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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 4, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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so must wages war from hospital? i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital, which is the real world investigates where the east ran is violating international . no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis. dr. silver on hospitals on out to 0. the and diesel position support of celebrations. the alons defies. pulled predictions to much stronger in the parliamentary election. prime minister during the moodies b, j. b is on cost for us that time and power, but not with the size for majority. he'd hope for the site itself. is there a life and death also coming up? the majority massage,
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target civilian areas across the goals and the scripts at least $45.00 kind of simians have been killed since monday. i just want my family to get back together and one table in a safe place that i'm not to worry tonight that i can sleep safely. don't think about that. are rockets may head us. we meet a young man in golf so he's been displaced several times and his last 15 family members added his costs. rough mcbride in south korea that's just suspended an agreement. i mean, was sitting relations with the welcome to the program. we begin in india where uh the vote counting suggests that prime minister know run the movie and his b j. p alliance are on cost for us the straight tab, but no,
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it's with the big majority. hit hopeful the opposition policies are very much better than the exit polls had predicted. the indian government has failed to get visas to auditors, correspondents, to cover the story, which is why we're covering the selection from outside the country. it may cost them. sharif reports. the world's largest democratic exercise, finally drawing to a close of to 6 weeks of voting. electronic costs pallets are being counted in a single day and as steel from just in random. all these pump the agenda of potty or the b j. p and its allies of in the lead. and the loss of previous good policies led by the change in national congress, which govern india for much of its history, is seeking to see the beach ape. the congress party enjoyed self briefly. but the b . j. p. will win more than $406.00. i can cite that with confidence because of the work moody has done in the past 10 years. just that just last look at what i have
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of the people decide it will be in the interest of the country. whether we win or lose, we should not lose hype. row guns is that it clearly good. it's a long bottle and use low. how's a poem and looks up ha. has 543 seats. a political party or coalition needs to been to 72 seats to form a government exit polls of the weekend have predicted movie to be on track to return to the office. if he brings moody will be the only 2nd prime minister in india's history to hold office for 3 consecutive tim to the head of the vote. movies set to tell that a winning full 100 seats to for the his group of power. but the opposition has so far secure, better numbers than it's supposed to be just the do not running away. but the selection, it's much closer to the opposition is basic dominance tech. and there is and there
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is a stock message which the, which even if mr. mode it comes with black box, it cannot ignore which is that no amount or razzmatazz, no amount of affecting your sense on the backend, covered up for joblessness covered up for your phone, inflation cover up for the aggregate prices. these are issues he needs to address. the election commission says of the nearly 1000000000 registered voters, more than 640000000 costs that balance. the seventy's elections that began on april 19th were held as much within the bottom a severe heat wave. the election campaign was deeply divisive. moody was accused of hate speech calling the 200000000 most the minority community in subtract this job . and i think i'm already got by the election some se, them hows when india s p please. but it says, due the report by the us base overnighted session says democracy in india is losing
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ground. the selection may prove decisive for the subject reopened as democracy in the decades ahead. from a consumer study conscious, even some and souls as a spokesperson for india is opposition national congress policy. he says the results pointing to a change in how voters feel about the country's direction. the trends hold. this is not just a huge result for the opposition. this is a huge result for india because of the way things were going. we were headed towards dictatorship in this country. and i think of what the indian people have decided to go to have decided is that they will not be taken for granted. they want democracy to flourish in this country and they, they, they want politicians to focus on issues that really matter to them. and the big issues of this election as far as we're concerned, where a tremendous joblessness high inflation and his mother do this is a no 2 bedrooms,
