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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 4, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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dependency state has spilled beyond india's borders and investigates. the nation's alleged campaign of eliminating critics on foreign soil begin the assessing nation on the jersey to the the, the clock. this is a news on life and the whole coming up in the next 60 minutes. 1000000 palestinians now internally displaced as israel's ground offensive forces people to plead violence un was of apocalyptic living conditions across the street. the is ready as trying to continue to get civilian areas, at least 6 for kills. and this one,
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i guess one to my family, to get back together and one table in a safe place that i'm not to worry 2 nights that i can sleep safely. don't think about that. are rockets may hit us? yes, we meet a young man who's being continually displaced across gaza. tell me him as, as nothing he loves 15 family members, but also it's hard to make because opposition valves to challenge the outcome of the historic connection which store the country's 1st female president selected. and we look at why some scientists say the el nino weather is ending and what that could mean when it's already one of the hydrogen. somewhere in the 12th of nearly 8 months, palestinians have enjoyed daily is really bombardments losing the homes and
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neighborhoods and communities. they've moved the loss of friends, families, and loved ones. and then is there any adults calculated for osha's? it's been called a genocide. the men, women and children have gone to have repeatedly fled for their lives from one area to another desperate for any form of safety. most came to a southern city close to the border with egypt. rafa today the you and says 1000000 palestinians have now being false from what was once the last refuge on the land. israel has ignored international calls to stop and has defied warnings against the ground invasion. palestinians now have to live in damaged and destroyed facilities . and what the u. n says of unspeakable conditions to be naturally ad space that is left of for civilians to to grow murray then leave is becoming more and more limited. and the more and more
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product um it's, it's impossible as of today to move uh from my wasi where our, some of our practices are to go to are you initially there by law without literally navigating through a ways of people that are everywhere. well, for many as apparent as johnny fleeing from one city to the next, we have no laptop in these really strikes across the strip. here's one young palestinian mans johnny who will hear from a just a moment. he is 19 year old. tell me how this is from garza city, which is place to i'll shoot for hospital as israel step top bombardment and attack . so help me fled the city. he made the journey by footfall killed a to reach the southern city of rafa. just a few days after leaving 14 members of his family were killed. and then it's very strongly called that family home in kansas city. how he spent 3 months sheltering in rafa until another boom struck the building next to him. bearing help me,
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his siblings and parents under the russell his mother was killed in the strike. is a raids intensified help me made the journey back home to the velocity area and how i knew this, but he's been forced to sleep in a type that does it with the summer heat. steadly increasing. how me here as is moved to gain temporarily to central garza the better connection to speak to us. and he spoke to my colleague fully bicycle from the end, described what he has gone through over the past months, a life for me and my family now is super difficult. we're now in mos area. i'm tired of sitting with less than 2 kilometers far from where that is there any army accessed and roughly in ballasa area, we are super wary that they strike the army may count again to 10 units invading the unless the area and making a new refugee is way towards data and by or another area in the south of thousands
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through with the, the people are somebody where we, you can walk on the markets and almost area. you always see the people looking at the south looking at the fire that is coming from the city. and you can see the nervous and all the faces here and then a mossy nervousness because people are worried about where the next truck might come from. how me when you had to move from wi fi and so on. have you been able to do that with the rest of your family because i understand that you've been separated from your twin brother. uh well, my family isn't that big. it is my father who's 63 years old. i have a worse address taylor. and he has permission before the war to one thing tell of the. so and the is there any are we're not through. and we are allowed. if my father is allowed to work in tel aviv soon, his literally not a tourist in the is really are. 1 and the 2nd person who was killed in the fall is
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my mother who's 51 years old. and she, at the age of 51 years old, works as a digital marketing agent. the 3rd person is my sister. and the 4th, and the 5th is me and my identical twin brothers, who are, i'm a computer engineer, students, and my brother is a i engineer students. we know nothing but coding. and that's what, how all our lives was before the work all day long. just putting all these on, this is our just asking our lives now and almost all life is just standing and lives secure one gallon of water or just guarding the tents. cooking on fire. a lot of new things that's kind of on humanitarian. i'm the want to bring up a picture for our viewers of, of what your life looks like before this war. and this is a picture i believe,
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of you and your mother and your twin brother. uh, and this was on your graduation date. i believe this picture means a lot to you. help me? yes, the this is. victor was sticking last year when we and our last day in high school. add um lift. it is me for me. my name and our between my dream in the middle of my mother at this time, which means smile. and she always smiled and add the rights my identical twin brother. how much, what do you dream of today? help me a safe place? a safe place and just another opportunity to get my family back together and to get my family back on thoughts and then a safe place. we lost our house. we lost that were the last the most precious
