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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 5, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the lines the welcome to the news, our life from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes is where i was on a continues to hit areas across the central gaza strip. the latest target and you, i'd run facilitate a school and even evacuation areas or a tags. meanwhile, her mouth is asking for more guarantees,
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but any seems fi agreement will be last thing before it accepts israel steel, the indian permanent center under moody set for 3rd time, and also split his policy stuff as a set back. losing his majority in parliament officer, a strong opposition come back. us present, jo, buying the analysis. we think asylum restrictions on the southern border design to cub illegal migration. the hello and welcome to the program. we begin in central gaza. but is there any forces of count out a series of as strikes targeting densely populated areas? at least 13 palestinians have been killed in separate arabs on verizon out of the house. the refugee accounts and on the housing is ready to fight to just bond residential buildings. along with dad, with 2 children, and alba raised comp 11 people were killed and not attack on an un clinic. along
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with dad, here was 3 children. is there any troops and now said to be on the ground and in the account. meanwhile, the alex, the hospital in central garza has been overwhelmed with patients. alger there is honey. my mood is that he brings us to an update. for the past, wait a minute with the anonymous job ambulance being this project from i left in the hospital all the way through the side of the target is residential homes. as as you can say, this is probably if i'm not mistaken. this is the vehicle to bring it back injuries back to the crime and i can see these are the of the res another on the on just made. it weighs all the way to the more because it looks
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like the body. com. d i. yeah. right. this is the bomb him or the body was paid all the way to the more. here what we're looking at is our remaining family member who happens to be critically enjoy the us in the ambulance with another family member who was pronounced dead right on the side of the talk. this has been going on for the past 30 minutes or so. and it's been not stopped, we're seeing a phrase in the past, and it seems to be the beginning of the massive operation. and i've raised refuge account as is really the now beginning august, all the shows up in the grades and all the. yeah. so right now i'm at the more this is the more the, the hospital we're newly brought bodies to the hospital have been stopped here
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because this really on the floor of the body about of a time. and we are other bodies that we just brought a few minutes ago who have believed that these people were inside the home. uh half an hour ago. what we see here is a whole family's mother's father simply over here at the floor of this more. and we don't know what's going to happen next. yvonne is still going on. more bodies are coming to the half of the by one permit, a similar defense degree, more ambulance. they get rid of the discounts outside the hospitals to the positive side harmony, all of the more families i top inside the bottom home and the neighborhoods unable to leave because of the intensity of the bombing campaign. very tragic, very sad. and again,
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we would have talked with family off an hour ago together right now. and this may of this morning. well, a spokesman if he likes hospital, says people have died waiting for live saving operations. and patients have increase it on the floor. the hospital can no longer accept new patients. it's already 3 times of a capacity, nevada. before the due date, we demand the rough, uncharitable, solemn crossings be reopened to transfer the injured and the sick abroad to ease this health crisis, medical supplies, field hospital, fuel and staff must be allowed in the to operate the hospitals and health care centers. this is an urgent appeal to international health organizations across the world to save cause of health system and to stop this genocide a war before. it's too late for you. when he's writing that trans targeting or corners of gaza, at least $38.00 palestinians were killed on tuesday. this includes a palestinian policeman who died in his riley as strike on. they caught in dallas
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by tag. i was doing reports from the sight of that attack and a warning to our view is that some of the images you're about to see a distressing of the, the austin mass of is really as tried when yet another heavily populated area and going. so how does city and parents endeavour and better with only tooling to feed the children, but within seconds is what even story of rain down in the area where there was seeking shelter. well that's the idea. i'm not now so you know, sort of myself, but it was we woke up this morning and was preparing breakfast for our children. one of a sudden missiles, a fight and a passing call. everyone. and so i just killed my family, threw themselves to the ground. so i'm fainted of this. cry didn't feel my sister. and 2 of my animals were injured in taken talk to is where the military has intensive finally gets attacks. and the simple cause the
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force play, displace palestinians flood here of to isabel declared that sage. so, but the reality is far from that place this call has been attacked. it's a police call that a police state palestinian police officers have been killed without getting any prior warnings that were responsible on securing and maintaining control in the policy and several of thrones as the attack has been carried down to one of the most densely populated areas where the dozens of civilians have been reported injured in length or beast and going on. relenting is without tax on the gall, this to the agent, palestinians of being taken to the near point and overwhelmed the hosp to children again monday on able to grasp the protective seat of as well to but too often they are wont even buddy backs my son was seen, bring me my son,
