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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 5, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the business like just is free to you believe i guess is like fly on one of your just makes model inflates the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the was the welcome to the news our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any forces attack areas across central, gaza, or you and run clinic, a school and evaluation centers of open targeted? meanwhile, the mass as it needs more guarantees but a ceasefire will be permanent before it accepts in his writing deal. whitehouse is
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sending the c i a chief to the region in an effort to reach your break through the end is 5 minutes and you are under moody set for 3rd time and office but his policy news is the majority in parliament officer. a strong opposition come back on you as president joe biden size and executive order to limit the number of asylum seekers at the southern border will live from mexico city. with a reaction from that and sport injury is ended. no bad job of which is title defense that the french open jock ritual also lose is world number one ranking and he christmas wimbledon as well. the hello and welcome to the program. we begin this news our in central gaza. is there any forces of armies to series of strikes, targeting densely populated areas. at least 10 palestinians have been killed in
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rage and on the as the refugee camps in the z, at least 2 children are among those killed on his writing. will pines on several residential buildings and then in rage comp and his writing strike hits you and run facility 3 people were killed when a clinic run by the winds. agency filess in your refugees was attacked, is right the troops and now said to be on the ground and in the camp itself, most of the injured have been going to the like the hospital. this is the only major facility left in central gaza. a spokesman for the, for the area are saying that people have died waiting for life saving operations on the hospital can no longer except some new patients on it. before the due date, we demand the rough and caribou solemn crossings be reopened, to transfer the injured and the sick abroad to ease this health crisis, medical supplies, field, hospital, fuel and staff must be allowed in the to operate the hospitals and health care
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centers. this is an urgent appeal to international health organizations across the world to save cause health system and to stop this genocide award before it's too late to dr of a foot. and now does, there is honey, not where does it have that health facility, which is now 3 times over its capacity for the past. wait a minute with see another job ambulance the in this project from i left the hospital all the way through the side of the target is residential homes. as, as you can say, this is probably if i'm not mistaken, this is the vehicle to bring it back injuries back with the crime. and i can see these are because the of the res another on the on just made it weighs all the way to the more because it looks like
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it's com. d i. yeah. all right. this is the bon him. the body was paid all the way to the more here what we're looking at is a remaining family member who happened to be critically injured. but he was in the ambulance with another family member who was pronounced dead right on the side of the talk. it has been going on for the past 30 minutes or so, and it did not stop. we're seeing funds in the past. and it seems to be the beginning of the massive operations. and i'll graze refuge account as is really the now beginning august. all the shows up in the range and the yeah, so right now i'm at the more this is the more the, the hospital where
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a new lease brought body to the hospital have been stop here because he or this really on the floor of the body about of a time and we are other body there was just brought a few minutes ago who grab believe that these people were inside your home. uh half an hour ago. what we see here is a whole family mother and father simply on the floor of this more and we don't know what's going to happen next. yvonne is still going on. more bodies are coming to the hospital by one permit and similar to the physical, more ambulance, they get there to do this hot outside the hospital to the target inside harmony, all of the more families i top inside the bottom home and the neighborhoods unable to leave because of the intensity of the bombing campaign, it is very tragic,
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very sad. and again, who would have taught this family half an hour ago together, right now, the smell of this morning? well, at least $37.00 palestinians have been killed across casa, in general, viola, at least 8 palestinian policeman were killed when that call came under attack. was you? there is target, i was doing reports from the side of that attack. and a warning to our view is that some of the images you're about to see a distressing the off to the mass of is really a destroyed when yet another heavily populated area and go on. so how does city and parents endeavour and better with only tooling to feed that children? but within seconds is what even sony of rain down in the area where there was seeking shelter, as well as an id normal now. so you know, so elizabeth hospital, we woke up this morning and was preparing breakfast for our children. one of a sudden missile is a fight and a passing call. everyone. and so i just killed my family, threw themselves to the ground. some fainted of this cry didn't feel like my sister
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and 2 of my animals were injured in taken talk to is very minutes. we have intensive finally gets attacks and the simple, the force play, displace palestinians flood here of to isabel declared that a safe so but the reality is far from that place this call has been attacked. it's a police car that a police state posted in police officers have been killed without getting any prior warnings that were responsible on securing and maintaining control in the palestinian civil of thrones. as the attack has been carried down to one of the most densely populated areas where the doses of civilians have been reported injured. in light of these ongoing, on relenting isabel attempts on the gauze as to the palestinians of being taken to the near point and overwhelmed aka hospital children again,
