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tv   Witness Blood On Our Side  Al Jazeera  June 6, 2024 8:30am-9:01am AST

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any so we'll just see them on the side of us. aerospace company, boeing has no interest to us to know. so in addition to the international space station, lucky your 1st for the company is only the 2nd the private defend to do so. office space, 600 and bank of the pools. a new spacecraft, a new rocket, and a seasoned crew or headed to the international space station. boeing has waited a long time to send humans into orbit and a joints of very small club in 2010, then us president brock obama promised a bold and risky new idea to transform the nation's 50 year old publicly funded space program into one that relies on private companies for space travel. in order to reach the space station. we will work with a growing array of private companies competing to make, getting to space easier and more affordable. 14 years later, the companies in the us space race includes some new startups and many old titans.
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boeing is a space veteran. the company was involved in the apollo program half a century ago and was just one of 2 to be awarded the task of transportation under obama's new land is or so it built the star liner that the craft is only flown to the space station once and it's never carried people starlight star line or flies on a united launch alliance rocket. that's a partnership between defense giant lockheed martin and boeing along the way other players have made a big promises to bigelow space was suppose to build habitats for space stations. it collapsed in 2020 version or bit hope to deliver satellites. by playing it folded in 2023. the apartments, amazon sound, or just base those. this company blue origin started selling short trips to space for the wealthy in 2021. and its hoping to see its own mega rockett lift off later this year. but the one that promised the most as over delivered space 6 led by 11
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mosque was the start up in 2010. today it delivers most of the people in cargo into space controls the most satellites, and is testing the largest ever spaceship. or all of these depend on substantial government support. the space economy is more a speculative economy than it is a real economy. everything that comes from the space economy as we understand it is mostly well 1st based. um, so most of the time space companies aren't actually making profit off of space based activities. we're going into space. it's mostly military contracting to do just restore line or boeing, tally some much needed success. mid business troubles back on earth. and nasa can claim a new partner as it aims for the moon. calling baker out 0. you got it, which is continues head of the way the israel's war on. gosh, be coming in forever across the united states. why are the students protests for
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palestine being met with military style track down? why despite insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza, the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line of the material, 75. i don't think if i'm in thinking throughout quite a material circle, but do you want to have quite a 2 hour window could? well, i know the bottom of i believe that these things have developed a more discounts here. i'm impulse and take a full screen on this case, at least put them in control of that perfectly and they're supposed to. that's
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pretty so the for you i you most strongly do you the which is what i mean? i really can i have your names. yeah. to the, the base, the leveling. and also of course, the, as to know the
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use of the, the, the, the survey a bit of the area that are getting the, i love your lanes here. which is one way or did you ok, i me knows that i thought of it gaze on my lay my hands into your bloom and those are pretty see it now for me, hold on the
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or the front of the desktop or when you own that for them i expelled the nadia be and they will know the body and the only thing that i most game was to have like one but then she had taken the kind of depends on the se, there's one not at least not bro. i've seen the list. heck, i don't know the status of the us test. can you read the stalls pressing in the last one, how that's how i hope particularly skim assistance. he in your book and also custom ramos and see how the heart of the it up. but i can go up to 6 on saturday and
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we'll talk, you can call, it's almost closed if you see that better. so not a problem in think they came from in dosing and marvel. you'll see it gets a little minute for a 2nd for the throw apple in question. can you mean at least to cook in advice last it will not be until i see on america and a lot of the light i see on hand that i mean for them, i guess that most and i left that or okay, so what i'm telling my little guys, just do it on the rest of you another one of you on last a. i mean that's how i think on that i thought, so let me pull it off. he's got me a lot of equipment. that's him for the pot. if they light x, you'll need to go to the ceiling and 6 that i want to think how ceiling is a guessing that'll save you a little k a is we will need the the
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the way. yeah. i know what to do. i can see stood in missouri east and this is what i can look up your desk and press those. who was the purpose of the journal? i'm looking at the goods. maybe you can see those in the us at the stuff like them know with dental, just most of them will say i'm still finding the police say forget me. it's like one of them or something. oh i cool. here's the thing. so who says that this over to him because he knew the policy o,
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you're good on that level isn't as ok. there's also a minute. this post i'm going to proceed in the when i'm your area, which i said can you be and these are almost over level is they never get this out or they say nothing was you know, but another is mean a little to
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the key and i will take a look choice the
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the for the new because i was born the i see spoken not quite a bit myself. i'm looking for, but again this app is heavy as new york as your new base. so seem as if i'm saying, excuse me, the tickets are feed as a fast but my number, i mean, he knows what's going on with that because some of the, you know, stuff is how do i pick up the keys and enjoy life
