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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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or the child looks for her loved ones in the chaos. the hospital in central casa israeli forces have now killed more than 100 people. and the tax don't stop even for the terrified families trying to escape to punch in the hello. this is out a 0. i'm jessica washington live from jo. ha. also coming on the
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specials incidents north dell for region between the army and kind of military rapids support forces and the city of all fashion. plane productions lens with all the planets. and we need an extra time off the highway to climates fail, humanities center, search, palms, the key powers climate targets, and the un issues a storm warning about its consequences. news . we begin in gauze, where is mainly forces have stepped up. it's a tax in central areas of the strip killing more than $100.00 people. the attacks have mainly happened in these 3 refugee tons full of displaced people, just a few kilometers apart. blow range mcguffey and new setup of
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the doctors without food, as has described the assault as an insane escalation of 5 months. within 300 people were injured in the strength of being treated. a deluxe, a hospital in debt. obama, doctors are forced to treat patients on the floor. all those have died waiting for life saving operations. the hospital has warned it's 3 times over capacity and families that are flinging those strengths so also coming under is really fire . these people have been displaced multiple times, often making long journeys on force on perilous roads. they say they are simply exhausted, running from one pose of goza to the other, in a desperate search for safety. how do you spell fluid is in that obama in central
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garza, with the latest updates the air, a toxic place on a great rest of the account. more residential buildings have been targeted and destroyed and for on, people who are inside. those are residential been trying to leave these home since the 30th and the surge of the talk party down the invasion of the central part of the eastern part of the central area. at least 5 more people are wide. the hospital in 2 in 2 separate ambulance vehicles here including one sean is what we're seeing here at the courtyard of the hospital. that brings the total number of people who been killed to uh for in the past the 24 hours to a 102 people. right now we were told by paramedics in the ambulance vehicle, there's still more people at the targeted side. these are the residential homes of palestinians in the grades refuge account at that's the southern eastern part of
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the central part that goes to next to dated bella city. they are still in their home. uh, those people went back through the 3 weeks ago. do their homes out there just really military withdrew from the area, leaving it trails of devastation and distractions. what do we're trying to do is to find the waste and to do some clean up, remove rumbles and, and stay in whatever remainder of their residential homes. only to be targeted to be and be forced into more further internal displacement. the situations are getting quite difficult by the hour. we're expecting a search in the air, a tox, as the people are still leaving these areas and coming all the way through dated by law city at the hospital and at the restaurant part near the close the road to describe the, the scene in both, both of these gives me these represent cons, as is quite typical of
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a risky they're leaving with the deepening sense of shattered safety and security are there is no safety place lifting gaza but more tragically there's no escape out of this genocide. see when secretary general spokes person says these may is rarely, military is only making the situation was the ongoing is really military operations . and rafa is directly hindering the ability of agencies to bring critical humanitarian supplies into gaza. as well as the ability to rotate critical humanitarian staff on was maintained, her presence in rough uh with the focus on continuing missions to cream shalom to retrieve fuel. in other commodities in the 5 day period between may 28th and june 1st. and it was only 232232 trucks. a few minutes here and aid entered guys of our cream shalom is significant reduction compared to before the
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roof of military operation. when it's less than 2 weeks since 45 palestinians were burned to live in the tents and shelters when it's really strikes, hate displacement comp. in rough uh, in the final oh is many of the victims had face a difficult choice. stay in russia onto the sprint of his really strength leave for the ruins of con, use. i'll just utilize this one older has had unique access. she to travel between the 2 cities and she filled, which he saw that how does know how somebody that's right now behind me is alone going happen. last floyd and of a slave friends, fox and the last area i don't need are those what people are still is 5. these spends because they were told that they all and a face area last night. and this literally why 5 to 6 rockets as people appropriate, resulting in the culture of 40 to 50 people. if you find link is all over dropbox,
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how do you do this and kind of trip about us? where should people go? are the is not empty. okay. is not empty, you cannot allow the spring since it is still going real fast that we've got to wait to get them to do. so we'll look at the videos as would be, if i know it's really crowded and the people are sitting here. the other problem is we're in to evacuated. we're going to be invaded and unit is destroyed. so people are living in mos hennings, intense or in the rubble and the rest of the people that are not able to find any place to go to. i remember thinking, how did you hear 31 of those 2 months ago, and that place was full sense. we're talking about hundreds of thousands of friends
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and i moved with this new. mm hm. please manage. yes. hi and model come back. i'm since i've received the mattress news, the floor, the window, it's just fun with the furnace you and get it in the mail the most you don't have to sort of but they, you know, you give us an idea of how the and there is people people are living in here and there are