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money on able to grasp the protective seat of as well as who but too often they are wont even buddy backs my son was seen, bring me my son, bring him. my son did nothing to deserve being killed. he went outside to play with his friends. he never came back, having the key is for the water and came across the go with a strip. 2 more than $36560.00 pounds to indians have no being killed since october . as well as when he is, it's 8 months it's fault, right. leaders have the to continue the sole power recognizing which is the right. yeah. right. but i had a story or, or in terms of the political developments, the usaa is now sending it c, i a chief and all the top officials to the region and out of time to broke receives 5 between israel and her last. but last spokesman, us on the home done says that israel's response to it seems 5 proposal doesn't to
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line with what was explained by us. president joe biden last week, and i says it's looking for a clear indication that is reval permanently. and the war on gaza before accepting any signed proposal for the remote defeat. i didn't know so far. we have conveyed our position to the mediators saying that israel's position needs to be clear, indicating their willingness to permanently end this war and completely withdraw from the gaza. strip this would allow us to conclude the deal unless such a position is clear, then it would be impossible for us to agree to a deal that does not secure nor guarantee a permanent ceasefire. a complete withdraw from the gaza strip and subsequently implemented a sincere and true prisoner swap. my colleagues, i had, i spoke with joan kindly, the white house national security communications adviser who insisted these writing sees my proposal laid out by 5. and if something a mouth should accept and then the us will guarantee that israel meets its
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commitments a proposal. there's a present laid out on friday is an accurate description of the proposal itself. it is rarely a proposal. arrived at after the intense diplomatic conversations with us here in united states, of course, in our team. but it was in his rarely proposal and the very next day it was really foreign minister. acknowledge that publicly, that it was their proposal and it, and it was as a designer. so i'm very sorry to interrupt you thereby have pushed back a little bit about that because of course, prime minister benjamin yahoo has said it's not a complete reflection of what they have agreed to. it's not accurate. so, you know, there's been pushback from, from the, as rarely it's basically so it was telling the truth, let me, let me just interrupt, let me just interrupt you. let me just interrupt you and say that i'm comfortable that this is in fact, an accurate depiction of the proposal. these rarely proposal, the present, laid it out and start detail. uh, it didn't lay out every single detail, but all the big components of it. and he did so accurately, and it is really proposal,
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and now is up to how mazda accept this proposal so that we can get the hostages out . and so that the innocent people of god who have no part in this war can get the food water medicine shelter that they deserve. breath is rarely government is rejecting its own proposal. the proposal has been laid out by president biden. i, i don't, i've never seen anything that says or rejecting it. i've seen some public comments by some officials that are just reading some components of it, but i have not seen some rejection of it. it isn't as rarely proposal. they've acknowledged that let's say i had to go onto this. we dial junior, senior plus guileless, molanda, shari joins us now. and so it's interesting or one that this news that the c i a chief is heading to the region to try and see if he can make progress. where there appears to be deadlock. it looks as though for now, president biden's a big announcement of a ceasefire. has backfired a little bit. yeah,
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so i think uh the obstacles are quite uh, confusing for many. yeah. not confusing to me. uh the idea that. busy there was an israeli proposal, basically embrace on expanded by the united states, then marketed by president by then and then somehow on the mind by prime minister. nothing. yeah. oh, saying that you will not accept the cease fire with him as because he will not in the warranty that use its objectives, including the destruction of how much. but instead of facing this head on does not biden is not putting pressure on egypt. copper and how much dr to do that is right, has not accepted unequivocally. so there's a problem here. and in order to deal with the problem, the united states as being a big, it was really
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a big deal with the strategy to talk to continue to push for side st. invoice to continue to talk about sci fi and what is that? in fact, god is it's crime, just getting dozens of people and we just saw the images in your and your earlier report about how they have time. these are being disseminated but by these range. and just to recap my want as washington, as he was saying, the biden has been in some ways embarrassed, and somebody is humiliated by america's greatest ally in the region, although they've already sort of my latest the red lines around rough uh the washington who had already established, but washington's frustration, perhaps not so much about the savagery of the war itself. but the way in which it's had it revised simply changed international and american opinion of this conflict and how that could possibly jeopardize american strategic
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objectives in this region and beyond. there's no doubt that biden's credibility has enrolled it both domestically and internationally. america standing of the world and the system in the news has been exposed to be that can hold credibility. and certainly a tone with protestant, went and got so many american citizen american university campuses. clearly that's a major challenge for binding and the election year. so has, because they've been, it has, has been around it for sure and a good. and the reason for that is because he boxed himself and behind that then yeah, over the past 8 months down is there are 2 categories of crimes and possibly genocide, according to the international court of justice. but let's, let's, why didn't the lens just to look at the guardian because we've been talking throughout the evening about a very specific tricity of a,
