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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 7, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the. ringback the . ready ready the hello i, mariam the y z. this is the news out line from del hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes. v u n is to place israel on a global blacklist for violations against palestinian children. is riley attacks target schools, and refugee camps across scholars. at killing, at least $77.00 palestinians in 24 hours. also coming out this now fighting escalates and yes to down capital a day off for
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a powerful time military for repairs accused of killing it. nice 118 people. present that in the present as russia is a leading economy, despite increasing western sanctions and on piece of same it's a little bit a sports news 21 year old carlos alvarez becomes the youngest man to reach grand slam finals on 3 different surfaces of differential younique's send us the to come to the program. it's $1800.00 g m t 8 months into israel's war on gaza. more than 15328 palestinian children of been killed. on friday, the united nations announced it would add israel to a global list of offenders for committing violations against children in gaza. the
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move was revealed by israel's ambassador to the un who, along with the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reacted an anger of a 3000 children in gauze. i have lost limbs. don't to say that many of them i operated on without anesthetic. all this is israel continues to bump, bump the strip. at least 10 palestinians were killed in artillery strikes on hon. eunice on friday. we got more on that from gauze. we've got heidi mom who it is reporting in darrow by law. this is in central gauze. us are a hire a to we'll have these ready reaction 1st i want to go straight to you and headquarters in new york and gabrielle is on to who's following this. and so they tell me more about the this report. it's important because this is essentially a list of policies to conflicts who commit gray violations against children. we are 8 months into this war. and actually every few years,
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we have seen the bombardment of the cause a strip, the u. n. seems to have shied away from this move, but now it's happening to yeah, that's right to maybe the secretary general's hand was almost forced because as you mentioned, more than 15000 children now dead in guy says, sense is real began. it's war on guys are now, this is a list. it is put out by the secretary general every year for many years now. and no country or no party to an armed conflict wants to be on this list. in fact, it's uh known as the list of shame if you will. and so that is why israel is pushed for many years, not to be included on this despite many reports of his real and injuring and cooling palestinian children. well, that is no change. they are on this list, confirmed this list, it will be released later this month. however,
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the u. n. was sort of forced to confirm this today on friday, because so the secretary general's office kind of gave a heads up to the un ambassador. the is really ambassador to the un and then he posted on social media, our response and the recording of the phone call. and that certainly outraged the united nations. this was their response to that. the call was a courtesy of 42 countries that are newly listed on the annex of the report. it is done to give those countries a heads up and avoid leaks in basset or, or don's video or recording of that phone call. and the partial release of the recording on twitter is shocking and unacceptable. and frankly, something i've never seen in my 24 years serving this organization gave of any practical implications or consequences to israel being included on this list as
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well. we asked the spokesperson that he said, well, that's up for every member state to really decide. but certainly this sends a very loud and clear message of it. israel is in violation of their obligation to protect the children during armed conflict. there certainly some political and very much diplomatic consequences because this really includes israel on a list that no country or any armed any party doing a conflict wants to be part of this as an extensive report that's put out every year. just last year was more than 40 pages long, it's very detailed. and so now it essentially will put more pressure on israel now that they are part of this. and that is why they have a tried to not be included for so many years. thank you very much. camera is on to
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bring us all the latest on this from the un headquarters in new york responding to the you and disclosure of these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu said in the statement today the u. n. added itself to the blacklist of history when it joins those who support the mass. murder as the adf is the most immoral ami in the world . no, delusional un decision will change that. it's sarah. hi, right. joins us live now from amman. any other reaction from the is riley politicians to this? yeah, maria, and there's been a few statements with the same sentiment we heard from v is ready for him and his to is route cuts. and he posted on explain his shameful decision, an act of validity. he called it, but he also says antonio gutierrez, will be remembered in history as an antique domestic secretary general, who chose to ignore how mazda is a sexual crimes and is rouse right to defend itself. and of course,
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adding that so statement they've always maintained throughout that they are the most moral all me in the world. and then we've also heard from one of the will cabinet members benny guns and a statement saying that we will continue to fight just will. he says you and puts israel and the same votes with ice as well as ro, is waging adjustable. and it's a, in a, in a quote as to international. i know you've also had a and this has been reported by a low quote, is ray, the media. it's not been debated. the national security administer, the destiny always has something to say. and he is saying that the response to this dangerous mazda must be harsh, and should include sanctions against un officials. well, not long ago, earlier in the week actually view and has a positive preliminary bill designate seeing in row as of the as a terrorist organization. and they were looking also to bring in further sanctions
