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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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not joining the people's defense, instead of being conscripted by the military. these volunteers pang and sweat, then a hardship to that belief in a democratic future. i believe for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. the molds, overflowing and hospitals are overwhelmed and central goes away, as well as the lowest is the latest ground, assumes the level of the bulk of this is i'll just say with life and also coming up heights intentions and occupied east jerusalem ultra nationalist. this re lease, making encourage that need to be i'll ex, and most compound during a controversial annual riley regional allies. the sense of home combination talks
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with indian employment to send a renter moody officer. his policy failed to win a majority. well, leaders in paris to monk, the 80th anniversary of the d day invasion from the thanks for joining us. we begin in central goals or whether it's rarely ministries carrying out as strikes. targeting heavily populated areas, at least $75.00 policy needs to be killed across the area. that was just the past 24 hours. a types of being targeting the outrage, alma kazi, and, and just to rent refugee camps as well. so this ground forces have moved. now into algebra range, well of all the bags up highly are putting the nearby overall well i'll ask the hospital indeed. or i'll bala, is there any chance i'm not totally up in targeting the area with tens of thousands of forcibly displays palestinians to be seeking shelter. the nice nice the fun
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people, the sleeping in the homes, children mess the kids of those. the human rights of the occupation talks about children. that is this picture man and see that they cool for innocent children. birds of haven, this boy was his father's only child, him and his mother. his mother is here, she was mounted, and here he is, a mazda and as well. there are also reports of his ready forces, detaining several children inside l. x. the hospital is running the occupation forces still in the areas right at homes and rounded a residence on. we were held at gunpoint surrounded by tanks from all directions. we were stripped off close. oh mean, including my father and grandfather were detained. some women and children would have times to even a disabled person was taken entire couple of using his outside locks. the hospital with the latest developments of these very military you had this thought is in you meant it treat encourage and in the eastern area. so
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a great refugee camp alongside with my guys, they refused to come now these areas are located in the middle regions of the goals trip. and so i only fall away from derek by a few kilometers. and this reflects the is rarely at present in escalation on the ground as they are right now. pushing the troops, trying to get deeper into to a grades refugee come alongside with this ongoing operation in the roof like district in the fall south of the gaza strip. but the green realities that this military and cogent has been a combined by a wide scale, ariel and blond brockman, of residential buildings. and people gatherings, especially in, i must say, rocks a bridge. and even in dairy for at least twice palestinians have the report of kills, endeavored by the office of the house being completely targeted without receiving any kind of a fry a notification of morning by the spend a minute 3 and mainly the unless you refuge account also was the main focus for
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different types of state college, so you have to bring the total number of victims being killed within the past 24 hours only in the middle, the area to reach 75. how the city is being killed. sofa analia tarik spoke to kind hosta from doctors without borders about the conditions. medical teams inside guys were dealing with. you must have your doctors without borders has been and does have prior to the war. and now we've re shifted our activities to provide uh, just a primary health care work which is um, a lot of vaccination uh, medical consultations, rehabilitation wound care maternity services, pediatrics services. we're also having outpatient amount of attrition clinics. we've shifted our trauma, advanced trauma capacities to do advance wound care in our clinics,
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to the contrast, the hospitals, there are still functioning. that's pretty much what we're doing now. we haven't vision on the north as soon as we can go there to uh, to assess the needs and respond as fast as we can. and could you tell me, how did you see the medical condition? of course, this trip. i mean part tequila. you deluxe the hospital? yeah. it's been, you know, was there in january, february, and already the conditions where dyer but this time i think it's, it's even worse. and that's with the, the is riley and persian, uh, in the drop off. uh we have seen uh pretty much uh, a near collapse of the health care system of hospitals and that offer are no longer existence. there are only 2 field hospitals. there are spending right now providing whatever care they can to the population that remains. and so what is happening now is that you have access to a hospital which tends pretty much alone trying to provides
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a critical critical medical services to the population of last nights. was that catastrophic nights with incredible bombings on blue ridge can in a fun, eunice, in the middle area in the fall. and this hospital received in the last 24 hours, 75 patient towards dead on arrival, and went over 3 hundreds of critically wounded patients. it is beyond anything that. 5 my set of the policy and colleagues that we have here and uh, some medical organizations providing a clear political support. its just beyond anything we can imagine. um, i was talking to uh, the father of a patient who was asking me, he said, where are the humans, where are the humans and i'm used to emergencies, but i have to say that i broke down and then he broke down as when it's it's,
