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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 6, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business latest is free to you believe, i guess is my on one of your just makes modern plates the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry, i minimize the welcome to the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the palestinians moving their loved ones is ready, forces intensify attacks across central gaza, killing, moving a 100 people at the table. understand the,
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not the whole of the children have cause it, and you as a tumor of israel's unrelenting was a group's one of a sparkling mental health crisis. the fee is back. those incidents know the full region threatened to shut down the regions, main humanitarian hub. you have to play russian roulette with our planet as we need the next. it's right off the highway to climates hill and the united nations as humanity is set to search, paused a key, paris climate target and sport teenager mirror entry that has not the world. number 2 out of the french open. the 17 year old russian beating or rena sub a linkage reach. her 1st round slabs semi final
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the to hello and welcome to the program. we begin in central gaza, where over the past 24 hours, these riley minute tree has been focusing its attacks. moving a 100 people has been killed. the strikes of mainly happened in 3 comes full of displaced people, just a few. columbus has a pod rage, no hockey, and the say that the doctors without borders has describes the latest assault as an insane escalation of violence within $300.00 people that is so injured in the strikes and are being treated up to the alex hospital in darrow, by law does a force to treat many patients on the flu, while all those have died waiting for health hospital has wound it's 3 times over.
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it's official capacity. i'll just there is honey. my mood is in darrow, by the in central gauze, outside the hospital where the victims were taken. the air, a toxic place on agreed refuge account, more residential buildings have been targeted and destroyed and for on people who are inside. those are residential being trying to leave these home since the 30th and the surge of the talk party down the invasion of the central part of the eastern part of the central area. at least 5 more people are why the hospital into into separate ambulance vehicles here including one. sean is what we're seeing here at the courtyard of the hospital. that brings the total number of people who been killed since uh for in the past the 24 hours to a 102 people. right now we were told by paramedics in the ambulance vehicle, there's still more people at the targeted side. these are the residential homes of
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palestinians in the rage refuge account at that's the southern eastern part of the central part that goes to next to dated bella city. they are still in their home. uh, those people went back through the 3 weeks ago. do their homes out there just really military withdrew from the area, leaving it trails of devastation and distractions. what do we're trying to do is to find a place and to do some clean, remove troubles and, and stay in whatever remaining of their residential homes, only to be targeted to be and be forced into more further internal displacement. the situations are getting quite difficult by the hour. we're expecting research in the air, a tox, as the people are still leaving these areas and coming all the way through dated by law city, at the hospital and at the restaurant part near the close the road to describe the,
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the scene in both, both of these gives me these rubber yukon as a wide, typical, risky they're leaving with a deepening sense of shattered safety and security of there is no safety place lifting gaza, but more tragically, there's no escape out of this. genocide are all the words taken unbearable toll on the children and cause them as much just 18 months old was killed when is ready, forces to get to the displacement account. 45 people were killed then i'll just bear a spoke to. and that's grieving, father and brothers, coming on that like has the story. the family united in grief who don't dreamed of being adult to all kind of dreamed of being a pilot. just 18 months old maid hadn't yet had a chance to dream of becoming anything do down the jaws wife and 3 children were killed and it is really a strike on a displacement. come in,
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rafa show how to continue to use or say order. can i saw the bodies of my wife, my daughter, her to my son are con and my baby osmond. i was told he was headless. i just picked inside the body bag and saw his body without a head. i couldn't stand to see any more. i lifted up again and walked away from the all. 7 the cafeteria in the last estimate was among the 45 people killed in the attack. many others at the comp done to leave in the tents. they had been staying in his ready, designated safe area. they were killed just 2 days off to the international court of justice, ordered israel to stop its incursion into rough uh, despite estimates find a day. this is how his family tries to remember him. they kept his toys and clothes, source of comfort and pain. most of all that all up that you know,