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things in life, which is my mom. i just one to my family to get back together and one table in a safe place that i'm not to worry tonight that i can sleep safely. and then think about that i, i rock in my head, i mean, the bombing that kills my mother and russell. it was at 2, 10 am. after midnight we all were sleep. my mom, my father tells until now after more then after a month more than 3 months of the accident, a now near to 4 months still wake up every single day at 2, 10 am he wakes up have nightmares. he sometimes screamed last night. i hope to go back to my normal life. i strolled down there and to keep up just to
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save life, where i can, i creates what i want. uh, i made so many great things for my brother who is an a i engineer. we work to save people to help people in cove with recreated systems. so the mos and the doors can know if the person is wearing a mask or not to allow him to enter or not. and we made so many projects that help the people here and go. so we want to keep up with the tech because we both we both are took twin that's. he'll be here as a hot breaking story of losses. so familiar right across the goal is a strict as well, just based on this thing, is it still trying to attend to what's left of the home to northern gaza, just days off? if it's ready, i'll meet with drink from the area northern goals. it has been declared that the sauce design 5 promised to meet officials more than 50000 residential units have been destroyed. and then the returning of that for just searching through the rubble of the destroyed eggs. level 2 out of this,
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we'd rather face hunger or bombardment than leaf at the sides. despite the entire guys and stripping our beloved sacred lines, we cannot leave the north. as you can see, the house is at risk of collapsing and the stairs. the walls are being bombarded, there's no support structures. so as you can see, there's a whole the and the ceiling has collapsed. we've hung sheets around the structure and states. here i've been leaving here with my husband, his 2nd wife, all children and adults, and all the all mold and 45 people here. and as many had from the south toward central grounds, it strikes full of them. is ready fight a jet struck in apartment block blocking overhead refugee camp and let's at least 6 people were killed. a 28 pedo seniors have been killed across the strip on monday the injured have been taken to allies. the hosp within central gals are off to as dry some booth outage and just have that terrific to kind of tens of thousands of palestinians have fled to these areas. but the still facing is daily attack of the
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month of the little column of fluids enough to them in the middle of the night, the occupation forces struck this house with war plains and without prior warning. and they said it was a safe place on how is the safe with them destroying homes over the residents and no one that hasn't been somebody were displaced at the beginning of the war from japan. yeah. there's no safety. there were a sleep and suddenly they had rocks come down on them. and as you've seen their dead and they're not at fault, they're my brothers children's and their father before this was also kinda well, those strives continue. there is confusion about what president bite and claim was . israel's proposal to end the war and what's being said about that in western slim . and it's really government space when it said the plan outlined by bite and last week is quite a partial in the us state department says it's completely confident the israel will agree to the proposal and says, i'm not sure to if you look at the major elements of this proposal,
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they are nearly identical to the major elements of the proposal that am i submitted several weeks ago. there are some minor differences. there are differences that we think that can be bridge and such as the united states thinks they can be bridge their differences, that the other mediators, egypt, and cut or think that can be, that thing can be bridge a big actually come out. it's, it's, this is a series that proposal em us or just accept it, but if we, there needs to be further negotiations. we think those are all eminently bridget will. yes. as vs. it's a mazda mazda deal. all right, let's dig into this little bit, was she have a shepherd? tons in washington dc said what house pushing back she have on the idea that is real didn't know about this plan. i think actually what you can maybe detect and not miller's voice, those back a little bit concerned now because let them know who is potentially giving him off and out because he's, he's cheap. no affective is changing the goal posts of the deal to israel agreed to and then was transferred at their home us by trying to negotiate elements or phase
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2, even before phase one installed. it's not, i was gonna say, well wait a 2nd, he's doing this, but why should we know they've already react on the deal side of the valley, we're going to get wired of the only issues that nobody always talking about. what kept vague on purpose, to try and get agreement from all sides and then negotiations will continue it just stage 2 and i think what everyone's trying to get my head around. okay, is this the moment? finally, the by the is, is being fun with the is right. he's given his record in the past. i think there are a lot of reasons why there's a sense that maybe this is different. this is about buying this political survival . now, this isn't about the survival of the people in rough or with the children, and because they don't always said we will let as well do whatever they want until the huge of the election campaign. the election campaign is a few weeks away when the convention stopped by the needs people to stop thinking about donald trump and not about genocide j. so that's one thing that actually they
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also have indications as well, frankly, with donald trump. ones this when he doesn't want this on his plate, if he becomes preston, that's probably why we have a pack the has remained, is ready and i'll be here. we have all the usual suspects. a couple of family behind this present thinking of israel is deal of as well. g 7 is now come out in favor of it. they think they think they've got him now you see bucks. but the, the point is this is that the yahoo. so you'd have a note and practice those are bite and so you have and you don't really know what leverage other than the implicit leverage off you are isolated. now, within the vitamin section is threatening that in, you know, if any, a tool because frankly they don't have a record of ever doing well. right. and all the while present button is being speaking to the mirror. talk to one of the key. negotiate is because uh, what more do we know about that? and this is the other part of the deal. it's quite interesting. read out actually for a change of what these readouts used, liberty build. but you said look, but the present confirmed is rose, a readiness to move forward with the terms that have now been offered to home us.
