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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the . ready ready the hello, i'm layla rog, this isn't use our line from door coming up. in the next 60 minutes, we're getting reports of intense bombing in central gas on hospitals filling up with people reported killed at the elbow ridge camp. and the mos says it needs more guarantees that a ceasefire will be permanence before it accepts of deal. while the us sense to
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invoice back to the region and then the as prime minister in the render moody claims victory, but vote counting such as he may yet lose his outright majority comes. we will all very grateful to members of the public citizens have expressed confidence in the b, j, p, and engage threes. victory is a victory for the wealth, largest democracy, and u. s. presidential by science and executive order to limit the number of asylum seekers at the southern border. the we began in gaza where we're getting reports of an intense is really bombing an artillery campaign. at the elbow ridge camp in central garza details are still coming to us and communications are difficult, but we're getting reports of several people killed. well after some sporadic communications, we can now joined alger zeros handy. mr. moody live from barrels. bella in central
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garza, i need what's been happening. what are you hearing? what do you see? there's all these have been a quite difficult hours the barely yet hours of the evening up till this moment. more injuries are still the brought to the hospital so far we're looking at these 10 people i've been pronounced that did. they were brought bodies into the hospital all the way to the more of the hospital at the initial arrival of ambulance. we look at 5 people and 5 later on and 3 children among the casualties. we have a whole family inside. the more that's a father, a mother, and there's $22.00 children were killed in the taxes so far. what we're learning from this southern barajo, a tax on residential homes by air, and by land that includes the drone, the tax these uh,
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the top jets as well as the artillery showing that continued for at least an an hour not as stop. and so right now we could hear you loud explosions of ongoing of types. then have your machine got the basement area of the central part of gaza, of the goal of the script that includes 2 densely populated refuge account, the the on out of race states that the lives that we have right now confirm it was 2 residential buildings on on what would it that said, the eastern part of the bridge refuge account, as well as that evacuation center in the area. the talk was edits, vicinity, as people were trying to leave in the us vapor area. we're also learning from civil defense crew and paramedics that the population of these areas have been forced into more internal displacement and to say it out and dated by the city. just adding more pressure on these 2 areas that are already in suffer from lack of the
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facilities that infrastructure at a very, a crippled health facility right here. 10 people so far as killed the triple, the number of the critically injured inside this health facility. and right now the floor of the hospital is, is sold with injuries, who are literally waiting out, been waiting for a doctors to turn their attention to, to provide them with proper medical intervention. the doctors are running everywhere and the health facility is searching for remaining medical supplies and antiseptic anastasia, just to perform nothing, certainly, ah, production 30 operations right now to save lives. there was one case, due to the lack of medical supplies, almost non existent, medical supplies, certain kinds that they could not find the, the person who arrived to needed an intervention immediately, unfortunately lost his life. but it was
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a transfer to the more of the hospital. so it was a combined, the taxi was a critically injured the doctors. he could not save his life because of the lack of medical supplies and other necessarily a needed materials inside the hospital, the scene of the hospital. so chaotic, what we're seeing right now, here's the crowd at the hospital bills are remaining family members in the talk there you are here to check on missing family members of from the tax world for learning from them. there's still entire families, it trapped inside the bond homes in the region. and what are the refuge account there? people are in areas that are becoming quite dangerous and increasingly ruskie for them to to leave these bonds area. honey must more die. reporting on the fall that from that the intense bombing and central guys are hanging, as always, thank you so much for your continued coverage and i'm are spokesman. uh, a summer home dawn says, israel's a response to a cease fire proposal does not a line,
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but what was outlined by us present job. i'm. i'm all says it's looking for a clear indicator that israel will permanently and the war and gaza before accepting a ceasefire. proposal not a lot of the remote, the few not a little so far we have conveyed our position to the mediators saying that israel's position needs to be clear, indicating their willingness to permanently end this war and completely withdraw from the gaza strip. this would allow us to conclude the deal unless such a position is clear, then it would be impossible for us to agree to a deal that does not secure nor guarantee a permanent ceasefire. a complete withdraw from the gaza strip and subsequently implemented a sincere and true prisoner swap guitars. foreign ministry says it has not received any firm agreements from either israel or her mos on. the goal is to cease fire plan foot forward by the us president. however, ministry spokesman, the measured the and i'm sorry, says he's positive,
