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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 7, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on top of the car. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. the is really military for himself. it's of tags across central cancer striking multiple targets. at least 15 palestinians had been killed since during sedans. army chief promises a hush response up to 100 people are killed in an attack and al jazeera stays. this
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spring blind on the paramilitary rapids support forces. work is itself chris tech, john samsung go on strike to the 1st time in a re a show of defiance. plus the mission accomplished celebrations as the space x of scholarship broke it pretends to with, after completing its 1st successful test flight. the we begin in concert with the is ready, military has been unrelenting, and its attacks targeting refugee camps tens of thousands of forcibly displaced palestinians of sheltering. and those kinds in the center of the strip is rarely as strikes have intensified on the bridge and the surrounds and mcgowan cans strikes across central towns that have killed at least another 15 palestinians in just the past few hours. and all have an item to friday, at least 5 people were killed by. and this rarely striking the no serrato kemp,
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the man of the cab and 2 members of his family were among the victims sloan. society is riley miller trip on the united nation school. and l massage for if he kept telling at least 40 palestinians, the wind says 6000 displaced people with sheltering inside the building when it was hit without warning terracon. but was there a report from del bala and central gaza the often enough and is very strong like when they you on run school sheltering thousands of display stuff study and in central garza, dozens of people have been reported killed from the bombardments and the most. i write camp and many more up in jw it a residential home was also hits. room is a slip and when i woke up to the screams of women and 2 toned body parts, one woman lost 2 or 3 children. people who lost every one. the ox, a hospice of what people are being treated, is at times its capacity and
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a fee as will lead to move that with many of the injured be treated on the floor clearly see within the move of the hospital. and wouldn't the department that, that the vast majority of casualties and victims of children, women, elderly people, oh, ok. so hospitalized and only functioning medical facility in central garza. i don't know if they have the so is this is state terrorism. israel is targeting the you and institutions. israel violated all international laws, crusty old, the red lines, passivity, 6 years. the palestinians have been appealing to the whole world with no response to you in resolutions that implemented on all other countries except is right. this is joelle to it is support procedure destroyed because part of a really huge is very minute trip for ration. so central guns that has killed more than 70 people since tuesday, attacks on civilian facilities like the schools have been hallmarks of as well as well. in garza more than 300 education centers have been destroyed. more than
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36000 people have been killed. 16000 of them children with the discourse to rising tarika best suited elgin's health just there was in the country winds to see the school where many paperless, still sheltering. and she sense of this report from the seraph count. it was 138 and in the morning when the is ready for us is targeted this classroom in a, sorry, the school in the side that refuge account that is ready for us to start getting this cool. well, definitely 3 air strikes. one, but that, oh, my gosh muscle, where could we go? there was no refuge for us. the schools targeted before and now again, but we have nowhere to go. they said shelters safe, so we came here, but it turned out to be unsafe. the smell is undescribable where as you see,
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the blood of the people who are killed is everywhere on the floor, on their mattresses, on their pillows, their clothes please. 5 children were killed among those despite the fact that this school has been targeted with at least 3 airstrikes last night. here on the other side are still, how does the meantime it is still sheltering in the school? because they believe that there is no we're safe in gaza. dizziness remember? yes, we're still here. we're staying. where else can we go everywhere? it's targeted. so we're not leaving everywhere else. but the school, this is a un building and it's not supposed to be targeted. but it was even schools are not safe for palestinians. this school, these classrooms were targeted with at least 3 air strikes last night. it was $138.00. when the is ready,
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i mean targeted those classrooms with these 3 as strikes children, women, and all of the people displaced here was telling me how horrifying the scenes work . yeah, it was odd with i had, had not been in the can to find a solution, at least, and the war to spare all his blood zoo butchered our hearts. visa our children, not, they've chips them away from us. they are killing us. this was a shelter for hundreds and thousands of palestinians who thought a school would be safe for them. but despite the fact that the school was targeted, palestinians chose to stay here because they believe that there is no place safe in gaza. this is in the city, i just need a, a surgery school. this had brought refuge account garza palestine with terracon boys and joins us now from outside alexa hospital. and uh, i'll paula and if derrick,
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we can begin with these deadly strikes this morning in central garza, i believe at least 15 people dead. can you just give us an idea of why the is reading military is targeting that area in particular of the now as, as we clearly know is that these very minute tree is now rotating the military offensive. of course, multiple areas are detached. we now talk things from the north of this stuff. they have been afraid things that multiple times. and now that resuming that military durations and the lady told me to have expanded the fighting to reach to han, eunice, and now raphael and be central areas with palestinians have been left without being killed. in fact, you did so within the past couple of days, the military has announced the beginning of a new military and cogent and the eastern portions of the range a refugee camp in order to militarily this month of the remaining from us to tell you is that what we do here know that the is what um it has been don't change what
