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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 6, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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so hi, by hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good at bringing the news to the world. from here, the the hello i, mario, minimize the welcome to the news our life from dough ha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, at least 40 palestinians have been killed in his rightly attacks on a un school housing displaced people and a residential building in central gauze at the last and 16 of the countries issue. a joint statement judging israel and him us to reach a ceasefire space as it will join south africa's case before the international
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force of justice. accusing israel of genocide in garza. it will be the 2nd european country to do so. and i'm the cache of papa enrollment, the when h. yes. and the 1st 3 day collaborations all run the way you have an ash with this full straight. it's and that t 20 world cup campaign with a comfortable when a very long walk us doing a sauce and a c 9. 1. victory involved 8. the hello and welcome to the program is 1300 g m t and we begin in central gaza. what is writing forces are from the residential building and un school that was sheltering forcibly despised palestinians and didn't say it on the refugee camp. at least 40 people have been killed. with this attack, the total number of people killed in the past 24 hours. now stands at $68.00
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imaging kinda against our coverage. now. the ultimate oven is re destroyed 20 you and run school sheltering size and displace palestinians in central garza, dozens of people have been reported killed bombardment, new set outcomes, and many more are injured or residential high resume. so hit room is a slip. and when i woke up to the screens of and so the total body parts, one woman last 2 of 3 children, people who have lost everyone, deluxe, the hospital where people are being treated is it 3 times its capacity. and their fees will lead to move this with many of the injured increase it on the flu. i likes the hospital is the only functioning medical facility in central garza is religious school was used by him us. they selected this horrible massacre committed by these ready occupation is clear evidence of the crime of genocide and ethnic cleansing again, civilians including women and children, and the space people in the gaza strip. the strike is positive,
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a renewed is right. he minute trio peroration and central garza that has killed more than 70 people since tuesday. attacks on civilian facilities like schools have been a whole month of israel's war and goals are moving. 300 education centers have been destroyed and moved and 36000 people have been killed. $15000.00 of them children. with the death toll still rising image in cuba, which is 00 out of there is end of quarter. we went to the u. n. school, which was bombed and the, you know, say rod refugee camp, this was her update. it was 138 and in the morning when the is ready for us is targeted this classroom in us or the school in the say about refugee camp. there's really forces targeted the school would definitely 3 airstrikes. one would know when this metal, where could we go? there was no refuge for us. the schools targeted before and now again,
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but we have nowhere to go. they said shelters safe. so we came here, but it turned out to be unsafe. the smell is undescribable where as you see, the blood of the people who are killed is everywhere on, on the floor, on their mattresses, under pillows, their clothes please 5 children were killed among those. despite the fact that this school has been targeted with at least 3 airstrikes last night, here on the other side are still, how does the meantime it is still sheltering in the school? because they believe that there is no, we're safe in gaza, which is in love. yes, we're still here. we're staying. where else can we go everywhere? it's targeted. so we're not leaving everywhere else. but the school, this is
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a un building and it's not supposed to be targeted, but it was even schools are not safe for palestinians. this school, these classrooms were targeted with at least 3 air strikes last night. it was $138.00. when the is ready, i mean targeted those classrooms with these 3 airstrikes, children, women, and all of the people displaced here was telling me how horrifying the scenes work . yeah, i'm resolved with them. i had had not been in the can to find a solution, at least, and the war to spare. all of his blood zoo butchered our hearts. visa, our children of ziff troops them away from us. they are killing us. this was a shelter for hundreds and thousands of palestinians who thought a school would be safe for them. but despite the fact that the school was targeted, palestinians chose to stay here because they believe that there is no place safe in
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gaza. this is in the city, i just need a, a surgery school and said that refuge account garza palestine. alright, so is having some of the political developments now. 17 countries including the united states, have released a joint statement cooling on israel and hum us to be whatever is necessary to agree on a ceasefire deal. it also one of the captives being held in garza to be freed. that's got the reaction from the united states now in fisher joins us from washington. what else did this statement have to say on, as well, that's coming from joe bite. who of course is in friends for the sound of essay of the di da commemorations. but he's teamed up with the 16 other countries who say they have captives come, they being held saying guys to release the statement. it says as leaders of the country simply consent for the hostages held by him us and gaza, including many a board and citizens. we fully support the movement towards a cease fire and hostage release deal know on the table and just outlined by
