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tv   The Listening Post  Al Jazeera  June 6, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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the any so i'll just see them when a site is now us aerospace company, boeing has no interest to us to and also in addition to the international space station marketing a 1st for the company. it's only the 2nd the private firm to do so. office space 6 quarter and baker reports a new spacecraft, a new rocket, and a seasoned crew or headed to the international space station. boeing has waited a long time to send humans into orbit and it joins a very small club in 2010. then us president brock obama promised a bold and risky new idea to transform the nation's 50 year old publicly funded space program into one that relies on private companies for space travel. in order to reach the space station. we will work with a growing array of private companies competing to make getting to space easier and more affordable. 14 years later,
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the companies in the us space race includes some new startups. and many old titans . boeing is a space veteran. the company was involved in the apollo program half a century ago and was just one of 2 to be awarded the task of transportation under obama's new land is our so it built the star liner that the craft is only flown to the space station once and it's never carried people starlight star line or flies on a united launch alliance rocket. that's a partnership between defense giant lockheed martin and boeing along the way. other players have made big promises to bigelow space was suppose to build habitats for space stations. it collapsed in 2020 version or bit hope to deliver satellites. by playing it folded in 2023. the apartments amazon sound are just based osis company, blue origin started selling short trips to space for the wealthy in 2021. and it's hoping to see its own mega rocket lift off later this year. but the one that
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promised the most as over delivery space x led by eli mosque was a start up in 2010. today it delivers most of the people and cargo into space controls the most satellites, and is testing the largest ever spaceship. gotta start. all of these depend on substantial government support. the space economy is more a speculative economy than it is a real economy. everything that comes from the space economy, as we understand it is mostly well 1st based. so most of the time space companies aren't actually making profit off of space basic to, to use. we're going in the space. it's mostly military contracting to do just with starline or boeing, tally some much needed success. a mid business troubles back on earth. and nasa can claim a new partner as it aims for the moon. calling baker alba 0. you got a good today is continue set on al serra, off to the listing posted the
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the the the center i bet is due to the
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alarm, richard gets burned and you're watching a special edition of the listening post when trying to explain conflicts, historians and journalists examined the ideologies that helped create but in the media coverage of israel and palestine, one the id, ology, deserves farm or attention. then it's going to get zionism was the brainchild of jewish intellectuals in 19th century europe. it was the response to the tidal wave of anti semitism. sweeping the continent at that time, there was solution a jewish state, but on land already inhabited by palestinians. it was a reflection of europe's colonial. think however, after decades of dispossession, war and apartheid critics of zionism call it indefensible, if not racist in western media, those critiques are seldom heard. instead, we get the opposite. a debate about whether opposition to that ideology and design isn't, is anti semitic or later on in this program, we will hear from
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a jewish american community leader about her transition from a true believer in line as them to a committed opponent of it. but 1st, the listening post, daniel tory on zion, isn't the discourse that surrounds it. and what it tells us about the world's longest running occupation across the west and well, from holloman's to t. v. studios, opinion makers, they've been pushing an alarming message. let's go now what it is a design is, is that they say that a political critique of israel and design isn't, is in fact a form of anti semitism. now this dead zone and is this the desire to watch the height? the existing edition is on the who don't but what's homeless never gets discussed. design is in itself. there is no argument any more than anti sign isn't his anti
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semitism. that is as plain as day views, what he says see, has a post you found that most americans either don't know what zionism is, without know what to think of it. design easy, easy idea of jewish nationalism and it's ultimate goal was a really stating palestine. the school was achieved, the 1948 with the establishment of the state of israel, as only some is now the official ideal energy of the state of israel design. isn't this central to understanding what's happening in palestine and israel. at this moment zionism is the motive force of the confiscation of land in palestine, and it is at the very core of the cleansing and genocide, we are witnessing today like most ideologies. zine is an emotion, is