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it looks like. we have lost the connection with the tech, but we will hopefully come back to him later in this news out of the was sleeping. when did you in school came under attack, she describes what happens in her own with, you know, that's not a budget that you've done. so you're not supposed to. so what are you a smith? it's not the but what's the, what's the zip the pods it up in the you're all set and the them that if uh, if not for your 1st so that is what i have to put on grass to see what sort of a handful some with are both is the decision makers, you have enough. so given the question now with the chevy, why that said the head, the said the fire suddenly if it can happen, put them into members. know how map, how about the piece about that? so when the, by the have to read it, isn't that, then we have the funding. i love that we've been with i love the issue by managing
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the property of the next to the how to be a possibility. when i thought of, you can try to have this machine without having depression, but actually not in need of any met. the weapon should be i'm not good investors to be a man. december should be on the never what has you don't know, what's the deal done? the i have the, the so it took nearly 24 hours for the us state department to make its 1st public comment on the attack spokesman. matthew melissa is the biden administration is taking more details from these were the government petty calhane reports from washington, dc. here at the state department on thursday, and the daily briefing and the spokesman for the state department was asked about yet another is really strikes on an un protected building. this time of school with dozens killed. he said the us government had reached out to their colonel parts in israel, and he said,
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the israel said that they've been watching the building for days that they believe that there were $20.00 to $30.00 him off fighters in it. and that they waited until they could strike enough for civilians. but of course the video tells a much different story. if that is accurate, that 14 children are killed. those are terrace. and so the government of israel has said that they are going to release more information about this strike, including the names of those who died in it. we expect them to be fully transparent in making that information public. what i'll just say is, is us as in pushing israel to use much more strategic weapons to be said, what progress has been made. you said if 14 children are dead, then something went wrong. and in his words, the results aren't where they need to be tied to claim al jazeera at the state department. 17 countries including the united states and the u. k. have released a joint statement cooling on is where i left the mazda do what is necessary to agree on a governance of 65 deal to proposal would also release captives held in gone. so
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like hannah has moved from washington dc. this will appear to be a us led as the tenants would also appear to be a final attempt to give a match to the opposing parties to come to some form of agreement. add to me to the plan that was announced by president biden on friday last week in terms of which that would be a 3 phase settlement of the ongoing conflict with israel's will on gaza. how much is singled out in the statement? but then later on in the statement, there is a significant comment. it says we call on the lead is of israel, as well as from us to make what ever final compromises on this a 3 to close the steel so contained within the statement as well as the degree of pressure on israel. in fact, as pressure on both parties to take that final step to bridge the gap and to come together to some form of agreement in implementing that 3 phase piece still that
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president biden has put on the table. several diplomats rolled down to view in special session on palestine in geneva. the moments the as rarely representative took to the podium and the invoice left and responds to as well as recent attacks on gallons of israel has continued its military operation to spot you in security council resolution demanding an immediate cease. 5, it was spying has ons to join south africa's genocide case against as well, making it the 2nd you country to declare this intention of the island, the international court of justice issued file reaching provisional binding orders against as well last month just office military operation against the southern city of rougher set boston reports from the hike while cecilia and said guys continue to be under a tech. spain has stepped up. it's pressure on israel to abide by binding orders of the international court of justice. the benefit there was about must have said, which we are going to do,
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and this is what the statute of the court allows is going to be in, in the case supporting the court. and it's interpretation of the course. and we measure that the staking. yeah. and contributing, quote, those elements this can help is to apply them to the crime of genocide itself is the work of the tribunal. and as i have said, on many occasions, spain as it is doing with the questionnaire, he measures a will support the decisions taken by the international court of justice. that's what i've ordered. this comes just the week off those plane together with island and no way formally recognize the state of palestine. veins and prevention here at the world's highest score, the seen as a, not a diplomatic setback for is for l. 5 months in south africa file. it's case based on the genocide, sometimes it's wireless. you have to comply with finding mattress or the slide of course spain as also for the i c j and implementing international justice. the court has no power to enforce its orders and relies on diplomatic pressure on countries to abide this. this has been as an important
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a member can do with just that it will add a greater morrow wage and morrow authority to the, to the, to the case. it also increases again the pro find out if the case publicly demonstrates a stronger your opinion, statements on the case and on the proceedings against israel in the i think jane with regard to the, their violation of their, its rice of the policy and people in their campaigning, got that in the next 2 weeks. this where i live, so we for to the i c j. if and how it has complied with the orders to present potential genocidal x and stop. it's a sold on rough. i stepped fast and i'll just be around the heat. which running us now is time a commute associated professor of public policy. and how is that you to graduate studies? thanks again for joining us. time of festival. in the last few hours, we've seen at least 15 palestinians kills and central gallons that are off to multiple is riley strikes this morning. obviously this is where
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a lot of people have had to flee to, to, to get out of rough after the offensive by these rarely military there. what is it exactly that is really military targeting, and we've seen so many children and women killed in these attacks. i don't, i mean, does that has proven to be the case for the field of international community to apply international and to provide protection for civilians in the, in conflicts. and that is, and has been acting from the onset of this war and even from before, as opposed to a state that literally disregards, ignores the suspects. international, unsightly, also, it has been impudent. i mean, from lots of this what i mean because of the us to be to in the, on security council. so uh, i mean it's, i mean the, so for these are the fee that ease and to feel that it has
