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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 4, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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spots when could the change in energy systems reshape the label? balance of power plus is the we brief becoming a luxury. many people can also talk to the cost on out here. the, the the hello, i'm layla rock. this isn't, is our life from joe are coming up in the next 60 minutes. as votes are tallied in india, a prime minister to render moody's b j p like set to end, but with a much smaller margin. then he had hoped, a rising death toll in ga, so it will be live and then better square and is really straight kind of skilled at least a palestinians. b
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u n. humans writes chief warren survey harrowing situation and the occupied west bank. well, funerals are held for 2 people killed in these really rates. and us present jabard who prepares a southern border crandall and after the number of asylum seekers hits an all time high in scores us up and championed total golf has set up a friendship in semi final with the world. number one, golf has ended on step or is rolling gara strong. next for the american is for time champion either spans the and it's $1500.00 g m t. and we begin this news hour in india, where the world's largest election has now come to an end and now defying
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expectations and poll protections. millions of voters of issued a decisive mandate, foreign minister, and to render moody may return to power for historic 3rd time. but is b, j p wont be governing alone for the 1st time in a decade. the opposition coalition has made a come back hurting the b. j piece chances of a sweeping majority. while the indian government has failed to give visas to l just it was correspondence to cover this story. so what we're putting on the selection from outside the country, uncle. soon shareef begins a coverage winning would phone a losing streak as tens of millions of violets of being counted in india. the governing b, j. b and its allies all in the leads. look fall from the predictions of exit polls and the parties on estimates. and let's say it's a said back for prime missed and we're going to move the populace leader who sort of put them on a new nation this campaign. this is
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a defeat for 5 minutes. and then the movie was politically and moderately, his bumper city, and his bombastic personality has been punctured and one's faith in democracy. the store, the b j piece, pop lab to you know, to, for the, the most populous and politically crucial state is also on a decline. the party last seats in a you to the city, the movie, an upgrade to the temple in january fulfilling a decades or promise it was built on the ruins by historic most that most destroyed by wiping groups in the early 19. 19, many hindus believe not from one of his most rented eighties was born here. but let's say this election has shown the politics of religion has filled with temper this uh, which was a video. and a lot of people who looked over it on paperless mate, shows that people who have gone beyond drummed into
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b j. b. 's. last is the opposition's game in states like money, poor the northeastern state govern by the b. g. b has witnessed economic funds and the post u. b o position alliance is led by the indian national govern. the most of his history results so far as appealed, rejection of movies, leadership of 10 years. the main thing that this election is that the country is united mostly and clearly stated. we do not want mr. and the end of the movie, and mr. i'm a chop, but they involved in the running of this country. we do not like the way they were on this country. we do not appreciate the way they have attacked the constitution. we do not appreciate the with it, but i'm just going to for the last 10 years, the election commission says of the annuity one being registered voters, more than 640000000 costs the ballots. the 7 phase election that began on april
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19th was held as much of india bottled a severe heat wave. the campaign was deeply devises. moody was accused of hate speech. calling the 200000000 most the minority community infiltrate his job. and i think i'm already got by the india is lula. how's a parliament a look. sub ha has 543 seats, a party, a coalition needs to in to 72 seats to form a government supporters of the b j. b. and congress us celebrating outside their respective party headquarters in new delhi jobs. 2 it doesn't matter if we win full 100 seats, we are forming the government. moody will be the prime minister for a 3rd time, and that is going to happen. faulty level job. so they can all the people look set off of moody's, author, retirees. this is why the india alliance so such a historic monday. they promised to come to power with over $400.00 seats. but