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against the organization. but also earlier today, a statement saying that they had targeted a number of spices that had been coordinating and gathering in a, an area that was in a school. i sit in a container and they showed a started to go off of that saying that this container was based in a u. n. school in because districts. so this is the reason why israel has, as it has been a talking view and right from the start of this war. but certainly some strong reaction that from these readings they won't take this. likely, they'll definitely be making their voice tubs. and this will probably affect those bills that so they had pushed forward in the connected a thank you very much, sarah, for forcing to us from oman and reminder again, benjamin netanyahu. his cabinet has banned alger zara from israel, which is why we are reporting on this story from neighboring georgia. and we do want to take you to the cause. and now correspondent,
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honey mom. lou joins is from outside the alex the hospital in darrow by law. and actually for years now, honey, we have seen children being killed in gaza in the periodic rounds of bombardment in the strip. but we have also seen them named and deprived of the basic rights to health education. and now even food and clean war to tell us about the challenges facing children over the last 8 months. the little that is a true, the vast majority of lot of casualties have brought to the hospital are made of either children or women. but we're seeing the children here across the gods to for the profit months are being murder. they had a record number given the intense bombing campaign they've been targeting entire families inside their, their residential homes or evacuation drones or even they are trying to evacuate a chrome one place to another. we all seen that a video of him
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a how the was inside a car and then these really monitoring new. it was a little to charge the car. but in any way, if you was shot and killed inside the car, waiting for the policy was present at 1st to south member directly or from the here . yeah, this is the situation for for palestinian children across the gaza strip. the trauma they are, they are going to live with those what been separated from their parents. and those would be made for friends because their entire families have been killed. a or the are stuck, let's say in, in the northern part. and they haven't seen them for the past 8 months, they are not going. and the cases of many children inside evacuations on a being separated from their parents for the past 3 months. in fact, there's one case here at the hospital here for one child who has not been with his parents for the past 6 months now, nobody knows anything about about his parents and their where we're about. but
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after this, the trauma, the right now, the lack of basic supplies, the food supplies, the medical supplies as high as the indeed the proper environment for children to grow and to prosper. socially economic and intellectually does not exist for the children of what's inside this intense bombing campaign. isaac created favorite conditions for, for miserable life conditions where these are children for years to come in are due to a repair any, any of the damage that is called the particular the psychological damage. it's, it's, it's hard even to imagine how these, this good children were going back to the d. evacuated to and their parents were killed inside. it's hard to imagine how they're going to get boxes the classroom and sits inside on route call the stories of how their parents were murdered inside these schools in our public schools or on or what schools over all the situations
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for children are quite difficult that as many of the servers describe this is what happened to be a war on the children giving the large picture to being killed. we're looking at least 15565 of children being killed or 33 who died of in thursday, hydration. and as far vision, the 3500 risk of losing their life. because of now the new jersey now because of the in for is the hydrogen to starvation. there's $17000.00 of children who are separated completely from their parents either because they're mid orphan or simply because the workforce and do internal displacement in different areas of the golf district. thank you very much. honey. mom was reporting to us from darrell by line, gaza. the meanwhile doctors and goals are assigned as many as 3000 palestinian children have lost their limbs and israel's will. and number of it is set to rise as these righty meant, a tree continues to bomb every corner of the strip. many of being amputated without
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anesthetic and del quarterly reports from there all by the, in a warning to our view is that some of the images in this report might be distressing. israel's war and causal, that it's creating a generation of traumatized entities. thousands of children across the street have lost one or more of them since the onslaught, because tom is one of them all about shawn was standing near the door on a piece of shrapnel head to highland. i run outside and found a hands hanging by a thread. it took her hours to be seen by a doctor as not a single hospital in gauze as fully functional. despite the heart of her experience, some was one of the luckier ones. her amputation was performed with many other children must enjoy having named, empty, painted without pain relief. can we have the situations way beyond the medical
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stocks control, given the substantial number of injuries and the lack of medical equipment and resources that are required to deal with these cases without access to proper medical treatment, child entities are unable to you physically or mentally. and manny, some used to be a quite comp child, but his mother sees he's now angry and stubborn as he struggles to accept his new reality. no penny was handling it because that's exactly what it has to be. always ask for me with my hand grow back or not, and i do not know what to tell him that he thinks his hand will grow back. he does not know, and i do not know what to tell him. it keeps asking me, how am i supposed to play football? how am i supposed to hold the boat? this little boy may never take his 1st step and some of his father saves you a bone graft and needs to travel abroad for the medical evacuation have
