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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the businesses, economic problems, the address is kindly be fixed to understand how it affects our daily lives. counting the cost on which is here. uh the please 70 pallets, bonanza, killed, vice ready forces across gauze on thursday, one day off to you in school to escape without warning. but despite the fact that this school was targeted, how does the news chose to stay here? because they believe that there's no place facing garza the hello, i'm darn jordan. this is, i'll just share a lie from dell also coming up more than a 100 people killed in savannah out to 0,
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a state witness to say the entire military rapids support forces attached to a village. and this guy is the limit for space 6 celebrations of the john scholarship rocket successfully completed the return from space for the 1st time, the beginning guns that were at least 70 palestinians have been killed by his writing forces across the strip since thursday morning. at least 5 people were killed in his waiting strike of minnesota refugee camp in the evening. the mayor of the camp and 2 members of his family were among those killed in his latest it's rarely strike on central gaza. this when a nearly as of thursday, these really minutes we bump the you and school lender, residential building in the st. mary's kidding is 40 palestinians. the un says 6000 just base people were sheltering in the school, but it was hit without warning. i'll just there was talk about zoom begins coverage
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from the central gulf the often that's and is very strongly continue on run school sheltering thousands of displaced. i'm sitting in in central garza, dozens of people have been reported killed from the bone of mintz. and i'm gonna say right comp and many more up in jw it a residential home was also hits. room is a flow from when i woke up to the screams of women and 2 toned body parts. one woman last 2 of 3 children, people who have lost everyone the oh ok. so hospice, what people are being treated is at suite times its capacity. and the a fee is it will lead to move that with many of the injured be treated on the floor clearly see within the move of the hospital and wouldn't the department that, that the vast majority of casualties and victims of children, women, elderly people, ok, so hospitalized and only functioning medical facility in central garza. i don't
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know if they have to go with it as a is. this is state terrorism. israel is targeting the you in institutions. israel violated all international laws. cross all the red lines for 76 years. the palestinians have been appealing to the whole world with no response. you in resolutions implemented on all other countries, except as right, this is joelle to it is support procedure destroyed because part of a really huge is very minute trip for ration. so central guns that, that has killed more than 70 people since tuesday, attacks on civilian facilities like the schools have been hallmarks of as well. so i'm going for more than 300 education centers have been destroyed. more than 36000 people have been killed. 16000 of them children with the discourse, the rising tarika best suited out well, who can tell could are they went to the school where many people are still sheltering off to those of a night is really strikes. it was 138 and in the morning when the is ready for us
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is targeted this classroom in a 30 school in the say about refuge account. those are the forces targeted the school would definitely 3 airstrikes. one would know when this metal, where could we go? there was no refuge for us that the schools targeted for full and now again, but we have nowhere to go. they said shelters safe. so we came here, but it turns out to be unsafe. the smell is undescribable where as you see, the blood of the people who are killed is everywhere on to the floor on their mattresses, under pillows, their clothes please. 5 children were killed among those despite the fact that this school has been targeted with at least 3 airstrikes last night. here
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on the other side are still, how does the meantime it is still sheltering in the school? because they believe that there is no we're safe in gaza. dizziness remember? yes, we're still here. we're staying. where else can we go everywhere? it's targeted. so we're not leaving everywhere else. but the school, this is a un building and it's not supposed to be targeted. but it was even schools are not safe for palestinians. this school, these classrooms were targeted with at least 3 air strikes last night. it was $138.00. when the is ready, i mean targeted those classrooms with these 3 airstrikes, children, women, and all of the people displaced here was telling me how horrifying the scenes work . yeah, it was odd with them. i had had not been in the can to find a solution, at least, and the war to spare all his blood. zoo butchered our hearts. visa,
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our children. they've chips them away from us. they are killing us. this was a shelter for hundreds and thousands of palestinians who thought a school would be safe for them. but despite the fact that the school was targeted, palestinians chose to stay here because they believe that there is no place safe in gaza. this is in the city, i just need a, a surgery school. this had brought refuge account gauze, palestine, when it took almost 24 hours for the us state department to make its 1st public comment on the incident must be with us at the bite and administration was asking is really government more details about the strike? obviously it was practical hanging as more from washington dc here at the state department on thursday. and the daily briefing, the spokesman for the state department was asked about yet another is really strike on an un protected building. this time of school with dozens killed,