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a response to appropriate in the late 19th century, anti semitism in europe had reached historic levels. thousands of jews were killed in a succession of pope groups. with many more driven from the homes. among the jewish intellectuals proposing solutions was theodore hudson. a journalist in austria hungry hutsel cold for the creation of a jewish state outside of your suit choosing palestine is the promised lot. can you this would entail the displacement of palestinians, but this hudson will himself no sign is of, was colonial idea to the colonial mindset because of so to the crucial to sign the id on the g. all the founding fathers, societies, and clear your opinions and feel to hurt so sort of the jury state in palestine. as an extension of you, he spoke about the jury state is manning the wrong pulse of western
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civilization against eastern barbarism. at this point, colonialism is not a bad word. the united states and europe are really subjugating non european on peoples throughout the global south. and it's at this moment that zionism is really born, this is one of the tragedies of zionism and that zionism was really a response to racial understanding of the hierarchies of humanity. at the same time that sign is and saw an escape from those higher our keys. unfortunately, it would recreate them in palestine. the jews saw themselves as running away from europe that was not working for them a and making in palestine. something that could
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be of their own, but this worked out for the palestinian peasantry as being something like displacement design has been thought, well, yeah, but you have this immense error of world. so if you have to move a few miles, is that so bad? i mean, this is the way they thought they were operating in a world of complicated justice. before world war 2, most jews did not support design as pools. many opposed it, did palestine. jewish settlers were minority to some advocates of peaceful coexistence with the palestinians. but most scientists lead his favorite, a more militants approach, among the se of chapter 10 ski, the father of a new kind of scientists on the right. in 1925 trumpeted ski, wrote zion is a, is a color and isaac adventure. and therefore, it stands or falls on the question of armed forces. design is the militias were
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established, soon played a decisive role. in the wake of the nazi jewish refugees arrived in palestine, and the united nations approved the creation of jewish and arab states. they just speak to us a multiple and how design provide these impressions of hanging out opposes consolidating it is under that confront during the pointing that followed, the militias carried out and not by the catastrophe expelling roughly 750000 palestinians for now to make weight to israel sweep out since i've been talking about our condition as an ongoing next, but as an ongoing catastrophe. my parents were both children and 1948 and what their families became refugees. they lost everything. and so that is the crux of the palestinian condition that zionism is premised on the very erasure of hosting and political rights. what it is meant on the ground since 1948
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until this moment has been dispossession separation condition of relentless exile. the guy, the principal of the state of israel is be about building as large as possible to estate in palestine with as few items inside its motors as possible. in 1948 p 0 perpetrate to the knocked about 3 quarters of a 1000000. philistines became refugees in 9, the 67 after the 6, they will as well travel these 33. and there was a quarter for median refugees from the west bank who are not allowed to return. so this is the logical set of colonialism ethnic cleansing, in my opinion, design is and is, are a society over g, because it pre religious, why i'm asking
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a group of, of the, of the, i don't think of design as i'm as racism. i think of zionism as being a movement which is very internally focused as it was trying to create something novel. and because in order to create something novel, it had to self segregate other people outside of the rubric, the precincts of scientists, and may have felt excluded. and may interpret that as races the course of the use of stuff while the site from my own to only not all the main israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu sees himself is the error of the right wing sign is a championed by say of chapter 10 ski a century ago, and that's and yahoo's father, whose job it seems to be secretary. but this trends design isn't that dr. nets and yahoo and the religious hotline is it, is coalition,
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or even more extreme. maybe not the science. i have a quote to ship is government has wrapped up the building of a legal settlements of the occupied westbank, the devastation of gauze in response to have masses attacks on october. the 7th has put israel on trial for genocide at the world's highest court . and they plan to take it even further, either to ease or as a was to when the guys are on inhabitable and the level of devastation. nissan president, it varies in these riley ministries planned for the, populating the whole of gaza. there was a meeting in jerusalem for the resettlement of gauze, though. 12 ministers attended this meeting.