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a green light and know you're to come to minutes whatsoever to do this mess it goes to, to, to, to be involved in a suicide. the more i mean so that they will continue doing business. i mean, it was by no one is going to stop them and that's a problem. but, but the bigger or the perspective isn't under us. so these are the only 2 countries that type of stuff out. i believe it's in the international community. and it's becoming more really embarrassing for the us to continue providing the support for days when we saw the ice age it what it stands now. we sold ice se once and then the we so even western country is this pain is joining the isis a, a case against is what it so many companies are messing though i think up to join. i think we are in a very critical moments now when we see that there are a lot of the majority of, of, of, of countries many countries who are kind of flexible fighting to keep this international it i live on was the us and is that are in a bidding auto coordinator and keeping doing what the doing and, and got a slip. so the international is, is being examined now in
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a very critical situation. and let's see how things go either that wouldn't be revived or towards us this up the middle of this list. but as long as you can say anymore, yeah, you, you mentioned a spine asking to joins that effort his case a, along with island. it, does it feel like the tide is tuning somewhat, especially when some of those big wisdom countries, those big e u countries are now pushing back, not just against israel's military offensive, but also against the united states. and it stands, of course, i mean, so then the national, united states for a long time, i mean, since the collapse of the end of the 1st of the cold war, it, it has been more or less the, the advocate for this new international system international. i'm but it hasn't been applying it in that and then i didn't and i couldn't equally and now i mean we see when you clean, what do you, what do you stand? so what motors many comes up in following what the us was doing and following the
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same acts. but now the us has expose it. people could see it's the stand does when it comes to losing it. i think that the national community is fed up. it's very fed up from this. and so, but i couldn't, let's see, i mean, it's good. i mean, to see all the support, you know, going towards ending this, what, you know, the, the very strong standards is conscious of taking against that interest with us. but it's the way as long, so it's, it's a long way ahead before for us to, of course, happening behind the scenes as the cx 5 deal that was proposed by president biden. 17 countries including the us in the u. k. of for least a joint statement cooling on both as well and from us to do what is necessary to get this across the line. what do you think they mean by what if it was necessary? it's again, i don't know the show of weakness. i mean, because the problem is clear to me, the problem is that we haven't isn't any government that is refusing to block, please say it's position on the entire the, in the 3 stages,
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august it from what would it be? what 3 of them is there any meetings that these are you guys are only interested in phase one, and they are providing 0 commitments whatsoever that they will respect. stage 2 and 3, the americans are not able to get a commitment. some of these ladies. so the problem is the, it's not them how much, how much does accept the previous deals, which was similar to this one and all what of the ones that guarantees that this war within 30 minutes late. but i think it's a fluid request, given that process is we see again. so these are political games with, with all the spect this, the most sincere, an initial, anything that the says unable to mean it's correct. is it his behavior and it's losing more and more it's, it's just sort of kilometers over gigabytes and that's also the best thing for the us. and let's see how things would evolve when nothing, elbows and visits the congress. and then it was a speech in vitamins face and like heated with the obama. it could be another investment for the buy the solutions of so things that out of control between the us and is right now. let's see where things go. yeah, of course everything is so divided not only uh,
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within the will cabinets in as well, but also in american politics between the republic, including the credits, obviously when it comes to this will. thank you so much trouble. as always, we really do appreciate those of funerals, happy and health, a 3 palestinian skills and, and is ready. right on the janine refugee camp in the occupied with bank is there any forces have now withdrawn from the can? the is really military, has killed at least $531.00 palestinians and the occupied westbank since the board goes up again. there has also been and is really encouraging and netlist with an armed confrontation, breaking out between israeli forces and palestinian sizes is ready rides in the occupied with bank campaign and nightly occurrence since as well launched as more on gaza of
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the to the ends of the chief has promised a harsh response after and attacked by the parent military. rapid support forces killed more than 100 people on wednesday, the group of activists and that while nor a village says the army did not respond to cries for help. when the attack was being carried out, adults thought though behind visited the camp who failed to 0 state, which has become the life is flash point in the nearly 14 months of fighting. felix no more has this update. final praise on an open field. so but moved in, so dunn's hold just a real estate. the people here prepared too late to arrest dozens of the little villages. they say the dead will victims of an attack by the rapid support forces. those rates came into waves of heavy artillery fight. unofficial save women and
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children and the elderly were among those killed pictures from one to a newer 1st emerged on social media. along with these ones, showing a convoy of tom fighters. the recess confirms operating in the area but claims it only targeted 3 on me comes on the towns outskirts. but i'm at least say civilians are often caught in cross fire. the audio, if is looking into areas in which their awesome uh, so close to that is let me see the, the, the can see that the whole village as it targets in the wake of attacks or wide of new ro, saddam's army chief, visited this'll by this way largely a welcome figure. some say the army seemed to answer calls despite fading to contain the recess,
