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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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i think that the new thing you have one of these governments with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking nonsense that you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he decided to present as not the need for the fact that he had the story on told to how does era he failed to get the sweeping majority, he promised voters induce november. modi will now have to join a coalition to form a governance. he has been accused of promoting device of policy. so what the lesson has this vote really sense that his party and will there be change? this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm sort of any a new vendor moody is expected to serve. another term is prime minister of india, but with a significantly reduced majority, you will have to partner up with other parties to form the next government is governing b. j. b has failed to win a clear majority after a 6 week long parliamentary election. and with this set back, many are now asking whether moody strategy to reshape india has backfired. we'll be discussing this further with our guess, but a reminder before that that the indian government has failed to give visas to alice's ears. correspondence to cover this story. so we are reporting on this selection from outside the country here as if to some good foot the, the celebrations were loud and triumphant results not so much. my minister knew rangel motives declared victory in india's general elections. though his party must, it's majority. the city kind of economy in this, the, to the country will light
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a new chapter of big decisions. this is modi's guaranteed mode the got to be without a clear majority, the governing bgp will have to join in alliance with political allies to reach the 272 seats needed to secure a 3rd term. nobody had aimed to grab 400 seats of the 543 member lo warehouse. instead, his party fared worse than in the last 2 elections. a love, i gave him all the good colored. yeah. it seems like monique of a shock. we believe it has positive work as well. i was a confidential, that's why they lost so many seats. all the confidence values support for moody saw a particular drop in the crucial constituencies of which are per dash, and d as most populous state defined predictions. the congress party led india lions, me to come back to their movement the government, india for decades after its independence, but lost to the b. j. b. in 201420. 19 the alliance,
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1223 seats overall and described the results as a moral defeat for moody prime minister, his leaded advice of nationalist campaign, targeting movements, calling them infiltrators and raising some of their heritage. this and discontent among the youth have been blamed for the b j. p. setbacks. unemployment has risen to 8 point one percent. a jump from the 6 percent recorded pre pandemic, according to figures from a private think tank. some voters say the worlds fastest growing, major economy has left out many estimates club month bucks. so among the public wanted to see a change because of the increasing inflation and unemployment, which is why the vote has guided the national democratic and lives of victory. but with a strong opposition for a decade, the render moody's party and popularity seem to have an unstoppable rise. but after
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6 week election marius on the 640000000 ballots counted in a day delivered and unexpected roadblock. proof that the world's biggest democracy still has a lot to say if this and getting food, i'll just 0 inside story that's bringing our guests and moon by i see from the a spokesperson for india is b j. p joins. this will be. we're delighted to talk to you today in your daily valet, single author of the book, a yoga city of faith, city of discord, and in new york, rob younger, while editor in chief of foreign policy and author of india connected how the smartphone is transforming the world's largest democracy, a warm welcome to you all at mr. butler will go to you 1st. it's an all day, isn't it? to be a b j. p spokesperson, because your party is the largest in india. nobody's denying that. but in itself so far short of its own targets, i was wondering what is your current level of disappointment and even concern?
