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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 6, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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this is a massive blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody, this is on one of the hostages, october 2nd and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, the helps us on the fire is ready, ministry jets, velma, you and the link school in gaza sheltering palestinians, dozens of losers, and at least 29 people. okay, the one carry johnston. this is from the whole set coming scuffles, breakouts and occupied the east jerusalem as contract caring is rarely its targets . hottest and shoppers fighting escalate seems to don's rule stuff for each
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threatening, a supplies to civilians trapped and a 14 month civil. also view in one set, climate change is reaching a new tipping point. temperatures are not going to exceed targets sets in the 2015 cars climate agreements, the beginning in the central ga. so where are you in linked schools? sheltering people in the news routes. refugee camp has been hit during and these really attack open night at least 29 people have been killed among them, women and children. these very minute tree says it hit the school claim and it was being used by him us. these are pictures from the out ex, a hospital with an injured have been taken. it's already overwhelmed with many patients being treated on the phone in the middle of the list that i this horrible mass current emitted by these radio. sion is clear evidence of the crime of
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genocide and ethnic cleansing against civilians including women, children, and kind of space. people in the gaza strip, what huge numbers of tests and i still arising into all of the questions being filled with, with the patient is a 3 times beyond its clinical capacity. that is, portends, are real disasters that will lead to an even greater increase in a number of markers. what is that, what instead of going to school children in gaza now spend hours trying to get water for that homes than the families travel long distances. and the heat splits often, water treatment plants are shots because they don't have enough fuel in a what are you that is in the lot with more? it's a basic necessity of like, like for palestinians in garza clean water is cars. the size of this place, people travel every day by foot to one of the cause of last operating nation plants that even the it's an everyday old deal. we come to to walk to $2.00 to $3.00 times
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a day that some of the source of drinking and some we use the washing. it's a crisis, a daily mental and physical struggle with drained and exhausted. most of cause i just want to treatment and sanitation infrastructure has been badly damaged or destroyed by israel since october, 7th, palestinians here now rely on what 8 gets through is where you restrictions and remaining treatment ends. but there's not enough fuel getting into the strip to keep them running in no other way the station stopped operating due to lack a few. that's what we were told. we sent c will to, to workshop alone and nothing like that, but it's not suitable. it's just too salty. the crowd is conditions unlock assignment taishan here means there is a constant risk of disease and without clean water, even basic hygiene becomes a struggle. i have 2 boys with special needs. they need care and they need water. it takes me about an hour to go get water. sometimes when i get back,
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i find them crying in the tent. they need someone to stay with them. they need mineral water and it's not available. they need a proper tent and hygiene that the shortage of water is adding more misery to the lives of tens of thousands of college sinews. currently saying it makes this time after being displaced several times in the past few months. and then somebody adds a 0, that is, but after the product time is less than 2 weeks since $45.00 palestinians were burned alive in the tents and shelters. and israel targeted the displacement compton, rafa, and the final hours, many of the victims had faced a difficult choice, staying about foot under the threats of it's very strikes, leave the ruins of hon. eunice. i'll just say it was missing out to travel between the 2 cities and filmed what she saw is that how does know how some money that's right now behind me is a long thing happened in las lloyd and other slaves. whats fox and the last area?
