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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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supplies in the 1st part of the series, we follow the story of the push, the shape worker, does he confronts the news? the piece of citizenship revocation when he won't, my citizenship. fact, if i'm proven in a sense, i don't wanna, we don't have to call the stake listed in syria on a tuesday around the the israeli military room south. it's a tags across central kansas tracking multiple targets. at least 15 palestinians have been killed since during the hunter. mccrae. this is all just there. a line from tow. how so coming out, sit down, saw me, chief promises the harshest phones of to 100 people are killed in an attack and l just there. a state that is being blamed on the paramilitary rapids support forces where, cuz the south korean takes on samsung going strong for the 1st time in
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a rear show of defiance. and focused on looks to revise the lines of remotes and northern region. by expanding an economic cargo with china the we begin in gaza with these rarely, military has been unrelenting in its attacks. targeting refugee camps, tens of thousands of forcibly displaced palestinians. a sheltering in those camps in the center of the strip is rarely as drugs have intensified on the breach, mr. right. and because he comes, strikes across central cancer, have killed at least 15 palestinians and just the past few hours and of an item to friday, at least 5 people were killed by and is ready strike. and then just around to camp, the name of the camp and 2 members of his family were among the victims. well, familiar to all of this, we joined now by a terrible assume who is on the phone from outside alexa hospital and to obama.
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more daily strikes this morning and central gaza understand at least 15 people have been killed the to and what more can you tell us? ok, it's tara, i'm not too sure if you can hear me. can you just tell us a little bit more about the strikes that have hit the central guys are in the last few hours. we don't have them on the phone, but we did speak to him a short time ago. and this is what he had to say. a limited tree has been cutting the ministry at times, of course, and many areas in this trip on the main focus within the past couple of days, or even within the hours of this morning. and they don't have that on the middle areas in clothing and 3 times the rest of my guys the i'm even daily,
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but i was from reporting on the ground. these areas have been classified by the minute tree. i've saved those. but yet when you notice, if that there is 2 sides of military attacks and that of my god, it's difficult that within all the knights of tanks, at least 6 palestinians have been killed off to a residential house, wants to get you targeted to others being killed she endeavors along side that is ongoing constant bombardment in other age refuge account, especially with the limited military encouraging of the it's been amended to troops to the eastern areas of that very densely populated. so now what we do now, i'm here from citizens that the vast majority of attacks that were carried out at 3 down that pre done and even within the hour this morning. what carried out without natalia warning, they have been a targeting densely populated areas with new, any kind of precaution among the, to avoid any casualties amongst the programs and that reflect the it's very
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intention to pray. the mother to a ration to us or somebody is what it has been staying by the attack and come up or cortez and how much a month and a spot. what we do see and inside the hospital, even within the emergency department, who's got the popular church, if cavities, children, woman, and elderly people, as we say. so sort of funerals today earlier as the families of the victims are completely about great source of frustration from this on during the treating 5 the campaign, 17 countries including the united states and that you kind of have released a joint statement calling on as well. and tomas to do whatever is necessary to agree on a goal is a cx. 5 deal proposal would also release captives held in guns or like hand it has moved from washington dc. and this will appear to be a us led as the tenants and also appear to be a final attempt to give a knowledge to the opposing parties to come to some form of agreement to meet to
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the plan that was announced by president biden on friday. last week, in terms of which there would be a 3 phase settlement of the ongoing conflict with israel as well on gaza. how much is singled out in the statement? but then later on in the statement, there's a significant comment. it says we call on the leaders of israel as well as from us to make what ever final compromises on this, the 3 to close the steel. so it contains within the statement as well as the degree of pressure on israel. in fact, as pressure on both parties to take the final step to bridge the gap and to come together to some form of agreement in implementing that 3 phase piece still that president biden has put on the table. well, several diplomats will down to be you in special session on palestine in geneva. the moment the is rarely representative took the podium the invoice left in response to it as well as recent attacks on cancer is realize continued its