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and every time i look at my brother's belongings, i'm overwhelmed with grief. i hope to be killed, so i can join him in heaven. i missed my sister and for others i miss them all. set them on the table, understand who i missed. my mother, my sister who died, and my 2 brothers are con, an estimate, a wish they'd never been killed. i missed them too much from its head was never found, and his family were forced to bury him without it. his grave is next to his mother and siblings, in the ruins of causa, metric, out his era, selling my wife, the spokes person, the unit estimate, least and will fabric office. and he says, the best way to stop child trauma is to stop them. being exposed to it in the 1st place, a war has a profound impact on this, i political,
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luminous. and what's your, you know, as before the war started before, the latest escalation started before the 7th of october, and there were around 500000 children. and the goal is to 20 that some kind of mental health support. now we know that all of the children in guns i need that support. i need a specialized support in, in many, many, many cases. so this is really hard to deal with. the problem now is the services that are on the ground are almost non existent. we're talking about the only psychological a psychiatric hospital in guns a has been the out of service early on in this escalation. um, that means that the basic needs of, of mental health can't the can't be uh, mit um also for children as long as they are continuing to, uh, to witness what they are with to take as long as they continue to experience what
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they're experiencing. it's really hard to deal with with the trauma, the 1st, the 1st 8 principles of, of trauma as 3 move the ferris and from the environment of the trauma, that's, that's impossible and guns that there's no safe place and goes on. there's no uh yeah, there's no place that feels safe. so instead of going to school children and now spending hours to get war to for the families they, i'm the families travel long distances and the heat often to find water treatment plants shots because they don't have enough fuel to operate. and alcorder it is in darrell, but i was more on this it's a basic necessity of life. like for policy using carpet, clean water is cost. thousands of displays. people travel every day by foot to one of the causes last operating in the nation tense. that even the, it's an everyday old deal. we come to who wants a 2 to 3 times a day,
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some of the source of drinking and some will use the washing. it's a crisis, a daily mental and physical struggle were drained and exhausted. the most of cause i just want to treatment and sanitation infrastructure has been badly damaged or destroyed by israel since october, 7th, palestinians here now rely on what 8 gets through is where you have restrictions and remaining treatment ends. but there is not enough fuel getting into the strip to keep them running well, no other way the station stopped operates and due to lack a few. that's what we were told. we finished see will to, to workshop alone and nothing like that. but it's not suitable, it's just too salty. the crowd is conditions unlock assignment taishan here means there's a constant risk of disease and without clean water, even basic hygiene becomes a struggle. i have 2 boys with special needs. they need care and they need water. it takes me about an hour to go get water. sometimes when i get back,
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i find them crying in the tent. they need someone to stay with them. they need mineral water and it's not available. they need a proper tent and hygiene. the shortage of water is adding more misery to the lives of tens of thousands of college sinews. currently saying it makes this tom after being displaced several times in the past few months. and then somebody adds a 0. that is by left the product time. and his toes continue to reach is east fire and gaza masses sticking to its demands of a permanent deal. how does a mass as politically as, while he says mass and it's allied functions will deal positively with any agreements on the basis of a comprehensive cessation of aggression, complete withdrawal of israeli troops and prisoner exchange. so it's less than 2 weeks since $45.00 power simians will bind to live in the tens and shelters. and his riley strikes hit the displacement comp and rough uh, in the final hours, many of the victims had faced
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a difficult choice. stay and rough onto the threat of his riley strikes or leave for the ruins of hon. eunice, are you there? is this on oda had unique access? is she to travel between these 2 cities? she found what she so that's how does know how some money that's right now behind me is a long thing happened last floyd and of a slave friends fox and the last area i don't need are those. what people are still is 5 be spends because they were told that they all and a face area last night. and this one being by 5 to 6 rockets as people appropriate, resulting in the credit of 40 to 50 people. if you find link is all over dropbox, how do you and kind of trip about us? where should people go?
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the empty. okay, does not empty. you cannot allow the spring since it is still going real fast. that we've got to wait to get them to do so we'll look at the videos. also bt. if i know it's really crowded and the people are sitting here, the artifact is, um we're in to evacuated. we're going to be invaded 10 units because destroyed. so people are living in mos hennings, intense or in the rubble and the rest of the people that are not able to find any place to go to. i remember thinking, how did you hear 31 of those 2 months ago, and that place was full sense. we're talking about hundreds of thousands of friends and i moved to this new. mm hm. please manage.
