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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 3, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the the, [000:00:00;00] the service isn't news our own out to 0. i'm 40 back people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the united nation says a 1000000 policy me in fact being forced to see 7 guys up. as israel continues, it's offensive on we need a young man who has been displaced in guys and multiple times helped me. he rez,
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has lost 15 members of his family as well as his health. also this our, any occupied westbank at least 8 palestinians has been injured and 2 people killed during and he's really raised near the city of novice. 2 and mexico elect fitness, 1st female presidents, coffee, a shame bon wins in atlanta, in school, it's official telling them buffy is a rail the truth to play it in the last few minutes. rail of announced that the french super stall, assigned a 5 year the the thank you for joining us. it's been nearly a month since the israel move this tanks and troops into guys a 7 most city. now the united nation says a staggering 1000000 people have been forced to flee rafa. it was once
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a refuge for displace palestinians from across the street. many have to move repeatedly to escape is really a tax. the un says they're now being forced to move again, seeking refuge and destroyed facilities in what it calls on speaker will conditions but as many head towards central gaza as strikes follows and is there any will? pain struck a home in alber res refugee camp. 6 people living there are now dead. at least 20 palestinians were killed on monday. i see a month of the little column of what was enough to them. in the middle of the night, the occupation forces struck this house with war plains and without prior warning. and they said it was a safe place on how is the safe with them destroying homes over the residents. and no one that hasn't been somebody were displaced at the beginning of the war from japan. yeah. there's no safety. there were a sleep and suddenly they had rocks come down on them. and as you've seen their dead and they're not at fault,
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they're my brothers children's and their father before this was also kind of as to what happened to me and that's bringing out a 0 is honey, my mode hosing down by law in central guys. i force honey. 1000000 people displaced from rossa way. have they been forced to go the yes. well it was a large number of displays. families continued to lead a rough i had into the ready 1000000 people have already been forced or pushed into more in force displacement and at the west front part of new and a city that they valuations on the market that hasn't been largely save within the past how it was repeatedly talking more recently the the same area because out in monte backwards you on his own is that just a sliver of land that extend the from was from there. but i see the dots on the syndrome part of augusta all the way through of
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a city where thousands of displays family have been filtering inside the tents that they have set up on those area. but right now what we're seeing, the vast majority of people are born into the central area that includes data, but our city and most laid out on res refuge account. and that's why they are the, the, the very close to the coastal road. but these areas haven't been quite safe and the lag, the basic necessities, the lack, the infrastructure, the like the facilities to accommodate is large number of people do, are already unable to, to do to be sufficient for the local visitors and those who have already been displaced since the initial we of this uh gymnast. 5 the what, but right now with more of the important in here, it literally you walk in the streets of defense are they we would find this place families everywhere and the sidewalks on the little islands at the middle of each road, every part of land turned into our refuge account right now with 10001000 literally of displays, families setting up their tents and it's staying. but the old lack of access to
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basic necessities. the basic supply, such as food, water supplies, and medical supplies that are becoming right now. so hard to do, given that old man to process, i've been in the block for the past 20 days. and even when they reach these areas, honey, the central areas, they're not safe there because it's really a tax continue, including where you are. yes, this is the tragedy of this ongoing displacement it from one place to another, trying to seek safety and protection in areas that you were that people are told to go to only to get bonded and killed and maimed inside these residential buildings. and the vast majority of people who are, who have been killed so far or critically injured and brought to this hospital, happened to be of, from the displays, families. they end up in residential buildings. they end up in, in evacuation zone. and there is repeatedly targeted and, and, and,
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and killed by and hit by these really air attacks or the artillery swimming just over night attacks. the vast majority, the right to this hospital happened to be displaced. families evacuated from the northern parts to find you. and as a drop off and apologies, we've lost our connection that too honey, my whole to was reporting that live from down the in central guys that he was telling us about the latest is really strikes which are happening across the gaza strip. now let's head to the occupied westbank where at least 8 palestinians have been injured and 2 people killed during and he's really raised me of the city of novice. is there any forces i seen here dragging the body of a policy me and mine under cover is really forces told a wedding whole waste celebrations were taking place. let's find out more and speak to nita a brain was joining us on the line from ramallah in the occupied west spun. either what more have you learned about what happened during this particular rate or? well, according to palestinians, we've been speaking to from the bottles or
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a few g comes. they say that the person who's saudi has been dragged and withheld by these really forces was a palestinian man who was attending his sister's pre wedding party. when under cover is where the forces re did the area and surrounded the hole where he was in. he has believed to have tried to escape the is read the forces when he was shot in killed. and we'd seen the body being dragged by these ready forces. now we know that after the other couple of units enters nablus, more is wait a minute to the forces followed. and then confrontations took place between the palestinian fighters who are usually inside the block that a few jacob. and these really forces who with aging the idiot, causing another palestinian to be killed. now his body has been laid to rest after these really courses withdrew from the area. but there are at least 6 palestinians