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military operations. respond to you in security council resolution demanding an immediate cease. 5 spine has us to join south africa's genocide case against as well, making it the 2nd e u. country to declare this intention of to island, the international court of justice issued far reaching provisional binding orders against his right last month to stop its military operation. and gone to the southern city, a for alpha state, boston reports from the hike while cecilia and said guys continue to be under a tech. spain has stepped up its pressure on israel to abide by binding orders of the international court of justice. but there was not much i said, which we are going to do, and this is what the statute of the court allows is going to be in the case supporting the court. and it's interpretation of the course. and we measure the staking and contributing quote those elements. this can help us to apply them to the crime of genocide itself is the work of the tribunal. and as i have said,
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on many occasions, spain as it is doing with the questionnaire, he measures a will support the decisions taken by the international court of justice. that's what i've ordered. this comes just a week after spain to gather with islands and more. we formally recognize the state of palestine. veins and prevention here at the world's highest score, the same as a not a diplomatic setback for is for l. 5 months in south africa file. it's case based on the genocide, sometimes it's wireless. you have to comply with finding mattress ordered by the court, spain, as also for the i c, j, and implementing international justice. the court has no power to enforce its orders and relies on diplomatic pressure on countries to abide this. this is bain as an important a member can do just that it will add a greater morrow wage and morrow authority to the, to the, to the case. it also increases again the pro, find out if the case publicly demonstrates a stronger european statements. on the case and on the proceedings against israel
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in the i think jane with regard to the, their violation of serious rights of the policy and people in their campaigning data in the next 2 weeks. this where allows to report to the i c, j. if and how it has complied with the orders to present potential genocidal x and stop. it's a sold on rough. i step class and algebra state us which winning us some more. and all of this is tom includes associate professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies. thanks again for being with us here. just in regards to spine joining south africa. obviously they joined the likes of island as well. even more pressure on israel in the united states, does it feel like there was a growing sense that the tide is turning here against israel and the us at the indeed, and it's signal to what extent is what it in the us has been isolated on the international adina and i think that the communities stood up from this is from the soonest is on
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the side the road. and they does a sort of thing to finish community that, that wants to see. and i mean, it stopped for that. and the, it's, it's, it's the same important to see a new countries westland companies will have more of this, have the stick from the, from the also with this complex now becoming active and the prevent the collective on the ice, the g. i'm and the, you end to end this, what i mean, they see the things have gone out of control that is on is involved and there's inside the world and motor need to have also that committed to a binding put. so that's i know, because most of these countries are significant also of the, of the room settings as well. so i think what's happening is, is this moment them is building, now the pressure has been doing more and more on on own is what the us to a, by to international. and that's, that's good overall. despite that, i owed another 15 tell us indians were killed in central gas, so it just in the last few hours, you as president joe button,
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still cooling for both him off and as well to get the sci fi, do you look across the line, but it clearly isn't happening. why? and i think one kid isn't because surprisingly, i mean, and so if we look into history, the us administration has always had the strong liberties over these are historically, i mean we look at the piece agreement with egypt. we have cost that will pressure the old fact and they say it is to go for peace at some point we have is your most the father also who was very influential in the also bringing also to happened. the 1st i agree with the thing is it isn't the 1st scene is and at some points, most of the say the us with all is that a final see i'm and would be able to stop. is it for us in this for this things have changed. i mean novices the 8th month and we see more and more evidence that the us and the solution to come from this solution really have. it has no evidence of what is it. and we're starting to think the opposite because of the office of
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the low be inside the us 8 back, you know, but i should have groups the medical model, that is what he does have more liberties over the americans. and, and that's, that's kind of interesting to see it happening now. but it also includes the u. s. m. a position and influence as a global power, that it's not able to stop a more that has been labeled as genocide done so far. and it's, it's that he was for the us and it's a, it's a damage of a petition for the us as well. so, and of course, when these aren't feeds into one, it's feeds protected. it seems that the us is mother since the or has no way to really put pressure in a very cold. so click on starting on elections. you have for the american in the section. so is that it has on and i mean it's gonna continue, will do it doing all these mess. it goes on a question. all the red lines, the by the name sort of a set for days that is and is, think this has become now quite cynical. i mean, to see the americans repeating that headlines. warning is an uninviting keeps ignoring them and crossing the satellites. and then we say the united states having
