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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 7, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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is the power of the stories that we cover a highly complex. so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can do as many people as possible no matter how much they know about a given chrisy. so issue as always, is there a correspondence? that's what we strive to do the these really military rams have its attacks across the guys are kidding, at least 77 people in the past day. and now the onerous cool that i've been sheltering palestinians is among the play you're watching now to sierra live from don't have with me for the back. people also coming up 8 months of these are as well, has destroyed the policy and economy and increased unemployment according to where you went. reports. also in the news don's army chief threatens hoss response optim,
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more than a 100 people are killed. an attack claimed on our safe fighters and switching gears . we look at the changing face of ukraine's navy before since the start of the war more than 2 years ago. the thank you for joining us. we begin in gaza where these really military has been unrelenting, and it's a tax on refugee camps and how to targets right across the street is really as strikes had intensified on the rage, the sheriff and my guys, he comes in central gaza, what tens of thousands of displace palestinians, a sheltering at least 15 people were killed. fat by is really a tax on friday morning. is there any forces have also hate residential areas to the south in con eunice getting at least 10 palestinians. 6 of the dead were sheltering in a family home when it was helped by artillery ships. and in the north. is there any
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military targeted, another onerous coal sheltering disgrace policy meals in kansas city? at least 3 people were killed in that attack. in total. $77.00 to me is i've been killed in the past 24 hours. let's get an update on the situation on the ground with honey. my mood uh correspondent who's in dab. i live in central guys outside the box. the hospital the honey, bring us up to speed with what's been happening. the attacks have just been across the strip, not just in the center. yes . well that situation is remaining quite difficult for people to experience the horror of the over not a talk the nearly hours of this morning just right now happening behind me were couple of the. 4 these were removed from the emergency department as do work for now is dead by the medical staff to a try to save their lives that they could not. they were bleeding so hard it from the overnight to talk when you were targeted inside
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a residential home. when that was bon vice on ears try and it's, this is part of ongoing intense bombing can be. but as you can see here, the crying mother is in the morning, remaining family here. just make the whole situation quite difficult and hard to, to bear witness that right now, this is part of ongoing and desponding campaign across the gaza strip that nearly concentrated in the central. they are right now at the 2 densely populated refugee accounts of the the and the rage records you can still far were looking at $77.00 people. forward. within the past 24 hours a been filled out. the results of these relentless ears strikes in the police triple the number of the critically injured here at deluxe the hospital and other remaining functional health facility. just within the past 45 minutes, a residential home and as they doing neighborhood that's at the eastern part of garza city, was destroyed. and 4 people confirmed the data from one families. as we were told
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by a civil defense girl on the fonts. these family was children inside this home. they are in fact from different parts of golf and city. and where in that house show during good that'd be, were forced into a further internal displacement. due to the, the ongoing aerial bombardment of garza city and the northern part, this is the part and we've been seeing it happening over and over for the past it's months and more in displacements further civilian casualties. more tragedies are created and more, more destruction of old means of life to the point guards is becoming quite uninhabitable right now. the only thing that we're seeing is so my functional right now is in this area. other parts of the gaza strip have been turned into more of a weight plan with no services whatsoever, particularly health care system that has been effectively pushed out of service in major parts of the goal is a sense, honey,
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thank you very much for the update that sounds very tiny. my mode reporting deadline from uh, central guys are from darrow block. now fridays attacked on the, on our school in gaza. city is into the 1st as you heard on wednesday night. are you in run school in minnesota? rob camp was the target of is really showing 40 palestinians were killed, that the school was being used as a shelter by some 6000 displaced palestinians. fambrose's director for planning for why he says international humanitarian law must be applied in cost. this is a cycle, the school and the cetera. it happened a couple of nights ago, about 2 o'clock in the morning, 6000 people at sheltering in that school. the majority of these people, women and children with no avail to independently verify their casualty numbers. but we believe between 35 and 45 people can hold on a bit higher numbers of inches as well. and we've all seen the reports from the