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bring him. my son did nothing to deserve being killed. he went outside to play with his friends. he never came back having the play as for the war to end equal for us to go a step. 2 more than $36560.00 pounds, the indians have no being killed since october. as well as when he is it's 8 months it's fault rutledge's. have to continue the soaked power. recognizing which is the wrong. yeah, right. by palestine. well, i'm also spokesman osama home den size, as well as response to a cease fire proposal does notice a line with what was announced by us present. and joe biden last week buying that outlined. 3 phase binding to a potential permanent ceasefire. but it says it's looking for a key, it indicated that israel will permanently en war and gaza before accepting the seas file. the united also thought we have conveyed our position to the mediators saying that israel's position needs to be clear,
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indicating their willingness to permanently end this war and completely withdraw from the gaza strip. this would allow us to conclude the deal unless such a position is clear, then it would be impossible for us to agree to a deal that does not secure nor guarantee a permanent ceasefire. a complete withdraw from the gaza strip and subsequently implemented a sincere and true prisoner swap. meanwhile, the us is sending it see i chief to the region and attempt to bro cannot seize fire . egyptian state media is reporting that in the junction delegation is going to arrive in doha, on wednesday to meet with us and customary officials. doha says it's not received any fund agreements from either israel or a mass on the pond put forward by biden. but castle is foreign ministry spokesman imagines oh, i'm sorry. says he is positive things moving in the right direction. we haven't had concrete approval. so the suggestions on the table by both sides and we have all
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what i've done the scene, the go to get a serious statements coming in from uh, ethically ministers. which doesn't tell us with a lot of confidence of that being a unified position on event. and event of, of this, this given proposal on the, on the table. however, we can see also that there is a positive momentum building up within both sides. as you said, the statement from how i feel quite positive. all the following sort of a commitment to, to the language and asking for more clarification. but they were positive. we have also seen a positive movement and it is like the government is meeting right now. and that there are discussions over accepting the proposals on the cables and the, and my colleague layla her. i spoke with john covey, the white house national security council communications advisor. now he insisted, this is fine, proposal laid out by president biden as something that last should except a proposal. there's a present laid out on friday is an accurate description of the proposal itself. it is rarely a proposal. arrived at after the intense diplomatic conversations with us here in
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united states, of course, in our team. but it was in his rarely proposal and the very next day there's really foreign minister acknowledge that publicly that it was their proposal and it, and it was as a designer. so i'm very sorry to interrupt you thereby have pushed back a little bit about that because of course, prime minister benjamin yahoo has said it's not a complete reflection of what they have agreed to. it's not accurate. so, you know, there's been pushback from, from the, as rarely it's basically so it was telling the truth, let me just interrupt, let me just interrupt you. let me just interrupt you and say that i'm comfortable that this is in fact, an accurate depiction of the proposal. these rarely proposal the present, laid it out and start detail. uh, it didn't lay out every single detail, but all the big components of it, and he did so accurately and it, it is really proposal, and now is up to how mazda accept this proposal. so that we can get the hostages
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out and so that the innocent people of god who have no part in this war can get the food water medicine shelter that they deserve. breath is rarely government is rejecting its own proposal. the proposal has been laid out by president biden. i, i don't, i've never seen anything that says or rejecting it. i've seen some public comments by some officials that are just reading some components of it, but i have not seen some rejection of it. it isn't as rarely proposal, they've acknowledged that well, the us house of representatives is voted sanction each national criminal court officers prosecutor applied for arrest warrants for these ready 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister, you'll have gallant prosecutors also seeking warrants for 3 leaders in the palace standing group. how nice does your castro is live for us in washington dc now and how significant was this photo id ma'am, this is a preliminary vote that is on these proposed sanctions. so it's important to note
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that this is the 1st step of many that would have to be completed before if he comes law. but this is a rebuke from that us house of representatives of the i c, c. it's passage was 247 in support of the sanctions to 155 in opposition. and it's notable that among those who supported the sanctions or $42.00 democrats who signed on to this risk republican drafted bill. now what it would do is impose sanctions and these are restrictions on members of the i, c, c on its staff and on its family members of its staff. and it's worth it to say that this would be the sanctions on anyone involved in prosecutions of, from the i, c. c of americans or citizens of us allies that are not party to the i c, c. and of course, the country that this really targets to defend is, is real. now, president biden himself has been opposing this legislation, though he came out strongly against the i. c. c. chief, prosecutors, thinking of the arrest warrants of these rarely leaders. just yesterday,
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the white house released a statement against going as far as sanctioning the i c c with president by and saying he strongly opposed those measures because he thought as that as that there, there were more effective ways he said of defending is real good. he said his, he was deeply concerned that the prosecutor is taking these arrest warrants, and he said previously that he sees no equivalence between benjamin netanyahu, his defense minister, and the leaders of hamas. but still again, this was a preliminary vote but still certainly a bi partisan symbolic show of support for israel and against the i. c. c. speaking of warrants. so why does this measure go next? or? yeah, like i said, there's still several steps. so the senate is what would it take up this measure to vote, but it's unclear whether or not the senate, which is controlled by the democrats, would even schedule a vote for this. and then if a boat were to occur,
