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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 6, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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i'm best place to understand the macbooks and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. let us not theme that we don't harm. we don't tucked, we do. we exploit the, [000:00:00;00] the money in sight. this is the news line from joe hall coming up in the next 16 minutes. and he says he, 9 palestinians have been killed. and is there any attack on an un school sheltering displaced people in central gauze and a 100 people are killed in through dogs, elder 0 state witnesses say the power ministry wrap and support forces attacked the
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village. indonesia is held in the hair. all island is on its highest level off to mount either volcano, erupt again. several villages have been evacuated and remembering the day ceremonies are being held in fronds to mug 18 years since the lounging of the allied troops wimbledon curse the look into the program. we begin in central goes away, is there any forces have boned, a un school that were sheltering forcibly displays palestinians, residential buildings. indeed. and is there a refugee camp? at least $39.00 people have been killed, image and convertibles of the off them off of an is really strike on a un run school sheltering thousands of displaced palestinians in central goals of
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nearly 40 people have been reported killed from the bump up and the c rec, comp, and thousands more injured. residential high was also hit as you go up. and when i woke up to the screams of women and so 2040 pots, one woman last 2 of 3 children, people who have lost everyone. deluxe the hospital where people are being treated is it 3 times its capacity and their fee is willing to move this with many of the injured increase it on the flu. alex, the hospital is the only functioning hospital in central cause. a is around the ledges. the school was used by him us in the seminar they selected, that is horrible massacre committed by these ready occupation. these clear evidence of the crime of genocide and s attending against civilian women and children under space. people in the gaza strip is part of renewed is right. he'd been at trio peroration and central garza that has killed more than 70 people since tuesday. attacks on civilian infrastructure like the school have been hallmarks of israel's world,
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garza over 300 education centers have been destroyed and more than 36000 people have been killed. $15000.00 of them children with the death toll still rising image in cuba, which is 0. well, the reason, oh my god, as a refugee camps also came on the attack in central balance of the 3 camps. who crowded with forcibly displace palestinians, including many as the move in a 1000000 who fled the southern and stacy of rough. uh what israel stone said, its ground defensive that last month. this okay, uh let's speak to tarik about assume he joins us now live from outside alexa hospital in 0 bala. so another night, another attack on a refugee camp tarik. this time in new era, it's, can you tell us what happened yeah, exactly. what we do know is that to the use value,
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a flight to just how targeted you and run food, which is completely an evacuation since how hundreds of house, plenty of families have been sitting groceries in that place. on the box majority of families who have been living in that area has been mostly dest, please, from the many areas of persistence ending up in the corner. that was talked, you said without any warning, at least $32.00 palestinians have to report of deals one another residential building was targeted in the same refugee camp. were at least 6 of those at being killed with does is of interest that our life to locks off the top to well we are right now. the situation in fact as we just arrived at the hospital yesterday was absolutely devastating. we so how the funerals representative would have to be later buried a by d as the families under the same time whose families have been speaking throughout . is there a saying that they are completely shocked by the fact that was carried out without
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any kind of pre warning as they have been trying to guarantee the on stage 2 bites of trying to take you on his side shows is for them for the say you gosh, there was no any play, say you possible, but minutes continues heating and bounding it civilly at houses. so looking for us, talk to alongside with you on one. it shows instances which gives police indications that isabel is scaling submitted to acts on the ground as within the past couple of hours. also, we could clearly hear the sound of the bomb into the eastern areas of derek by the hand of great refuge account. while the is valid, all me saying that now they're carrying out a very limited monitoring just and the eastern area is all the rage and everybody as well. yeah. as you say, target, there really is no west save, because these really strikes has continued all over this strep, and all the areas and parts and the strip. what else can you tell us about that? yes, in fact, for the military combat in the still own, go in the north,
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in the center and even in the southern parts of the gulf when i was talking from the north of districts where these went out to begin to have been bouncing as they to a neighbor who was closing by themself, casualties that white fonts that to i, our hospital to get medical treatment them on the same time. now the minute 3 is totally dissing into multiple areas. in the center of this trip includes in the every by the where the is right here to is have opened the fire against house finance on selection team road. one palestinian has been killed with 2 others. be wanted them to have been prose to unlock the hospital. get medical treatment and in the fall south of dollars that includes things are new to the city is very forces have destroyed everything into a building. and when are a neighborhood in newness, while the manager of operations as an ongoing in the law software, the have been demolishing complete residential neighbor who is one off to the other as close contact pointing with from us. and it's been to so just continues as well on the ground the way the minutes. we know aust patients in front of the western
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areas of russell which is so a jason some close to a mostly. and they are trying also to take full militarily control over the district, up to the managed to control philadelphia for regional as the, as the saying that they are trying to this month with monthly meetings to tell you the level of destruction is unprecedented. where no one is trying to try and even to remain in the office of receiving warnings by the industry. i know the incoming gospel population hot left stranded in at the palace. the name is 3 to know most of your young, even here in through and by the central air is also targeted within the past a couple of weeks, which is nice reflection on an indication that palestinians have lost faith. thank you for that power. couple assume that for us outside the i likes the hospital and their umbrella. now just a reminder, the is where the government has bound out his era from reporting inside israel,
