous. sometimes we go to one of the places just to find in to meet. sometimes we go to the c and other times we go to the hospital to ensure that our mobile device is connected to the internet that you can use out to the world of today's radio tax can take time for both in the which cause a lot of the problem is massive, particularly in the eastern parts of god. so we, we can't contact each other. we can see in short notice is to us social media groups one or 2 hours after an incident occurred, so that it could then be sprayed on social media only if we managed to get connected to the hosting and say the infrastructure and communication workers have
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been targeted by these rates is despite the challenges they continue to try and keep cause a connected to the outside world. so that posting invoices on what they are witnessing can be seen and heard. i said vague, i just have a space person to this way. the government says israel is ready to stop as war on golf. that's a ton captives. however, 5 minutes have benjamin us know who has reiterated that the goals of the will remain unchanged unless he wants to see how much destroyed this comes off. the us present, joe biden present to the free phase, the slide on friday. and the 1st agents having a limited release of captives from dall. so i just want to find out is there from reporting from this so that scares us our higher at now who joins us from a jordanian capital on mine. so 1st of all, tell us, but more about what we've been hearing from invest in yahoo and his government. it's a problem mister benjamin netanyahu has been holding a connect since
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a meeting with the foreign affairs committee discussing multiple things. not just the plan in terms of this proposal, the to j biting had put forward, but also to philadelphia cargile activities in rough off as well as bringing back those health concepts. and he did release the statement because there's been a lot of confusion. these raise had said that they were the ones that put the proposal forward in this thing, but it's then uh the us is also insisted that it's is rouse proposal, but then some contradictions with him maintaining that they will continue fighting him. awesome. that will not be a problem. and as the spy, i'm not supposed to be part of phase 2. that's part of the deal. is they go ahead with it that will be in phase 2. and in his latest statement, he says, the claims that we have agreed to a cease boss with out speak with out for all the conditions being met. it's all in correct. see, says we use this, we get rid of how must bring back the cap says he says this isn't anything new. he says, this isn't something i've added now. and he also says because of pressure,
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he hasn't added this cuz the people of saying that he's under lots of pressure as we've been covering the last few days. and he says that he hasn't added anything new on depression. the coalition, he says, we you down on this, we agreed to this in the will counsel will that's interesting because we know that there has been a lot of tension within the school cabinet and he's referring that's who pressure from the coalition. how fragile is the coalition with ultra nationalist threatening to withdrawal? should miss neil who accepts this these 5 jail? a whole lot of sense, that statement for a prime minister, benjamin and benjamin rather next in yahoo! we've also heard from the national security minister. it's a mop and event who's been all right, the tool king saying, but he actually says also prime minister, do you have anything to hide? he's addressing him, darn. and he says, mister prime minister, if the deal was not as bad as you say. and if there was no agreement to the end of the will,
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why do you refuse me to see the draft of the deal that you promised me to see? and then he reminds promise to benjamin us and you all have an extra still wants to go ahead. he will pull his policy out of this coalition government. this is a threat than him. and also the finance minister, small band with a brother as a, as all smart troops have been making all along, they still haven't done it without this coalition. government prime minister benjamin netanyahu won't be in this position. but you also have the opposition. these a lot peas and the families of those health cops is pushing for this deal to go ahead. what do we think is going to happen? reading between the lines and some from some of the leaks that have been leaked out to his ray, the local media. it looks like they may agree to the 1st phase of that, which is to allow the hostages to be released, a number of them over a 6 week period to stop the slicing temporarily. remember back in november, that was the deal. and then potentially go into phase 2. but given what these riley's are saying that they won't go into phase c, which is a permanence the spot,
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an enter the will basically until how much is completely eliminated. it doesn't look like they may have to get to that phase. okay, so how opposing that from a mon science or a reminder, again that these really governments of find out to various are we all reporting from outside of israel and tensions between as well and has blah escalating police has found a fighting includes a 2nd pinpoint strike and southern 11, and of course, one of those a to hold a is in southern lebanon with more the on the drone alerts are almost constant in northern israel though, and as well as air defense system is not always able to intercept the threats coming from across the border, the lebanese arms group has beloved, has recently changed its cluster, launching more complex and deeper strikes. it's also using heavier weapons. the conflict triggered by the war on garza may still be confined to the border area and
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to military targets, but it has entered a more destructive phase. first of all, two's uh, the approval of a mass of the proposal of the ceasefire. and the resurrection is read the entire access of the resistance decided to increase your tax on these ratings, but not only a, not a number of attacks, but also in the intensity hezbollah. as part of the iran led coalition, known as the axis of resistance, which has been up in military pressure on israel, on several fronts as a decision on a ceasefire in gaza nears in a show of support, around the acting foreign minister alley. but harris came to be rude in his 1st for and visit the distress. the continuity of iran's regional policies. uh, i discussed the situation and gaza, particularly in rough uh with my loving these counterparts. we agreed there's