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president biden. there is no time to lose. we call on him us to close this agreement. the israel is ready to move forward with and begin the process of releasing our citizens the statement which is only 2 paragraphs long continues. we note that this agreement would lead to an immediate c spar and rehabilitation of guys that together with security assurances, but it's really unpublished indians and opportunities for more than joining long term piece. and the 2 state solution opportunities not commit to transportation to state solution to that point. at this decisive moment, we call them the leaders of israel, as well as a mass to make whatever final compromises necessary to close the steel. now remember, we were told that this was an is really planned, but here is a statement saying they have to make compromises to close the deal. i'm bring relief to the families of the hostages, as well as those on both sides of this terrible conflict, including the civilian population. if it's time for the war to end on this deal,
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according to this statement is the necessary starting point. what's the thinking behind all of these countries coming together in this way to issue this statement out and what are they hoping to achieve? well, this is clearly part of the white house is pressure game, joe bite and i noticed a statement. there was some speculation that he did basically like really getting these really signed onto this. and certainly benjamin netanyahu has made some interesting comments, which suggests that this may have been a bit of a surprise to him. and certainly he's a, we're that far right. members of his coalition government, i've threatened to collapse it if in any way benjamin netanyahu signs up to this. so that's why those, that important comment about how it really does need to make compromises as well. but the white house is putting pressure on how much the spot is this consent. they already have israel signed up in all, but the electors on the dotted line,
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and they really want to put pressure on us. this isn't terribly new because you remember that about a month ago there was a piece deal that was floated on how mice excepted that. we were told that all the pressure was on her mouth to accept it by the white house. and i said, yeah, we sign off to this, and of course it was israel that hadn't signed on. so you can see its own was like trying to force 2 bits together like 2 magnets, but they can't quite get them joined. and so this is part of the white house pressure campaign to get both sides to sign on to a c spy, and then look to a longer term piece deal. all right, thank you very much with the latest from washington on this story out in fisher. a lot, let's get to the as rainy response then because the government there is find out to the air from a forcing inside the country. and one con, changes from the georgia. any capital a model. if we heard anything from these, riley's and we haven't heard anything from these ladies,
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went on light. can you to hear anything from the? is riley's any time soon? there's a lot of very strong language as my colleague i live in place, so it was just pointing out that it's a key when it comes to the 2 state solution. remember, prime minister benjamin netanyahu is publicly said time and time again over his entire career that he's very proud, but he hasn't had, he has developed negotiations for a palestinian state in factories exact quotas. i'm very proud that hasn't been a palace to the instate on my watch. so they like these readies, we like looking at these language and understanding this. yes, it is coming from a pressure campaign by the us. but how much can they respond to that pressure? that's probably the question they are asking themselves, but so there is reaction from others not directly to the statement, but about the sci fi tools we've been hearing from egyptian security. souls is talking to the really says use agency. they say the tools ongoing,
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but neither side he's getting anywhere close to an agreement. they also cite the uh, the guitar e. and jupiter mediators have met separately with a mass and with us officials. but they can't seem to get any agreement. there's also a statement from a senior i'm actually to so, i mean, i was curious who say as well as they welcome pardons ideas, the us dropped resolution of human security council was dependent on and these really sci fi proposal, a mass had already seen and rejected the us document has no mention of ending the aggression. he said at these randy documents speak of an open ended negotiation with no deadlines, during which the occupation re gains its hostages and resumes at school. we are told immediate says that this paper wasn't acceptable to us, so significant, significant gaps in both sides of mass rejecting this out,
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right. but now saying they are wanting to look at it, but they want deadlines, they want clear cut deadlines. and so for this proposal that's being discussed and to be pushed by the us doesn't have the thank you very much. and want to con, reporting to us that from jordan, i the capital of jordan online and just reminded us because benjamin se on his cabinet has bind, i'll just arrow from that reporting inside israel. it's all in all the developments that ice bane is saying that it will join at south africa's genocide case against israel at the international court of justice. it was announced by the spanish farm and as to jose manuel alvarez and just the policy of ours, spain will be the 2nd year of inc, country off the island to join the case from one of those that speak to step boston who's at the hey, what were you hearing about spain's intervention? well, this is a significant develop button, says fane, of course being an important member of the european union,
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joining this landmarks genocide case against israel. l filed by south africa. and remember, 2 weeks ago we had a very important ruling by this 4th saying that the as well should stop. it's a military operation and rough and also a prevent any other potential genocidal ex. now space as a israel has clearly not complied with this. and now has decided to joining the case to put pressure, uh, also to make sure that these orders, which is which are binding that they will be implemented. so it's a very, a major diplomatic blow again for israel, but it's also strength. and this case, we're also address uh you mentioned ireland but also out of mexico columbia for example of palestine itself has also as to intervene. mix of course this case a lot more powerful because as they have no way of enforcing any of these