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which is why iran con is now joining us from the jo damian capital. i'm on iran, so he's ready. army have also been discussing this attack on the camp. and is there a, wouldn't they have to say about it as well? these ready? let me say that the very clear who the target was, they say that i must fight as well in the you and school in the middle of this thread, refugee camp. they've provided no evidence that any of this they used as strikes to hit, but you in school, they knew it was the school, the method, it was a you and school. they've also admitted that it was on the 3rd refugee camp. it was the target, they know that that is a place where displace palestinians have been saying you have to look at the pictures in my colleagues in the image and campus report displayed earlier. we see women, we see children and living in that refuge account, like i say, these relatives have provided no evidence that this was from us. but these rallies are briefing, local is ready media saying that they suspected that some of the people behind your
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type or us and some of the tax on israel was staying in that come by. and that's the language that we've heard a lot before. the, the, what terrorist as they as these right, he's called him staying in and under the law school they have to attack the under our school. and then later they have to either back track because the last part is what killed or it was low level of how much fighters and more civilians were injured. so right now we're in this kind of, he said, she said these really ami very clearly say that we believe that there were how that service in that school camp in that school and in the refugee camp, but not providing any single shred of evidence. okay, thank you for that in mind. calling that for us and amman, and just to remind again that be, is there any prime minister? benjamin mentioned as government has banned alger zara from reporting inside israel . now as diplomatic efforts continued to end the war on garza, i'm off says it's sticking to its demands for
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a permanency spot. it's politically the, it smells, honey, a says homeless and it's allied functions will deal positively with any agreement on the basis of a comprehensive cessation of aggression, complete withdrawal of israeli troops and prisoner exchange. or is there any army? says one soldier was killed and 9 injured in a drone attack from 11 on on wednesday as well. no says at launch the attack on her fish, which is 3 kilometers from the lebanese florida. as well as military says, it's investigating why it's forces failed to sound warning sirens. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the vault in so long levin's buddha could escalate the studio. we have lucy on his car, associate professor of gulls politics at the top university. good to see you again, luciana. let's start with the escalating tensions on israel's northern border with
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lebanon. we have seen his bullet upping its attacks on israel and it was, it was near school yesterday cuz you had prime is nothing, you know, going to the northern border and saying in speech that they, all these were these opera pad for an intense conflicts that do you feel that we are now reaching a point where we could see this war. why did we have been feeling about that since the beginning of the war? we had no style of being not very clear about the subjective we, we, we, we witnessed this exchange of fire intermittently. and now we'd see how the, who these are still, i can some, some the best something in there. let's see. even though there's a beagle breakdown against them, we see we saw the heat on them, a strong exchange fire. and so far the config does not expand it. it is very unlikely that this may happen if there is
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a refrain from one of the sites that's probably not to extend that. but the problem is that we keep seeing the israel, it keeps bomb, the we dealt with any justification that we don't provide the evidence of what they did is to target some of us if i thought so, is this likely also the other, other actors in this state or on say, thought causing the is a coughing, may jump in into the bucket because they see no reaction from other sides. we can see in the united states, it's not recognizing the better. so identify, been and by this time and they keep supporting the threat regardless of what's happened, that they are rejecting any, any decision thinking by the i c, c, or the g. a, i'm the only countries are, they are doing something are federal countries, columbia. and you cut are, was south africa it. so it is not possible to say that these kind of know big funds because we see that there is no other option. but the duct escalating that the company, it's okay if the united states it's, it's coming up to about a week, i would say, uh, since we had that big announcement from president biden about that cease fire plan,
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which he said was backed by israel. we know that william bens, the director of the c i a was in, has been in doha. where are we with tools? what's your understanding? i mean, is there a sense now that this is actually going to lead to something? when it, when over the course of the week we've, we've been hearing that neither how much nor these rarely seem ready to accept the terms as they are you talking to us we, we have before they have multiple units, except for the same on the, for the position, it's exactly the same and this a game that they were playing it by them and, and but after 76, your offer on this is my offer. we were not sure what that is was different proposal come in from by then all the friday proposal that was appreciate a little bit bye bye bye bye, then offer them to how much send that's how much was happy with that. now nobody's happy with anything. it is very difficult to, to, to be of the mistake in the say at this moment when we see that we are in expecting the same to push them down 34,
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or 5 months ago. no procedure has been changed. and if any, who keeps fighting with their own people inside the government, some members of the government threatening him to leave the pharmacy, they accept any 65 bill, and mounting for us or from the civil society. and from the 5 minutes of the hostages, asking him to negotiate. the problem is we keep hearing from you, friend, that's the amount of health issues that they can see that they are still alive are getting over this. so this idea that we will discuss is a very beginning the house is our sacrifice already. would it be that the, the turning point in this negotiation? if there is nothing to negotiate because there is no more hostages. so there's nothing that stuff. and if i knew who to continue with this home on the main objective, which is a mean it didn't have us. and let's see how the, you know, the problem is it's the people of guys who continue to suffer. and we've seen this real uptick and von inspire the is really ami focusing now in the center of gaza.