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b j p is less than $250.00 states on the indian chairs and the stock market slumped on early vote. counting trends with nokia majority as predicted in exit polls. the elections come as freedom. how is rank india as policy free for the 3rd year? they report by the us based organization says democracy in india is losing ground. let me pull some shoddy on to see them. i see for obama is a b j. p spokesman and he says the results show the strength of india's democracy and it's look toral process as leader every, every political body as a lead. there was some mission and a vision should under solid or dream or you will think and imagine to get more and more but against people's monday. that's what your democracy, c as in disc, me that the, the victory of democracies de delusional was always,
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most of the boxes. all they said and i, i, instead the democracy uses, i've been taking for granting don't advice on the left. so we should do everything through the whole lot on there, pretty a, this is just below the d of the country, the y british c o. indians, i would say more than the political party, really the democracy and the rest of the lexia learning. i wanted to make sure on the phone themselves as a spokesperson for the opposition congress part and he says the result show how many voters feel about the state of engine democracy under moody in the trans hold . this is not just a huge result for the opposition. this is a huge result for india because of the way things were going, we were headed towards dictatorship in this country. and i think of what the engine people have decided to what does have decided is that they will not be taken for
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granted. they want democracy to flourish in this country. and they, they, they want politicians to focus on issues that really matter to them. and the big issues of this election as far as view consent, there's a tremendous joblessness hiding station, and there's not to do this is a narrative that was fun by the ruling party, including unfortunately by the prime minister. and i think there was also this great danger to the constitution that many of many in india felt was going to take away the rights of, of the marginalized communities in this country. we will see after the results come out, hopefully that dropped that really communities up for people marginalized communities, those who are not in the top one to 5 percent of this country, which is by some great inequality. i think they've spoken and they seem to spoken decisively on motor swap to power in 2014 on promises of transforming. india is
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economy. well, the nation's growth outpaced as many major economies, but that prosperity is not being shared equally. an issue that's been a major factor at the ballot box. well, income inequality has widened under movies, decade in power with the richest one percent. now owning 40 percent of the country's wealth of the gap between rich and 4 is now worse than it was under british colonial rule. and use unemployment has also short under moody, and report by an indian think tank revealed that one and 3 young people is either not attending school or not working. and according to a 2023 report by 5, you went agencies approximately 74 percent of india's cannot afford healthy food. all right, let's take you now to delaware indian permanence, new under moody was addressing the crowd. long live mother india.
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mother india. mock back, the mother india, the not just didn't not. the teacher didn't know to not to the most with 3 digit. i'm not off the top guy. yeah. the to you this love you. this duplication is our to divide for these blessings. mad 70 days divide somebody's time pull. great for to all of our people to do today is a big day and on this particular day and the key india's law got start t 3 by the time comes next to the need. so the total
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of the government will be formed. we'll then the, then the all people hot of heidi and be able to assign pool. this was your and these days was, hi, bob bought a citizens a warning deal. bruce was the full faith of the party and then the odd the guy and to do is this with 3 do need is some said the words biggest low, some sort of deep deep it is a victory of the people that do so i'm in the car and it is, the good news talk is the right. and it is
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a determined big steve. the indians, while he's a part of florida and this week to use for the indian sup scar saw that we've got we've got and this is old clause, and everyone's support deep. and this is a big deal of this year. so people are 140 odd p o u d 1400000000 people victory vinyl. india brothers and sister may, i did get, you know, i oh, that re and i'm today, i've been and then go to what do you think realize, you know, i only send these, let him who need god subset. but i do know that this is the biggest selection. you need that good side. some one that has completed with such a big all that autumn, but the challenges on most 1mw1x1w
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pointing stations around 1500000000. 1 more thing. much in it and 5500000 voting machine. government and everybody gets any data and they're working such as a whole lot season must be new and the food through the jobs properly might have got to be on it. and i will go through properly set up the power and to do the bar. and the demonstrate tremendously hotter. good, you know, for case to ends. indian selection courses do now is, what is this? this whole election system are due now press 3, i did go to the main bar and the selection scared ability heart of our people.