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he said the us government had reached out to their colonel parts in israel. and he said, the israel said that they've been watching the building for days that they believe that there were $20.00 to $30.00 him off fighters in it. and that they waited until they could strike enough for civilians. but of course the video tells a much different story. if that is accurate, that 14 children were killed. those are terrace. and so the government of israel has said that they are going to release more information about this strike, including the names of those who died in it. we expect them to be fully transparent in making that information public. you. what i'll just say is as us, as in pushing israel to use much more strategic weapons to be said, what progress has been made, you said, is 14 children are dead, then something went wrong. and in his words, the results aren't where they need to be taught to claim to 0 at the state department. how do i know what the hell was sleeping when the you in school was here in the early as of thursday. she survived, but her nephew was killed. she described what happened in the budget that you've
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done so you're not supposed to. so what are you a smith? it's not the but with the was the nephew lives in pods it up in the you're all set and the them that if uh, if not for your 1st to do it is when i have something i'm processing you so much that it was i had the full time with are both the is the decision edition of enough . so given the question now with the said, the one that says the head of the family, if you can have them into members know how that, how about the piece about that? so piece of property that's when there's somebody that had to be to attempt that then we have the funding. i love that we've been, we've had the issue by managing the possibility of the next the be a possibility. when i have somebody who can try to have this machine without having depression, nice, you know me, don't have any mother the weapons to be, i'm not good investors to be
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a man. december to be on that was the number one when you had you don't know what's the deal done the i have the in the meanwhile the you an agency for palestinian refugees as one to the risk of disease and the hydration across the gaza strip. it says the lack of access to clean water and increasing some a heat, making the situation worse. unrest says there's a real concern, color may become prevalent. i'll just say it was honey. my food. tell us more about the diet situation on the ground from a bit of ballot in central garza. this is the other silence killing machine going on across the gauze after been all because of the humanitarian catastrophe created by the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the gaza strip. de flores displacement for more than 67 percent of the quote on the area of the gauze. mr. gold concentrated right now in the central area and further southern part of the
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city of, of pon units that we're looking at. not only big bullets and bonds are killing people that difficult living conditions created by this genocide of work on the, on the ground are also killing more people putting their life at risk. and who is the major health risk it from the limited access to basic supplies, including water supply. as of right now, in the central area, there is a minimal access to uh, water to fluid rented water for the hundreds of, of, of 1000, of displays. families in the syndrome area. different goals are probably. 7 right now, the summer time, the sharp rise in heat, the dry weather, the, the rule operation, all in $610.00 rodents start creating fever conditions for a transmitted diseases including infectious diseases, among displaced families. here in the evacuation centers. and we were talking about evacuation centers. the situations are not,
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are not good at all. they are very dire. the catastrophic if there is their pie as of, of a trash surrounding the, the valuation don't. there is entire collapse of sewage system and you walk into the street that are either rubble sold or trash full the streets or roads. but right now we've seen on 2 tons of suicide everywhere. 17 countries including the united states and the u. k. have released the joint statement coding on israel and have asked to do whatever is necessary to agree on a gaza cease 5 deal. the proposal would also secure the release of captives being held in gaza after there was mike kind of has more on that agreement from washington. this would appear to be a u. s. sled. if the tenants would also appear to be a final attempt to give a match to the opposing parties to come to some form of agreement to meet to the plan that was announced by president biden on friday last week. in terms of which there would be a 3 phase supplement of the ongoing conflict with israel as well on gaza. how much
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is singled out in the statement? but then later on in the statement, there's a significant comment. it says we call on the leaders of israel as well as from us to make what ever final compromises on this a 3 to close the steel. so it contains within the statement as well as a degree of pressure on israel. in fact, as pressure on both parties to take the final step to bridge the gap and to come together to some form of agreement in implementing the 3 phase piece still that president biden has put on the table. and pharaohs have been held for 3, punish demands, killed and his right here rate on the janine refugee camp and the occupied west banks are the is ready for us is they've now withdrawn from the cam. 531 pallets. demands have been killed by these random