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who have been taken to hospitals, according to the palestinian health ministry, and some of those injuries have been reported as critical. now we have been talking about these really forces reading the below that of fiji kemp. and we just heard from our services within the come that these really forces have called some of those fighters saying that they don't have themselves over by midnight. they will kill them. so we've been seeing these really forces operating in a developed refugee camp as well as in janine and to cut and refugee kept saying that they want to crack down on palestinian resistance fighters. and according to these really the, the see this add them federal is the person whose body has been direct and withheld with these really forces has been deemed as one of the most wanted on these really list. now again, it's a very tense situation with palestinians have been suffering the vacations of these really read. and these really are my husband's saying that after lady did,
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you need one of the places where we have to send you an ard men working against these really forces in shooting towards us where you target the said that they've been noticing a, a change and the method that resistance by those quite is that their methods are not working. so we're seeing a larger crack down on palestinian arms. men in these refuge account need to thank you for the update that solved as there is need to. abraham reporting on the line they have from ramallah in the occupied westbank now and is really government spokesman has said that the plan outlined by us president joe biden last week to end the war in guys is quote, partial by the us state department says is completely confident that israel will agree to the proposal and size hum us should 2. if you look at the major elements of this proposal, they are nearly identical to the major elements of the proposal that am i submitted several weeks ago. there are some minor differences. there are differences that we think that can be bridge and such as the united states thinks they can be bridge
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their differences, that the other mediators, egypt, and cut or think that can be, that thing can be bridge big actually, how much is it? this is a serious enough proposal, a must have just accepted, but if we there need to be further negotiations. we think those are all eminently bridge of all yes. as vs if last month the deal. and that's not bringing our white house correspondent, kimberly how could, in washington dc. kimberly the bind administration seems confident that this plan will come to fruition despite the mismatch. mixed messages coming from israel. that's right. and what the, by the ministration has been say through his folks 1st, the national security council spokesperson john kirby is. but uh, with regard to come us is so far as a just waiting for an official response, but so far as been receiving this proposal in a positive way. it underscores that her boss needs to officially accept this, but that this would allow for
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a permanent end to be fighting. but as you mentioned, it's the railings that seem to be the problem that they have been given mixed messages and all of this. and this is a bit perplexing to the white house, given the fact that the national security council spokesperson says, but it was a and it's rarely proposal from the get go. and this is the result of diplomacy with the united states as he is released. the is rarely to have acknowledge that this is their proposal as this has been acknowledged by the foreign minister as a prime minister himself. so the warning immediately after you as president til 5 and leave this out, this was a non starter, has been somewhat confusing to the united states. they say that they laid this out . they wanted the united states public to know about this, but also the world to know about this, where these negotiations have been going on in terms of the back and forth of consultation between the united states and israel. but that they wanted to be
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transparent about this, but in terms of this big, sort of a secret or partial, the united states says that has never been the case. thank you. kimberly. kimberly, how could our white house correspondents live there in washington dc? not in the last hour. israel as military spokesman has confirmed that full captives have died while being alden gaza. the circumstances of the guests are now under investigation. let's find out more with fire. hi rod who is joining us from amman? jordan, why? because israel has bind, i'll just hear from reporting from inside israel. that's why where, where in amman, jordan sarah. so 4 more captive dead. what more do we know the? yeah, well those full uh, well, my sweet elderly, a 2 year olds, 85 year old, 61 year old and a 79 year old. uh, the new hook already. that's the spokesman for the is really military is released the statement, confirming the names, things that they told and informed the families. and also i think that they believe
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that they were killed the several months ago in the hon. eunice area. when these writing forces would that they said that the circumstances are still being investigated. and what that means is whether they were killed by a mass. so they've been accused, thomas has been accused by these res, as using captives and people in gaza as human shields. sorry, the hamas has denied saying that they are trying to keep the hostages alive as part of an exchange deal with palestinian prisoners. but also it could very well be that they were killed in a is really bombing not being the biggest concern for the families. and this will deal another blow to them. is that trying to pressure the government to take? this is a proposal that was put forward by the american president and they want it done as soon as possible. and so then how will, will this play into the discussions that are going on right now about this plan to end the war and guys,