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honestly. well, let me tell you that there is no disappointment whatsoever. i don't understand why all the victory is being shown as the last. yes, i understand the expectation of the people of the country and of the board of us was definitely more than what we were supposed to bring the full so far. so good exam we were we were supposed to positive examinations with a 90 percent boss. but before unfortunately it wasn't 75 percent, but that still falls into distinction. right. but there are, there are all those who have been. 5 less than a 100 boss and the way the got, i mean, i the, you know, just the way the quarterly but okay. yeah. let's play i. yes. please. he's like the, me in the politics. i know, but uh so i think you already know the answer. this is, or relative to expectations, the expectations for the b, b,
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j. p. were set by what they were said by your prime minister and a rand, remotely. a campaign slogan, was this time go for 400? i beg your pardon, i'm sure the translation is an exact but you know, the slow you're talking about go for 400 days, but i just finished. i'll just finish which is a super majority in parliament. right? those were the expectations. that's how high they were said they were set by mister moody himself. okay. and obviously you, you completely failed to meet that you in fact lost your absolute majority. that's why i ask you a question about disappointment. you know, i learned about this, please. if you give me a parent at that time, we expected full on this and why shouldn't be? it's always good to be a domestic. okay. certainly there was some struck, i mean, there was, there was some issues in terms of deliverables. so the, the, the, the, the people of the country has given us a monday. now the people of this country, well done it by the,
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by not the visa stuff is not the b j. p a mandate. they have maybe give them the alliance a mandate, but the b j. p. count the, it's all this you go lies. what does it, what is your position? the call this is the 100 they had or did. they will get more than 3. i've been just because they didn't even the most you manage to get on, but the orders were sent to your what by mr. again, as well as the sex ations, they almost uh is it your they'll position, they'll know the number of seats. nobody expected them to end because they did better than forecast the b d. p did a lot less well than forecast. so it's relative to expect the full costs for their own body. all chill was above 200. let me tell you this. i don't know if you are, you should have this introspection of your red box. they all turned it off even bothers to get a 100 seats, but it's just the color. okay. by next summer she's done. if it is good, if it's done it before, but don't be going back to the india part of moving
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a part of the bar. let me be a better us draw position is something with the bob been done, but bobby, it's already been off the fall. i tell you, this is the law boards about the agenda, the 5 d b. i'm going to start this moment not from today from now. i do show that we will come back next time to bottle, but much bigger now, but i'm a much better. 6 the think i can assure you, the more did you that's best 5 years down the line. so let's, i'd rather talk about now and how we got to where we are. um, uh, validate, just just so we get this out of the way. is there a scenario? is there a universe because the render moody has not yet been sworn in as the next prime minister, where he isn't the leader of the b j b? i think, i mean,
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in the bottom it says about possibilities. so positively bad possibility remains all right. looks extremely unlikely that anyone else is going to be still on this by mr. for the foreseeable future. okay. um, much of our discussion, i think is, is really going to be about how we got to this. why was there a disappointing showing for the b j. p because for uh, 10 years now and remotely seemed politically speaking, bullet proof. and now he isn't. what i understand is probably a bouquet of reasons, but volley on your end. what would be the single biggest reason why the b j. p has had a disappointing showing in these selections. and i think in this stuff, we have to go region wise. and if the focus on rather the biggest, dennis time i've come to the beach it be from in this election, that would be the state of the provision that would be model. so and then we have
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very low expectation performance and baseband goals. in all these, please stay there is a common common negative. i mean the, the, the fact that there was of serious believe i'm a lot of people that the constitution might be change of the be to be get support under. don't anything read close to it that i think did have any effect kelly. besides this bees sort and schemes are be the be the end of the shot to install this without any pension, etc. for people who joined the army, it's part of the need that all the still created a lot of resentment and concern among the youth in particular. and this data with the information. as we know it has been the city of both. the parties are solely just for the union army and before that, for the british indian, on the age of his daughter, chloe, a place which hasn't been sending and sons. and it's, you know, children to, to join the army, then fight for the country on a different borders that also had an effect. and of course, as people in your story also, i mean either i can go down and listen to not the of the reasons,
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but there's over confident the standards that maybe you know, that despite the things that it can do anything, it's invincible. and people generally do not like a braggart, so i would, i would say it, but they're like that that. okay, so you might have given this, you've given this 3 big reasons here, fear by indian voters that the b, j. p would change the constitution to the changes they've made to recruitment into the military service. so for contacts, for our viewers, this was what happened is that the government changed the rules of recruitment such that now soldiers are being recruited for a 4 year term. instead of what would ordinarily have been a lifelong to decade, typically career, which would have given them a lifelong salary and then a pension, right? so they can no longer count on that money. and the 3rd reason you gave us a sense, if i'm here, i'm paraphrasing it, you're saying hubris, right? political hubris. i'll take it over to robbie. how do the, how does that sound to you? is there anything you would add to that list?