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generally bullhorn remains defined and we will continue the spot so we will not submit. nor will we retreat, will surrender until they laid down their weapons. the spots and will definitely end with the victory of the soothing these people under the victory of the soothing these armed forces. the u. s. hays widespread fighting has exacerbated what it's called. the world was internally displacement crisis, at least 7000000. so the nice people have fled their homes. the situation in saddam is a catastrophe. the country is facing a hungry mountain nutrition crisis. the wilford program is doing everything and can to scale its operation. we aim to reach up to 5000000 people. but even that will not be enough. i mean closely investigations into attacks and i'll just eat a humanitarian agencies say, shutting or residential areas. looting and systematic obstruction of accessed aid
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is accelerating the looming try to find for the compounding. so don's multiple tragedies, felix u. r. o, o d 0, it looks the hall is the executive director of the world peace foundation. he says both sides and the conflict of being by multiple regional act as this is yet another mess. yet another slaughter of the innocence in saddam's terrible civil war . it appears to be a real crime without justification and its signals, uh, another round of escalation in this war that appears not to have an end to the there. and that there appears to be no serious assets to provide humanitarian relief to protect civilians. support bring an end to the frontier, but to warring signs of funding themselves punctually at the expense of the local
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population. but the rapid support forces have had quite extensive military support from the united arab emirates that y v u i. e strenuously though not very credit, pretty to nice this on the assigned to being to nationally recognize government to sit down on the forces. we have been on supplies from a number of different to middle eastern actors, including to key egypt. and now more most recently come iran, providing drones and russia is now promising a major supplier weapons as a trade off un sedona is offering russia unable to base on the red sea coast. but the more immediate issue, the 9th to the slide for the state is the survival of the people wild dogs and may be the most intense example of mess donation in the contemporary weld. sedona is
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the largest in terms of numbers. the estimates that are now being made for like the excess test in so don't over the coming months range upwards of a move in. so it's not just the survival of, of the state to think to me whether or not the signees people as a whole. i'm going to come through this by or work as it samsung electronics in south korea. have all adults the job union members gathered last week to announce the 1st if a strike, if the company demanding high wages. samsung is one of the world's largest make is of memory. chips from mcbride has moved from sol. so i think just relaxing goes, this is a very well mannered effect. no, i'm re picket lines if and the thing the union is taking a fairly novel approach by urging its members to take one day of paid leave yesterday says a was a public holiday here. so effectively, this becomes a long weekend for those words because it with taking this industrial action,
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but they say it's incrementally a more serious step prize to this. this union has been holding so cold days of action which have had very much a street carnival feel about the with tape pop music and so on. they offset me though very serious in the do minds asking for 6 and a half percent pay rise. they've been offered 5 percent by samsung electronics, arguing that the company can certainly afford it recording in the 1st quarter of this year, a 10 fold increase. it is operating profits. the problem that the money to the number of union members has increased a lot. and since the company's execute has not changed, we have decided to proceed with this, protested the requirement for the concern is whether more serious industrial action will have an impact on samsung. given its importance in the manufacture of smartphones and also advanced chips, full artificial intelligence, a lot of south korea media is also focusing on an into union dispute with all the
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samsung unions accusing this one of potentially damaging samsung's reputation from mcbride. i'll just era so so, so hit hit on al jazeera, find out why russia is pivoting towards africa and asia edits, annual economics for him in st. petersburg. and switching gears where you look at the changing size of ukraine's life a full since the stats the the keeping with the weather being seasonally incorrect. it still wesson when the little bit too cold, i think for good part of no britain, the low countries, briefly denmark and maybe know away with that breeze will be bringing snyder to the hydra that missed the old, less that 70 degrees with 70 degrees in the kind of the right now the rest of your, of this jenny speaking doing all right,
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they've been some persistently heavy and repeatable thunder storms which have caused fuzzy and still the risk of flooding in southern germany. and i suspect that same line, but also increase the likelihood of sundry stuff, not just in the outs, but also the good part of spain may be north in portugal, and they look fairly heavy shout. there was a bit of a flood risk, a flash flood risk here. i think for the assistant, one still stretches into bavaria, southern germany. so this is nice and will quite windy in the west and as you can see, but in the sunshine, all the say the hosses weather is in the eastern side of the mediterranean. and in egypt, where for example, colorado is up to about 44 degrees. the shower was it should be this time the moving a long way north of doctors around this a hell. but the concentration is near the coast. so now jerry, it back to becky, the faster enough in towards getting it slight. it'd be daily or rather fund reset, but that seasonally correct, the
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in india illegal mining is having a devastating impact on an ancient mountain range and don't local residence. tiffany: look at how much dust there is everywhere. my father is during the phase $1.00 oh, $1.00 east travels to india to investigate mining. gimme a ralph as he mounted on out his ear. after years of strangers, political battles, columbus, congress, bands bull fighting nationwide. it brings to an end, the centuries old tradition drawn by spanish colonizers, this victory, reevaluate culture. we inherited a culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the law proposes fanning all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers. this old tradition which use to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like has reached its final thrust.
