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tv   101 East Indias Disappearing Mountains  Al Jazeera  June 7, 2024 2:30am-3:00am AST

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the same state as 5 now will leaders have gathered in normandy to mock a 2 years since the allied invasion of nazi occupied fronts. us soldiers commemorated the day by re enacting the landing on the beaches of normandy, a few veterans to the battle. so at the ceremony, some of them a more than a 100 years old, a correspondent natasha buckler has this report on the event. commemorations began just off the door and in normandy on the beaches with navy, a 160000. the allied troops landed on the day 8 years ago to liberate your from notes the forces. some of those who survived came to pay tribute to the thousands that did not french president emanuel mackerel send them to the college of the us ceremony. led by present cherry point and we said western allies all once the game fighting, tearing in europe with russia's boy in ukraine, and make no mistake. your autographs of the world are watching closely,
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to see what happens to ukraine. to say if we let this illegal aggression go on check, we can not let that happen. to surrender the bullies to bomb down the dictators is simply on st. double faults did not invite washing present that in a person or a russian delegation because of the war. in stages invited, the crane and president followed him. is the lensky to be guessed of warner? at the international ceremony, when i am a hall beach macross as ukrainian troops of fighting for the same fine use of freedom and democracy, the move to speak to the allied forces 80 years ago. first. so what to the given was returned to europe when the values they fought for being questioned. when people try to change boat is by force. so by rewriting history, let us be worthy of those who landed here. your presence here today, mister president of ukraine symbolizes this european unity and nato
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emerged from the ashes of the 2nd world war. the conflict in ukraine has boasted those wisdom alliances, but it is also testing them as israel's war in gaza to show peace for future generations. those here say the lessons of history must be learned was actually popular. i'll just say era normandy. all right, well that's it for me down in jordan. so now you kind of goes find much more information on our website. i'll just come there. it is on your screen. the news continues here and i'll just 0 off to one to one east so that you have done so much bye for now. the israel's war on god be coming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down? why, despite insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look
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of us politics, the bottom line in india ramp and illegals mining strategies in ancient mountain range. the out of the lease florida was hard to get me on top because they're jealous as good as well. but i think going to get the minds of feeding india's infrastructure, but they're also having a devastating impact on the local population for the start time. cuz it's a little bit continued to the buffalo tiffany club. while i'm working with ms. eliza, if i could was say the mountains a crucial to safeguard the environment and the future of hundreds of millions of people subtract, dictating from the mission. we put the box one east travellers to ride this time in india to investigate this on the, on the other off the mountains, the
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you tonight for an individual plan i'll in india is try just con, state and t legal mining activist can actually not here and is associating the haitian planning and investigative mission they received a tip off of the nearby stone mines that are operating at night, which is illegal. yes, on part of this cadillac and is enough to, to let you. and you guys have come around, contributing a lot of companies to optimize water. i would enter the game within to you and i'll come connected by carrying out the mission. galoshes, breaking a promise. he made to his family to not leave his home after doc, you know, there was been test on the bottom of the game. a lot of other than some, some of the a lot god today. yeah, i get demolition or i will. some ticket isn't it?