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people living here and spending their time their entire time waiting to return back to their city. this alter nationalist is really as have been mostly through occupied east jerusalem as part of this so called flag day celebrations. event monks, israel's illegal occupation of the area of the 1967 for participants were hood challenging death to earns a marching through a palestinian area of the city. reminder, benjamin duff, know his cabinet has banned ultra 0 from reporting in israel. so him on con, is reporting on that story from i'm on a school that alex if let's recall, i was flooded with his writing flag say the participants of the so called annual flag. much almost immediately after they arrived unoccupied, history slipped the open,
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the racist ultra nationalist was reading began attacking palestinians living in the old city. no one was safe from the buttons. goodness even reported from his reading newspapers with the crowd. jones with death to hers . members of the far right party led by national security minister, them up and give it made in cushions into alex, i'm most compelled. and despite an agreement with these radio forwards, he's on the job. they didn't work for you manage the site not to do so. they raised the flags and prayed of the sites, an open provocation designed to escalate tensions. you've seen you, i think there's a direct intention to set fire. and so the bank view and the rest of the right wing experiences ministers. and what they're doing right now is to try to do as much as they can by any means and stuff because it's due to the police,
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try to stop the alternation. this is right, these attractive house engines, but this was not designed to protect those being attacked, but to support the attackers. in previous he is no. is there any use ever been arrested during the circles like much? in fact, to palestinians have been arrested simply for defending themselves. so far this year, 3 palestinians have been detained. flag date as it is officially cold is supposed to celebrate the annexation and control of the east jerusalem of the 1967 was an illegal unification that on the international exclude occupation every year there are challenges mounted and is really cool to try and change the route of the march to try and avoid occupied east jerusalem. and ever yet the quotes approved the march, and that's despite all of the violence that takes place and wrong coming out is there amman, jordan, reminder again, benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet has been told to 0. we are reporting from outside israel has been
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renewed. fighting between the sudanese army and power military rapids support forces in the city of officer is the state capital of citizens northern tougher states. both sides are using heavy weapons and onto hillary. violence broke out in officer in listening to the alarm of the international community called is like through military and 800 c r a says and the student is army has been vying for control of the country. the civil war that's killed at least 14000 people in one year. in north stuff, a stage officer is the last stronghold of the internationally recognized the government. the r assess has taken control of nearly all the main cities. the local um groups have broken months of neutrality, declaring allegiance with the sudanese army, fearing the stage will fall completely in the hands of russia was also
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a major supply route for age. and the conflict ever meet means relief is no longer being distributed, was sitting and already dial she mediterranean situation as clinical lab is the head of the doctors without borders, emergency response and so done. she says the conflict is having a catastrophic effect on the population. it would be a very high mortality inside the population and because of the fighting, but not only because of the fact you go to, so there is a supply issue. so at the moment, there is almost no trucks, even commercial trucks arriving at so it means that so even food is and there's some less available what day is missing and that's available. so it means that even before we start thinking about, they know of, of different to 4 different conditions. so even a women that used to be delivering the, it will be more and more complicated already. mother cushion was very much inside
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the city and of this area. so what we can imagine though, is this sufficient, continue like this independent. there will be when they are very kind of mortality that is for, for the want did a very, a new norm. so we received the already more than $1300.00 for the didn't know only of us the to doing said to me at the moment. and well then 200 of them the bus to way. there are lots of the people who used to be a very to the unfortunately there is just just one surgeon company in the session. so. ringback yes to to we are going to new one of the case is received in the hospital and the hospital itself is not safe at all because uh it does be not ready at that's by the shilling full times in the, in the 10 days. so it's the continue out to reduce but it's very difficult to work in says step situations or will still ahead on odyssey. india is b,
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j. p looks to form of government. coalition. politics makes a comeback in india, the, the commercial space race itself is boeing. finally launches us for notes into space of the kids often link the hello, the heat, why it continues across that eastern side of the mediterranean. meanwhile, back up across the north west of europe. we're picking up more of a fresher see to whereas here, coming in around this area, apply pressure. we all can see showers just rolling in across mount to the u. k. through all of this will lead to coal funds. they will sink by way. further south