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yes. hi and model come back. i'm since i've received the mattress and it was the floor window. it's just fun with the furnace you and get it in the mail just leaving the bus. you don't have to sort of but if you give us an idea of how the and there is different people are living in here. and there are people living here in spending their time,
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their entire time waiting to return back to their city. when all the developments today, ultra nationalist as riley's have been marching through occupied east jerusalem spots of the so called flag day celebrations. event marx, israel's illegal occupation of the area onto the 1967 rule. israel has banned algae or from reporting inside the country. so, and we're on con is instead of forcing from amman and jordan, how about a school that alex if, let's recall, i was flooded with his writing flags, say the participants of the so called annual flag. much almost immediately after they arrived unoccupied, history slipped the open, the racist ultra nationalist whose readings began attacking palestinians living in the old city. no one was safe from the buttons. goodness even reported from his reading newspapers with the crowd. jones with death to hers . members of the far right party led by national security,
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meaning this to get them up and give it made in cushions into i likes the most compelled. and despite in agreement with these ready authorities on the job, they didn't work for you manage the site, not to do so. they raised the flags and prayed of the sites, an open provocation designed to escalate tensions. you've seen you. i think there's a direct intention to set fire, and so the bank view and the rest of the right wing experiences ministers. and what they're doing right now is to try to do as much as they can by any means and stop be hosted to you. the police tried to stop the alternation. this is right, these attractive house engines, but this was not designed to protect those being attacked, but to support the attackers in previous he is no. is there any use ever been arrested during the circles like much? in fact, palestinians have been arrested simply for defending themselves. so far this year,
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3 palestinians have been detained. flag date as it is officially cold is supposed to celebrate the annexation and control of it used to slip off to the 1967 rule and illegal unification the on the international patient every year. there are challenges mounted and is really cool to try and change the route of the march to try and avoid occupied east jerusalem. and ever yet, the courts approve the march and that's despite all of the violence that takes place and wrong coming out. is there a mind jody, and just remind her again that benjamin netanyahu has cabinets, has found out, is there is so instead of a report from outside the country living on and we go to saddam now, that has been renewed. fighting between the sudanese army and the permanent 3 rapid support forces in the city of of sasha, the state capital of sedans, northern del full state.
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both sides using heavy weapons and artillery violence broke out in all flasher in mid may to the alarm of the international community because it's a humanitarian aid homes. the are assess and the sudanese only have been vine for control of the country in a civil war. it's killed at least 14000 people in one. yeah. well i'll fall showed in north the full stay is the last stronghold of the internationally recognized government. the, our staff is taking control of nearly all of the other main cities that local on groups have broken months of neutrality, declaring the legions with the sudanese on the faring, the state will full complete needs. the recess of sasha was also a major supply route for aid and the conflict that means relief is no longer being distributed, wanting a di humanitarian situation. this location copy lies a form the united nations residents and humanitarian coordinates are full. so
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donnie joins us from going again in the netherlands and so for over a year now we have seen risk levels of violence and sit on indiscriminate and deliberate attacks against civilians. but now in this particular location of, of foster how, how wiring is this, that violence and chaos has broken out in this particular town. it looks as if the uh, the end is coming to the fighting and uh for the end, this logistically and politically important thought for a regional capital. what that means is that the audit, so they say really try to consolidate its position generally in the region and the, the armed forces to don farr uh, putting the last the chip buckle. what that means is got the unplugged of civilians caught in the middle a suffering from both directions. both are assessed as well as to do these.
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unfortunately, none of them are known for the for the a. the just you can buy to know for all human rights. and so we have the including desperation displacement and destruction, which i think civilians having the less and less the options of the disposal of the lucky ones might get away. but then even getting away is a actually fault with risk and they just are heading towards the drug and border which is quite a long way away. and so i think it's a desperate suggestion overall to yeah, because a lot of the people who was i was seeking refuge for themselves. and of course their loved ones. they've already suffered the pain of displacement. how protracted might the battle be between the sydney's on in the recess, so that a flasher of the state capital of north, doubtful because of course, the longer it goes on for more people will die. indeed, i mean it sounds, but let's just say
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a day is because we wouldn't want the funding to continue. but quite frankly, it could be better if i just decided to go to a contract analysis. i should research climax as soon as possible, but i think it's good based on different crit, quote of the artist set but, and what they've done in the rest of the deductible the region in the other states on that regions. i think they are a well funded well supported and there there have been logistics and the support systems that are all the one the something is ami a is a i think running out of options. so it seems to me is only a matter of time before the arts are birth date, control for the warning is what they do once they have on the control of the top. and again, based on the bus struck, trickled in other places near alex sway and in the region, they, uh, unless she even more atrocities in the course of millions, you know, yeah,