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to explain why the beach ape last, so many seats. so those are all, uh, good theories. and as you pointed out, there's a likely a book, a of reasons that we could point to all of this. in hindsight, of course, you know, this result is a bit of a surprise pollsters. the bgp itself, the opposition? no one expected this outcome. so the pgp has one the most number of seats, but when is a, when not a when, when it's really sub par of expectations that's, that's why we are where we are. i want to linger on the point about over confidence . i think mode be in particular has built a real cult of personality around himself. there is no doubt about that. he likened himself to a god. i think there are limits to how that kind of popular appeal plays out over time. and when you take a step back from not just the here and now it is undeniably
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a big accomplishment to come back to power for a 3rd time to put that in context. hasn't been done since 1962. but we may also be reverting to the mean of indian politics since the 1980s. most indian governments have actually been coalition governments know the in a sense, was an aberration over the last 10 years. and it would have been very hard to continue that trend for too much longer. i mean, many of us, the surprise that it went on as long as it did in web searching for reasons for his popularity. so in some sense of this could be a reversion to the mean. there are many sort of structural challenges that in the face is that, you know, most of the, his struggles to deal with unemployment is quite at hi, as your report. i mentioned youth unemployment in particular point to that is something that is very high at about 15 percent higher than india's peers. average incomes are still quite low. there's a mismatch between a lot of the campaign rhetoric, for example, when movie talks up,
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the fact that india is the was 5th biggest economy. it could become the biggest economy in the next decade. that sounds great. but what does it mean for the average indian who is making 2 and a half $1000.00 a year, which is the average income in the country? it doesn't translate to much. i mean, still they're going to want to know how they can put food on the table. they're going to want to understand how they deal with inflation, which has been running high. and those are genuinely challenging questions, not just the money, but for any politician in india, it's in some senses. i think we can see this boat as a bit of a reality check on a leader and a party which has been very dominant for a decade and under any circumstances would have struggles to continue that so longer. that may be also that divisive polarizing rhetoric some of which really reached unprecedented levels in the last few weeks. this could also and should also be seen as a rebuke to that. and i hope to be shipped, including our spokes person who's on this panel will approach the results with some
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more humidity to try and recalibrate how they govern, especially with a coalition, which is going to require a movie to be a lot more nimble, a lot more consultative a lot more collaborative than he has ever been. okay, well let's put those things to him. i see actually before i do that, i wanted to ask you about the state that you're in a safe because my roster as valet was telling us is one of those days where the b j . p collapse, one of those, you know, big areas that the b, j. p. last and that came as a surprise. he listed that along with the top profession west bengal. you're in maharaj trust. what do you think would be jape? he did wrong in that state? well, uh uh, you know, we, uh, we had a alliance of the parties normally the but b j b is, was accomplished. you have a, do 5 d allies system. but unfortunately, last time, when we talked with the shoes and we want every one of the pieces of mandate with an absolute majority going, but re a doing it allies. you talked with us with the,
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with the joint coordination of 5, the dish dot joint forces with the other over the on the other side of the face. but that's okay. that's good. is this joy to be what lips pioneer drive. and in that situation that government could not continue because they had their own rumblings within themselves because they had, there was a diagnostic issue between both those bodies that i've been de, just put in both the fuzzy. so we is to ensure that my roster had to run. so we took the left to google, deposited the funds, the there was some clause in the adjustment. i had to come back given a de between that much i owe a also about getting a about a just a year and a half to show that the all the costs are just the seat at them. so i
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had them. so i was, i, i, as the kids who resigned abruptly the english of the body gather. i just unders i as the face of the body. all okay, let me, let me jump in here as so, so you're saying that essentially you were left hanging by potential coalition partners who defected from the coalition. but doesn't that in that case, if that was the, if you have that problem in maharaj drive, are you concerned you might have that problem on a national level because as we speak, as we record this show the end remotely is having to negotiate the terms of a coalition government with a telugu, the, some s t, d, p, and j d, u janet, the adult united. and they've said yes we are with we are with the be jp, it's, or at least one of those parties, d, d, p wasn't until a few weeks ago with your rivals. so, you know, if you've had an example on a local level where the coalition didn't work, this fact if you pause on a national level, what that might mean over the next 5 years. that would be