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orders because they have no police force but they will be found on diplomatic pressure. and of course spain joining the case will definitely increase this pressure. thank you. very much step voss and take well any storage them is a professor of international law or at the university of john his book and joins us now. what is the significance of spain's participation in the genocide case against israel at the i c j as well? i think the, the one thing that we have to get settled to own it starts like the system from what i understand from, from dc 14 where the spring is joining also to apply for information as well. because i will join either case on the minutes. and i'm mentioning this because of the fact that under the, under the statute of the i c j, there is a procedure by means of which states a member's off by convention, for instance,
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like the genocide convention might join the case when there is an issue about the interpretation and application of that convention, even though that is not the least of boxes to the guy. so to the dispute. so i assume that that is what spying is trying to do is to join under that procedure and that is the case. then they want to join on the, on the basis of, of, you know, that's making submission. scott sending the merits of the case. they also might, might be that is another option that i also wanted to join south africa in, in, on the basis of the informations. and i think that is all that from the medi uh you know, approach because i don't know what the quote can can do more than it has already done that cost. why is it happening? tell me how. so why is it probably,
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and i take switch slow is problematic because i do not think you can add any more to the, to what is already being wrong with the other quote. and i'm saying that because it is, don't see it on, on what basis spine wants to. we all know all the liking and sort of speculate of the arguments where the, the spite also wants to do apply for intra measures. because of the fact that the quote is already announced and responded to so that because of the case with me, and that's because and i do that the, what more the quotes can do this, we go that what, what are the consequences of spain joining the case and applying for intra measures well, the consequences is that the court now granted because the called the court will not need it on that. if there is sufficient additional evidence, the website actually goes applied for a before the for mike,
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a rudy on that. so now i have not seen any sort of clear indication of the eventually faces light on which spring lots to bring this guys eventually think what you think we might line not well, i hope soon because uh they want to bring that application soon. um and so that will give us indication of the kind of evidence i will rely on that. so that the foreign minister stated is that because the conflict is ongoing, they want to to join us of africa. i know is a, is it or that forgive me for us a just a just for the sake of clarity. and is there a def, is there a difference? can they apply intra measures and join the case under the procedures that that, that you mentioned? why does it have to be one or the other?
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and then i can do some people that can do so that i can join as i can join the case on the merits. and that's why i'm saying it's not clear at this point in time with way that they want to join on their merits, like several other case. states have now indicated that they want to join the case . and they can do so with they are part of icon bench and luggage in his side from the pension and study. and they said issue about the interpretation that application then on the merits, they can make submissions to the quote to assist the court and coming to a routing on the merits. a stop to lead it at this point in some way the that is, the approach spine will follow a way that we also want to apply. for instance, just i'm assuming a do the 2nd option one or maybe even both. how important is it that you have this growing global momentum if you liked that, i suppose highlights not just this war in gaza,
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but the sort of decades long mistreatment and occupation of the palace sending people i suppose. if you have more and more governments presenting their arguments to the court, seizing the opportunity presented by these landmark hearings, increases the sort of legal and political pressure on israel you quite well, i can that be good because the most died. so i'm making these approaches and, and joining forces without south africa, it shows that the, the is a sort of the why the circle of states concerned about this issue. and of course i have to trace on this. so any lice, if that is the case. and that is, that is indeed a possibility that the isolation office file will become more than most of you as professor thank you very much. it's an important development and it's good to get you an insight. and just that explanation on, on, on its implications professor honey,
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start of joining us that give you an agency for pot as any refugees, as one of the risk of disease outbreaks and di hydration across cause a is as the lack of access to clean water and increasing some, a heat is making the situation was. humanitarian conditions are rapidly deteriorating. unreal, i says there is a real concern, the cholera might take holes. so let's go to central goals and now speak charges. there is honey. my mood who joins us outside the likes. hospital and darrow bother, and of course we often hear about the killing and the wounded patients that have that. but also now people's people are losing their lives potentially to what is a growing public health crisis honey? the yes will. this is the other is silence. are killing machine going on across the gaza through been all because of the humanitarian catastrophe created by the ongoing and since bombing