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this is the climax of something that was inherent in. so i need some from the beginning over in the us. israel's biggest allied support designers and spans the political spectrum. starting in the white house 35 years ago, i said, you don't have to be to to be zions. so amazon, the, what with opposition design is a growing, including among the american jews, pro israel, lobby groups of sex, house of dealer, due to mice and design is in politics and the media but anti zionism. i belong said as anti semitism. i was wrong anti zionism is genocide. in december, the us house of representatives gave that narrative, its official slip approval, pausing
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a resolution that explicitly equates mt. zion isn't without the semitic. it's a completion that continues to echoes through the holes of power and use rooms of western capital, confusing audiences stifling defense against these rails was kind of curious how to find a new vehicle and in the name that became designed. this is what you mean by and design is, is that israel never should have been invented in the 1st place. i think that's historically lazy. and i think it's a mistake. i think israel's should have been created. i think design is movement should have happened. but do i think you're being anti semitic? i don't really see the connection to send me kids and is the hatred of jews because the jews country is honest and is not about to lose. it's about to use for him. and his policies. and this is a very dangerous training because the criticisms of israel's behavior in gaza
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a perfectly legitimate in relation to zion is the media is its 1st moral and ethical and professional responsibility is to not allied zionism with today is the illusion of anti semitism with opposition design is a is cynical, and it is harmful for the palestinians in the gaza strip, who are experiencing the more speed fast that the israeli state arm to bother us. arsenal is reeking on that that illusion has been the arm or through which israel can continue to conduct this genocide
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conflation of anti zionism with anti semitism is provoking pushed back from a growing number of young, jewish americans and t zionist. the jews have formed a major part of the anti war protests that have taken place across the us. and they are not taking kindly to being accused of racism towards their own community. given the importance of us support for israel, it is a movement that could prove pivotal simone zimmerman is one of the leaders of that movement. the co founder of if not now and advocacy group that aims to sway americans choose against the occupation. she also campaigns against anti semitism, and it's weaponized ation by the pro israel lobby. but she wasn't always on that side of the argument. simone zimmerman was raised a committed scientist for transition away from that way of thinking forms. the core of an award winning documentary called is realism. that was released last year. i
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wanted to know answers from within my own community, and nobody could answer those questions for me. oh is it that i, i'm like the best the jewish community has to offer. i've been through all the trainings all the program and i don't know what the occupation is. i don't know what the settlement side simone zimmerman joins us now from new york city simone. thank you for speaking with us here today at the listening post. in that documentary is realism, a course theme was your personal turn away from design is to start with, talk about your former self, the pro israel activist. what did you believe at the time? and how did you come to disbelieve it? well, i grew up with a narrative about israel, that was incredibly romantic, and frankly simplistic. i grew up with the idea of my commitment to israel as inseparable from my judaism. i grew up spending all the time in israel, and i planned to go be and israel advocate on my college campus. we often said that
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that was the other battlefield, you know, the college campuses, the battle field for israel's legitimacy. and so i wanted to go up, tell the truth about israel. now that, that all got quite complicated for me when i began actually meeting the students on my campus who had different life experiences related to is around different ways. i began reading text by both palestinian and israeli historians who complicated the story of 1948. i learned about the not the mass displacement of palestinians in 1948 that led to the founding of the state. and very quickly, that narrative was, was complicated and, and shuddered for me. and you're not the only one because there's, there's been a broader shift amongst young jewish americans towards the opposition to where at least ambivalence about scientism. and we've heard those pro israel lobby a say, you know, we've lost the kids. do you think they'll ever get those kids back?
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for many dues zionism has much movement. the lied to the safety that were offered an escape route and safety for our grand parents. generation that's true in my own family story. now it's also true that zionism has always meant mass displacement and oppression and injustice for the past. and even people for young americans use their asking these questions and the same prism that they're asking other questions about, you know, racial injustice and america. what young people are seeing on our phones right now . these live stream floors 24. so he's 24 people work oh here. interesting. so he's little set up for 22 of them are women and children. the bombings, the starvation, some of the other horrors being committed against children. and, and we're seeing it on our phone, live stream to us by young people who, you know, look like us who have the same aspirations as we do. and we want the same rates and
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justice and freedom for these people. and the, the, the basic ability to live freely and safely that we have. and i think seeing that alongside seeing these videos of israeli soldiers celebrating their work crimes and laughing and desecrating the homes that posted in for flood in this moment in which they are responsible for the largest displacement of palestinians. since the napa, that is prompting a really dramatic reckoning among not just the younger generation, but i think young people are experiencing in a particular way because we see it and such, such unfiltered means. a lot of israel supporters in the us when we've seen it, they've done it in the media. they've taken the labeling and design is the most pure anti semitism. what do you make of that argument that conflation?