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i don't need are those what people are still it is 5. these spends because they were told that they all and a face area last night. and this one being by 5 to 6 rockets as people appropriate, resulting in the credit of 40 to 50 people. if you find link is all over dropbox, how did you and kind of trip around us to where should people go to this? no, not empty. okay. does not empty. you cannot allow it to still go real fast. that we've got to wait to get them to do so we'll look at the videos also. if i know it's really crowded and the people are sitting here, the other problem
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is we're into evacuating. we're going to be invaded 10 units because destroyed. so people are living in mos hennings, intense or in the rubble and the rest of the people that are not able to find any place to go to. i remember taking i, did you hear 31 of those 2 months ago, and that place was full sense. we're talking about hundreds of thousands of friends and i moved to get this new. mm hm. please come back. come soon as that's good. that's good news. the floor, the window is just some of the furnace you and get it in the mail, the best to the end of the also. but if i give it that i have decided to do the people
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and there is people. so people are living in here and there are people living here and spending their time, their entire time, waiting to return back to their city has talks to end the war and cause a continue have mass says it's sticking to its demands for permanency spot, the head of a mass as a political ring is now on there is reported to upset a mass and it's, i know infections will do positive that he would any agreement on the basis of a comprehensive association of aggression. complete the withdrawal of israeli troops and prison exchange ultra nationalist is
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riley's of held a much to occupy distribution as part of the so called flag day celebrations. imongary israel's illegal occupation of the area of 1967 for benjamin that in y'all, his coalition government has banned all just the air from reporting in his route. same round town has sent us the story from a month in neighbouring georgia. i have a school that i like so floods. recall i was flooded with his writing flag say the participants of the so called annual flag march almost immediately after they arrived unoccupied, history slipped the open. the racist ultra nationalist was ratings began attacking palestinians living in the old city. c no one was safe from the buttons. goodness even reported from his reading newspapers with the crowd jones of death to hers. members of the far right party,
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led by national security minister, them up and give it made in cushions into alex. i'm most compelled. and despite an agreement with these ready authorities on the job, they didn't work for you manage the site, not to do so. they raised the flags and prayed of the site, an open provocation designed to escalate tensions. these do, i think there's a direct intention to set fire. and so the bank view and the rest of the right wing experience ministers. and what they're doing right now is to try to do as much as they can by any means and stuff because it's due to the police, try to stop the alternation. this is right, these attracted house engines, but this was not designed to protect those being attacked, but to support the attackers. in previous he is no. is there any use ever been arrested during the circles like much? in fact, palestinians have been arrested simply for defending themselves. so far this year,
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3 palestinians have been detained. flag day as it is officially cold, is supposed to celebrate the annexation and control of the east jerusalem of the 1967 was an illegal unification that on the international exclude occupation every year there are challenges mounted and is really cool to try and change the route of the march to try and avoid occupied east jerusalem. and ever yet the quotes approved the march, and that's despite all of the violence that takes place in richmond county, which is their amman jordan, as armando debt. and the reason we're reporting from outside is warehouse because benjamin that's in you all. his cabinet has been i'll just here. so medics and northern israel, se 7 people engine, a drone attack from 11 and the group has, with us says it's launched to the attack on the fish 3 kilometers from 11 east for that as well. as military says, it's investigating whites forces fail to sound warning. cyber 5 minutes to benjamin
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netanyahu, says, exchanges a fine. the netherlands product could escalate. the there's been renewed fighting between sedans, army and the power ministry, rapids support forces in the west and city of our fashion. both sides are using heavy weapons and opportunity for fighting in the show began in mid may. the city serves as a hub for the amount of carrying operations are assessed on the suit. the needs which we have been fighting for control of saddam since april last year. at least 14000 people besides the nickel babies. heads of emergency response incidents adults is without both is she says the conferences have a catastrophic effect on the population. it will be a very high will to reach inside the nation. and because of the fighting,