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people all over the top floor had been a been adulthood ready the, and the was kind of goes to a stop to and the with the new has getting available. and so what, uh, what are the implications? what are the implications of, of that the, not just the bottle fall of sasha, but the recess consolidation gets control of this area. so the distribution of aid supplies to people a what a bought from a, a no, they the and they do sort of put a burst of genocide to go in and you're going to see possibly they talked to partition of the country. so with the artist of consolidated the organ, dis, possibly gym clothes, you know, is the size of the product. so it's a, it's a, it's a very huge region. so, uh, definitely one thing. and this is going to make this more difficult. if we're thinking of a one, keeping the country together as a sedan and to finding some accommodation between the, the 2 sides and the other part of metric groups as well. so the,
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every day the boss is a beach, it gets even more confused because of all the smaller ministry groups, including both of receiving good support from outside the neighboring countries, are joining the in the phrase. and that they are further confusion named so that any tends towards the finding some kind of a peaceful resolution the guns set in even more complex. thank you very much for helping us understand the, the atrocities and the devastation in that region. location capielo a box just 5 minutes, just minutes. and so gabriel wasn't picking a fast so on the latest, off of his full country tour of west africa. moscow has been attempting to strengthen its ties across the african continent. on wednesday lab rome announced additional military supplies and instructors to help build up looking across those defense capabilities. nicholas hop reports now from center goals, capital com playing multiple games at the same time is
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a skills that russians seem to have mastered and international chest competitions. it may be confusing to some, but not to russian immigrant to send to go by h t dot net. jared. she's here to spread this russian strategy to africans and is representing the only russia but the west african nation as well. it's the feeling because you need to feel the position, you need to feel the weakness. point of view open and you're wanting to know when use with pools. and when you're should wait, your should the play safe, and by the same time, not very press by safe when you play chest and you can say a lot about the person, the playing review. you can say a lot about his character. russians for administer, sir gala for us, learn to play chest at an early age in school. following his lead, his tour of africa, western diplomats in the region are left wondering what his strategy is beyond the checkered board. and in the political arena, lever off, he used
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a press conference in the former french colony of congo to respond to the french president suggestion of sending french military instructors to ukraine. we as much of the assembly unless rules assume as to whether they're labeled as whether the members of the french armed forces or just most recently, they represent an absolutely legitimate target for armed forces. this statement was applauded by many former african french colonies seeking to break their relationship with the former colonial power. in getting congo lived, ralph sought access to the countries large the reserves of on top manuals in between a 5. so in chad, rush, i seeking to bolster defense contracts, the last one, the last one of a b to bid on. it's also an economic and strategic opportunity to use russian expertise in the expectation of natural resources and defense. but critics accuse russia of using african countries as pounds to apply pressure on the west. the
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russians are keen to cultivate multiple alliances, away from europe. it is a strategy that seems to be paying off for now with many of the west wondering what rushes next move will be nicholas hawk. alex's here at the car attackers farm. this confidant has ended test 3 day visit to china with a trip to its northwest engine. jen pearlman's, tequila is home to the largest community. if we goes outside of china and it's for decades been a refuge for those sling refreshing that. but critics, a and cries, remain silent on pages. treatments of the most and minority and reason is an exchange for economic cooperation. katrina, you reports from badging a has foreign minister confidence trip to china is the highest level visit player. turkish officials since 2021. he's met vice president, don't and for administer want you to discuss the deepening political and economic
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ties to key at once to expand its trade with china, which was both 47000000000 dollars last year. the country participates in china is built in road initiative and has expressed interest in joining debating lead bricks, economic blog experts, a failed efforts to join the you have pushed turkey a closer to china because of the relative chord shoulder from europe, the regional issues, right, or can your maybe to not see i to why the way turkey and china to and that china is an economic opportunity. the only country, perhaps a willing to invest in the kind of infrastructure that dorky is seeking during a news conference, both sides of the shed views of the rules and goals, a and ukraine. for don, thanks china for its solid darcy with the palestinians, and support for 2 state solution. but one issue where the 2 countries have not always seen only to i is the treatment of the weaker people in china is northwest
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and shinji on provence. in 2009 took as president richard outdoor, who beatings treatment of the muslim minority agenda side of the meetings. and they take a confidant, flew to the cities of orange and cache garden sions. young. his is the highest profile visit. biotech is official. the since 2012 those advocate we will not increase the change in the world, especially that is lubbock roles and existing understanding weaker culture rise and life on would it be beneficial to both china and think yeah, it is beneficial to everyone that isn't making it some say, i'm girl hasn't done enough to condemn china's repression of the week. it's in the most attention of potentially millions and reapplication caps. what aging refers to as vocational training centers in the south western side of the chinese government is trying to legitimize and utilize or exploit the silence of countries like turkey advocates say they hook a confidant. time exchange of who we used to ask you. questions about mcclintic human rights violations,