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campaign across the gaza strip data. floors displacement for more than 67 percent of the quote on the area of the gaza strip. all concentrated right now in the central area and further southern part of the city of, of new and is that we're looking at not only big boots in bonds are killing people . right. but that, that difficult living conditionally created by this genocide of work on the, on the ground are also killing more people putting their life at risk. and who is the major in health risk it from the limited access to basic supplies, including water supply. as of right now in the central area, there is a minimal access to uh, water to fluid rented water for the hundreds of, of, of 1000 of displays, families in the syndrome area. those are probably. 7 right now, some are time the sharp. why didn't he, the dry weather, the,
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the rule operation all fine, 610, rodents. the hard creating fever conditions for a transmitted diseases including good infectious diseases among families here in the evacuation centers. and we were talking about evacuation centers. the situations are not, are not good at all. they are very diary to catastrophic. and there is their pie as of, of a trash surrounding these evacuation don't. there's entire collapse of sewage system and you walk into the street that are either rubble sold or trash full the streets or roads. but right now we feed on to tons of sewage using where the paulding degree health risk for people in the central area already. the w h o a warn off, the sharp increase of don given to infectious diseases among the most vulnerable groups here were done by the children who does about women who are either pregnant or they are breast feeding. and it's not all the mountain nutrition. it was well
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with these vulnerable route, but also the rid of these diseases are causing difficult health conditions for them . and of course, putting more pressure and more difficulties on health facilities like this one behind me right here does the lots to have the, the not only dealing with the. 5 injuries coming to from targeted site, but also they have to meet needs for patients and for those who are catching and contracting these diseases they're making so far. there's a large number of people who, who died because of these conditions across evacuation zones. and immediately here in the central area, this part of the gall, this trip is running out of space running out of infrastructure and proper facilities to accommodate this large number of people. okay, thank you very much, honey mama, joining us from the alex hospital in darrow bala, the
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us president has cooled on nato in west and allies to work together at a time when he says democracy is on the threat. joe biden was speaking during the ceremony in normandy to mock 80 years since the western allied invasion of nazi occupied france. the leaders of the u. k. canada and friends also to fight in the d day ceremonies alongside the few veterans of the battle. some of them are more than a 100 years old. friends did not invite russia. so i think most coast invasion of ukraine, the united states and nato. nicole let you know more than 50 countries stand strong when you crate. we will not walk away the subject a lot in their ukraine's neighbors fully threatened
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o durable re thread and make no mistake. you ought to crash the world on watching closely to see what happens. you crane to say, we let this illegal aggression go and check. we can not let that happen. well, let's go to natasha butler now. who is it? so the beach and normally the present bite and chose ready to focus on ukraine in this speech. what, what else did he mention? so it's interesting that the us president job i didn't did focus so much on ukraine . there is no doubt that the war in ukraine is overshadowing if and said, because there is a return to boy in your ac is off the thursday day landings. joe biden talks about the fact that wisdom alliances cannot look away. he said, from ukraine. he said to do so, would be to forget those lessons. of
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a few years ago, he talks about the battle between freedom and tyranny. and he talks about the fund to ukraine had been in they did, he said, by a tyrant and the ice relation is them as well. must not be something that can be victorious. now take part in talking about you crazy because he's here with all the western allies who all united in the support for you crazy. but on the actively he is also trying to differentiate himself from his us election rival donald trump. so jerry fight and will now take part in an international ceremony alongside some of those other western lead is on the hall beach, the beach, where so many americans landed 80 years ago. what are the other plans for today, natasha? or what do you think of memory? sions. throughout the day we have seen a king charles alongside the french presence emanuel. my girl asked the ceremony
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for a british veterans and a memorial. the controls. it was his 1st of these visit since his counselor diagnosis. he also talks about the need for free countries to make sure the terry doesn't rain. and right now we have will lead to some couple of dozen. well, the just gathering on a ma beach to type thoughts and really the main start menu of the day, which is an international ceremony. you have the canadian prime minister, the just intruder, the person who's 5 minutes to refuse to knock alongside the french presence. also the u. s. president and the office on what they will do is remember the events of 8 years ago today when more than maybe 860000 allied troops landed on these beaches here in normandy, in order to try and liberate western europe from nazi german forces. a poignant moments and of course, at the sense of all these commemorations, have been the veteran some in the ninety's, some over a 100 years old looking for