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by that one. think how much sex up the deed while nothing ever doesn't exactly except to be. but just that's back, let's back up or did a back check and look at what, what are we talking about? and then just as they were talking about and presumably and is ready to use that became an american is ready to do. so that's what we're talking about. it's not how much the stuff out of the it's a is really american, the best not exactly fully embraced by the is the government. certainly it has not been voted on by the government and many, and then she has not accepted that's want to with the industry pulls up, there are 3 phases and the americans continue to talk about getting the, the move from the 1st versus the 2nd place. the 3rd phase where be there will be a ceasefire, but in all honesty, in all honesty, who trust the americans with age range. oh, as you just stated on the other line is that all these red lights became green light set in the green lights,
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and now the united states can finish support deserves attack on pro for to oh yeah . so how come across the united states when it talks about humanitarian days anymore? why that assignment and because the united states has been pushing, is there a dial out? who am i that i'm good to go in 4 months and is that it would not do that. so close the united states, do that stuff or do with these are in come the next phase of this, the and the for the last 4. and that is really important protocol by doing as speaking for a long time about how this is going to lead to a 2 step solution. how this the going to need to understand. yeah, that's what it is really out of normalization of 2 steps are usually just now the americans have dropped the 2 set solutions and they said there is no fast way to have to step solutions. so some of the out of the blue, the americans have decided that this plan does not include, you know, a password to watch after such a nation. and no,
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because we have to stick to this thing called the ceasefire. the presume ceasefire . an inside deal ending the occupation of by this time and allowing for the emergence of a free but a senior society and guys of course that that is yours and it is no longer even in the rush. any more. and we see america going to a great deal of effort to, to support israel in this war. and now with the, even with the announcement of the seas 5, the so called is riley proposal. that we're not quite sure whether upon originated, we see now that the confusion that is coming from israel site is resulted in the deployment of the c. i a chief to the region to now become more involved. but i guess low on america has a great deal of leverage both financial and in terms of western support. but you know,
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so it does have the capacity to actually stop this war and force is right in compliance with this, with this deal if it wishes to is absolutely correct. instead, it's for the time being trying to shift the blame on to how nice. just before i came on here, i was watching html 12 is really main street channel. there. what basically making fun of the idea that by that instead of bending at the now does not limit, i'm us. i mean, the idea that we understand that how much do you, i kind of a positive reaction to the, to the proposal, sage, you know, we could, we could work with the americans on this, actually with the countries in the gypsies, of course. but these really, these basically have said we're not gonna accept apartment on c, spy it. and yet by didn't just a play and he would not put any pressure or uses that bridge would, is right now only that, i mean at this point in time,
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he is allowing the genocide to continue on to what crime should continue. and every day we're talking about dozens, hundreds of casualties, and it shows uh on what continues actually another one, speaking of, of just that don't go anywhere marwan we will. uh, we do want to continue the conversation. but actually though some updates coming from washington, now, why the us house of representatives is what it's, it's a sanction the international criminal court after it's prosecute to applied for arrest warrants for these re new prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense of it is so you'll have gallons. the prosecutor is also seeking want warrants. the 3 need is of the palestinian group of mass. so that is just in a following these developers from washington is heidi jo. castro, tell us more about this votes and us house of revenue representatives and what these sanctions that have been imposed on the i see, see what, what does this involves specifically to yeah, mary, i'm, this is really more of
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a symbolic move by part of the house of representatives, at least at this moment, there's still a long way before this would become law. but it did pass as a republican drafted bill to as you said, sanction and impose visa restrictions on anyone who is a staff member or cooperates with the i c. c. involving prosecutions of american citizens if an allies, which of course is israel, that is the target of this bill. and what's notable here is not only did it past 247 to 2 to 155 and the house of representatives with all republicans voting. yay! but also 42 democrats. agreed to pass this bill in the house that's despite the protest of the bite and white house. now this is really threatened to split the democratic party, and indeed we're seeing, we're, we're, that's what has happened after just yesterday, the, by to ministration. putting out a statement saying that it would strongly oppose this measure because it thought
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there was better ways to defend israel area. okay, well thank you very much. thank you very much, heidi or castro in washington. and so a lot of on it with this american and his right, the hostility towards international body is known as the icpc is nothing new, but you know, it, here we go back to what this has done to the american reputation on the well stage. the so called rules based on to the idea that the little must apply equally to everyone or it's not, nor told as well. yes, you know, the, the republican controlled congress is really out of touch. the reality out of touch with this world is lives in august ecosystem called the bill to a washington dc. it's like a medieval um, you know, assembly looking more like a pottery barn done. it looks like
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a modern democratic america. but the that does it may, the, by the session for the time being said, it is not on board with a new such sanctions against the i, c, c. and, you know, as you know, congress has also invite could nothing, you know, the one criminal come probably genocide in a blur to speak for the forced on to both houses of congress. this is just so realistic, you don't for i knew such that one across the board criminal, come, you know, generously there to be invited to the day of the parliament off the world's foremost part. or at least most thoughtful democracy is really and the theme are to everything america stands for. so once again, america's going to get this going down the drain because of the congress controlled by republicans and because of white house has a. and then i, democrats who would not stand for, which is presumably