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how much support it would gather? and of course, oh, you know, overlooking all of this is the white house itself, which has a veto power. now, in the president's statement from yesterday, he didn't threatened to veto this. these a propos sanctions explicitly, but he certainly is said he was strongly against this legislation. so a veto threat is very real mariam. thank you very much. how does your cost start with the latest on that story from washington? well, the international criminal court is stepping off at security measures often facing what it says of unprecedented attempts of intelligence gathering by countries hostile to the court. media investigations published just last week, found that is wrong used agencies to threaten the i. c. c, to drop for war crimes, investigations set vasa reports now from the hague. never before has the only permanence international court for war criminals come on. the such,
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sophia threats created to put an end to impunity for the worst of crimes. the icy c has stepped up its security system of the infiltration cyber attacks of threats from national spike agencies trying to interfere with its investigations. recent publications show that is where any intelligence agencies have threatened, smeared and intimidated prosecute threats and lawyers investigating suspected war crimes committed by israel in gaza and occupied westbank. that split additions have also demanded an inquiry into the possible enforcement of it's for a li diplomats. the netherlands as a whole country of the i, c c. and many of the international institutions has a special responsibility to make sure to dfcs the solution scan function independently and must be very tough when it comes to this type of intimidation practices. the i c. c, palestine investigation recently like to request for arrest warrants for is for 80
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this defense minister of 3 lead us of how most palestinian organizations who have been crucial in compiling evidence for this case, have also face serious threats of death. it's like a mafia, a waste, this offense. one of that is the cost. one of that is to put you in a funeral was behind the door for the call. you can be that lance. she was of a full comparison to the i see if she doesn't want to stop at work, she would be disappear. the former employee does not want to be filmed while she continue with her work, compiling evidence of it's a war crimes for this course. she says the threats against her became increasingly serious. i'm sophisticated, changing her phone number of students house because those will threatening her immediately new, new numbers. sponsors of all hawk were receiving severe messages and emails of
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amnesty international who are trying to help her or hacked. meanwhile, she and her relatives continue to receive threats even abroad. after 3 years of investigating the start with these close to k, seeing, they could not find a suspect, a former bosses' convinced who was behind the threats, and i'm sure that they would include tact. also with this i, it is with this already mossad sorted with these are, you know, fissions, the threats did not stop. i'll hoc north the itc from continuing the investigation and reply to questions from al, just so you're at the office of to prosecute to of the i see see says at times by intelligence agencies to get hold of cor, evidence have failed and this system remain secure. step 5 and algae 0 fake. meanwhile, slovenia is parliament has approve the recognition of an independent palestinian state countries parliament advisor to approve the motion on tuesday evening. just days after it was table 11 countries in the 27. europe and block now recognize the state of palestine following moves by spain island and no way to recognize
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palestine on may 28th the we turn to india now in prominent center and promote he has been returned to powell for historic time, but we few as seats in parliament, unlike the 2 previous elections modi's policy, the b j p is not want to majority, which means that it will be totally dependent on this coordination pond is to pos, any legislation. the opposition coalition defied all exit polls and made a stunning come back. loading sizes. new tell will be one of the big decisions. the indian government refuses to run visas to l, just a or a correspondence. so reporting from outside the country is uncle sam shareef. the winning would phone a losing streak as tens of millions of violets of being counted in india, the governing b, j. b and its allies all in the leads. look fall from the predictions of exit polls
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and the parties on estimates. and let's say it's a said back for prime missed and we're going to move, the populace lead to who sort of put them on a new nation this campaign. this is a defeat for 5 minutes. and then the movie was politically and moderately, the drum, the range of movie has claimed victor, a ended e. my coalition is coming back to govern for us the 3rd consecutive term. and that's a guarantee we're grateful to the people. this is the 1st time the government to that's completed 2 terms. we'll return for a 3rd to the media peace pop lab to you know, to, for the, the most populous and politically crucial state is also on a decline. the party last seats in a you to the city, the movie you know, great to the temple in january fulfilling
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a decade. so we're promise. it was built on the ruins by historic most, that posts destroyed by writing groups in the early 19. 19. many hindus believe not from one of them's most read. the date is, was born here. but let's say this election has shown the politics of religion has filled with temper this uh, which was uh, an indian. the other people who looked over it on paperless mate, shows that people who have gone beyond drummed into b j. b. 's. last is the opposition's game in states like money, poor, northeast, and state, govern by the bgp has witnessed ethnic funds in the past year. the opposition, the lines is led by the indian national congress which govern the india from much of its history. it says the results so far out appealed, rejection of movies, leadership of 10. yes. the main thing that this election is that the country is united mostly and clearly stated. we do not want mr. in the end of the movie,
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and mr. um, its shop will be involved in the running of this country. the election commission says of the nearly one b and registered voters. more than 640000000 costs the ballots. the 7 phase election that began on april 19 was held as much of india bottled a severe heat wave. the campaign was deeply devises. moody was accused of hate speech. calling the 200000000 most the minority community infiltrate his job. and i think somebody got by the inches level, how's that part of mental loops? it has 543 seats. a party. a coalition needs to been 272 seats to form a government supporters of the b to b and congress us celebrating outside their respective party headquarters in new