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it's moving in the right direction. we haven't had concrete approval. so the suggestions on the table by both sides and we have all what i've done the seen, the go to get a figure statements coming in from it's going to be administered. which doesn't tell us with a lot of confidence of that being a unified position or event and isn't all about of this, this kevin proposal on the, on the table. however, we can see also that there is a positive momentum building up within both sides. as you said, the statements from how i feel quite positive. all the following sort of a commitment to to the language and asking for more clarification. but they were above it. we have also seen a positive movement and it is like the government is meeting right now and that there are discussions over accepting the proposals on the cables. and the model number sure is out as our senior political analyst centralizes now from london. what, what's your take on barton ceasefire announcement and the apartment isn't, you know,
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giving your conflicting signals on whether he supports the deal or or in fact it's not conflicting. nathaniel, his position is very clear from the outset. he's against affirmative ceasefire. busy because by didn't try to somehow spin the, is there a new proposal in no way whereby he can push all the parties forwards, including the mediators giving them, i'm your nation to push him us to agree to the proposal. i think these are, these came out in the clear on say we do not agree to a, but my nancy's fire to the water objectives has to be achieved, and that includes the destruction of how much. so while everyone assigned spinet in a way making it sound like if there's a comfortable or she or the mouse has not responded, well, i'm so so forth. that's not exactly true anyhow. has been consistent,
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at least on this issue. he is, i guess that that dependencies fire and the problem live is not between the united states and how much the problem lies between the united states and is right that then, you know, needs to get a very clear response that he is for the american growth map and that his government endorses and more one how do you see this developing further as well, what we know for sure a case from the various american statements is that by didn't believes not nothing . yeah. how wants to prolong the war when he was past the past couple of days by time magazine? if he agrees to the statement that people think nathaniel is prolonged in the war for his own political interest. by the end responded by say. ready busy is
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every reason to believe that for people to draw the conclusion that the new how is throwing the war, which means why some american officials are clinic that the whole now isn't. how much is it? how much is court? in fact, it's in america score. we have seen, is there a, the respond the past several months to in, in guys uninstall, collaborate on, and we know for sure that is, that is for the dependent on the united states, only washington can use it's leverage it's sweets which is right to ensure that the strategies agree to opt out of minutes. he's fine if this is indeed an israeli proposal then is there i should embrace it. is there any government should embrace . busy i need something practical concerning the 2 parties like shots, the, the, the audience i was really just party. it is right,
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is agree to the proposal. european countries, european leaders came and agreed to the proposal kind of countries, 5 main ones that are engaged with the question of guys that includes in egypt, georgia. so did anything know the point? i agree to the proposal. how much has express positive uh, packaging towards it and said it is what it takes. it basically how much would accept the only part due today that is not accepting it is, is read. so as right must embrace these very proposal. a model. i'm the shower, i thank you so much. risky workers are unable to keep up with israel's near cost and bombing of the gaza strip and thousands of bodies that are still trapped in the rubble. the dead are denied a proper burial brief families. a final good bye and holiday reports on gosh, has missing people. ma ma, calling out for
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a missing mother. somebody knows she's most likely that her body so strong cut off somewhere under this trouble to the air striking from eunice and centering cause i also killed somebody's uncles and cousins, most pain. i don't know how about identity, the image and, and the hardware, the head and we woke up and got the news. we came running and looking for my mother . we found destruction beyond human understanding. the children were sleep. they are interesting and they were a sleep. they were tuned to pieces, letting me of the palestinian civil defense has estimated that some 7000 bodies are still trapped under the rebel. 3 companies are relaxed without even a body to bear because it is normal. that's enough. we hope to go that that will be a ceasefire because we've lost and lost. we lost all our loved ones. we have
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nothing left enough for the sake of gold. have see far enough with tired. we seemed broken extremely a to the enough. everybody seems to be able to hematoma. in october, the parkman tyler was bond killing, his granddaughter, in hundreds of others, can i just took the voltage from the nicholas full when the town was bomb z, with 380 people. and as the original residents had taken and displaced people in the number of people living in the town, more than doubled, it was headed in the afternoon in broad daylight without any prior notice. 7 months later, dozens of bodies are to accounted for there among the thousands of the missing policy. musing cause when is there any forces dropped this from any home and good by an entire family of 6 were killed somebody's for being covered, but others wait. it's hours for the civil defense team to help rescue and how does
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your family, with their bare hands and basic equipments they failed, the rescue had met. and how does and how us 3, this is ends include the odyssey to that is but it goes up policy time and the international criminal court says it's significant. we stepped up at security measures a softer facing what it describes as unprecedented attempts of intelligence gathering . like countries hostile to the courts, media investigations published last week found that is really use it's intelligence agencies to threaten the i. c. c, to drop more crimes investigations for fossil reports from the hague. never before has the only permanence international court for war. criminals come under such severe threats, created to put an end to impunity for the worst of crimes. the icy c has stepped up . it's secure with the system of the infiltration cyber attacks of threats from