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stopped since, as well to control of the roof of crossing early. may say is the one that he has not seen anything yet. he is constantly suffering and screaming in pain. what has he seen of this world? his condition is terrible. i ask that my son be allowed to travel abroad and receive treatment, or he will lose his foot. doctors without borders has one of the keys inc also are a to risk of bottle complications because of lack of proper medical treatment drugs . and it is a specialized care because their bones are still growing. care policy and children are being denied since and who did the i'll just say to that in black, gaza palestine talked with our wishes, child psychiatry, specializing in trauma and p t. s. the. he joins us now from contests. how
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devastating has the war and gauze of being for children? is it because window is testing on many aspects the short term as we are kidding. now, people are suffering. people are very scared. people do not know ones. if your child is my, i don't know what the other lessons would be with them today or not. and where are they going to be left alone? many of the kind of future long term things such as is as a mother, i'm saying actually that the child is quads like the all new york things up to with ms doing. yeah. people, it would be nice thing then. so it's a, it's kind of a people are going to massive, massive trauma exactly have immediate effect as we have seeing now, and then long term effect. unfortunately, these are what kind of consequences come the lifelong of the mental to cover. but it doesn't mean that there's no hope kaiser,
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but present it is how to sort of by of z i cubic feet because that's in our met, someone contacting phase, been able to come out, which means that people come to an end engine. what comes up conic phase of the long term phase, or somebody gets the is, as i said, as you say, the source right now, the priority is just for children to survive. now nutrition, simon, just to have the basic needs met, access to food and the password. and then i suppose that, you know, dealing with the psychological scars off towards will be another matter. but right now we just saw a report about thousands of children who have lost their limbs. and not only that, amputations have had to take place without any anesthetic. i mean, not only does that mean the child with a disability, but what, how does that, how does just that process affect them a look. i mean, i think i think we need to share with the child is mostly i'm use
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a shading with the whole world that the community and god as an hour out of kind of . and julian, uh, some things that you, it doesn't happen and you were a very often this and god. but that is, it is evidence of resilience which. ringback in this to the tide, you're talking about that community in general, and they knows as a phone word now is in love with, with god's well that has never happened before. so we need to kind of say that kind of, we are still in safe hands as we can. we're giving you as much safety as we can. we more for one place by another and we started to get that worked out on food on the shelter, and etc. but doesn't mean that we are not resilient. luckily, i'm not keeping trying, and that there is
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a day off where things will be restored in a way that is possible to sort of which was to the store that we are going to deny is that is that the child we have to like to live with that, with a live or was that with the table or without a disabled relative because recently added to the late time knowing that sort of bible of the amendment. you all the event in the sense because i told my time can last for, for very, very, very long. let me ask you about that because you interest is very interesting. what you were saying, doctor, is that children can demonstrate a surprising level of resilience. and even that the most painful of experience is you said that there is still some hope. so tell us what they need to, to thrive in some way, or to build a future for themselves of to an experience like this. i would make these children know is the victorious because and i believe like most of the believe
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that does that is winning or little i'm evidence of the winning is the resilience. and that the need to be made aware of the things we're seeing is that we need to continue being a little these things because this kind of time in the end, so that it set for something to swing off plus whatever a home that's what i'm doing the best to say we, as people have survived 8 months, sort of the ends of minds had started. it means that it's, we, we, we, we have survived godaddy and we have not been defeated. we have not been broke and we may have ones who may have pain, but we have lost to uh, different things in life where we, we are really uncomfortable lives, you bathrooms, more, more, etc, etc. how about this is stage and the stage will wait. wait, wait, wait, it is already and, and orders in which i've kept my going for these
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a month. it's was when keep a good future for us on the line to people like that that to and actually because i do believe inside on the table with you who is aware of the evidence and just lost a claim on our list. these are mine funds. he's a little guy, and we should the members that we should make and variables. you know that the activities have done this is victoria. doesn't that feel like it was cut on broken homes, etc, etc. hello, this is victory. and the evidence of the vic 2 will be collated with be, uh, will be in and at some point i'm very coveted with happen. and disaster resilience is what makes me personally confidence up to us. we would need to support laza and the whole world is responsible enough for support the guys and we need make to it to everybody know that that is where we are at present,
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but that's not where we don't be. thank you very much. talk on that. are wish to appreciate you sharing your thoughts with his child. psychiatry is specializing trauma and p t s d. thank you. thank you. bye. meanwhile in the occupied westbank, it's difficult to miss the devastating economic impact from the will that since the month of october is riley officials that prevented palestinian workers from going inside israel. and isn't it a brand report is ready? government is also accused of withholding the tax money it collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. these are the 1st days of summer break in the occupied us bank. it's a weekend and this cassie is in the heart of room on. this is huge with the recipe for success. but since the world goes a started, the cafe owners say there's here. they'll be forced to shut down the arms, but we haven't been able to pay the ring since the most dont have checks bouncing
