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tv   Stateless in Syria Innocent Until Proven Guilty  Al Jazeera  June 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm AST

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us for the 1st time ever workers at the south korean tech giant, a samsung, i have gone on strike union employees walked off the job on friday, demanding higher wages, negotiations that have been ongoing since january. samsung is one of the world's largest makers of smartphones and memory trips. and robin bride has more now from the capital. so as industrial action goes, this is a very well mannered effect. no, i'm re picket lines if and the thing the union is taking a fairly novel approach by urging its members to take one day of pay leave yesterday says a was a public holiday here. so effectively, this becomes a long weekend for those words because it with taking this industrial action, but they say it's incrementally a more serious step. prior to this, this union has been holding so cold days of action which have had very much a street carnival feel about the with tape pop music and so on. they offset me
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though very serious in the do minds asking for a 6 and a half percent pay rise. they've been offered 5 percent bikes, samsung electronics, arguing that the company can certainly afford that recording in the 1st quarter of this year, a 10 fold increase. it is operating profits. the problem that the money to the number of union members has increased a lot. and since the company's acs cheese has not changed, we have decided to proceed with this protest. of the concern is whether more serious industrial action will have an impact on samsung given its importance in the manufacture of smartphones and also advance chips, full artificial intelligence. a lot of south through a media is also focusing on an into union dispute with all the samsung unions accusing this one of potentially damaging some songs reputation from mcbride. i would use era. so an attorney's tech company has completed the world's 1st successful drone delivery test. on mount m risk,
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the aim was to transport equipment between camps and remove waste left behind on the mountain at altitude above 6000 meters and its hope that drones could one day reduce the mounts on local nepalese guides who make dangers climes to remove rubbish and deliver a life saving supplies. amazing shots there, that's it for me. i'm layla rod. you can find us at any time just said to our website. i'll just say raw dot com. the news continues here. after state list is area in india, illegal mining is having a devastating impact on an ancient mountain range and the local residence and you look at how much dust there is everywhere. my father is during the phase $1.00 oh, $1.00 east travels to india to investigate mining. gimme
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a ralph as he mounted on out to see about the 6th strikes and 25 minutes the 1st day to arrive and that is the one i was worried about coming to this guy. i've never seen a problem with the person that doesn't get afraid. like today, i'm free to get ahold of the
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video because we have to be awake. i hope it's 24 hours. so be every day. i think i've seen everything they've been forwarded to the
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results i on the worst ish listed coming here to syria or across the circus corridor, despite warnings to the british government not to do so some upcoming society has. i'll just say that here to support the schools, which you monetary and assistance 27 year old active is from essex. child care series has been working as an ambulance drive in rebels, health positive. i put the
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name that's going through with them again off of the gun jazz. now coming out what, what, what's the good answer and also you can also, you should all but what, how do i need to have it moved on to the sides? go ahead and do a g n o. well, i'm just the a certified g must book on the front end for june. the. so i'm how much this is her
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and her husband got 2 kids. he's blind and he caught walk. she's gonna show me head kitchen. this is what people live like. we're going to be giving them some way to live each other. i've already decided just by looking at this situation that we're definitely going to help them. she and her husband both disabled and shot a shot and showed up as an optical judgement and show it to all the mom like 3 personalities to kid. mommy's boy and then i'm talks the east london is written in junky. and then i'm up for some head of
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organization responsible for thousands of people every month. but that was the way my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised. my dad quoted me up and he's also gonna tell you something when you head out and use it and see if the
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my citizenship was revoked on the ground stuff. i am aligned to a to aligned put, i presume. and everybody presumes what the british government is referring to is h t s had to hurry to ship. the page to us is a group dies. described tara organization. they the double i'm a jo 90 was part of applied and then they became aligned to apply it up.
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and this done with the british government is coming from. but i'm not file on innocent until proven guilty. the, for the 1st 5 years of this journey, i was of my own not can the world, but obviously as time goes on and you got from the desk with the concern is the the
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so you will say about and you don't know what you're going to do right now is ok. i only want my citizenship back if i'm proven in a sense, i don't know when i'm technically of a brothers grab bad. this isn't ship to revoke. they've won. they bought their citizenship back. but on a technicality, yeah, that they don't do nationalist. okay. they're still british, but they might have problems down to like obviously how about your situation and shot. i still good that you still got your says hip for what is the benefit amex or so? yeah. knowing obviously all the kids have citizen chips, they're supposed to have citizenship, sneakily, you know, how things tons by the future online was best and it was kind of a lot of sense to meet you miss england. and also i felt that no i she died. but yeah, you do have like a certain, my face for the children, you know, this phones and you know, stuff go and nothing. but it was a different feel for the opportunity that we'd have to worry about in drawers and
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knife crime and stuff like that. you know, different situation and i find the think to probably listen to this whole thing like crazy. don't think that is crazy. so obviously the people outside the, in what life is like, yeah. hey, i know i can. what is the free nose listening to me? yeah. we're not going to say that syria was on his bed in england, but at the same time, we have to be optimistic about the situation that we're in and make the best of it . things change times change. nelson mandela was a terrace, the one point. then he became a nobel peace pipe prize winner. so maybe one day, maybe one day we'll get some. we can over piece $511.00 a the the driving the
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criteria of the jump into the truck. i know for the level of your own before you run through a pretty serious nights camera action. ok. good to explain what it is. just stand right right over here and just say we purchased this land and we've been working non stop. try to get it going. it's not easy here. we have some language
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problems and all, but from the law we're getting some stuff done. something along those lines. check a lives near the talk, each boat or when he's british wind for account. he's 21. raquel says she was keen to travel to syria with him, despite the dangerous, you know, he's doing what he knows and it makes him happy, which makes me happy. and obviously if she wants to go home at any time. but of course, you know, i wouldn't stop. people always paint islam is a religion. that is, you know, a main oriented religion. well, the men, you know, boss, the women around and does he was he does the faucet to where you'll find the great things that we need to actually complete. it was very busy at work. this it
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is continue with the buttons very for the summit to go into the it's noble, but the 2015 line off of it regard to getting the storage system, the costs. nobody got the
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experience they have deductible. so well, what you've shown me and upset me. yeah, good outcomes for physically she was not going to be way off. how that should go about magellio mainland jen in the age of the solar shaft most prestigious. within the british wisdom community we well maybe the 1st people to stop doing aid work and putting it out on social media and stuff like that. so that was really something new. the visual cover. okay.