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woodside will freshen up across the north of frost, but it should be fine and dry for the day commemorations increasing sunshine as we go through the day on the stay. so i'm trying to show us the know some lobby chavez to the south of that just found me out some positive front saying some whatsoever, but she will way across into that eastern side if you have just 3 po and that'd be go down towards the southeast was still getting into the mid thirty's for athens, mid thirty's to i would towards the southwest over the next couple of days or move on into friday more plus 3 showers across the north, west. some heavier ray and sue west scandinavia. that'll just the edge of those temperatures also right down to around 16 degrees. the volts continues further south and plenty of $1.00 to $2.00 across the northeast of africa. 44 and the concept for colorado. so much cooler i, which was the northwest, but plenty of shy was west africa or the
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you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the the the you're watching. oh, just a reminder of the top stories. the cell is really forces have kills at least 100
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into palestinians in goals us since tuesday. most of them were women and children died in a tax on 3 times in central comes from families that are fleeing. those strikes are also coming on is really science. these people have been displaced multiple times and making long journeys on parents. the fighting between the student is army and paramilitary benefits, or forces is escalated in the capital of students, no still stays. the city of alpha should is a hub for humanitarian age. and the country facing acute food shortages, if russia is foreign minister. so okay, no problem has arrived in book, you know, so, so far, so on the latest stump of his full country to, of west africa. moscow has been attempting to strengthen its ties across the
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african continent on wednesday line for of announced additional military supplies and instructors to help build up the aquino sauces defense capabilities. quin uh shows as bills and this is just used today. we had the deputy of the defense ministry here with another visit. pay along with his colleagues from the king of fossil regularly considered a practical tasks. russian military instructors working here as well as the quantity will grows and higher level. we are holding trainings for representatives of police and military and became the thoughts of russia. so this method of cooperation is pretty advantage. the south korea is hosting an agricultural conference for african nations, which is, which is helps, will relieve hunger. price is an important staple for many african countries, and south africa it has become a world leader in the grains cultivation. public brian reports from so for the host of south korea. this conference demonstrates its rapid development
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from the recipient of overseas aid to a don't. a nation which can now help others, especially in the production of food almost desert challenge law. we will work to strengthen advocacy food security capabilities. we will actively promote agricultural transfer and contribute to increasing food self sufficiency chandler, south korea, and farm as of may pioneer and good boncey as a niagara culture. no more so that even rice production and it's so cold k rice belts project across parts of africa is aimed at supporting farmers. the agriculture. ready centers help promote more resilience rise seats. well spreading education and the use of new technology. what distinguishes korean strains are the yields compared to many african varieties. korean crops can produce mold in twice the rice, a top to 6 tons by heck with young, rapidly growing populations to feed under woodson in climate crisis,
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more african countries are looking to increase production. the money that you send me, i would like to commend the k rice built initiative for lunch, but korea, which is a testament to the principal partnership. the career has forge with the african countries. the goal is to distribute enough high resiliency to african families in the next 3 years to grow rice for 13000000 people. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so for india is governing political lands, has unanimously elected prime minister under, under moody as its leader is expected to form. and you government, in the coming days, bodies be paid law states. we think majority in the 6 week elections and had to enter into coalition folks. and a reminder the indian government has failed to give these is to hold zeroes correspondence to cover this story. so we're reporting on this election from
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outside the country. hughes, only co, some studies the political parties in the huddle of take elections in india delivered shocks, results the 6 week non polls gave the governing b. j b a. when but not to pay a majority in the last to rely on allies to form a government. india as low has a parliament has $543.00 seats. a party of the coalition needs to secure 272 seats to form a government b, j. b 1240 seats. not enough for the majority, but with the help of its allies. it's secure. 293 seats. the opposition congress has nearly doubled a chair from previous elections with $99.00 seats and the room with its allies. it's 1232 seats. the b database quest for hedge a monic dominance has been hosted somewhat and more importantly that this
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whole thing of the job, the not of the more the juggernaut of the search for dominance has come on the back of the uh, the, the realities of the everyday lives of citizens of india, or voters of india on tuesday, prime minister marine the mo, the claim victory saying his lines move to and for it's a consecutive to him. it comes up to the deep sea devise of campaign where he was accused of hate speech movie had initially set to talbot, a winning $400.00 seats. but the party lost and cruise from the states. the b j. b says the target was to mobilize because on the ground, everybody wants to say tigers to motivated it's workers reset. i was, i funded mt 70 the view that the was was good motivated to achieve those goals. the opposition to lines that also some traditions is also holding tops, nearly 28 national and reach new policies,