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with the reasons a little bit higher level people with the, as he is in the hospital, which is how much k, but not too big for them. the name of jack summers, but i, i spell the 30th. and the why did i said, reasoning us in my, my income is when is that reason like we see? no, for the most part, you had any letter to stomach. we never use this company ever since, but that to send you mean? so let's really, i mean, so it's coming out of calais so and the sort that are nice complement demos and
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came on cnn. so come with this, have technica those that come by now most have a gamble because as i look into some of the most quickly, that is because there's got and this and that i call extent. so let's see in this us and in the rack at guess that's what other to get up them and then throw kind of sort of out of the the, the but the bottom the
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bottom, you can choose what else you want to see. i mean the wind eligible, simulated mostly. i say a little mcwhorter before it was on look at the news. the news. the news is on the now with the
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commission, the, the the of the need to know a little thing because he sent me a, in the us. and it was called because that isn't the example that somebody just will mostly pace those castillo, even be so popular. i look at myself and like that your better shit on this order
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for me on dental or the most present. this easiest case and over the phone i live in the
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us, but i think are for you and then go to ponder. see no, no, i'm like i it is on the, on the 9th. well, you know, like, i mean, if i bring pressure from oracle, done through a lot of feeling a different one. that was something you sent me
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to read through spectrum. familiar. i figured i'd try you on this phase of my number is on the right, right. i'm just waiting for so it was the same which was services now. yeah, it got hi. will me say samuel? let his mom, she has the
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the to the main seamless, the
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beautiful all these us when 3, making 4000 meals speed up within me. hicho is a medical staff because i called her to own a bit on the part of the key a but stuck it in and they use all those. and if you just pay, you'll see an in, out of in they don't out of my on the cutting bottles outside of the almost a mentor. and i guess on when i can do that, the song, it's the see if the feel for the lease before
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it gets has finished those classes. audi family, they will be back on monday. look, this is on file is getting in one of the guys i you see yeah, for me able to pick 10, but aside like i said, if you really deal with one of the one bed, is he not sick? and the studies will see that's what i was aware that a few other things. i mean, i don't that i have some question is within those of i'm in a month in that's what was down. okay. and they said i went through on that and on the same one to that, and that that is simmons identified as cassandra. so you needed to take that. he's has a location that you see on, on the, on the,
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on the unit bus. you wanna take him out of the go see the one. and i said to my was, wow, let me see what you have even which at all i think the plus to your for the sake and we miss uh how much one moment or no see i didn't know say
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see as much minutes. give one, let me say so that i was ready to go to the c c for cc 4, instead of install this on the
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left instead of this is the one the for the say. so i didn't find the symbol experience a guess for the captain. this includes the physical good. ok. yeah, this is the next day. so let's go to the purple because of the den, or we must come to the soonest. you come up on task force, the deals that i thought is let's get in and when us practice because quite early substance activity that is a month and that lead the nashville to anita and what i wanna keep was he gonna see? no, no, i can know what it is. so when you say that is the
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same thing with a single simple see when they see it, they just wanna see if that i'm gonna get on the this when i see them. we don't notice that the syllabus, they cannot see that they're going to see those new parcel familiarities all this way. don't forget to answer the board instead of me that single knowing whether or not the correct
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cuz he paid for it and credited. busy a lot of it didn't know if the fan spell that was cut for him to accounting for and if for some reason fitness and the good good, it's going to find it again. if you're facing the bank, i don't know what it means to you after you put into somebody because he knows martinez's know for the d as if he's got enough. instead of him, the dental stuff has been sandra for the the, the,
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the hours before is killing a canadian sea key. there said the agents of the indian governments were pumped into assessing makes the fault lives, explores how the coal for an independent seek state, a spilled beyond india's borders and investigates. the nation's alleged campaign of eliminated critics on foreign soil. the indians assess the nation on the jersey to zeros here to report on the people often ignored, but who must be hurt. how many other channels can you say will take the time and put extensive followed into reporting from under reported areas. of course,
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we cover major global events that are passion lies in making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young man, has regions and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we care straight the,
9:00 am
the displaced and on the fire, at least 38 people have been killed and an is really as strikingly un linked school sheltering palestinians and central costs the carry johnston. this is i'll just share a life from day was to coming to don's rapids support forces are accused of an attack and the central ultra 0 state to more than a 100 people is fighting. also intensive.


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