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it's always been hearing some statements today. it's still just as confusing as it was a couple of days ago because of these ratings of said that this is that proposal we've just heard from the americans. that once again saying it's not to how much to take the deal, but internally there's a lot of pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who also released a statement today saying, but uh, his uh, goal, which is to get rid of how much that will be. no permanence the spot until the taxes achieves. he says that nothing new and such and the not because he is under pressure from this coalition government. and of course, that is in reference to the is a fall rights ministers, the ultra nationalist, it's all been very ends up as well. smoke church who have both a subs including today. once again, they will quite, they'll pull that policies out of this coalition government, which is the reason why prime minister benjamin netanyahu came into town in the fast pace through
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a coalition. now also another person we've been hearing from is benny guns. he's one of the wall cabinet members and in a very short suites, he just wrote fines for action not sold. and of course, that's because there are still deliberations even though these really say that this is the proposal. they, it seems, haven't decided whether they will take it or not, even though it seems that it's being applied. but potentially they may take that fast parts of the deal, which is the 1st space 6 weeks. and then the idea of going into a 2nd phase would request. so how much is completely get to boston bridge, or whether they can do that in 6 weeks is another story. but according to the americans, and according to this radius, how much as much more we can, it doesn't mean that there's minus to get rid of them. so thank you very much for the update that challenges. aristotle. hi raj reporting their life from amman. jordan, because israel has bind down to 0 from reporting from within israel. as we've been reporting this,
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our policy needs have been displaced over and over again throughout the world or in gossip. it's a perilous journey fling one city for the next with no let up in these radio strikes across the strip. well, here's one young palestinian man's journey, who we'll speak to in just a moment. 19 year old. tell me he rose is from the renowned neighborhood of guys, a city close to all she for hospital as a is around stepped up on board, mentioned a tax there. how me fled the city. he made the journey by foot walking all day to reach the southern city of rasa. just a few days after leaving 14 members of his family were killed and is really strike on their family home and got a city county spent 3 months sheltering in rafa. until another bomb struck the building next to them burying help me, his siblings and parents under the rubble, his mother was killed in this strike. as a res intensified how many made the journey back up to the on the y c area. and con
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eunice way has been forced to sleep in a tent near the desert with the summer heat, steadily increasing and he joined us now live on al jazeera. how me here it is. who is in dial block currently, how me. thank you so much as we saw that you've been displaced several times over the course of the last 8 months. tell us about what it has been like for you and your family. thank you for having me. all right, uh well the life for me and my family now is super difficult. we're now in a mos area, tenured, a city with less than 2 kilometers far from where that is there any army exist in drop off. in my last area, we are super very that they started, the army may count again to can eunice invading the on most the area making n u a refugees way of towards data about i or another area in the south of thousands through with the,
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the people are somebody where we can walk on the markets and i'm also here. yeah, you always see the people looking at the south looking at the fire that is coming from the city. and you can see the nervous and all the faces here in animals. yeah. nervousness because people are worried about where the next truck might come from. how me when you talk to move from ra fine. so and have you been able to do that with the rest of your family? because i understand that you've been separated from your twin brother. could you repeat? i can't hear clear. i wanted to know if it's in, in all these, you know, movies that you've had to make in the last few months. were you able to move with the rest of your family? you'll have some how to stay behind the ah, ah, well,
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my family isn't that big. it is my father who's 63 years old. how worse as taylor, and he has permission before the war, warranting. tell of you so. busy in the is there any are we're not years and we are allowed if and my father is allowed to work until i have so his clearly not a tourist in the is very the are. and the 2nd person who was killed in drop off is my mother who's 51 years old. and she, at the age of 51 years old, works as a digital marketing agency. the 3rd person is my sister. and the 4th, and the 5th is me and my identical twin brothers, who are, i'm a computer engineer, students, and my brother is a i engineer students when they're nothing but coding. and that's what, how our lives was before the war. yeah. all day long, just putting all these on. this is our just asking our life now and almost all life
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is just standing and lives secure one gallon of water or i just don't think that tends to can on fire a lot of new things that kind of new material doesn't look like else. yeah. and i don't want to bring up a picture of yours, of what your life looks like before this more. and this is a picture i believe of you and your mother and your twin brother. uh, and this was on your graduation date. i believe this picture means unlocked to you help me? yes. this is the eviction i was thinking last year when we and our last day in high school. add um lift. it is me for me. my name and ari between my dream in the middle of my mother at this time,
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which means smile. and she always smiled and add the rides my identical twin brother. how much a what do you dream of today? help me safe place. a safe place and just another opportunity to get my family back together and to get my family back on thoughts and in a safe place, we lost our house. we lost that were the last the most precious things in life, which is my mom. i just one to my family to get back together and one table in a safe place, but i'm not to worry uh, 2 nights that i can sleep safely. and then think about that i, i rocket my head us. i mean, the bombing that kills my mother and off it was at 2, 10 am. i'll start midnight's. we all were sleep. yeah,