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industry across the upside west bank since last october. there's also been that is waiting caution in numberless and the occupied westbank was on confrontation between is ready for susan palestinian fighters. is randy rage across the altar by the west bank up in the unlikely occurrence since as well launched this war. garza and spain as announced atlanta bean and south africa's genocide case against israel and making it the 2nd you country. to declare this intention of to island, the international court of justice issued far reaching provisional binding orders against israel last month to stop ex military operations. and gaza, i'll just share a step vast and reports from the hakes. while sicilians and guys continue to be under a tech, spain has stepped up its pressure on israel to abide by binding orders of the international court of justice. but there was not much i said, which we are going to do, and this is what the statutes of the court allows,
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is going to be in, in the case, supporting the court. and it's interpretation of the course. and we measure that the staking. yeah. and contributing, quote, those elements this can help is to apply them to the crime of genocide itself is the work of the tribunal. and as i have said, on many occasions, spain as it is doing with the questionnaire, he measures a will support the decisions taken by the international court of justice. that's what i bought into this comes just the week off those plane together with island and no way formally recognize this the ease of palestine. veins and prevention here at the world's highest score, the seen as a, not a diplomatic sad back for is for l. 5 months in south africa file, it's case based on the genocide, sometimes it's wireless. you have to comply with finding mattress ordered by the court vein as also for the i c j and implementing international justice. the court has no power to enforce its orders and relies on diplomatic pressure on countries to abide this. this is bain as an important a member can do. just that it will add a grace or tomorrow,
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wage and borrow authority to, to, to, to, to the case. it also increases again the pro final if the case publicly, that it demonstrates a stronger your team statement on the case and on the proceedings against israel in the i think jane with regard to the there violation of serious rights of the policy and people in their campaigning data in the next 2 weeks. this where allows to report to the i c. j. if and how it has complied with the orders to present potential genocidal act and stop. it's a sold on rough. i stepped fast and i'll just see around the heat stethoscope right here, and i'll just say right, when we come back, we visit the make shift competence. indonesia with thousands of so you can shelter during the phone kind of corruption format the
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now we can watch the seasonal range doing what it's supposed to do. it's a ragged looking picture by a satellite. as you can see from the line really stretches from southern china across the japan, italy started the north woods over the next couple of months and give proper diet impulse. now the flooding that occurred earlier in the year in southern china has mostly gone away, but where it happened, it would just be top top by watts is now the seasonal heavy stuff. it occurs in taiwan. it looks like it's on south of the day in the small ons in southern japan and up through the korean peninsula as well on that line. you can follow to answer this to the pizza. so otherwise, you and also, borneo is likely to get some big funds to it was but south and west of that, it's much dry picks and it wasn't that so, okay, or we can start okay, which is correct seasonally, because the seasonal right is that monsoon truck that stretches across this part of india towards me, and it's already officially reached. this line, of course, is coming in this channel direction. so south of it should be reliably shumate with
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some found funds from source charles on a daily basis. but north of it, as it comes in, as a pretty big, vicious dime polls in russia, for example, lots of that the cost, it's still dry. if you're lucky, shower impact is done. but if you're not, then you're looking at something like barnowski and think $46.00 the. the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is a, it's cynical. and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people limits criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me keys in the hatred of jews because the country is honest and is not about judas. it's about teacher and we need to talk about scientists and listening close special on his jersey. the
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welcome back here watching out just here. a quick reminder about top stories here. this out loudly 7 to punish demands, have been killed by is ready for these across concepts since thursday morning earlier around, 40 were killed and, and asked. right. and then a said right refugee compton, central cost you and says $6004.00 is to be despised people with sheltering in the schools. when it was, it's without warning for us some 16 on the countries that issued a joint statement. urgent is when i'm asked to reach us. these fine proposals as secure the release of captives have in jobs. and federals have been held for 3 palestinians killed. and, and is there any rate in the janine repartee, county and the upside west point? $531.00 balance demands have been killed by these really made