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a frail indeed. but some of them when we hear what they have to say, they said they wanted to be a, they needed to be so many of them have such painful memories of that time. but so many of them also have so much pride. thank you very much. just ash about the, with all the latest from the normandy, started for the weather. now his role with a brief look at north america. now the main tony, nice evening to us is over, isn't that spring? that doesn't we made tonight to freight. in fact, the john system status on swelling of the canadian premises, produced some tornadoes from manitoba down through michigan to missouri. and more recently, mary learned about line the still the active one is it tristan to was the southern states. so we still could get some pretty big stones in the northeast and part of the us all the eastern side of the canada. and it's to say that tales and down through the carolinas to us, louisiana. but beyond that, nothing much is immediate. the building to assist
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a forecast story. there's more stifled, won't take you down. the south, west of attempt is a really high. we've got the middle forties very typically in arizona. for example, las vegas is up to about 40 full. this is just to city full costs. if you got into that, does it? it gets even hotter. now, there are a few more shelves to come. not so much in the northeast bunch, getting the plane states, and they don't sit around the higher ground, may be prompted by these high temperatures, but nothing too significant and down in texas. as you can see, there's nothing going on to enjoy the sunshine. although temperatures are in the middle, thirty's, but it's not especially shumate. i was still to bring you on this news, our measuring and monitoring child poverty. we look at how do you and children's agency, eunice. this is using new data to find and hung up. mal nutrition also can impact phase on target for fonts as they continue that build up the year for the championship general. how fast story and everything else and support
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the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking r e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up, present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to al jazeera in depth analysis of the days headlines. does this mean that a slide sells to donald trump? now? i don't think so, and it could even help trump in the general election. i think even people that don't like trump are looking at this as selected justice or a weapon ization of adjuster system. frank assessments that this stage goals,
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ukraine's a pro 10 must cause approach. i thought that a 100 percent different at this moment, no one can build up inside story. on al jazeera, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, a come back. the news out. take you through the headlines now and it's raining, forces informed you in school that with sheltering force to be despised palestinians and a residential building. i mean to say it on refuge account, at least for 2 people were killed. injured, have been taken to the already overwhelmed deluxe the hospital. but patients of
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being treated on the floor space as of last to join south africa's genocide case against israel's actions in gaza. before the international court of justice, spain will be the 2nd european country now off the island to join the case. sheila and mexico also joined june 6 marks 18 years since the west and allied invasion of nazi occupied from us prizes and joe biden called on nato and weston allies to work together at a time when he says democracies on the threats fonts did not invite russia slicing most goes invasion of claim the as well you and a children agency, unicef as measuring child food poverty, that's an estimate of how nutritious and diverse a child's food should be. it measures 3 categories, 5 or more food groups is above the threshold. but if a child is only eating from full food groups or fewer, they are living in moderate food poverty. and if they only have access to these
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groups of few very severe food poverty units that says one in 4 of the wells, children under the age of 5 and living in its severe food policy and half of the wells, children are experiencing food poverty overall. the report says household income is not the only factor that needs to severe food, poverty, children, the so called non for households can also be affected. well, i already spoke to alexandra rich house provider ahead of nutrition for action against hunger, u. k. she says the war and ukraine is put, the pressure on food prices. a lot of the data comes from 130 countries. so it's, it's a, it's a repo that has been done. we've extensive of the time. you have to, to come in a unit on the, on the credit to you all the data useful to the report. because usually the, the, the data while reporting on the origin of since i am after job. so says yeah,
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which of the most affected regions of the world with a tried put the teen so they haven't got to do an engine at all let you know, marry jobs, asia of the most. and they, oh, so the data from which we have the countries from which we have more data. unfortunately, very often we'd like a lot of data on that on child's nutrition tag conditions that is in the, in europe or for the next stage. so there are uh, zillow factors, uh the, you know, the crises in your brain as well as we know as a 3 button, the prices of the food, of main stickler food as well that, that'd be another factor. we have still facing the consequences of the 19 to be to make as well on how it has affected health systems as well in, in countries where there was already a front dies health system. and then a time, it's kind of chuck's
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a conflict that also impass of parents to have access to the right to the need for their children. a very important fact is that the advice to put to of the widespread gang violence and homelessness in haiti and making even more difficult to find food. any 2000000 people are facing emergency conditions. this is the highest number since the devastating of quite hit the capital footprints in 2010 u. n. well suited program says that without urgent you might have terry and action . hey, t could be facing assignments. we now have 5000000 people in haiti. it's better, it's julie sort and secure of which 1600000 or classified as facing emergency food and security conditions. these are the highest numbers on record. these are the highest numbers we've had since the 2010 verse quick. there's no famine in haiti, but there could be, there's no response. we need a robust matter term response right now and hate it because the needs are so high.