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hospital, which would appear to indicate large numbers of women and children among amongst it that we not been able isn't ready yet to access the site. after the incident, it requires pop up on disposal in mind clearance experts to go in as part of that mission is not been possible yet, and i'm not like you were just hearing again the stories of the or the reports of this 2nd attack. on an unwrapped building in, in northern golf furnace, that is, if those reports are indeed true, and there's no reason to believe that i know that is yes. i know the shopping attack on, on, on a you, on the premises and goals are, and these are protected premises on the international law. it's critical. the old part is the complex respect, the human it's are and character off premises. it's not the 1st time we hope them, we pray that it will be the last, but the way this more is going. we feel that it won't be for 8 months of as well as war on guys or has left the policy in any economy in void. so that's according to
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a new report by the u. n's international labor organization. after analyzing data across the occupied palestinian territories. it's found that since the war began, unemployment and guys, i have said a staggering 79 percent. virtually old private sector businesses have either completely stopped or significantly reduced production. and guys, as g d p has shrunk by 83 and a half percent in the occupied westbank unemployment test. search to 32 percent is gdp has shrunk by nearly a quarter, and the private sector has suffered $1500000000.00 worth of production losses. roger lady is director general of the panasonic comics policy research institute. he says, out of science economies entering uncharted territory under the occupation to the job market was weak and and again, part of the part of it. but it's really, depending on is an indication of westbank. so you had a $180000.00 by the state and workers and was bank over 20 percent of its labor force employed in is whereas the local economy was. ready was was at best
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sluggish, and we had to unemployment rates close to 20 percent today. and in the wake of the, of the several shops of the west bank economy, the workers not being able to access jobs and is there anymore. these valleys cutting off now totally the clearance of eligible to attract tax revenues and other issues such as issues to do with the shekel and the accumulation of cash in august and in banks. various other stresses are creating a crisis that this does not is no longer a crisis. it is in fact we are entering the same on charter territory. let's say that gaza has been into port for, for many months uncharted. i mean, in the sense of, at the economists really are find, find a great difficulty in trying to understand in any conventional terms what's going on as that, you know, the,
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the work that i alone and these other reports from an agency says added to the great you know, body of knowledge, but when it comes to numbers and percentages, things, i think could be much worse than what we're reading in the official reports. is there any settlers i've set fire to vehicles in olive trees in the occupied westbank city of ramallah? the attack took place in the village of boycott. a lodge agricultural area was also break down. secular tax across the occupied westbank have increased in number and for centuries rel, launch its war on gaza. in october. the notice of don where the conflicts that began more than a year ago is escalating at least $22.00 people were killed in fighting north of the capital costume. on thursday, pro democracy activists say rapids support forces targeted a number of residential areas in, undermine government forces,
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save if been attacking the power of military coups physicians in cartoon. and this comes just a day after the our staff was accused of an attack that kills more than a 100 people. so don's ami chief has promised a harsh response, a group of activities, seeing what on north village says the army did not respond to christ for help. during the attack, felix me a wire. i reports by new prayers on an open field. a sort of moved into dunn's hold just a real estate. the people have prepared too late to arrest dozens of the villages. they say the dead will victims of an attack by their rapid support forces. those rates came into waves of heavy artillery fight. unofficial seas, women and children and the elderly were among those killed pictures from one to a newer 1st emerged on social media. along with these ones, showing
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a convoy of tom fighters. the recess confirms operating in the area which claims it only targeted 3 on me comes on the towns outskirts. but i'm at least say civilians are often caught in cross fire. the audio if is looking into areas in which there are some uh, so close to that is let me see the, the, the can see that the whole village as it targets in the wake of attacks or what are you. right. so don's army chief of visited the survivors quite loudly. a welcome figure. some say the army seemed to answer calls despite fading to contain bee recess, gen reboot, hon remains defiant. we will continue the spot so we will not submit noble. we retreats will surrender until they laid down their weapons. this