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the president advertises the best possible opportunity for an agreement. and then, and it puts the onus on the culture of pressure to come up the rest of the, all the appliances. and that's why they, what none of the other to shut up, frankly, is basically it will, the, the, the what else seems to feel that they've now told, is there any public what is actually happening and what's on alpha. so there's pressure and navigating through radically. but now they also think the palestinians know what's on the table and the special and i'm often put potentially to, to, to agree as well. so that's what that freaking out. of course kata is the, the gallon pool of, of, of the, of the price. that's when it comes to home off, so that's where that's where this this phone cool fits in. tip to the ski, i ship, thanks the shipper times you the in washed. meanwhile, as well as ministry space, one has confirmed that the full more competence of died. well, being held in dallas or it's devastating use to the families of is ready to count as have been organizing rallies every week to try and pressure the government to
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reach us these 5 deal and bring the captives home. as i see in sarasota, i feel like it's the part of my family is that died day and i feel that from week to week it's just we're here just for about more and more hostages is that dying. and now we are in the critical moment. if we're not gonna go ahead and we'll make it hostage, there is no help for this country. we just got a terrible news. it's a crazy situation that we're accounting each days and each day, another day in and out a day. and then the number of the hostages is just going down and not because of there are coming back 30. there is any of this is because our
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dad is a, is there, a is bound out 0 for reporting inside the country inside israel. so so heart is in amman, the jewels and encompassing hudson update and this will be very troubling for the families of those held captive. not only do you have full of people now, the all announced is dead by the minute tree. 3 of them, a 79 year old to in the eighty's. one of them was a 51 year old. but if you recall, they 2 of them had appeared in the video that was released back in december. now the fact that they were elderly at the time, and in that the, you know, perhaps on the corrosion by how mosque they had said that we were the founders of the israel, of the military and in dots was the hebrew song that hamas had used in the video, a nationalistic song, one that would resonate with the public that was being played as they were talking . and they said, don't let's as though i hit old. well that's exactly what has happened. even though
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the minute she's saying it's not clear what the circumstances on those investigates that they believe it was in the hon. eunice area and that they've been killed months ago. but also another reminder, when they had to pay to not video just days before that the military had killed 3 captives. hey, we all today, 3 of them now announced that one more this morning. okay. he wasn't found in the gaza strip. he was like she found in the area where he'd been killed on october, the 7th, and that's now school people pronounced dead. i'm a real major concern for those families that weren't in the box as soon as possible . and this is exactly what they have said. they have said that they will be coming back dead within the occupied westbank, at least a palestinians have been injured in 2 people killed during on his rating raid near the city of nicholas is ready forces the same here, striking the body of a palestinian man and the cover is ready for us to stone, the wedding hole where celebrations were taking place to the united states where
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police in california have arrested several people taking positive processing, solidarity with palestinians yeah, protests is organized. and then they'll be of these very conflicts in san francisco . police estimate about 70 people inside the building, like hold for it in 2010. i think where is that you? i list with down here in san francisco in california. and i spoke with her a short time ago about the process that these really comes a 100 active this walked into this building occupied it on for all the big flags that said zionism kill and stage that fits in a multi hour long put in. and they refused to leave until they were forcibly removed by police interested. and what do we know about the protests is tell us about them. this wasn't organized by any particular organization. it is a diverse group of activists here in the bay area. there were
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a lot of anti zionist jewish protesters, asian, very few palestinians i might add. and what they said is that they are heating the calls of the students and gaza for international solidarity, which includes occupying is rarely um, the seeds and consulates around the world, such as this one. and tell us about those who have been detained. to do we know how many there were about a 100 protesters here. all of them got in willing and knowing that they wouldn't be arrested so far. maybe about the 60 or so have been arrested. i'm told there are about a couple dozen remaining in the consulate in the. * but you can hear them can tell you right now, and they are tempting, long live the intifada. they expect them to be arrested. they were waiting to be arrested and the police have been slow for the past 2 hours. the police have been arresting them one by one, bringing them out to the side of the building and loading them into their police bags. so the ones that remain here are just waiting for their turns to be arrested by the police. and dia, you'd be reporting on events like this is the price is moving,