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beautiful place all the stuff is on the on yes. to be and feeling the my nephew, he's a, some of that's also very engaged in the age what and for my nephew to be here doing something with a purpose. it's something that i can only encourage the
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lives in london was really good. genuine mom a story to school, but one thing the space school can take you to a certain level on the outside being in a place can bring you to the next level. i think of going up the . 8 right now they are so many people still have to wait a bit to come. are you going to see how many people are already inside it? i'm not sure if i go in or not because i don't want to get around the
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we expected the the, the the,
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the demonstrations that been taking place in public health crossing, having taken place over the last 2 fridays. and this is because the people are upset and the people feel as if they being suffocated and nobody is doing anything at all. and of course i was worried about what implications that would have for raquel and my children. and that's when i side to seek legal advice and,
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and try and see what i could do. mean a lot of has things to do and go to that. yeah. good, good. so i went ahead, you've been really, really busy so i saw it as minus like couple months so. yeah. so the way i see it is that if i'm wrong with the guilty then and that's basically going to be worse for me then obviously being deprived. yeah. if you go through that process and you end up with a jack, something over information as i get off of the bible for suite. now i'm about to say these things about topics. they just as most of the, just talking about the standard, i think also for in terms of, of a countries like now i've been deprived. i'm fairly, but if it's a legal judgment that might make us some, i don't really know what brand is. coordination of other countries,
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etc. if you are based, as far as we know, there's a lot of criminal judgement. so it's not likely become a huge difference of what it might do as you get back to your opinion of the country that you found yourself. but you know, the document by that could be used to be able to execute just give it another culture. yeah. you can walk by in a different by, in the different country it could well, yeah, yeah. fair enough that it is. let's say it is risky here. is no, i have nothing to loose the users i do does get consequences. all right. thanks a lot month. thank you so much for your time as well. but just give me a call or i mean to do something you guys will. no worries, man. i really appreciate it. no problem. thanks a lot, man. take care. bye bye bye. of the news
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. the . this is a unique situation. in regards to my lawyer, the one that advising me to do for me more important than the citizenship is to be proven. innocent.
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don klein is funded. well i'm one of the other my thoughts minute i'm a minute i'm a desktop that's love me best and mostly because i was in the mid hicks i'm definitely would go we fast go. yes the that's not that much. so just let me see how much a animal because man in the community i'm very thankful for the upbringing that i've had in the u. k. plan. they've got a lot at the same time. i know if y'all could go back to england and then have an open 9 to 5 anymore. it's about a big purpose and educating our children in
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a way that yeah, they can, you know, have a purpose to they can skip the 20 years of confusion. the i have the okay, a good to go is eva. and if it say before we leave t people because i have yet, but the guy that okay, good money is ready the money on the table and show that we're gonna take this cash to us from is that the book baby that we're going to be popular for you 5 miles in one, just get it ready? point 8. and then i'll close this in before 2 because it says let's put that again. did you know,
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can you feel the people over the way are you ready? are you ready for the. c you want to get me arrested. in my end, the day i went through a period in my life when i got involved with some of the wrong people who i spoke with my friends and ended up getting stepped straight. i started to look into legend and stuff that i felt like there was something missing i was able to go on a complaint to the gaza strip. that was a turning point in my life. that's one of the reasons why maybe i'm hit the car. all the godaddy is dead. those people on the ground all
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confused. they don't know if there's something more sinister behind this. if from somebody it'd be a new wave of attacks. it's a bit of a difficult situation, a and we're not sure exactly what that means for the future of the civilians. here the
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he says you want to or towards here yet to provide a. are you looking back? are, you know, i'm not file but not in the eyes of his government. my life has been us. can you just me like i just said these are, these are those in the 2nd part of the series. we follow a british age work or as he prepares to cut a test, his citizenship revocation, the less than that of the tenants increase. so you're only as good as possible. take listen celia, and i'll just 0. you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of on projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems costs on red chris
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before the war, 8000 patients cross the alpha and beta noun crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to less than $5000.00 evacuated and 7 months of conflict. pushing through the pain 11 year old doreen though they can finally walk again. dream couldn't move her legs after an air straight killed 60 members of her family and gaza chest. good, good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever. this facility was filled with a 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place worth 500 patients receive treatment, education and psychological support. what the reason why i had this is tina i'm in between the moment i got injured and now i've had around 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again and get the rare opportunity to
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receive treatment outside of the war zone. the, the when the, as israel to a global blacklist of countries that are children in complex phones for violations against palestinian children. the rock. this is audra 0 live from jo. how also coming up deadly is really strikes target springs and refugee camps across gauze office coming dozens of palestinians and also had fighting escalates near some john's capital a day after.


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