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we've. we've seen a tax on perez and darrow bought out of the accounts that the problem is. these are areas that are crowded with people who are displaced from fighting elsewhere like the menu and a so people that when rafa so they're feeling the brunt even though they stuck them in we, we have been witnesses since the very beginning. the, the no say phones it'd be placed can be a target because every time they use rarely idea a can see there that for be leave the sun 141 member of how much of the heat then, or somewhere in the hospital square or whatever the target becomes legitimate for them, regardless of how many people this have around the guy. i mean, we have to take that width for it because there is no evidence produced. it's like that there's no evidence and there's no a read for the month for a compatibility from anybody. i mean, and they'll do it from the united state and even from day to see. nobody's asking how you decided to attack is quoted for the people. a, we don't know any,
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actually there was someone there and we, we have that didn't seem to have, this is wrong. but when they killed the then the, the people, the from the word kitchen, the i will see you may tell you on the 8th work as so far, we didn't hear anything about that. i mean, we could say, or they weren't b, i didn't have an investigation, nothing happened. nobody's demanding accountability. neither the us australia or the case where city says from the contract to work you in this up and that's a good point. okay, let's see on, i get to talk to the sienna as a car or associate professor, go politics. i could tell university now the un says that needs to off of the water and sanitation facilities, and garza has been destroyed or damaged. that means palestinians all struggling to get clean water money, spent hours trying to get water for that homes. but often they find that water treatment plans to shop because they don't have enough fuel. and all the dairy is in there, i'll buy that with me. it's a basic necessity of life,
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but for policy means in carpet clean water is cars. thousands of this place people travel every day by foot to what is the cause of last operating in the nation plants that even the it's an everyday old deal. we come to 2 volts a $2.00 to $3.00 times a day that some of the source of drinking and some we use the washing. it's a crisis, a daily mental and physical struggle with drained and exhausted. most of cause i just want to treatment and sanitation infrastructure has been badly damaged or destroyed by israel since october, 7th, palestinians here now rely on what 8 gets through is where you have restrictions and remaining treatment ends. but there's not enough fuel getting into the strip to keep them running hot, but no other way the station stopped operating due to lack a few. that's what we were told. we fix c will to, to workshop alone and nothing like that,
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but it's not suitable. it's just too salty. the crowd is conditions unlock assignment taishan here means there is a concentration of disease and without clean water, even basic hygiene becomes a struggle. i have 2 boys with special needs. they need care and they need water. it takes me about an hour to go get water. sometimes when i get back, i find them crying in the tent. they need someone to stay with them. they need mineral water and it's not available. they need a proper tent and hygiene. 7 water is adding more misery to the lives of tens of dozens of college sinews, currently saying it makes us tom after being displaced several times in the past few months. and then somebody adds a 0. that is, but after the product time is already sold, as have destroyed the only rehabilitation center available to death palestinians. during the latest assault on northern garza left some of the most valuable people
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at greater risk during the war. i thought my history has more this was northern causes only special needs rehabilitation center. this is what it looks like now. after is really forces bombed in the jeep. all the a rehabilitation society was treating mainly those who are deaf. in mid may, the is where the army reentered. the north st. a mos had regrouping its troops targeted the facility, killing 9 people inside the intentionally destroyed the premises with all its units and equipment. the management office, hearing a department, the academy, they were all destroyed by is really forces tough students with special needs were deprived from the only facilities available to them. the center has provided services for disabled people since the 19 ninety's
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the even the courtyard once a place for children to play was not spared in the attack. residents now search the rubble for what's less the think gaza palestinians are displaced from one place to the next feeling. the next air strike shelling or shooting for people who are deaf. it's an even greater challenge to navigate awards though. now those who have relied on this center say
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there's no way left to seek help, a paid admin, he cheese alger 0. is there any military is arrested at least $44.00 people during a raid in the okey pod westbank city of kalki here. is there any force assumed several homes range of also taking place in ramallah, 2 baths and novelist. israel has stepped up as ministry operations and the occupied westbank since it began its will in garza in october. any 9000 palestinians health interested in those rates. the study c don't know, and the civil disobedience group known as the sudanese resistance committees say more than a 100 people have been killed into what types are the power minute to wrap and support forces in a village in just a real estate. the group says it's still waiting for the final number of dead and injured,
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including information on that identities. the student needs resistance committees has cooled the attack. a masika says that they are assessed by says, news, the village of many women and children fled the area. i mean, well that's been, we need financing between sit on on me and the rapid support forces in the west and city of our fashion by sides using heavy weapons and all to worry and fighting in that region began in mid may. the city serves as a hub like you might have terry and operations. the are assessed sizes on the on may have been fighting since april of last year. while fashion in north doleful state is the last strong hold of the internationally recognized government . the, our staff has taken control of nearly all of the other main cities in the states. like alarms groups have broken months of neutrality, declaring their legions to the army because they say they worry,