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grows in the united states. right. and i've definitely been growing. we have seen months of direct actions and protests here in the bay area. i myself have reported on the closure of the san francisco international airport, the shutdown of the oakland port multiple times the shut down of lockheed martin. we have seen the bay bridge shut down. we have seen the golden gate bridge shut down. and that's in addition to several local university because of solid charity and cabinets. so this is just yet another escalation of direct action. and they said they will not stop until this genocide and until the us stops it's funding. and it's complicity in this new us back war and tile is fine. so i put the most of the head here on these are including the horrors of war. creating a crisis with pregnant women and gals. are many losing the unborn babies to miscarriage every day the maxine vitus, if elected the 1st female president, claudia,
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shame them from the left wing. murray and apologies wanted landslide victory. the 61 year old politician will succeed half political, mental, the outgoing president. tons of his mind. will lopez over to the main challenges journey to that galvis says she plans to challenge the outcome chief of what she calls an equal competition on lots of america. totally certain human as mo, from mexico city. the shame bones a little clients may not have been unexpected, but the mass of extent of her victory was the 1st woman to be elected president of mexico. one was more votes than any of the candidates by a landslide. it says that i cannot see me in the way below the middle of all. this is a recognition of the mexican people in our political program. and for the 1st time in 200 years, we have a woman as the president of mexico. as
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i said before, i am not writing alone. we women arrive together the popularity and support of the current president and the list. when we look this over, the gold isn't argued responsible for shame bounds when she's a scientist, a former mexico city mer, and founder of the governing left wing. what in a party, in fact, looked this over the board had singled her out as his preferred successor years ago . unlike the president, shame bone has generated expectations that you will fight for women's rights and address violence against females in mexico width and the sides of the highest per capita in the western hemisphere. as women, these means a lot. it means breaking through the glass ceiling though we've had full central re weigh. it means at least for me, breaking the students up. the woman can not take a leadership role and then they don't they left. but she involved promises to continue the president's social programs. but critics a worry that you would also push other policies seen by many esl authoritarian,
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certainly on the campaign trail file, the se fully endorse the model is for louis constitutional rewards. and those represent his efforts to really weekend some democratic checks and balances in mexico, centralized power, and the federal executive branch to further militarize power within the securities . here, the election campaign itself was marred by unprecedented levels of violence and the action date also saw people killed and putting stations attach or in the countries mounting security crisis. mexico's next president will have her work cut out for her. but supporters of overwhelming support for president lopez overlord may not be as easily transferred to shame bomb. she will have to strike a delicate balance between 2 different products to his doctor and one at the same time trying to find her own voice. does he and human algebra, mexico sits
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a lot to them, records entity and human joins is now live from the capital mexico. so this is that we have this appealed by the opposition is that company is a surprise to challenge the results. actually it is a bit of a surprise because fraternity got it. this had conceded defeat, she had called up loudly shame on on the phone. uh, she said, congratulated her for her victory. and during the whole time that the election was taking place so made in the morning till 6 in the evening, there wasn't a peep out of her or her coalition suggesting that something was amiss. so suddenly she says, oh, you know, just i've changed my mind that this isn't over yet, and i am contesting the results. we don't know whether this is because of the very clearly humiliating defeat that she and her coalition suffered or because they really do have some kind of evidence that would back these claims of other
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regularities. but this is still very early days yet. we have to see what she has to say in the, in the coming days and what kind of evidence she will in at least in theory, present to the electro out. yeah, these as it stands with 0, it was a very significant when the so what's in the state now to see if there is so much at stake this country is as we was saying earlier, has the highest level of violence in its history. very high levels. of murder of people who disappear, we're talking about hundreds of thousands of people. uh, something that you normally would see in a war zone, not in a, in a democracy that's supposed to be a piece. this has been going on for a long time, but it gets worse and worse all the time is cloud to shame about we'll have to tackle that relations with the next us government. we don't know who that would be and what donald trump to win that could be rather tricky. but beyond that, we have
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a lot of people here in mexico who are feeling rather differently now. and it has much to do with her that it has to do with the composition of the legislature, which right now it looks like the more that they, the governing more than a party may actually get a super majority, which would allow the current president to pass those calls additional reforms that we just heard about. we're seeing so much. so people worried about the impartiality of the judiciary. and i'm the, and the defense rather, or the impartial or the dependence of the democratic institutions that we have all that the, the base. so that makes the concurrent so it has dropped significantly. and also the stop exchange fell today by 4.25 percent, the biggest drop since the pen demik. so we're seeing some nervousness. i'm, we're not really sure now whether this is do more to what's happening with the legislature or to this a norm as game well and,
