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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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so far as i said, i'm going, i'm gonna see the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the . ready ready ready is really false as well as you in school in central goes us. that's how i'm assuming is, was seeking refuge. at least 40 people have been to the, i'm just for washington. this is out of the room live from don't ha, also coming up increasing. so i'm a huge adds to the, was a crisis in gaza and the un bones of a color outbreak of and 100 people killed incidents on to 0 stage.
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witnesses say the power military breath. it's support forces have a few minutes. the celebrations, the space x is joined, still, she broke it successfully complete. it's for ton from state the we begin in central garza where is riley forces have boomed you in school and a residential building in the new setup refugee camp tooling. at least 40 people, the you, an agency for palestinian refugees says 6000 people were sheltering in the school when it was his without any warning thought of as it begins coverage the often enough and is very strong on that you on run school sheltering thousands of displaced, i'm studying in central garza. dozens of people have been reported killed from the bum boesmans and the se right,
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camp and many more injured. a residential home was also hits. room is a slip and when i woke up to the screams of women and 2 toned body parts, one woman lost 2 or 3 children. people who lost every one, the ox, the hospice of what people are being treated is at 3 times its capacity. and a fee as will lead to move that with many of the injecting treats it's on the floor plan the seats within the move of the hospital. and wouldn't the department does that. the vast majority of casualties and victims of children, women, elderly people, ok. so hospital has been only functioning medical facility in central garza. i don't know if they have the so in this is state terrorism. israel is targeting the you in institutions. israel violated all international lawyers cross all the red lines, passivity, 6 years. the palestinians have been appealing to the whole world with no response.
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human resolutions implemented on all other countries, except as right, this is joelle to it is for purposes of destroying because part of a really huge is very minute trip for ration. so central guns that has killed more than 70 people since tuesday, attacks on civilian facilities like the schools have been hallmarks of as well as well in going so more than 300 education centers have been destroyed. more than 36000 people have been killed. 16000 of them children with the discourse, the rising target capacity out into the home 3 went to the school where many palestinians are still sheltering. after those overnight is really strikes. it was 138 and in the morning when the is ready for us is targeted this classroom in a sore or the school in the say about refuge account that is really forces targeted the school would definitely 3 airstrikes. one would know when this metal,
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where could we go? there was no refuge for us that the schools targeted for full and now again, but we have nowhere to go. they said shelters safe. so we came here, but it turns out to be unsafe. the smell is undescribable where as you see, the blood of the people who are killed is everywhere on, on the floor, on their mattresses, under pillows, their clothes please. 5 children were killed among those despite the fact that this school has been targeted with at least 3 airstrikes last night. here on the other side are still, how does the meantime it is still sheltering in the school? because they believe that there is no, we're safe in gaza, which is in love. yes,
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we're still here. we're staying. where else can we go everywhere? it's targeted. so we're not leaving everywhere else. but the school, this is a un building and it's not supposed to be targeted, but it was even schools are not safe for palestinians. this school, these classrooms were targeted with at least 3 air strikes last night. it was $138.00. when the is ready, i mean targeted those classrooms with these 3 airstrikes, children, women, and all of the people displaced here was telling me how horrifying the scenes work . yeah, it was odd with them i had headed absent in the can to find a solution, at least, and the war to spare all his blood zoo butchered our hearts. visa, our children of ziff troops them away from us. they are killing us. this was a shelter for hundreds and thousands of palestinians who thought
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a school would be safe for them. but despite the fact that this school was targeted, palestinians chose to stay here because they believe that there is no place safe in gaza. this is in the city, i just need a, a surgery school, this head refuge account because of palestine. it's been almost 24 hours since the attack and the us state department has made its 1st public comment on the incident . matthew miller said, divide and administration has been in contact with the israeli government and was asking for more details about the strike. we have been in contact with the government of israel about this strike. they have said to us, essentially what they had said publicly, which is that and is this is their claim that they were targeting $20.00 to $30.00 members moss and other militant groups that they use. precision strike to target only one part of the building without hitting areas where civilians were
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sheltering. at the same time, we've seen the reports on the ground. we've seen the videos from the ground. we seen the claims that 14 children were killed into striking. certainly when you see if that is accurate, that 14 children are killed. those are terrace. and so the government of israel has said that they are going to release more information about this strike, including the names of those who died in it. we expect them to be fully transparent in making that information public. well, a survivor of that strike on the you in school in central garza. so she saw her nephew died up to his leg and um, was blown off. she described the bombing that killed 40 people as a blood off in the budget that you've done. so you're not supposed to. so what are you a smith? it's not the but what's the, what's the nephew lives in pods? it up a lot less than that. you're all set and the them that if uh, if not for your 1st to do the processing you, what's the full time with verbal is the decision edition of enough. so given the