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the watching l just here, a reminder about top stories, the sound, these riley miller trees intensifying its attacks on central cancer striking multiple targets, including refugee cam, sheltering forcibly displaced palestinians. at least 15 people have been killed in the area since going on friday. so down, so i me, chief, has promised a hush response after an attack, and else is there a state that kills more than 100 people? the violence has been claimed on the paramilitary rapids support forces because of the samsung electronics in south korea have moved off the job site during the 1st. if a strong like action that the company does the amount of high pay and fits of working
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conditions on the mountain crossing nearly 5000 meters above sea level is revitalizing a remote region of northern pockets. tom, it's part of a $62000000000.00 development project called the china plug hassan, economic current on the using road and broadway networks that links china and puck us down to central asian nations goals states and eventually europe, bypassing the longest secrets as part of china's felt and road initiative come out of honda reports from the conger of pos, between china and focused on welcome to source, the bugger started northern mos drive for just 45 minutes drive from the border with china drug to download the cargo drive food items floating and call park before making the return journey. for many people living? yeah. the china focus on economic got her daughter. i didn't really straight into her and them see pick me up with the prospects looks favorable with the cord or
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success. what kind of plans to use it as a transit route for afghanistan in europe? that will benefit our area and help stabilize pakistan's economy when they're gonna go down highway link joiner to bug just on new port and go out the on the at a been see it's a part of china and fishers, benton road initiative, an extensive network of trade groups that really connect asia yard up in africa, and it will also provide focused on where the overland link drainage market. china has already and registered $30000000000.00 in the project, upgrading roads, communication networks and infrastructure. however, environmental this one you're doing there's, it's going great kind of go to them in the course and the email as you get is it makes it very complex and very but are the mountain system for any kind or lot of scale cleared. you need to have very wide a roads, white
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a road means motor blasting of drops and mountains deviating model for the unity and disturbing the whole ecological setting. and you're like, especially the drainage on why richard diploma but long the 2nd phase of the project. it include the organization are focused on re rate and the setting up of special economic going to help boost in that china has completed a sick lane highway on that side of the border. but experts say there's on data progress, tons political and security conditions during the car. now it's going to be difficult to judge the carter dot to jump the space the new trade land, golf course, country like a one is tiny ron. and so there may be a way to avoid the len dc 2 at nearly 5000 meters above sea level. there's it, some of the more stretch, there's good in the word, like both sides that can to keep the corner door open. seeing the benefits outweigh
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the challenging gum, i like that i just need a horn jet up, but get a good quote. this done. well, let's get more on this with a ma con. he is a professor of practice at the institute of business administration, crunchy school of business studies. thank you very much for joining us here on it. i'll just share that when the cargo was fully launched in 2015, it was called a game changer. if a pockets down is economy, i mean, it's almost a decade on from that. how would you describe it now? i think tremendous infrastructure development has been done with adults in the form of motor wait 5 years now, a lot more ball lawn across the country with its name clear of those higher. so we've seen a lot of infrastructure and one of the been been done for the last i would say 10 years. but one thing that we need to understand that a lot of interest structure development essentially as perhaps a little bit of golf course have to be in, in the course of 5 to 10 years. and only after that, can you see the group benefits, why the life cycle of his products?