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button will definitely end with the victory of the soothing these people under the victory of the suit and these armed forces. the u. s. hays widespread fighting has exacerbated what it's called. the world was internally displacement crisis, at least 7000000. so the nice people have fled their homes. the situation incident is a catastrophe. the country is facing a hunger mount nutrition crisis. the well food program is doing everything it can to scale its operation. we aim to reach up to 5000000 people, but even that will not be enough. i mean closely investigations into attacks and i'll just eat a humanitarian agencies say, shutting or residential areas. looting and systematic obstruction of accessed aid is accelerating the lumen crystals timeline for the compounding. so don's multiple tragedies, felix new r o. o. d 0 smallwood. gabriel is
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a human rights activist from so don. she explains why mediation efforts to end the conflict has so far been unsuccessful. there is an agreement was initially agreement in gender. we're asking the out of x to lead people, people, houses. and so these negotiation could continue. but the out of say, up until loud, refuse to you. we still go at our offense, malicious at occupying people tops it, continue to text it to the end. and as you said, we sold based in the classroom now, and many of the villages aside from now is b c for many months, there is no access to humanitarian access and there is a continuous heavy showing of the civilians. and we read a concern about m and a genocide of all this was discussed in and i agree gender agreement back in may 2023 at none of that was met by the address asked to leave the
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people's house and to make sure that there is access him in, in, in, in an uninterrupted, humanitarian extra. but none of that was meant by the address have. so this is why the b, r, 4th or the, you know, they, the government is refusing to go back unless all these conditions are met. this melisha is moved from one area to another with no control where they continue to attack stability is too good and to, to cut her eyes. and so i think when you go up a large number of somebody showed that they are not in the control where at different factions go in, in, into villages. it's very difficult, of course to, to contain the student i had on the program. docusign looks to revitalize a remote northern region by expanding an economic cordial with china and workers at
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the software in tech try and some so won't cost a job for the 1st time. would explain why the right, the seasonal range move north, but there are still of course, studies on the storms running around in the lazy organs and easy. it looks like john for nice to mattress is dry. but single pole, quite a little button may be the found off of all 5 bornea could see some big shot sort of way. see, and all of the philippine islands are under that same risk. it doesn't look like a flash flood risk, but we have recently seen some big dime pulls the main right now. the seasonal right is running through me in my nose and taught on whether warnings adding to something in china. not in southern china that are also there were 2 surfaces, right in the 1st ones came out of the interior. so this line here goes now through
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the korean peninsula, southern japan, which could get some flooding, right? is one, but the seasonal light is this one here. through southern china then broke it off a bit, so it goes out into the western pacific. this contains a big fan themselves, and flash study is almost inevitable. you still would have even a month or 2 ago, very early in the season, where this is not when you're not expected to be the case. so young c and we take about the same line we court course, the south west monsoon is running cross this part of and you are moving slowly. no . so is wedding trench now it's shumate and cooler sciences where the monkey line is, it's still hot to the north, about an alpha at 45 place to record high of the unique perspective. a deep fake image of donald trump with flag folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the farm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make
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sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream announces era the the welcome back, a recap of that top stories on the outer 0 is really strikes have targeted another un scrolling guys i show 3, this face polishing is this one is in kansas city where these 3 people were killed . these really at times have killed me 77 palestinians in the past day. and so don, at least 22 people have been killed in fighting north of the capital pro democracy
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activists say profit support forces targeted a number of residential areas. incomes are mine on thursday. common forces say they've been attacking the paramilitary groups positions in car to the to at least 3 people have been killed and 35 others injured after ukrainian forces . child the russian control, no hand screeching in east and ukraine. one of the strikes caused a 5 story residential building to partially collapse. some people trapped under the rubble to us present. joe biden has apologized for the 3 months long, hold up in approving weapons for ukraine and has reaffirmed his commitment to support the country. ukrainian present voted means of lensky, have talks with bite in after addressing french politicians. keith is pushing, it's all lies in europe and the west to increase military 8. while the war is