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question now with the said, the one that says the head of the family, if you can have them into members know how map, how about the piece about that. so when is somebody that had to be to attempt that then we'd have the front of them. then we felt that way if i loved the sheep, i'm managing the possibility of the next the be a possibility when not somebody who can type of having dismissive without having depression, but actually not in need of any mother. the weapons to be. i'm not getting the best for to be a man then we should be on the never. what has you don't know. what's the deal done? the i am the one of the un agency for palestinian refugees has wound up the risk of disease outbreaks and dehydration across the guns. a stripped it says,
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a lack of access to clean water and increasing somebody. he's a making the situation worse. and there's a real concern cholera may become prevalent. i'll just hear his hunting. my foot told us more about the situation on the ground from their obama in central concept . this is the other silence killing machine going on across the gauze and for been all because of the humanitarian catastrophe created by the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the gaza strip data, floors displacement for more than 67 percent of the quote on the area of the gauze is terrible, concentrated right now in the central area and further southern part of the city of, of pon, units that we're looking at. not all the big bullets and bonds are killing people that difficult living conditions created by this genocide of work on the, on the ground are also killing more people putting their life at risk. and who is
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the major in health risk and from the limited access to basic supplies, including water supply. as of right now in the central area, there is a minimal access to uh, water to fluid rented water for the hundreds of, of, of 1000 of displays. families in the syndrome area. different goals are probably. 7 right now, the summer time, the sharp rise in here, the dry weather, the, the rule operation, all in 610 rodents. start creating fever conditions for a transmitted diseases including infectious diseases, among displaced families. here in the evacuation centers. and we were talking about evacuation centers. the situations are not, are not good at all. they are very dire, the catastrophic if there is there a pious of, of a trash surrounding these evacuation don't. there's entire collapse of sewage system and you walk into the street that are either rubble sold or trash full the
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streets or roads. but right now we see those kinds of fuels using where the 17 countries, including the united states and the u. k. have released a joint statement cooling on israel and some of us to do whatever is necessary to agree on a goes a ceasefire deal. the proposal would also secure the release of captives held in garza, my kind of reports from washington dc. this would appear to be a us led if the tenants would also appear to be a final attempt to give a match to the opposing parties to come to some form of agreement to meet to the plan that was announced by president biden on friday last week. in terms of which there would be a 3 phase settlement of the ongoing conflict with israel as will on gaza. how much is singled out in the statement? but then later on in the statement, there's a significant comment. it says we call on the leaders of israel as well as from us
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to make what ever final compromises on this a 3 to close the steel so contained within the statement as well as a degree of pressure on israel. in fact, as pressure on both parties to take that final step to bridge the gap and to come together to some form of agreement in implementing that 3 phase piece still that president biden has put on the table. at least 3 palestinians have been killed and 15 others injured is riley, as has on the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank is there any forces have now withdrawn from the cub videos on social media show ahmed vehicles and boom doses moving along the roads towards the cubs helicopters could be heard firing from the bones, palestinian sciences engineers say they engaged is really forces. spain has announced it will intervene in south africa's genocide case against israel,
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making it the 2nd a new country to declare this intention of to ireland. the international court of justice issued far reaching provisional binding orders against israel last month to stop it's military operation in goss. i'm a step boss and reports from the hague while civilians and guys continue to be under a tech. spain has stepped up, its pressure on israel to abide by binding orders of the international court of justice. the benefit there was about must have said, which we are going to do. and this is what the statutes of the court allows, is going to be. and in the case supporting the court and its interpretation of the course and we measure that the staking. yeah. and contributing quote, those elements. this can help us to apply them to the crime of genocide itself is the work of the tribunal. and as i have said, on many occasions, spain as it is doing with the questionnaire, he measures a will support the decisions taken by the international court of justice. that's what i've ordered. this comes just a week off those playing together with island and no way formally recognize the state of palestine. veins and prevention here at the world's highest score,
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the seen as a, not a diplomatic setback for is for l. 5 months in south africa file. it's case based on the genocide, sometimes it's wireless. you have to comply with finding mattress or the site of course spain as also for the i c j and implementing international justice. the court has no power to enforce its orders and relies on diplomatic pressure on countries to abide this. this has been as an important a member can do just that. it will add a grace or tomorrow wage and borrow authority to, to, to, to, to the case. it also increases again the pro find out if the case publicly demonstrates a stronger your team statement on the case and on the proceedings against israel. in the i think jane with regard to the, their violation of serious rights of the policy and people in their campaigning data in the next 2 weeks is what allows to report to the i c,
