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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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data to biomedical research, this block market creed not only indeed just was probably made populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of pathogen free. the roads over flowing and hospitals overwhelmed in central golf. israel's looms, it's the latest ground, the sold, the i'm not even sorry this is out of their life from the will. so coming up, the desperate need for clean who set across concert? the cell a nation collins have sunk down due to a lack of fuel putting the health of palestinians at risk attacks against
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palestinians and some journalist and will keep on easter eastern alternation. this is, randy is making incursion into the alex the most compound during a controversial emotions growing security ties with africa, strength and moscow announces it will provide ministry a to compete. we begin in central garza where he is really military is once again carrying out as strong as targeting heavily populated areas nearly $75.00. how the stadiums have been killed across the region in just a 24 hour period. is there any jets onto the array of attacked areas around there all by the, with tens of thousands of forcibly displaced palestinians have been seeking shelter for the banks and planning on pepsi nearby. i like so. nice. nice and the fun
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people with sleeping in the homes, children mess the kids of those. the human rights of the occupation talks about children. that is this picture man and see that they cool. 4 innocent children, boots of haven. this boy was his father's only child. him and his mother, his mother is here, she was mounted, and he, he is a mazda and as always, in inside the hospital there been scenes as tales. engine civilians being rushed to be overwhelmed. facility medical teams don't have a stall fool the supplies to properly treat the wounded. israel says it's ground forces to move into elbow ridge county. it's one of the 3 counts near there all by those that have come on the attack. the other 2 are all mcgasey and out and is there. it's meanwhile, at least 4 people live in killed. and it is really striking. garza city, 40 bodies with less gas it on the street. so to the attack which targeted all ramon neighborhood more than $36586.00 palestinians have been killed since october.
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as case a honey my food, he's lonely for some darrow ballot in central garza honey. let's start with a situation at those camps that i mention. what is the latest you can tell us from that? it yes, well, there's only one thing that is dominating the scene right now. more death and destruction across the send from the area and what we are reporting about right now, just the within the past hour, the series of multiple air strikes that cause they build a fire, the southern eastern part of their in ballasa city. and they are to the entrance of others about how the refuge account, the eastern part of the law had been road caused the murder of the 3 people from one families away transfer right away to the hospital or at least double the number of injuries also arrived to the hospital, this is part of ongoing military campaign by this really military that is started
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at the early hours of yesterday's evening and really we're looking at the shopping number. we're reducing people are killed at a record number including women and children, 85 people. so far can firm killed within dis, this the past 24 hours here from the center of the area from about how these are raised refuge account and the southern eastern part of the city. not only will look it up further, civilian casualties are a the results of these air attacks and relentless or hillary settings, but also the further civil, the further destruction costs, due remaining residential buildings, public facilities, and infrastructures. according to eye witnesses, there are both those inc activities going on to the eastern part of the central in the area. nearly removing any remaining is social service and services elements or
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all means of life. that includes the schools that privately owned the clinics, markets, locations, anything that could sustain people when they go back to their home. this is not the 1st time we're seeing people that they use to in part of the central area being at the top. it's not, it's all the 3 weeks where people have started to go back to as much as the end of the race rivers. you can to instruct their homes to try to do some clean up to stay and whatever lifted from their building. you have to do only that to be pushed into further and force displacement at the city of theater. but that is a really becoming a very crowded is running out of the facilities that infrastructure adding more pressure on or really exhausted and public facilities including this hospital honey, my, me the for us and 0 by that and central girl. so thank you. the you as palestine refugee agencies warning the people in gauze are not getting nearly enough more to families, travel long distances in the heat,