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a new session sense for human rights at the center that are part of the policy. okay. long michelle, all right, thank you very much. i the i want to take you to india now the prime minister under, under moody will return to a pallet for historical time. but his policy, the b, j. p won't be a governing alone for the 1st time in a decade. the opposition combination is made a strong showing in the polls seem to be dry. peas, jones is of a sweeping majority. the indian government has failed to give visas to algiers. correspondents to cover the story. so we are forcing, instead on this selection from outside the country is uncle sam. sherry's winning wood phone and losing street as tens of millions of violets of being counted in india. the governing b, j. b and its allies all in the lead would fall from the predictions of exit polls
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and the parties on estimates. and let's say it's a said back for prime missed and we're going to move the populace leader who sort of put them on a new nation in this campaign. this is a defeat for 5 minutes and then the movie was politically and moderately. the problem, the range of movie has claimed victory, n d e. my coalition is coming back to govern for a 3rd consecutive term. and is that a guarantee? we're grateful to the people. this is the 1st time a government that's completed 2 terms. we'll return for a 3rd to the media based pop lab to you know, to, for this, the most populous and politically crucial state is also on a decline. the party last seats in a you to the city, the movie you know, great to the temple in january fulfilling a decades or promise it was built on the ruins by historic most that post destroyed
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by whitening groups in the early 19. 19, the many hindus believe not wrong. one of hinduism is most read. the date is, was born here. but let's say this election has shown the politics of religion has filled with temper this uh, which was uh, an indian. the other people who looked over it on paperless mate, shows that people who have gone beyond drummed into b j. b. 's. last is the opposition's game in states like money, poor ne, and stayed governed by the b. g. b has witness ethnic findings in the past year, the opposition, the lines is led by the indian national congress which govern the india from much of its history. it says the results so far out appealed, rejection of movies, leadership of 10. yes. the main thing that this election is that in the country is
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united mostly and clearly stated. we do not want mr. in the end of the movie and mr . um, its shop will be involved in the running of this country. the election commission says of the nearly one b and registered voters. more than 640000000 costs the ballots. the 7 phase election that began on april 19 was held as much of india bottled a severe heat wave. the campaign was deeply devises. moody was accused of hate speech. calling the 200000000 most the minority community infiltrate his job. and i think somebody got by the induced level, how's that part of mental loops? it has 543 seats. a party. a coalition needs to been 272 seats to form a government supporters of the b to b and congress us celebrating outside their respective party headquarters in new delhi jobs. 2 it doesn't matter if we win 400 seats,
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we are forming. the government moody will be the prime minister for the time. are the people of fed off of moody's office or a terry? this is why the india alliance of such a historic mandate in here is longer custom to coalition politics. but now with the slim majority and the need to work with other parties, your brains, or movies of illness, prime minister, may be at risk of consumption. as eva, so let's just take a closer look at some of the results. then this is the make up of the look somehow of a low, a house of parliament, a pond to your coalition needs 272 seats to cross. the majority mach accommodation, that includes moody's policy as the last $59.00 seats. the opposition combination with the acronym india has gained more than a 100 and to the most popular state of or to per dash is often got it as the biggest supplies in the election. but the b j. p is lost in 2 major constituencies
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that in the state westbank all the b j. p failed to make inroads. officer spending a great deal of his campaign efforts, trying to regain some ground. and then in the southern state of terminal, non to know, even one seat has gone to load these lines with the old 39 seems going to the opposition coalition of it to money for wire. a year of ethnic violence has killed more than 200 and forced 60000 people into displacement accounts. the vote that are is gone in favor of the opposition congress policy, with no seats for the b j. p. well as far as the fund noted, then as a professor is indian politics at georgetown university joins us live from washington . so how significant a set back is this on your end, promote in the beach i p. talk to the state. i'm quite certain practices, most of all the have very carefully constructed an order of health. i'm going to be
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able to you around himself to majority van's best party had it all seems to follow the governor to and under the coalition lines. and obviously it's, you really ran through all sorts of legislation and running into the selection, you know, and dr. mock of the consecration of dumpling, i o d, i just totally. and just, you know, the sense being that mr. moody was really on track, had to been maybe 350, maybe 400 seats, with a lot of would have given them enough ball in the ponds to amend the constitution in push to some very large try. you know, sol, suite transformative agenda items in a new india to the beach of these hop. how do stuff like, how do you explain his failure in those places that and i think 2 things. one is that a lot of the route that they were facing was pretty hard. they, but uh, you know, to make those gains able to really needed to have made enrolled some states for they have really not had a preference. you mentioned last spring goal talking about the adults at how does