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and victory rather than the shame about why they say, i believe with the thing to that update me seeing you in the it must go to thank you. i sort of head hearing out to 0. the well food program is run preamp a deliveries in haiti, but it says it needs to do more to meet every day, needs thousands for the violence to begin a fast. i will report from nave re, i've re case which has been accused of humphrey groups, the hello. we are still looking at some rather lively weather across the southeast and kona almost right or little circulation just of swelling away here that's bringing some brisk wayne's lot ways. just around that eastern side or victoria southeast of parts of new south wales and dental was, has maybe that'll stall to ease over to was do say in a line of cloud,
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lot of sherry right into central pots. it's a weakling fee. typically aust, i'm looking at some what's the weather into the interior rolling across south australia, bright, this guys coming back in from the west as we go on through the next couple of days . touch 2 sales just the full perfect. what's the weather? the share i was they will slide the way a little further based with we go to 22. there also for breast been still some showers down to us at southeast corner could see of a coastal lo, which is as i said in the process of pulling way. but we're not going to see some what the weather this lingering here as we go one through with the sale of time. not too bad in new zealand. so a lot of dry weather just to get a chance of and also possible to of west the weather. we had a bit of weather to into japan, full rec, choose day. so i'm showing a shower, so i think sums it up nicely at last stage. we are looking at a dry price uh with a as we go through wednesday and still very unsettled with southern china. the
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conflict has been a constant shadow over the hopes to new rocks. like many people to be up to the 2019 protest as an opportunity to reclaim a nation. when their voices are met with blue tiles, she selflessly seems the role of medic let nothing. cooper pass for the person to sliding sideways. baghdad on fire. witness on out cassandra, the
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of the like, are you watching out 0 mind about top stories is up and the united nation says is ready. violence is full. 1000000 people to flee, reference southern gaza. but living and what do you and is cory unspeakable conditions of to the homes and you and shelters were destroyed? is there any strides across gallons or continue at least 6 people were killed when it's ready forces from the residential block and the output edge, refugee compton, central gulf. it's really minute. truth killed, more than 36000 small, 100000 gallons. and is there any government spokesman has said that the plan
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outlined by us president j 5 last week to end the war and going to it's quite possible for the us says it's completely confident that his real will agree to the prefers the don't does. it does is not so hospitals say that israel's war is leading to an alarming increase in miscarriages that say up to 10 patients and losing the unborn children each day compared to one or 2 before the will and estimated 60000 women and girls were pregnant. and the horrors of war. now nutrition, the lack of health care, what's the message? why should i need my food report stuff from the bottom as hungry displays distressed and pregnant? the doctors say these conditions are holding a surgeon, miscarriages. a cross gauze surviving the war has been difficult enough for many pregnant women given birth poses yet another challenge. did you find the
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special care about how quickly i came for a follow up visit, but they told me the baby had no hot beach. i was told it was luck, future to lack of medicine and mom nutrition. this is my 5th day at the hospital and i don't know what to do. after nearly 8 months of israel's onslaught. adequate emergency there is no longer available for many expectant mothers. fema. i'm just kind of this, but they have a funny addition then, before the war, the rates of miscarriages was low, about one or 2 cases a day. but now there's so much panic and fear we see up to 10 miscarriages on a daily basis. sure thing doesn't supplies of medicines and equipment are limited and often not exist. women are always wonder, going see sections without anastasia. doctors say the war has led to a rapid surgeon, miscarriages. and a premature birth in due in part by high stress about 60000 and pregnant women in gaza have little to no access to adequate parental health services. the
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international rescue committee says only to a partially functioning hospitals, offer maternity services said to him and i left the the pregnant women who have miscarried, face a lot of psychological suffering as a lack of emotional support from the medical stuff as well. we're also facing great psychological impressions due to the rules. these conditions are making things worse. months of bombing attacks and devastation have led to wide spread. the trauma wasn't that also and had been pregnant for months and i came to the hospital in pain. i've experienced a lot of fear and exhaustion. i myself had been carrying for the sick and injured thing. this led me to miscarry. the war has created terrible conditions for palestinians in garza and now increasing b also for the unborn honey. my mother was just the at all since row gone gone.