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often to find route at treatment planning shots because they don't have enough fuel to operate into all categories in 0. by the way, it's a basic necessity of life, but for policy means in carpet clean water is cars. thousands of this place, people travel every day by foot to what is the cause of last operating in the nation plants that even the it's an everyday old deal. we come to, to will, to $2.00 to $3.00 times a day that some of this was the drinking and some we use the washing. it's a crisis, a daily mental and physical struggle with drained and exhausted. most of cause i just want to treatment and sanitation infrastructure has been badly damaged or destroyed by israel since october 7th. so how does the news here now rely on what 8 gets to is where you have restrictions and remaining treatment ends. but there's not enough fuel getting into the strip to keep them running hot but no other way
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the station stopped operating due to lack a few. that's what we were told. we finished see will to to workshop alone and nothing like them, but it's not suitable. it's just too salty. the crowd is conditions unlock assignment taishan here means there is a concentration of disease and without clean water, even basic hygiene becomes a struggle. i have 2 boys with special needs. they need care and they need water. it takes me about an hour to go get water. sometimes when i get back, i find them crying in the tent. they need someone to stay with them. they need mineral water and it's not available. they need a proper tent and hygiene. 7 water is adding more misery to the lives of tens of thousands of college sinews currently saying it makes it tough after being displaced several times in the past few months. and then somebody adds a 0. that is the product time altered nationalist is riley's marching through. okey
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parties, tourism that's positive vesa gold flying day celebrations, and most israel's illegal occupation of the aerial to be 1967 full crowds have made incursions into d. o x. the most compound now in which to me is thousands of people have joined the much for you. the city waving flags, intone, saying, racist, slave ins. these are the latest my pictures we own guessing from inside l. accent. most compound, it shows that that's what i was referring to. we can see that uh is where the forces detaining a palestinian mine inside the alexa most compound. i'm just reminded benjamin. actually, i was cabinet his band alger there or from reporting inside israel, which is why correspond in wrong con is in, in the jordanian capital for us. i'm on, you've been as many previous flag not just avenue in ron. it is the violence we're
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seeing today is that any different from previous years? well, the show answer to that is yes, this is a much more violent of flag date marks me seen in the previous years. the language, even before the blackboards taking place had changed, the participants was saying that on october, the 7th, a mass cooled their attack on israel, the alex, the floods we are cooling, this flood, it with is really flags. almost as soon as the nationalist people arrived in 2 occupied east jerusalem. they started attacking palestinians. young kids were attacking old palestinian. we've seen pictures of that. they were attacking sharps that were running into the shops. the police simply lost control. these ready police simply lost control. in fact, what they did was they also published it needs to simply show to the shops because they couldn't control these people in previous years. what we've seen,
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and i saw this last year, i was live on and i was being spots out. i was being insulted as always, trying to report from that flag brought to basketball game this year. jen unless have been attacked, but not just palestinian john, this is right. each of us have also been attacked. these people in effect saying and celebrating the fact that they've occupied east jerusalem. they say that this is our territory, but you're not going to have any part of this. in fact, we want rid of every single allison. so it's not just the language, it's not just the violence, it's the fact that the police. alrighty. and they've done this in previous years of any ever arrested the pa, the thing is the police out there to protect those being attacks that try and keep control of the attack. as indeed so far we put the 3 pallets the needs of interest and we just perhaps mention that or live on it full on getting
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a risk. we saw that lights on and this is the way it is from now on last year, when i was covering the black box, we were told it's a very simple political analysts from very simple parts of the world, though, just israel itself, when they was saying that actually, this is much more indicative of what is rate society looks like. it is a much more open the races, a much more right wing society the we've seen before. it's backed up by the police . as we've seen the evidence visual screens, like i say, the police on that to protect those being protected, but still to try and keep control of those they need tags last year and we've seen this again this year. we've seen people with guns, people whose guns on the young tell us the new men simply just trying to protect older palestinian women that would publish the new men from being attacked. so it is a much more farther protesting somebody will vocally racist or protest. we've seen the crowds shop desk to arabs in mass on mass. they've been charging that. so it is