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that state domestic face, very strong regional body from somebody could not get any headway in the end the hotline, which has been the dominant part of the database, they've already pretty close to maximizing the number of seats and for the ultimate goal was down and you'd be with a major set back for them. how about the also the last round of the heart and how are ya, man? and so across the board and you don't have to start the seat across the board, a software regression to the mean if you would. and then you have a couple of other states and it's a beach it be. i've really done, you know, quite a lot of work to undermine state elected governments and the state of my roster, for instance, and dead bolt. it seems to upset enough enough bigger water for the parties that have long been our representative. so is that a positive thing for the country to go to put into the bigger problem? is that a positive thing for the country low to defiance? is in the sense that, oh, you know, democracy functions special. there is a vibrant opposition. how that vibrant opposition,
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both sides of the legislative check, a debate and bottom into the more likely to talk if the opposition is larger than not. but it also involves a lot of civil society organizations that are both media organizations that have been called by under the time government to not speak up. and i think you're going to see a much more robust democratic conversation going forward in the old start. good state assembly elections related to the state for raja summer rush, ariano. all of it's a pretty significant and have their own speech elections. you'd imagine that the whole position is quite a energized having need some games and all 3 states. just imagine the bridge, all 3 of those full of probably from the beach of p and, and up in the opposition count. but the state level, you begin to see sort of free advertising of federalism and the checks and balances of the day. and all, i think it's difficult to see and hopefully is to find it at the font note. and then thank you very much for giving us your thoughts on this. to listen to the
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indian administer the kashmir reacted to the election results as well. some of them expressing concern over and all the time somebody has been accused of using a divisive campaign called they all, i see this movie comes to power. again, things will become very difficult for most of them let alone in general and kashmir, or like that. there is a sense of insecurity in the minorities and i guess the same is happening in customer as well. so i think a and then the state of affairs and crush me is very uh, very some of these days because where i'd been denied them off is one of mine from last 10 years. how many school he does not at the top. we want to see this country as it once was. this country belongs to hindus, muslims, 6 and christians. everyone wants to live in harmony. we want peace in this country, muslims in india, one piece on or otters, considered as a novelist. and john is joining us from you can for get your thoughts on the election. perhaps i can stop by asking you about your personal story and your
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experience with the government says you're under moody. i mean, i'm going, as i think of a sort of a, the kind of, um, tyran call related to this sort of attack movie would do to all those critics. and i'm a journalist to write to i grew up in india and my mother's a journalist in india. and about 5 years ago in the last election, i've written the carpets of time magazine and it had run out of the headlines. india is divider and cheese and at the time of the election loaded on least a kind of troll on me on me, which is a very coordinated effort and totally destroyed my reputation and my standing in the country that i lived in all my life. and 3 months later i received a letter telling me that my overseas indian citizenship would be revoked and i will be blacklisted from the country on come november. a news outlet had broken the story. and mr. moseley is home ministry, the spokesman canceled my oldest season and citizenship on twitter. and i set up
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a time that this was a very, very disturbing sign. and they used a kind of technicality against me. but i, i could see that this was the sort of approach they were going to take. and of course, they've been several other instances. most notably vanessa junior. i believe in the mall journalist who has lived with her family in india, and after 20 years has been set back to france because most of the found her writing to contain malice towards him or india. both of those things into change. but as far as mr. moseley is concerned and show swain is another example this. this is kind of this, this is the sort of tenor of this particular administration. and the 2nd time, or do you think will happen now that will concerns that the appointment is so it'd be incredibly emboldened in the event. and the something majority that hasn't happened will the sort of necessity of a coalition perhaps prompts some soul searching within the very pale temper that policies in some way. i mean, you know,
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any other prime minister would have been very happy off the 2 terms to be returned to power and he has to be returned to power. but mr. mode, the, in his infinite gnosticism, wanted it to be a kind of super majority. one lead uh, one country, one language, he was sort of foisting a culture personality upon the indian people and they pushed back really hard. they pushed back not enough to dismisses government, but enough to create this sort of natural constraints that democracy should place on a leader. and which mr. movie was systematically in his 2nd term trying to on. do you feel that that will be more of the same in the next 5 to 10 years in india? i mean, obviously if a country has a secular constitution that preserves the rights of the countries, incredible, diverse array of different sex and communities will the,
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will that be less sort of seclusion, cracked down on not just john as an activist, but also in minority groups including lessons, you know, i'm, i'm not sure if that will be, it's kind of hard to predict how a wounded animal, which is what the beach it is right now will react. and my feeling is personally though, the list of all the has except created a sort of, you know that many things that he could just be proud of, that he could taught as far as, as, as apollo, as a prime minister of a record goes. but he was so interested in the cult of personality that now that that's being deflated, i'm not sure if he has it in him to govern the as a proper southern to the people rather than this kind of overload that he'd set himself up to be. so it's really, it's very, very hard it's, it's kind of mugs game to guess at how it's going to turn out. but, so for sure. on the, the, the, the, the image has been punctured in