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back. we have so much data service provided the huge with you at this time of the year they would hire extra workers. now they've had to lay off half of their staff . so i had indeed kept her job as a waitress. she's an interior designer who says she's lost to job since the war started. even at this cafe delayed off many male employees and needed me because my salary is less, for me in the pay is not enough to sustain the family. how the city of the workers, it is really used to bring much needed cash to the occupied the west bank. they were estimated the 22 percent of the workforce before the war. now that israel has found their entry, they barely make up 2.3 percent according to a recent survey by the international labor organization. another office to can facing the economy is israel's decision to withhold tax revenue that belongs to the
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palestinian authority. the p a has been struggling to pay it in to use their salaries in full which hinders the economy cycle even more. so it is real, has been systematic to be undermining the palestinian economy for decades by controlling the palestinian resources and the lands. it created a weak economy dependent on israel and withheld the palestinian authorities money to minimize its rule in dealing with the crisis. business owners say they are left alone facing the financial crunch. that's what the, the local authorities, a note making, emergency laws or decisions to help us of on this task period. one of the hardest hit sectors in palestine is tours in the churches in activity is one of the main tours that directions here. and i mean, source of ink for palestinians know, many stores here have closed down,
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and people say every day this will continues. it adds another burden on the short and long term one. they might need decades to recover from that, but i am a jersey to the occupied westbank palestine. the we want to take you to see don now with the conflict that began more than a year ago is escalating. at least 22 people were killed and fighting north of the capital. hard to on size day pro democracy activists say the rapids support forces don't get to the number of residential areas and undermine government forces, say they've been attacking the permanent true groups positions and hard to fighting me. a citizens capital comes just a day off to the farm and a true group was accused of an attack that killed more than a 100 people. this was on wednesday with me now is justin lynch, the all the cold of citizens on finished democracy. good to have you with us just
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and, and so one thing is clear from this war is that it, it's inflicted tremendous suffering on the people in sit down. and that has really not been any sort of a robust response from the international community for this. how would you describe what has been happening to the people of su dawn for more than a year? now, sedan is the world's largest displacement crisis. and what we're seeing over the past year is really the destruction of major cities in a way that is really heartbreaking. just before this, i was looking at satellite images of recent violence and you can see entire cities just being destroyed. you can see this and know faster in north star for you can see some of this from the report that you just mentioned on wednesday. and it's heartbreaking because i've lived in the cities, but it sounds compared to student nice who are just sitting by them. alice, these are some of the images that we're looking at here. and so these are satellite images which demonstrate how the fighting is pretty much raised infrastructure,
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but not just not i suppose finding land, right. know that this is a country that could be the bread basket for the entire content. incredible and tremendous resources and potential, but it's been very much of it's been burned to the ground. so these images here are from north star 4. and what we're looking at here is in the past month, there has been a siege and then an attack on the city from the rapids support forces. and what we're seeing here is a combination of burnt, the infrastructure, and also the effects of staff bombing. so for the most part, we think that the, our staff is mostly responsible for the burning. and then you can see in the small circles here, the craters that are from the sudanese armed forces, they're trying to push out the rapid support forces, but mean for civilian. this is devastating because i've, i've been talking to people in all faster for the past month. and they are just hoping for peace, right? they have no idea how to get food or under siege. they are desperately searching
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for medical care. and so last in this kind of, you know, conflict is really the signee civilians. and foster is particularly important because it is a way of bringing aid into the areas. and there important as a place where you might have time assistance convoys can be brought in to supply the population of suit on. just tell us about why the, the fighting of foster could have a very risk impact on, on civilians. so this is the last stronghold of the student. these armed forces in dar 4. and what this means, if this is taken over by the r s f, is that they have taken over the entire state. and many of these areas are not areas where they are originally from. and it means the huge devastations for civilians and city. you mentioned the amount of terry and 8 and one of the challenges the diplomat space right now is trying to get this aide in both the
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student is armed forces and the rapid support forces are blocking a coming in. i know that there is a waiting and andre in child across the border, but both sides are really bloss and the delivery of that a. and so this is one of the main problems that diplomats are facing. and there's really no solution when you have both sides or unwilling to make compromises and are willing to, to have the basic, um, kind of decency, to protect their population. is the i've already been reports and suggestions of genocide, simon, starvation and side sit on as these sites, the world's largest displacement crisis. one thing for that to be fighting between the war in policies. but why is why this brutality against civilians? why does it have this particular dimension to it with the villages being raised to the ground and people being deliberately starved of a food?