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a trade in the off by the west bank since last october to sedan. now where local resistance committees say more than a 100 people have been killed by the power military rapids support forces. i say the attack happened during the war a new or a village in the eastern alger 0 states and came into waves. the wad mcdonny resistance committee call the incident a massacre, and she had pictures online showing bodies in the public square. they also say are as a fight as lou to the village of it, many women and children, a fled the area has also been for the fighting between saddam's army and the rapids support forces in the western city. all the l. sasha. both sides are using heavy weapons on dots. hillary. the city is a hub, so she went to terra and operations violence also erupt. and that in mid may, are as a fighters in the army had been a war in the country since april last year. but alex devolved is from tops university in boston. he says that both sides and the conflict of being on by
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multiple regional active this is yet another messic. and yet another slow to of the innocence in saddam's terrible civil war. it's appears to be a real crime without justification. and it signals a another round of escalation in this war that appears not to have an end to the there. and that there appears to be no serious assets to provide humanitarian relief, to protect civilian support. bring an end to the fight to the 2 warring signs of funding themselves punctually at the expense of the local population. but the rapid support forces have had quite extensive military support from the united arab emirates. that why have to do you a strenuously, the not very credit pretty did nice this or on the signs of the internationally
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recognized government to sit down on the forces. we have been on supplies from a number of different to middle eastern actors, including tuck key, egypt, and now mo, most recent creed from the wrong providing drones and russia is now promising a major supply of weapons as a trade off un. sedona is offering russia unable to base on the red sea coast, but the more immediate issue, the 9th to the slide for the state is the survival of people. while gauze, it may be the most intense example of messed on vacation in the contemporary weld. sedona is the largest in terms of number. the estimates that are now being made for like the excess dest ensued on over the coming months, range upwards of a 1000000. so it's not just the civilian for love of the state. it's actually
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whether or not the student needs people as a whole. i'm going to come through this by are now workers that samsung electronics and south korea set to start escalating strike action. union members gathered last week to announce the festival woke out of a demand for higher wages. samsung is one of the world's largest makers of memberships, but launches is rob mcbride, joins us live now for the outside, samsung electronics in. so a robot. so south korea has a long history of industrial action, but this is a quote to action with a difference, right? yeah, that's right. this is an extremely well mine the fab. there are no. i angry picket lines uh, angry matches in the streets of and i think the union involved is taking a fairly novel approach, encouraging its members to take a day of paid leave. now yesterday, thursday was a public holiday here in south korea. so effectively, this becomes like a long weekend for most workers, but it is symbolically very important thing,
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as you say, at the 1st actual, technically strike action by work is in samsung's mold in 50. yeah, history. and this is incrementally, more serious prior to this the same. you get this taken by the schools days of action, which is effectively being had all of us to call the val atmosphere with paypal music in the streets and so on. but that was certainly a very serious demands behind this. they had been off with a 5 percent pay increase by samsung, which for most workers might sound quite reasonable given the tough times that most companies are in right now. but they have to being demanding 6 and a half percent saying the company can certainly afford it with samsung got like products reporting boost quotes up at profits with a 10 fold increase in those in those profits compared to the same time last year. and groups almost like you're going to be the impact on what is currently at the wells biggest smartphone make it is extremely difficult to say because this is my fairly unusual action. it is this day of leave
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this you and you represent. so in any case, a lot of white color work as a so there's a lot of the office stuff involved in this as well as workers in factories. but you have to remember that now a lot of high tech automation production lines off the fully automated in a k. so it's difficult to judge what the actual immediate impact will be of just the one day of action. the concern is whether this, as the union says, could lead to more conservative industrial action, given samsung's importance when it comes to the production of small funds, but also more importantly, a bonds chips in very critical areas. as such as occupational intelligence. also a lot of the south korea media here, i've been focusing on an into a junior and dispute between this union and all the samsung units, which also appear to be even better behaved if you like, or more miles minded with other unions criticizing this one for taking this industrial act and that's be why it cons except 5 percent as they have and also