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my mom and my father stows until now. i'll start more then. i'll start my more than 3 months of the accident. a now near to 4 months still wake up every single day at 2, 10 pm. i am so sorry. how long have nightmares? who sometimes scream last night? i'm so sorry for what you and your family have experience. i just want to ask you just perhaps one last question when this war is over because it will have to come to an end one day. what, what are you going to do? what would you like to do with your life? you're 19 years old and a so got a long life, hopefully ahead of you. what would you like to do of the well, i hope to go back to my normal life. i stroll down there and to keep up just to save life where i can, i creates what i want. uh,
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i made so many great things for my brother who is an a i engineer who works save people to help people in cove and recreated systems. so the mold and the doors can know if the person is wearing a mask or not to allow him to enter or not. and we made so many projects that help the people here and go. so we want to keep up with the tech because we both, we both are tech trans. thank you so much help me and i hope you, you will be able to do all these things that you dream of doing. thank you, helped me for speaking to us. has helped me here as a palestinian who has had to flee many, many times during these last 8 months, telling us about his and his family's experience. we appreciate you joining us on elijah 0. thank you so much call me thank you. now tensions between israel and has the law escalating the
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latest round or fighting intuitive. the 2nd pin point is really striking. 711 non has well as says it's ready to long shapes. the tax deeper into israel is in a harder reports now from $711.00 on the the, the drawing alerts are almost constant in northern israel. and as well as air defense system is not always able to intercept the threats coming from across the border. the lebanese arms group has beloved, has recently changed its cluster, launching more complex and deeper strikes. it's also using heavier weapons. the conflict triggered by the war on garza may still be confined to the border area and to military targets, but it has entered a more destructive phase. first of all, the two's uh the approval of a mass of the proposal of the ceasefire. and the resurrection is read the
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entire access of the resistance decided to increase your tax on these ratings, but not only a, not a number of attacks, but also in the intensity hezbollah. as part of the iran led coalition, known as the axis of resistance, which has been up in military pressure on israel, on several fronts as a decision, honestly as fire in gaza nears in a show of support, around the acting foreign minister alley. but harris came to be rude and his 1st for and visit the distress the continuance of events regional policies. i discussed the situation and gaza, particularly in rough uh with my loving these counter parts. we agreed there is a need for all countries in the region, especially as long as the countries to come together to stop the assault and protect the palestinian people. as well as the decision to shift the battle to a new phase also appears to be about the turing as well. for months, these really army has talked about it preparing for an escalation along the border . if there are no security guarantees,
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it has increase the intensity of it's attacks on hezbollah targets in recent days, as well as war cabinet accuses hezbollah of crossing what is called red lines and says, it must be the 3rd. israel has also said it will turn his attention to the lebanese front once the issue of rough on the settled with the lebanese arm group is also talking tough telling as well it hasn't seen anything of its military capabilities . yeah, it's a dangerous time. as the perimeters of the battlefield expense center for their eligibility to southern. nothing on the registrations of clothes for candidates to run any ron's presidential election to be held on june the 28th, the window will replace the major key frame, right? you see who died in a helicopter crash last month. right, so, said are, has more from tehran, the many close to this coming election to be the most significant yolanda ever since history. dozens of candidates has submitted their applications to run for
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president. some of them is for them to present. the job was 8 year periods, an office which ended in 2013 was regarded as a total of one. he was disqualified by the guardian consul in 20172021 is expected to meet the same fate this time. one of the front runners is the former speaker of parliament. i do that to johnny. she's a mother of conservative, widely seen as a pragmatist and he's promising change. how does i also see the main goal of changes to achieve social justice and national developments and all culture of social, political, and scientific areas, as well as the foreign policy? or that the government model for what the platform of freedom that people can participate in the process of the flight of jenny is approved. he's expected to appeal to both conservative and the for mr. walters, but he's made competitive side. jelly is also popular among conservatives. he has
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served as the around the national security council secretary and utilize nuclear negotiator. in 2013, he lost the presidential race, a guest. the former president has several honey. and in 2021, he withdrew from the election in favor or if he's conservative police the late president, the bainbridge seat who died in a had a cup the crash last month. many heavy of team as a shuttle presidency is 2021. because if he's close relationship with re c, before them is to elect a strong candidate in the last presidential election in 2021. but also now more hopes is hope john getting ready for them. his candidate request serve as the 1st wise president on the behind his government has entered the race, if not disqualified by the guardian call. so he may be able to unite the reformist . so now what would be really interesting here is that the guardian council will set the direction and tone and tenor of this race. and it will also make clear to
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the public any ron and the international community, what the intentions and direction of the leadership of iran is taking the country forward. the couldn't speak upon them in stock, or the above is also among the prominent candidates he has previously served as me or of to run. and as a general in the reading the invitation to go to. now in the past 2 elections has been a concern for the public, an establishment. many believe it's an indication that people are losing hold that elections temporary and about change. and you're wrong about the ultimate decision about who would be on the ballot rest with the garden causal. and it's difficult to predict what choice they told me. what else instead of that, i'll just the right to or wrong. still ahead on the news, our hundreds of people are evacuated after flash floods that to communities in southern germany and in school. and i wanted to of course, for the reading sale g p. tompkins, obviously the best story may just stay with us for back after