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fun by the wedding party, including unfortunately by department mister. and i think there was also this great danger to the constitution that many of many in india felt was going to take away the rights of, of the marginalized communities in this country. i think it's a, it's a combination of well, you know, of course, 10 years. uh, the government has been there the date when they, 1st of and from some of the 1st came to power in 2014 the promises of achievement, which means good days. and the premise, suppose the or the promise was that uh, there would be, uh, you know, uh, hundreds of millions of jobs for young people because we need jobs in this country . those are the kinds of promises that are made. but up to 10 years, the most of the departments to can uh and the pgp the routing be do beginning point to point out is a focus on of the welfare of politics. but the kind of wizard, politics where they make you feel that they're doing you a favor as a food is not
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a right of people. it doesn't favor from the ruling party to the for people of this country. and i think the 4 people about a 100 not i think we will see after the results come out, hopefully that dropped that really communities up or people marginalized communities. those were not in the top one to 5 percent of this country, which is great inequality. i think they've spoken and they seem to spoken decisively. this is their money. the indian government has not grown to visa solid . is there a journalist which is why we're covering the election from outside country? the be is ready, military is targeting old corners. if the goals and strife has the civilian casualty from its months long on budman mounts, the 7 palestinians were killed. find as early as striking 0 by the in central garza
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. just a warning, some of the images you are about to see all distressing. the entered, have been taken to the nearby, i'll act so hospital children are among the dead and the wounded israel carried out the attack on the heavily populated area which is near was school being used as a shelter feet forcibly spaced out of cities. these were the scenes in the alba rage, refugee count, and darrow, by that on monday. is there any flights of jets struck an apartment block category? 6 palestinians as rolled attacks have continued that into a 2nd day with at least 3 people killed in the post p. alice tarry. couple of zoom is in darrow, by that and central gaza, with the latest on the, is rarely strikes. the main focus of the is very latest attacks. it is completely on the derek by town. while we are right now, as is valley, fight to jets,
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how tall get to a gathering of palestinians. close to one of the evacuation senses alongside with the civil call in the same location. we're at least 7 palestinians have been reported, kills alongside with dozens of injuries, stuff of life to the hospital with completely terrific conditions as the vast majority of victims and ethan who is at the auction. the young children, as the attack was carried out in one of the most densely populated areas in derek by the hand. we all know that within the latest evacuation waves of from roughly into our milwaukee and to get results because i was one of the areas that i didn't need any kind of attack could be carried out on very by lot with the spring, devastating consequences in the humanitarian most among civilians and generally not only to read but i was was that was targeted in the course of the last couple of hours. also different attacks. sherry's out of range roughly just camera 3 pumps. put in earlier today's puppy children, i'm sideways to all this in
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a rock refuge account box. despite all of that, we continue to hear the sound of the heavy ultimately shilling of the know that part of the mr. ross cons i'm going constantly doing for you. why the is pretty rude ships that continue to bounce off as the light that town as clearly say, disturbing susan images, port a potties and even a collection of bodies such as tough to expect the victim to the hospital as if you insist on employed with don't you talk to the source of just really the victims to unlocks the hospital and the people in order to get medical treatment. there is a state of turmoil and carriers, of course this trip any particular in the middle area with how the cities have been told secret acute, or a report by the charge. the ox found is wanting. garza is a breaking point because of his riley restrictions on humanitarian aid. it says it's become virtually impossible for 8 agencies to reach solving palestinians.