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to come up with excuses. why those read lines haven't been crossed. exactly. exactly what actually to thomas. thank you so much. we really do appreciate your time. my pleasure. the funerals have been held. the 3 palestinians killed in and is ready, right on the janine refugee camp in the occupied west bank is really full, since they've now withdrawn from the can. these ready military has killed at least 531. tell us the news and the on the deposit with bank since the war and goes up again. there has also been and is rarely encouraging and netlist with an armed confrontation breaking out between his riley forces and palestinian sizes is ready rides in the occupied. westbank have been and nightly occurring since as well launched. it's more ongoing. so what about the news down to downs? army chief has promised a hoss response to an attack by the paramilitary rapid support forces. more than
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100 people on wednesday, the group of active is in the wall down, nor a village says the army did not respond to the cries for help when the attack was being carried out. of the fact that it was behind visited the capital of eligibility or a state which has become the latest flash point in the nearly 14 months of war. felix now are, has the south dies, a final praise on an open field, a sort of a mood in so dunn's hold, just a real estate. the people have prepared too late to arrest dozens of the villages. they say the dead will victims of an attack by their rapid support forces. those rates came into waves of heavy artillery fight. unofficial save women and children and the elderly were among those killed pictures from one to a newer 1st emerged on social media. along with these ones, showing a convoy of tom fighters,
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the recess confirms operating in the area which claims it only targeted 3 on me comes on the towns outskirts. but i'm at least say civilians are often caught in cross fire. the audio, if is looking into areas in which there are some uh, so close to that is let me see the, the, the can see that the whole village as it targets in the wake of attacks or wide on new ro, saddam's army chief, visited this'll by this way largely a welcome figure. some say the army seemed to answer calls despite fading to contain the recess, gen, reboot, han remains defiant. we will continue the spot so we will not submit nor will we retreats, will surrender until they laid down their weapons. the specs and will definitely
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end with the victory of the soothing these people under the victory of the suit and these armed forces, the u. n. 's hayes, widespread fighting has exacerbated what it's called. the world was internally displacement crisis, at least 7000000. so the nice people have fled their homes. the situation incident is a catastrophe. as the country is facing a hunger mount nutrition crisis. the well food program is doing everything it can to scale its operation. we aim to reach up to 5000000 people. but even that will not be enough. i mean closely investigations into attacks and i'll just eat a humanitarian agencies say, shutting of residential areas. looting and systematic obstruction of accessed aid is accelerating the lumen credit defined for the compounding. so don's multiple tragedies, felix new r. o, o, d 0. slick is ad. samsung electronics in south korea have walked off the job union
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members gathered last week to announce the 1st day of a strike if the company demands in high wages. samsung is one of the world's largest makers of memory chips. public drive has moved from so i think, just relaxing goes. this is a very well mannered, a bad note, and read picket lines if kind of thing. the union is taking a fairly novel approach by urging its members to take one day of paid leave yesterday says a was a public holiday here. so effectively this becomes a long weekend for those work because it, with taking this industrial action. but they say it's incrementally a more serious step prize to this. this union has been holding so full days of action which have had very much a street carnival. feel about the with tape pop music and so on. they offset me though very serious in the do minds asking for 6 and a half percent pay rise. they've been offered 5 percent buy samsung electronics,
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arguing that the company can certainly afford it. withholding in the 1st quote of this year, a 10 fold increase. it is operating profits, the problem that the money to the number of union members has increased a lot. and since the company's execute has not changed, we have decided to proceed with this protest. the, the, the, the concern is whether more serious industrial action will have an impact on samsung. given its importance in the manufacture of smartphones and also advanced chips, full artificial intelligence. a lot of south korea media is also focusing on an into union dispute with all the samsung unions accusing this one of potentially damaging some songs reputation from mcbride. i'll just say era, so there's 20 still a head here on the images era, including switching gears. we looked at the changing size, a few kinds of labor full since the style of the war, the,