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national spite agencies trying to interfere with its investigations. recent publications show that is where any intelligence agencies of threatened, smeared and intimidated prosecute threats and lawyers investigating suspected war crimes committed by israel in gaza and occupied westbank. that split additions have also demanded an inquiry into the possible enforcement of it's for a li diplomats. the netherlands as a whole country of the i c c. and many of the international institutions has a special responsibility to make sure that these institutions can function independently and must be very tough when it comes to this type of intimidation practices. the icpc palestine investigation recently like to request for arrest warrants for is for 80 prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this defense minister and 3 lead us of how most palestinian organizations who have been crucial in compiling evidence for this case, have also faced serious threats on a death. it's like a mafia, a waste. this
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a threats. one of that is the cost. one of that is to put you in a funeral on or was behind the door for the call. you can be that lance. she was of a full comparison to the i see if she doesn't want to stop at work, she would be disappear. the former employee does not want to be filmed while she continue with her work, compiling evidence of it's a war crimes for this course. she says, the threats against her became increasingly serious. i'm sophisticated, changing her phone number of students house because those will threatening her immediately new, new numbers. sponsors of all hawk were receiving severe messages and emails of amnesty international who are trying to help her or hacked. meanwhile, she and her relatives continue to receive threats even abroad. after 3 years of investigating the start with these close to k, seeing, they could not find a suspect, a former bosses' convinced who was behind the threats,
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and i'm sure that they would include tact. also, it is why it is with this already me sad sort of with these that i know for each of the threats did not stop. i'll hock know the i see see from continuing the investigation and reply to questions from al, just so you're at the office of to prosecute to of the i see see says at times by intelligence agencies to get hold of cor, evidence have failed. and this system remain secure. step 5 and algebra fake a more than a 1000000 people have fled garza southern low city. says israel moved in tanks and troops and early may was once a city displaced palestinians from all over the gaza strip, fled to but its streets are now virtually empty. charles stratford reports they take what belongings they can so many. it's all they have left off. the sheltering and rough is bullying camps for months. thousands of products,
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the new families are forced to move. once more un says more than a 1000000 people have been displaced from roof as israel bombing the military advance intensive allies into this most southern area of the guns of strip. no tonia homes were destroyed, but all schools too we could no longer go to school. of the future is ruined. we are human beings like other people of the world. we lost our life all hope for future. this is a crime. it's a sin enough with it. we are tired of the this is what brought the look like in april. the camps, an overcrowded so called refuge from these ready ministry owns thoughts on the goals of strip in oregon international outcry. these ready on the launch the incursion into the rough or, you know, the may, the palestinians to move before an operation,
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the international community said would cross a ridge line formation. the world failed to stop we don't know where to go. we left everything behind and ran for our lives. we are now aimlessly roaming the streets. we are tired, children are frightened, installed in our homes, were destroyed. where do we go? the sick and wounded are treated in hospital as time runs out. medical facilities now abandoned roughly the streets empty, as he's ready to print said bobs, sam samuel, we're forcibly displayed from hun you and is too rough. now that is really occupation forces weren't all of rough to leave. we are tired, exhausted. we appealed to the whole world to help us restore some p security.
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thousands killed and injured our children are starving. the promising and helpful authority says that more than 20 people, mostly women and children were killed. blind is ready and strike on a camp where displaced people were sheltering in the area of elm, wasi west. and rafa on may the 28th israel didn't like the attack. many of those who are flayed rough since then is going to own wasi before the attack. israel said it was a so cool, safe area were promised to me, and civilians should go to the post a month. simple have shown there is no such place. garza, charles stafford, which is 0. the, the world's largest election has come to an end and now defiant expectations and poll protections. millions of voters and you'll have issued
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a decisive mandate. foreign minister under moody will return to power for historic 3rd time, but as part of the b j. p wont be governing alone for the 1st time in a decade. the opposition coalition has made a comeback, hurting the b. j. p. is chances of a sweeping majority mode he says, says new term will be one of big decisions. well, the indian government has failed to give these as to entre 0 as correspondence to cover the story. so we're reporting on the selection from outside the country. here's them consume sharif the winning would phone a losing streak as tens of millions of violets of being counted in india. the governing b. j. b and its allies all in the lead would fall from the predictions of exit polls and the parties own estimates. and let's say it's a said back for prime this to move wage a movie, a populace leader who sort of post them on the, in the nation this campaign. this is