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accused to get a damaging samsung's reputation. all right, so i wrote mcbride life, i stay in south korean capital. so rob, thank you. now it's been one months since devastating floods hips, southern brazil, more than 2300000 people have been effected on at least 620000. displaced in the states of rio grande to the sol officials of describe the floods as the west climate disaster. the area has ever seen. president new to silver has been visiting the most effective areas as reaffirmed his commitment to reconstruction efforts, smith and the staff. his party made yeah, we have to give an immediate response to the people who need it. we are working a lot and we have some defeats bureaucracy. we have moved, we have regulations, we need to respect them because otherwise everything falls apart. so 1st, what is our drama? we need to help rebuild with a lot of responsibility. firstly, you kind of rebuild and emergency room and it plays volleyball to florida. we kind of go to school in a place phone or both floods. so indonesia has impose the highest level on its home,
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a hair island off of the mount. a boo volcano erupted twice on finish day. several villages have been evacuated, and thousands of people are now living in temper shelters. i'll just say it was bound to be not reports now from west palmera. social workers are keeping these children entertained to help them cope with their time away from home. for 3 weeks now, they've been living and make ship shelters, to protect them from the near daily eruptions of mountain people in the remote, how the hair, a region of indonesia, these children, witness direction and a tool many times, some still cry because your scale, government bulk and i'll just say mount e b was due to a rock after being relatively inactive for time. at least half a dozen other volcanoes. the pacific rim fire mostly in indonesia are also interrupting muscular thing when, when he mutual k,
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no are up to its own time. some are up in 4 years. others almost every day. because indonesia has more than a 100. it's normal to have around $5.00 to $6.00 erupting volcano every year. but for more than 2600 people forced to plead their holes near mount people having to share space with hundreds of other people is anything but normal authorities were quick to set up evacuations, hands like this. and people living near the news that they needed to leave their homes. it's a reality for them the. what's the spread of those handy corruption? that doesn't make it easier, even though they're being fed, these a poor living conditions are taking a toll. and despite being away from the danger zone, they aren't far, lot falling ash is still causing health problems that i've been coughing for the past 3 days. i have chest pain, sol, fraud, and almost 12 hours. and as well, people continues to show sites up and rest. there's growing concerned for the
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lovely goods and economic future. some are defined warnings and taking risks in order to make ends meet. picking not mix implementations around the volcano, say, oh, i need money to send my daughter to college. i'm resting my life, but i have no other way to make money. as to humanitarian crisis, stress, all those affected are having to make more difficult choices between their safety and survival. part of the 0, west palm era, indonesia space x is john scholarship rock. it has successfully launched done for the 1st time ever returned from space. the task, not so major milestone for even mosque and his company scholarship reach space and then survive the heat of re entry before landing in the indian ocean as planned is the largest and most popular rock in system ever built. what's cool to is an aerospace engineer who spoke to us on the loan side in texas. welcome to starbase.
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i'm actually standing between the last 2 letters a letter s and e, the form, the conic, titled the announces your arrival to the star base. and unfortunately, i'm standing the shade right now underneath the solar panels that are used to help power star base. and as you may have noticed, white behind me over here, there is a blue tesla with a star link content on it. and behind it, you will see the orbital launch mount right there, which at 7 50 am this morning was still occupied, but right now is empty, making way for us to be fired, which will be the next attempt. the reason we were able to see those beautiful images coming life one space was because of the same technology that is bringing you the signal right now. that's the star linked in tennis system there. and start link satellites are up there that allow that to happen. so as you mentioned, it was the 1st time they were able to successfully bring it in. they were not sure they were going to be able to make it all the way through. they thought it was probably going to break up, but it made it all the way down to the ocean with
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a soft lenny more important. the booster also a few minutes before did the exact same thing. it was a perfect stage separation. a beautiful view of the hot stage ring, just kind of drifting off into space almost like it was being deployed as a satellite. we could see the grid federal operating exactly where they were supposed to. and the falcon, those are the raptor engines lit up right when they're supposed to one kilometer above the ocean surface. it came down and i was on a boat with some space ex engineers. and one of them said it did a flex. it was like just doing a power hubbard right over before it dropped in. they were so a static. they believe that probably if t 5, they're going to attempt to set chip on lamp. this guy, there's a strong possibility. and the reason that's possible is because of what's behind the here right now. as you can see, these are the building for the build site. and what you might see behind you right here, right now are.


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