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every indian is proud of is good to know. oh such a scale. ok, selection is such a efficiency all over the selection meant that he's got a hold on. you want to see such example anywhere in the world automatic best have to kind of would like to say to the citizens main, kansas. and i'm going to tell thing soon, so see and make the smoke alarm. and then we'll come to opinion makers, a part of india low. then get through. now i'd be prep getting your doctor at present efficiency and strength of of the election system hard. the government coverage got hurt and it is a very big or bad john for john to treatment. and it is a big, tougher to write to india. do attend such
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a all those people stop and the people who are able to convey their message to all over the world. and i would like to say how to know that you must it quite a good have a good say in front of that we have to just says bottom re present in front of part of the med zips in the. yeah. and for the more that all those people who have just, i need to spend the time on all by the 20 live is more than the football pollution of the country. i'm going to be getting my thoughts on it. and the people from the democrats, me is now as in the selection, 14 got upward road side because then they have them and just to, to the or the cardboard costs are part of the back up and then to the world. the
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policies who are defaming, trying to defend the india they had been shown the mirror. i'm just telling them all the people the day gave and all of my services of this country don't disagree and i'm coming them and thankful to them. but i'm putting older will look increase, got me. can you do something and then animals, meaning them use that pdf, how you that it could be that and without, you know, send it out about that 1st for those waters. and we can, we are unable to achieve this reserves without dental and data 1st in new york. and this is india, so call me and everyone's caustic. you had a bag that i knew. i got a limited time for them to infringe is $2.00. you know,
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if this is the election guys, i know the many points of this selection, 50 gigabytes of since 1962. okay. bob, this is a 1st time boy, it's not a car that any government tool guided size, would it kind of make a box that's at the bottom of the website that of the serving the 2 terms that are done for the totem of the the hobby bid on the bid over in what states they will be election up there. i've been doing this for face to victory. i don't know
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whether it is that i'm not sure where to place. i'm going to provide role hold on to produce or do you saw lisa? ya pretty far. are sick kim? i didn't that i don't mass in those states long. it is a sophomore. and the congress has been eliminated. maybe applied to the the, i don't have a 66 with me. i do to us with me, but down i been was getting over probably they will be struggling to get quail high the bar where the assignment and watch body so that of god my mine a got a that is going to formulate the government, you know, maybe i mean, looks of the election already so has some program demonstrates tremendously. yeah,
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it will be the 1st time that when my hop rebel or not, i will give them pause. so i leave the bgp. the b b minister will so be the be just be this every be also one of the so you didn't get a lot of phone and i'll look at those workers but they have given a lot of, i was not a big got better. and the thing that efforts for lone, sorry to bother you. and they're also doing that 1st and for generations. i'm not talking about years for generations. just kind of guy in the dark. yeah. the woman debated was and that moment is a pro saw and it has the
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commodity, same job. so the number 2 and it has become to twice and where they produce should it all in good job. got into this guy in the daily book, but higher and approximately and he might show ethics a ride amadi plot like a lot that i look forward to have all the most. yeah. with the clean sweep. main subject. you all are, all right. the parties are good, i'm too old to team redone somebody and be done so. so
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be tell you do sob hard and i'm very thankful to them. man that i've done was a lot of our kind of on. so just in that are kind of the things i'm off gave because that's all you go. you go to the side of the heath 40 that we want on the police back the sec, back for the honeymoon either begin the n d it efforts to configure the as the moments the heart of man sending behind lucy's bible goodness. maybe the need to suppose in the constitution also in india performed very well, thought friends. 10 years ago, the country has, but the law clearly it is the they have given the may
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and that point the country here is that our stock, you gotta commit to that point. the country has got to the, i think the the country was competing these think try that and do the problems a program in nevada and they were using the bad words for them to drive everybody on the newspaper headlines. but for all of our thank you for holding me like completely like this mid our side of that point. that is, the country has taken on quiz such a trouble and we were given the opportunity to take i'm
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suppose, from 40 a mom that is that and the all that well honestly and we looked when i say in 2019 is the route whatever is, was the back, but if it's such a vision to the country has so barbara park then the dental office has once again you see a given day during the day and after the n d dot com. and then during the 2nd, because they're off of the guide, because then this becomes a guaranteed job with lending 2024. he said with the same guarantee i'm done done the god, god bless day. this is the economy, economy event. all the corners of the stakes are the blessing stuff that is dense and this is the 3rd time you'll see the box near the blessings which we got in there. do you receive a dominant uninformed of that? i am side then out of them in sort of the general public. i'll say nothing much.