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i think there's a whole number of reasons why this is happening and those reasons include climate change so particularly and are for you're seeing farmers and herders really be coming in conflict more and more. and that is causing some of this conflict. of course, one of the biggest drivers of this conflict is the for and money and that, and this kind of hunt for resources, particularly gold and are for an oil free sudan. so there is a real international development here, and it's a real regional aspect here that is really driving the conflict and, and, and if this is going to end, you know, that kind of key to stopping this is, is, is by looking at the region, particularly the way and saudi these, these 2 countries are the ones that can have influence on the warring parties and, and try and find a path forward please. well,
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thank you very much for joining us. justin lynch coast there of students on finished democracy where you would then use our live from the lot as well. still to bring you on the program, us president job buys north americans to reconnect to democracy during his deed a speech and normandy and then coming off a bit later on a huge upset to crickets, p 20. well, comp. its former champions focused on a basin by tournament, new commas, usa in the opening, much more as it lightens the it seems to be a trend of showers, building across the turkey and old points to the east. though the heat wanting on the cypress is probably get a tail off. we still gotten because he is full cost of $42.00, which is close to that go to $43.00 and
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a bit is probably hot during the playing golf turkey a big house, particularly around the capital. in fact, last night there was lightning in the sky, but that line a shell stretches across towards media, georgia, possibly as a by john and then tales of temperatures have examples of these that ask about for these bit on the high side. but otherwise it seems, it's hot, sunny this time of year, which extends down to the the year i'd be offensive, attempted in the forty's not caught in the winds. i'm particularly strong every now and again, they pick up when it becomes stuff. these are generally a haze there anyway, over the how was the rape incident? so during the summer, and so the son isn't particularly strong, but the he says, so these are to and trump scholastic, it also every night a sentence don't bills in late victoria, it spread size and these children grow to the west and to the north. otherwise it's very dry picture, disappointing the side with that on show shumate breeze, for example, in somalia sandy, when the weather on the eastern cape is moving up through mozambique and bringing
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with it to southern times of the yeah. so with, with the integrity, the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting is global standing. there's no question about the united states is effectively complicit to the genocide challenge. the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the hours before he's killing a canadian c key. there said the agents of the indian governments were pumped into assessing a fault lives, explores how the coal for an independent seek state a spilled beyond india's borders and investigates. the nation's electorate campaign
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of eliminating critics on foreign soil begin the assessing nation on the jersey to the welcome back. reminder of the main stories of the following now and the u. n. is to place israel and the global blacklist for violation against palestinian children. the move was revealed by israel's ambassador to the you when the, along with these writing 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu has reacted in august. as ready as strikes have intensified on the bar, asian estate, rod and magazine accounts, and central gaza. what tens of thousands of displaced palestinians of sheltering
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and at least 22 people were killed and fighting north of saddam's capital. hard to him on 1st day. probably democracy activists say the prime ministry rapids support forces telling me to the number of residential areas and undermine and all the new us president joe biden is delivered a speech on the beaches of normandy, mocking the ac if anniversary of the di da landings and friends the prize, the americans who fought and died saying they selflessly sacrifice themselves. american democracy asked the harvest of things to believe we're part of something bigger than ourselves. so democracy begins with each of us. begins with one person decides there's something more important themselves. when they decide the person they're serving alongside of somebody to look after. when they decide the vision matters more than their life. i did decide that their country matters more than
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they do this action butler is in northern front covering the commemorations for us to us present. j biden has made a speech about democracy and freedom he in normandy, he chose a symbolic location point to okay. it is a place where a 2 years ago during the day landings, us ranges, scale the cliffs of fun to walk in a raw, the diary and courageous military operation to destroy the gym and positions present by them said that was a symbol of the sort of values and coverage that we still see in the us today. he also said that those ranges were fighting for freedom and against tyranny. the sold to terry. and he said that you crazy and forces also fighting against ukraine has certainly been something very much on pricing in vitamins mind here during these de commemorations. in fact, earlier in the day he met the ukrainian prizes followed him. is the landscape in
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paris before traveling up to normandy, promising lensky some $225000000.00 us dollars in the extra military a to be on the sand. much as that will go on at defense systems by doing will continue his stage visit to friends on saturday with amazing, with the french presidency manual. my girl, i believe a palace. it's actually popular. i'll just sarah normandy, bronze speaking, empower xhylia us president joe biden apologize for the months long. hold up in improving weapons for ukraine. this reaffirmed his commitment to support the country by no. so, and i'll send you 225000000 dollar packaged help. reconstruct ukraine's electro power grid. keith is pushing its allies in europe and the west to boost ministry aid. well, the russian president has addressed a major economic for him, taking place in saint petersburg, cruz and wants to show up at the the country's economy by strengthening business and investment ties with its allies. countries been hit by severe sanctions