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is there a cross over there? how do you see it look, anti semitism can show up anywhere along the political spectrum just like racism and sexism. i think the real question is, you know, what are the animating values of a movement? and a misrepresentation that we keep seeing consistently is the tarnishing of the movement for palestinian street on i see something on tick, tock and they're like it's real bad and home us good. and they go out and they start shouting and choose. it's a movement who's hor, motives and goals are to stop this mass killing in gaza to protect palestinian life, to demand justice and freedom for the palestinian people. and we see time and again the. the misrepresentation of that movement with these false charges of anti semitism in ways that 1st of all are such an unfair and creative attack on this movement. and in addition,
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they create deep confusion about what anti semitism is and it actually makes it harder to identify anti semitism and be able to route it out. you also do important work, calm backing, anti semitism, and add the jewish hate has been on the rise since october 7th is the media discussion around that topic. anti semitism doing anything to help people understand what it really is and to fight it. now i think that's why it's so important to actually talk about this conflation of jews and israel and to do our best to separate the 2, you know, the so called leading organization. that is the often the, the leading source cited and media around this is the anti defamation league. but they all actually has a, a long history of being opposed to justice movements most significantly,
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the movement for cost and in freedom. and in the latest statistics that they've released on, and this is not a new phenomenon, post october 7th, but they've certainly escalated in this campaign. they include in their lots of anti semitic incidence, pro tests led by jewish organizations and jewish individuals. so how can we get a true picture of the state of anti semitism in this country when the leading organization responsible for telling us about it does not have reliable data. i think that's deeply dangerous for jewish people. and i also think it's important to say that, you know, we are seeing increased numbers of jews in the movement for a cease fire for post and in freedom. and i believe that those thousands of jews were out in the streets, not just in the us, but around the world are helping fight anti semitism because we're breaking that completion between jews and israel's devastating assault on the causes stroke.
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there's documented evidence that when ever there's escalated violence in israel, palestine, jews around the world who have nothing to do with that violence, often are on unfairly, on the receiving end of that blow back from individuals who target to use out of their rage. a israel last one for you as a result of the active is the exposure you got from that documentary, you become something of a liter within the jewish community. how hopeful are you that this movement that you're part of american jews against israel as occupation? that's something meaningful can be achieved in the coming years. are we at an inflection point? you know, whenever i get asked this question about hope, it feels important to say, 1st of all that it's, it's hard to answer that question in a moment in which israel has reduced the majority of the causes strep to rumble, in which we are living through the the largest attack on palestinian life and
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displacement and destruction since but not above 1948. i feel deeply afraid for pulse and he ends right now and for also for is really to sort, deeply endangered living this ongoing situation. in addition to that, in this moment of such profound are best and tragedy, it is incredibly powerful to see so many young people waking up, asking questions, young and old people joining these movements for justice and freedom for all people say by just think about college campuses you know, i got to participate in chabarise and pass over at the cause of solidarity encampment at columbia university. and it was really moving to me to see all of these young jews there in the encampment, grappling with the histories that they've been taught. having hard conversations with their friends with their community members, that to me is hopeful these movements for justice and for accountability are
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hopeful because without that the, the, the red lines that we are seeing moved farther and farther away from any semblance of democracy and respect for human life, but that is very scary and so seems students rising up and demanding that is a path to an alternative. simone zimmerman. thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us. thank you. i of the turning tide of young americans like simone zimmerman. away from support for israel and zionist ideology could prove to be one of the major developments in the history of israel's occupation of palestine. but it is only the latest act in this century, long story, one that cannot be understood without at least a basic understanding of design is. news outlets have a big part. the plan that we need to talk about sign isn't explain how it relates to israel's past. it's present and it's ongoing ethnic cleansing of gaza. it's
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warcraft against palestinians. we'll see you next time here. at the listening books . we look at the world still plays the story of what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the back the markets in economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed. certainly be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost? oh no, just the euro or interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continues to corporate israel, affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge, the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so in the international community,
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can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they are managing the crisis. one day the internal security acts against violators. and then i don't do anything for you. use human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review and the latest crack them security forces are closing. shops be legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the government
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into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while, syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. the helpless on the fire is rarely minute. she checked, spun the residential home and you in the school, the garza sheltering palestinians, dozens of wounded and at least 38 people. okay. the carry johnston, this is out to sarah from de, also coming up fighting escalate since the dons north dot for reach and threatening aid supplies to civilians. trump to the 14 month civil war.


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