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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 4, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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of the earliest people in the united states reveals, shopping, ethical and personal dynamic remains a witness documentary on a jersey to the a 1000000 palestinians now internally displaced. as this rose ground defensive forces people to free the vonage un ones of apocalyptic living conditions across the street. the cherry johnston, the ssl, just hear a lot from the also coming up the is very s twice continue to target heavily populated civilian areas. at least 6 were killed
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in this attack or refugee count. i just one to my family to get back together and one tables in a safe place that i'm not wearing a 2 nights that i can sleep safely. don't think about that. are rockets may hit us, we meet a young man who has been continually displaced across the gauze and tell me here is, has most 15 families hung up in haiti as gaines by so control people across the country, stuff to install the . it's been nearly a month since israel and moved it's tanks and troops and to garza's southern most city. now the u. n. says a staggering 1000000 people have been forced to flee rafa. it was once a refuge for displaced palestinians were across the street. many had to move repeatedly to escape. is there any attacks you and it says then now being forced to
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move again, seeking refuge and destroyed facilities and watch it close. unspeakable conditions . be naturally ad space that is left to for civilians to, to grow murray. then leave the age becoming more and more limited and then or more products. um it's, it's impossible as of today to move uh from my wasi where our, some of our practices are to go to are you initially there by law without literally navigating through a ways of people that are everywhere. for many, it's a perilous journey thing from one city to the next. you know, that's something that is very strikes across the strip. here's one young palestinian mans. jenny, who will hear from me in just a moment. 19 year olds at home. it here is from kansas city close to lc for
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hospital as well. stepped up on bob and a text that he'll need said the city. he made the journey by foot working all day to reach the southern city of rafa. just a few days after leaving 14 members of his family were killed, then is very strike on that family home in kansas city. he spends the 3 months sheltering in rafa until another bomb struck the building next to the burying, held his siblings and parents under the rubble, his mother was killed. in fact, strike as their raids intensified, he made the journey backup to the milwaukee here in the corner. here it is where he's been forced to sleep in a tent and neither does it for the summer heat, steadily increasing. how many heroes has moved again, temporarily to central gaza? you spoke to my colleague fully bossy, but from the, and described once. he's in jude, over the past several months. a life for me and my family now is super difficult.
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we're now in on last area. i'm tired of sitting with less than 2 kilometers far from where that is there any army exists in drop off in my last area, we are super very that the start of the army may count again to can eunice invading the on most the area of making n u, a refugees way of towards data about i or another area in the south. if it also starts with the, the people are somebody where we, you can walk on the markets and almost area. you always see that people looking at the south looking at the fire that is coming from the city. and you can see the nervous and all the faces. here in animals. i'm a computer engineer, students and my brother is a i engineer students. we know nothing but coding and that's will have all our lives was before the work all day long, just putting all these on. this is the hardest task in a life. now and almost all life is just standing and lives secure one
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gallon of water or just guarding the tents, cooking on fire. a lot of new things that's kind of on here material and doesn't look like else. this is a picture i believe of you and your mother and your twin brother. uh, and this was on your graduation date. i believe this picture means a lot to you. help me the. oh yes. this is, victor was thinking last year when we and our last day in high school, add um lift it is me for me. my name and our betweens. my dream in the middle of my mother at this time, which means smile. and she always smiles and add the rides my identical twin brother. how much, what do you dream of today?
