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tv   Witness Remains  Al Jazeera  June 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the main site and of how he a top story is on al jazeera. we begin in central golf. so weather as rainy ministry is carrying out as strong strong the thing. heavily populated areas we $75.00 published indians have been killed across the area in just a 24 hour period attacks. i've been targeting the alba rage on the gauzy, and i'll news there. it's refugee camps is right. it says it's ground. forces have moved into operation bodybags, so i'm pulling up the nearby, overwhelmed, alas, the hospital and there on bala is there any jets in artillery have been targeting the area where tens of thousands of forcibly,
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des space palestinians have been seeking shelter. and that's nice of you, of fun people was sleeping in the homes, children, messages of those, the human rights of the occupation talks about children. is this the humanity that they call for innocent children? birds of haven. this boy was his father's only child. him and his mother, his mother is here, she was mounted and here he is a mazda and is there any forest as a whole? so i have been detaining children in garza. some have spoken about their experience . he's running the occupation forces storm the areas right at homes in rounded residence. um we were held at gunpoint surrounded by tanks from all directions. we were stripped off that close old main, including my father and grandfather were detained. some women and children would have times to even a disabled person was taken of the world health organization says palestinians and goals are being forced to drink sewage water to survive as conditions across the strip,
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rapidly deteriorate. is there any restrictions on the aid has made clean water increasing lease gas? and the one says that a lot of fuel has full diesel, a nation plants to shut down. i'll send you as a traveling long distances to find voice and many have to spend hours in line every day to receive it. are the ones top humanitarian official mountain. griffith is urging for the safe entry of desperately needed to buy the serenade into gaza. we need say, fruits, we need better access. we need then to have clarity about how 8 workers who i needed to help the distribution of aid. you don't just dropped the age and go, it needs to be distributed so that the most vulnerable get the priority. that they should be enabled to go back to their work safely. so it's not rocket science. this is something we need. everyone. and prime minister netanyahu says israel is preparing from what he calls strong action in the north. he made the comments
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during the visit to an army base in northern israel and it comes off and miss are launched by the lebanese islands group. has buller hit theory this week, causing a huge fire. it's more loud. i'm about apple. yesterday. the ground was burning here and i'm glad you pushed us out. but the ground was also burning and living on the ways of things they can help us. and we will sit highly by is making a big mistake and we have prepared for a very strong action in the north. and in one way or another, we will restore security to the north. also, a nationalist is riley's and marching through okey potty stores. so, as part of the circled flag day celebrations, boxes rolls illegal up to k occupation a very off to the 1967 rule crowns have made incursions into the all acts the most common pounds in recent news, thousands of people who've joined the march through the city waving flags and shunting races slogans. last year, settlers protected by is really false, is also attacked. palestinians,
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and this prime minister in the body is holding crucial talks with political allies to form a new government. the b j. p has failed to secure an outright majority in the 6 week long general elections and will need support from allies to form a government. moody has claimed victory on choose day saying his alliance will with ton for a 3rd consecutive time. a volcanic eruption on nicholas on and in the central philippines has full hundreds of people to leave that homes face time, lots video shows the movements mount cam, loan fist erupt, said blowing out as an ass cloud 5 kilometers into the sky like a. those are headlines and these continues off to witness the
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. ready the, as i say, the case of the bill was in the case, the painting on the wall here and i go with you down there and have a little i would prefer to to take a look at it. okay. is that human? yeah, yeah, it's human 8. do mind that. i haven't ducal just a quick google. yeah. come on down. ok, thanks. so that basically
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means is that these potentially could be the oldest human remains in the, in, in america. i mean, potentially it could be, you know, what is it you're doing? i'm putting it in red felt i need to make a phone call here. so, so who are you calling? i'm calling perry talked to declare ms. drive. this is that need to american of the tribal leader. i need to consult with him about what we're going to do about this. hi, we've got a problem. we've found the tooth and cave number 2. yeah. when i put it and read felt i got it with sage. okay. we'll be taking the tooth with us, but it's uh, it will be re buried later. so, but don't you think this is something we could do? tell them that, i mean, make them interesting in, in the dna results. so if we were, maybe we could just take a new piece of,