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delhi jobs. 2 it doesn't matter if we win 400 seats, we are forming. the government moody will be the prime minister for the time. are the people fed off of moody's office or a terry? this is why the india alliance of such a historic monday india is long. the custom to coalition politics, but now with the slim majority and the need to work with other parties, new ranger movies, role as prime minister may be at risk of consumption. i just see the other areas where to find out a den professor of indian politics at georgetown university. he says the election result is likely to benefit democracy in india. it talk to the state quite a bit and start back. this is mr. mosley have very carefully constructed an oral health. i'm going to bring it to you around himself to majority van's best party
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had it all seems to form to govern on its own. and under the coalition lines and our seats really ran through all sorts of legislation and running into the selection, you know, in the aftermath of the consecration of a template. and i know the, i just totally seo the sense being that mr. moody was really on track, had to been maybe 350, maybe 400 seats, with a lot of would have given them enough power and the guns to amend the constitution in push to some very large truck, associate transformative agenda. items that are pretty near and dear to the beach of these hop to lot of the about the people facing was pretty hard. they book out, you know, to make those games able to really needed to have made enrolled some states for they've really not had a preference investment goal town. a lot to adult said, how does that state domestic phase, right? strong regional body event. somebody could not get any help in the him, the hotline which has been the dominant part of the database, they've already pretty close to maximizing the number of seats. and so the want to
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be to go was down, you be, was a major set back for them. how, but they also lost ground in the higher, in hurry of how and so across the board and don't have to start the seat across the board has suffered regression to the mean if you would. and then you have a couple of other states and it's a beach if you have really done, you know, quite a lot of work to undermine state elected governments in the state of my roster for instance. and dead devoted seems to have said enough enough reward for the parties that have long been our representative. so the fundamental economic issue called democracy functions bathroom. there is a vibrant opposition. how that bark and opposition both sides of the legislative check. as debates in parliament was more likely to of this, the opposition is larger than not, but it also involves a lot of civil society organizations, the groupons media organizations that have been called by under the current government to not speak up. and i think you're going to see a much more robust democratic conversation going forward in the old sort of start good state assembly election. so later the, to the states of roger's tom,
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armstrong, ariano, all of it's a pretty significant and have their own state elections. you'd imagine that opposition is quite energized, having made some games and all 3 states that's imaginable. all 3 of those full, i'll probably hear from the beach of being end up in the opposition camp at the state level. you begin to see sort of re advertising or federalism. remember checks and balances over there. so all in all, i think it's good for democracy and hopefully is defined as well as to the ad on the news out. the 2 leading candidates for the new case joining an election go face to face in the past, changing the color we are looking at some try a weather coming into
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a western positive australia and not dry weather will eventually slip across into central and eastern areas at least for the time being couple of disturbances down to was the tasman. we're not going to say some what the weather never really too far away from that is to sort of victoria eastern pulse of new south wells and maybe even into the southeast of queensland. but we have got more rain coming into w i as we go on for the 2nd half the week, just find a way as to whether that will slide its way and it will freshen things up, is pushing to was passed on 1st day and by the time we come to friday with a weather coming through it, and it is still somewhat to whether we're close at eastern side of the country or showers coming in. is that cool? refresh. what's the weather coming in across southern parts of wy, by friday? still a few showers into the southeast may want us to be dry. the phone is 8 minutes a not too bad here. not too bad across such a pan over the next day or so. so into the korean peninsula. but some places of china up tools and you'll see some heavy rain from time to time. one or 2 showers
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coming through heavy a shower as long as spells of rain do linger across southern parts of china and across the spring with it. the possibility of the flash floods the he says he went to go to and syria, to provide a 27 year old, acted as the as healthcare services as being working as an i'm didn't start with nursing. the eyes of his governments with my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised in the 1st part of the series we funded restore you to push the shape worker to see confronts the news. the piece of citizenship verification on a walmart citizenship. fact, if i'm proven in a sense, i don't wanna wait on a technically stake listed in syria on which is the era of a meeting of minds. this was deadly wed. freedom which was used to cover so many different things. the family of the mainstream economics. if that happens in any
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other profession, they will be fine. yeah. well not those 5 that they would go to prison musical in a day to brian, you know, meets renowned economies todd, you in change part one. i see a lot of hope. i see a lot of experiments going on in the studio would be on script date on al jazeera, the, i'll come back here with the news, our life from dog. i'll named story. now, central gauze has been on the is writing 5 for the past several hours. at least 13 people have been killed, including 4 members of one family, the only major healthcare facilities he likes hospital has been overwhelmed by