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help me safe place, a safe place and just another opportunity to get my family back together and to get my family back on thoughts entered a safe place. we lost our house for the last hour that they've lost the most precious things in life, which is my mom. i just one to my family to get back together and one table in a safe place that i'm not to worry tonight that i can sleep safely. and then think about that i, i rock it may hit us. i mean, the bombing that kills my mother and russell. it was at 2, 10 am. after midnight. we all were sleep. my mom and my father stells until now officer more than officer might have more than 3 months of the accident. a now near to 4 months still wake up every single
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day. at 2, 10 am. he wakes up, have nightmares. he sometimes screamed last night. i hope to go back to my normal life. i strolled down there and to keep up just to save life, where i can, i creates what i want. uh, i made so many great things for my brother who is an a i engineer who works save people to help people in coal rid, recreate system. so the mos and the doors can know if the person is wearing a mosque or not to allow him to enter or not. and we made so many projects that help the people here and go. so we want to keep up with the tech because we both, we both are tech twin and the newest displays, palestinians have returned to what's left of the days off. these very ami withdrew from the area northern gauze. it has been declared a dissolved design by palestinian officials within 50000 residential units have
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been destroyed. those returning on the left, searching and through the rubble of their wrecked homes. well as low as 2 out of if we'd rather face hunger or bombardment the leaf at the sides despite the entire guys this trip being our beloved secret land. we cannot leave the north. as you can see, the houses at risk of collapsing and the stairs, the walls are being bombarded. there's no support structures. as you can see, there's a whole the and the ceiling has collapse. we've hung sheets around the structure and states. here. i've been living here with my husband, his 2nd wife, all children and adults was a little. so all mode and 45 people here. and as many ahead from the south towards the central gauze, it strikes front of him. he's very fights, a jet struck on apartment block in the elbow, a refugee camp. at least 6 people were killed and at least 28 palestinians were
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killed across the strip. on monday, the injured have been taken to the alex, the hospital in central garza but hospitalized over run with patients and they're running out of a life saving supplies, including water for a while, as well as the tax continues. there's confusion about what's us present, joe biden? claim to israel's proposal to end the will and what is being said in west jerusalem, there's where the government spokesman has said that the town outlined my item last week is partial. but the us state department says it's completely confident as well with agreed to the proposal and says, how much should 2 if you look at the major elements of this proposal, they are nearly identical to the major elements of the proposal that am i submitted several weeks ago there are some minor differences. there are differences that we think that can be bridge and such as the united states thinks they can be bridge their differences, that the other mediators, egypt, and cut or think that can be,
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that thing can be bridge. big actually come out. it's, it's, this is a serious not proposal, a must have just accepted, but if we, there needs to be further negotiations. we think those are all eminently bridge of all, yes, as vs. it's a mazda mazda deal. meanwhile, as well as ministry spokesman has confirmed that 4 more captives have died while being held in garza, it's devastating use to families of these really captives who've been organizing rallies every week to pressure the government to reach a cx. 5 deal. i bring the captive home as i see in sarasota. i feel like it's the part of my family is that died today and i feel that from week to week it's just we hear just spoke about more and more dying. and now we are in the critical moment. if we're not going to go ahead and we'll make it
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hostage, there is no help for this country. we just got a terrible news. it's a crazy situation that we're counting each days and each day, another day in and out a day. and then the number of the hostages is just going down and not because of the are coming back 30. the reason is because there are a dead police in the us state of california have arrested at least 70 p thing, falls into protests in solar, down to the palestinians at the east, very concerts in san francisco. then it temporary, it was that as it unfolded a 45 am local time, roughly 100 and type genocide professors walk into the consulate, occupied the lobby on for all the flag that read sign is sitting there. they were arrested off in about 3 hours later in the right now,
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the protesters are condemning the ongoing genocide, the listed in the side. they are heating the call, the students involved. the international solidarity, which includes occupying, is really conflicts and entities such as this one, in a sense for occupying the occupier space. and we're doing that because we are part of the growing masses of people who are demanding and in to the genocide. ultimately, israel is making these decisions with us back and we have to just start to wherever we can. i was one of the very few journalists and therefore we why witness still unfolding from the very beginning. at one point when the police eventually did move in an issue, the order i was told you're on the property at which point i left. this action is just the latest in a series of direct options that we've seen here in the san francisco bay area.
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against the genocide we have seen active as shut down san francisco international airports. the bainbridge, the golden gate bridge, lockheed martin is the port of oakland and is rarely console. it is just the latest target. and one thing that these activists all say is that they will not stop these protests until this genocide phenotype. rudy 0 san francisco major fires have engulfed pots of northern israel after susan rockets attacks from netherland. while emergency teams are struggling to pay how the flames, thousands of families have been moved to safety. several road supposed have been closed and i forgot to the area in recent weeks is ready. all man has by the finances of increase the intensity of the across the board of attacks. so that has all the, all just there tensions increase on the korean peninsula of to the south end submitted tr, agreement to the north will be live from. so,
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mexico's opposition and vows to challenge the outcome of a star collection, which sold the country's 1st female preston to collect the pod came in to be israel and obstacles piece. i think that to move in the f one is government with this is 5 digit. you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in guns? no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not that important factor here? the story on talk to how does era, since these whales were on gaza, thousands of the simians helping indiscriminately displaced really forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure. hospitals of one of the only safe options to seek refuge until we became targets. so most wages war from
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hospital, i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital, out 0 world investigates where the east ran is violating international. no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis doctor to run hospitals on out to 0 in depth investigations that give compelling insights into a new toes from asia and the pacific one. 0 one east on out. just sierra the the the welcome back to remind to i'll top stories. now. this is not a nation, says it's very finances forced 1000000 people to flee wrestler and southern guns.