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children all suffering the most to survey found that 85 percent of them have not eaten for an entire day. at least once in the 3 days before the survey was conducted, oaks from williams, by the time famine is declared, it will be too late conditions, all detour, racing in, the overcrowded displacement comes around a 121 toilets. subbing 500000 people in on the last seat in west. and rafa that means more than $4000.00 people sharing each available toilet and restrictive fuel is putting thousands risk as well. 400000 leases. a fuel is needed every day to keep critical services like hospitals running, as well as allowing only 19 percent of that intake garza. so it's been nearly a month since israel moved its tungsten troops into golf. the southern most city of rough uh, you know, its nation says conditions that on speaker will of
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a 1000000 people have been forced to flee the city. it was of course, a refuge for those displays. palestinians from across the street. many have had to move repeatedly to escape is rarely a tax be naturally ad space that is left to for civilians to, to come home or even leave is becoming more and more limited. and then more and more product. um it's, it's impossible as of today to move uh from my wasi where i, where some of our premises are to go to are you initially there by law without literally navigating through a wave of people that are everywhere. so in the nose displays, palestinians have return to what is left of the homes days off to this righty. on the withdrew from the area sold in gauze has been declared, a dissolved is owned by palestinian officials with more than 50000 residential
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units destroyed. there's returning or less searching through the rubble. if they're wrecked homes load to purchase, we'd rather face hunger or bombardment the leaf at the sides. despite the entire guides of stripping our beloved sacred land. we cannot leave the north. as you can see, the houses at risk of collapsing and the stairs, the walls are being bombarded. there's no support structures. as you can see, there's a whole the and the ceiling has collapsed. we've hung sheets around the structure and states. here i've been living here with my husband, his 2nd wife, all children and adults has a little. so all mode and 45 people here. in so many it's a perilous journey sling from one city to the next. no less off in the is really as strikes on the strip is the story is one young palestinian mans. jenny will hear it in just a moment. 19 year old help me here as is from cause city, which is close to our chief a hospital now is israel stepped up,
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it's bombardment attacks the hell me fled. the city made the journey on foot working all day to reach the southern city of rasa. just a few days after leaving 14 members of his family were killed in n is ready strike on that home in kansas city. he then spent 3 months sheltering in rafa until another bomb struck the building next to the family bearing hell. meet his siblings and parents under the rubble. his mother was killed in that strike. now as a res intensify held me has made the journey back up to the milwaukee area in hon. eunice, where he's been forced to sleep for the 10th. and is it does it with a summer heat, steadily increasing. tommy here as has moved again temporarily this time to central garza, he spoke to us and describe what he's enjoyed in the past several months. life for me and my family now is super difficult. we're now in mos area. i'm tired of sitting with less than 2 kilometers far from where that is there any army exist in
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drop off in my last area, we are super worried that the start of the army may count again to can eunice invading the on most the area of making n u, a refugees way of towards data about i or another area in the south. if it goes through with the, the people are somebody where we can walk on the markets and almost area. you always see the people looking at the south looking at the fire that is coming from the city. and you can see the nervous and all the faces. here in animals. i'm a computer engineer, students and my brother is a i engineer students. we know nothing but coding and that's will have all our lives was before the work all day long, just putting all these on. this is our just asking our life now. and almost all life is just standing and lives secure one gallon of water or just
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guarding the tents, cooking on fire. a lot of new things that's kind of on here material and doesn't look like else us as well as military spokesman as confirm that full mold captives have died well being held in gaza. the news is depth of states have families who have been robbing every week to pressure the government to reach a cx, 5 deal to bring captives, how i feel terrible. i feel like it's the part of my family is that died today, and i feel that from week to week it's just we're here just for about more and more hostages is that dying. and now we are in the critical moment. if we're not gonna go ahead and we'll make it hostage, there is no help for this country. we just got
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a terrible news. it's a crazy situation that we're counting each days and each day, another day in and out a day. and then the number of the hostages is just going down and not because of they are coming back trees. well, the reason is because our dad, this benjamin next, the cabinet is found out to sara, from reporting in israel, which is why sarah cards has sent this update from the jordanian capital i'm on. or this will be very troubling for the families of those held captive. not only do you have full of people now, the all announced is dead by the minute tree. 3 of them, a 79 year old to in the eighty's. one of them was a 51 year old, but if you recall, they 2 of them had appeared in the video that was released back in december. now the fact that they were elderly at the time, and in that the, you know, perhaps on the corrosion by how mosque they had said that we were the founders of