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um it said 3040 years plus. so we need to understand when it will be to run the rating. these projects going to be a bit of a variety of things of interest such and broadly, essentially to see on it to life though 3040 or even 50 years robin. just focusing on $5.00 to $7.00 initial egos and with the gas. and i was always really high, so you want to see a lot of these projects will essentially contribute substantially defined. sounds like no matter what a matrix that gets to go. yeah. well, the focus on prime minister is your best rate has to, to meet a chinese present chasing thing. what concessions is progress on actually need from china? now, you know, a lot of the, the payments that are due over the next 3 or 4 years, then they will be a real stress on buying a song for on extreme reserves and attempting to, to rebate. so i believe one keeping the session here wouldn't be to restructure or re profile or even extend that debt repayment. so i'd be with china for the next 5 years, let's say over the next 7 to 10 years. such that focused on get some readings based
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and more economic activity can be generated from of those same products. as you say, pack it sounds, economy is struggling in some, obviously looking to china to help out. so how would line just focus on actually becoming on china? i cannot dr. line. it was a line about like go for the last few years in the early 2020 or even 2021. slowly, instantly it's moving away. it wasn't relying on china of debt financing that was for the, for the infrastructure development, but not on a lot of exports. but the focus now is to jen reading more exports and essentially reducing the main differences that exist between buying a site and try it out. so we made a see a lot of the chinese industries. i should be relocating to bias on. like inside the incentives. i provided that paperwork the necessary stimulus required grading, grow, exports on industrial capacity at the same time. and you touch on this a little before the chinese repeatedly rolled over the pockets. tom's loan repayment deadlines. i think $2000000000.00 was you earlier this year. we'll
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pockets on neighbour actually be able to pay off that state to china. is it really actually in the case of solving that, you'd only be all there that just means you just need to ensure the gd, be all over. the economy continues to grow and foster base been dead or the last 3 years following the up and then make investments across the world actually increasing massively. so we saw across the globe. and so in the emerging markets and developing market, a lot of stress, a lot of countries have difficulty in being done that back. so a lot of work our top 3 and a lot of work put on have been slowly and steadily reaching a point where you're going to be the stabilizing the currency, the stabilizing, the debt repayment as same as the case happening with buckets on it as well. as we can see, a lot of that big a lot of issues, please continue to do the same as well. so yes, it will be able to be off it's day maybe when our vendor new but a few years later. but once again, we need to understand that in case of solver and data in case of buying that product, because some more kings actually had it from
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a slightly different level to rob and just bureau financial functions. we will have to leave it there, but we really do appreciate you pricing it all down for us. that is an icon professor of practice at the institute of business administration, crunchy school of business studies. thanks so much for joining us. us increasingly war is changing, ukraine's labor force the suspension of a load of band women from working and dangerous or harmful industries. and the depth of man is the being cooled off. has led to more women working in industries previously closed off to them. john home and reports from case is driving test time . so honda and she's going big full has been changing new cranes late before women are entering traditionally may dominate to professions like truck driving the n g o rece getting women says it has more than a 100 people in its program literally license honda is now the lightest, well use for thought out or is that a system?
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yes. of costs the test. i'm good to get to the driver's license. so if you see a gun on the road in a truck to me, all right. maybe it's me much if you cranes, my labor force is a way it will. some are injured, others a hiding will fling from the draft. it's meant more female faces and clauses like this one for public transport drivers. it has the chest, the most of them have the nose, be sure of to the full scale invasion. the number of trainees e mail drive is increased by 30 percent and not just 2 and gas stations. the mines, ukraine's had to move with the times. and so how these companies in the registered not to keep them then unfortunately the was still a trained before when employee is roots, job ads only considering men in part because they believed that a woman couldn't do a certain job because it was hard. physical was, well, just simple jane, the stereotypes was now little by little. that's beginning to change,
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which that's not changing attitude could only increase is movement of drafted into cranes for its around me near my goal. this april may moment of being pulled up, yet moved gaps in the countries labels usually is husband and so think, well, she's driving trends. if this if this is well known, says it's clear that there are not enough men to everything. and what makes women west and the mind women can do a lot to what's not know what will happen off to the will women expect their own jobs back with women continue to branch into previously of limit industries. one things for so and now these trains moving, it's going to be hard to stop john home and how does it a case the russian president vladimir person is said to address delegates ad imagine economic for them taking place in st. petersburg. let's go wants to show roth it's economy by strengthening business and investment times with countries in
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africa and asia. the country has been hit by severe sanctions up to its will with you crying helio shove of all about joins us. she's covering the conference for us from st. petersburg and you only can just give us an idea of the significance of the conference. obviously you've left me a patient as they have, but who else is attending? the world has to end remains a very significant event in russia's political and economic life despite the most intense functions in history. as you mentioned today, with the withdrawal of western businesses and international isolation, the country's economy seems to show resilience and just trying to get, we'll re on to tools its own production and inc pulled substitution. so plus, russia appears to have strength and its relations with china, and many important countries on the so called global styles. so we see having
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international presence he had to, there are a premier of central african republic, vice president of salvador industries, minnes cellphone rang, plus we have presidents of zimbabwe. and believe you probably know the strongest world economies, but despite old lives, with still here, a lot of critical remarks that russia has to pay more. now, 4 important goods from a broad while it's selling. it's not true results as to countries like china and india, much cheaper than before. the conflict with ukraine when it was trading with europe . you mentioned the economies here in russia, the resilience of the economy. i mean, there's a lot of the wisdom sanctions and obviously the impact of the board and you try and can just give us an idea of how rushes economy is actually faring right now. a well, according to the world, bind cad, the russian economy ranks of souls among the, the countries in the world. i'm surprised among your pin countries in terms of
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purchasing power parity. and despite the old faces, it shows, as you said, resilience and sophistic show that a people's wages grow, especially for those who are employed in the ministry. industrial sex of the country's economy is being increasingly puts on a profile award for taking a rushes. russia has allocated unprecedented sums of money for his defense and security a base. yeah. but to the inflation of cause grows to and stage work is like teachers, doctors, social workers as well as pension is feel the bad and of the current situation. you mentioned usually a that obviously there are a number of african and asian countries attending the conference there. we know that they will put in most a strength and business and investment ties with those countries. how's he actually going to go about doing this to
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well, of course, russia tries to do, but suppose to those countries, politically and militarily and of course, economically. so we, we hear the kind of political situation shows that russia is trying to, well, probably push away some western presence in, in some african countries. and some african countries really induce russia on that territory. and they really want to co parade. they do really kind of a really long, full cooperation with russia, not just economical corporation, but middle tree corporation and political corporation. so they, they basically strive for the independence. but the independence seems to be kind of, i know, quite independent. and so i shouldn't say, but probably some with some russian influence that as well. so what, what is going on here?