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of it though. yep. it definitely is a tooth. now, where this was found, did you, did you find text goals? did you find? yeah, i think they just found some check stubs or did they found some text eyes? yeah. and they were indicative of the clements murdoch style. yes. to me there's your answer. you don't have to do uh, investigation uh, disruptive dna testing on this. this quicker to if we could show it with you need could convince all the sciences the, even though everybody else we can use that, that, you know, the jury pianist came into your 1st for example, that native americans hasn't been there so long as you are are people really aren't interested or not interested in, in the rest of the world. we've lived here for thousands of years and, and we're very comfortable knowing in our minds,
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we're not allowed to prove to the world anything i'm happy with the chosen. i'm gonna take it back to where it was found and i'm going to do ceremony on it. and i'm going to ask the creator for forgiveness for it being disturbed. no one has the right to disturb the remains of our people, the of the just
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the dear professor eskoville or slash my name is sarah and 6. and i'm a molecular biologist for montana. when i was 2 years old, some construction workers collecting gravel on my parents land came upon an ancient burial site with over 100 stone artifacts. and the partial and fragmentary remains of a small child. since it was found on my family's private land, the law does not make it subject to repatriation from the local tribes. i'm therefore inviting you to my home in montana to see the remains and possibly take a sample for further study. the really nice house so thank you. can i get you something to drink or? no, no, i'm fine. i'm new. where do we have the bones of their downstairs. uh huh. um. so you wanna see them now on the right. just see them right away. okay. here we can
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1st started earlier test on the bones, found that the skeleton was that of a 5 year old boy who passed away 12000 to 13000 years ago. to my knowledge, it's the oldest skeleton found in the americas today. the analysis of the columns of traditional is but they're really, it's an energy politics. so be careful as long as you're saying what they like to hear or they will be on your side. but as soon as you disagree with them, once they will come in
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the beginning of the mental fee. let's say i super, super fitness cajun. a one for you as a to be here week as a get to new tech. i'm talking to you and talk to someone about a specific i mean that you know, end up getting charged with these guys. yes,
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that would be seen the oil. what kind of guys enrolled members of professor state university in the american studies department. yeah, welcome. thanks. thank so i guess is good sir. if you want to discuss your genetic crime is your, i would say we took a little piece of the, off the phone a to get a complaint you know, and, and with those being all these theories about what shall we. so those be not you all are just the still even archaeologist, claiming that the 1st people come in to americas. what not the answers to some nice americans, but waiting on some of these, all the issue groups honestly, is this your opinions have heard about that. ok, this proves that needs for americans for the 1st ones. okay. and this child here is a spot on these are american. and basically it seems to be the rick and says, the always, to me,
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it is about 8090 percent of all new to americans today. the i want to thank you for what you did know it's kind of a lot to process. you know, i know, i don't know where to start the this is kind of south of the black feed west for the cro east for the stylish and then was just kinda north of relief for the showing. okay. it's been over a 100 years since the tribes are re forcibly removed from here. and they've been on the reservations and so we can drive to 4 different reservations, visit the different charge. yes. i believe that is the right thing to do. can you prove out in the troll reservation? yeah, it's how, how was it, i mean growing up there. oh i loved it as a kid, it's the greatest thing in the world, you know, and you have a huge extended family and i just had the greatest childhood. but what happens is
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you hit adolescence for a lot of us. i think the the weight of the, the depression and the despair and all that stuff starts to creep into your consciousness. i think it's in comprehensible when you're american and it, maybe you just, it's just too much. you can't deconstruct everything. you don't have the psychological, you don't have the intellectual tools know without knowing the history of tribes. everything the shattered our community. yes. do you just think the attendance or somehow lesser people because you've been bored into a community that isn't despair the the