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the state will fall completely to the recess. and as we mentioned now, slash has also been a crucial supply route for aid. the conflict that means relief is no longer being distributed, making a situation even less plan because that is head of emergency response and so don's the doctors without borders. she says the conflict is having a catastrophic effect on the population. it will be a very high will to reach inside the nation. and because of the fighting, but not only because of the fighting go to. so there is a supply issue. so at the moment, there is almost no trucks, even commercial trucks arriving at so it means that so even food is less and less available, what is less and less available. so it means that even more people are we start thinking about they know of different through 4 different conditions. so even
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a women that used to be delivering the it will be more and more complicated already . mother cushion was very much inside the city and of this area. so what we can imagine though, is this sufficient, continue like this independent. there will be with me, a very kind of mortality that is for, for the want did a very, a new norm. so we received the already more than 1300, for the didn't know only of us the to doing centrally of the moment. and well, then 200 of them, the bus, the way there are lots of the people who used to be a very do the. unfortunately, there is just just one surgeon company in the fussy. so yes to to we are continue with all the cases received in the hospital and the hospital itself is not safe at all because that would be not really touched by the shilling full times in the, in the 10 days. so for me it's the continue out to me. it is,
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but it's very difficult to work in says step situations and divisions about anybody who has ever opted. once again, thousands of people have been forced to leave the homes or sees in west helmer hara have evacuated 7 villages and been weeks of intense volcanic activity with plumes of ash spearing as high as 7 kilometers on them. you know, has this update from the indonesian island of north monica? so this is what are the few evacuation tabs that's a for the setup after mouse, april, 1st through rough id on may 16th. so there are a total of about $600.00 people living in this building and intends around this evacuation have. but more than 2600 people were evacuated from their homes inside the 7 kilometer danger zone, around the volcano. and this is of course to prevent any debts prevent any casualties and these people know to stay away from danger. but they do have to make
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ends meet. although the government has said that they are doing their best to provide for the food and other daily necessities they have. for example, um set up this make shift store way they or they sell. 3 the food items and other things, and then there are these women over here who are driving not megs. now these not megs are, were picked from plantations around the volcano. now they say that they know that they're not supposed to go there because those 10 patients are actually within the volcanoes danger zone. but they do have to make some money somehow because they, they have to pay off their debts. they have to send their children to school, they have other financial obligations, and they don't know how long they're going to be staying here because there's no telling when bounce evil will stop interrupting. it has been the rough thing. daily is may 16th and the most recent interruptions were on thursday morning. twice. once at 2 am,
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it's viewed as column of about 5000 meters and another one at 8 am local time. viewed as a plume of about 1200 meters, find it below alj, a 0 west. how my hair indonesia, a little south africa, has been experiencing severe weather and widespread flooding. and recent days, at least 21 people have died. hundreds of and left homeless authorities in causing natal provence declared the states for a lot of to a tornado. sweat through. mr. miller has more laws. this is a but don't go and these are tomatoes. a driver kept as a tomato building up in south africa's kazoo natal province. by the time many could seek shelter. it is too late. areas like this have been devastated. the high winds in torrential rains, flattened homes and flooded roads. at least a 120 people have lost their homes. 11 others have been killed. thirties have
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declared the state of a lot. i see now blue level, but we don't have any food because it's all with all our belongings. with our ideas all under the rubble and we're still searching. we literally have nothing we played with those who can help to come forward and risk us. the level of the rooms have been destroyed. that means my tenants don't have a place to stay in the month now i have to try and get them a place to stay and have my house repaired. and i do not have that much money to do that. i survive because of my tenants, and there are only 2 of them in some areas work is being done to restore water and electricity supply of the power lines were damaged 2 years ago, doubling and it's a rounding areas with the size of the was flooding and so last week is history killing more than $400.00 people. at least 10 people have died now in the neighboring east and k province with it's been extensive flooding. and more than 2000 people have been forced to leave nelson mandela bay with the service to save
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the heavy rains and cold are likely to bring hail snow and more strong winds issued a warning into other provinces. because more bad weather is expected to meet the miller, i'll choose 0. a tornado symbols are swept across parts of the united states. a 2 year old boy has died in detroit, michigan. as his mother was injured. when a tree fell onto the house. another twist and left, a path of destruction in the town. in maryland, several people were injured at least 5 were trapped off to that home collapsed during the storm. any one section general attorney gutierrez has used his address on weld environment dates, and once again raised the alarm and climate change. he says the world is heating up faster than ever before. and humanity is running out of time to take action out as there is gabrielle, is on the is this report from you?