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it's just hard to comprehend the amount of incremental the best that there is right now. the world health organization says palestinians, the guns being forced to drink sewage water to survive as conditions across the strip rapids lead to to right. is there any restrictions all age of made clean more so increasingly sketch and the un says the lack of fuel is forced dissemination problems to shut down. palestinians are traveling long distances to find water. and many have to spend hours in line each day to receive it. well, you and still p monetary and official mounting. griffith is urging for the safe entry of desperately need a few minutes here in 8, in 2000. we need say, fruits, we need better access. we need then to have clarity about how 8 work, cuz who i needed to help the distribution of aid. you don't just dropped the age and go, it needs to be distributed so that the most vulnerable get the priority that they
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should be enabled to go back to their work safely. so it's not rocket science. this is something we need, everyone of last month's dozens upon us to use what button to live in that times when it's really strikes it of displacement comp. and rafa and the final out as many of those victims face the impossible choice, stay in rafa. hundreds of threats are relentless as rarely strikes or leave for the ruins of con units or in time neighborhoods to being reduced to rubble. they started out from age a plus travel between the 2 cities and southern gaza to witness the conditions faced by palestinians have been forcibly displaced multiple times. but with that kind of know how somebody that's right now behind me is a long thing happened last floyd and other slaves when spots and the last area i don't need are those what people are still it is 5. these spends because they were told that they all and a face area last night. and this literally by 5 to 6 rockets as people
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appropriate, resulting in the credit of 40 to 50 people. if you find link is all over dropbox, how did you and kind of trip out us? where should people go? the not empty. okay. does not empty. you cannot allow the spring since it is still going real fast. that we've got to wait to get some review. so we'll look at the videos also be about 2 weeks now. it's really crowded and the people are sitting here. the other problem is we're into evacuating. we're going to be invited to newness is destroyed. so people are living in mos hennings, intense or in the rubble and the rest of the people that are not able to find any
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place to go to. i remember taking did you hear 31 of those 2 months ago, and that place was full sense. we're talking about hundreds of thousands of friends and i moved to get this new me please come back. i'm soon is that the perceive the mattress news associated with regards to the floor. the window is just some of the furnace you and get it in the mail just leaving the bus to also. but if i, you know, give us an idea of how to do the deal, and there is people. so people are living in here
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and there are people living here in spending their time, their entire time waiting to return back to their city. a 1000 percent out reporting that now tr nationalist is riley's, are marching through all the fight east jerusalem as part of the so called flag day celebrations. come off, as well as a legal occupation of the area off to the 1967 rule. crowns have made incursions into the l. x a most compound. in recent years, thousands of people have joined the most through the city waving flags and taunting races slogans. last year, subtle is protected by israeli forces also attacked palestinians. benjamin done that, excuse me, benjamin netanyahu cabinets has band out there for reporting in israel itself. so let's go to saw the height of these and the to damian. capital a mine,
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i'm sorry. clearly it's not an easy day to be a palestinian and occupied east jerusalem, especially given israel's won't guys. absolutely. it's incredibly controversial. tens of thousands of his riley's, the generally they all outs for nationalist use. youngsters. you'll see a lot of those in the crowd. the teenagers and also supporters of the extreme right wing parts of this competition government. they're also backed up by those right wing minnesota such as it's my bank account. he's the national security minister, as well as the finance minister that have attended these marches before it says that bank very will be attending today's march. it's still not happened just yet, so we'll have to wait and see. but nevertheless, it's, it's a time when not only is this well and it's 8 months, but for palestinians in the occupied territories in occupied east jerusalem, life is already very difficult. and this much a signals of these riley's,
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especially those from the fall rights. increasingly turning up funds as you had said there and encouraging and all ok, so most compound the sub her lives. so after the time when palestinians themselves often prevented from attending those friday, pres, i'm not so time when. 8 the crack sound by the israeli police on palestinians just spots. if you are young male, they want to know they in your movements. they are constantly checking those going in and out of the old city. the march. uh well they head down the road. they've done that already. they then go through a visa master skate. that's the largest gate entry into the old city, one of 7. and then they come through the most clim, pulitzer. and this is the quota, where most of them are palestinian. they own shops, they own businesses, people go that to buy the fruits in the morning as well. 8 and when we were that just a few months ago, many of them were banned from entering and then that is that dude said, told me we spoke, for example,
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the grandmother at the time saying that she was the one doing the food shopping because they will wire it to send a young teenage boys to go that and casey is ready, please pick on them, arrest them for whatever reason. not open, it can be arbitrary. but this definitely is very provocative. this much. they say it's the unification of east and west juris them. full palestinians, it mocks, an occupation where palestinians are increasingly find it hard to live day to day life in occupies east through some of course, let us not forget we also have occupied west bank. and this is also at the time when the is really public, especially those ultra nationalists all increasing the loss of violence. there's been a lot of threats against palestinians. so a real concern when promising and see this much from experience and the last few months, having reports and from that many of them, i've tried to avoid any confrontation by staying at home and just not being out on