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something that perhaps we haven't seen before. yes, there is. and from these people off to the type of the 7 attack, but there's also support for the war. this guy goes even when you off the if this is a genocide and people in these ready media, i was going to be able to, leslie's not limits to get back to end of what they say. we need to just go in there and slight and goes completely. that is the aptitude and attitude. is that being translated into violence against palestinians in occupied industries, think that they run content. it's also with remind to go. what is the reason in mind? con is not that inside jerusalem is because out is there a has been found from reporting the from inside israel the french parliament is once again in time we'll off to and make us stood up with the palestinian slides one week off to another. and deputy was temporarily suspended
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for the same thing. rachel k. k, a left wing politician of the l f. i policy rule the flag of the stock government question session with all the colleagues. dressed in green, white, red and black. is you quite sure? so can you presume offers on say, i think that what we're doing by bringing in the palestinian flag by being nearly 100 and peas to through our close make the palestinian flag. well, it's a way of bringing the power of a symbol into the national assembly. and the symbol is to say that we will not stop until france as a sign of peace recognizes the state of palestine until french decrees in arms and bar go against netanyahu. was extreme right wing government. the has been going far outside the us embassy, and they root the lebanese on the says
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a gunman involved in the shooting house, been injured, and i for him and said, ahold of has moved from bay rich as there is a security incidents in the vicinity of the entrance of the u. s. embassy, just north of babe ruth, early on wednesday, behind me some 700 meters, was where the shooting happens. as you can see, lebanese army soldiers deployed the they have sailed all roads leading to the embassy, the lebanese army, and a brief statement said that there was a shoot out, and they, they apprehended a gunman who was wounded and that he was a syrian national. lovely security sources are saying that this was not the work of just one man and the there were others involved a driver and possibly 2 other assailants, one who, who managed to escape and another who was killed. there has been no claim of responsibility, but on the 5th is asked. the wounded gunman was wearing the words assign makes faith was written on them. we've seen this is the 1st read. a talk of its kind in
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years. yes, there has been violence intention around the u. s. embassy in recent months, due to as well as war on girls are there have been violent protests. but, but like i mentioned, the motive of this attack is still not clear. and there's still no claim of responsibility center for their elza 0 north evades. still has on out, is there a way report from the indonesian islands of new new coach when mountains a bu has erupt and spearing ash 7 kilometers into this guy. the hello rain clouds are building across the good parts of central china. over the next couple of days, we are looking at some what to weather down towards the south as well. meanwhile,
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for the korean peninsula, and for japan, here it is. set back with some pleasant sunshine. let me go with some showers into that. is the side of china down towards the south could catch some very heavy down, pull some summary down pulls, it could cause some localized flooding west. so whether that's going to break the heat up towards the north of china, biting down to around $26.00 celsius. as i find the re breakdown takes place as we go into the we can meanwhile, plenty of fund rachelle is across southeast asia, which just will be across a good pots of small for the heavy. a down pull is a rolling in across bonia, west and northern possible any i could see some flash flooding over the next day, also heavier. right? and that's on the costs for southern parts of india, the monthly mines that cost, but the which is whether will be in some young mall, north of that generate dry some shelves into the northeast, into bangladesh. but know to some what to whether that's just time for him, but he talked to was the northwest, so there's still a little above average. i still attend that level. that's not too bad for the time
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. if you did tell you 40 to some of that temperature here for friday, the from palestine to pakistan from syria to me and donasia ok foundation was delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe, supporting communities in areas affected by a whole family conversation and dishonest. your coupon a isn't lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give you a coupon a today without kind of foundation of the the
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they're watching out as a reminder of our top story is best our, these really ministries carrying out as strikes on heavily populated areas in central gulf that 75 palestinians have been killed in a 24 hour period. tax the targeting refugee camps including calibration out in the gauzy alternation which is riley's and marching through of to 20 service. and the cost of the simple plant day celebrations, crowns have made incursions into the o x. the most compelling is rose in equal occupation of the area up to the 1967. russia's foreign minister, 2nd liberals has arrived in booking a fast so on his latest scope on his full concrete tool of west africa, laska has been attempting to strengthen its ties across the african continent. on