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we actually be the main political j is starting here now, so we have to wait and see what is going to be said. and what topics are going to be discussed? so of course, i look to the domestic issues that going to be discussed here. but of course a lot of international issues as well. like, i think so much julia for breaking that down for us. that's usually a ship of oliver for us in saint petersburg. the engine aisha has impose the highest level on its homa here island off to the mounts that you've all kind of erupt to twice on says dime. several villages have been evacuated in thousands of people are now living in temporary shelters. i'll just say or is bound to be lawyer reports from west helm harris. social workers are keeping these children entertained to help them cope with their time away from home. for 3 weeks now, they've been living and make ship shelters to protect them from the near daily eruptions of mountain people in the remote, how the hair, a region of indonesia,
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these children witness direction and our tool mate times some still cry because your ski government bulk and i'll just say mount e, but was due to a rock after being relatively inactive for a time. at least half a dozen other volcanoes from the pacific green. the fire mostly in indonesia, are also interrupting muscular thing when when he mutual k notes are up to its own time somewhere up every 4 years. others almost every day. because indonesia has more than a 100. it's normal to have around $5.00 to $6.00 interrupting ok knows every year. but for more than 2600 people forced to leave their holes near mount people having to share space with hundreds of other people is anything but normal authorities were quick to set up evacuations, hands like this. and people living near the news that they needed to leave their homes. it's a reality for them. the cost of spread of, of $10.00 to corruption. that doesn't make it easier,
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even though they're being fed. these a poor living conditions are taking a toll. and despite being away from the danger zone, there aren't far lot falling ash is still causing health problems. and i've been coughing for the past 3 days. i have chest pain, sol, fraud and almost lost now was it isabel? people continues to show sights of for the rest, this growing concerned for their lively goods and economic people to some are defined warnings and taking risk in order to make ends meet. picking not makes implementations around the volcano and i need money to send my daughter to college . i'm guessing my life, but i have no other way to make money. as a humanitarian crisis, stretch all those affected are having to make more difficult choices between their safety and survival. finally, below l g 0, west palmera, indonesia will certainly have hit on al jazeera will. lead is and surviving
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veterans made in northern from symbolically 80th anniversary of the de dialectics,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the for you in is security, a secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has strongly condemned attacks by me in most military that have killed more than 70 civilians. the latest incidents targeted ethnic for khan and wisdom. me and my region is also home to around 600000 members. if there were hanging muslim minority
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and alliance of ethnic rebel groups has been battling the army in the area since november indiscriminate ariel bombings and human rights violations continue to be reported. in many parts of myanmar, those responsible must be held to account. the secretary general calls on all parties, so the conflict exercise, maximum restraint, power ties, protection of civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law and prevent further incitement of communal tensions and violence. this is been one month since devastating floods at southern brazil. well, the 2300000 people have been affected and at least 620000 displaced in the science or for chrome. the so the officials have described the floods as the with climate disaster. the area has ever seen. present, let, the sofa has been visiting the region and promised to rebuild. welcome back here, bar to video. we have to give an immediate response to the people who need it. we are working a lot and we have some defeats bureaucracy. we have moves,
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we have regulations, we need to respect them because otherwise everything falls apart. so 1st, what is our drama? we need to help rebuild with a lot of responsibility. firstly, you kind of rebuild and emergency room and it plays volleyball to florida. we kind of go to school in a place phone or both floods. normal guy space x is giant, scholarship rocket has successfully launched and for the 1st time return from spice, the test monks, a major milestone for the company. starship rich space and then survived the heat of re entry before landing in the indian ocean as planned. it's the largest and most powerful rocket system. isabel's scott walker is malta is an aerospace engineer. he's been to us from the launch size in texas. now, welcome to starbase. i'm actually standing between the last 2 letters, the letter s and the, the form, the i conic titled the announce as your arrival to the star bass. and unfortunately,
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understanding the shade right now underneath the solar panels that are used to help power star base. and as you may have noticed, white behind me over here, there is a blue tesla with a star link content on it. and behind it, you will see the orbital launch mount right there, which at 7 50 am this morning we're still occupied, but right now is empty making way for us to be 5, which will be the next, the top. the reason we were able to see those, you would have full images coming life. one space was because of the same technology that is bringing you the signal right now. that's the star link contented system there. and star link satellites are up there that allow that to happen. so, as you mentioned, it was the 1st time they were able to successfully bring it in. they were not sure they were going to be able to make it all the way through. they thought it was probably going to break up, but it made it all the way down to the ocean and put us offline. it's more important. the boost are also a few minutes before did the exact same thing. it was a perfect stay separation. a beautiful view of the hutch stage ring,