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how's time? bradley was made to chosen the tfc, who's the deputy director of emergency responsive project. hope. she says the desperate conditions in which pregnant women and living, creating delivery complications. this is such a serious situation and we know that pregnant and postpartum women have endured unimaginable stresses for many months now and the lack of health care and the, the conditions in which they are living are contributing to the hydration and bound nutrition and anemia to all of which create complications and delivery. and when you don't have access to a hospital for the health care that you need in a complicated delivery, the outcome is not good for baby or for child's projects. health has been running clinics in there of a lot of nebraska, although which the recent offensive and bravo, we've moved our clinics to con units to serve displays population there. but in
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durable we've been providing prenatal and postnatal care and we also have the capacity to the to provide support for deliveries that do not have complications. that being said, there are often times where we need to refer patients to the hospital. and after that, it's mostly out of our hands. there's not much that we can do. the women and their families are the and then on the access to the facility, what medicines, what supplies they may have. we've been hearing for months that women have been giving birth b a c section without anesthesia, which is just the most horrendous, a scenario that a woman could be. and while giving birth, it just seems that the suffering that these women have to go through is just part of the day to day is, is something that is almost accepted at this point. but we projects whole by staff
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and the rest of the humanitarian organizations that an agencies that are working in gaza. this is why we're pushing for a cease fire. we are asking for a humanitarian court or for acts up as for health care to be provided, not only to women and babies, but to the entire population. the you as well for the program says it's run, pay up a to assist people in haiti, but more help is very much needed. the organization says so far as providing meals to a 100000 people displaced by violent gains control around 80 percent of hate. these capital, including ports of entry and roads and making delivery very, very difficult that speak to code for about who's 80 executive director of the global empowerment mission, joins is not from porter prince. in haiti, a code tell us more about the situation relative to the violence on the streets,
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how it is from the point of view view, living the just how serious is the situation. good afternoon, good afternoon. you continue to have experienced high level by lowes and insecurity of these dates 0. we are do it. the challenge is very hard to survive. it's not easy, especially when we cutting this the main road block. right. so but describe the way that this gunman roaming the streets. so just just how dangerous is it? yes, we have gunmen under streets. yes. specially in special areas. so we are part of the brand is called b p clothes. so it must makes it very difficult for people trying to feed themselves. yes, it is very difficult and we some especially imported brands to get out of
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order been to send fluids in the for example, we price a, a rise in oil and sugar, everything like that. is to me and it's difficult for us to receive that of the how do you negotiate the streets then how do you negotiate, how to get round all this that you know, the voluntary is how do you get a to the people who need it and that situation very difficult, very difficult now, and we are in this stage or do you mind entering in prices? yes, it is very difficult. and with games in charge of much of the capital, what does it likelihood that the situation is going to improve any time soon? can you repeat it again? it's very given the current situation. what is it likelihood of things improving,
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input of friends, we hope, but the, the troops will be coming soon. and then we'll be able to, to travel around the con, the, around the part of france and go everywhere we need to go. we hope that you will come anytime soon. that's why we expecting a very difficult situation that it hate to you. i appreciate your time code for bye . thank you very much indeed. thank you for nigeria is really experiencing power cuts and disruption to a traffic off the 2 major unions declared a general strike of the minimum wage. they say it's impossible to survive on the current rate of $22.00 a month because of the rising cost of living. that the monday around $370.00 a month, which is 15 times what they currently get. bill us by proponents from the capital a boot you this is one of the major government offices here in address carpet, so we just is presently under lock and key by liberal unions were prevented. walk
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us from cutting out activities that will cause a demanding depth, which has to be increased for hours. so in order to on to work talks broke down last friday. when doubling recruiters, i agree with them, by the way to increase the demanding, giving a rising inflation. and also the cost of leaving the president had the on assumption of, of his last year amounts it remove all of subsidy from federal and electricity, which actually make it more difficult for households. so suffice funds to president is saying that this informs the mississippi to be able to stabilize the economy and they show that to the economy. it doesn't collapse to what kinds of thing that's become much cool. given that being said that being more expensive daily. and for the liberal, you know, just saying that's or less the salaries i increased that they will not go back to
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what they've gone around. trying to enforce the mission. why strikes slides have been disrupted and mental prisons have been halted. the national grid has been shut down, which has resulted in the country being plunged into darkness. only a very few vehicles on the we climbed the roads on most before i've decided to stay back home. because people deliver e mails on like before, where they would only what's a good enough is this room for us. the strike. in this case, they've been glued from private offices trying to ensure that's what costs were forced out. the officers legal sessions are still on a new level videos of saying that they're not going to ship ground, even that the cost of living is, is skyrocketing every day. this is about the 4th strike says president, while i moved to new who took off his last t. i'm what does it will i hoping that to be able to come to around to be,
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to show that to this is resolved as soon as possible in terms of also moving pictures. patients only few of them are sending and the very long choose which in the next few days, it may be no federal ship it to be able to move around for a dentist. and i'll just pull jeff nigeria now, then the russian for a minute to say good luck. ralph has arrived in guinea in west africa at the start of a 3 country to he's visited the continent several times over the past 2 years. as most of the works to try and boost its influence, that i think attack has moved from neighboring center go. just so we're on our way to meet a russia africa export. and now i've ordered a young go, which is a russian company here, and set a goal that operates taxis. it's one of the many russian companies that have started investing in west africa. russia has been winning hearts and minds,
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especially here in west africa. thanks to video is that it publishes on social media like this one that's on telegram or we see the russian fighters from the mercenary group, the wagner group hunting out aid. and you can clearly see the russian flag. and it shows russia stepping in and succeeding where the west has failed to r. taxi driver is from neighboring guinea. that's where the foreign minister of russia, sir gala ralph, is. he's there to try to talk about security, but also access to be on tapped reserves of box cited much of his trip is about not just security, but also access to minerals that russia needs when it comes to trade. russia is lagging far behind the west with only $14000000000.00 traded last year. compare that with the european union, that traded $300000000000.00 worth of goods and services without forget last year.