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regen talking about 1600000 people classified as facing or food emergency. it's one of the highest percentages, and that's one of the highest one numbers in the world. so he tests that this is when we step up. this is one that we need to manage aaron's to be doing what they do best. so what we need these vocal as yours to be, to be out there every single day, providing the hot meals. we go to see don now in the civil disobedience group known as the student use. resistance committees says more than a 100 people were killed and 2 attacks by the power military rapids support forces in a village in jersey or estate. the group says it's still waiting for the final number of dead and injured, including information on their identities. so in these resistance committees is called the attack on tuesday. a mastercard, it says the reset fight is loose at the village and the many women and children were forced to flee. meanwhile, has been renewed fighting between sedans, army and the rapids support forces in the western city of al flasher. both sides are using heavy weapons and artillery. fighting in that region started in the middle of may. the city says is
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a hub for humanitarian operations. you are assess flights in the army. have been a war since april last. yeah. the, the, now india's governing political alliance has unanimously elected prime minister and render moody. is it to lead to expect it to form a new governments in the coming days, bodies b, j. p. last it's we thing majority of the 6 week elections and how to enter into coalition talks to take up the lives of professor of history and politics, the university of cambridge, and she joins us from the now. so it's coalition rule for mr. moody, not something he's used to. well, he struggled to adapt to this. do you think? absolutely. i mean, i think if anyone, anyone is going to be severely test and it will be 5 minutes to move to himself because since 2001, when he 1st became chief minister of good job,
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of the commercially off the state of georgia. and then since 2014, as part of this stuff, a movie has a, has face literally resistance as resistance and tends to his political style. his style of authority has, is exactly what the voters have rooted out. and his force has been forced into doing something you probably would have never told off or imagined or even hoped for. we just have to negotiate, mediate, and above or compromise. what was that? what sort of shape is that like you to take in terms of reforms or specific policies? are you doing? this is a very interesting and important question. a. his key ally is a pro business a veto from the southern state to bond, which is made hydro bought into a tech city and deck com. very, very early on. it is not going to is richard state,
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i'm in the unit contribution to that. so i think he has a full business man on a boat business, but they go in, i do. but on the other hand, i was also incredibly set it up. although i always want a to full movie, to scrap some of the more food business friendly and even some more laser, if i leave a schemes such as, especially in the army on contractual recruitment, into the army, which is a controversial. so i think he's going to be pulled on both directions and more regions are going to want a breed to stake in development and, and on centralized funding. so it's going to be incredibly tough for him to, to, to run this government. because he has contra refreshes and photos on him of why the also trying to keep as it was his him, do you know it's a twin seats? abby does that means that it's likely to be an unstable correlation with 70 competing interest, and that there is a risk of it possibly breaking a pot. it's a way of possibly yes,
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i mean both 92 and the other. they go from the north end and the dish come on. let's say i have been politically flexible, then not noon to give long term political commitments to national bodies. and so i think, i think, you know, the unit, this is, this is going to be incredibly transactional. but also just know as an use is just broken and i do is also managed of a said one of the top offices, which is of the speaker phone and then which would really matter to the running of the house. if the opposition benches now get a better said in the running off the list of agenda. so i've seen it, i called the station a very healthy conscious station as a foot. it could lead to instability. but india has had a very long endings of running a coalition governments. in fact, most of it's big to get the forms of business reforms came in the coalition era. so i don't think it would be instability, the negative sense, but
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a healthy dose of competition eligibility for a full time. mr. moody will have to see how he handles that. it's not just it's, it's not just to potentially on stable governing combination, but also the opposition, which is made an incredible come back. very alliance also has diverse goals and interest. how cohesive do you think that good thing is likely to be as well. i think the grouping has to be as well into it that it is a committed to at least one basic principle which is against as a, toward a majority, hasn't been into 1st of hard to you've driven agenda of 5 minutes to move the they may not be able to agree to much beyond that, but that is the significance of that is a significant as of 12 of the cohesive line, and then not ideologically opposed to some a, some of the problem this, the movies go. lucian, pop, pop is up. but i think of this kind of competitive, uh,
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uh, contestation, uh that is actually really animated and made in the robust democracy is back and it needs to be welcomed because it also reflects in there's no real ism and diversity . well, thank you, is really interesting to talk to you. perfect. thank you so much. yeah. joining us from cambridge professor gabriella. meanwhile, 2 newly elected in need, m. p. 's will be subbing that constituents from jail. i detained at 6 that protest in a former state legislator in indian administered kashmir or among those who those twins eats in parliament officer and election the now forces as we would just hearing the governing h. i p to seek coalition partners. now the indian government failed to give visas to algae. there is correspondence, but we continue to cover the story. and the election from outside the country is report from planet smith giving thanks to his sons election to parliament thompson