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the focused on being by the us. and one of the biggest upsets and crickets, history, the the, there's been quite a leap in the seasonal. right. and it's just a rainbow to watch now, which is where it should be, but obviously those channels that will swear, shoot mass over the war for the south china sea. but the risk of big thunderstorms is still there and may be northern virginia certainly is increasing the shower of the philippines and students, otherwise the dryer and java getting shot. everyone's getting put in. so you have a lazy, i didn't sumatra, but it's probably a long list, lot of india and represents it where it'll be frequently fed the shower. yours in sundry, if that little warnings out in northern todd, and for jumpstart,
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even though seasonally correct. disappointing weather in pulse of new south wales is currently off shore and i on the, on the west inside him, west and australia that's frequent showers or even possible rain, which i'm hoping is welcome. but i'm not convinced of it. say for a couple of days, getting worse as the wind increases in past, for example, and getting better and new south of few shops in victoria. as you can see, the full cost of full post confirm 3 days, which has not particularly heavy, but they're all the same to access plots and it's left me in news. even my thing saturday will be lovely. but what's creepy across the task and well, it makes a made of itself, particularly on sunday, or when they fall into natural increase. on monday, he says he went to go to and syria, to provide a 27 year old, acted as soon as the healthcare survey testing working as an i'm didn't so i that
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with notes in the eyes of his governments with my citizenship was to of, of i was surprised in the 1st part of the series, we thought it was to either push the shape worker cuz he confronts the news, the piece of citizenship verification. i only want my citizenship fact, if i'm proven in a sense, i don't wanna wait honest, technically stake listed in syria on out. is there a or the, [000:00:00;00] the you, what you'll just say a reminder about top stores to sell these ready military is intensifying. it's a tax on central kansas tracking multiple targets, including refugee can sheltering forcibly to supplies, palestinians,
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at least 15 people were killed in the legs of strikes on friday morning. sit down, saw me chief, has promised a harsh response to an attack and, and is there a station that killed little 100 people? the violence is being blamed on the perm latrete rapids way because of samsung electronics in south korea, from adults to jobs. searching the 1st of his truck action at the company, demanding high and high and peace of working conditions. the mountain crossing nearly $5000.00 because above sea level is revitalizing a remote region of northern pockets down it's part of a $62000000000.00 development project called the china focused on economic card or using road and railway networks that links china and focused on to central asian nations, gulf states, and eventually europe, bypassing the longest secrets as pub chimes as belt and road initiative. honda reports from the conger our pos between china and pakistan. when it comes to score
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a bugger started northern mos drive for just 45 minutes drive from the border with china drug to download the cargo drive food items floating and call fox before making the return journey for many people living. yeah, the china focus on economic got her daughter. i didn't really straight into it and them see pick me up with the prospects looks favorable with the cord or success. what kind of plans to use it as a transit route for afghanistan in europe. that will benefit our area and help stabilize pakistan's economy. one of the good are good on highway link drain or the bug just on you board didn't go either on the at a been see it's a part of china and bishop benton road initiative, an extensive network of trade groups that really connect asia yard up in that for a go and it will also provide focused on where then overland link, drainage market. china has already invested $30000000.00 in the project,
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upgrading roads, communication networks and infrastructure. however, environmental this one you're doing there's, it's going great. kind of go to them in the course and the email i have to get it is it makes it very complex and very but as at the mountain system for any kind or lot of skill created, you need to have very wide a roads white, a road means motor blasting of blocks and mountains, creating model for that apparently entity and disturbing the whole ecological setting. in july, especially the drainage on why really did this, i'm about to launch the 2nd phase of the project. it includes the more than i vision of focused on really rate and the setting up of special economic going to have both defenders. china has completed a sick lane highway on that side of the border. but experts say they're going to focus on the political and security conditions during the car. now it will be
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difficult to judge the carter dodd's future, plus the new trade link, golf course, country like a bonus on the wrong. and so there may be a way to avoid the len bcu at nearly 5000 meters above sea level. does it sound like that more stretch? there's good in, in the word, like both sides or can to keep the corner door open. seeing the benefits outweigh the challenging gum, i like that i just need a orange it up, but get a good quote. this done to you and secretary general, antonio gutierrez, has strongly condemned attacks upon me and mas military that have killed more than 70 civilians. the largest incident, targeted ethnic, or khan and wisdom being bought. the region is also home to around 600000 members of the rank of most of the minority. and the lines of ethnic ripple groups has been battling the army in the area since november. indonesia has impose the highest level on its home, a here on and off to the mount. airy volcano erupted twice on this time. several