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my great grandfather was the head cheap. and yeah, 2 sons, 3 songs with the youngest, one raised me tell passed away. he was on 50, were rich is younger, brother, yellow was on $33.00 board. wow. i'm so yeah. okay. news gave me my 1st name, pronounced one boy. well, and so we have a real close connection to the buffalo days. we would stride horses, race horses, square heart, skin holes or whatever, you know, when my grandfather died, they were trying to get me the word and modern playgrounds for me out there. and i ended up when he died. i ended up yeah, grow price philosophy was to show him, didn't cultivate the man. and. and we don't think that philosophy has changed. my
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grandfather's title uncle died about all the people i was in rank or with all that all of my best friends and bodies go on because my son is under the assisted living home i. our son because is traumatic brain injury because of all my other son. it was a former visual, smoked uncle, died at all. and my mother died of chicago since it's all because of the government relations. my friend, my great grandfather was the head she so as you know, if you're asking me if, if they should put the balls back. you know, of course, you know, the
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73 years and you just send into this area. we lost our sundance in the us government for this year to do a religion and then our elders passed away without passing it to the younger generation. so without that knowledge, our son, this went away always tell you that the skeleton is no longer with the sphere. spirit is what i deal with dealing with this period to go get back to those periods events. getting back to the side again, you know, come back to getting the,
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we are all relatives. remember that any time you see, i mean, you know, just an indian, so relo to, to and to the people that own this land. i say thank you for allowing us to come here. hey, our respects really thing is feared to go for the other side can of the needs of the to
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the . 2 2 the single stocks within tail, i'm sure that they need to succeed. 2 2 hoffman, amc sci fi, this can lead to the got sophia's can,
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the if we can get the leadership of the new, see you tween or you know, the 2 neighbors. uh, not too optimistic. you will get the endorsement that you need. have you seen this? you know, the indian community is not very happy with some log in with this approach this i see it as a threat to their own position in the country. oh yeah. and uh, as desecration of, of the remains of the ancient one, the, they call it the kind of with man is american indian communities. he's the ancient one. mm hm. and they feel very protective about giving him his his rightful rest. the scientific good seizure of his remains is extremely distressing in many people
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. mm hm. it's another result of that science on the american indian. i agree is brad science. this is exactly why we need some, you know, some kid a research to either confirm i'll most likely just confirm, right? these contributions based on just called me simmons. i mean, what would be the way to do this? it would be, but there are there's, there are difficulties that science has almost exclusively been used to repress and to have really no benefit for the community. uh, i of course understand your concern. but if we do any research, you have this opportunity to kind of say ok, well we will apply state of the art signs to question these kinds of conclusions.
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which in my view, which is based on 1st of all, very old school science, but probably also 3 poor science. right. why do native people not been saved candidates and breeze the newest technology and see if that can help us? you know, did all way insist those back. yeah. because it's always the newest technology. okay. whatever the state of the art science has been has always had a negative impact on the need of an indigenous people over the past 5 centuries. the so called scientific study of native people has been used to show their lack of civilization, the categorization of people, either physically, spiritually or eventually to be inferior, which then lead to policies of search extreme brutality on our
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children. life with supporting schools of this philosophy of kilby and getting save the man the idea about taking a plan because people are mentally incompetent. i can certainly see where we're coming from. the for sure. i mean, it hasn't been good. it's, it's been genocidal. ask, i want to think it would cheat frank, that relationship between signs and indeed people what, what do you think it would say? i think it takes it takes trust and that takes time and it takes sincerity. and proof. do you think? i mean, if they got kind of a back, would that help breaking some of the eyes? i think it might be a really strong. i know it would be
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a really strong part of the proof and cic turned out to be native american. and it's an older scale, it's in the content of it. so i think there's a higher chance of kennedy training all to be native american then something else based on that. of course i kind of for sure if the science supported the tribal position, i think that would be a very dramatic a new development and, and you'd be a hero a . so yes, it is just the final data, not launch. it shows you how much the genetic relatedness you keep on. it's absolutely no doubt that is closer to the conversion and that is 100 percent. the