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i'm extremely grateful. extremely obliged. the your friends are guy. yeah. funny. and to do is this moment. me personally, mary, and he will come live. i love it is a very humbling and very dreadful for me to get it done. oscar made at the boss and you'll be my dad. my mom, big and this was my 1st reaction. is the gold, the gold be model, but it is true, but that all of these, all the countries, mothers, sisters, and daughters the never 1st me met. what are the depth sense of my mother's
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being able to bring to the country was old battle, and the mothers sisters, daughters, they are. the gave me the blessings and the get love. audio. and you can not on this in a few days. in the country's history, what they just started a quote that of humans were turned out that political record yard is for this love of this. so i'm gonna close this. i can not tell you expressing words you made it balm, it isn't my it made it month to month. sonya explore name is that it is in my body. it is in my old corners all the confusion on the corners. the boys are not the countries. mothers and sisters gave me the love and
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friends in the last 10 years. i thought the party of the country has made a mess of the scenes or our owner and for the space on the dock. we are given the opportunity to get such what's got 130 to do some unique opportunity to do something funny and we have done the words down to study your tonight that we have. i got the world's largest box war, and after the 70 years are federal logo that has 1200000000 people. dated covered from that time boss. since empty is after the freedom, very bulk of the 400000000 people managed to get the houses
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and millions of the people who are given to free food to very well. millions of people are allowed or given the last piece, given a treatment for the value up to 500000 to a piece move this v. and from the democrats make state of the 372 d s b and the d h d. and b, c may have some new funds. next, what are you from crossville? i made of the state. so i gave them as the final and so just prior to the value. so now products and just remember the such a big challenge of colbert game. and we took, those are the scenes, these which are in favor of the country. and then the favor of the people hard
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about that. and we just took a steps from over the we split the price of it and that's why because our to the, to the, the india has become, is very progressing. nation and economy has become raj, the problem. and for those of you just joining us, you been listening to prime minister new under movies, victory speech addressing his supporters a week or the unexpected performer is from his party means now that the b j. p file showed a majority. and we'll have to form a coalition. let's get you where reaction now or a room from our joins us. he's an economist and a former professor of economics at to, to where her law a new university in new delhi. and enjoys those live from go down in. yes sir, let me just get your reaction. how did you strike you as well? thanks for having me. uh, you know, the,
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the leadership is quite jason brendan and turn the compound of the uh, on the head board to the beach. it be dave and not have them. she's asked as they had been body of the column also was not sent to us because they all realize that the zip is not gain majority. so even though our coordination, government maybe full, but that's what we do focus on having a budget. the majority on the beach, a big majority also see what i wrote, that a student in the mr movie. because he was asking for the board in his name when he can bed, she us before to work for him. so not only what people are supposed to work for the candidate, but long as the movie. and he was also talking about mr. monique got into a human saying that, you know, i got into this, that and the other. so other words did is defeat almost a movie and not being able to get the majority for his body into speech. what he's trying to do is he's trying to bump up the code,
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is trying to bump up the b to be finalized by saying that, look, you have a jeep, does that any other? the situation was a different go in the last 5 years with the find the make and yet you have done well. but the problem is that you know, that was the average person on the street. she was suffering as a result of the unemployment of price, right? and so on the change that the b is not technology and therefore in a sense what you see is the start adult drive and the pop up the trial to bump up to be just be a people and see do better. right? so putting a brace face on this result, a subdued mood. if i understand you correctly, let's talk a economic angle, what this outcome actually means for india. so economy, a surprise said back a markets reaction has been swift. i mean, engine stocks plunged almost immediately. investors are not happy with this outcome
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. why? and you know, just the examples that came out uh soon after the last few of your elections showed that the b, if you wouldn't get the majority, that the prime minister was promising. but it is, uh, you know, it dissolves quite country to that. so the market has to be, i think that on monday opened to very height. and then for those, you put a decline because you know, the expectations on the markets are not fulfilling. no, why is it that the b has done so poorly? that is something that needs to be appreciate it. and that does because you see the opposition was able to mobilize the people on the issues facing the people. what the vi i've been doing is trying to divert attention from the reality shows, emotionally sourced or do i didn't do, you know, or talking about the other things like that. no, that does not succeed. it trying to do that. and then to some of these emotional things that they are doing, like constructing the temple for the nor drum,
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you know, and dreaming that they are the ones that were brought, brought drawn back to the country and things like that. they have worked, in fact, in the cost you can see the template being set up. they have lost their election. so it shows that even in the areas around the temple, the reading on that the part of yeah. also from the b, b has not really so high. so i think what is important to realize is that the opposition has got active, the opposition in the active in the last 24 months. and really the issues of unemployment, of the point of the spots, you know, the form of income nor the properties of the house or the budget bed does envisioning the height the, the shows up suddenly being brought up. because the opposition parties are not able to mobilize people, even that the, the government was tracking down environment in visiting damage using the income tax read the other thing. so how does them opportunity the price care?