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the american museum of natural history and new york is home to millions of specimens of plants, animals, people, and the living world. feeling perhaps the un shows here for the secretary general to deliver a special address on climate action. he called a moment of truth. the policies the world is spewing the missions so fast that by 2035 higher temperature rise will be old, but it's getting teats. on wednesday, the world media are logical organization said there is 80 percent likelihood that the annual average global temperatures will exceed $1.00 degrees above pre industrial levels in the next 5 years. why all of these fuss about $1.00 degrees? so because all the planets is a mess of complex connected systems and every fraction of a degree of global heating cones,
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the difference between 1.5 and 2 degrees would be the difference between extinction and survival. for some small island states and coastal communities, the difference between the minimizing climate scales, or crossing dangerous steeping points. gutierrez has spoken often about the urgent need for climate action. but here were specifics. 33 different asks or policy recommendations. among them a call for every country in the world to create a national climate action plan. he called for a wide spread ban on advertising, from fossil fuel companies. in the same way, many countries limit tobacco advertising. but if gutierrez wanted to see the challenges of getting local governments to implement his ambitious climate call to action, he didn't have to look very far. i have directed the m t a to and definitely pause the program. the governor of new york is now postponed
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a plan to tax every car entering new york city during peak hours to encourage public transportation and reduce emissions. it was due to go into effect later this month. of the secretary general does not have the power to demand issues be taken on climate change, but with the power of his bully pulpit and being the world's top of the diplomat and advocate. he certainly can put an issue back on the world agenda and that's exactly what he was trying to do with this speech gabriel's onto obviously to new york. still ahead on the island, his era rushes for administer office to both stand for keener, foster as ministry and during a visit to west africa will explain what's in it for most plus the often ease of delays. boeing finally joins the commercial space. race will have move on its maiden voyage,
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occupies the hello the heat, why it continues across that eastern side of the mediterranean. meanwhile, back up across the north, west of europe. we're picking up more of a fresher see to whereas here, coming in around this area, apply pressure. we all can see showers just rolling in across much of the u. k. through all of this will lead to coal funds. they will sink by way. further south woodside will freshen up across the north of frost, but it should be fine and dry for the day commemorations increasing sunshine as we go through the day on the stay. so i'm trying to show us the know some lobby chavez to the south of that just found me out southern positive front saying some whatsoever, but she will way across into that eastern side if you have just 3 po and that'd be
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go down towards the south east we're still getting into the mid thirty's for athens, mid thirty's to i would towards the south west over the next couple of days as we move on into friday. most blustery showers across the north west, some heavier ray and sue west scandinavia. that'll just the edge of those temperatures also right down to around 16 degrees. the volts continues further south and plenty of $1.00 to $2.00 across the northeast of africa. 44 and the concept for colorado. so much cooler i, which was the northwest, but plenty of showers west africa. the hours before is killing a canadian c key. there said the agents of the indian governments were prompted to assassinate fault lives. explores how the coal for an independent states
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a spilled beyond india's borders. investigates. the nations alleged campaign of eliminating critics on foreign soil. the indians assess the nation on at jersey to from palestine to pakistan from syria to be in donasia. ok, foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected by a whole family policy and dishonest. your coupon a is an lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give you a coupon a today without kind of foundation the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the in watching out is there a mind that thought top stories based out? is there any forces of phone to you and school with sheltering forcibly displace palestinians? i'm residential buildings. indeed, missouri, it's refugee companies. fuzzy people have been killed being should have been already been taken to the overwhelmed l. actual hospital with patients solving treated on the fluid. certainly ministry is detained at least $44.00 people during rate. in the con, westbank city of california joining forces storm to several homes, principals. they taking place in ramallah to bass and numbers. a group known as the student needs resistance committee say that more than a 100 people were killed into attacks by the power of military rock and support forces in a village in 20 states, the civil disobedience group has cooled. the attack,