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a short break the, the the had low, the as expected. it is a very hot story across the middle east at the moment, barely a cloud in the sky across the region. just a few showers here and there for the likes of turkey. i need to know the areas of iran, but for the cell. so there's a very dry picture. we could see a shamal wind kick up some dust causing some hazy sunshine around the gulf states. now the numbers will be picking up slightly down in the southern parts of the region, but for the event they'll be picking up thanks to a heat wave conditions affecting eastern areas of the mediterranean. and that's pushing up the numbers across coastal areas of libya. been gauzy,
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coming up to 43 degrees celsius. that on wednesday, $42.00 in kyra's, lots of heat. here we will see recovery as well to temperatures across the north of algeria, as the rain stops to die out. there's lots of rain to the south of this across that central band of africa with some intense thunder storms rolling across, moving areas of the democratic republic on choose the seasonal range here. so as you quiet to the south of this, but not for south africa, we have seen severe flooding in the eastern cape. we are expecting more heavy rain here on tuesday, very strong winds. that is a slightly on wednesday. the outcast foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis,
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haven't had going through the run for crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, [000:00:00;00] the fucking back and watching the news, our on algae 0 with me for the back people a reminder of our time stories. the united nation says 1000000 palestinians have fled guys, a southern city of rafa. israel began his ground defensive there a month ago and is really government spokesman has said that the plan outlined by us present joe biden last week to end the war on guys that is quote, partial view. it says it's completely confident that israel will agree to a proposal. and at least that to palestinians have been killed in 8. i was injured during and he's really raid me a novice in the occupied westbank under cover. is there any forces to him? the wedding hallway celebrations were taking,
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the mexican voters are the elected. the 1st female president katia, ashamed bomb, who from the left wing ran a party one a landslide victory. she's a former climate scientist and mayor of mexico city. the 61 year old will succeed, her mentor, the ongoing president, under his money, a low pass over door a lot in america, editor, lucy, and human has more from mexico city. of the shame bounds, a little clients may not have been unexpected, but the mass of extent of her victory was the 1st woman to be elected president of mexico. one was more boats than any of the candidates by a landslide. it says that i cannot see me in the way of low. they love all. this is the recognition of the mexican people in our political program. and for the 1st time and 200 years, we have a woman as the president of mexico. as
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i said before, i am not arriving alone. we women arrive together the popularity and support of the current president and the dish. and we look this over the gold isn't argued responsible for shame bounce when she's a scientist, a former mexico city mer, and founder of the governing left wing. what in a party, in fact, looked us over to the board, had singled her out as his preferred successor. years ago, unlike the president, shame bone has generated expectations that you will fight for women's rights and address violence against females in mexico width and the sides of the highest per capita in the western hemisphere. as women, these means a lot. it means breaking through the glass ceiling though we've had full century. it means at least for me breaking this through a top. the woman cannot take a leadership role and they don't, they love shame vall promises to continue the president's social programs. but critics
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a worry that you would also push other policies seen by many esl authoritarian. certainly on the campaign trail, sally as a bomb fully endorse the model is for lewis constitutional rewards. and those represent his efforts to really weekend some democratic checks and balances in mexico. the centralized power and the federal executive branch q for their militarized power with the, the securities here. the election campaign itself was marred by unprecedented levels of violence. and the action date also saw people killed and putting stations attach or in the countries mounting security crisis. mexico's next president will have her work cut out for her. but supporters of overwhelming support for president lopez overlord may not be as easily transferred to shame bomb. she will have described a delicate balance between 2 different products to his doctor and one at the same
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time trying to find our own voice. does he and human algebra, mexico city? now washington is watching its 7 neighbors. the election results closely given the shared issues in close size between the 2 countries. mexico is the united states biggest, 2 way trading partner exports to the us in 2023 were worth $485000000000.00 in force from the us were worth $358000000000.00. that's an annual total of almost $850000000000.00. immigration is also a major issue. us customs and border protection recorded around 2500000 e regular encounters on the us mexico border in 20. 23 and crossings had a record high in december organized crime, also top c agenda. us homeland security estimates as much as $29000000000.00 shows annually from the us to mexico to fund drug cartels and kind of organized crime activities. let's speak to maureen meyer about this. she's the vice president for programs at the washington office on latin america and is joining us live from
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washington. thank you, maureen, for being with us. so, a long list of, of challenges that the, the new mexican president faces. what are going to be her priorities when it comes to relations with the us? or as i think all, all the 3 areas are really big priorities. one is the us mexico economic relationship given just how strong those ties are. the cross border trade that happens on a minute by minute basis, also migration. and i think this is clearly a key priority for the buying and ministration for the next few months as we enter into the us election period as well. and then security. this is a type relationship in terms of transnational criminal organizations that operate on both sides of the border that have victims of violence and in mexico caused by the war on drugs as well as the fact no over dice crisis in the united states and other drug trafficking, so these are really just key aspects of the bilateral relationship that will have to be addressed had on the right. and,