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you're not coming the drones not in the last. what was the, on the ground, it would be nice beeping and you know, the, mr. download onto your phone. as part of the did is walk across the country than a bus, right? so there was a move like, there's nothing going on. but the mobilization is thinking based on what they're going to do the last 4 months, and that's why you see that the ticket has not come through majority. mm hm. now, um, in terms of the, the opposition, um, you know, you just said there winning strategy in the end was focusing on the bread and butter issues. can a coalition deliver economic development that india needs of the company? so the economy, the, all the nice sick during the night start holidays and the unorganized search to invest 94 percent of the workforce organizer to go to the 6 percent. the 6 percent of the organized sector they have been doing, wrote, but the 94 percent of the unemployment. the mission is higher. even terms. i know
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there are some like 110000000 farm of support in the unorganized sector. the $60000000.00 units in the an organized sector which are producing industrial and other services, drops the sectors that are doing back each one of the sectors that we've got due to the operation and come with the opposition. and that's right. to take that into another question, is that the one to solve the problem of this normally? whoops, people are resorting incomes then even be able to solve the bigger problem. i'll go to the economy because of the amount of 94 percent remains as low as would be the case recently. then the economy cannot do a very fast order period of time credentials. so now we saw that before the band and also the router dropped a 3 point one percent from the 8 percent. so if the demand is an anti red capacity less than is inadequate, and the growth rate shows don't. so if we are told really go fast, we have to pump in dumont at the lower level by creating employment. so shoot me an
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amount of employment is required outside i can touch the select the block, the stock did not get done so they can go out then to punch anybody go up and then the demand for the own i sector and also go up. so there's not that the development of the, an organizer to be an expensive the organizer does. what's the zip code for the pressure on the beach from the opposition to haven't been to the right of that sort have given the name most of the portions box, i would like the intuitive brought to the agent that's driving the board in the region. right. which is based on the light is on. so i think the agent be changed right into the image. and i mean, color says agenda, we have to leave it there. very insightful arono tomorrow. economist a thank you sir, for joining us. a thank you is finding a reminder, the indian government has not granted these as 2 out as it was during with. so we are covering the election from outside the country. the
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is really your tax across the gaza strip. have killed nearly 40 people on tuesday. a central guys were playing struck. a car, passing through were heavily populated area, killing at least a palestinians. and all those killed in the car were members of the local police force, according to palestinian officials. the strikes took place and they were school used as a shelter fort forcibly displaced people. all others injured in the vicinity have been taken to alexa mosque, sorry, hospital with children among those wounded neighborhood reports now from their umbrella in the central gaza, where there has been a series of israeli attacks as far but confirming that the past 24 hours is seeing that rolling in a storage, indeed, a tops across the gauze, mainly concentrated in the central area and further to the southern part were the military operations. that aggressive one is expanding to include the entire city of,
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of brooklyn. but we're looking at the past 24 hours. the close to 40 people have been killed. the vast majority of the casualties are made of women and children. and this is the pattern of attack that we've seen in the past months. it keeps repeating itself in a very, very aggressive way. now it is the entire family's being a blood rated at complete. but the worst of these attacks happened at the earlier hour this morning as tried on a vehicle carrying law enforcement person out in theaters ballasa city. and just to confirm this is not the 1st time we see this direct deliberate, aside from the law enforcement here on the ground in what seems to be east and is really military strategy. because the by product of these attacks is d, a k of that, that is taking place right after these a talk with the more of these law enforcement 1st that are being killed and targeted. there is their, their job here on the ground as we see here,
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maintaining law and order securing the delivery of humanitarian aid to their designated area. them now with more of them are being targeted and killed is going to shatter any remaining sense of safety security. more than a 1000000 people have flood causes, southern most city since is removed in tanks and troops in early may. it was once a city displaced palestinians from all over guys, all fled to but its streets are now virtually empty. charles stratford reports they take what belongings they can. for many, it's all they have left off. the sheltering and rough is bullying camps for months . thousands of products, the new family is a full to move. once more un says middle than a 1000000 people have been displaced from roof as israel bombing, the military advance intensifies into this most southern area of the guns of strip . no tonia homes were destroyed,
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but all schools too we could no longer go to school. a future is ruined. we are human beings like other people of the world. we lost our life all hope for future. this is a crime. it's a sin enough with it. we're tired of the this is what brought the look like in april. the camps, an overcrowded so called refuge from these ready ministry on thoughts on the goals of strip in oregon international outcry. these ready on the launch the incursion into rough. uh, you know, the may, you to order college students to move before an operation the international community said would cross a ridge line, ration the world failed to stop we don't know where to go. we left everything behind and ran for our lives. we had now