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and living in the u. n. is quoting on speaker book, conditions off to the homes, are you and shelters were destroyed. is ready strikes across guns, a continue, at least 6 people were killed when it's very forces from a residential blow out the ridge, refugee camp and central guns. is there any minute she has killed more than $36000.00 people since the vote on johnson gun where the government spokesman has said that they found out not us present, joe biden last week to end? the one cause is quotes partial, but the us says it's completely confident as well, but i agree. the proposal south korea has to spend to the ministry agreements with north korea. it comes days off, if you on youngest and hundreds of balloons filled with rubbish across its border with the south. the military deal was signed back in 2018 to ease tensions between
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the neighboring countries. about mcbride is life for us now in sol. so rob of what was in this agreement and what's been dispensed with. so that's why this is quite a significant development. if i li, symbolically disagreement was signed when relations were alone, back to k. but the high points, a stomach diplomacy with meetings between the south koreans, the north koreans also involving the united states and the this particular agreement. the insect korean military agreement was signed off to sally historic visits by d. then president of south korea to pyongyang, gonna have allowed for the escalation of tensions in the buffer of the buddha area between the 2 careers. it limited the amount of military activity that could take place that within this buffer zone. but in recent times, with the increasing tensions that has large, the a be come to be ignored with the no stage of hot tillery drills along the coast
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within that buffer every, also the replanting of land mines. so we now have from the south koreans, the formal suspension, a tuesday morning, all disagreement which allows, according to assess career 8, to stage military drills, have its own closer to the bold, which it says it needs to given the current escalation intentions, adult as a result according to the south koreans of the north koreans launching these hundreds of trash bill balloons into the south, which they said has endangered life has been endangering safety at the same time a choosing the north of jamming gps signals along the dmc. so does this then mock and you know, when it comes to relations between north korea and south korea, as yeah, relation say, as we know, go back and forth and they have been worse than this in the past that have been times when it old, most of the millet trees of the 2 careers have been almost
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a all to a trigger, points of readiness to respond. we know that yes, it's not as bad as that, but certainly things are acrimony, as we have this increase in missile testing by north korea, short range missiles, icbm is the last year or so trying to put the sack the spice satellite into space. the conservative administration in the south, which has responded in kind, which shows a force of its own will, using military drills and also supporting military exercises with the united states . what so the south is also now saying though, is that they have not ruled out the re use of loud speakers. these propaganda allowed speakers on 2 sides of the board of web. basically, they all just shafting propaganda or across the bob. why now we don't, they got that they're not being used, but south korea has not rule that out, which would be the deterioration live for us in that so that robert probably thank you. the
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history has been made in mexico off to a crowd, yet shane bombs sweeping election victory on sunday nights. the 61 year old will be her country's 1st female president. she's promised to continue the legacy of her mental. the outgoing president. andrea's manual depends, open the door and main challenges such you gals is says that she plans to challenge the outcome due to what she calls on equal competition by the other half of the reports now from mexico city. in the morning after mexico celebrated a historic victory, cloudy a shame, bomb becomes the 1st woman to be elected president in the nation's history and make equal and my initial call. and mexico woke up to one of the great dis, victories, experienced bytes, young democracy in the whole, mexico is being considered a democracy since 1997. and since then, no president as everyone with the approval rating that shine balm actually out of the as i know with elections over many are reflecting on the significance of the
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when, say, cho, on that credit for, for this procedure she has taken on a very special burden it is not easy. i hope she knows how to handle it, and i hope the country is better than ever for everyone. but with president elect cloud, the a shame bomb promising fresh leadership. it's clear she faces a multitude of old challenges. one of the most pressing questions on the minds of voters this election season is how will the next president tackle the issue of violence? mexico continues to experience historic levels of violence and experts say the country is in need of a drastically different approach. when it comes to matters of security strategy, though many expect claudia shane bomb to continue the policies of the outgoing president of this money will piece over that, or whose own popularity helps her bid for the presidency. others see that as unfair? must keep the local mo, not rather than seeing her as someone be manipulated by
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a man which would see her as an intelligent and strategic woman who knows that borders are demanding continue to in certain projects when they approve of despite initially conceding the election. so keeping the guns as the main opposition candidate now says she plans to contest the result via a post on social media. the for many, the presidential election. marx, a new era and mexico, one that leaves behind the countries male dominated political culture. when we ended up a little al jazeera mexico city to you as well, food program says it's increasing age to assist people in haiti. the much more help is needed the organization so so far as providing meals to 100000 people, displaced by bonds, gains control around to 80 percent of haiti's capital, including ports of entry and roads making distribution incredibly difficult. i sounds around here, he has more food in medicine from the unions. world food program is