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wednesday, lover of announced additional military supplies and instructors to help build up for kena fast. those defense capabilities. nicholas huck has moved from costs and there's a real sense from the african countries perspective that russia offers an alternative to western countries or to other super powers that are acting in the region for guinea. for instance of the leadership and getting a swing to renegotiate. it's a, it's access to manuals, it has one of the biggest reserves of box sites in the world. uh, no international companies exploiting that. and rushes sees an opportunity to here to, to come in and to perhaps a build more economic partnership. it is not just in the country is that large growth is visiting. let's talk about the share in this a hell, where we're seeing american soldiers asked to step out of the country where they had their biggest drone operation and russian soldiers stepping in. now the russians are also going up the uranium
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a areas you rich and uranium set, the french were exporting up until now. so it, it is, go is circular, but he is visiting countries that are richard and minerals and countries that need more security. and that's something that the russians can offer in counter part, it wants better and bigger economic relationships. the russian, a, africa trade is worth $14000000000.00, not towards the european union. that 3, it's over $300000000000.00 worth of goods and services with the african continent. and perhaps so a good lover of here is trying to re establish a more equitable balance of relationship on the economic front walls, increasing security ties. the india is governing political alliance has unanimously elected prime minister in the
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moody as it's needed. it's expected to form a new government in the coming days. bodies b, j. p. low states sweeping majority in the 6 week elections and have to enter into coalition towards armando, the indian government has failed to give visas to alger. there is correspondence to cover the story. so we're reporting on the selection from outside the country. here as we may call some sharif, the political parties in the huddle of the elections in india delivered shocks, results the 6 week non polls give the governing b j b a. when, but not to pay a majority. it now less to rely on allies to form a government. india is low, has a parliament has $543.00 seats. a potty or coalition needs to secure 272 seats to form a government. the b j. b 1240 seats, not enough for the majority, but with the help of its allies. it's secure. 293 seats. the opposition congress
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has nearly doubled a chair from previous elections with $99.00 seats and the room with its allies. it's 1232 seats. the database quest for hedge a monic dominance has been hosted somewhat and more importantly that this whole thing of the job, the not of the more the juggernaut of the search for dominance has come on the back of the uh, the, the realities of the everyday lives of citizens of india, or voters of india on tuesday, prime minister marine the mo, the claim victory saying his alliance will return for the consecutive to him. it comes up to the deep sea divides of campaign, where he was accused of hate speech. moody had initially set to tell with a winning 400 seats, but the party lost in crucial states. the b j b says the target was to mobilize because on the ground, every party wants to say tigers. to motivated it's workers. reset i was,
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i funded mc 70 the view that the was was good motivated to achieve those goals. the opposition aligns that also. some traditions is also holding tops, nearly 28 national and reach new policies, teamed up for the 1st time, and to defeat the b. t. p. exposed see economic issues led voters to post the ballots in protest against the government. given the fact that we've had a lot of good but vague, this little climbing and also the government has missed it on the things that commented and messed up things back. but he's sick. these issues have led people to believe that just one thing for bigotry is not going to do the trick going forward in the interest of their own future. from the newspapers to the people on the street. the election results have taken many by surprise, and most of these decision to build a temple in a u. t. a on the side of
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a former most appears to have failed to donna much support main bob. yet the main thing is that you should not to make room temple an issue. i can do rem, temple is okay. but if you don't have jobs, what will a temple do? for now, coalition politics has returned to india and visit the uncertainties of governing a nation for the world's largest population and the consumption of these of just 0 . south korea is hosting an advert cultural conference for african nations, which it hopes will relieve weld. honda royce is an important staples to some african countries in south korea has become a will lead to in the grains cultivation. brought mcbride as the support from so as for the host of south korea, this conference demonstrates its rapid development from the recipient of overseas aid to a don't. a nation which can now help others, especially in the production of food,