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it is pretty vital to teams and find the nighttime mining activity they have to be careful not to be supported illegal. mine operators in india have previously attacked multiple activists and even to police officers your food on how you get that squared. because i've already been legal. i now about the process of control him on the outside. is christy turn your name just curious, comer on which thoughts here. your quote of course has come from the josh gets a clear sort of the entire operation. it's much larger than he had imagined. the team drives to a safe space to review the evidence. each of the easily
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easily upon the portfolio gps claim is important. thanks. if you like. yeah, we didn't take you to actually activity for the asterisk on the weekends or with the, the mountains. that collage has repeatedly risk his life to protect these a good estimate to, to be around 670000000 years old in stretch 700 kilometers from a good shot in west of india all the way up to the capital, new dentist, data source of multiple rivers, home to a large variety of trees and endangered wildlife experts say, get the main battery of protecting the photo plains of northern india from the dry hot wins also todd deserts. but these mountains are under attack. if i'm a who, whose views i just sit on here,
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the beach and he's been telling me that this used to be a him 3 bottles of the bottle. why did the mountain top go with that as well? but i think that it does who behind galoshes village could also been blown away if you had intervene to save it 25 years ago, the capacity you'd have to do a lot industrial that i left for the same. and for the hartford news, it is somebody to talk to me please, i can make i think there's probably yeah, let activism is ma'am, to try and dictating the problem. because the emission, we've got the body as the number of both legal and illegal mind screw across right. just time kill us, uses his decades of experience to help organize other communities, to fight back underscore the
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expos willie today, it's going to have you took a look at the cut, the soft cutting look at the amount of the base directly or the construction already. it may even be a tumor to any kind of like a glove and we'll go through the hub to uh, kind of keep in mind me go to locus of control. can anybody else? i'm going to put the audio control sysk linearly log in. it does say i'm finding it doesn't it took anybody on yourself. what's got you a look if there's a little, you know, hide on there to look, you know, did you want to too much video? collage says his activism against the legal mining has led to him being implicated in multiple court cases. today, he has a hearing in a 13 year old case if he's accused of disturbing the peace for protesting against the expansion of a mind collage. he's hoping to
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have the case dismissed, but neither the governor to prosecute 2 or witnesses show up a little more to tom and report standing for when i pushed from jump to the new i thought the garage is under, towed to leave the court to go meet a group of villages to live along side what has become one of the largest mines in the area the, the georgia that lines don't mind provides. there's all material for this. massive submit to factories prevented me up and come, come cause me with the no one cuz noticed it's a little the company running the mind says it's a pioneer in protecting the environment and people of safety. but nearby residency, it is floating multiple environmental regulations options homeless, refunded to your notified dodge, will not be paid dodge your life. pardon me?
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cool. hook you up those like it on wheels are possible. i mean that is correct. coming. and this is the of the major issue, people living around the mind see explosions like these are destroying the whole hot i'm, i'm in the subject to buy a game economy bomb, the big la deal. i'm really not going to create the villages here in georgia that have in protesting every day for more than a year, demanding the company, relocate them from the colossus organized for a group of independent experts to study the impact of the mining and explosions on the health of the residents here blasting furniture, you'll find him, it will depart like liberty. he just thought i might produce a larger funding. locked into the judgement or looking at funding. well, so i just thought i'd give you an idea of what a yes. how did you make it?
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joshua ogden, it bob committee talk to load was on the board was but i you all realize this is going to be opposite. all you have to come or is it for the next part, civil liar on it. it could afford when a homeowners report on dog, vermont key key, or someone to use your head up there to you, i'm gonna put in there about the last housekeeping money on the water. got. i'm the thought of the mothers from the village. tell me they have sex, that children to live with relatives elsewhere. how are ya? goodness. yeah. like, oh good. yeah. a lot of do on a lot of the dns sacks are labeled there. do you still have such a political? do you the new kinds of way go by the eddies? it yeah, but that's the, that's the, that's the, that's the situation is desperate for the villages of to put up. but not everybody wants to leave teddy though, sorta and his family live and find on a patch of land right next to the my city
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the family say they haven't been offered adequate compensation for their land to get kind of easy to me that you come and sit throughout the come and take the idea of the come into that it came with the audience. and the movie is one degree, monique, the by the all. you will this kind of be solved and was on the needle before the mind. how do you lot of said the area was prime agricultural land even though very little clothes here. now he still feels attached to it. the family makes amiga living from the animals to save on legal expenses. how do you loud is no studying environmental this vehicle? yeah, those people gave you most slow boys and kind of named john john john little guy,
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the fan they got together only when they got together because of the thing i'm gonna show you down, but i, i'm gonna give your task of the final in case opposite but it's, i think it was kind of getting it made the home guys have some money supreme court, the letting it or do you think of you i'm going to have as was how do you loud has a hearing coming up in 2 weeks for his claims are on compensation, but till then he has yet another sick call to deals with, despite his best attempts, dice, 2 days later, the mines are only one part of the problem. still in crushing units like this one which process the mind drops into construction materials. are also a major health hazard. the fine toxic dusty mit is a leading cause of silicosis, a deadly intuitively disease or the lungs that affect tens of thousands of people in raj. this time it is pretty via very sort of in the half percent of