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the israel, of the military and in dots was the hebrew song that hamas had used in the video, a nationalistic song, one that would resonate with the public but was being played as they were talking and they said don't, let's die, hit old. well, that's exactly what has happened. and even though the minute she's saying it's not clear what the circumstances on the investigated, they believe it was in the hon. eunice area and that they had been killed months ago. but also another reminder, when they had to pay to not video just days before that the military had killed 3 captives. hey, we all today, 3 of them now announced that one more this morning. ok. he wasn't found in the gaza strip. he was that she found in the area where he'd been killed on october the 7th . so that's now school people pronounced that i'm a real major concern for those families that weren't in the box as soon as possible . and this is exactly what they have said. they have said that they will be coming
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back dead. so head on al jazeera, a groups cool for most supports and hazy where again, bothers, has fullest tens of thousands from that has the hello welcome to look at the international forecasts. we are still looking get some severe storms across the central and eastern parts of europe, but little plot just on seeing that's starting to drift away a little further. bracelets is the same area of life, pressure liberal. they said devastating. floods into something positive on the northern parts of italy recently, farther up towards the northwest. got a cold front, slipping its way in, across the k through the through ireland as well that will sink further south. we say freshening up here right over the next couple of days elsewhere. still some old favorite was east and possibly some rice, some showers the getting into what western russia there we go with these big stones
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sliding across austria hungry down towards you crying for remain over the next day . as i was still a toss of one or 2 showers into northern positive italy, maybe into west of switzerland as we go through the remainder of choose a. there's that pressure. well it coming in across the bridge yourselves. ira co front that split and further south was across the gulf and thinking and wells and what's the temperature is just pulling away over the next couple of days. meanwhile, time just building across southern past 30 for the for madrid. 36, the in athens world to into the northeast of advocate, 41 celsius, most showers the across the west africa. the conflict has been a constant shadow over the hopes to be around. like many people to be open till the 2019 protest as an opportunity to reclaim
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a nation. when their voices are met with metallic sofas leaves seems the role of medic plug nothing. cooper, power for the person call a fighting for hydro. baghdad on fine witness on our cassandra the back and watching out. as a reminder, a top story is this hour and a trends from the results spend is the general election suggest the prime minister during the moody and his b. j. p. lines are enclosed for 3rd straight to, but not with the big majority that they had. hopefully, opposition policies are far better than the exit polls predicted. at least 7
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palestinians have been killed. fun is really striking. there on the, on the, in the central gaza strip into it's been taken to the nearby, all acts of spilled children are among the dead at least 6 palestinians were killed . when is riley forces formed a residential block in the house res refugee camp in central garza 45 people had been killed since monday. okay, let's return to our top story and just call them entry election results. with any vote counting indicates the opposition has e much stronger, let speak to survosity does group to. she's a political janice at the why she joins now from you. debbie, thank you so much for your time today, sir. if the terms we are seeing now continue to hold, this will be a huge result for the opposition, which many have sold had been wiped out. that's right, resigning the frame is waiting on the b. b as desires are on the 227 seats. which is so much the,
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so they can watch the headboard or the previous selection in 2019 when be on there, which was 300 burdens pcs on the dog to go 137 and on. so slavery seemed to have lost all i missed the, let's see if we can get her back a little later on in the program. let's move on. in argentina, hundreds of women gathered in the capital one is there is to protest against gender violence. the remote fee 9th anniversary of the not one, the less movements against from the sides in the country to demonstrate just for cert, express concern about losing what they cool, calm could nights, right. such as abortion, according to the women's office of the supreme court of justice, one woman is killed every 32 hours feed argentina. the wells un feed program says it's increasing a to assist people in hazy,
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but much more help is needed. your organization says so far, it's provided meals to a 100000 people displaced by violence. criminal gangs continue to control much of the capital. they're making distribution incredibly difficult unless under i'm p a t as much of the food in medicine from the unions. world food program is finally reaching the haitian capital port to princes, airport shutdown since march has been reopened, allowing supplies to be distributed across the city. the roads in and out of warner prints are controlled by army groups. the board has been closed for a long time. it was loaded and the airport was closed source effectively waterfront for the past few months has been an island. so it's really important for wi fi and other humanitarians to be able to bring supplies into the city to run essential programs, people in city. so late, the city is biggest slum, we're facing catastrophic levels of hunger. but the,