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changing, you crazy labor force a suspension of a law that banned women from working in dangerous and harmful industries, and a deficit of men as they've been called up, has led to more women working in industries previously close off to them. john home and has this report from keith is driving test times, a honda and she's going big full has been changing. ukraine's late before women are entering traditionally may dominate to professions like truck driving. the n g o rece getting women says it has more than a 100 people in its program literally license honda is now the lightest well use for thought out or is that a system? yes of costs or tests. i'm good to get to the driver's license. so if you see a gun on the road in a truck tomorrow, maybe it's me too much of ukraine's my labor force is a way it will some arrange it others a hiding will fling from the draft. it's meant more female faces and clauses like
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this one for public transport drivers. it has the potential for the most of them have sort of thing as being shown after the full scale invasion. the number of training a female drive is increased by 30 percent. not just to engulf stations, the mines ukraine's had to move with the times. and so have it's companies. and as i just showed, not to keep them then. unfortunately, there was still a train before when employees roots drop ads, only consider remain in part because they believed that a woman couldn't do a certain job because it was hard physical was, well, just simple gene, this gary type its lesson now little by little john, that's beginning to change, which does not change in attitude, could only increase his movement of drafted into cranes for if they were on me, i should go the site for a moment of being pulled up on me. yet all gods in the country
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you'll be as husband and serving while she's driving trends. if this, if this was the one that says it's clear that there are not enough men for everything. and what makes women worse than the mind? women can do a lot to what's not know what will happen often the will women expect their old jobs back were women continued to brunch into previously of limit industries. one things for so and now these trains moving, it's going to be hard to stop going home and how does it keep china as president, changing thing has met pocket science by medicine, the washer racing badging as part of the events to mock the official opening of the china pac hassan economic court, or the multi $1000000000.00 mega project is intended to increase trade between the 2 nations and form spot of china is global bout 10 vote initiative or $62000000000.00 china cosign economic core during toads. a mountain crossing nearly
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5000 meters above sea level in northern pakistan, using road and railway networks. it links china and pockets on the central asian nations, gulf states, and eventually europe, bypassing the longest evils. how to 0 has come all high very for some. the clincher at past between china impacts on welcome to source, the bugger started northern mos drive for just 45 minutes drive from the border with china drug to download the cargo drive food items floating and call park before making the return journey. for many people living yeah, the china focus on economic got her daughter. i didn't really straight into her and them see pick me up with the prospects looks favorable with the cord or success. what kind of plans to use it as a transit route for afghanistan in europe? that will benefit our area and help stabilize pakistan's economy. whatever the good
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are good on highway link drain or the bug just on new port in go either on the at a been see it's a part of china and bishop best didn't road initiative. an extensive network of trade groups that really connect asia yard up in africa, and it will also provide focused on where then overland link, drainage market. china has already invested $30000000000.00 in the project, upgrading roads, communication networks and infrastructure. however, environmental this one you're doing there's, it's going great kind of go to them in the course and the email as you get is it makes it very complex and very but as at the mountain system for any kind or lot of skill created, you need to have very wide a roads, white a road means motor blasting of blocks and mountains, creating model for the entity and disturbing the whole ecological setting. in july, especially the drainage on why really did this,
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i'm about to launch the 2nd phase of the project. it includes the more than i vision of focused on re rate and the setting up of special economic going to had both defenders. china. i had completed a sick lane highway on it side of the border. but experts say they're going to focus on political and security conditions during the car. now it will be difficult to judge the carter dodd's future plus the new trade link, golf course, country like a bonus on the wrong. and so there may be a way to avoid the len dc 2 at nearly 5000 meters above sea level. does it sound like that more stretch? there's good in, in the word, like both sides or gain to keep the corner door open. thing the benefits outweigh the challenges? come, i like that. i just need a orange it up, but get a good quote. this done, the worker is that samsung electronics in south korea have walked off the job. the union members gathered last week to announce their 1st service strike up the