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but not only because of the fight you go to. so there is a supply issue. so at the moment there is almost no trucks, even commercial trucks arriving. so it means that so even food is and there's some less available what day is missing and that's available. so it means that even more people are we start thinking about they know of, of different to 4 different conditions. so even a women that used to be delivering the, it will be more and more complicated already. mother cushion was very much inside the city and of this area. so what we can imagine though, is this sufficient, continue like this independent. there will be with me, a very kind of mortality that is for, for the want did a very, a new norm. so we received the already more than 1300, for the didn't know only of us the to doing centrally of the moment. and well, then 200 of the, the bus, the way there are lots of the people needs to be a very,
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to the unfortunately, there is just just one surgeon company in the fussy so yes to, to, we are going to new with all the cases received in the hospital and the hospital itself is not safe at all because uh it does be not ready at that's by the shilling full times in the, in the 10 days. so for me it's the continue out to which is, but it's very difficult to work in says step situations, rushes foreign minister said again after dolphins on a ford country tour of west africa. moscow is trying to strengthen its ties across the african continent of will hold talks with the leaders of chad and they to on thursday or wednesday, he was in the book in the facetime where he announced additional victory supplies and instructors to help build up the country's defense capabilities, nicholas houghton, to put some set of goals, comfortable. com, a plane, multiple games at the same time is
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a skills that russians seem to have mastered in international chess competition. so it may be confusing to some, but not to russian immigrant to send to go by h t dot net geared that she's here to spread this russian strategy to africans and is representing not only russia, but the west african nation as well. it's the feeling because you need to feel the position, you need to feel the weakness. point of your opening. so you're wanting to know when use with pools. and when you should wait, your should the play safe by the same time, not very press by safe. when you play chest and you can say a lot about the person that's playing with you, you can say a lot about his character. russians for administer, sir gala for off, learn to play chess at an early age in school, following his latest tour of africa, western diplomats and the region are left wondering what his strategy is beyond the checkered board. and in the political arena. lever off used to
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a press conference in the former french colony of congo to respond to the french president suggestion of sending french military instructors to ukraine. use much of this, we in less volition as to whether they are labeled as whether the members of the french armed forces or just mercenaries do they represent an absolutely legitimate target for armed forces. this statement was applauded by many former african french colonies seeking to break their relationship with the former colonial power indian congo lab. ralph sought access to the countries large reserves of on top minerals in burkina, faso and chad rush. i seeking to bolster defense contracts. the last one, the last one of a and b, to be honest. it's also an economic and strategic opportunity to use russian expertise and the expectation of natural resources and defense. but critics accuse russia of using african countries as palm is to apply pressure on the west. the
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russians are keen to cultivate multiple alliances, away from europe. it is a strategy that seems to be paying off for now with many of the west wondering what rushes next move will be. nicholas hawk, elgin's era, the car to. so the head hair on out here, the report from normandy is commemorations of health and prompts to mock me a tooth anniversary of the day. the hello and welcome to another look at the international forecast. we are still looking at some live the stones across north america. so you have a son, the head trap, interrupting just around the great plains, down to was the deep se, every flight pressure. quite enough. the one that will drift the race with high
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pressure comes back in behind. can see temperature is really building over the next couple of days. cosette, south west them corner rabbit that southwest philly start seeing $43.00 celsius on wednesday at touch woman. as we go on into thursday, that's a 100 and time in found high warming up to for dallas, getting up to around 36 degrees celsius. it is going to be long as you try across the west and 2 thirds of the us. we've got some showers, longest spells of rain drifting further east, which over towards the eastern seaboard. we are going to see that clearing through was a go one through one space and humid weather some wet. let us in the lobby storms to into central and eastern parts of canada. wanted to share with other states you notice over towards the mountain states, a comp will have the possibility of some wet weather, some weather to that's on the cause of rod across the cariboo, particularly for the grades around tennis. so it was easily waived driving some heavy of down pools across his spine. you know, that you make and cuba, but dry to the east.