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following the war with ukraine as a present person has been essentially speaking to many different countries, particularly those in africa. and then at least developing countries, idea is to show up those that investment ties in order to make up for the economic effect of sanctions, which is pretty much caught off trade and commercial ties with europe. you there shop. a lot of it has moved from some beaches back, and it's may sounds and say tional, but the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. everidge and russia has a ready overtaking coupon in germany, in terms of the size of its economy. there is where the was of the russian president at the st. petersburg, economic for rebuild them. proof level that was made at the end of last year, rushes g d p growth was 3.6 percent. and then the 1st quarter this year, 5.4 percent. all right,
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succeed the world average. it's especially important that such dynamics that attend primarily by non natural resource sectors in the world. according to pace, any countries friendly to russia accounts for 3 quarters of its trait turnover. it should be noted that, that russia's main trading problem is after the start of the conflict with ukraine, china and india, which had become the largest size of russian oil and the get it with a big discount piece of promise of russia would increase payments in national conferences with other countries flashing the amount of western currencies. you'd be interested in that let's know she could, the trust in west and payment systems has been totally on the mind and by western countries themselves. in this regard, i note that last year the share of sentiments for version x, bolts, and the so called it talks, it comes ease of unfriendly states. the part of to excuse nick, was talking about domestic ensure your space instead of russia has reco low unemployment rate, slightly about 2 percent. but critics say the main reason for it has nothing to do
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with the successes of the russian economy. a small number of young people has now entered the labor market. and since the beginning of the conflicts with ukraine, democratic programs have intensified due to emigration on the truck. but still statistics try people's wages growth, especially for those who are employed in the middle tree. industrial sector, as the country's economy is banks increasingly paid on a profile. we'll say russia has allocated unprecedented sums of money for his defense and security base yet. but the inflation grows to safe work is like teacher's book to social workers as well as pension is for me financially and secure. national bob oliver ultra 0 st. petersburg. joining aside from washington now is donald jensen. he is a senior advisor for russia in europe at the us institute for peace. so sanctions been working well, let's say the sciences are working with for instance have forced some of the things you saw in petersburg today,
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which is that force structure to turn to the south and east away from us. western training partners who no longer will trade with russia. however, i would say this is my personal view that for the last 2 thought sanctions would change russian behavior. i think they probably haven't oversold a sciences are one tool in a let's call it a diplomatic arching on the west to get russia to cease as an impression of the brain. but certainly science alone will not do the transfer. so we're giving a good, a positive spin of a situation which is fine, but regarding the russian economy rather missed the russians have regular problems as well. no matter what he might have told the people attending the congress. that interesting, that he, i am asking international monetary fund, has said that the roches economy will grow foster, then all of the walls economies, including the us this year at 3.2 percent. so that is quite a bit more than the u. k. fonts in germany. and you surprise that to their
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economies been surprisingly resilient in the face of a well with ukraine and western sanctions. well, i guess i would say i'm not surprised but know that and i think your numbers are very accurate, but i think you have to look behind the surface a little bit as well. so russian in russia is rampant reference to the point where it's for putting into military efforts as we saw. and the reason purge of rushes talk, military leadership. most of them have been arrested on grounds of diverting billions of dollars for billions of roubles from the russian war effort. that's number one. number 2 is that who is trying to gradually put restaurant permanent economic war for the battery ship. some of the salaries, particularly my military industrial complex, have in previous to mass bind support as well. but there are many errors in which and geographic areas in which are doing very,
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very poorly rocha's economy and why new ways of doing very poorly. and particularly in regard to the high tech area, well, they've had to turn to the chinese to provide some of that material because of the sanctions. so you could pick what he could pick one or 2 suggested that look pretty well because saying, well this i just want to test it is think say the i m f is a body that's recognized around the world. also, i suppose, just as you say is going back to the point that you made at the start of our interview. it's not change russian behavior in spite of multiple rounds of, of western sanctions. that's still able to finance this full must. yeah, i haven't made it to matters stuff. obviously i haven't, i suggested just to say that when you're talking about grove, that's one thing and the rest is i can't find, but i have been surprised when we, well, compared to what most observers outside the country expected. but there are other signs of a lot of wear and tear on the russian sorts of fabric. there are other signs that
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it's uh, uh, not doing it as well as perhaps those might have macro economic logistics. my suggest, for example, in your story, you talked about russia showing one of the discounts to russia in charge restaurant . it just went to china and india. and in fact, as you probably know, the cus a beer oil pipeline has been talked about for a decade is not still done yet because trying to destroy it is taking advantage of a situation driving a hard bargain and wants to pay roster less than rush or wants to get $4.00 extra oil. so all of these time suggests that russia is doing well. now the economy is over heated, let's call it because of the. ready war and a lot of the russian ways of earning money, which actually energy exports. uh, are probably shakespeare them. they might hear from our 1st batch. i would also note that pollutants that i talked about the rate of the arctic. that's very interesting. that's very possible. but again, it's a, it's words right now that's