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the masika is less than 2 weeks since $45.00 palestinians were burned alive in the tents and shelters. when israel boomed and displacement comp and rough uh no before they were killed, the victims and the families faced a difficult choice. stay in rafa under the stress of his rodney, strikes or leave for the ruins of con eunice. out of there as be found out that travel between the 2 cities and filmed what she saw or that how does know how some money that's right now behind me is a long thing happened in las lloyd and of a slave friends, fox. and the last area i don't need are those what people are still is 5 the spends because they were told that they all and a face area last night. and this one being by 5 to 6 rockets as people appropriate, resulting in the credit of 40 to 50 people. if you find link is all over dropbox,
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how do you do that and kind of trip around us. where should people go? the not empty. okay. does not empty, you cannot allow the spring since it is still going real fast. that we've got to wait to get some review. so we'll look at the videos also be about 2 weeks now. it's really crowded and the people are sitting here. the other problem is we're into evacuating. we're going to be invaded. 10 units just destroyed. so people are living in mos hennings, intense or in the rubble. and the rest of the people that our folks are not able to find any place to go to. i remember taking did you hear 31 of those 2 months ago,
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and that place was full sense. we're talking about hundreds of thousands of friends and i moved to get this new. mm hm. please spanish. yes. hi and model come back. i'm says is that the perceive gemacht is news associated with the floor. the window is just some of the furnace you and get it in the mail just leaving the bus to also. but if i, you know, give us an idea of how to do that. and there is people, so people are living in here and
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there are people living here in spending this time the entire time waiting to return back to their city, author nationalist is randy's of hell of march through. ok. potties tourism is part of the so called flag day celebrations and marks israel's illegal occupation of the area off to the 1967 rule benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet has bound algebra from reporting, and israel sharon con has this reports from the jordanian capital. i'm not. i have a school that alex of floods recall i was flooded with his rating flag say the participants of the so called annual flag about almost immediately after they arrived unoccupied through slipped the open, the racist ultra nationalist was reading began attacking palestinians living in the old city no one was safe from the buttons. goodness
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even reported. some is reading newspapers with the crowd, jones of death to hers. members of the far right party led by national security. meaning this, the, it, the mob been give it made in cushions into alex. i'm most compelled, and despite in agreement with these radio authorities on the do what they mean, what you manage the site not to do. so they raised flags and prayed of the site. an open provocation design to escalate tensions. these to you. i think there's a direct intention to set fire, and so the bank view and the rest of the right wing experiences ministers. and what they're doing right now is to try to do as much as they can by any means and step because that's the police tried to stop the alternation. this is right, these attractive house engines, but this was not designed to protect those being attacked. but to support the attackers in previous he is no. is there any is ever been arrested during the
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circles like much? in fact, palestinians have been arrested simply for defending themselves. so far this year, 3 palestinians have been detained. flag date as it is officially cold is supposed to celebrate the annexation and control of the east jerusalem of the 1967 will and illegal unification the international exclude occupation. every year there are challenges mounted and is really cool to try and change the route of the march to try and avoid occupied. east jury slipped and every year the courts approve the march. and that's despite all of the violence that takes place in row and coming out is there i'm on jody. and just to remind that benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet is bound audra 0 in israel. so we're reporting from neighboring georgia, a june 6 most 80 years since the western allied invasion of nazi occupied fronts.