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read. there's a lot of illegal in my name is tony pressing units. we've come here to speak to residents about how it is to live in the middle of the village of tortilla is surrounded by storm, crushing units, most of them running without following state environmental guidelines. on percussion, many grew up here to to i live in payments are lower. i mean, that's cool. i've got the funny thing is though. yeah, below when we see so much i'm going over to talk suggests from the store and crushing units covers everything around to what you over gosh, takes me to see his feelings side of the game here, sort of. so you kind of get a bit back up there like any of the need with the you. there's
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a yes or to select the spirit of it to kind of the, the month. i mean that i can move and this is the reason why you because i know i will get out the though i had that at the end of the. yeah, because it, um is it mainly so you closest case will do the but it's on the anything else and still causes. so i mean that's one that of how the system goes in here. so basically dani is me, i'll pull hard this little to deliver this and cause was just like it was have to verify that the was the closest is caused by the inhalation of fine silica dust emitted by mines and strong crushing units. because cobra gosh, took me to see a relative who's lungs have entirely lapsed because of the disease. and the more likely that i'm able to get these cx, get them in the some of the bigger to assess the city. but it sort of is gone, but a bit is i me that i got, as i texted that i didn't get any sort of invitation to critical brody,
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but i poured apple on it. but is it over was as high as they knew it. and it's odd to me, the sort of deal with the loop in the how you got the feeling. but then i just really close this stuff for like me to and mean i should be eligible for the government payment for almost $4000.00 and monthly pension. of $15.00 to have pay for treatment. what do you think? because these guys, they have full. what at pacific got to me. i prefer just name of this year and upload the new video report and all that. so i'll put the, the, i'll get that those of the ones that i kind of got to do is go to, can i get thank you. happening is amazing because you see because the question, the question is, what are the i don't think any cause or even though i did a 2nd chance silly courses, diagnosis was approved by local doctors rejected by state authorities that your daughter tells me the family have had to sell their land to pay for his treatment
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of o u, but then this idea of them is the item to collect today. this group of you was other see this will here, the, the guide and we'll put the d. assume to do all the, all you need d is the, they'll pick them up. we'll start all the mid pasco, supposedly, board the we'll start the end cuz it's a little bit continue me through the but the continue club, a little more movies and the, the, to you of, of the some of the see the to the vehicle to be any good, they all give them the good. they cut it off is up. and is it the bit for that? because it is awesome. yeah. facing the pool. the
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like we tons, condition due to roommates during the night without government aid? the family, a forced to hitch hiked to hospital luck reach on isn't alone that tens of thousands of silly courses, cases which don't get approved by the government's complex and constantly changing certification process. and even in cases that are officially recognized, only 1.5 percent have received compensation. the almost everyone we spoke to in this area, including people of luck in the mines, complained about government in action when it came to tackling north just legally
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binding. but also the trucks, pollution, and related health problems. and so what's funny is how do i need this kind of case conclusion, excuse me, companies have gotten in the 2023 of our divisions. i've already beat the ruling congress by the state election invest this time. it immediately launched a campaign against the lease of mining. to date, the following officer federal been seeing a transport inspect uh, on the lookout for dangerously overloaded trucks. is that the guardian of the plasma does the lock is going to be open and be on the low and the need. and i've gotten some of the upgrades obviously, but that's gonna get the liberty with it because all the time you put it in 230 on the equipment. i'm going to go over this item and i got the week with you. dropping allows us to accompany him on patrol on route. he explains the importance
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of mining to the local economy or the governor's office of some of the easier. yeah, nice me to the partners related to the news that a god wouldn't even let the video the lightnings of the legal binding beasley and again, those are the reason they get somebody the only jam packed the trucks, the roads, a suspicious cmt probably knows his every movement is being tracked, but he's also under pressure to hit his targets. the the that is the end of the
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internet. on the, on the vehicle, the robin suspect the truck is carrying more material that is legally permissible learning available that way. nobody ever want to come in and pick one up at either one of the joint leg. i know what the name that i gotta do some nice clothes. i've got, let me put this in the, you know, and i'm a little tiny, we're economy bugs and my name. he loves him. but who's getting the abuse came to molig of the nice, you know, a quick check. the reviews of the truck is carrying 18 extra tons of construction
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materials all involved in an online, but there will be more than a phase. but i also bought it little. you're getting a do whatever, but it's time to go back to someone else. the for you don't pay me while i go to love where you got i got you goes a all in order them the words, but i have it individually and will human that with you back to the limit of political everything about me going to uh you said they cool, besides the name of the guy. yeah. be that's how they pulled the study for yourself . you're doing a study, you're mining, so now we don't get anything and i'll come down to we, they go up the policies of each other will lead somebody about going to me instead of god, i may have to go to the subject with the i will say the one thinking that god you'll want to go up, what is the norms? what spend the postpone goes and that's on mueller.