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a need for all countries in the region, especially as long as the countries to come together to stop the assault and protect the palestinian people, as well as the decision to shift the battle to a new phase also appears to be about the turing as well for months, these really army has talked about it, preparing for an escalation along the border. if there are no security guarantees, it has increase. the intensity of it's attacks on hezbollah targets in recent days, is rouse, wor, cabinets accuses hezbollah, of crossing what is called red lines, and says it must be the 3rd, as well has also said it will turn his attention to the 11th is front. once the issue of rough off, the settled with the lebanese arm group is also talking tough telling as well it hasn't seen anything of its military capabilities. yeah. it's a dangerous time as the perimeters of the battlefield expense. there elsewhere, 0 southern lebanon, still has hell, announces the big is the wrong,
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but just to the presidential bits as cans that registration tools to a close. the had lower that the scorching pre monsoon hates continues across the northern areas of south asia, in particular for northern pakistan and india. now the numbers aren't as high as they have been, but they are sitting well above the average. it'll be coming down for the likes of the whole and new delhi over the next few days. we'll continue to build across central areas of northern india as we go into the mid week. now, attempt is on sitting as high across central and southern areas. thanks to the monsoon, it's going to bring more heavy rain to west in areas down in the south of india and to show lanka. raymond, also for very heavy across the bay of bengal, putting in to me in my and it's those north eastern states of india,
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bangladesh as well. seeing those soaking rains by the mid week. now there's some heavy rain to come for pots of east asia, in particular, southern parts of china. you can see those sundry showers. moving in to hong kong. the rain will continue to fall in places like one dawn and few junk where we have seen flooding. as much dry across coastal areas, some cloud coming in to shanghai. but the launch we settled story settled as well in beijing, lots of sunshine for the east of this across the korean peninsula, with some showers in japan to wednesday. the, i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all those prefer not to look i'm right about what it needs to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse to major rally and also viet time when
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on the power of political lot, what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted want to on? i would just say around the the oregon you're watching out, is there a has reminder, lots of stories this hour. well, in a 1000000 people in golf and i have been forced to leave rafa in the south fox, according to the united nations, as well as been preparing to expand this defensive in the southern city, which is designated as a safe $13500.00 children at risk of dying, a solid base, and that's according to the cause of government. critical humanitarian aid and
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medical supplies book also have been halted off. the israel took control of rock for crossing last month. the votes has in mexico, have elected the 1st female president claudia shane bomb from the left wing. morena policy is one, a landslide victory. she's a former climate scientist on demand of mexico. se, se 61 year old politician will succeed helping us go mentor the outgoing president . under his manual lopez open the door or less than america. as soon as he a newman hospital from mexico assessing the shame bounce a little trial may not have been unexpected. but the mess of the extent of her victory was the 1st woman to be elected president of mexico. one was more boats than any of the candidates by a landslide. it seems like when those who me until they wave low, they move all this is a recognition of the mexican people in our political program. and for the 1st time
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in 200 years, we have a woman as the president of mexico. i am not arriving alone. we women arrive together the popularity and support of the current president of this month. we looked this over the gold is margie responsible for shame bounce when she's a scientist, a former mexico city mer, and founder of the governing lift wing more than a party. in fact, looked us over that lord had singled her out as his preferred successor years ago. unlike the president, shame bone has generated expectations that you will fight for women's rights and address violence against females in mexico width and the sides of the highest per capita in the western hemisphere. as women, these means a lot. it means breaking through the glass ceiling that we've had for centuries. it
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means at least for me, breaking this through a top. that woman cannot take a leadership role. what else? and they don't they love shame bell promises to continue the president's social programs. but critics a worry that you would also push other policies seen by many esl authoritarian, certainly on the campaign trail, sally as a bomb bullying and doors. the model is proposed constitutional rewards. and those represent his efforts to really weekend some democratic checks and balances in mexico. centralized power and the federal executive branch, the power within and beyond the securities. here, the election campaign itself was marred by unprecedented levels of violence and the action date also saw people killed and putting stations attach or in the countries mounting security crisis. mexico's next president will have her work cut out for her. but supporters of overwhelming support for president lopez overlord may not be