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and that security issue has been one of the hot button issues between the 2 countries, right? drugs coming in from mexico, a huge concern for the us. what level of corporation has they've been on that and how do you anticipate it will develop under this new administration in mexico? and we've had a 3 presidential terms in mexico that i've seen an increase in cooperation with united states through what was considered the maybe the initiative us mexico bilateral security cooperation. and then during upside adult, i ministration that was revamped into a 5 centennial security framework. these i think are gonna be key issues moving forward. one is how much mexican institutions want to collaborate and work with the united states. the ministrations been had tense relationships with the, for example, very uncomfortable at the level of presence of us agents operating in mexico. so we'll have to see with a shame, bomb and ministration,
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how much openness she has to be us role in mexico. but there's also how do you continue to share information about transnational criminal organizations? and particularly of the us interest is how can mexico work to address the precursor chemicals coming into mexico? and the fact that setting now is increasingly being produced in mexico to stem the flow asset. no breach in the united states army us side of shame, bomb was prioritizing, i think she'll look at trends, not trends, border arms trafficking to mexico, as well as what the united states was doing, to reduce the demand for drugs in the united states. and so then, you know, it's a critical juncture for us, our mexico relations because because both countries are going to have, uh, uh, well, a new president. i don't know about the us yet, but uh, it might be the case in the us. how do you think relations will even. busy if there is a new administration in washington, a bind trump administration, let's say, will they get closer or more district?
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i think the us next door relationship is always essential because of some of the shared issues across the border between cultural ties. family tries, economic, trade, migration, etc. it will look different. i think if you, we have a 2nd, trump administration think it'll be, again, probably more transactional in terms of how the us relates to mexico and issues like migration. but there have been statements by many of the republican party of mexico needs to do more to address organized crimes that may be using us special operations to go into mexico to address commonalities. and those could be some real tension points in the relationship. but there will be a need to, to continue the dialogue, the us mexico, canada a free trade agreement as up to be reassessed in 2026. that would be another key issue where the governments are going to have to relate and work together. maureen, thank you. so much for talking to us about this, maureen meyer from the washington office on latin america. thank you for your insight. thank you.
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the fun out of world news now and booking a fossil as accuse this neighbor ivory pulse of being involved in co malicious activities. the military regime and wanted to boost phase ivory coast has been harboring members of honda grove, seeking to destabilize work in a fossil. the relationship between the west african neighbors has been fractious, despite meetings between the defense shapes in april. um address is following developments from i'd be jump in ivory coast. i came across the government's has the lights that officer to is. i'm under 13200 or so 14 of refugees who have crossed into ivory coast. they say they consistently organize the types $149.00 across those categories. v i board in government has consistently denied these and has said that it has always respected its international obligations on those
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harboring fugitives. in fact, it said it had deported, known for you to back out of the country. and the relationship between the 2 countries, ivory coast and looking at possible costs taken. i said, how many people there and since, especially the many people in broken it possible. and of course, so is the start of the flow of refugees from breaking up also into ivory coast. now, 130022400 refugees of crushed into this country. i'm going to 55 thousands of soap i applied for a possible because of the attacks in the country by i'm groups as well as i'd be pulled out of the military. cool. in the country, what these continuous problems mean for refugees, for flood into this country or trusting to this country is that the situation has been worse for them simply because they are facing, of course style, home government, as well as a whole government that is continuously being accused of property criminals among
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the relationship between the 2 countries have taken his physical and of course it's not the only relationship between what can a possible and i because what a so relationship between these developed countries of modeling possible and this year on one hand and ivory coast, i'm nigeria and been a republic because these countries are lights that these countries are responsible for the details of your rate of situation in terms of the economy in terms of the political situation in those countries, by imposing sanctions on them. following the course in those countries, how many degrees i just, you know, i be, don't. the british fluoride politician nigel flies as announces accepted the role of leader of the reform u. k party. he says they'll stand as a candidate in the u. k. is generally elections on july, the 4th, the reform party is seen as a challenge to the ruling conservatives in some parliamentary seats for raj. was a key figure in the referendum campaign that led to britain leaving the european
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union by i'm going to stop in this election. i'll be those. you might kind of see it mid day tomorrow. in the essex seaside town of claxon. so mid day tomorrow at clack to at least 15 people have been killed after heavy monsoon. rain calls flash fighting and land slides ensure lanka within $50000.00 to now display cement, hos. following heavy downforce, 20 of the countries 25 districts were affected by the rainfall. the government has ordered all schools to remain shut on monday as more rain is forecast. at least 4 people have died in severe flooding. in 7, germany, thousands have been forced from their homes, fight to wrench will reign. john, so that olaf shows has visited the worst 8 areas and said the fonts are a warning that climate change is getting worse, stomach, and re for somebody. this is right here. it's often very in market town