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including the intimidation of weak is abroad and the continued separation of stanley with some speed to key it is choosing blind eye to the issue in exchange katrina, you will to 0. so the head for you this our view on ones climate changes reaching a new tipping point with 2 minus the set to below cost keep paris targets. i didn't spoil courageous football team. 6 inspiration from the pope has as the european championship product is had without sorry, the hello, the heat, why it continues across that eastern side of the mediterranean. meanwhile, back up across the north west of europe. we're picking up more of
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a fresher see to whereas here, coming in around this area of light pressure, we are going to see showers just rolling in across much of the u. k. through all of this will lead to coal funds. they will sink by way further, south woodside will freshen up across the north of france, but it should be fine and dry for the day commemorations increasing sunshine as we go through the day on the stay. so i'm trying to show us the know some live you chavez to the south. is that just around the out southern positive front saying some whatsoever. pushing all the way across into that is to sort of see you have just 3 po and that'd be go down towards the south east. we're still getting into the mid thirty's for athens, mid thirty's to i would towards the south west over the next couple of days, or maybe one into friday more plus 3 showers across the north, west. some heavier ray and sue west scandinavia. that'll just the edge of those temperatures also. right down to around 16 degrees. the world's continues further south and plenty of warmth to across the northeast of africa for people on the
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concept for colorado. so much cooler i which was the northwest, but plenty of showers west africa. the latest news as it breaks the hospital is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down. all the for this with detailed coverage houses are being forced to the eyes on the live with the constant. fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hall. so the story, the is very well in the gaza strip has led to talk to can go in the military and condition as a huge amount of waste, like that you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients,
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visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revise wells, and increases systems cost on request of the welcome back. reminder of the main stories now, is there any forces of killed more than a 100 palestinians in central garza since tuesday? most of them one women and children who died in attacks on 3 camps in central gaza . alternation is does radius of and marching through ok, flight east jerusalem is positive. the so called slang day celebrations. event monks,
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israel's illegal orientation of the area off to the 1967 and fighting between the sudanese army and upon military rapids of fort forces as escalated in the capital of saddam's know the full state. the city of of sasha is a homicide humanitarian, a in a country facing acute, the shortages and all the news. the united nations, after general attorney guitar is, is one of the di impacts of climate change could have on what he calls humanities. johns is of a livable future, and a stock address guitar is one that the average global temperature will very likely exceed one and a half degrees above pre industrial levels, at least once in the next 5 years. that would the low cost a key power as climate target and set the world on a disturbing pos. and there is a $5050.00 chance the average temperature for the entire next 5 year periods will
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be $1.00 degrees higher than the industrial size. we are playing russian roulette with our planets and we need the next, it's read off the highway, 2 climates fail. so just how does global crime action measure off against what's actually required to reach net 0 by 2050? our environment edison, the clock, explains that girl the probably the fact that you might remember this power is 2015, a rad. moving to label consensus as a power, as agreement was force, it was a historic deal with widespread support. a primary objective to phase out fossil fuel emissions, to keep temperatures from rising. ideally no more than one and a half degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. well then, a 9 years on the world has failed to deliver as temperature of soul in his call to arms, the un secretary general said that failure is super charging,
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whether extremes costing billions and displacing millions. yet even as climate apparel strikes a parts of the clay, not one of the g 20 countries is causing emissions quickly enough. the energy transition is happening is just to slay. meanwhile, the fossil fuel industry is still being subsidized on a massive scale last year. a record 7 trillion dollars is that is more than government's believe we spend annually on education. and fossil fuel companies invested just 2 and a half percent of capital spent on clean energy in 2023. the rest on keeping the coal business of oil, coal and gas running many will point to how some government said, not only porting private policies, but also actively reversing them. it's pretty evident that it has to change and fast. as the secretary general said,
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it's time for leaders to decide who's side there on tomorrow is too late. a john, vic is director of international climate policy of the nature conservancy and he says that progress is being made, but more needs to be done to finance the fight. global greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise. we have seen a tapering off of the emissions. rise is probably the one good thing that we have going right now that we've seen since the purchase agreement was signed back in 2015, that many governments and made a large governments which is the most important thing or are really starting to take clement action and what this has resulted in is as a slowing down and the increase in global greenhouse gas emissions. although at the moment we're kind of at a peak, which means we haven't really started to go down in the way that we need to come down. we're looking at governments, we have constrained budgets, whether it's for overseas development, aid for house, whether it's for military actions,