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the news and the issue, what so best you can we motion the scene as an economic security and strategic alternative to the west for the development of african state. and then the thing that bothers or diminished as to what we've seen as popular with young africans at the moment on the fortune agency on the corner of excel flooding reports. and it has really stepped as much on the african continent. but his chief diplomatic invoice has certainly multiplied his tours of the region in this latest one comes at a time when russia is increasingly isolated in the west. but certainly not here. on the african continent, this nicholas hawk, l 0 the car. well, it rushes implants on the african continent has been gaining ground of recent years with a string of pro russian ministry regimes emerging in this whole region. however, the russians trade with africa still lying significantly behind other powers. latest figures show the u and traditional european colonial powers as the continents a big is trading partner with an annual figure of around $300000000000.00. i latest
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making sure that china is type of trade with africa reached at $282000000000.00 a china. it's significantly increased its investment infrastructure in infrastructure. i manufacturing the confidence over the past decade. united states is f cuz the biggest part node $64000000000.00 rushes trade with africa last year was estimated by the russian president vladimir putin, himself, to be around $18000000.00. let's take this home because bates evicted. that guy who's a professor of international politics, peace and security at k for your 9 international peacekeeping sense of joins is from at correct, great, heavy with this victor. uh, so 1st out what's in it for russia? why this focus for them on african nations? oh, thank you very much. so 1st of russia is open ended gaming to jane dominance on that off again. confidence. but they've got to trade in cost it as bill wise as
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a box you that's been created, or the relationship between the worst task due to rearrange it. so russia is looking to take advantage of the film. and the gas expanded is fake relations by the agents. and then the bowl become a southern point when he comes to bushing guns. so that the russia now how it was in the big for when it comes to the coincidence, a comic wise, a growth and development wise, right, was this huge amount of just i was just going to say a huge amount of natural results has that. and also interesting say that i think somebody like 50 full votes on the u. n. general assemblies. it's important for russia jet politically to is net is very true. very true. now, joe, joe is kind of wise. russia is a need to gain one is. ready the quest,
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okay. for the nation when it comes to the former, well that's what is the way. so in essence is all jets. it is not just how just by the total agents when it comes to increasing my costs, and it's basically it's jen. now when it comes to economic, james, know only this data file portion they called blow merricks. ok. the was call for investors in russia engagements with oftentimes they're buying on a certain boss resources that can be adjusted industries for russia is all when to when you look up in trouble says them, when you look on the go to system, develop somebody and washer piece area, 17 lives on monroe before that comes on both sides. cool thing in the office. it tells us that this is what we are info. so right what we have to do when
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it comes to doing what we do, it is the free market. and what about the china because they're also very heavily involved as we saw a little bit at a at using a different strategy perhaps in investing and infrastructure projects. is that more effective? do you think of yes, china is quite right. and that is one of the reasons why russia wants to also follow the steps of china because china and india thinking there's in gain dominance, economies or russia is let me try to structure the high speed in the structure area. not really that fun. yeah, yeah. i'll ventured into the house, it was the say, the communication system, you said you cation system size, where washer has try the best best boss to be, sol, so, so in case it's a gmail changed to rochelle,
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seems to take the process and then also have dominance in those areas, that's why we see these items, it course in different months coming in, going to videos up against age and how many by one of the patients do want to know . yeah, i mean some of the new ones. and then also because the perception is that the west is no c as in dominant pop out. when he comes from the company was indeed deposition evicted there. okay, great to have your perspective, appreciate that. very much speak to the professor of international politics because you're not an international peacekeeping center, thanks a lot as well vacated process accuse is neva ivory case a big involved in malicious activities, the military regime. and what the do says ivory coast has been hovering members of groups seeking to stabilize the king of prussia relationship between the west
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african neighbors being freshest. despite meetings between the defense chief tonight instead of head hearing out 0, hundreds of people evacuated off the flushed floods of history. communities in southern germany, the
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the now at least 4 people have been killed in severe flooding and southern gemini, thousands of being full from the homes bind to ritual. right. chancellor schoultz has visited the west of the areas and so the front or warning, the climate change is getting worse. w kane reports now from pen. this is right