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villages have been evacuated in thousands of people now living in temporary shelters. how does it respond to the lot of opponents from west home to here? social workers are keeping these children entertained to help them cope with their time away from home. for 3 weeks now, they've been living and make ship shelters, to protect them from the near daily eruptions of mountain people in the remote, how the hair, a region of indonesia, these children witness direction and our tool mate times some still cry because you ski, government bulk and i'll just say mount e, but was due to a rock after being relatively inactive for a time. at least half a dozen other volcanoes from the pacific bring a fire, mostly in indonesia are also interrupting. must be missing when, when the mutual k notes are up to its own time. somewhere up every 4 years. others almost every day. because indonesia has more than a 100, it's normal to have around $5.00 to $6.00 interrupting ok. nose they read
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a year. but for more than 2600 people forced to leave their holes near mount people having to share space with hundreds of other people is anything but normal authorities were quick to set up evacuations, hands like this. and people living near the news that they needed to leave their homes. it's a reality for them. the cost of spread of, of $10.00 to corruption. that doesn't make it easier, even though they're being fed. these a poor living conditions are taking a toll. and despite being away from the danger zone, there aren't far lot falling ash is still causing health problems. and i've been coughing for the past 3 days. i have chest pain, sol, fraud and almost lost now was it isabel? people continues to show sights of for the rest, this growing concerned for their lively goods and economic future. some are defined warnings and taking risk in order to make ends meet. picking not mix implantation around the volcano,
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and i need money to send my daughter to college. i'm resting my life, but i have no other way to make money as to humanitarian crisis track. so those affected are having to make more difficult choices between your safety and survival . find it below l. g 0, west palm. hara, indonesia increasingly was changing. ukraine's labor force a suspension off a little the band women from working in dangerous or harmful industries. and the depth of man is not been cooled off as a to move women working in industries previously closed off to them. john, home and reports from case is driving test times, the honda and she's going vague for has meant change in ukraine's way before. women are entering traditionally male dominated professions like truck driving the n g o rece getting women says it has more than
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a 100 people in its program literally license honda is now the latest. so use for thought out or is that a system? yes, of costs or tests and good to get to the driver's license. so if you see a gun on the road in a truck to him, all right, maybe it's me much of ukraine's my labor force is a way it will some arrange it. others, a hiding will fling from the draft. it's meant more female faces and clauses like this one for public transport drivers. it has the potential for the most of them have the thing as being shown after the full scale invasion. the number of trainees e mail drive is increased by 30 percent and not just here in guest stations. the mines ukraine's had to move with the times. and so how these companies and the so not to keep them then unfortunately the was still a train before. and when employee is rude to job as only considering men in part because they believed that a woman could into a certain job because it was hard physical was, well,
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just simple jane. the stereotypes was now little by little. that's beginning to change, which that's not changing attitude could only increase is movement of drafted into cranes for it. they were on the go this site broke means of, of moment of being pulled up yet full gaps in the countries labels. usually as husband and servings while she's driving trends. if there's, if this was the one that says that it's clear that there are not enough men for everything. and what makes women west and the mind, women can do a lot to what's not know what will happen often the will. will men expect their own jobs, but women can seeing it's a bronze of previously of limit industries. one things for so now this trains moving is going to be hard to stop john home and i would just say to keep space x is john scholarship rocket has successfully launched in for the 1st time returned
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from spice. the test my some major milestone for the company. starship fridge space and, and surviving the heat of re entry before landing and the indian ocean is planned. it's the largest and most powerful rocket system ever been to the t 20 world comp now and full. the champions focused on had been stunned and they opening match that had been beaten by co host, the usaa in the super harbor join. it gives a real sca has all the action the the it was one of the biggest sit in t 20 woke up history. whom of champions pakistan beaten by the usa to sit 12 places to lay them in the world rankings a disastrous start to the tournaments for team featuring? some of the best players in this format is


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