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injured patients. meanwhile, her master saying israel is these 5 proposal doesn't align with that outlined by us president john 5 in law suite of the group. i say that it needs to be assurances that israel a problem that the end the war and gaza before accepts any deal. and india is probably gonna send around, remote is kind victory in the countries jasmine election body to cause the results of victory for democracy. despite the indication that is positive feature. 18 when news, it's outright majority. now rescue was unable to keep up with israel's relentless bombing of gaza. thousands of bodies are still trapped under the rubble . the dead denied a profit burial. 3 families unable to say good bye and a whole jerry reports now and causes missing people. a young law calling out for her missing mother. somebody knows she's most likely that her
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body to try somewhere under this trouble to the air striking him eunice and centering cause i also killed somebody's uncles and cousins saying, i don't know how about identity, the image and, and the hardware, the head and we woke up and got the news we came running and looking for my mother . we found destruction beyond human understanding. the children were sleep, they are interesting and they were sleep. they were tunes of peace. let them in. the palestinian civil defense has estimated that some 7000 bodies are still trapped under the rebel. 3 companies are left without even a body to bear because it is no, it's enough. we hope to go that that will be a ceasefire because we've lost and lost. we lost all our loved ones, we have nothing left enough for the sake of gold. have a see far enough with tired. we've seen broken extremely
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a to the enough one. so the most used to be able to hematoma. in october, the parkman tower, it was bond, killing his grand daughter and hundreds of others. then i just took the voltage from the nicholas full when the towel was bones the with 380 people. and as the original residents had taken and displaced people in the number of people living in the town, more than doubled, it was headed in the afternoon in broad daylight without any prior notice. the 7 months later, dozens of bodies are still accounted for. there among the thousands of the missing policy, musing class when is there any forces truck, this family, home and good people? an entire family of 6 were killed. somebody's for being covered, but others wait. it's hours for the civil defense team to help rescue, as well as your family, with their bare hands and basic equipments. they failed. the rescue had much and
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had as in tell us 3. this is in the who the odyssey to that is but it goes up all this time. more than a 1000000 people are fed rough. i in southern gaza since the israel moved in tanks and troops in early may. it was one says save refuge for despised palestinians from all across the strip. but its streets and now oh but empty, i was just, there is charles traffic reports. they take what belongings they can. for many, it's all they have left. of the sheltering and rough is bowling cab months, thousands of products, the new families are forced to move. once more the u. n says middle than a 1000000 people have been displaced from roof as israel bombing the military advanced intensive allies into this most southern area of the guns of strip. no, tonia homes were destroyed in all schools too. we could no longer go to school. our
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future is ruined. we are human beings, like other people of the world. we lost our life all hope for future. this is a crime. it's a sin enough with it. we are tired of the . this is what russell look like in april of the camps, an overcrowded so called refuge from these ready military owns thoughts on the gall, to strip in oregon international outcry. these ready on the launch the incursion into the rough uh, you know, the may, you to order palestine means to move before in operation the international community said would cross a red line celebrations the world failed to stop we don't know where to go. we left everything behind and ran for our lives. we are now aimlessly roaming the streets. we are tired, children are frightened,
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installed in our homes, were destroyed. where do we go? the sick and wounded are treated in hospital as time runs out. medical facilities now abandoned roughly the streets empty, as he's ready to try to sit bob's can samuel, we're forcibly displayed from hun you and is too rough. now, that is really occupation forces warned all of roughly to leave. we are tired, exhausted. we appealed to the whole world to help us restore some peace security. thousands killed and injured our children are starving. the promising and healthful forwards, he says that more than 20 people, mostly women and children were killed. blind is ready and strike on a camp where displaced people were sheltering in the area of elm, wasi west. and rafa on may the 28th. israel didn't no idea attack many of those who have flayed rough us since then is going to own milwaukee before
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the attack, israel said it was a so cool, safe area were promised to me and civilians should go to the post a month. simple have shown, there is no such place. garza charles profit, which is a view and human rights chief is renewed, his goals to an increasing violence in the occupied westbank. is there any forces in settlers of kills at least $500.00 pounds sentience as a war on guns that began in october and a strongly worded statement volk talk? describe the killing destruction of widespread rights violations that is unacceptable. is urging the line that cease immediately. he also states that any allegation of unlawful killings must be starting independently investigated. and those responsible held to account. you and human rights chief also says pervasive of purity for such crimes. has been calling place for far too long and you'll get
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bite westbank. and the every miss following the story on this from ramallah. the was high commissioner for human rights expressed concern at the sharp increase of violence in the occupied westbank saying that the blood said is on the president the, that it must seize. and that israel needs to be held accountable to what's happening in the occupied westbank. and indeed, we've been seeing since the start of the world goes up more than 527 palestinians being killed by these really forces fired just as the war started. so we're talking about high levels of violence. the report that has been published by the you and human rights office says that israel has been using need full force as a 1st resort. and in the report they talk about the 2 palestinian miners, 116 and 117 year old who have been killed from a 70 meter distance after being accused by these really forces of throwing stones or a model to of cocaine at them. and this report,