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a very competitive region trying to is involved. there are russian factors as well . so you have to read between the lines and just say it's doing better than expected in some ways. but i still have some various bears significant economic problems. i want to show you that your thoughts on this and for joining us on, on the note, and use our donald chance. and thank you very much. thank you. which one is present aging thing as matter or cosign appointment assertion? foster reef and beijing visit is one of a number of and some of the official opening of the china pockets on economic car do. a multi $1000000000.00 mega project is intended to increase trade between the 2 nations. the forms of china is global belts and road initiative. meanwhile, india is governing alliances for many elected to render moody as its lead up. he'll be sworn in for some time as a prime minister on sunday. he along with members of his alliance net present to upon the mama and presented a form, a claim to form the new government modi's
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b j. p. last. it sweeping majority in the 6 week elections for the 1st time in a decade and so hot to enter into combination talks. oh, for the 1st time ever. what? because of the south korean tech jobs, samsung have gone on strike. union employees won't self the job one friday, demanding high wages. negotiations have been ongoing since january fall. mcbride has more on this now from so and i think just relaxing goes, this is a very well mannered effect. no, i'm re picket lines if kind of thing. the union is taking a fairly novel approach by urging its members to take one day of paid leave yesterday says a was a public holiday here. so effectively, this becomes a long weekend for those work because it with taking this industrial action. but this is incrementally a more serious step prize to this. this union has been holding so full days of
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action which have had very much a street carnival feel about the with tape pop music and so on. they offset me though very serious in the do minds asking for a 6 and a half percent pay rise. they've been offered 5 percent buy samsung electronics, arguing that the company can certainly afford it recording in the 1st quote of this year, a 10 fold increase in its operating profits. the problem that the money to the number of union members has increased a lot. and since the company's execute has not changed, we have decided to proceed with this protest the, the requirement for the concern is whether more serious industrial action will have an impact on samsung. given its importance in the manufacture of smartphones and also advanced chips for artificial intelligence. a lot of south korea media is also focusing on an into union dispute with all the samsung unions accusing this one of potentially damaging samsung's reputation from mcbride. i'll just say era. so there's more that i have for you. paula science football team takes
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a step closer to qualifying for the 2026. welcome piece. you will have those details very shortly. the business latest is brought to you by i guess, as outlined by on one of your this makes model and plates. the, the, the
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business latest is for me to you believe i guess is mit smile. one of your just makes model inflates, the folders for an l t test. very thank you very much. call us outcries will become the youngest to if it's a feature in 3 grand slam finals on different surfaces. that's also the 21 year old spaniel book takes place and sundays friendship and final. on clay, he has already won the us open on a hot coat and wimbledon on gross outcries have to fight back against the attic
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center any semi final but the teddy in late 2 sites to one. but the 3 full facts, we eventually take the victory at roland gallows, 266-336-6463. the final school will take on either alexanders very of or casper room for besides the gulf as much that i play the myself that we have the i guess on each uh, the use of internet $22.00. these ones that is the great player, the down. it is the, the team that he has as well, the grade warranty full time every day on the i talked to, to play many, many more marches. life like this one against the identity. but i guess one of that stuff as much of that are faithful ser, staying in the french capital and organizes or between the 24 parents. games have unveiled the display of the olympic rings on the eiffel tower. it took full cranes
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and some 50 lucas to install the construction made from recycled steel. the awful tower will feature permanently at the olympics. the beach volleyball competitions will be held at the foot of the on clinic monuments. the games begin on july 26th. i talk to stones cricket cats and bumper of them says these team on the estimates of new companies, the usa, and they said, well below they stand it, and they shock the fee to the t. 20 woke up to and i guess around scruples the it was one of the biggest sit in t 20 woke up history. homer champions pack has done beaten by the usa to sit 12 places to lay them in the world rankings a disastrous store to the tournaments for team featuring. some of the best players in this format is the game is to die. so we know extremely well. mohammed or is one
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above all of them. the pakistan have struggled with that thing in the last year. and the co host quickly explicitly today, weaknesses. packet still and found themselves in trouble at $26.00, the 3 before captain by as an latham $44.00 runs. and shaheen, a free day may 23. as pac hassan posted a 159 to 7. from their readings, usa cruised in the chase ski pomona patel. hit 50 of the t 8 fools as pack of stones bolus struggle to find to break through. and with one bull left, usa drew levelling runs, facing a type breaking supervisor usa assessing pakistan on a victory target is 19, but the pressure was too much indian bone, computer engineer and things painless syrup and it your vocal cracking pack of