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teamed up for the 1st time and to defeat the b. t. p. exposed see economic issues led voters to post the ballots in protest against the government. given the fact that we've had a lot of good but vague, this little climbing and also the government has missed it on the things they call me to compete and messed up things like police like these issues have led people to believe that just one thing for bigotry is not going to do the trick going forward and in the interest of their own future from the newspapers to the people on the street. the election results have taken many by surprise and most of these decision to build a temple in utah on the side of a former most appears to have failed to donna much support min bob. yet, the main thing is that you should not make ramp temple an issue. i'm a hindus ramp. temple is okay. but if you don't have jobs, what will attempt to do? for now, coalition politics has return to india and visit the uncertainties of governing
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a nation with the world's largest population. and the consumption of these are just 0. the united nations secretary general antonio good tenant, as, as one of the don't impact of climate change. what it could have the impact on humanities chances of a livable future or in a stock address good had his wounds that the average global temperature will likely exceed 1.5 degrees above pre industrial levels, at least once in the next 5 years. that would blow pause it. can you power as climate target and set the world on a disturbing pump? and there is a $5050.00 chance the average temperature for the entire next 5 year periods will be $1.00 degrees higher than the industrial tides. we are playing russian roulette with our planets and we need the next, it's read off the highway,
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2 climates fail to so just how does global climate action measure off against what's actually required to reach net 0 by 2050 our environment and attend the clock, explains the fact that you might remember this power is 2015, a rad. moving to label consensus as a power as agreement was for us, it was a historic deal with widespread support. a primary objective to phase out fossil fuel emissions, to keep temperatures from rising. ideally no more than one and a half degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. well, in a 9 years on the world has failed to deliver as temperature of soul in his call to arms, the un secretary general said that failure is super charging, whether extremes costing billions and displacing millions. yet even as climate apparel strikes a parts of the globe,
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not one of the g 20 countries is causing emissions quickly enough. the energy transition is happening is just to slay. meanwhile, the fossil fuel industry is still being subsidized on a massive scale last year. a record 7 trillion dollars is that is more than government's believe we spend annually on education. and fossil fuel companies invested just 2 and a half percent of capital spent on clean energy in 2023. the rest on keeping the coal business of oil, coal and gas running many will point to how some government said not only ports in private policies, but also actively reversing them. it's pretty evident that has to change and fast. as the secretary general said, it's time for leaders to decide who's side bear on tomorrow is too late. as one of the impacts of the climate crisis is the view weather and flooding,
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which is now head, south africa's east coast. at least 21. people have died and hundreds, a homeless. somebody to me look reports. because this is other don't go. it is a tomatoes, a driver kept as a tomato building up in south africa's kazoo natal province. by the time many could seek shelter. it is too late. areas like this have been devastated. the high winds in torrential rains, flattened homes and flooded roads. at least a 120 people have lost their homes. 11 others have been killed. thirties have declared the state of a lot. i see now blue level, but we don't have any food because it's all with all our belongings where our i d. 's are all under the rubble and we're still searching. we literally have nothing we played with those who can help to come forward and risk us and the level of the rooms have been destroyed. that means my tenants don't have a place to stay in the money. now i have to try and get them a place to stay and have my house repaired, and i do not have that much money to do that. i survive because of my tenants,
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and there are only 2 of them. in some areas, work is being done to restore water and electricity supply of the power lines were damaged 2 years ago, doubling and it's a rounding areas with the size of the was flooding. and so last week is history killing more than 400 people. at least 10 people have died now in the neighboring east and k province with it's been extensive flooding. and more than 2000 people have been forced to leave nelson mandela bay with the service to save the heavy rains and cold are likely to bring hail snow and more strong winds issued a warning into other provinces. because more bad weather is expected to meet the miller, i'll choose 0 to the u. s. aerospace company boeing has launched to new us for notes on admission to the international space station. while here 1st for the company, it's only the 2nd to private firm to do so. office space ex colin baker has more
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and what this means for the commercial space race to space. a new spacecraft, a new rocket, and a seasoned crew, are headed to the international space station. boeing has waited a long time to send humans into orbit and it joins a very small club in 2010. then us president brock obama promised a bold and risky new idea to transform the nation's 50 year old publicly funded space program into one that relies on private companies for space travel. in order to reach the space station. we will work with a growing array of private companies competing to make getting to space easier and more affordable. 14 years later, the companies in the us space race includes some new startups. and many old titans . boeing is a space veteran. the company was involved in the apollo program half a century ago and was just one of 2 to be awarded the task of transportation under
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obama's new land is our so it built the star liner that the craft is only flown to the space station once and it's.


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