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in this case kind of highlights how is world has been using back to the full force against spell a city is. and indeed, just in the past 24 hours, we've seen these really forces killed 5 palestinians. one of them was attending a pre wedding party for his sister. yes, he's been deemed as one of the most one to tell us. thing is when it comes to these really list of one to the people in the occupied west bank, but it shows the level of violence that the store getting palestinians or sometimes just going about their daily lives. need that, but he just need a drum along. you'll keep i to a thing how this fine as a new report by the charge, the oaks of the warnings at gaza. is that a breaking point because of his writing restrictions on humanitarian aid? it says it's become virtually impossible for 8 agencies to reach solving palestinians. children is suffering the most. a says i found that 85 percent of them have not eaten for an entire day at least once in the 3 days before was
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conducted on the sound ones that by the time simon has declared it will be too late . conditions of terry raging an over crowd of displacement accounts. there are only a $121.00 toilets. so having 500000 people in all my y, c and west. and rafa that means more than $4000.00 people sharing each available toilets and restrictive fuel is putting thousands at risk. 400000 meters of fuel is needed a day to keep critical services like hospitals running. israel is allowing only 19 percent of that into gaza. deal cuz as of sams, gender coordinator for the middle east and north africa, his family lives in gaza. she says life for them is incredibly hot and it's getting worse. the 1st of all, the kids suddenly it, without anybody petition, like one of my sisters actually had to move 10 times of the one house to the other . and then she had to leave like in hoffer no words to cut or you want to,
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but she could. she had to pay a huge amount of money for a smaller car to tell you what to where she can. and it took her over 4 hours to lose because of the crowded, the streets and there's no streets. basically, people are everywhere. anywhere that is empty, you can find the 10th. it is not, it's not an easy. it's not the humane situation where the from in the lives of this book actually no, it must have been to continue like this. i what do you so much for my mother was 18 years old and she has been basically costing most of the time because of the lack of food. and she wanted to provide some for this with children in the family. so she, she, she chose to, to, for us to use to is lubbock way of fostering to minimize the means she has to one at one meal a day. i know she lost almost 2025 kiddos of our weight, and i did it 2 years old. the is you cannot afford to lose that
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much weight. so of course, it's been like your studio to, to update today. that's maybe the work doesn't see. and does she have enough about where people are living on tend food for 8 months? could you imagine not having access to for us to just the business of fluids or i mean you to have the present. joe biden is ordering immigration officials to deny asylum seekers entering to the us. number of people seeking asylum of us. mexico border is a record of levels. but does that what has caused when it kimberly how get reports? by this time is similar to for president donald trump and likely to be stopped by the courts with the number of undocumented migrant crossings into the united states
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searching president joe biden is taking drastic action to seal the us border with mexico. let's fix the problem. a new executive order is border officials almost immediately the power to reject asylum seekers. only victims of trafficking, those seeking emergency medical care or minors may be exempted and only after vigorous screening this ban remaining place and total number of people trying to enter legally is reduced to a level that our system can affectively manage. the number of migrants crossing into the us has hit record levels. at its peak in december, more than $10000.00 migrants crossed into the united states each day. biden's new order is similar to a policy put in place by photo republican president, donald trump. back in 2018 democrats, including by then called the policy heartless and then who made the white house and says this policy is different. republican critics are skeptical and here this is
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election year politics. and by the way, we've seen this game before. apparently, the democrats at one playbook, which is create a crisis, and then a couple of months before the election. do something very mild to address the crisis and say, see problem solve with the presidential election moving. the white house helps the new 5 in order will appeal away republican voters who like trumps tough immigration policies, but not his criminal conviction. according to this analyst, the spike in a legal crossings is a concern for americans. i think this policy is in part about 1st giving the administration tools to address that. and 2nd, giving them a concrete shift in policy. but they can point to that things like the upcoming presidential debate later this month was wanted to build a wall along the entire southern us border during his own presidency. and he's
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promised mass deportations if elected again with immigration advocates, including the american civil liberties union challenge president trump asylum order back in 2018. they succeeded in blocking it through the federal courts. now the a, c l. u is preparing a similar challenge against president biden's order. kimberly helped get al jazeera, the white house has got a view south is important now in cross to 90, right below in mexico city. this comes in the wake of mexico's elections money. so what is the reaction that to this executive order? a good to be with him, mary, and he's still probably vote here in official reaction from mexican authorities until wednesday morning. but early on tuesday, mexican president, and that is one way, lopez over the other ones asked about this topic. he said that he was aware of this executive order by president biden, and that he had planned a scheduled phone call to speak with president biden. later in the day,