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company, demanding high wages. samsung is one of the world's largest make, is of smartphones and memory. chips run mcbride has often sol as industrial action goes, this is a very well minded effect. no, i'm re picket lines if and the think the you knew this taking a fairly novel approach by urging its members to take one day of paid leave yesterday says a was a public holiday here. so effectively, this becomes a long weekend for those workers with taking this industrial action, but they say it's incrementally a more serious step. prior to this, this union has been holding so cold days of action which have had very much a street carnival feel about the with tape pop music and so on. they upset the, the very serious in the do minds asking for a 6 and a half percent pay rise. they've been offered 5 percent by samsung electronics, arguing that the company can certainly afford it. withholding in the 1st quote of this year, a 10 fold increase. it is operating profits,
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the problem that the money to the number of union members has increased a lot. and since the company's execute has not changed, we have decided to proceed with this protest. the, the requirement for the concern is whether more serious industrial action will have an impact on samsung given its importance and the manufacturer of smartphones and also advanced chips, full artificial intelligence. a lot of south korea and media is also focusing on an into union dispute with all the samsung unions accusing this one of potentially damaging samsung's reputation from mcbride. i'll just era. so india is governing alliance has formerly elected in the render m o. d as its leader, he will be sworn in for his 3rd term as prime minister on sunday. monday, along with members of his alliance, met the presidential party marble and presented claim to form a new government is b. j. p. party lost its sweeping majority in the 6 week elections for the 1st time in a decade. and had to enter into coalition talks. the palestine has
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accused this realm of using depleted uranium in its war on guys during the un nuclear watched off meeting in vienna. the eyes week long board of governors meeting is scheduled to end in just a few hours on wednesday the i a past resident a resolution against yvonne on lack of cooperation, angering tave on it was time of being dr. it has more. so they've had a sending and back to the, to the i. e. a has accused israel of using depleted uranium doing it's one gaus. he says the i e a should investigate the use as has been reported by various international and yours rights workers and others in the district, but just being on the bottom and for the last 8 months. and he says that even if they don't think that there is depleted uranium, just the fact of how much munition has been used, which is more than the that was used in major cities in the 2nd world. war should
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get the i, it add un inspectors there to assess the damage that israel has been causing. this is a statement which is non binding but has been delivered on the, on the as the board of governors meeting continues for the international atomic energy agency. on the other hand, we've heard from the e 3, which of passed a resolution with 20 votes, rebuking iran, the non compliance. and there was a, with the, the i, it inspected and more. and you've the material which has been found in union territory. but iran has reacted angrily and strongly against these, this the latest the resolution, which is a number for us and c, d. c, p o, a was filed iran and it's diplomats say that they're on is complying with the d. p . o a. it says that what has been said in this resolution that the europeans and the americans are complying with the gc pew is incorrect, and iran continues to work with the international atomic energy agencies worth noting. that's the direct agenda, an off free i. e has been visiting to her on,
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in the last few months, he wants to keep it and open line of communication and try and persuade iran to come back to the pre 2017 levels of compliance, allowing its inspect is allowing sites to be inspected. so that'd be i a can continue to certify that you're on the program is in fact meant for a piece of purposes from a job without the 0, the and so forth now. and the t 20 woke up and form a champion spot cosign, have been stunned in their opening match. they've been beaten by coal, san debutantes, the usa in a super over john, a gosh raska has he actually the he was one of the biggest opposite in t 20 woke up history. home of champions practiced on beaten by the usa to sit 12
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places to lay them in the fold ranking a disastrous store to the tournaments for team featuring some of the best players in this formats as the game is to die. so we know extremely well, mohammed was one of them. the pakistan have struggled with that thing in the last year. and the co host quickly exploited the weaknesses, packing still and found themselves in trouble at $26.00. the 3 before captain by as i'm late on 45 runs. and shaheen a free day made 23 as pac hassan posted a 159 to 7. from their readings, usa cruised in the chase sky, pomona patel, hit 50 of the t 8 pools as packet stones bowl is struggle to find to break through . with one bowl left usa drew levelling runs, facing a type breaking supervisor.


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