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a defeat for 5 minutes. and then the movie was politically and moderately. the drum this in range of movie has claimed victor n d e. my coalition is coming back to govern for a 3rd consecutive term. and that's a guarantee we're grateful to the people. this is the 1st time a government that's completed 2 terms. we'll return for a 3rd to the b to these pop lab to you know, to, for these, the most populous and politically crucial. states is also on a decline. the party last seats in a you to the city, the movie you know, great to the temple in january fulfilling a decades or promise. it was built on the ruins by historic most that posts destroyed by writing groups in the early 19. 19, the many hindus believe not wrong. one of hinduism is most rest of the day. tease was born here,
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but let's say this election has shown the politics of religion has filled with temper this uh, which was uh, an indian. the other people who looked over it on paperless mate, shows that people who have gone beyond drummed into b j. b. 's. last is the opposition's game in states like money. poor, northeast and state, govern by the bgp has witness ethnic findings in the past year. the opposition, the lines is led by the indian national congress which govern the india from much of its history. it says the results so far out appealed, rejection of movies, leadership of 10. yes. the main thing that this election is that the country is united mostly and clearly stated. we do not want mr. and the end of the movie, and mr. um its shop will be involved in the running of this country. the election commission says of the one b and registered voters. more than 640000000 costs the ballots. the 7 phase
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election that began on april 19 was held as much of india bottled a severe heat wave. the campaign was deeply devises. moody was accused of hate speech calling the 200000000 most the minority community infiltrate his job. and i think somebody got by the induced level, how's that part of mental looks? it has 543 seats. a party. a coalition needs to been 272 seats to form a government supporters of the b to b and congress us celebrating outside their respective party headquarters in new delhi jobs. 2 it doesn't matter if we win 400 seats, we are forming the government moody will be the prime minister for the time of the people of fed off of moody's office or a terry. this is why the india alliance of such
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a historic mandates. india is long the custom to coalition politics, but now with the slim majority and the need to work with other parties, your brains are movies room. this prime minister may be at risk of consumption. are just these are drawing me now. is javan. i'm sorry. she is a political alice and comes to us from new delhi. good day, sir, with this mandate that voters gave notice. walk us through what is going to happen next next. since mister moody's body is the lines, there's the single largest. he will be called from the government, which should happen in the coming next year. wonders if voters or expecting that or are new for doesn't honestly expecting documents that visual for us was more the changes. spots is speech this evening if, if there's anything to go by able to like to demonstrate that she's
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a very decisive leader and try and continue in the same page. he's promised decisive fraction. but this is the 1st time and it's good idea. since 2002, the teams will be dependent on this tool to allies is governmental and survive on the customers of 2 of his allies. this is something that doesn't the, that there's not happened in the past with mr. moody, and this is not something that government were to consensus is not something that comes naturally for mister moses. does it come naturally to mister motive, but he has no choice so that those of the cards that he's has been dealt with. meanwhile, investors not happy with his income. i mean shortly after the results have become known, stocks have plummeted. so what does this all mean in terms of economic development? for india, the bottom wisdom we'll do, we'll have to demonstrate that he can carries the country to go to any kind of this
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. the kind of business of speeches and cost language using the use during the elections will have to report the sides needing me to pick the country together. although this won't stop investor confidence in india is economy is reasonably road, but they are still a huge number of problems that faced growing unemployment. aggregating and prices should end up cost rise in prices. these are issues that somebody will have to track them. this is part of my office constantly. i'm do you all position because they may need for 2 years. it's now time to deliver. if he does it, the price, but he will have to pay later will be a much bigger $1.00 vendor one. that's the next truck they're going to so that you all right. you have a ton sorry, a political analysts. thank you so much, sir. as i still had here on al jazeera, the us president is analysing tough news for the southern border ahead of november elections,
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and will speak to white house national security council communications advisor. john curvy on the situation in the us of the us. presidents cracked down on the southern border, the hello. i am place to say that the in time states across india is looking a lot less hold as we go through the next couple of days. we have got monthly range across the southern part, see, see where the, the actual monsoon rains have sets in. that's a best black line here. the blue line suggest the vice range around a day or 2 ahead of schedule further north. that is where we are looking at as of the heat persisting, we are still getting into the forty's places like new delhi for example, but that is down on recent values. that's because we have