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the streets. or i saw a many thanks to that side of high that's reporting for us and the due date in capital. she is that of course, because benjamin netanyahu has cabinet, has binds out to 0 from reporting from as well. so many thanks though. nothing. yahoo says israel is preparing for what he calls strong action in the north. he made the comments during a visit to an army base in northern israel. it comes up to a missile lowest by the lebanese group has belie the area this week, causing a large file. it's more loud. i'm about apple. yesterday the ground was burning here and i'm glad you pushed us out so, but the ground was also burning and living on the ways of things they can help us. and we will sit highly by is making a big mistake and we have prepared for a very strong action in the north and in one way or another. we will restore security to the north. the
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now india is prime minister in the range remote to use hold increase your chokes with political allies to form a new government. the b j. p is fails to secure that right majority of the 6 week long general election. so we'll need to support support from allies to form a government id claim victory on tuesday saying his alliance will return for a 3rd consecutive time. so dawson protege is found to an editor at the wire in india. he says the render moody on the beach a p will find a coalition, difficult to manage. a movie is facing perhaps the most serious set back up is because of the career. but because this is the 1st time that he has gone into the election and failed to get them was already on his own. i've talking about his record and see if it is still out. of course now is recorded and actually the ballistics of the fact is the parties of the body lost as many as 63 seats compared to his performance in 2019. so the fact that he comes back in the form of a coalition with southern allies on the door is the unstable, i think is, uh,
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is, is it political out of moral defeat form is the movie. it's a different matter that he's not a politician. used to, um, you know, loving proper lessons from this kind of audit. notice the piper jumped up at the normal party because it's completely built into him. but essentially he will be looking to carry on as usual, as, as a nothing has changed. but the fact is that the rain has shifted to india to be it has a strong, a viable opposition of the public at large as the way demonstrated that it disagrees with. that opposes many of his policies. these that difficult bought most of the be happy to manage and you know, clearly the next 5 years, the best of all, the last that long and about done with these kinds of allies will be, will be very difficult. i think that the be uh, you know, is going to have, it's back to the board with these sorts of us. so head on, i'll just say around our land of future, we explore this as well. the environment de, tackling the global climate costs,
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the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced. these 2 times frank assessments, this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody that says i'm one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to link to stuff inside story. on al jazeera, the colleges and the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out, is there a, is there a mind of our top story? is this, how do you say the ministry is counting a s trying so heavily populated areas in central cost?
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at least 75 percent of students have been killed in the past 24 hours of life attacks, the targeting refugee camps, including calibration. and oh my gosh, india is probably me just under, under moody is holding crucial talks with political allies to form a new government. the b j. p is failed to secure that rock majority in the 6 week long general elections will need support from allies to full gunther as being gun fi outside the us embassy in bailey, the lebanese army says a government involved in the shooting has been injured and apprehended. so to hold as more from vibrate, or there is a security incidents in the vicinity of the entrance of the u. s. embassy, just north of babe ruth, early on wednesday, behind me some 700 meters was where the shooting happened. as you can see, lebanese army soldiers deployed the they have sailed all roads leading to the embassy, the lebanese army, and a brief statement said that there was a shoot out, and they, they apprehended a gunman who was wounded and that he was
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a syrian national. lovely security sources are saying that this was not the work of just one man, and that there were others involved a driver and possibly 2 other assailants, one who, who managed to escape and another who was killed. there has been no claim or responsibility, but on the best that the wounded gunman was wearing the words assign makes faith was written on them. we've seen this is the 1st read. a talk of it's kind in years . yes, there has been violence intention around the u. s. embassy in recent months, due to as well as the war on girls are there have been violent protests. but, but like i mentioned, the motive of this attack is still not clear, and there's still no claim of responsibility center for their elza 0 north of vader collaboration. so being held in from the moment we 80th anniversary of d day,
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the troops from the u. k. the us and canada types of german forces on the coast of northern france in june 1944. the campaign was a major step towards the allied forces victory in world war 2. when the 4000 soldiers were killed on the day, and another 5000 us president joe biden has flown to france to join commemorations at the start of a 5 day state visit. and it's coming to. tasha butler is live of sold beach in normandy, as i mentioned that natasha, the us president has arrived. what can we expect for the next few days? so that's why j biden has arrived and frauds, and the focus of his visit, of course, will be these day commemorations are expecting us present to meet us world war 2 veterans here in norman the some of them actually took part in d. j a that age is ranging with told from 96 to 107. so no doubt they will be