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us soldiers commemorates in the day by re enacting the landing on the beaches of normandy troops from the united kingdom candidate and friends also participated in ceremonies alongside the few veterans of the battles. more than a 100 years old, france did not invite russia citing most goes invasion if you train us president joe biden. we'll join from says money on my own in northern date, one of several ceremonies later today. south korean activists have sent thousands of launch balloons carrying antique king john leaflets across the border. the balloons are filled with flies criticizing the north korean leader activist. say it's in response to the hundreds of trash fil believe incense 5 killed me. yeah. to south korea last week, not lead to sol pulling out of a security agreement with north korea. rushes for administer, the 2nd love rome is on
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a full country tool of west africa. mosca is trying to strengthen its ties across the african confidence level of is due to whole talks with the need is of child late to on thursday. on wednesday, he wasn't booking a false site where he announced additional minute treat supplies and instructors to help build up the country's defense capabilities. nicholas huck has moved from deca a plane multiple games at the same time is a skills that russians seem to have mastered in international chess competition. so it may be confusing to some but not to russian immigrant to send to go by h t dot net. jared, that she's here to spread this russian strategy to africans and is representing not only russia, but the west african nation as well. it's the feeling because you need to feel the position. you need to feel the weakness point of your opening. so you're wanting to know when use with pools and when you should wait, your should the play safe by the same time,
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not very press by safe. when you play chest and you can say a lot about the person, the playing review. you can say a lot about his character russians for administer, sir gala for off learn to play chess at an early age in school. following his latest tour of africa, western diplomats and the region are left wondering what his strategy is beyond the checkered board. and in the political arena, lever off used to a press conference in the former french colony of congo to respond to the french president, suggestion of sending french military instructors to ukraine, use much of the civilian less volition as to whether they're labeled as whether the members of the french armed forces, or just most recently, they represent an absolutely legitimate target for armed forces. this statement was applauded by many former african french colonies seeking to break their relationship with the former colonial power indian congo lab. ralph sought access
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to the countries large reserves of on top minerals in between a fastow and chad rush. i seeking to bolster defense contracts. the last one, the last one of a and b, to be honest. it's also an economic and strategic opportunity to use russian expertise and the expectation of natural resources and defense. but critics accuse russia of using african countries as palm is to apply pressure on the west. the russians are keen to cultivate multiple alliances, away from europe. it is a strategy that seems to be paying off for now with many of the west wondering what rushes next move will be nicholas hawk. alex's era, the car, a train crash in the czech republic is killed, at least for the people in the engine 20. the collision between a passenger and a freight train occurred in part of it. so the city illuminations main rail cargile legs, the capital proff to the east match the officials say at least $300.00 people on
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the train. so back is probably minutes the robot fits so has made his 1st public comments often, assassination attempts last month and a video posted on facebook. he said he could return to work later this month and cooled his attack in activist of opposition policies fits so with schultz 4 times, the place range, leaving him in a serious condition. and in need surgery the task to my summer bundle of a on may 15th and handle of an activist of this low that opposition tried to murder me from my political views. the great medical team of the roosevelt hospital prevented the washington. it's time to take the 1st step, which is forgiveness. i feel no hatred to was the stranger who shot me. i will not take any active legal action against him or seek damages or compensation. i forgive him and let him sold out what he did and why he did it in his own head. i'm filing
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has no meant to ask the rules submission to the international space station mocking a fuss for the us base company. i need the 2nd probably best firm to do so. office space x, which is aerosol instead, it's a cold and baker has more. the new spacecraft, a new rocket and the seasoned crew, are headed to the international space station. boeing has waited a long time to send humans into orbit and it joins a very small club in 2010. then us president brock obama promised a bold and risky new idea to transform the nation's 50 year old publicly funded space program into one that relies on private companies for space travel. in order to reach the space station. we will work with a growing array of private companies competing to make getting to space easier and more affordable. 14 years later, the companies in the us space race includes some new startups and many old titans.
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boeing is a space veteran. the company was involved in the apollo program half a century ago and was just one of 2 to be awarded. the task of transportation under obama's new land is are. so it built the star line or the craft has only flown to the space station once, and it's never carried people starlight star line or flies on a united launch alliance rocket. that's a partnership between defense giant lockheed martin and boeing along the way. other players have made big promises to. bigelow space was supposed to build habitats for space stations. it collapsed in 2020 so virgin orbit hope to deliver satellites by plane. it folded in 2023. the amazon founder jeff bezos. his company, blue origin, started selling short trips to space for the wealthy in 2021. and its hoping to see its own mega rockett lift drops later this year. but the one that promised the most as over delivered space 6, led by 11 mosque was the start up in 2010. today it delivers most of the people in
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cargo into space controls the most satellites, and is testing the largest ever spaceship or all of these depend on substantial government support. the space economy is more a speculative economy than it is a real economy. everything that comes from the space economy as we understand it is mostly well versed based. um, so most of the time space companies aren't actually making profit off of space based activities. we're going into space. it's mostly military contracted to do just with star line or boeing, tally some much needed success. mid business troubles back on earth. and nasa can claim a new partner as it aims for the moon calling baker out. you got it good. the still ahead on out his era the the rhythmic sound of tango, how the 200 year old off of the found the meal is making