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a western disturbance bring him on the web cloud and write some showers, rolling through hate warnings, have now been downgraded to amber from right. so that is some, some kind of brief rest bites in terms of the intensity of band aid. plenty of sal is there across southern positive india with the i'm on the same sets again, and that continues to be the case as we go through fast. a recent w flats, inter lanka, well for the showers continuing care over the next day or so. no showers across a bunch of them, at least it stays hot and dry, getting into the forty's down for many and is if we push up towards that eastern side of the american, still into the full sees that just around. that's the eastern side of the mediterranean. it does stay dry from ice garza the 30 degrees. the the,
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the you will see a duty in a grove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris of
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the you're watching out as a reminder of our top story is this our central gaza has been under, is really fire for the past several hours. several people are killed and there are many injuries, including reports for people in one family, chilled the only major health care facility. alexa, hospital, overwhelmed mos says, israel's ceasefire proposals is not a line with that outlined by us presidents joe biden. last week. the group says it needs assurances is real, will permanently end the war and gone so before it accepts a ceasefire deal. and indeed as prime minister in render moody claims victory in india as nam with the general election already declared. there was also
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a victory for democracy despite results indicating his party, the b, j. b. for news, it's outright majority it was presidential barton has signed into law and executive order that will shut off asylum requests and deny entry to migraines . on it's southern border with mexico once a daily threshold of $2500.00 illegal crossings is met. all the move is a sharp political. you turn aimed at stomach a record search of migrant strength across the countries. southern border customs officials recorded and all time high of 300000 what they call migrant encounters in december last year. and we've got teen coverage for you live in mexico city to get reactions from there. but 1st, let's have to washington and speak to our white house correspondent, kimberly how could kimberly flush this out for us. any more details
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yeah, as a us president, just citing this into a executive order. and what this does is effectively at midnight washington time chicken took place uh new district or measures that will effectively feel the border between united states and mexico. and what this does is make it to essentially almost impossible for asylum seekers to get those protections with a few exceptions. that means that those who are being human traffic's are looking for emergency medical care, or even those who are minors will be subject to additional screening. now, what we know is that there is already a lot of criticism that this is a fairly familiar to 282 policy put in place by former president donald trump. but the white house is insisting this is not the case, but what donald trump did was more a sledge hammer approach. this is much more surgical still. what we know is that b a, c l, your american civil liberties union that tried and successfully blocked this. and
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the federal courts under donald trump is already bowing to do the same to president by then. all right, can we, how good with a perspective from dc less costs over now uh to a money where a lot of follow and the mexico city to get the view from there. many, this of course comes in the wake of mexico's historical elections. what has been the reaction so far to this executive order? so mexico's president, this monday, a little bit over the order that was asked about this topic during his early morning news conference that he gives every day he spoke regarding this topic, saying that he was aware of the executive order taking place today in the united states. but i did not give any more comment other than his plans to meet over the phone with president biden. to discuss this topic that we should note here that mexico rarely marks its own immigration policy,
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its own migration policy. these decisions are often made by laterally with united states and at times uh these policies are made sort of in reaction to policies that take place in the united states. so what happens in mexico, at least when it comes to migration, has a lot to do with the influence isn't pressures that happen north of the border. that we should note also in terms of the dynamics of migration here in mexico, mexico as a country, that experiences all phases of migration. it's a country of transit where mex, a, where a migrants from the central and south america and other parts of the world just simply passed through mexico on the way to the united states. mexico is also a country where my bread seek asylum and seek refuge. it's also a country where there is internal displacement and produces migrants that then head to the united states for policies related to all of these different factors related to migration. still depends on what happens in the united states. and yes, this is happening on the hills of that historic collection. we're cloudy of shame.
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bob now elected the 1st woman president of mexico. she assumes the office of the president on october 1st. but even her policies will largely be influenced by white by what happens in the united states coming november when americans had to the polls to choose their presidents. so that certainly is something to consider there . and many, while i have you with me here, describe what the situation is like right now. we're at the mexico us border. right, so we heard from kimberly, uh the, our white house correspondent, a 2nd ago talking about these, this executive order sounding. you really familiar to something that we've heard years ago during the trump administration, but on the ground here in mexico, policies themselves haven't changed a whole lot. whether beyond mexico's northern border, we continue to see migrant crises happened regularly, or mexico southern border, mexico's border with water molar. where essentially pressure from the united states has forced mexico's hand in establishing a more robust enforcement of that border. what has that done?