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. i'm saying now once the indian government to free, i'm repulsing 6 separate his leader in jail since last year. need you to have it available just as people don't have a feeling of separatism, but these narratives are being created. also, when you don't do justice and don't treat everyone writes, it pushes them to feel separate. the thing was arrested after he and hundreds of support is still in the police station on with swords and firearms, demanding the release of an aide. his campaign focused on protecting the drug problem in punjab state. protecting c chi density in hindu majority, india and neighboring indian administered to catch me. it was a son being famous for the election of his father rashid, um, it might a positive source in the, on my bus. we didn't have any resources. we will not or nicely, but we don't have any party workers or money. but when we went out for election campaigns, they had showed over what i mean support for us. it's because of them that this
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victory has become possible. rush it um, it has been in jail since 2019 when he was arrested on charges. terror funding. it followed the indian government's decision to revoke the limited autonomy of muslim majority cache. india is a glitch. vision piece saw to out the cost was groups and push it into my daughter stadium is. i know people in india heavy check deck motion, the b j b is still the largest party empowerment, but without an overall majority, it's unfortunately that people who would charge it. so let's see this. so fences have been voted, but when that's the thing, my date of the people but the mandate of the people, it does not interfere with the last line. that mandate means prime minister and the render moody will for the 1st time have to find coalition partners to form
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a government, a furnace smith, alger 0 and then is yours, impose the highest level on it's how the hair island is mounted, even continues to erupt. several villages have been evacuated. thousands of people are now living in temporary shelters. and his address there is going to be low reports. the situation is at risk of guessing wes. social workers are keeping these children entertained to help them cope with their time away from home for 3 weeks. now they've been living and make ship shelters to protect them from the near daily eruptions of mountain people in the remote, how the hair, a region of indonesia, these children, witness direction and a tool many times, some still cry because your scale, government bulk and i'll just say mount e b was due to a rock after being relatively inactive for time. at least half a dozen other volcanoes from the pacific bring a fire, mostly in indonesia,
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are also interrupting. must be missing when, when he each will k notes are up to its own time somewhere up in 4 years. others almost every day. because indonesia has more than a 100. it's normal to have around $5.00 to $6.00 erupting volcano every year. but for more than 2600 people forced to flee their whole new mount people having to share space with hundreds of other people is anything but normal authorities were quick to set up. evacuation camps like this and people living near the container knew that they needed to leave their homes. it's a reality for them. the cost of threat of the can to corruption. that doesn't make it easier, even though they're being fed. these a poor living conditions are taking a toll, and despite being away from the danger zone, they aren't far not. falling ash is still causing health problems that i've been coughing for the past 3 days. i have chest pain, so fraud and almost lost now was it as well? people could,
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needs to show sites up and rest this growing concerned for their livelihoods and economic future. some are defined warnings and taking risk in order to make ends meet. picking not mix implementations around the volcano sale, and i need money to send my daughter to college. i'm resting my life, but i have no other way to make money. as to humanitarian crisis, stress on those affected are having to make more difficult choices between your safety and survival. find it below l. g 0. west palm. hara indonesia still a have for you to south. makes sound of tongue. how the 200 year old us of the band don't in is making a comeback. and when is iris we'll have an update from the friendship and whether women 12 number one is taking on the us, open champion, gemma,
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[000:00:00;00] the germans and out of school. thank you, mary. we'd be getting out the front typing well. number one, iga sri on sec is looking to reach the final actually spaces, coat, gulf in the last full. the poll is looking for has got straight. so i committed congress. if i have rule, she breaks the right and usa from champions twice as just typed in the isolating set. 6 games to play golf. that just takes $24.00 time grandson champion,
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never jump. it says surgery on his right knee when well off the he pulled out to defend sharpen don't because it's posted a picture of himself on crutches. having have no for ration in paris on wednesday is unclear how long his recovery will take with the next grand some of the season wimbledon beginning on the 1st of july. alexander sarah from a's on target. his 1st round, sometimes to let the french hyphen last to reach the semi final festus, straight time and power, which on the beach alex domino in straight sets. and just on the free, i was still faces too. so i run a rough cut, square root was meant to play joke of it in the quotas. so the rep is on an 11 much waiting street going into the final, on fridays, but he's lost his loss too much. is a good race, including a 75 minute house, the athletic gulf left another city final here, which i'm very pleased about, but of course i want to when one wants to be in the finals and to miss our main focus. but i think from the level today was it was a good match for me. and so yeah,
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happy to be where i am. the english primarily clubs house i to, to keep the video assistant referees all day off and next season. the 20 top flight clubs took part in the annual general meeting on thursday and decided against scrapping video, which has been responsible for a series of controlled facies. and since this implementation started, the 2019 season clubs have instead decide that it needs improvements on the whole schedule, as well as co qualifies. coming up on size day in asia, africa on the north america and caribbean regions, and the legs and action of egypt to the top of the table classroom picking up by saving group a style plant. muhammad sided was almost unrecognizable as the day we did a new had caught in training ahead of the game. egypt of one, both that qualifying games. so i saw without conceding uncle, the european jump is it stops in just over a week from us. have continued that preparations for the reno when over lots of us getting them back. i assess up around to cut them on and who headed in the stuff before 5,