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almost desert tons of law. we will work to strengthen advocacy food security capabilities. we will actively promote agricultural transfer and contribute to increasing food self sufficiency. south korea and farmers have made pioneer and good bonds in agriculture, no more so than any rice production. and it's so cold k rice belt project across parts of africa is aimed at supporting farm is that accurate cultural centers help promote more resilience rise seats while spreading education and the use of new technology. what distinguishes korean strains are the yields, compared to many african varieties. korean crops can produce mold in twice the rice, a top to 6 tons by hector, with young, rapidly growing populations to feed and the worst and in climate crisis. more african countries are looking to increase production lemonade i hear from me. i
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would like to commend the k rice built initiative for lunch, but korea, which is a testament to the principal partnership. the career has forge with the african countries. the goal is to distribute enough high resilience seats. the african farm is in the next 3 years to grow rice for 30000000 people, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so for you and the secretary general and tony gutierrez, has given an overview on the stage, typically will climate crime crisis, including how some policies are falling behind? in an address of the american museum of natural history, he says, action needs to be taken edge and need to salvage the planets environments. edison nichol cause more like the fact that you might remember this power is 2015. a rad. moving to label consensus as a power as agreement was force, it was a historic deal with widespread support. a primary objective to phase out fossil
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fuel emissions, to keep temperatures from rising. ideally no more than one and a half degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. well then, a 9 years on the world has failed to deliver as temperature of soul in his call to arms, the un secretary general said that failure is super charging, whether extremes costing billions and displacing millions. yet even as climate parallel strikes a parts of the globe, not one of the g 20 countries is causing emissions quickly enough. the energy transition is happening is just to slay. meanwhile, the fossil fuel industry is still being subsidized on a massive scale last year. a record 7 trillion dollars is that is more than government's believe we spend annually on education. and fossil fuel companies invested just 2 and a half percent of capital spent on clean energy in 2023. the rest on keeping the
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cold business of oil, coal, and gas running. how many will points to how some governments are not only ports in climate policies, but also actively reversing them. it's pretty evident that it has to change and fast. as the secretary general said, it's time for leaders to decide who's side there on tomorrow is too late. thousands of people have been forced to flee that homes on the information on and if north mulligan, juicer, almost daily volcanic eruptions on a be low has moved from the west helm hair, a region after decades of being dormant, mount able in the remote how behavioral region of indonesia, interrupting tens of thousands of tremors, had been recorded since the beginning of may. and it's seriously for options has sent ash raining of surrounding villages that's forced more than 2600 people within the volcanoes. 7 kilometer danger zone to leave the area. that's fine. got
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a lot for the good news. i've been here since may 27th because there was a huge a reduction thing and we saw fire and lightning coming else. volcanoes, crisis we own, got really skid. people are allowed to come home during the day, but troops are in stand by with military trucks ready to move people away from danger. in case the russian gets worse, forties, raise the alert level for mount equal to the highest in a ford tier system on may 16th. and since then, it's been a rough thing, almost every day, spewing as columns as high as 7000 meters, a disaster mitigation officials have also been using drone technology to map out potential hazards from cold lava flow with rain pouring today. flash pods could carry a dangerous mix of frocks, gas, and nash as they did after mount murat. b in indonesia as west as the mushroom regions erupt at last month. and more than 60 people died
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of the corners of the situation in terms of the, the policy things and, and, and also those that are the very 1st feeds. uh, uh, we are trying to, uh, identify if uh, if. so it'd be any, it'd be flo. how, what are the possible congestion? but those are the recreation can say the more immediate concerns, the fine line. we appreciate that they give us food, but our problem is money. because we still need to spend for our children who are in school. we can't make money for here all day because while the government has promised to provide assistance, it's not clear how long before mount ego comes down. find it below l. g 0, west. how my hair, indonesia, severe weather and flooding along the south, africa's east coast has killed at least 21 people left hundreds homeless. mid a minute. has this update because this is other don't go. these are tomatoes. a
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driver kept as a tomato building up in south africa's kazoo natal province by the time many could 6.


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