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a very positive because this is not the 1st time we've gone into the lines in the foster. this is the 11th t o u n t, and i leave the the bed bed apparently bed, but it's all on the spot. this for the fall of but i'm show you and they are beautiful. are, is it been d and unable to to redo it but, but let me tell you, don't forget that this is a book case to the bottom agent. the part, the 245, and the best case scenario for the congressman just 1990 chose to the boy the question i'm trying to but we're trying to project, but the victoria i live to grow up point on jones like this. so i don't see why this was the do fish. i love her birthday, i already saw that bi partisan deformed the goldman for the products that were done
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. no one is giving us the credit for that. so what do you, what uh, good, well i know, but here's why it's, it's been overlooked, but we, we know we're not trying to put the goods and the books that it doesn't happen with the body. the but do was we never a lot any of us any time in the box to the doctor. so here's your, i says, here's what's happening right now. here's what's happening right now. nobody's trying to take away credit from the b j. p. what we're trying to do is learn the lessons from this election. and you've had quite a bit of talking time, and you haven't offered up a single reason why in your view, the b j. p has lost steam. and as long as you keep doing that, we're going to but hands because the political reality is the pgp had 10 years ago, 282 seats and parliament right then 3035 years ago. and now back down to $240.00 right far fewer than it had, even at the beginning of mister moody's rise, there needs to be an explanation for that. and it needs to be some kind of
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reckoning and accountability. and that's basically what i'm asking. i understand that i understand where you're coming from and the body itself of fox sports on do it 5 minutes to fix all of this. these are evaluations and permutations and combinations, all shortcomings between which we certainly have extra risk that has been set up in shock comedy. well, what are the shorts? what i'm asking you, what is the number one source of your stuff? is that no, let me start with that. the shortcomings in the last on every stage as a different demographic. i different blackboard a different different uh give me just one shortcoming. that's all i'm asking for that you acknowledge and that you wish to be gp. we'll do better in over the next 5 years. just want, you know, be, uh, somehow i as an individual. so that, uh,
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on the basis of deliverables that hook dead on the boston new york. we had expected a lot of people with the allies that we made statewide. um oh, did you just bought the b does? i did. uh what zip drive all the disney sees a i b i to be given just this. so maybe that's some of the reason i wish to bother you use dry. do i like? i mean we well do a show that people have given the love and their life for the body they should be looked at. but rather that to do, do you don't get more important? you didn't, you encumbered the drugs off the pod is something, what's the policy is read because the language in india because these are the sections, these are sessions, but we sit in just a bit. but all right, oh okay. i mean, i need to, i need to probably a probably speak to stop the video and started acting on the model of the stairs.
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she was the offer to resign. now, this very moment while i'm talking to you can so you can check them tomorrow to see . so it's not that, as i said, we all have to work harder. nothing good at this moment. it okay. you're answering me in terms of the, there's a lot of sort of electro calculations we're having part of that conversation to at, to do more with policy, which is really what i'm interested in. and i think what, that's what i want to leave yours with the valley you wrote this book, a yoga city of faith, city of discord. can you, there's a whole back story to it's the rom temple that was built there and that was inaugurated earlier this year. buying a render emoji. it was a great tv show. it's also where he started his campaign. can you? it's and, and crucially. um that seat that encompasses that area. a yoga where the temple is that seat was just lost by the beach at the can you explain to us that story and
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i'm afraid i need you to keep it brief in really and how it relates to these elections. in fact, i would say that story in this sense, along, along with another holy city of it, to the bottom, to see from where the prime minister is a candidate and elected. so let me dispose of the mine and inform our b was that up in that speed, the margin of victory has gone down quite a lot for the prime minister himself. and the point, do we not date coming into a deal? we uh, you know, with the brian minister and sort of senior natalie all the time like the spotlight every year and right from the bricklaying duty nobody's doing on this deal. it hasn't been the prime minister, sort of, there's only one person, and they have all this to projected in as somebody who brought lower drum to a deal. and that also did not go down, read the data it the interesting that the, the, the, the, the,