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the. he says he went to go to and syria, to provide a 27 year old activism as to how kids to read testing working as i'm doing so i that with nose in the eyes of his government, when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised in the 1st part of the series, we found it was to either push the shape worker cuz he confronts the news, the piece of citizenship verification. i only want my citizenship back if i'm proven. it says, i don't wanna wait honest, technically stake listed in syria on which is era of the
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talk about her mind about top stories. now the sound is there any strikes of hits you and that link to school sheltering people under residential, ms. rach refugee county, at least 35 people have been killed dozens more in the army claims the sites was being used by him as the wounded have been taken to the x, the host culture nationalist is rarely serv held him much to occupy the east jerusalem pots of wants, track dates, celebrations, palestinian shopkeepers have been attacked the day marks israel's illegal occupation of the area. 1967. there's been renewed, fighting between saddam's army and the power, miniature rapids support forces and stones, most of 4 states. by taking this steve out from shipping and over 100 people killed since indonesia is mounts a bu, has interrupted once again, thousands of people have been forced to leave the authorities in west how my hair i
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have evacuated 7 villages, 7 weeks of intense volcanic activity, with plumes of ash, as high as 7 kilometers, is the latest in a series of interruptions recorded since may. and even though it joins us now, live from the home era on the international island of north my live, not far from mount a boo. so what's the latest spend on mount if it was it study abrupt to a kerry, we are about 9 kilometers away from mount able right now. that's just outside the 7 kilometers danger zone and very much feel erupt thing, mount able and in fact it erupt. it so far, twice already today, the 1st one at around 2 in the morning local time when it's sent around 5 kilometers of ash. so up into the air. and then the 2nd time, just a few hours ago at around 8 in the morning when 1200 meters of ash clouds were
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spewed by mouth, able no, ma gabriel has been erupt. thing in fact, that almost every day since may 16th. when the forty's raised the alert level to ford, that's the highest in a ford tier alert system here in indonesia. and in fact, there are 2 volcanoes that are currently erupting, sir in the hair, a region alone. and there are 6 volcanoes, are actively erupting across the indonesian archipelago. in addition to that, there's one volcano in the central philippines, that is also erupt, things, so a very active pacific ring of fire. terry and bulk knowledge is here in indonesia. tell us that this is norma because indonesia is situated in the pacific with a fire, and there are more than 120 volt candles here in indonesia, so they're bound to erupt at some point. but of course, there's nothing normal about people living in tents,
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just like the ones right behind me. terry. what indeed, with that full coming to activity evolved, we have people coping in the evacuation sense is that to yeah, so in this it back to a says center. there are about 1000 people and there are a few of recreation center scattered around this area. more than 2600 people who were living near the volcano around the volcano had been evacuated. and so the good news is that people who have been living around the volcano, they know when to evacuate, they know when to stay out of danger. and the government also knows what to do whenever there is interruption. the government knows to see people away from danger, not just the danger of corruption, but also from the danger of cold lava flows. now, the government, of course, has been providing food and other b basic necessities to people who are living in these tents. but the bad news is
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that they could be living here for an extended period of time. they have already been staying here for weeks now that can turn into months. it could even turn into years. and if it does turn into months and years, then there could be huge financial problems for them. because as of now, they're not able to make a living and they have to pay their debts, they have to send their children to school. and so what some of them do is they go back to coconut plantations, around the volcano, and they risk their lives just to be able to make some money. carrie want to be though, with that update, the thank you know, it's well environment day. un secretary general antennae, the talent, she's again raising the knob on climate change. he says the world is heating up faster than ever before. and humanity is running out of time to take action. i'll just say it was gabriel. that is on the reports of the american museum of natural
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history. new york is home to millions of specimens of plants, animals, people, and the living world. feeling perhaps the un shows here for the secretary general to deliver a special address on climate action. he called a moment of truth. the policies, the world is spewing the mission so fast, that by 2035 higher temperature rise would be old, but it's getting teats. on wednesday the world meteor logical organization said there is 80 percent likelihood that the annual average global temperatures will exceed $1.00 degrees above pre industrial levels in the next 5 years. why all of these fuss about $1.00 degrees? because our planet is a mess of complex connected systems and every fraction of a degree of global heating cones, or the difference between 1.5 and 2 degrees would be the difference between