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it's created one of the largest bottlenecks for migrants on the american continent . so don't we care about these migrant crisis? and these needs to address the root causes of migration in countries of origin. countries like cuba, haiti, venezuela, ecuador, to some extent, nowadays. but there, there is a need to address those root causes of migration, but there is a need for a more clear and sustainable migration policy from both of these countries. and this is something that both united states and mexico have struggled to do well. also maintaining their commitments to human rights and what we're sort of expecting, based on this latest executive order, is that in terms of human rights, we should not be expecting things to improve any time soon. all right, so i'm gonna wrap all our reporting from mexico city. thank you so much. but you is world food program says it's increasing 8 to assist people in haiti,
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but much more help is needed. criminal gains control much of the capital, making distribution incredibly difficult. alejandro or m p a t has more the food in medicine from the unions. world food program is finally reaching the haitian capital for the prince's airport. shut down since march has been reopened, allowing supplies to be distributed across the city. the roads in and out of puerto prints are controlled by arm groups. the board has been closed for a long time. it was loaded and the airport was closed source effectively. porter firms for the past few months, has been an island. so it's really important for w, b and other humanitarians to be able to bring supplies into the city to run essential programs, people in c to so late the city is biggest lum, were facing catastrophic levels of hunger. but the u. n's food agency says that it's been able to deliver more than 600 tons of rice beans and vegetable oil to
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more than 90000 in the past month. but down may not be enough. means what this app i think good. it was in the ph. charles is 70 years old and says, vegetable stall was destroyed, doing the violence. well, he didn't want to copy. sometimes i'm very hungry. and so us people for but the who me the me, i've never had to beg. i always manage to run my business. it really hurts. i had my work before, but the gigs force me out. he has been great by violence since february. when i'm getting launched a campaign to remove den, prime minister i have yet. and the about 5000000 haitians or nearly half of the population face acute hunger, a 1000000 and a half, or on the verge of starvation. here's some people. uh right now they're hungry, they're desperate. they're going to take the food a. they're going to take. uh, you know, whatever security can be provided,
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but it doesn't solve the underlying problem of the hunger desperation and lack of services that the people suffer under getty canoe, a long time un development expert who was recently appointed. the country's new prime minister arrived in haiti on saturday. he faced is a monumental task in the country. that remains on the spring of total disaster. less than that i'm 50, i'm just the and so have here on alger 0. i rubbed the dried in south korea that's just suspended. an agreement, i mean, was sitting relations with no had is sports injury has ended. novak john coverages, title defense as the french open fire is here without story. the
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business latest is wrote to you while the pegasus i live slowly on one of your this makes modern plates. the business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your ex makes modern fleets
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the and it started now for your sports. here's fair layla. thank you so much. injury has ended no big chunk of which is title defense at the front. sheldon could which had been due to play in a quarter final against caspar real it on wednesday the 24 time grand slam champion had several medical timeouts during his last match. the serbian blamed the slippery courts for aggravating a knee injury. the withdrawal means jock, which will also lose his status as well. number one to younique's center to will center will officially replace drug village as well. number one, at the end of this tournament vitale, it is into the semi finals after streets. that's when over gregory demitria of the
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australian open champion is amy for his 1st time to win at this grand slam event. he also became the 1st it's holly, an effort. the whole top rank is number one. it's everyone's play a syringe of the call number one in the world. and other way, i'm seeing novak retiring in here. i think it's a for everyone. disappointing. so wishing has to be to recover it, i tried to not think so much about this because this is a tournament where i used to struggle a lot, especially in the last 23 years. so i'm happy to be in the semi finals us open champion cocoa golf has set up a french open, semi funnel with the world. number one golf has ended on step birds. roland girls run next step for the american is 3 time champion. egos find tack and the richardson reports no question who the find the favorite was in this cool to find
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the junk back end of affection ownership. who gave the crew plenty to get excited about in her contest with us open champion cocoa, so kind of drops out to working for her. 2 that she needs you won the 1st sense and was instantly to the 1st roll in general, semi final but that was as good as it got feasible. who's still getting back to her best after a series of injury problems. golf a runner up in paris 2 years ago when so it's a close to my chance in $0.03. she's a tougher opponent and she's well loved on tour. and i could tell both the crowd today. i know you guys wanted her to in and honestly whenever she's not playing i tear for her to. so i think you guys are making it a good atmosphere who is next short winning and a lucy 1st grand slam title will be
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a wimbledon where she's twice reach the final. i'm trying to get better. i don't think it's the, the fitness preparation is something else, but yeah, i've tried to get better. i've tried to manage, you know, the pressure and the stress even better. go full next face the seemingly on stuff or both fools, the eagles. we own sick. well, number one was inch perfect. again, small cats a vendor. so the dropping just 2 games in a straight sets when she is one of the great plays in the history of women cities, especially on play on the richardson, l. g 's here, basically baseball player to compete. marciano has been given a lifetime band for gambling on the sports. the 24 year old placed hundreds of illegals. that's including wagers on the pittsburgh pirates. while he was a member of the team. for other players have been suspended for years. montana is