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public budgets or are being pushed everywhere in being requested for funding for each different things. so it makes it hard for governments to go back to their legislatures and ask for the money. so in a way we're seeing public finance for climate change go up, but it's not going up drastically. and we can expect it to do so exponentially. what we do need to do is make sure that private finance is coming in and how do we use those public dollars? how do we use what the you might want to invest on some of his green deal and make sure that you money if it's public money, maybe the risks, investments. so the private bank will actually come in and make the investments that are made to, you know, quadruple what the investment will actually be. one of the impacts of the climate crisis is severe weather and flooding, which is now hit south africa's east coast. that means 21. people have died. hundreds are also homeless. so we, the miller has more on this. it was, this is of a don't go. it is a tomatoes, a driver kept as a tornado building up in south africa's kazoo to tell providence,
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by the time many could seek shelter. it is too late. areas like this have been devastated. the high winds and to ritual rains, flattened homes and flooded roads. at least a 120 people have lost their homes. 11 others have been killed. thirties have declared a state of a lot. i see now who would never mind. we don't have any food because it's all with all our belongings away from our i. d. 's are all onto the rubble and we're still searching. we literally have nothing we played with those who can help to come forward and risk us. the language, the rooms have been destroyed. that means my tenants don't have a place to stay in the month now. i have to try and get them a place to stay and have my house repaired, and i do not have that much money to do that. i survive because of my tenants, and there are only 2 of them. in some areas, work is being done to restore water and electricity supply of the power lines were damaged 2 years ago, doubling and it's a rounding areas with the size of the was flooding. and so last week is history
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killing more than 400 people. at least 10 people have died now in the neighboring east, some k province. with these been extensive flooding. and more than 2000 people have been forced to leave nelson mandela bay with a service to save the heavy rains and cold are likely to bring hail snow and most from wins. issued a warning into other provinces. because more bad weather is expected to meet them alone, which is 0. so voc, his appointment as a robot 5th. so it was made his 1st public comments following an assassination attempt last month. he was shot 4 times at close range, leaving him in a serious condition and in need of surgery for it. so says he could possibly return to what late to this month, and call his attacker an activist of opposition, policies of the task to maia summer bundle. they may, 15th and handle of an activist of the slow that opposition and try to murder me
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from my political views. the great medical team of the roosevelt hospital prevented the washington. it's time to take the 1st step, which is forgiveness. i saw no hatred towards the stranger who shot me. i will not take any active legal action against him or seeking damages or compensation. i forgive him and let him soul out what he did and why he did it in his own. at the o. n. d. as governing political alliances, unanimously elected prime minister under, under moody as its lead to expect as a full menu government in the coming days. bodies b, j. p. last it sweeping majority and the 6 week elections forcing it into combination tools. and reminds of it to the indian government has failed to give these as douches here, as correspondence to cover the story. so we are reporting from outside the country and with folsom sharif reports the political parties in the huddle of take elections in india delivered shocks,
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results the 6 week non polls give the governing b j b a. when, but not to pay a majority. it now has to rely on allies to form a government. india as low has a parliament has $543.00 seats. a party of the coalition needs to secure 272 seats to form a government. the b j. b 1240 seats, not enough for the majority, but with the help of its allies. it's secure. 293 seats. the opposition congress has nearly doubled a chair from previous elections with $99.00 seats and the room with its allies. it's 1232 seats. the b database quest for hedge a monic dominance has been hosted somewhat and more importantly that this whole thing of the job, the not of the more the juggernaut of the search for dominance has come on the back
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of the uh, the, the realities of the everyday lives of citizens of india, or voters of india on tuesday, prime minister marine the mo, the claim victory saying his lines move to and for it's a consecutive to him. it comes up to the d p divisive campaign, where he was accused of hate speech movie had industries settled with a winning 400 seats, but the party lost and cruise from the states. the b j. b says the target was to mobilize because on the ground, every party wants to say tigers. to motivated it's workers reset i was, i funded mc 70. the view that the was was good motivated to achieve those goals. the opposition aligns that also. some traditions is also holding pulse, nearly 28th national and regional policies teamed up for the 1st time and to defeat the b. t. p. exposed see economic issues led voters to post the ballots in protest
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against the government. given the fact that we've had a lot of good but vague, this little climbing and also the government has missed it on the things they call me to compete and messed up things like police equipment. these issues have led people to believe that just voting for bigotry is not going to do the trick going forward. i mean, the interest of their own future from the newspapers to the people on the street. the election results have taken many by surprise. and most of these decision to build a temple in utah on the side of a former most appears to have failed to donna much support min bob. yet the main thing is that you should not make ramp temple an issue. i'm a hindus ramp. temple is okay. but if you don't have jobs, what will attempt to do? for now, coalition politics has return to india and visit the uncertainties of governing a nation with the world's largest population. and the consumption of these are just