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native american this is just native americans. yeah, i'm 100 percent. sure. and there's no new with, you know, that's great to know the so as you know, there's been quite a bit of controversy in regard to the ancestry. and after the ation of the categories man or the engine, when we manage based on 200 milligrams off the phone from the handful show up team is that you know when off it can be man we find when we compare to
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a world wide panel of contemporary populations that can be mand ancient. one is more closely related to contemporary native americans into any other contemporary organizations in the world. a mutual child over a sheet. here's the worry in daily, and this is truly the scientific crew will be best for us to reassure remarried. this is renee,
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be treated the through the we have bbc news, washington post nbc news history. no course back at all. no push back from the scientific community. for a 100 year old skeleton is finally over president. legislation, in that case, you're fine to try for the signature of american burials sometime this month. well, this is a good i mean the chance of finding a direct answer is basically simple because it really means you on proceeding in the fight between indigenous qualities and sciences and into an alternate. you knew this is 100 percent native americans. thank you very much for
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the you read the benefits of the controversy over kennewick, man, you're benefits of the scientific findings. we're taking the consequences of assigned by the law. right now you're writing ways of political correctness. there's some point that we have is going to crash on insurance. the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump flip side photos to try to win over black voters . these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on
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al jazeera in india illegal mining is having a devastating impact on an ancient mountain range and the local residence. tiffany, look at how much dust there is everywhere. my father is during the phase $1.00 oh, $1.00 east travels to india to investigate mining. gimme a ralph of the mountains on out to santa after years of strangers political battles, columbus congress span bullfighting nationwide. it brings to in, in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers, this victory, reevaluate culture. we inherited a culture of violence of torture. that does not deserve to be called culture. the law proposes binding all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers. this old tradition which used to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like,
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has reached its final thrust. the challenges with the feminine site. endo huh. here, top stories on out is there are the, is there any ministry is carrying out s tried solid take have any populated areas in central garza, they $75.00 published and these have been killed across the area in just a 24 hour period. attacks have been talking to sing the alvarez, alma, gone, see an elm, is there a refugee camps?
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israel says it's ground forces have moved into alvarez. female body bags of putting up at the nearby overwhelmed l. x. the hospital and they're all bella, is ready jets, an artillery up and targeting the area with tens of thousands of forcibly displays . palestinians have been seeking shelter. and last night, upon people was sleeping in the homes, children, messages of those, the human rights of the occupation talks about children. is this the humanity that they call for innocent children? birds of haven? this boy was his father's only child. him and his mother, his mother is here, she was mounted, and here he is a mazda and as to is there any forces? i've also been detaining children in gauze. some have been speaking about their experience. is running the occupation forces still in the areas right at homes in rounded residence. um we were held at gunpoint surrounded by tanks from all directions. we were stripped off that close old main including my father and
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grandfather were detained. some women and children would have times to even a disabled person was taken on to a nationalist, his writings and marching through ok pod east jerusalem as positive as so called flag day celebrations. and monks israel's illegal occupation of the area onto the 1967 rule. crowds have made and cousins and to the i likes the most compound last year. stuff is protected by. is there any forces, so attacked honest opinions and is probably going to send the body is holding crucial tools with political allies to form a new government. the b j. p has failed to secure one outright majority in the 6 week long general elections on will need support from allies to form a new government. there is a headlights,
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the warranty, and not with the building of the americas. i would be amazing if we found a native american connection. wow. the must be somewhere. the ancestors of native americans in siberia. no. wow. how many scholars that you're measuring like this? all of them because they charge of? well, they look very well preserved. has anybody done any on any of these? okay, so we could potentially be, i mean these could be related to native american in systems. right. and verify this