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a comeback in buenos aires the the points by gang violence and homelessness, and hazy or making it even more difficult to find food, then the 2000000 people are facing emergency conditions and that is the highest number since a devastating as quick hit the cap to pull to prison spike in 2010. the young well feed program says without engine humanitarian action could be facing assignments. as we now have 5000000 people in haiti, it's better, it's julie sort insecure of which 1600000 or classified as facing emergency food
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and security conditions. these are the highest numbers on record. these are the highest numbers we've had since the 2010 earthquake. there is no famine in haiti, but there could be, if there is no response, we need a robust matter term response right now and hated because the needs are so high. regen talking about 1600000 people classified as facing or food emergency. it's one of the highest percentages and that's one of the highest one numbers in the world. so he tests that this is when we step up. this is one that we need to manage errands to be doing what they do best. so what we need these vocal as yours to be, to be out there every single day, providing the hot meals south career plans to open more agricultural support centers in africa to help countries, the increase the rice production, reduce food shortages and plans. what announced that a conference hosted by south korea for african nations from mcbride, has moved from sol for the host to south korea. this conference demonstrates its rapid development from the recipient of overseas aid to a don't,
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a nation which can now help others, especially in the production of food almost desert challenge law. we will work to strengthen advocacy food security capabilities. we will actively promote agricultural transfer and contribute to increasing food self sufficiency and south korean farmers have made pioneering advances in agriculture. no more so that even rice production and it's so cold k rice belt project across parts of africa is aimed at supporting farm. is that accurate cultural centers help promote more resilience rise seeds while spreading education and the use of new technology. what distinguishes korean strains are the yields compared to many african varieties. korean crops can produce mold in twice the rice, a top to 6 tons by hacked. with young,
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rapidly growing populations to feed the worst and in climate crisis, more african countries are looking to increase production lemonade. i hear from me i would like to commend the k rice built initiative for lunch. but korea, which is a testament to the principal partnership, the career has forge with the african countries. the goal is to distribute enough high resilience seeds to african families in the next 3 years to grow rice for us 30000000 people, rob mcbride. i'll just say era, so know at a time when technology runs the weld young people in argentina trying to preserve the use of the found on even it's a traditional instrument, the plays and crucial role in the prism of the tango out. is there a series of a has the support from buenos aires of the window in any spot of identity? this history an instrument that's what presents the music of point aside. is there only
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a few people around the world who make them some i mean origin. tina people like the the on rescuing the instrument from the past and keeping the traditional life you fall. don't want to go into it. i fell in love with ben. don't you? when i saw a workshop in the instrument and then i started to play. now there is a new generation who wants to play, you know, there is a revival of depend on you be that always so. so i knew to you as those who built musical instruments. i know he has set up a workshop. we went, a site is where he was, we peers and produced has been don't use for origin, tina and other countries, even though they've been don't you and was brought to argentina from germany is become the sound of daniel in this country. and the heart of the bundling in our this reading since you can see here it is what gives the instruments additional sound. most of the instruments in argentina are very
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old and making one takes time. we believe the instruments of soul. people come here with the old bend on the inside. they can be 80 years old and i tell them it's better if we do a new one. and they say belong to their grandparents. so we try to fix it. the, and it's not, you don't mean that lucky many days started to play by chance and adapted it sound to argentinean, fault music. the he says more and more people are following his lead. the majority of them will seek out. most of the music now is with computers. oh, but we're trying to go back to the essence an instrument like this one that lots of young people are joining in. it's like a box that you put on tour like me, and it's unique sound. the revival of an old instrument that's helping craft
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argentina's musical history and drawing young people or giving it a modern twist the any. so i'll just see them when the site is lovely. that's it for me. for the sneeze. i'll be back there in just a moment. much one, use the israel's war on ga, so be coming in forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down? why, despite insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line since israel's world gaza, thousands of on the stadiums hoping indiscriminately displaced, certainly forces are systematically targeting health care infrastructure. hospitals of one of the only safe options to seek refuge until we became targets. so most wages war from hospitals, i've never seen a soldier inside the hospital,
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which is the real world investigates where the east ran is violating international . no, but targeting supposedly a new crisis. dr. silver on hospitals on tuesday, or the latest news as it breaks. the hot fidelity is a very critical point right now. we're not far from completely shutting down all the for this with detailed coverage houses are being forced to the eyes on the live with the confidence fear that more is right is hawks, are never far behind from the hall. so the story, the is very well in the gorgeous flip has led to talk to can only human carrying position as a huge amount of waste. like the june 1967, 6 days the re drew the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the bombs on the run out
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as they were exposed the events leading to the window and its consequences, which i still felt today. but i couldn't really all me and it was because that is such as easy stuff is when the war in june on out his era the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. now to sierra the and he says he know and palestinians have been killed and is really a tax on you end school housing displaced people on a residential area in central garza, the my money inside. this is out. is there a line from down also coming up where the vulnerable the death community loses?


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