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0. a still head, the rhythmic sound of tango. how the 200 year old autism fentoni and is making a comeback. and one is iris adams for 300 strikers can. and i'm not paying attention to scoring goals as country will be here. was that actually the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth, partner of on the dashboard to use
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the these business uptake these me roy thought know bundle a dash football to use the
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now the us aerospace company, boeing is launched to us or no us on a mission to the international space station mocking 1st for the company. it's only the 2nd private firm to do so. of the space ex colin baker reports now i'm what it means for the commercial space. rice. a new spacecraft, a new rocket, and the seas and crew are headed to the international space station. boeing has waited a long time to send humans into orbit and it joins a very small club in 2010. then us president brock obama promised a bold and risky new idea to transform the nation's 50 year old publicly funded space program into one that relies on private companies for space travel. in order to reach the space station. we will work with a growing array of private companies competing to make getting to space easier and more affordable. 14 years later,
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the companies in the us space race includes some new startups and many old titans. boeing is a space veteran. the company was involved in the apollo program half a century ago and was just one of 2 to be awarded the task of transportation under obama's new land effort. so it built the star line or the craft has only flown to the space station once, and it's never carried people starlight star line or flies on a united launch alliance rocket. that's a partnership between defense giant lockheed martin and boeing along the way. other players have made big promises to. bigelow space was supposed to build habitats for space stations. it collapsed in 2020. so virgin orbit hope to deliver satellites by plane. it folded in 2023. the amazon founder jeff base. those his company, blue origin started selling short trips to space for the wealthy in 2021. and its hoping to see its own mega rocket lift drops later this year. but the one that
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promised the most as over delivered space ex lead by eli musk was the start up in 2010. today it delivers most of the people in cargo into space controls the most satellites, and is testing the largest ever spaceship. or all of these depend on substantial government support. the space economy is more a speculative economy than it is a real economy. everything that comes from the space economy as we understand it is mostly well 1st based. um, so most of the time space companies aren't actually making profit off of space basic to, to use. we're going into space. it's mostly military contracted to do just with starline or boeing, tally some much needed success. a mid business troubles back on earth, and nasa can claim a new partner as it aims for the moon. calling baker alba 0. you got a good? all right is han now as well as bull. thank you so much. moran. after the all the talk about has moved around the dread kelly and bobby has got back to playing football. the friends captain led his kind country to
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a comfortable screen. a win over luxembourg and bobby's team are counting down to the heroes which k coffin, germany in just over a week. the 25 year old setup, the opening 2 goals and bobby's adams board number 3, from the time of the final friendly coming up against canada on a sunday before they take off their 0 campaign. with a group game against austria. manchester city is coming to bring. yeah. march is 100 appearance for belgium, with a goal in there to know friendly went over montenegro, ranked 3rd in the world, belgium, or yet when a major tournaments. slovak here, romania and ukraine will be very quick. opponents in germany so well, denmark are in green, c, at the euro as well as had gone england, sylvania and serbian, they were playing sweden and friendly and copenhagen, a late, christ generic, single, gave the danes, the 21 went what was your knees key players is calling on his country to have the
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same killer instinct as his comp team around the dread. antonio, rigorous as a change in attitude is needed if the house or to end their poor run at major tournaments. germany have gone out to the group stage of the last 2 world cubs and last and around the 16 at the previous heroes. and so that was, and it's like 2 different pairs of shoes. hey, with germany, we have a very good system that fits all game. but what we can take from madrid is that killer instinct, a less match against ukraine was a nail male jewel. and we paid really well. but the thing that was missing was the goals. and that's what we can learn from it, right? them convincing. correlation will be helping a blessing from the po for this or chances of success in germany. look a moderate 11 to teen, to a world cub semifinal at katara 2022. but the country has never made it past the last 8 of the heroes. they are grouped alongside spain, italy, and albania, to spend the delay. of course, it's
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a big countries read the big history. big players. and here is also been yeah, actually the one the group and they're playing go so great for the land. so let's add that to kinds of our neighbors. so he's going to be really tough of my soul. so against them, because for sure they're gonna play, they will give 300 percent on the beach against us. manchester city are taking legal action against the primary leg over the organizations. commercial rules club are challenging, no doubt, with the of the legs, sponsorship, deal regulations, and are understood to be seeking financial damages for losses. after some sponsorship deals were halted, the league have their own case against a club after they were charged on a $115.00 pounds, a breaking financial surprises. of course, it's frustrating. i think the reference is always frustrating. uh, having it being talked about the way it's being talked about. i can feel of course, for our fan base for everyone associated with the club to have, you know, these are these charges constantly referenced. i think we as