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you and food agency says that it's been able to deliver more than 600 tons of rice beans and vegetable oil to more than 90000 in the past month. but down might not be enough newsletter and stuff like that. again, it was in e p, a charles is 70 years old and says, vegetable stall was destroyed, doing the violence. well, he didn't want copies. sometimes i'm very hungry. so us people for but the who me the me, i've never had to beg. i always managed to run my business. it really hurts. had my work before, but the gangs forced me out. he has been great by violin since february, when armed gangs launched a campaign to remove den prime minister. i have yet envy about 5000000 haitians or nearly half of the population face acute hunger, a 1000000 and a half or on the verge of starvation. here's some people. i'm right now. they're
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hungry, they're desperate. they're going to take the food a. they're going to take, uh, you know, whatever security can be provided, but it doesn't solve the underlying problem of the hunger desperation and lack of services that the people suffer under. to get it to me is a long time you in development expert who has recently appointed the country's new prime minister. arrived in haiti on saturday. he faced is a monumental task in the country. that remains on the spring of total disaster. less than that, i'm 50, i'm just the okay, let's go back to our top story in this parliamentary election results where early vote counting does indeed suggest the opposition has a much stronger. let's go back to sort of us, he does go up to political john. this is the why a survosity so we were talking about the positions. why do you think they've done so much better than expected?
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so the opposition do decision alliance amongst each other for the 6 offices and parties seem to get the story from yesterday is from the most alternate stage, which is but the dish which says the maximum number of 5 and data to the bottom and to be seen thought out for that, so we go and you are the media. it's enough for me to be back to me is because it's not going to take him to the point of days and that's been the wrong and, but it was enough, you know, read it in jeopardy. but it's your other beginning of it seemed just been dating as it gets to be jimmy's really standing out with the be to be a treating behind the opposition party is and remove the from our voting experience that people up with the speed of what you maybe i don't know what he does in johnson with the arising institution in the back of the large team, dropped him off and climbing so he doesn't hold onto the same as really speaking out for the 1st time. uh, daniel is against the problems that go on his go. i went to the station and i think most people may not have seen this and, oh, the position was the status on this coverage sense. and the blues would not really
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advise you in the, in the exits for being a spy and want to have express themselves in these elections. i have voted against the government, the government. but i would like to see that in the face of the jihad, for 257 is not going to give you a number. and that needs to be followed by, by mr. these images that the b, b o. one is due to people whose environment as due to issues like movies get much higher, much beautiful views like people are just nowhere to water. it's dining was in for the 90 minute on. it's where they bought 300. it's easy to right now. it stops $237.00. i need to have the 2nd set of 400 and see the receive the right for me to find that lovely apologies for interrupting you. we are running out of time on that point, a slim majority, a because no doubt the b j. p will. so when i,
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how is that going to impact how moody governs going forward? i mean, what will moody, 3 point or look like? the ladies rely more on his allies. oh you are the last to who the governments have been about for the do not need for the for i. so what this study was you rely on is i life even more, and i wonder what you mean by that alliance, but it really be more difficult for the v g b we we've seen. and the once the across part numbers in the last 5 years, particularly that might not be as you need with a stronger opposition. and finally with which higher number. let me just remind that, looked at the bottom is which is the main opposition party. and we did some books in the selection, which is the change in the, in the last 10 years. so we have uh, a movie which is not strong. okay, really good to talk to you and get you and not a survosity desk up to a political gem is from the wire. now south korea has suspended
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a ministry agreement with north korea med heights intentions on the peninsula relations of west and off to the north, released hundreds of balloons into the south, filled with garbage. in response to propaganda balloons released from the south. public pro. it has moved into korean military agreement, states back to friendly times on the korean peninsula. it was signed that the heights of summit diplomacy in 2018 on alignment visit to north korea by the full most south korean president. we lived together for 5000 years and have been super exit the stevens was the i propose today. it's completely in the 17 year hostility, not intrinsically done to the 2 sides promised to de escalate tensions on mesh jed folder by limiting military activity close to it. but as north cuz.


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