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extinction and survival. for some small island states and coastal communities, the difference between the minimizing climate scales, or crossing dangerous steeping points. gutierrez has spoken often about the urgent need for climate action. but here were specifics. 33 different asks or policy recommendations. among them a call for every country in the world to create a national climate action plan. he called for a wide spread ban on advertising, from fossil fuel companies. in the same way, many countries limit tobacco advertising. but if gutierrez wanted to see the challenges of getting local governments to implement his ambitious climate call to action, he didn't have to look very far. i have directed the m t a to and definitely pause the program. the governor of new york is now postponed a plan to tax every car entering new york city during peak hours to encourage
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public transportation and reduce emissions. it was due to go into effect later this month. of the secretary general does not have the power to demand issues be taken on climate change, but with the power of his bully pulpit and being the world's top of the diplomat and advocate. he certainly can put an issue back on the world agenda and that's exactly what he was trying to do with his speech gabriel's onto obviously to new york. but one impact of climate change is severe weather in flooding, which is now head, south africa's east coast. at least 21 people have died and hundreds, a homeless. i mean that has more of this was, this is a bit, don't god. these are tomatoes. a driver kept as a tomato building up in south africa's kazoo natal province. by the time many could seek shelter, it is too late. areas like this have been devastated. the high winds and to ritual
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rains, flattened homes and flooded roads. at least a 120 people have lost their homes. 11 others have been killed. thirties have declared a state of a lot. i see now who would never mind. we don't have any food because it's all with all our belongings, with our ideas, all onto the rubble and we're still searching. we literally have nothing we played with those who can help to come forward and risk us. the language, the rooms have been destroyed. that means my tenants don't have a place to stay and now i have to try and get them a place to stay and have my house repaired. and i do not have that much money to do that. i survive because of my tenants and there are only 2 of them. you know, not in some areas work is being done to restore water and electricity supply of the power lines were damaged 2 years ago, doubling and it's a rounding areas with the size of the was flooding. and so last week is history killing more than 400 people. at least 10 people have died now in the neighboring
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east, some k problems with these bit extensive flooding. us. and more than 2000 people have been forced to leave nelson mandela bay. with the service to save the heavy rains and cold are likely to bring hail snow and more strong winds issued a warning into other provinces. because move bad weather is expected to meet the miller. i'll choose 0. south career is hosting an agricultural conference for african nations, which it hopes will relieve hunger. royce is an important staple for many african countries. and south korea has become a well leader in grain cultivation, public product reports from so for the host of south korea. this conference demonstrates its rapid development from the recipient of overseas aid to a don't, a nation which can now help others, especially in the production of food almost desert challenge law. we will work to strengthen advocacy food security capabilities. we will actively promote
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agricultural transfer and contribute to increasing food self sufficiency. a south korean farmers have made pioneering advances in agriculture. no more so that even rice production and it's so cold k rice belt project across parts of africa is aimed at supporting farm is that accurate cultural centers help promote small resilience rise seats while spreading education and the use of new technology. what distinguishes korean strains are the yields, compared to many african varieties. korean crops can produce mold in twice the rice, a top to 6 tons by hacked with young rapidly growing populations to feed under woodson and climate crisis. more african countries are looking to increase production. the money that you send me, i would like to commend the care i spelt initiative for lunch, but korea, which is a testament to the principal partnership. the career has forge with the african
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countries. the goal is to distribute enough high resilience seeds to african families in the next 3 years to grow rice for 30000000 people, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so india is the governing alliance has unanimously elected the prime minister. the ranger movie, as his leader body needs his coalition partners more than ever. because his policy, the b, j. p, lost its majority in recent elections. low date will be sworn in for 3rd time on site. today. not least 4 people have died and more than 20 of an injured in a train crash in the czech republic. the collision between the passenger and the freight train, the code in the city of how the big stuff which lies on the main rail, kartel, which links the chemical problem to the east of the country emergency services are at the same. the collaborations had been held in funds to mount the h. s. anniversary of the day. the
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june 1944 troops from the u. k. the us and canada attacked german.


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