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around 8000 people next to the roof. uh huh. except that now much of it is in the river because days of heavy rain has made it burst its banks and flood many of the houses here. the extent of the damage has prompted the shots to the order of shots to come and see for himself to make clear what he thinks must be done. the stuff to get to you mission. this is not just one occurrence as they have been happening for centuries. there are now repeatedly cases where we are fighting catastrophes, especially floods. this is the 4th time this year. i'm visiting such an area and it's an indication of what is going on to get them off. so we must keep up the fight against man made climate change deal. you know, i'm sure all of us don't this. in some places, the flood waters have begun to received, allowing people to attend to the homes and see the damage people. i think they're going to kill. it's enormous. everything in the basement is destroyed, fridges, freezers, the washing machine. everything is gone. i'm not waiting for the firefighters to
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pump the water out of the basement. there's nothing else that can be done for now. it's moving on. the weekends deluge also caused widespread damage in europe in northeastern italy then that you saw an ad river overflowed, sweeping several people to that dance therapy and fatalities to in southern germany, which has seen some of the heaviest down poles as in height is back on the river nika, this is a tributary of the rhine. if it floods here, then more than 160000 people could be in danger. there's also concern about reagan sport on the time you told me that came out. dra 0 bullet are still ahead on algae 0. the struggle to stay connected in gaza, palestinian se israel's consultations back out. his caring companies of mine in sport well kept the window key and my patient is a secret with a french president and is here with that story. the
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business latest is wrote to you believe i guess is i live my on one of your lives makes more than please the
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business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads the the officers stays on the thank you so much for the one that is official rel, madrid has confirmed that kevin has signed a 5 year deal with the club, the french superstar describing the move to the new york in champions as a dream. come true, thomas. iceland, how's the day that started with a meeting with the french president finished with confirmation that killing them. papa is now a roman to reply to any trophy and buffy husband. one is european club. football's biggest prize of the use of name is a perry central man. he's joined the team with
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champions meet, wins away from into the clubs history. there's no a play you we kind of compare with except cruise general ronaldo. 2009 last remember that 15 years ago when chris general ronaldo signed for rummage rates, the version of it was crazy was completely full. that didn't happen to ever in the, in the wrong or did history. and it's really the not with the newburn, the best agent is going to be exactly the same as all player, maybe the best one in the world right now. who have done amazing things. we've done when for us, and they believe that they, he can do reading, he's particular and monitoring moment brought enough. we'd run that route for the next 10 years. and by pays the latest in a long line of big named arrivals at realm the trades from the collect goes. arrows intervenes that then and cack a to the record breaking deal. as of right now, the guarantee fail. some who drive more than others, perhaps no more so than a $100000000.00 man to spelling of names. so that'd be because players, again, you're welcome. see arrival of another huge stop killing them back. pay off. well, play, you know, who wouldn't want to play with someone as good as,
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and i don't want to kind of for any more pressure on the situation. i know for him is probably difficult avenue for always talking about him, but uh yeah. would be really nice. and the difference this time is that in fact, they arrives in madrid on a free transfer as a contract to p. s g. come to an end, the battle door awarded to the world's best play. it remains elusive for the woke up when a, you'll have that to these sites. ones your own rom agreed. you know, the most fear the feeling is that seems happens is we're, we're amazing that happens and, and that happens in problem retreats. so if you arrive to a club, being the best player in the world, a student in, but that is and you start reading trophies and you've started winning games and everybody around the world see you're getting see your mattress. it seems that the seas here to win the bottom there are trophies and buffet is already a woke up when it was france. he has the chance to win the euro is in the coming
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weeks. then turned his attention to keeping role the trade at the top, the spanish and european foot tom size, it ends out 0, jeremy's head koji, and not guzman, his head, out of what he calls a racist survey, conducted by one of the countries main broadcast. as the channel l d, which is the rights to the upcoming you are as in germany as paperless, i prefer more white players in the national team out the so as opposed to gain data on diversity team just case, you know, have friendly match against you. tried a bunch of con, doesn't go to solve it, signed the, the football team can be a great example of how different coaches, religious backgrounds and skiing colors can come together as a group to work towards great goals. and so i mean we're playing the year rice for everyone in the country, and everyone who can play top cross football is invited to be a national team player and give that rule for that country. i hope i never have to read anything about such polls. again, when can to them? well, gently replace scotland and the ot match of yours on during the full se stops really funny because this in