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a mislead roaming the streets. we are tired, children are frightened, installed in our homes, were destroyed. where do we go? the sick and wounded are treated in hospital as time runs out. the medical facilities now abandoned roughly the streets empty. as he's ready to sit bones, samuel we're forcibly displayed from hun you and is too rough. now that is really occupation forces weren't all of roughly to leave. we are tired, exhausted. we appeals to the whole world to help us restore some peace security. thousands killed and injured, our children are starving. the promising is helpful forward. he says that more than 20 people, mostly women and children, were killed by in his ready and strike on a camp where displaced people with sheltering in the area of oma was c west. and rafa on may the 28th. israel didn't no idea attack many of those who have
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flayed rough since then. so going to own wasi. before the attack is real, said it was a so cool, safe area were promised to be and civilians should go to the post a month civil showed. there was no such place in garza charles profit, which is a fair charity organization. the world. the central kitchen has now resumed 8 operations and gone. it stopped it's operations in april after the is really army targeted 3 of its $80.00 goals, killing $78.00 workers, utah international condemnation of israel, accusing it of deliberately targeting a workers. a world central kitchen says it now has to main kitchens in operation in gaza. today our founder says the decision to restart, feeding and government was the hardest. and the simplest one we could make. our
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mission is simple to be the 1st to the front lines, providing meals and response to humanitarian climate and community crisis. and so we knew we had to go back and restart and gaza. the guitar is a foreign ministry says it has not received any firm agreements from israel or i'm off on the gaza ceasefire plan put forward by us president gerard. however, ministry spokesman measured the ann, i'm sorry, says he's positive, it's moving in the right direction. we haven't had concrete approval. so the suggestions on the table by both sides. and we have over ads and seen the go through the figure statements coming in from officially ministers, which doesn't tell us with lots of confidence of that being a unified position or they've had anything at all. but of this, the, this given proposal on the, on the table. however, we can see also that there is a positive momentum building up within both sides as you said,
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the statement from how i'm also quite positive. although following sort of a commitment to to the language and asking for more clarification, but they were a positive, we have also seen a positive movement. and if they have like, the government is meeting right now and that there are discussions over accepting the proposals on the tables. the us presidential button is expected to assign an executive order to crime down on asylum requests at the southern border. on the order could restrict the number of arrivals after us, mexico crossing after a certain daily number is reached. and there's been a record number of people attempting to cross into the u. s. in recent years. and the issue has been a huge hot button topic. and the political campaign ahead of november's election. all right, let's get you more uh we can talk now to i'll just there is
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a white house correspondent kimberly how could to standing by. kimberly, what more do we know about this proposal of the yeah. or expecting something to come down in an hour or so. and what we're expecting is that this will come in the form of an executive order. why? because legislation seems to be elusive here in the united states. apologies. there's a lot of the chart here including chord at the interest as here in the us congress, the democrats and republicans. we're working on this for about 20 years or more. they've not been able to achieve it. so joe biden says he's going to take matters into his own house for an executive order. but as you point out, the numbers have been searching as high as up to 12000 in legal crossings into the united states at its height last december. so what the proposal here is under the executive order would be to prevent asylum seekers from entering the united states
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. what this would be as a temporary ceiling of the board or preventing those from entering and returning them to their countries. but the democrats, as your call really criticized donald trump, would be tried to do this back in 2018. in fact, so much. so this led to the federal courts blocking the trumpet, ministration from doing that as so there is a little bit of criticism. in fact, there could even be some court challenges of the attempt by, uh, the, by the administration to do this very same thing and they're anticipating this as well. but the binding ministration says that this is different. this is more of a scalable approach. say is this versus what they call a sledge hammer approach 5, the trump administration. why they say this is different is that this will allow those who have maybe medical emergencies or minors, for example, or even those who need our victims of human trafficking, if you will. they will be allowed to come through,
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but i'll be it with much more vigorous screening. right? because, i mean, some of the critics have already come out and said, kimberly that this is just a rehashing of a trump policy. but you point out that there might be some exemptions there. politically, however, how does this play into the race and biden's re election bid us? yeah, because the nuances are pretty minor. it's pretty much the same policy for all intents and purposes and what this really is, is politics. i mean, let's face it november, is right around the corner. it's a presidential election, and it's no coincidence. this is coming out of the keels of a well criminal conviction when the fact is that joe biden's main rival for the president for race. donald trump has just received that coming down in his sentencing is image. so the time is right for him to really sees on what he knows is a big issue for conservative voters and try and grab some of those voters, even if it is his own policy that they're concerned about. and that's what joe