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. so i for god. yeah, yes. oh, you're a guy. how are you? whose every single to good. good. so your visit, connect to 3 months last night. yeah. that's the main reason. i mean, i'm trying to find the insistence of the 1st americans and you know, they should be somewhere in siberia. right. well, oh wow. i guess. yeah, yeah, yeah. it's pretty mcdaniels. yeah. okay. the task of mine was which was caught, caught the by humans. yeah. is there any of those sites where they have found truman material? i mean, besides my top, i mean, is there any sites like this? but whether it's also human remains found. i think it's a younger site. sure. also we're very close to searches. so i was like you had to be from human remains that because i know about the honest side, but i do yes. so yes, they have human remains bought about 1015 is people's. i mean,
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if you're talking about mo tarianna remains, i mean, is, is it a general? like, is it like in america, there's nothing like in america. oh, how, how is the situation with intention? is people being upset? no, is i never sure there's somebody do says that to reduce thompson good bad for them during this time all into juniors people as a go through the soviet schools. all children are collected from tundra, from forest and brings to the big settlements through the schools. so all of them. and so they have people who spam to at least 10 e as in the school and the soviet somebody there. so yeah, 5 is that? yes, very many of them the piece, the they don't follow any rules of their ancient tribes. so this big thing you could get me in touch with this picture will go via, you know,
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to provide the samples no problems. ok. these might go into a colleague and friend. we'll be ready to start and the collaboration review, the few guys, the whole staff called like how much a to find like some of the lease a bit. and so he was p a to, to some hopes in austin, north frontier where they had parked his point starts point to the get him initiate the who for, you know, as a future most of the mental can, which way you will be a see me a cox cubic talk to take that to john mccain doing. that's
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a mazda 6 of youtube us offices in the world. that's what i 1st thought when i saw your data, is that wait a minute. i as a northern european, northern western europeans have just as much right to these columns as the native americans doing the teaching some of, instead of just going to be continued to boost gate there at before. and lock sauce boss, who's gonna say this? because, you know, let's just keep going to click and save the people's laptop dot not really one car. we what happens? you know, where did they come from? when did they call and with the kenning mcmann returning to the tribes. right. i think all the try to start engaging with us trying to get the remains back. right. so it's, it's very key for example, but, but the issues, i mean so,
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so can we put the native american soon? did you is 10000? yes. of course it all set up with the also likes that they actually, you know, decision. so somebody that came from asia, i mean, and you're going to tell them that the sentence from pulse or your p s. was it like that? i mean, i never said we would give them what the one to see. i've said we're giving them what the beta shops and think has been buried. kenneth mans been very, you know, i understand you're interested in looking at spirit k. that's the best human skeleton in the americas. and as soon as you get done with your work, they're going to stick that entire scale it and probably the clothing on it in the dirt in nevada. painted. you have a dispute time. so johnny, yet how do you know it's running buddy to take some time? so if i'm going to be interesting man, but the, i mean it's those, i'm good. i mean, i'm going to the pipes to show we really should not only do things for gaming,
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but we get multiple samples, you know, from that area. and so can, because really paid all nice. i mean, that's what's really important. but let's mean, do they know that you're the guy that has put out this, put the european montague theory on the i, they don't know is so why don't we put it in the scientific community in the loop as they just need as to why? so you're not going to tell them, oh no, no, i mean, that would be on the right under these, you know, we're going to sample, but i'm, i'm fine out. you know, choose, which would you, did you is what, what if you get the results right from the st times have gone up just cold enough to the problem. okay. sure. or the issue mandy are here, we're getting close to the,
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this is in fact only the 2nd time i have, i'm going to go into the cave. oh wow. me only stood at a distance unknown. so there's an urgency to us, you know, and bringing our people home. we think about, you know, financially came our tribe continue this journey. and it was a lot of questions that we had. yeah, i guess as souls hope is expensive and kind of gold fees, right. to fight for these remains. now we have social issues that we can spend our money veteran. we have other things as with other people, you know, other tribes and we're small tribes. yeah. we wanted to share with you our history, our culture, because obviously not only myself, but other tribal members are tribal leaders. see something we'd like to bring in anything, you know, and honesty and i know with your history of your science, you know,