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a way and one doesn't know what happens in a, in a culture and politics. when people smelled blood or taste that we don't know how it works out. so the need to thank you very much for sharing a bit of your experience and your insight on the story with us as well. i appreciate it, no less than john list optician to see it wants to live for you on this news out. the 2 leading candidates for the case general election go face to face in the 1st tv debates and in sports, you know, last seen as argentina team and targeting and all the major titles victory far will be here with that story. the the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the states is echoing across the world news rooms on
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to semi kids and use the hatred of jews because uh, choose country is donaldson is not about to lose. it's about teacher and we need to talk about scientists and listening close special on his jersey. the challenge is here with the the, i'll come back and look at main stories this hour now and central gauze us, we've been on the,
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is writing fine for the past several hours. people have been killed. there are many injuries including reports that work for casualties in one family. the only major health care facility the alex hospital has been overwhelmed. i'm, as israel sees, my proposal does not a line with what was announced by us the president joe biden last week. the group says it needs a share and says, the israel permanently and the war and ga, simple for except a ceasefire jail. and his appointment is on your end, emoji is kind victory in the countries general election loading that i have. the results of victory for democracy despite the indication is positive beach. i think we lose it outright. majority of the case gearing up to go to the polls on the 4th of july 5 minutes originally. so not because go on had to had with labor ready to kiss thomas and the 1st televised the base of the campaign. soon after his policy is training in the polls as challenged the labeling to,
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to debate him every week. the cost of living, health care taxes, immigration, and climate change, or big issues and a face off during which at $1.00 point both read is what told to low and that voices which are on how is life for us and one thing now, how's it it goes jonah, as well several times they have to be pushed upon like sort of 2 boxes in a ring by they compare. it was an energized, often angry debate, full of fractures, combative exchanges between 2 men who are not known for being a public orators, particularly, who are generally frankly considered to be quite dull while it was anything. but this is a significant moment. i had to debate between the 2 men who could be prime minister across as opposed to a why the debate of leaders of the 7 party. that was what the 2 parties agreed. it's a significant moment as well because it's at this stage in a campaign that a lot of people who are previously or generally not engaged in politics, do suddenly set up. take note of who these people are, how they perform,
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and what they actually stanfull. so it can be a pivotal moment and boy does receive student in the problem is that need it to be his party. 20 points on average, behind labor that have been for a year. he really needed to come out and be aggressive to stand out to lend some big political blows. and he certainly tried to do that with his i say these aggressive exchange is on everything from tax to education, to the economy, to defense and climate change. he, he repeated the central coal message that labor funds in k as tom it cannot be trusted. that keeps stomach doesn't have the confidence or conviction to come up with any sort of a plan to fix the economy, to fix the cost of living and so on. well, for keeps dom or close the needs of the opposition, this is his election to lose it was his debate to lose hours of preparation for boseman will have legend his case to a pretty simple debate strategy to stay calm,
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mess it up and be prime ministerial and but for some serious eye rolling and very evident frustrations at times he more or less did that. here's a, a flavor of some of the fractious exchanges that took place. this was on tax and we have already scrap the know numbers, and then we have a $75.00 to that building. so it's all you've left on energy companies. but independent treasury, civil servants have cost the latest policies and it's 2000 pounds. but you also the specific normally so the bring, the pays at this time is just on the side for almost 2 weeks of this company just by desperate to make some put them on the type face told us he's going to get is that policy to get rid of natural insurance pays to get the best 46000000 pounds. he said, is that policies get rid of in tattered some stocks about 10000000000 pounds. he says he's going to get rid of a tech, so you would just as you would just so i know they've done that and be doing these latest debates in britain for all that long. they started back in 2010. that became pretty influential very, very quickly. one of the things to bear in mind though, is even if they do produce some sort of a poll bump for one side or the other, it has tended to last the duration of
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a campaign who won this debate. it's pretty hard to tell really they'll be opinion polls out later tonight or early in the morning to suggest what the public sort but frankly on the evidence. this was a real sparring match between 22 sides. not a lot of evidence to suggest that it will swing the dial, much as he desperately needs it to in the direction of the private history soon. okay, thank you very much. from london, john hall reporting join me now is patrick diamond, an associate professor and public policy at queen mary university of london. what are your thoughts on this? it seems to have been a spicy debate in places where any serious blows landed a very common service. besides the was a lot of the corrections and the ramen to to lead is really when for each other i think is difficult. so you conclude that there was any way you will blow around it by only the leader, although i think but she so not did succeed to some extent in pending yet. she's ation on chemist on that if he's a last,
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if he's going to introduce significant tax references. but i was probably the moment of clarity in what was as being side of very aggressive conferences debate what originally. so your next priority is between now and the election. well, he has to show up in space because some of your views may know the conservative position in the polls at this time is extreme. the weak, the concept is at the moment face the prospect of the heaviest, the feet in molten british political history on certain walls. where she said at this point to do is show rock the coal conservative. but to some extent, he may have succeeded in doing that with tonight's performance. what about life at the expectation? is that case, tom or is going to win this election for a long time? the analysis has been that he will be perchance, next prime minister. but is there a danger that to that eva policy is a bit too complacent,