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we are still waiting to hear word as to what was the outcome of that phone call, or if that phone call has taken place already, i'll tell you who has been giving statements. we've already heard from the center for gender in refugee studies, doctors without borders. the international rescue committee, as well as the washington office on latin america, all of these organizations expressing their concerns over what this could mean for folks on the ground for migrants and asylum seekers. and refugees that are either transiting through mexico or already find themselves stuck on the us mexico border . we have to remember that this is not a executive order that's only going to affect the border between the united states and mexico that has a domino effect. mexico does not have a sort of history of marketing its own migration agenda. largely the policies when it comes to migration here in mexico are influenced by pressures from the united states. changing and migration policy in the us means changing immigration policy here in mexico. and you bring up
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a great point about mexico's new president. this is something that she herself will have to adapt to when she assumes the office of the president come october 1st. and she's a very interesting personality with an even more interesting political background 90. i guess it will depend on how tough she chooses to be in negotiations with us. the quote is shameful. that's absolutely right. if met, if mexico's government almost regardless of who the president is, is going to be influenced by pressures from the united states, at least on that question of immigration. well, president elect, cloudy a shame. bob, mexico's the 1st woman president elected in the nation's history. she will be no exception. what we expect her sort of policy framework. so be, come october 1st, could very well change depending on the outcome of the us elections in november. so
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that's something to consider because without addressing the root causes of migration, there is no reason to expect that a simple executive order in the united states affecting the us mexico border is in any way going to slow the 10s of thousands of migrants that continue to transit through mexico every year on their way to the us southern border. thank you very much. mexico said he outlining roughly reporting to us on the story. thank you. money. as the you k get set to go to the polls on the 4th of july prime minister wishes to not because go on had to had with the opposition labor leader k as donna in the 1st televised debate the need has tackled key issues like the cost of living immigration and the state of the national health service. so nice, conservative policy is badly trailing late, but in the opinion polls, john hall has more on this now from london as well. several times they have to be pushed upon like sort of 2 boxes in a ring by they compare. it was an energized,
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often angry debate, full of fractures, combative exchanges between 2 men who are not known for being a public orators, particularly, who generally, frankly considered to be quite low while it was anything. but this is a significant moment. i had to debate between the 2 men who would be prime minister of course, as opposed to a why the debates of leaders of the 7 party that was what the 2 parties agreed. it's a significant moment as well because it's at this stage in a campaign that a lot of people who are previously old, generally not engaged in politics, do suddenly sit up, take note of who these people are, how they perform, and what they actually stand for. so it can be a pivotal moment and boy does research that. the problem is that need it to be his body. 20 points on average, behind labor that have been for a year. he really needed to come out and be aggressive to stand up to lend some big political blows. and he certainly tried to do that with a society's aggressive exchanges on everything, from tax to education,
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to the economy, to defense and climate change. he, he repeated the central co message that labor policy and chemist on that cannot be trusted. the kid stomach doesn't have the confidence or conviction to come up with any sort of a plan to fix the economy, to fix the cost of living and so on. well, for keeps dom or close the needs of the opposition. this is he's election to lose it was his debate to lose hours of preparation for both men will have light in his case to a pretty simple debate strategy. just stay calm, don't mess it up and be prime ministerial and but for some serious eye rolling and very evident, frustrations that time see more or less did that. here's a, a flavor of some of the fractious exchanges that took place. this was on tax. we have already scrap the non dormer team and we have a $75.00 to them building full time, give still on energy companies. but independent treasury, civil servants have cost its latest policies and it's 2000 pounds, but you want some specific normally so. so that's how specific the please,
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the not finish the triple lot. plus, it's that we raise the post mill allowance, the pension is uninsured, the state pension is never subject to tax that so we will get under a future conservative government case to all my husband much that pledge, which means for the 1st time in our country's history if labor elected pension is we'll pay tax that will be doing these latest debates in britain for all that long . they started back in 2010. that became pretty influential very, very quickly. one of the things to bear in mind though, is even if they do produce some sort of a poll bump for one side or the other, it hasn't tended to last the duration of a campaign who won this debate. it's pretty hard to tell really. they'll be opinion polls out later tonight or early in the morning to suggest what the public for, but frankly on the evidence. this was a real sparring match between 22 sides. not a lot of evidence to suggest that it will swing the dial, much as he desperately needs it to uh, in the direction of the private as to receive sooner retainer the offering capitol
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. now the, i know why our members of the you a new, a wash dope of use the bodies late as meeting to condemn. israel is war on guns up under there's a sullivan job. i had sent us this update from vienna. i have the meeting in vienna off the board of governors of the international atomic energy agency, the so called are a groups, has a race concerns in its statement about how israel is contending, what it calls, genocide and gaza, criticizes the actions that are being taken by these really authorities, as well as it is being opposing the blocking of aid. the issue of the provision of a to various communities in gaza. the stepping up of attacks and drugs as well as the frequent targeting of a coin was. but what is interesting is to, for the 1st time that this group has talked about invoking chapter 7 of the you and shot the chapter 7, which deals with a response to establish peace and security for you and members. and in its