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stones code to meet the usa to historic tree meeting pockets on, you know, it's a big acumen and in the wake up itself is so big a 2 man. so yeah, i would say it's a big day for team usa. and i would say not just for us or for us to get somebody to do the same thing. a good match. all it is. uh, yeah. you are the tech i think uh of you know, the name and uh, englewood site. again, uh, building and becky, i can still in the early days to figure out how to turn things around before they face all tribals india in a huge game in new york. on sunday. joanna control sca elda 0. cricket is the most popular. supposing parties done and friends, they all angry alter, that seems loss after this, we have to play with india and beyond what she, what happened last night? i don't feel like watching move mattress. yvonne talk you started steam is totally
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finished. they should stop playing international cricket and start playing with the local neighborhood teams. they come play with any international team. a new team was playing against them and they did nothing. for the poor performance, they started a totally poor performance against the team that was playing for the 1st time. internationally. now they have to play against india. so since last the 1st match, i have no hopes they will win against india to be out in the 1st round for this pull, bowling and pull bedding says i can also tell you that the results from today sees a shock also with canada. the financing islands now. so yesterday we saw scoffing defeats in the movies and the movie industry itself. and 156 for the when they kept them richie savings and made them and people 57 from 35 holes to help stuff and reach bates all the good 9 goals remaining at 5, we could victory put some type of group be a hit over straight here is that you can live on saturday. the boston celtics
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pulled up a dominant victory against the dallas mavericks to move ahead in the in be a final series taking game one cr steps, posing is made easier to info the south itself. the more than a month out injured and the left being made a small coming off the bench to school 20 points because don't teach late dallas with 30 points, but that wasn't enough to prevent the fees. it was jayden brown, new top school of boston with 22 points, as the celtics one convincingly 10789 to make it a straight victories game. to also takes place in boston on sunday. it's not going to be perfect. it's a long series, i expect them game to, to come out with tremendous force and maybe we try to send them out. so, you know, that's the game wasn't ideal that i was out for such a long time, but i did everything i could to prepare mentally for this moment coming back and i paid off, you know, and we got the job done tonight and had a good game and, and happy about the result. i think they're the best uh,
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3 point shooter shooting team and m b a. so sometimes really hard to take those away, especially when they have 5 guys out there can oh shoot. uh so obviously we gotta make more. we didn't make enough shots today to be done. uh, but we gotta be that on board. that's a palace times national football team have taken a step place. that's a qualifying for the 2026 world cup. the 3rd of the food groups, the age of securing a point from a go to store against 11 on how to sign. so it's taking them asian qualifying group 5 points ahead or later on with one match lift, it's up to teams until the 9 groups progress that results also secured pettus phones, the spots at the table, $27.00 asian company and saudi arabia euro 2024 picks up in a week in the netherlands. so looking in good shape ahead of the tournament, they thrashed canada in a frenzy and rotted in memphis behind opening the school. intellectual goal and also assisted. yep. so, so you gotta be pretty positive middle school. the 2nd route added to it before the
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pool captain vigil. vandyke made a phone of the roswell to jesse ma since they 1st came in charge of the canadian desperately increased with code in france and austria after years. that's what the school season now i'll be here again later with another update and thank you very much pita. well, i just want to bring you this one story about a chinese tech company that has completed the wells, the 1st successful drone delivery test on mount everest. the english to transport equipment between camps and remove waste left behind on the mountain altitudes above 6000 meters. its hope the drones could one day reduce dom loans on local net police guides and make dangerous climes during the rubbish and to live a life saving supplies. well that's it for me, myself is news out, but we're going to bring you around from all today's top stories very shortly in just a couple of minutes. a full bullet and coming out for you with
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a lot of vs. sorry, shortly. stay without the she says she went to vote on syria to provide a 27 year old active as the as healthcare services as being working as an i'm didn't start with nursing, the eyes of his governments with my citizenship. most of all, i was surprised in the 1st part of the series. we found it was totally the pushy shape worker to see confronts the news. the piece citizenship verification on a walmart citizenship. fact, if i'm proven in a sense, i don't want to win honest, technically stake listed in syria on which is the era of coverage of africa is what i'm most proud of. every time i travel, whether it's east or west, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. and our focus is not just on that suffering, but also on
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a more realistic and inspiring story. people trust to tell them what's happening in their communities in a clear and unbiased way. and as an african, i couldn't be more proud to be from palestine to pakistan from syria to being donasia. ok. foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected by more family policy and dishonest. your coupon a is an lifeline for someone in a donate. now with confidence give you a coupon. a today without kind of foundation interrogate the narrative, is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes. say lisa, correct. but so in the international community. can we also say that deals the
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cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the the human in the, as israel to a global blacklist of countries that harm children and conflict zones for violations against palestinian children the way of a rock this is alger 0, live from doing well, also coming up is really a tax target schools and refugee camps across casa killing, at least $77.00 palestinians in 24 hours.


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