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the figure that the constitution could be changed. and the reservation for, um, you know, mazda inspections could be removed, that fiona has played a big role in the media piece. losing i only after, after i think 2 or 3 times the richard over 15 years, which is a huge taking and running the about that feed comprises of more than 50 percent of the live most grims and other backward sauces. and what vps trying to do with that you'll done using that on monday. the drum is to can started in the, in the water bag, which they haven't managed to do. and the, you know, for the 2007 to state elections, they've done that hindus, that voltage bug b, j b. i had an idea of what has happened is that handles of gifted and adult will receive that lives or whatever. and this is also something that the media people will do ready to actually look into why they have it all say, oh yeah. and why? and the question will not be dig into other parts of the country and more,
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you know, if they have lost, i own the must be a good reason for. this gives it politics. the alienation of local uh, you know, the whole event of the dollar and led to local resentment against the beach agreed . there was no for them to really address the grievances, people who lost their homes in the name of delta dental. and so there was never met my people local tractors, but somewhere i would also like to say that the opposition party, you, the congress had gotten this great beat my slogan, which essentially john didn't do that. you know, uh, we are here to open uh open uh, sort of, you know, to basically let you log comebacks. gladish in this marketplace. all paid and they can bring the always on the render on the contributing is, you know, different the optimize and he can create it on this logan. and that i think has been uh, really dictated by that is that as of right with the install stands and we have this whole region where the caller has managed to win the opposition party,
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the state based party, the ones who managed to win the mediately losing 30 states and then they also like to go into that double engine government because they don't need to be government and the state vendor immediately go in and defend despite all of that, all of that, why didn't believe that you're there. i'll swing it around the so what i think is going to be the last answer because we don't have a ton of time left on the, on the discussion brofy did they, you touched on devices, politics and via kind of also, blakely touched on it by saying with the yoga example that the beach, if he was trying to consolidate the him to vote, right. i'm wondering whether they also didn't achieve when they, they, they didn't also consolidate the muslim vote. a get stem. and this connects to your devices politics argument. didn't this end up backfiring in as much as the results aren't? what they would have wanted, perhaps you could say. so he said purely consolidated to him to vote. that would have been enough for them to win by the way, because induce, comprise 80 percent of the country's population. the pgp only needs half of all
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those to vote for them. and they basically went in the line slide. even that didn't happen. what that tells me is that some of the rhetoric was perhaps a step to fight even say hindus. so when the prime minister and the ranger movie cause muslims, infield traders, which i really think was a step way beyond even he has gone in the past and also time to use to make most things in india, citizens of india, feel disenfranchised. feel like this isn't their homeland an awful thing to say. i think that must have resonated with him lose as well. who must have felt like this is a step too far. so in that sense, i think we have to see in that light there many things that the pgp could have done differently. it still is likely going to be the party in power, but hopefully will enter a period of introspection for them. and india needs a strong opposition wherever your politics might lie, whether it's with the beach, it be all with the congress party or anywhere else. indian needs
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a strong opposition and it needs to be democratic. the democracy has been challenged in this country over the last decade. and in a sense, one way to look at this book is the people saying that they count and not polls and not a prime minister telling them that he's going to win and that on site. all right i, i want to think this conversation could have been longer, but thank you very much to all our guests for the time you've given us today. we really appreciate it as if i'm loved by leasing and ra viagra. well, thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, delta 0 dot com. and for further discussion, good, our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on the x r handle as a j inside store for me, several of any in the entire team here in doha bye for now. the in india, illegal mining is having a devastating impact on an ancient mountain range. and the local residence,
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you look at how much dust there is everywhere. my father is during the phase $1.00 oh, $1.00 east travels to india to investigate. my name's gimme a ralph of the mountains on tuesday of this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program in cost to ship. with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its strong. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape, hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hello i'm, we're a little rock. this is the news our lives from joe are coming up in the next 60 minutes, palestinians more and their loved ones after is really strikes killed at least 97 people as central gaza alone. and the attacks do not stop people,


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