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it may change. but right now it's, we feel that it's tolerable. you know, there's a little bit of truth that we can at least trust, truth, entrust is, you know, is a lot you know, sometimes people are coming to our lives for reasons whether we feel it's good or bad as normal as we learn from most people. and we feel that you weren't chosen to walk on the path with and that's very important to us. it is the you don't know what you're dealing with. and it's scary for us to think about
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because you know, some of these, some of the remains they're, they're good people, some of them are not so good people. some of them have their met, their medicine in, you know, and women. and there's powers that they were buried with, and you start disturbing that and you know, we have to eventually have to deal with that. and we pass on and, and in this life, in to the next, we have to answer to that. we have to answer to those on the dusty trail they have does. they can continue on their journey as we would want to. and we have to answer and they're, they're probably going to ask us, you know, why were they not good enough to come home? and it's not for other people to understand. it's not for other people to judge, it's not up to interpretation,
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but that's our reality that we live in the right now we're just going to say a quick prayer for sure. and it's very simple. and pray that the spirits are at rest, that they understand that the work is not meant to be harmful. we. we pray that nothing follows us from here. from our relations. the 4th and 8 dates are far and sick. cubic man from a tile and participant jane of yours for the day so far is your boss was probably came in. so for 30 minutes, i have used to watch of wayland, this is booked for 2 days from taylor,
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from beach to never been to pay on it to me from the tribes people are coming or is that from other places we have people from all over in nevada, we have the chairman, we have council, we have a tribal members. ok, thank you very much. it's a, it's a great honor for me to, to be here. and the, i'm very pleased that you can see that some of the work we have done with the dna testing have actually help you getting your answers those back. i know that the me, the community has helped me. well, we have always been the we, we team from this land and the for you, i would say it's also been a little bit difficult for me to, to present this data because maybe some of you will not like it. but anyways, not that long ago. we were looking at
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a skeleton remains 24000 years old from the buy top, which is inside the area. and to our great surprise, but we sold the genetically is an individual who is genetic, this in king pots in native american and partly your opinion. okay, and is so in other words, it's your opinions, doctor rice, a tomato, americans and a somehow crossing you know, the bearing land bridge. i would say this is the best bet at the moment off, off what science can see off off of your ancestry. so yeah, i just wanted to be honest, i didn't want to be like the other sciences that i was just fulcher with lies and stuff. right. i mean, i mean it hasn't been easy for me standing,
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i knew that it wouldn't be well received. of course, i mean in the, i knew that, but at least i'm honest, right. about your series. yeah. about your theories. you're going to be honest with us. we've heard those types of things before. those theories change all the time.
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the language was easy. so my gosh, i'm the twins because many, i mean, dates, if it is what you do, it's in coma, 5 opposite beach. afraid to make a like of that, mr. as i said on at, at the door for him to come to you. if i'm in other parts of period, take me get me. i'll talk to jason gates. i think it takes to a blue moon escape it or the probate he saw the process of getting for spent that both days or would you be coming or what's written. so i will go through up to the due event,
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or is both based over switch these to show you how do i can beg, i'll beg office to because his name is the who who dies makes kate let me include i load that mr. refund, or did you say to do the misconduct on echo thing was the single uh hold on for di, lots for it to come up. be see it is a centurylink. i'm in the old of asked to ask lucy as big as a i goes to your back in just equally as accurate to going to tell you, i mean as of the beat as what we mean when you receive going from just the $1000000.00 cost more money from the lump sum so you receive, as of this, could be set as easily purposely as
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a offer. so some of what we said a present to visit him and dave to do cool what i saw in north week as a culturally or a cost you a quote or a cop. as i knew it was locked as a new class, the communities some some diag and moving back in june from you guys close over here to meet you. maybe it's just a coincidence, but i'm i, i just take care of those. so so remains. we call it and then sickness paid on it. i mean that's a spiritual sickness or hinge and sickness or whatever, you know, these guys were talking about. how much doing this even to that? i mean, of course, on the sign system, are you done with your science yet?