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providing the assess the johnson close before she got from the 2nd grade strike that they've been scored. number 3 himself. products have a final fund. they tell me, i think it's kind of there on sunday. what i think also you are campaigns of the game against austin montes'. the city is coming to board amount is $100.00. the parents of belgium with a golden that's you know from you in as a month and that right right side in the wells. 1000 a yes to with a major tournaments. so back yet romania as you crazy. be that 3 proponents in germany. australia is cricket has have opened that t 20 world cup campaign with victory. avery mom having either coming level in barbados. glenn maxwell was close out on his 1st floor and a stray of found themselves on $50.00 to $3.00 in k mancha stowing, su partnered with david horner to lead australia. the pat, adding a 102 runs of 64 volts as a set amount of sockets, of a 165 as the victory am onto the best. i am content scoring with 36,
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but still you guys took 3. would get stuck in a 39 run with all these you can to fix up. that's us. when the oddities, when she woke up the day be told to speak, probably a new guinea, displacing their presents. the 7th and 7. lots pansies, bonus, full back with you can to in trouble at 26 for 5. how's that? ali shaw? what is the rising stalls made 33 or 56 the whole being coats with you can the re runs away from victory. they did. they get started with a line winning by 3 with kits with just 10 bows remaining. that's india's match without and was a one sided effect captain, right? hit show him a hit $52.00. so they just seem to an 8 which hits when, although he was forced to respond to allie with a shoulder injury. and that will be of concern for the rest of the tournament, especially as the next much is the big one against pockets done in new york on sunday. we're just hours away from game one of the seasons and b,
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a finals between the boston celtics and the dallas mavericks and south since last on the charts and in 2008 spots. they've lost just 2 games in the playoff this season and they'll have chris that was pulling is back in the lineup. the latvian hasn't played since the end of april. also picking up a cost re the laser, he'll make his return against his former team, the dallas mavericks, the mavericks car we everything is also set to make the return of thoughts to his former home courts in boston down as god says he has no c a flag and goes to school in the south. 60 minutes, even though he's previously facing from the south. it's fine. there's no fear out here, man. his basketball. the thing is that going to say what they're going to say. i appreciate them and, and their relationship. they have to the game, but it's about the players at the end of the day. oh planning is my former brothers . yeah, no, i'm excited. they, they've gotten tremendously better. they've led their team to this point, so i'm proud of them. and i'm looking forward to the competition because this is what we've all strive for since we were to, to,
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is to be at this level planning as the best the best. and there's been a huge crash of the creature in deducing a cycle right in front of a total front favorites. remco, even though i'm pretty much rutledge, what is the right is taken down on a wet right? on stage 5 organizers decided to cancel the stage because of the shortage of ambulances to attend the injured right is that is all useful for now. peace. so we'll have another about daylight. so painful. thank you very much. della? well, it's a time when technology runs the well, but young people in argentina trying to preserve the use of the band done in this is a traditional instruments of plays a crucial role in the rhythm of the tango address. there is to raise above the 4th one is r as to the window in any spot of identity. this history an instrument. that's what presents the music of point aside. is there only a few people around the world who make them some i mean origin. tina people like be
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they don't have on rescuing the instrument from the past and keeping the traditional life you fall. don't want to go into it. i fell in love with ben. don't you? when i saw a workshop in the instrument and then i started to play. now there is a new generation who wants to play, you know, there is a revival of depend on you be that always so. so i knew to you as those who built musical instruments. i know he has the type of workshop when a site is where he teams we peers and produce has been doing and for origin, tina and other countries. even though they've been, don't you and was brought to argentina from germany, it's become the sound of daniel in this country and the heart of the bundle in our this reads that you can see here it is what gives the instrument edition of sound. most of the instrument in argentina are very old and making one takes time
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we believe the instruments of soul. people come here with the old bend on the inside. they can be 80 years old and i tell them it's better if we do a new one. and they say belong to their grandparents. so we try to fix it the and it's not, you don't need that. lucky many days started to play by chance and adapted it sound to argentinean, fault music. the he says more and more people are following his lead. the majority of them will seek out. i think that most of the music now is with computers. oh, but we're trying to go back to the essence an instrument like this one that lots of young people are joining in. it's like a box that you put on tour lake and it's unique sound to the revival of an old instrument that's helping craft argentina's musical history and drawing young
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people or giving it a modern twist. any so i'll just see them when inside of the sound of a tongue slip. for me, i'll see you in a couple of minutes. the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump with flag folders to try to win over black voters . these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera, a, a ward winning program from international. so make history just seems so many people traveling with children, thinking
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a long and difficult to explore and abundance of world class programming. every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers voices from different quote, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view from well on algae is there. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all those prefer not to look and write about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse filmmaker rally, and also viet turn when on the power of political ok, what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our task to change our future studio be unscripted talk to on i would use the euro. ancient human remains cold between science and spirituality,
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both seeking to understand and the owner of those who came before us. the danish, scientists, quests to interrogate the dna you earliest people in the united states reveals shocking. ethical and personal dynamic remains. a witness documentary on a jersey to the at least 40 palestinians have been killed and is really a tax on a un school housing displaced people on a residential building in central garza, the slow i marianne. this is al jazeera life from dell. so coming up on the program,


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