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biden is doing right now. the fact is, is that conservative voters who don't like jo biden's porter policies, but maybe we don't want to both are convicted felons. well, this is the time to grab them and that's what he's doing right now. kimberly how good reporting. thank you. let's take a closer look now at the situation on the southern border and back in 2013 officials recorded an average of 39000 encounters every month until 2021. when the numbers started to rise rapidly and december last year, that feeder reached nearly $302000.00. that's an all time record now in terms of who's making the crossing. there are significantly fewer mexican nationals . the biggest increase has been in venezuelan citizens from nearly 0 to more than 10 percent. all this putting pressure on the american immigration system, the number of pending cases jumped dramatically from about 34402013. to get
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this 2100000 last year. all right, we can talk now to where leon are fresco, an immigration attorney, and former us deputy assistant attorney general in charge of immigration. and he joins us now from washington, dc. sure, a very warm welcome to alger 0. will this for the number of immigrants trying to make their way north of the mexican border? it is allowed to be implemented. it will curve the amount of people coming across to the meg from the mexican borders, into the united states with frivolous asylum plains. but there are 2 key factors to watch. one, when the lawsuits are filed, will that port to allow this policy to go through? because there are very strong arguments which are made in 2019 theme against the drop administration, which would be repeated again and $21.00 and $4.00 that the president does not have the authority to prevent the ball who have already entered the united states. from
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asking for our asylum, you get to stop them before they event. 3rd of i the point of injury or at an airport, but he can't stop them once they've entered the united states from seeking a file that was the problem and one of 19 and then secondly, if they can clear that up, the goal will be government of mexico cooperate and allowing non mexicans to be deported into mexico. so this would include these venezuelans, that were this task for people from china, or central america, or many others that are making this trip in the united states. if neither of those 2 things are part of this process, then the major will not be successful and start. why do we keep seeing record number of, of, of people heading to the us in spite of and we're more draconian measures as well. the main reason is because the us economy, even in the sort of flagging going on like worldwide conditions, continues to outpace the growth of many other countries. and so there is the old
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domain for labor in the united states. and people continue to try to feel that demand for labor until people really either don't think they'll be able to get in, or they think that they get it and they will not be able to access the job one or the other. you will still see people trying ben through united states, and that makes the question, of course, i mean the trump administration, and now the bite under ministration, wants to, to shock the board. how realistic is it that the border can be shot? well, the border to be shot if you have a congressional proposal that i truly 5 acres branch of the law office at northwood, then after the 3rd 2 pets. and here is how we're gonna operate our border. and then you would also be cooperation from mexico, and so you'd have to give them some sort of package whereby you could actually rebate trade people to mexico and then give them the resources they needed to repatriate. but people bought to wherever there weren't. oh, my gosh, now, yes,
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but without bad, those 2 long term solutions, you're always going to see the stop got measures. and it's very likely the courts are not. god forbid this because they're going to say that congress. i've given this authority to do this. and so it's really going to be a matter of the, by the ministrations. i see, i tried to do everything i could, but really we need congress back then. so now it's on the republicans to try to give me the authority. i need to do this. now you've alluded on several occasions during this conversation to mexico, of course, a very important partner there. this comes and will come in the week of the mexican elections. what's you're making the timing of this executive order, and how might the incoming mexican present respond to these measures as well? the timing was clearly done in a way that they wouldn't influence one the rain. so they waited until after the election to the decide this, i think that was absolutely done on purpose. but now the issue is going to be that
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the federal government is going to say to the duty of like the president of mexico . if you don't help us cooperate with this, they are going to the other majors that we're going to have to take in order to, to persuade you that this is in your best interest when it was been talk but ministration. they driving large barrel so hot on mobiles coming in from mexico and into the united states. perhaps president biden would do something with regard to foreign aid. but one way or the other, those sanctions would be put in that. if the mexican government isn't going to assess on this sort of regional migrating jeanette for all right, totally on fresco emigration, the attorney inform you as deputy assistant attorney general sir, thank you so much, greatly appreciate it. thank you for your time. thank you. have a good day and a center for you short sarasota, lyla, thank you so much. injury has ended no bad job which is titled defense at the french open job which had been due to play in
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a quarter final against caspar rude on wednesday. the 24th time grand slam champion had several medical timeouts during his last match. the survey and blame the slippery courts for aggravating a knee injury and the withdrawal means johnson, which will also lose his status as well. number one, you see on next center kind of manipulates the center will officially replace drop edge as well. number one, at the end of this tournaments vitaly is into the semi finals after a straight fence went over break or demetrius. here me clearly and open champion is a need for his 1st title when at this grand plan for that. so the final us open champion cocoa golf has set up a french open. somebody funnel with the world. number one, golf has ended, owns diverse rolling girls run next out for the american is 3 time a champion, egos fantastic. and richardson reports no question. who the fund the favorite was in this cool to final, the jump i can fix of affection ownership. who gave the crew plenty