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the 1st active majorly player to receive this kind of band and a 100 years of a former interpreter of show. here with tommy is plead guilty to stealing nearly a $17000000.00 from the baseball star. i pay me is to harvest all the cash to pay off his own gambling debts. we saw her admitted to one count. a bank fraud in the california court could result in a 30 year jail term, and he'll be sentenced later this year in less than 2 weeks until the years and house germany had a frustrating night, as they continued their preparations. they were held to nail now drawn by fellow qualifiers. ukraine. germany have one more friendly against greece. back from friday before the euro is take off. ukraine are playing amid the ongoing war with russia. they qualified for the tournament for the 4th time. after playing oh their qualifiers on mutual ground including n. jeremy here. chelsea is called palmer scored his 1st international goal is
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england beating policy and heard so giving us reno england are in group see in the heroes with lavinia, serbia, and mark. trying to, alexander arnold, made it to me now. and harry came wrapped up the victory with his 63rd goal for his country. england's final warm up game is against the iceland on friday. someplace needed the game. they needed the minutes and you know, they need the minutes again on friday evening. that's why we bought how we came on . he needed some much time today and then to back the up. and so we, we spinning a lot of plates trying to get individuals into things, manage minutes perform while everything else. legal massey is targeting another major trophy with argentina. the inter miami player didn't have to travel far for this session with the national team. the squad started their cobra america preparations at the mind. me clubs, training ground, argentina will play 2 friendlies before taking off of their title defense against
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canada on june the 20th. okay, and that is all your support for now. all right, so let's bring you back to one of our top stories that we're covering for you right now. the u. s. president has signed into law and executive order that will shut off asylum requests and denied entry to migrants on it's southern border with mexico. once a daily threshold of $2500.00 illegal crossings is met and he spoke after signing the order just a few minutes ago. my 1st, very 1st days president, i introduced a comprehensive immigration reform plan to fix, to fix our brokers. system secure our board, provide a pathway for citizen, for dreamers, and a lot more. i'm still for you to get that done. we must face the simple truth to protect america as
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a land of welcomes immigrants must 1st secure the border and secure it. now. joining us live now from washington dc is white house and national security communications advisor, john kirby. welcome to i'll just say right, john kirby. i'm going to ask you about the us presidents, correct on, on the southern border in just a 2nd, but want to start off with god. so the last couple of days, the american administration divide in ministration is said a deal was presented by israel. but the is really government seems like it doesn't accept everything in its own proposal. and now we've just heard from us say it's on the is really is to say whether they accept their own terms and, and to top american envoys we understand, are headed back to the region. are the 2 sides really moving closer to each other, or is this just a lot of effort? so the administration can be seen to be doing something i can speak for what the
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either the israelis are saying publicly or a mazda same, probably be what i can tell you for sure is that the proposal that the present laid out on friday is an accurate description of the proposal, so it isn't as rarely proposal arrived at after intense diplomatic conversations with us here in united states of course in our team. but it wasn't as rarely proposal. and the very next day there's really foreign minister acknowledge that publicly that it was their proposal and it, and it was as a designer. so i'm very sorry to interrupt you there, but i have to push back a little bit about that because of course, prime minister benjamin and yeah, who has said, it's not a complete reflection of what they have agreed to. it's not accurate. so, you know, there's been pushback from, from the x ray at least basically. so who's telling the truth? let me just interrupt. let me just interrupt you. let me just interrupt you and say that i'm comfortable that this is in fact, an accurate depiction of the proposal. these really proposal,
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the president laid it out and start detail hidden layout every single detail with all the big components of it. and he did so accurately and it, it is really proposal, and now it's up to the mazda acceptance proposal, so that we can get the hostages out. and so that the innocent people of god who have no part in this war can get the food water medicine shelter that they deserve . birth is rarely government is rejecting its own proposal. the proposal has been laid out by president vida i, i don't, i've never seen anything that says or rejecting it. i've seen some public comments by some officials that are just reading some components of it, but i have not seen some rejection of it. it isn't as rarely proposal, they've acknowledge that. now it's been widely reported. that's one reason the so little food currently at this moment is entering the gaza strip is because is real . of course, as you know, occupies that off of crossing which has led just your direction sides to stop a convoys. because you know, the occupation basically contradicts the agreements,
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the piece packed between israel and egypt. is this something that is ministration is trying to change? of course, it's a matter of fact, the president talked to the president of cc last week and present as easy as a result of that conversation. agreed to open up rafa crossing on egypt inside. and now we have emissaries in cairo this week and next who'll be hashing out the details of that with our egyptian counterparts. right? what will you be pushing the is really a government to move its forces from the philadelphia for door is rallies are operating as they say, i will speak to their operations, but they say they're operating in the philadelphia core door to put pressure on the mazda inside rasa this is in keeping with the description of operations as they laid them. 7 for us, they've also agreed back to your real question about russell and the crossing. they certainly have agreed to a permit,