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just kind of drifting off into space almost like it was being deployed as a satellite. we could see the grid federal operating exactly where they were supposed to, and the cell can go through the raptor entrance lit up, right when they're supposed to, one kilometer above the ocean surface. it came down and i was on a boat with some basic engineers, and one of them said it did a flex. it was like just doing a power hover right over before it dropped in. they were so static, they believe that probably i f t 5, they're going to attempt to fetch it on lap this time. there's a strong possibility. and the reason that's possible is because of what's behind these here, right now. as you can see, these are the buildings or the build site. and what you might see behind the right here, right now, are the new orbital mount that they're building. you can probably see those sections there. you might even see a red heart on one of them. it is a read the red heart,
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it's the stagnate. they cannot wait to bring this thing out to the new orbital amount site. now why is that important for i, if he's large, do you know why they, they watch not just redundancy, but what they would like to do is they are probably going to launch from able to him. i want because all the critical infrastructure is there was a tank farm and everything is there. if things go wrong, you could have a big mess to clean up. so they're going to build a 2nd about sort of the way that's just there to catch the booster or when it comes back. and so if something goes wrong, it's not going to be disastrous appropriate. so right here, this is what's going to limit when that's going to happen. is it going to be in 2 months? is it going to be 3 months we don't know, but that as possible? well as late as have attended the gathering enrollment data market easy years since the allied inpatient is nazi occupied front. american soldiers can memorize it the day on thursday. by reenacting the landing on the beaches of normandy, who was present. you're part of the story to give
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a major speech about freedom and democracy. lights are on friday. a correspondent natasha butler reports now from normandy in front. memory. sions began just off the door and in normandy on the beaches with navy, a 160000. the allied troops landed on the day 8 years ago to liberate your from nazi forces. some of those who survived came to pay tribute to the thousands that didn't know french prisons. emanuel mackerel sent them to the college of the us ceremony. led by present jerry point and we said western allies all once the game fighting, tearing in europe with rushes boy in ukraine. i make no mistake. your autographs of the world are watching closely, to see what happens to ukraine. to say if we let this illegal aggression go on check, we cannot let that happen. to surrender the bullies to bomb down the dictators is simply on st double faults, to those invite washing. present that in
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a person or washing delegation because of the will instead of just invited the crane in person to follow them. is lensky to be guest of honor at the international ceremony when i'm a how beach my cross is ukrainian troops of fighting for the same fine use of freedom and democracy. the move to speak to the allied forces a to years ago. fast. so what to that a given was returned to europe when the values they fought for being questioned. when people try to change boat is by 4. so by rewriting history, and then it's be worthy of those who landed here. your presence here today, mister president of ukraine, symbolizes this european unity and nato emerged from the ashes of the 2nd world war. the conflict in ukraine has both that those wisdom alliances, but it is also testing them. as this is rose war in garza to show peace for future
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generations. those here say the lessons of history must be 9. was actually popular. i'll just say era normandy, will that so for me, for this and use l, i will be back in just a moment with much more of today's news to stay with us the interrogate. the narrative is the us has continued support for israel, affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge, the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so in the international community can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without
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of the . ringback the from palestine to pakistan from syria to mean donasia. ok foundation has delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible family culverts. the diesel stuff, your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give you a coupon. a today without kind of foundation works out of their existence. they slowly shift as a principle present as
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a correspondence with any breaking the story we want to hear from those people who with normally looked at that forces hood on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible match, all the facts. and the story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. it was very important at the time the these riley miller tray ram soft. it's a tax across central kansas striking multiple targets at least 15 palestinians have been killed since during the trauma. craig, this is, is there a line from also coming up items of israel's was just for the palestinian economy


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