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to get excited about in her contest with us. so i've been champion cocoa so kind of dropped off the working for her that she needs you one the 1st since. and was instantly to, to assist roland general semi final but that was as good as it got feasible. who's still getting back to her best after a series of injury problems. gulf a runner up in paris 2 years ago when so it's a close to met chance and $0.03. but she's a tough opponent and she's well loved on tour. and i could tell both the crowd today . i know you guys wanted her to in and honestly whenever she's not playing, i tear for her too. so i think you guys are making it a good atmosphere who is next door to winning and elusive. first grand slam title will be at wimbledon, where she's twice reach the final. i'm trying to get better. i don't think it's the,
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the fitness preparation is something else, but yeah, i've tried to get better. i've tried to mind as you know, the pressure and the stress even better. go full next face the seemingly on stuff are both full spread. eagle 3 on check the world number one was inch perfect. again, small cats, a vendor. so the dropping just 2 games in a straight sets when she is one of the great plays in the history of women studies, especially on play on the richardson l. g 0. now less than 2 weeks until the euros in house, germany had a frustrating night. as they continued their preparations, they were held to noel draw by fellow qualifiers, new crank, germany of one more friendly against free stops on the friday before the heroes take off the craner playing and made the ongoing of war with russia. it qualified for the tournament for the 4th time after pulling all of their qualifiers on neutral ground, including in germany. your brain wants to be part of the over,
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but i think the for them like like euro championship by football. i think it's very poor is important to them for our country. and i'm glad we are here now. i'm glad we are playing sick one time in the year again. jim when he because for me, jim lenny's most important part and there's a few grain in this war. chelsea is called palmer scored his 1st international goal is england, the bosnia and herzegovina. 3. now england are in groups. see with zeroes in the heroes with lavinia, serbia, and denmark trends. alexander arnold made it to nail down the harry kane wrapped up the victory with his 63rd goal for his country. and one's final warm up game is against iceland. on friday, some flies maybe the game, they needed the minutes and you know, they need the minutes again on friday evening. that's why we bought hurricane on he needed some much time today and then to back the up. and so we, we spinning
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a lot of plates trying to get individuals into things, manage minutes, perform well and everything else. i've got to stand have one, they're opening match at crickets t 20 roll top against w tons. you gone to get us and score the 2nd highest partnership in their history to romando who lives there bombs. and abraham is that are on they posted a $183.00 for 5. you're going to, we're bold out for just $58.00. the 4th, lowest total and girls club history and india go into this tournament is one of the biggest one of the big favorites, but they haven't won the competition since its 1st edition, back in 2007. the top run score in the competitions history. there at coley had his 1st practice session in new york. they begin their tournament against ireland on wednesday. okay, and that is all your support for now and back to you later. thank you so much, 5. thank you. and that's it for me, and we let her rock for this news hour,
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but i'll be back in a moment. so where's more of a day's news? seeing a bit, the i was planning on a scooter with my cousin. he said, we're on our way home when we saw in his rate, in the jeep driving towards us. so we started running soldiers begin, shooting. jude was hit in the neck and found it happen near the foot job, a refugee camp near jericho, and they occupied westbank soldiers detained, the wounded boy, accusing him of throwing rocks and pipelines before leaving him. and his really hosp these really hospital where he was treated claims they are owed more than $13000.00 for treating an 8 year old child with a gunshot wound from an is really assault. his father says the bill is so high, it will be impossible to pay posting and officials told they'll just hear that in situations like this is real,
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deducts the funds directly from customs taxes that it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. she says she'll never write a scooter again. they fled from the world's most secretive state. now young north koreans are finding statement, fortune a celebrity influences. but the shining lights on the home of kings and bring danger $1.00 oh, $1.00 east meets north. korea's influence is coming out new lives online despite the risk on al jazeera holding the powerful to account as we examine the us as role in the world. on o g 0. the pod interviews is israel and obstacles piece of. i think that the new thing, the f one, his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way.
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that's our facing realities. you're running mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we do it or something we can uptake effective use of the person as not that important effective he of the story on talk to how does era the india is prime minister and the render mode claims victory. but vote counting, suggesting may yet lose is outright majority we all are very grateful to members of the public citizens have expressed confidence in the b, j. p. and mdx to reach victory is a victory for the world's largest democracy. the hello i'm way a rock. this is the 0 life from joe how also coming up.


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