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statement, it says that this aggression which constitutes a threat to international peace and security invites the security council to take urgent decision on the chapter 7 of the charter of the united nations. to control the israel, the occupying power complies with a permanent and unconditional ceasefire to bring in an expense safe, sustainable, undefended humanitarian aid into. busy parts of the gaza strip, especially in light of the repeated attacks on humanitarian aid called voice. it is worth noting that this is only a statement for it to be made part of the record, but does not, is not binding on anyone and has not been subjected by any of the people who submitted it to the if this is not the 4 of this can only be enrolled at a proper you instead think whether it is a unit united nations general assembly or the un security council. and julia, being the chair has been trying to push the un security council on various issues such as a ceasefire, as well as recognition off the palestinian state at the un security council. this
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is not the only issue that is being discussed the of the top of the agenda off of the i. e. a meeting here in vienna remains this resolution that has been put forth by the so called e t group of nations, u k. fronts in germany, about centurylink, you're on for not complying with i. e of regulations. this is going to continue for the next few days where there's going to be back and forth between members on how best to go about and how best to vote in it. but it is likely that this resolution will find 18 out of the 35 members that it needs. and from here on, we've heard a warning solve those that are being fired by various officials who are asking that it was actually stating that if this resolution passes, iran would come up with its own what is called a firm response. so i'm a majority of the very yes. so i have for you going to be or 14 from a farm is protests and was jim why what to say?
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the european union isn't listening.
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the, [000:00:00;00] the now you're paying farm is met in brussels to protest against the confidence climate regulations out of the european parliamentary elections this weekend. hundreds of tractors and farmers with them. travel costs a 1000 countries to have that message had locks or forwards from brussels. in the sake of and field of festival atmosphere because farm is gather in tract isn't true,
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i was so near and saw some of them tired from the overnight travel law. some one of is eager to express. the frustration up canopus has worked to the dairy farmer in the southern netherlands for decades, but he fits his family's tradition of foaming may not survive for future generations. men security, those days when people are increasingly fed up because of all the rules and regulations and maybe they're doing this on purpose to make us quit forming all this, it was a top group, the farmers defense fund, the f t f that formed the core of this gathering and brussel, those like and his friend, mountain whole giving, driven by a desperation to sustain their way of life. ultimate mix doing if we don't do anything, they'll walk all over us. and we've been phonetic of fighters for 5 for years. and we're still seeing the results with the f t. s. pharmacy today represent a fraction of the model near if it was closed, but they opened out 5 political punched just days ahead of european union found them into elections. pharmacy,
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they say they're hoping to tap into widespread concerns about government over rates and traditional values to role. but climate focused regulations that are affecting their livelihood. it's mainstream for them in groups state away from this gathering . those some farming communities have become fertile ground for europe's right wing policies, and politicians like patricia on your front on it is the awareness that the farm is creating within the general public. that is so important because it has to do with food security. it has to do with silver antiques. it has to do with maintaining the vitality of approval finishes, a perceived pressure from regulate as much as why the price increases that the european public also feels say some economists. these are people who feel that they are under siege by most government, having ever tighter environmental restrictions and protecting the environment, often in their view, at the expense of the agricultural sector. many of the pharmacists of the natural
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world is important, but the jump should remain a political priority to this weekend. that will be votes. nope. pitfalls that could push politicians to rethink their approach. to the months i'll just arrow brussels belgium. that's it from me, but rather not us. and it will be with you in just a few short moments the since he's wales will run gaza thousands of on the stadiums hoping indiscriminately displaced. certainly forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure . hospitals of one of the only safe options to seek refuge until we became targets . so most wages war from hospitals. i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital, which is the real world investigates where the east ran is violating international no, by targeting supposedly
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a new crisis doctor to run hospitals on out to 0. you will scott, a duty in a grove using for the p, use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are read, present. and remember, it's a cop, you revise wells and increases systems costs on red chris the
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the hearing this tact, short populations a decline, 70 percent. and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting from the ex. whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the faucet. the story, the visual imagery continues to hit central parts of the gaza strip, the latest targets a clinic run by the un on the schools as well as comes for people were trying to escape the robot this. and this is all just a life and don't have also coming up on


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