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a club have to respect that. there's a process that, that we have to go through and we're going through it. it's taking longer than what anyone hope for. i think i really got to where it is today by being the most competitive lease. so i hope there's a bit more sensibility in, in regulating be attending in england or the rest of the your, i think you won't see the same level as we've seen in the past few years because of the level of you with regulations. a 17 year old mirror and really that has pulled off a shock when over world lemme to arenas trouble lanka, to reach the last 4 of the french open. i mean, she's requested to train. mentioned from looking at a good way. absolutely. we also have a like a struggled with illness throughout this quarter. final, the australia open champion had multiple medical timeouts, but something like that was to take the russian teenager to a deciding set and during the clinton victory on her 2nd match point, she's become the youngest at grand slam,
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suddenly finalize since martina hingis made it to the us up in sammy's as a 16 year old back in 1997. i don't even have a plan. so when i see it, i see an open space on the record. i tried to play there. if i see that maybe she was around there, i tried to play behind her back or something like this. i mean my god, she had a plan today, but again, i didn't remember anything. so yeah, just angry, but we'll play it leaves. jasmine, how lini and the last 4 she produced the biggest win of her career to defeat from a wimbledon champion, elena rid akina in $0.03. this is already how leanings best ever performance at a grand slam. and men's draw alexander's a rabbit is through the semi finals for
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a 4th straight year. your german beach, alexander, demeanor of australia industry, set separate will take on, caspar road in the last 4 on all the work on a brief side of india. as cricket seamlessly made a rapid starts of the t 20 world cap. orleans batteries were no match for india's basement crowd. more than $20000.00 fans at nassau county stadiums of them a bold out for just $96.00 india chase down the total for the last. just 2 wickets and the next take on fierce rivals pockets on the same venue on sunday. and the boston celtics started, jason tatum is brushing off and the media criticism he's received on the eve of game one of the and the finals against the dallas mavericks. boston haven't won a championship title since 2008, even though they've ran to the conference finals 6 times since the 2016 season or pay them says criticism comes with the territory. so they had to over analyze every little thing and have some of the talked about. uh
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did it get oh yeah. but you know, as the finals they wouldn't talk about me if i wasn't good. okay. and that is all used for, for now. marian back to your lovely, thank you very much for now at a time when technology runs the wild young people, an argentine a trying to preserve the use of the band don't. and it's a traditional instruments that plays a crucial role in the re them of the tongue to raise it by reports on this from one desire as the window any part of ident tina's history, an instrument that's what presents the music of point aside, is there only a few people around the world who make them some, i mean, origin. tina people like be that all those on rescuing the instrument from the past and keeping the traditional life you fall. don't want to go into it. i fell in love with ben, don't you? when i saw a workshop in the instrument and then i started to play. now there is
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a new generation who wants to play, you know, there is a revival of depend on you to be the only so. so i know to you as those who built musical instruments, i know he has set up a workshop. one aside is where he tunes we peers and produce has been doing in school, argentina, and other countries. even though they've been, don't you and was brought to argentina from germany, it's become the sound of daniel in this country. and the heart of the bundling in our this reads that you can see here it is what gives the instrument tradition of sound. most of the instrument in argentina are very old and making one takes time we believe the instruments have so people come here with the old vend audience. they can be 80 years old and i tell them it's better if we do a new one and they say it belong to the grandparents. so we try to fix it
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the and it's not, you don't need that. lucky many days started to play by chance. and adapted it sound to argentinean falls, music the he says more and more people are following keys lead out. i think the most of the music now is with computers. oh, but we're trying to go back to the essence of playing an instrument like this one that lots of young people are joining in. it's like a box that you put on tour legs, and it's unique sound. the revival of an old instrument that's helping craft argentina's musical history and drawing young people or giving it a modern twist. the penny. so i'll just see them on the side of
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the rhythm of the time. gov. that's it. this is our but i will back in just a couple of minutes with more of the day is nice for you to see you in a bit the the hod, his aim interviews is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important effective he of the story on talk to how does he have
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the the condition of a thing. so she needs this, you know, this is, this is helen sort of female surgery and nothing really a week and of course the spirit and that's a lot of it. this is yvonne has to get
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a can you see and i'm a guy so me the the, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry, i'm demise the. welcome to the news. our live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, modesto, more destruction palestinians. farewell those. they've lost but does riley attacks continue across central causes. getting moving
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a 100 people as i'm able to not the cause is most vulnerable. indeed of it for me or of israel


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