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as easily transferred to shame bomb. she would have described a delicate balance between keeping her promise to his doctor and one at the same time trying to find her own voice. does he and human algebra, mexico city, public schools are on martinez as an associate professor and political and international relations at northeastern university. he says, todd their same problems policy on security. one of the biggest issues in the country resume says with vases, as i think the issue of drug violence and drug related violence is a very complex and complicated issue. of course, i think she has a strong record of her performance as a mayor of mexico seats. and i think that was one of her stronger cards during the campaign because she didn't want us to bring criminality down in mexico city. and it was particularly interesting because she seemed to deviate the little bit from the policy offer meant. or the article failed with the claim that it was about hogs the bullets. uh, but she definitely took a stronger approach towards dealing with the criminality in mexico city. which
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proved so most successful, which is going to replicate that of the national level is yet to be seen. the issue of migration. i think it's more of an issue of a foreign policy with the other states in particular. and that's going to be a very complicated issue depending on what happens as well in the american elections in november of a 5 day registration period for presidential hopefuls in, yvonne is drawing to a close. the guardian counselors, despite to vet kinds of that sounds, announced those qualified to run applicants will and have 2 weeks to come. pain presidential elections wednesday scheduled for 2025 thoughtful, brought forward when present abraham racy was killed and a helicopter crash last month. this is annie. hi. some joins us now live from the tech runs. so i the registration period. i mean surprises the closing of a few minutes time. who is on the list. ann halbens is the vesting price. that's what it was. in fact,
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just few minutes and the registration period will be closed today, the speak all the following month. one of the favorite at the most helpful kind it is and how much the boxes call you boss applied for candidacy. also a former vp of how central funny form a ringing president has hoffjay and give you also applied for candidacy. the minnes self. rhodes and the government of late president tracy visited bosh also applied. so we have several names. also today, there was several women applying for candidacy from now on after the registration disclosed the godaddy account. so that have to fetch the candidates and then choose a group of them and issue the find the list to find a list with go to the election. that's expected to be on june 28th at, during the campaigning. that's gonna sauce on this road from june until the 27th of
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june. that'd be presidential debates on television stations of interestingly most of which tend to this stuff applied for kind of the see off on the same policy could come cans, advocates now, one of the main candid itself here before missed what is the fact i give you the v p the form of vp. he's also expect that just in case he's confirmed to draw the vote. so the, the reform is also, i mean that is, jenny was a former m p and his candidacy was refused in the last presidential election is expected to be representing the mother. it's one of the most controversial candid it says my mood that somebody in the shot. you'll know if we're talking to the new job, the comforter version, it rang and trust them. and later on, a controversial opposition figure any wrong. so all these names are going to be on the table, all the gods and kansas to choose out of them. a group that's going to be challenging
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each other on the day of the election. a new, a new, a lot of the supreme need to has been giving an annual space. what did he have to say about the election? as well as the supreme it, i, the law is telling me that you are speaking on the advisory off i to lot who made these tests and mainly on the election, he called for a wide represent wide participation from the people. and that's to keep the legacy of the, for my, for as of late present. right. you see also he called on the candidates not just use each other and to abide by the more of off the is nomics republic, also not to give promises. they cannot meet, this is the main thing that he said about the election. also he talk of the she also present tracy as a dad said it's tragic only for a while, but for the whole world also spoke on the warnings and was very skeptical that the deal is going to be. is this going to happen? ok, i have some joining us that from turn around. thanks very much on the of the u. k.
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from some gemini, i was supposedly seeking is a sense or a wrong over its lack of cooperation to view a new fuel watch. dog in special atomic energy agency says to her on, is enriching uranium to place to weapons grade level discussions aimed at improving its cooperation with the i a have sold rafael. gra garcia's the eyes. director general. he says the agency has laid out proposals and just improving transparency from time from or having add even more access more visibility on the uh, facilities in the near on having a uh what we have called in the said joint statement that we signed. he march 2023. the additional money turning on, verification capacities put in st. putting dish, have more cameras have more online systems. i have a,
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perhaps more frequency or visits have these, these 2 places that we are not visiting at the moment. hi cole is impact. hassan is over time. the treason conviction against the former prime is and wrong. com who remains in jail on other charges who was sentenced to 10 years in presence. the leaking of classified diplomatic letha between washington and his mom about honda is currently serving a prison sentence in a corruption case. software has announced it suspends in a minute tree agreement with north korea and it comes days off to put on young, sent hundreds of balloons filled with rubbish across the border with the south. some flew as a soles and special effort forcing flights to be delayed. i'm going to deal with science back in 2018 to ease tensions between the neighboring countries. well, mcbride has the latest from so with a change in wind direction over the weekend with winds coming more from the north, north korea as it was.


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