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j. if and how it has complied with the orders to present potential, genocidal, ect, and stop. it's a sold on rough. i stepped fast and i'll just see around the heat still head on out loudly does. and veterans meet in northern fronts to monkey and she event of a 3, the key turning points in world war 2. and we visit accounts and entities or with thousands of seeking shelter during the volcanic eruption. the project sticking particularly on pleasant weather wise in new south wales of i'll have to include sydney about like tribes moving in land. and the co suggest as inactive systems, at least, is going to allow through friday beings and fairly heavy right and reaching
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a c t and maybe the eastern side of victoria stone, cold and snow. your emotions. but heavy rain seems like the same is true and pumps of western australia, where i suspect the rain will be around more welcome passed just on the road. you hit that button line is that for a couple of days, whereas it goes off show for new software for sunroof is for you had camera. and in sydney i'm, this is pretty average day. i would think for the hold of news, even during some of the gentle wins, mostly sunny, nice bright attempts of value should be i must draw picture now into the rainy season for job earns to marshall comp to the same for borneo. so the ways, the, all the philippines where it does the driver, what the seasonal rains, a line that stretches back from india through mima into china, to was southern china. and this is what you could not cool with the plum range of pulses in and i guess some heavy, fairly heavy dime pulse in southern china. and occasionally across the taiwan and japan, i don't sustain particularly that live also extensive attribute in plants with some
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heavy dime polls mixed in the the . ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the hello again, this is all just to your reminder, although top stories, this is really forces headphones you in school and a residential building in the only setup refugee camp in central casa killing, at least 40 people ahead of the un agencies of palestinian refugees says 6004 simply displaced, people sheltering the school and it was huge without any warning. the u. s. and 16 of the countries have issued a joint statements urging israel and from us to reach a ceasefire in gaza. the proposal would also secure the release of captives count indoors is mainly troops of tools at least 3 palestinians during a raid on what you need refugee time in the occupied west bank. at least 15 palestinians have been injured just have done now when one of its
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civil resistance committees says more than 100 people has been killed. the power military rapids support forces. they say the attack happened in the what on the village in the ultra 0 stage and came into ways the communication video of the bodies in the public square. it says it's still waiting for the final number. it's dead and injured, but it's cooling, it's a massacre. it also says our assess site is loose at the village and many women and children fled the area. there's also been further fighting between students and the end of the rapids support forces in the west and city of l. sasha. both sides are using heavy weapons and onto hillary. violence interrupted the in mid may. the city is a hub for humanitarian operations. the hours of sciences and the army has been at war since april last year. while, as my depot is president of this sedan policy for him,
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a think tank focusing on governance and international relations. he says, student needs billions, a court in the middle, between the army and paramilitary functions of paying the highest price. this is a very unfortunate incident. however, we need to look at the picture. a lot of the, the routing don't to, has failed to completely suppress that. a 1000000000. and as a result, it's capitalizing very much on the civil war. as the eliza resorted by, which a gun combat the baby in and in a way influence the beginning of the flemish to the to, to the me of a fall on the the, the, this is a girl that was at a again, is the audio. if the, the soft, the, the routing don't that the army itself is
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a mobilizing civilians and using same to combat the audits if, because simply the soft doesn't have a name front, the boss, the army and holidays are using. the civilians, as uh, you know, as human shields and associate, for example, the army itself is using drones and dropping some bombs in civilian villages and destroying the hospitals and the schools and of the different ada button uh, facilities. and uh, likewise the audits if is uh, looking into areas in which that awesome. uh, so close to that is let me see the, the, the can see that the whole village as it targets, as well as he does have gathered in norman to use a mock
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a 2 years since the allied invasion of nazi occupied fonts. us soldiers commemorated the day by reenacting the landing on the beaches of normandy. a few veterans of the battle were also at the ceremony. some of them more than 100 years old. a correspondent natasha butler has this report from the event. memory sions began just off the door and in normandy on the beach, his way maybe a 160000. i like troops landed on the day 80 years ago to liberate your from notes the forces. some of those who survived came to pay tribute to the thousands that did not the french president emanuel mackerel sent them to the coverage of the us ceremony. led by present, joe biden, who said western allies all once the game fighting, tearing in europe with rushes. boy in ukraine and make no mistake, you ought to crack to the world, are watching closely to see what happens you crane. to say,
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if we let this illegal aggression go on check, we cannot let that happen. to surrender the bullies to bomb down the dictators is simply on favorable fonts, did not invite washing. present that in a person or washing delegation because of the rule. instead of just invited the crane in person to follow them, is lensky to be guest of honor at the international ceremony when i'm a how beach my cross is ukrainian troops of fighting for the same fine use of freedom and democracy. the move to speak to the allied forces a to years ago. fast. so what to that given was returned to europe when the values they fought for being questioned. when people try to change boat is by 4. so by rewriting history, and then it's be worthy of those who landed here. your presence here today, mister president of ukraine symbolizes this european unity and nato emerged from the ashes of the 2nd world war. the conflict in ukraine has both that