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a food water medicine who manager and assistance to flow across the roof across them. but right now it's close on the egyptian side and that's what we're working with our counterparts. all right, but the occupation obviously contradicts the the agreements that israel has a, with the interest and the addictions are very unhappy with that. let's turn our attention out to, you know, there is, has been an intensification of israel year attacks across garza. we've seen nearly 40 people killed today alone, including some who were in a school that was being used as an emergency shelter. now this sort of thing is, is almost ordinary. it happens every day. even president biden says that people have quote, every reason to conclude that benjamin netanyahu is pro long during this war for political reasons. as that is true, shouldn't they us the violent ministration, fresh press, harder for israel to agree to its own ceasefire deal. as i said,
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the president laid this out publicly on friday and it was right after it was delivered to home us. and it was a very clear articulation and is really articulation of how this war can come to an end. i can't speak or justify what is really, officials are saying publicly, what i can tell you is in our conversations with these really big knowledge. this is their proposal. they want to see a mazda accepted, and they want to move forward. they want to get their hostages home, where they belong, and they also want to see that we can move forward to a sustainable end to the, to the hostilities. right? but it seems like the only one agree to the 1st phase, and they don't want to move to the other phases. but let's focus now on some developing what, why was always really just a 2nd. which is the 2nd could you rate you, you raise a really good point that i want to just bring out with you. it is a phased approach. and phase one is gonna start so that they can start to negotiate
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what phase 2 looks like. it's not that huge rarely is having said, they're committed to phase 2. they're committed to a phased approach. well, what the deal says is, if you can get phase one implemented, then the 2 sides can start to talk about what phase 2 looks like. and when it can started, and while they are negotiating phase 2, that cease fire will stay in effect beyond the 6 weeks. but here's the problem shown. kirby mosse doesn't trust that israel will follow through a mazda doesn't think that they want to durable ceasefire, right? so what the present and also said is that that the united states will guarantee that we will work to ensure is real, meets its commitments. and the deal also says that egypt and cutter will work to ensure that i'm awesome. it just commitments as well. all that's baked into the proposal. right now we understand that a prime minister, benjamin no, yahoo was a scheduled to come to the us and to address congress. that seems to be
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a little bit off in the air. what more can you tell us about that? i honestly can't tell you anything about that. that's going to be your question for members of congress up on capitol hill. this is a, this is their invitation. i don't know what the status is of, of the acceptance of it in the day. you know that that's really a question for members to come right. is it a good idea? well, that's gonna be a for a prime minister netanyahu, okay. determine if he wants to come in and what he wants to say, and for members of congress to speak, do they obviously believe it was a bi partisan invitation. they believed that it was appropriate to, to hear out the prime minister. and again, that's really going to be for those 2 sides to work out. gotcha. all right, so, um, as promised, i wanna ask you uh about immigration, the president uh, just a moment ago, signing an executive order or to curtail a asylum. uh, a request and uh, curb the migration why, why is this so important? and, and, you know, once you make of critics and you know,
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he's basically rehashing a trump policy as the president said in his remarks on day one of the administration, you put forward a comprehensive immigration reform that congress did 0 the entire time. he's been president in the meantime, there has been record levels of migration here in this hemisphere alone, and it's not just in this hemisphere, it's all around the world, but certainly in the same square alone we've seen more people on the move since world war 2. we are working very hard with our partners in the region, including and principally with mexico to do what we can to help stem the reasons for that migration to try to get the root causes for that. and yet people are still coming, even though they're unless fuel fuel numbers right now. and so the president explored opportunities that he could take as president, using executive authority to, to try to help alleviate some of that pressure for what really needs to happen. if you really want to solve the problem, it's gonna have to require legislation because it has to come with resources and it
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has to come with legal authorities. and that is what congress will not move on. but it's pretty draconian and a very significant shift to thank you so very much. um john, currently you're talking to us from washington. thank you. you're welcome. and that's it for me and way laraca. and you can find much more by adding it to our website. the address is 20 dot com and will be back in the moments with more of the days. here's the i'm cuz some direction is deliberate over $300000000.00. well suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure
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beneficiaries come 1st over 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the hearing this tact chart. populations is declined 70 percent and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that
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floated reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out to do is teams across the world bring you closer to the house at the store and the is ready for says attack areas across central gaza. you are on clinic school and is actuation sense as o targets head. meanwhile, i'm also saying that it needs more guarantees that a ceasefire will be palm and ends before it accepts a deal. while the us sense to invoice back to the region, the


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