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sharing some of the stories, memories with the us presence a job i don't will on the 6th of june, which is a d days south. will you will be presiding over a memorial service of us cemetery or the homepage, and then it will be taking part in an international ceremony, along with thousands of others a heads. the states here will be hosted by the french present emanuel macro. we understand from the white house of the j biden fees, commemorations will really be an opportunity to reinforce how important says the white house. it is so to international allies work together to talk about multilateralism, stoke, about being special, who loves new and international cooperation. job items in on such as they will be in paris. he will be at the least, they tell us with the french presence us, they do not. the 2 of course, will also have a note to talk about in that meetings and discussions that may need to focus very much on ukraine. i'm
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a situation in the middle east. yeah. natasha talking about ukraine. of course crim commemorations come at a time of heights. intention in ukraine, security once again, a major concern for today's your to nope, that's why it's, you know, a t is all still allied forces landed on these beaches in normandy to help liberal ray north west. and you're from a nazi german occupation. so help to really create a turning point in the world. the merits of the faith also is a gym and forces you have a world once again in europe. and many of these a veterans will have that on their mind because they were fighting for what they said would be freedom and democracy and a peaceful future of europe. but of course we do have that conflict in the hearts of here. now the say paul is saying, so it's as simple as that in many ways they've decided not to invite the russian president vladimir bruce in order any russian delegation because they say rushes
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more of aggression and ukraine instead. hello dom is. let's give you create a new presence. will be here as a guest of on a, as simple. they say all those values of freedom and democracy, ukrainian forces fighting so hard a little, many fun against a russian forces. so that is one ukraine is really going to be on so many people's minds, and certainly we expect to hear about ukraine and some of those speeches of from the various will meet us. it will be here on during the se. right? natasha many sites that touch upon the life of the soul beach and normally day a d. j commemorations of science as one of reaching a tipping points in our climate crisis. as the world major logical organization is set to release a state of the climate report last year was the warmest on record a 1.48 degrees celsius higher than the pre industrial average. these tipping points would be made worse by the continued use of oil gas and co pay to newman is
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professor of sustainability across the university says we need to move quickly to slow down climate change to when i started in this business, i never thought that we'd have so much climate change actually happening, and it is getting to an excel oration now. so we, if we can get to the 0, the globe, we'll start cooling. but that's a hard process. we need to get going quickly. so the you in at cop 29, they're preparing for a time where i can cite we can now, oh it's so arriving this change. we're on the edge. you're changing, but it's not enough. it has to be an absolute change. and that's the kind of tipping when we've reached, you see in the last year we had on average across as of the world $26.00 days of extreme heat,
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extra $26.00. we're all experiencing some good up to a 180 mole in the then? no. so this is the kind of tipping point we told him in some places against the band and they are going to be just unbelievable. a lot of africa was really suffering. we have to change because the acceleration and the climate change is so rapid. we must change now. heavy rains continue to about the south. china is going she region, causing severe flooding in towns and villages. the torrential rain lashed more than $202.00 towns and 9 cities in the area, the city of hughley and renewed and are in july for extreme rank for downforce of killed 4 people in $10.00 in the past month. or of all kind of corruption on nicholas island in the central philippines has full hundreds of people to leave the
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homes. this time loves video shows them at mount com lounge 1st erupt, blowing out ash, cloud, 5 columbus is into the sky. right. and i said, familiar, don't forget our website. i was just there a don't come much more and a little hot, top stories. weather is next followed by inside story. make sure you stay with us for the next watching, the the hello. we're looking at more of the way of west, so whether pushing into sutherland central pots or china over the next day or so, you can see if the cloud showing up on the satellite pitcher ahead of that is fine and sunny for much of japan. the korean peninsula not too bad, but some shell was lacking there into east, in china and down across the south. could see some west the weather too just making his way towards badging. so northern past,
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also seeing some of that. what's the weather over the next couple of days and say the showers across southern areas being more widespread while i just catch a shower to the central parts of japan as well. so it's also saying some lobby sounds like a southern pulse of india the month. so it is doing quite nicely. we're looking at what was black line here, that is the actual position of the monsoon at present the blue line as well. sure. besides pretty much on cost, that's a little ahead of schedule i would towards bangladesh towards that final thing. some corner of india with the showers in place temperature is about where they should be pretty to say some heavy a best of rain at times. most places it might be, but some rain around, but i don't know if a little more of the way out of west them disturbance coming in across buckley stop pushing into the north west of india. so temperature is down a little here. we'll see the whole with the top temperature, the 40 the latest news as it breaks, the hot fidelity is
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a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all this further, this with detail coverage houses are being forced to be on the live with the constant fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hearts of the story. the is very well in the gall just flip has linked to on the desktop to control your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste, like the a general strength, demanding higher wages brings nigeria to a stand still, protesters say economic reforms have pushed more people into pharmacy, the government argues that they're necessary. so what's the root cause of the crisis and africa's most populous country? this is inside story, the


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