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a friendly against your folks for the money or on eventually waiting to new rush, i rush to the street in the world on 17, most of a lot of rights emulates in chelsea have confirmed that ends on the risk of will be then you manage it the telling joins from less to city. that seems just lead back to english. footballs to flights or rescue replaces weren't sure. push it so you know who left the london club up to just one yet in charge. the team finished 6 in the lead. last season. well, for the 2nd straight, much tennis will, number one of the joking, which was taken to $0.05 at the front, sharpen the will number one, and defending champions. height control limit by origin seniors. i, cisco surrender like you to make sure to come through. so when it's about that in the quarter finals jokers, which have numerous medical telling mounts, he was complaining his a cold was too slippery counts, but he is through that concert. the quotes feel that it's too slippery, 50 dental method. that was a high profile, lose that
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a russian base and also in $0.05 plus strategies like steam and oh, $11.00 seed reaching the last space of going barrels for the 1st time in his career . who was that was one of the method of doing the women struggle will number 2 arena subtle income is full. so trace of the last statement of russian having no problems in when americans met and this was a space this when for her, the shopping, it's when her 2nd grand some of the a success curve made a winning style. so the seats, once the cricket will cut the be strong, could buy 6, which instead of the bowling amount for $77.00 earlier. and it may be as david visa let us think, when of a man much wants to a supervisor, be so help to side. school 21 runs from below 66 fools. he was just as effective with the bolt and the media. i think that campaign with the victory the admin center, what is a breach? the stanley cup finals,
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they look to become the 1st canadian. when does it move and the to yes, they beat that was spelled c one claim. the western conference call, it was like in the series for them to lawyers, lights of stuff with this recent tradition of nope, searching the trophy, it's a superstition where they believe the only true they should lift up is the main style mcadams has not been on by canadian se system metro canadians back in 1993 admin 71 of the 1990 will face the florida pump is now game one of those finals coming up on. so i'm going, i'm going to 1st a 3, tell him defending sale g p champions, australia the same cap. so even for the 1st time and compensation during this rise in canada, you said that the top of the overall stomachs. right. but it's how useful it is looking for now. thank you so much and a thank you know, several communications by accounts have happened in guys i, since this, not of israel war is or, or these preventive policy means from staying in touch with each other within the
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strip and a with the outside world is there of the bombing of infrastructure also damaged communication systems. i've had big customer as i meant the will and cause this thing connect. it has been one of the major challenges. electricity comes along with damaged communications infrastructure. as many other students are cut off from each other, the internet's problems can be classified into 3 levels. the 1st level is that the diesel violation of my rights. i have the right to know the news to communicate with my family. the 2nd level is that it stops our work and hinders us and sending our messages to clarify the suffering of the 1st. and you and people, the sort of level is that it separates you from the want and from the fence. you for checking on your family, does a desperate attempt to find any kind of connection to use messaging apps to communicate with family inside garza and abroad. in some places, communication helps have been set up, but resources are limited. so dependents are used to power laptops and phones for
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jen, it's reporting on the will. the lack of internet and phone connections makes their job even more hazardous. sometimes we go is of wonderful places just to find intimate. sometimes we go to the sea and other times we go to hospitals to ensure that our mobile device is connected to the internet that you can use out to the world of these radio tax can take time about here. and then what's the, what's the problem is message particularly in the eastern parts of jobs. so we, we can contact each other. we can send short notice as to as social media groups one or 2 hours after an incident occurred, so that it could then be sprayed on social media only if we manage to get connected to the hosting and say the infrastructure and communication workers have been targeted by these raiders, but despite the challenges they continue to try and keep cause a connected to the outside world. so that posted invoices on what they are
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witnessing can be seen and heard. i said vague, i just there. and that is it for this news hour on. ouch, as they are from me for in fact supporting the whole team. thank you very much for watching. nick fox is with you next with more of today's this stay with us on august. the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump, which slide photos to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the farm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream announces era. the latest news as it breaks the hospital is
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a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down all the further this with detail coverage houses are being forced to be on the live with the constance. fear that more is right is hawks. are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well and the goal just flip has linked to the desktop to control your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste, like courses that 3 he says he went to vote on syria to provide a 27 year old activity as to how care service that's being working as an i'm didn't start with nursing, the eyes of his governments with my citizenship was to of, of i was surprised in the 1st part of the series we funded was to either push the shape worker cuz he confronts the news that the citizenship verification. i only want my citizenship back if i'm proven in a sense, i don't want to wait on
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a sick mccully state listed in syria on which is era stairs from i'll just say around on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we, the affects allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from alpha 0 new that you'll see that the united nation says a 1000000 palestinians have been forced to please tell them, does a is israel continues is offensive on the roof. i guess one more time it is to get back together in one tables in a safe place. but i'm not very tonight that i can sleep safely. don't think about that on a rock. it may head off. we meet
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a young man who's being displacing guns it multiple times. tell me hit as as last


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