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a complacency, but it's certainly cautious the price that life as adults in this campaign so far has been very much about being stable incompetent. i'm frankly not saying very much . and i think the length of the danger at this point in the campaign is doesn't generate enough excitement to really mobilize the rain sciences to go out and support them on july, the full series of risk. i think that if they don't have a nice each the is compelling and motivating enough, then pass some of their own sports has made themselves be complacent on pulling day . so i think the challenge, the kid is darmesh, we need to show that lane has got a bold, even exciting scene policy also, which hasn't been very clear as they fall from this campaign. why they fail to come out with a bald and your vision when they've had so much time to do it? well, that's a great question we think isn't pull the reflection of the position, not the u. k. finds itself in the case of calls and all that in a more liberal calculus. countries in the sense that we've all been through the
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kind of time dynamic will face the difficult economic situation with all things. rising energy prices because of the russian invasion of ukraine. but you k is in a particularly exposed position, i think partly because it breaks it, the fiscal range coming to you, but it is extremely limited knowing who the lead is going to the selection, promising to spend the bank on public services because frankly, the money is not available, and so you do have these point limited policy offers and in some ways it is rather hard to tell the difference between the policies. it's very interesting that tonight we saw lots of confrontation and times aggression. but these are waiting to lead is pointing to the issues with arisen in truth on demand difference between them own many domestic policy questions. and so i think most of the reflection when you came find itself at the present time, but i can only click on politically. thank you very much, patrick diamond. so sharing your analysis with us on this uh tv election debate for you as president joe biden,
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to sign into an executive order that will show us office signing requests and deny entries. migraines on his board with mexico. ones, a dining threshold of 2 and a half 1000. the illegal crossings is met and move in a shop political, utah named a standing a racquel surge of migrants trying to cross the border. customs officials recorded and all time high 300000 of what they call migrant encounters in december last year . the one size is profoundly consigned by the asylum cubs. today, i'm announcing anxious to bar migrants who cross our southern border unlawfully from receiving the style. margaret will be restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek it. after entering through an established level of process. those who seek come to united states legally, for example. i making an appointment and coming to a port of entry. asylum will still be available, still available for the visitors or choose not to use our legal pathways. they
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choose to come without permission and against the law. that'll be restricted from receiving asylum and staying in the united states. that's costing money rapidly and mexico city weather has just been a very important election. any reaction to this move and this executive order? it is very good to be with you marianne. we still are likely not to hear an official reaction from the mexican authorities, probably until wednesday morning. with that, said mexican president evidence. manuel. nope. is over. was asked about this executive order by president biden. during his early morning press conference on tuesday, he said that he was aware that this executive order was going to be issued, and that he had a phone call with president biden low scheduled for later in the day. we don't know what time that phone call is expected to take place, but we do expect that we will hear some sort of a formal position by mexico on this. but probably not until sometime on wednesday
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with beset you made a very important point here. marian, this is a driving on the heels of a historic collection for mexico club dish, and bob elected the 1st woman president in the country's history. she will be assuming the office of the president come october. but if there's any question over how this might sort of impact or influence her position on migration, i don't want to speak historically, but certainly over the course of the last 6 years under the administration of president lopez over that order, it's been influence and pressure from the united states that ultimately dictates mexican policy when it comes to migration, that mexico is a country that sees all phases of migration, whether it be an internal displacement, creating migrants and mexico, who would then seek asylum in the united states. whether it be the aspect of mexico being a country of transit were met, aware of migrants from central america, south america, other part parts of the world transit through mexico on the way to the united states. or whether it be those who are seeking asylum, and refuge here in mexico,
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not seeking to be a asylum in the united states. all of these policies depends on what happens in the united states, and not only with this executive order, but very much what happens. come november when us elections happen. thank you very much. money at apple and mexico said he thank you, money. a head for you on. this is our here from kenyan, i'm by phase. he does his best not to talk about his transfer to realm interest the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dash before he is
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the this business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football is he is the