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the campaign coming to an end, i go to speak to rob and things boss about what it is achieved. but in our office, then we make it to you, we want to speak about. so the courses and the environmental cost of finding the interview is suddenly cause of the bill to attempt to speak to a number of mind and student prussia owners, even though their workers are eager to speak to a single owner agrees to an interview be i'd be owns a lot done a similar, but i'll be honest at the low the the move on to get better though. i told him i was going to go to my the outside the truck, stuff back and racing to make up for lost time receive 1st time out dangerously. they drive the dust, reducing disability on the road, accidents are common and for the families affected,
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catastrophic. what is the good? good uh the without the family home of 22 years old or somebody may not. who is on his way to play cricket with 2 friends. all treat what killed by mining truck, villages say was speeding and on the wrong side of the road. or they cannot, it, they can regarding the day 30 the was forwarded again over broke i would need the see where they live. i will also record because the clicked it uh to do those. it will give you the, the, the, they will get the get up as it is, it will get you. but if i was gonna make it, but that will go to josh,
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you will be coming in because the marketing part, the best way to have a maximum going to be a little guilty. got the new movie plan menu with you or the mental could fantastic member, who is the husband just for me to meet you, ma'am? we'll talk to it. come up with these are the some be a good job. i've done to the federal guy, philip as located mr. before every required reporting the story, we heard reports of accidents involving overloaded trucks. so one of the was led to the death of 3 policemen. and their cars, crushed by a speeding truck that overturned the truck, was transporting travel from a storm crush up owned by a local government officials, its political contacts. the hardest make. i don't believe me got to like in the federal accidental dentist with
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this package on it. and their business i'm familiar with guy will ship this little guy. you said you only accept is fabulous lit, the solid man in sort of open up the so total like the collage isn't giving up the fight. today. he's helping a group of villages filed a petition against a new mine in there can be lots and there's a reason why people seek him out in spite of the setbacks. he's also had some major successes along the way. he's taking me to see the most significant this mind issue of us village was one of the largest in the region and full of illegal activities. gosh, go to shut down, inspiring, local villages. thank god, there's some sharma to join the fight. or yes, how do you mind doing it? different bundle. yeah. and you do this obvious heidi here be i'm whatever i live,
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but at the very top or collage in there, i'm about quickly that well, i'm in a guess under the mentality. so i'm going to create automatic review. how did about the 10 minute i get the process on? that was really not going to. yeah, i'm ready approximately. he's also going to get what i might. it's heidi momma one on the same. or do you happen to 3? it will say you upgrade on the bus and got to say to me, was paper about why didn't you, how several, she told me, well, how much it sucked, the assembles which we need to work on. good item and a good look. good item and it gives douglas electric. got you on the bus to for the attempted to be shipped to and you do yeah, this of and what lucky i be so so to me either by name or looking ready to come in. yes, i believe you do. i mean, that might be more than a sway on the 9th of may. 2020 for the work of activists like collage and rubbish
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on the, to an indian supreme court ruling that declared, no, you, mining leases could be given anywhere in the out of the mountains without the court's permission. and forcing the decision to be the real challenge in these ancient mountains was continued to meet the allies like kill us if they are to suffice ours, before skinning a canadian c key, there said the agents of the indian governments were pumped into assessing a fault lives explores how the call for an independent seek state, a spilled beyond india's borders and investigates, the nation's election campaign of eliminated critics on foreign soil begins the assessing nation on a jersey to the
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the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is a, it's cynical calls and it is harmful, a dangerous conflation between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the states is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me keys in the hatred of jews. because the country is honest and is not about judas. it's about teacher and we need to talk about design isn't listening, close special on of just what we do it all just sarah is try to follow this story
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and leave the people who allow us into their lives. dignity into minus the 370 palestinians are killed by his ready forces across guns on thursday, one day after you in school, escaped without warning. but despite the fact that the school was targeted, hottest indians chose to stay here because they believe that there's no place facing garza, the other ones are in jordan, this is out as they are a lie from don't. those are coming up more than a 100 people are killed in. so that is i'll just say i'm a state witness to say the part.


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