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are dead there and if interrupted place, you know, we, they never asked to be prisoners of science. is that somebody who could help me if there are people out there? i think i want you to talk to somebody i know of a person who can possibly help you and everything we can try to, you know, you don't carry the believe that remains are kind of sacred. yeah. in the to be left alone. so when you do that, the spirit will kinda mess with your mind. yeah. sometimes they do worse things and we've seen that with our challenges. do we see what the answers are? stuff done to them. okay. and it's real in our own indian people, they're the ones suffering also because we're not taking care of our ancestors the
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way we should be. and a lot of them are still in museums and other places where there shouldn't be some as i'm making exhibiting from doing these kinds of sources, right. this is what i'm doing and, and it's also a, it, it seems to show while i have help getting some of these remains back. yeah. and we tried to help you the best we can. we have things that we can use and keep you to help you protect your spirits and your soul and yourself because you're doing so much good for our people. you really brought these ancient ones home and in our creation legends were made from the dust and the dirt. and when we die, we should go back to the dust and under an or whenever we walk on mother earth, we're always walk on on the shoulders of our ancestors. that's turned back to the
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the launch source much all the time. so here we think we thought about this wrong. and so when i tried to recall these, did the c jim shoot, i'm a new deal, guys for training and they're flop for the new is causing it. blue is some you fix the, you know, a pretty busy, so a country shopping on some of your, a fucking, the top blue a, the target, the portfolio piece of this is difficult as
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a just to some and find the use be quite hard for me to present the, preparing this tool because along this route, i have this interpretation to some of my own findings. basically because i'm in your opinion and is pretty clear that background has affected how i initially interprets agent the results. because i assume your opinion must be the only one, the america must be the only one. and based on that, you know, i myself, when i'm trip, retrieving my data. and i'm taking that to you. and it was 1st when i got
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a rick evidence which contradict the desk. i was like, oh, what have i done? you know, this, this is totally wrong. we can see the display of genre and most ha, is neither ation. neither european, it's something complete. so when the branches separates into what we eventually becomes european and eventually becomes what we call asians to be. that was actually a 3rd group of people enriching way, way back and showing. and these people's were the ones that settled. you know, the by concept, the 5 final long time ago and also 5 or 6000 years ago domesticated the horse and native americans at the riving, among other things, from this group of people. and in that sense, you can say sciences,
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we always want to present ourselves as being very objective, right. but i just have to contribute, at least on my own behalf. what i think i've, that goes to a lot of my colleagues to, i mean we're also a product right on that societies have been part of and raced by. and this is also affecting the way you can see. you can interpret the, the latest news as it breaks. the hospitality is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all this further, this with detailed coverage houses are being forced down. they live with the
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constance. fear that more is right. is hawks are never far behind from the hall. so the story, the is very well in the gaza strip has led to talk to can go in the military and position as a huge amount of waste, like force the factory, the hello hi, i'm place to say it's looking dry now across the southeast of brazil, we are looking at the fine and sunny weather coming in here, most area of high pressure, hey, this is a blocking feature. this waiving weather system, producing a little bit of rain that will push this way up towards red, but not too much way in the way of west a weather coming in here. because the high is just suppressing those showers far to drive on a service at around 15 degrees celsius. a lot of the dry weather, with a high pressure pushing up in across the amazon northern parts of south america across to look very unsettled,
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more heavy showers. coming in here. over the next couple of days, i stretched the way up across the panama and a garage, costa rica, quite a line, a very wet weather there, into cuba, into jamaica, into a good part of his spine jala. we're going to see some very wet by the coming here that could cause some localized flooding. we used to not, as i am pleased to say, do like fine and dry. so i'm looking for the cricket here. over the next couple of days. we're not going to see more showers just creeping in across the crates around to spell the less around. totally lost the set back. set 5 across the west side of north america. right with the next dial side. but across the plains, pushing across the what was the operations, some very heavy showers with the possibility of thumb that of the years from i'll just on the go and meet tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the,
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this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites app to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at your thing. is it the hours before is killing a canadian seat key? there, said the agents of the indian governments were pumped into assessing a fault lives, explores how the call for an independent state, a spilled beyond india's borders and investigates. the nations election campaign of eliminated critics. on foreign soil, begin the assessing nation on a jersey to the colleges with
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the the money in sight. this is the news line from coming up in the next 16 minutes moves the slowing and hospitals are overwhelmed in central garza where israel launched its latest ground. a sold a desperate need for clean water across the strip. the solid nation plants have


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