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those wisdom alliances, but it is also testing them as israel war in garza to show peace for future generations. those here say the lessons of history must be learned was actually popular. i'll just say era, normandy of those days, somalia, august on panama, greece and denmark became members of a select group. they were elected as 5 non permanent members to the un security council. all the hoping a chair on the world's most powerful diplomatic table empowers them to influence global peace and security. gabriel amazon to reports from new york. so let's start with the basics. the security council is made up of 15 countries, but there are 5 that have veto power. they're called the p 5. p stands for permanent. there russia, china, france, the u. s. and u k. now,
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how did they get to become permanent members? it was written into the un charter in 1945 after world war 2. and that's how it's remained ever since. the other 10 members of the security council, or what is known as the e 10. the e stands for elected because base or 2 year terms. these countries normally nominate themselves and then campaign for votes and get a seat here on the security council after they receive to 3rd support from the $193.00 member general assembly. the elected members of the security council are actually divided up by region. for example, africa has a seat. it's currently held by mozambique, but they will be replaced with somalia. also, asia has a seat as well currently held by japan. they will be replaced by pakistan. ecuador currently holds the seat for latin america and the caribbean,
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but they are being replaced by panama. and there are 2 spots reserved for western european or other countries. currently held by malta and switzerland, who will be handing off to greece and denmark. at least 6 children have been killed in northwest syria. after the school bus went off road and plunged into a visa. the vehicle carrying dozens of children went down a bank into the overall and says river in the a believe it leave region. sams advisors have been taken to hospital, and a rescue operation is ongoing. it's not clear what caused the bonus to go off the road. space ex is giant starship rocket has successfully launched. and for the 1st time ever returned from space, the test monks a major milestone for 8 on most and his company scholarship reached
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a space and then survived the heath of re entry before landing in the indian ocean as planned. it's the largest and most powerful rocket system as built now, so hopefully it will be a reuse of a vehicle for sending asteroids back to the movie. scott volta is an aerospace engineer. he spoke to us from the lower science in texas. welcome to starbase. i'm actually standing between the last 2 letters a letter s and e, the form, the conic, titled the, announces your arrival to the star base. and unfortunately, understanding the shade right now underneath the solar panels that are used to help power starbase. and as you may have noticed, white behind the over here, there is a blue tesla with a star link content on it and behind it you will see the orbital launch mount right there, which at 7 50 am this morning was still occupied. but right now is empty, making way for us to be fired, which will be the next attempt. the reason we were able to see those beautiful
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images coming life one space was because of the same technology that is bringing you the signal right now. that's the star linked in tennis system there in sterling satellites are up there that allow that to happen. so as you mentioned, it was the 1st time they were able successfully bring it in. they were not sure they were going to be able to make it all the way through. they thought it was probably going to break up, but it made it all the way down to the ocean for the soft, plenty more important. the booster also a few minutes before did the exact same thing. it was a perfect stage separation, a beautiful view of the hot stage ring, just kind of drifting off into space almost like it was being deployed as a satellite. we could see the grid federal operating exactly where they were supposed to. and the falcon thought that the rafter engine lit up, right when they're supposed to, one kilometer above the ocean surface. it came down and i was on a boat with some space engineers, and one of them said it did a flex. it was like just doing a power hubbard right over before it dropped in. they were so a static, they believe that probably i f t 5,
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they're going to attempt to set trip on land. this guy, there's a strong possibility, and the reason that's possible is because of what's behind the here right now. as you can see, these are the building for the build site. and what you might see behind you right here, right now, are the new orbital mount that they're building. you can probably see those sections there. you might have been see a red heart on one of them. it is a read the red heart. it says, stacking me, they cannot wait to bring this thing out to the new orbital. i'm outside. now, why is that important for i a fee? but do you know why they, they want not just redundancy, but what they would like to do is they are probably going to launch from every month one because all the critical infrastructure is there are the peg farm and everything is there. if things go wrong, you could have a big mess to clean up. so they're going to bill the 2nd about for the wrong way. that's just there to catch the booster or when it comes back. and so if something
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goes wrong, it's not going to be disastrous appropriate. so right here, this is what's gonna limit when that's going to happen. is it going to be a 2 month? is it going to be 3 months? we don't know, but that is possible. and a visa has imposed the highest of the level on its home. i had an island up to the mount. a volcano erupted twice on thursday. several villages have been evacuated. thousands of people are now living in temporary shelters. oh, does he respond to below reports from west home i had social workers are keeping these children entertained to help them cope with their time away from home for 3 weeks now. they've been living and make ship shelters to protect them from the near daily eruptions of mountain people in the remote, how the hair, a region of indonesia, these children witness direction and our tool mate times some still cry because you ski, government bulk and i'll just say mount e but was due to


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