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here or is here at the school. thanks so much. marianne injury has ended know back a job and which is title defense with the french open job which had been due to play in a court a final against caspar route on wednesday. the 24th time grand slam champion had several medical timeouts during his last match, the serbian blaine, the slippery courts for aggravating an injury which could see him missing out on wimbledon as well. the withdrawal means jock, which will lose his status as well. number one to younique's center, the raw, that's which one the center will officially replace a job which as well. number one, at the end of this tournament, the italian is into the semi finals after a straight set swing over greek or demetrius. they are certainly an open champion, assuming for his 1st halloween of this grand slam event is also set to become the 1st italian effort to hold a top ranking. it's everyone's plastering to the call number one in the world. and the other way, i'm seeing novak retiring and here i think it's
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a for everyone. disappointing wishing has to be to recovery. i tried to not think so much about this because this is a tournament where i used to struggle a lot, especially in the last 2 or 3 years. so i'm happy to be in the semifinals for sure . oh you just heard separately, but suppose complaining about his opponent, carlos alco rises, grot, it's the greek at night. seeds are the noises were throwing him off his game. of course, he was one old, 5 of their previous meanings, ran away with this match to the beat 6, the best in straight sets to set up the last 4 clash with bionics center. and the women's draw us open. chevy and cocoa golf has set up a somebody funnel with world number one iga should be on tag. she did it by bringing owns a job or is rolling girl swanton and andy richardson reports no question. who
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the fund favorite was in this quotes of final, the jump i can think of affection ownership, who gave the crew plenty to get excited about in her contest with us. open champion cocoa, so it drops out to working for her that she needs you won the 1st sense and was instantly to, to assist roland general, semi final but that was as good as it got feasible, who still getting back to her best after a series of injury problems. golf, a runner up in paris 2 years ago when sold to close to my chance in $0.03. but she's a tough opponent and she's well loved on tour. and i could tell both the crowd today. i know you guys want to hurdle in and honestly whenever she's not playing, i tear for her too. so thank you guys for making it a good. i'm is here. who is next?
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sure to winning lucy. first grand slam title will be at wimbledon, where she's twice reach the final. i'm trying to get better. i don't think it's the, the fitness preparation is something else, but yeah, i've tried to get better. i've tried to manage, you know, the pressure and the stress even better. go full next face the seemingly unstoppable full spread eagle. we own sick the world number one was inch perfect again, small kits of wonder. so the dropping just to games in a straight sets when she is one of the great plays in the history of women status, especially on play on the richardson, l. g 02 in and bobby has been talking to the world media but wasn't changed to speak about is moved around the dread. friends captain is preparing for a friendly against luxembourg on wednesday as the team build up to the arrows on monday,
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rout confirmed. he would be joining the spanish club on the frontier deal. so as long as you know, it's a great day for me and there are a lot of emotions, but we have to get back to something more rational. today i have a responsibility as a captain of the french team. i think my move to rail madrid has taken a lot of the spotlights off the national team. i see a lot of people who've come from far away to talk about rail, but sometimes the light is unfair. usually i won't be talking about anything other than the french team christiano. rinaldo wasn't in action for port colon. they're friendly against finland. 39 year old rinaldo has been given an extended break before the euro's in his absence portico secured a for 2 when bruno fernandez with that goal, legal massey is targeting another major trophy with argentine. i'm the inter miami player. didn't have to travel far for this session with the national team. the squad started their cobra. america preparations at the miami clubs training grounds
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. major league baseball player to compete out and mark hallo has been given a lifetime band for gambling on the sports. the 24 year old place hundreds of illegal bats, including wagers on the pittsburgh pirates. while it was a member of the team for other players have been suspended for years. montana is the 1st active majorly. players receive this kind of band in a 100 years of the former interpreter of show, here with tani is pleaded guilty to stealing nearly $17000000.00 from the baseball star. i payments to harvest all the cash. the payoff is own gambling debts, me so her admitted to one county bank fraud in the california court. that results could result could result in a 30 year jail term. and he'll be sentenced later this year. autonomy has been cleared of any wrong doing to okay, that is all you support for now. back to you, mary. thank you far. well, that's it for this news now, but i'll be back in just a minute with more of the days and it will briefly overlays us on our top stories,
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including the latest is variety as strikes and so very densely population parts of central causes. specifically the alex hospital in the area has been overwhelmed by patients more not in a minute, the full set of the homes. and now i think from the huge a group of displaced people sit in the shade. this is the 3rd time they've had to play that village close to the town of coker, and they hadn't even a write another village before they start telling us. it's especially hard for the children. most schools being close since the q 3 years ago and constantly moving is deeply on 724 hours a day as a constant bodies in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a sponsor place. it's up the looking for targets fronts, hillary, but also capable of jumping down on other basic services like health care scares to
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the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain, the sound everyone is being hoping to hit smiles and really for the family and the medical stuff for the new arrival in a very young system well is delivered over $300000000.00 will suffice be more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of the 300 on luis, haven't had gone through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry i'm relies the welcome to the news our life from dell hall coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel is on a continues to hit areas across the central gaza strip. the latest target and you, i run, facilitate a school and even evacuation areas or a tags. meanwhile,


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