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finally reaching the haitian capital for the princes airport. shut down since march has been reopens, allowing supplies to be distributed across the city. the roads in and out of warner prints are controlled by army groups. the board has been closed for a long time. it was loaded and the airport was quotesoft effectively waterfront for the past few months has been an island. so it's really important for wi fi and other humanitarians to be able to bring supplies into the city to run essential programs. people in c to so late, the cities biggest slum, were facing catastrophic levels of hunger. but the you and food agency says that it's been able to deliver more than 600 tons of rice, beans and vegetable oil to more than 90000 in the past month. but down might not be enough newsletter and stuff like that. again, it was in e p. a charles is 70 years old and says, vegetable stall was destroyed,
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doing the violence. well, he didn't want copies. sometimes i'm very hungry. so us people for but the who me the me, i've never had to beg. i always managed to run my business. it really hurts. i had my work before, but the gangs forced me out. he has been great by violin since february, when armed gangs launched a campaign to remove den, prime minister in mc. about 5000000 haitians or nearly half of the population face acute hunger, a 1000000 and a half, or on the verge of starvation. here's some people right now, they're hungry, they're desperate, they're going to take the food a, they're going to take a, you know, whatever security can be provided, but it doesn't solve the underlying problem of the hunger desperation and lack of services that the people suffer under getty, can new
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a long time you in development expert who was recently appointed, the country's new prime minister arrived in haiti on saturday. he faced is a monumental task in the country. that remains on the spring of total disaster. less than that, i'm 50, i'm just the, the elections for european parliaments will take place later this week. farmers concerns have dominated the campaign. so for many of you, up to 6000000 farm is have taken to the streets to protest this in design. the market price isn't poor working conditions. sonya gaga reports from tarragona in spain. i stand still at the frontier as farm, as from spain, and from united to shut down the border between the 2 countries assigned to the anger and frustration at the european union over the blocks environmental policies, competition from cheaper inputs from outside europe. and what they say is
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a lack of help from those interrupted regions. one of the ones with this is to be photo hayes. i'm not trees, but we have to bend and because everything dried up, if we ever good enough water the gang replant, but we can compete with countries like turkey, where the wages are much lower. and this is those impose, they say that on the cutting local produce leaving many wondering if the able to continue bypass on the line. you have us on line? yes. yes. go by the costs the price. exactly. if i had to start from scratch the gang, i wouldn't be able to, i'd have to leave so many those costs already proving too high. and given the ongoing drought in parts of the country, i prefer to use the land for solar farms instead of food. for months, thomas had been vocal about the challenges that facing and, and the run up to the european parliament selections. that warning the european union that if it's lead is don't do something to address the issues. it will be
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a blow to europe's food security. and it's not an ability to guarantee food security that worries forming unions as well as its environmental regulations that are coming out of the system. and when i say that in any this, the you needs to guarantee its own feed, secure. as soon as we comp depend on the policy countries for that, they're going to go, we have to protect our own sex up before helping others, such as you crate and make sure they have the same standard. what are the concern shed by farmers from countries across the block? they say they will keep up the protests until a satisfactory solution is reached. the question of this selection will be if their anxieties will be heard and acted upon by leaders and brussels. sonya guy, ego elders, era, it's about china is the latest moonlight and there is on its way back to us just one day off the surface on sunday turn. east 6 landed on the fall side of the moon, which permanently faces away from a chinese scooped up
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a sample of moon dust and place it in a capsule blonde, along with the soft boots expected back on us. within the news continues here on the upstairs of to talk to l just there with you state the the hello. the weather remains on settled across southern parts of china, a little bit of chevy right to into japan for a time and nothing too much to speak of this area of low pressure swelling away. so scattering a shout was the into home issue. these will move outs into the promoters as we go one through website supports guys come back in behind, trying probably warm sunshine that for over the companies i sold at 20 degrees celsius las you try to engine they'll face and posit china,
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but the few showers around here and there's that whatsoever lingering across the most parts of the country, good scattering and showers to across the south, east asia, golden palm. so the philippines thinks, i'm particularly wet weather through tuesday, going on into weather state, but it does look somewhat dry the in see what good parts of southern indonesia, farther north, we got some very heavy right. happen to me and ma, these are the monsoon rains. this is the position off the monthly trough at the moment you see that black line, that's where it actually is, maybe a dial. so ahead of schedule, the blue line is where it normally should be. some more heavy showers across southern parts of india, particularly and to carol and also across into me, i'm up a down polls coming through here with the likelihood of some flooding. meanwhile, for india and pakistan west the, the 7th moving through the i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all
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those prefer not to look i write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up, us worse, major rally, packed, and also viet turn when, on the power of political lot. what i'll just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio be unscripted want to on? i would just say around the as, as well as in seen use it to them. does that young voices have taken to the front lines our for wave of student activities that swept across universities in the united states from new york to california, students are demanding and then to the world guys, and calling for their institutions to cut financial ties with companies and
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individuals that profit from the company becoming part of attention and defiance.


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