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here. it's often very in market town around 8000 people next to the roof. uh huh. except that now much of it is in the river because days of heavy rain has made it burst its banks and flood many of the houses here. the extent of the damage has prompted the shots to the order of shots to come and see for himself to make clear what he thinks must be done. the stuff to get to you mission. this is not just one occurrence as they have been happening for centuries. there are now repeatedly cases where we are fighting catastrophes, especially floods. this is the 4th time this year. i'm visiting such an area and it's an indication of what is going on to get them off. so we must keep up the fight against man made climate change deal. you know, i'm sure all of us don't this. in some places, the flood waters have begun to received, allowing people to attend to the homes and see the damage evolved to go into killer . it's enormous. everything in the basement is destroyed, fridges, freezers,
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the washing machine motion, everything is gone. i'm not waiting for the firefighters to pump the water out of the basement. there's nothing else that can be done for now. we're moving on. the weekends deluge also caused widespread damage in europe in northeastern italy then that you saw an ad river overflowed, sweeping several people to that dance therapy and fatalities to in southern germany, which has seen some of the heaviest down poles as in height is back on the river nika, this is a tributary of the rhine. if it floods here, then more than 160000 people could be in danger. there's also concern about reagan sport on the time you told me that came out dra 0 bullet as well. the well to meet your logical organizations says the el nino weather event is down showing signs vending health unit spiking, global temperatures and extreme weather around the world. it's hopes some of those conditions will ease with the arrival of lighting media later to shift me through
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all the just f. as in fox explained reco at high temperatures space in the sea and on land devastating floods and storms and intense drought. these extreme weather events often wesson's by the el nino where the phenomenon that along with its opposite state notice. but i mean, yeah, significantly alter the global climate. el nino can be identified through different measurements. mainly the warming of c. temperatures at the surface is declared when temperatures in the tropical eastern pacific ocean rise half a degree celsius, above average. it peaks around christmas, hence the name, meaning christ child, given centuries ago by fishermen from peru, maine. yeah. oh, the go. the opposite side of the cycle brings cool with an average sea temperatures
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. say for around $3.00 to $5.00 degrees below average i sat brings kula dry weather to the tropical eastern pacific. 2023 was the hottest year on record, boosted by el nino conditions on top of human infused climate change and that boom continued into 2020 for the slightest forecasts. family wells made for a logical organization gives a 50 percent chance of staying in a state of neutrality or moving into that media within the next 3 months. and that's charles increases to 60 percent between july and september of going into the name. yeah, i moves further up to 70 percent between august and move and by the condition now i'm a woman. so in the background also let d, i use the 20 in the central and eastern a pacific ocean. but it's happening in the background of the world. the world is
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full. so once the we can phase it over, what seems to be did you want to also let you know we my flow down slightly separately the, the global warming. but you might be able to get us back to where we went 10 years ago. the past 9 years have been the us warmest on record the match despite the cooling influence of the media that came before the latest el nino. and that was one of the 5 of strongest evelyn scientists say they are not expecting any significant change to the local temperatures brought on by the upcoming shift employment habits and folks out usually around at least 15 people being killed off the heavy months in rain caused flash flooding and land, slide centurylink, and more than 50000 and not the space from the following. heavy down to 20 of the countries 25 districts were affected by the right. and that's it for me,
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the clock this, these are encourage us to begin with. move the june 1967, 6 days the read through the mouth of them, at least to dark colored hair across the appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed to the events leading to the window and its consequences, which it still felt today. the record of me in this was that is the of the stuff is live the war in june on outages, era you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients,
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visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems costs on red chris of the . ringback the account and the costs, the rates for clean energy is gathering speed when and couldn't change in energy system reshape the label. balance of power plus is the we brief becoming
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a luxury. many people can also talk to the cost analysis here. what we do it all just sarah is try to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy. the 1000000 palestinians now internally displaced us as well as ground defensive forces, people to flee phonics un ones of apocalyptic living. conditions across the street, [000:00:00;00] the carry, jones to this is all just there a lot from to whole set coming. the


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