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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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is it in juggle with the song we cannot take the fact that his son will present as not that important effective he of the story on talk to how does era what we do and all just sarah is tried to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy. the israel is added to the un global black list of countries that tom children in conflict. so violations against palestinians. the crown carrie jones to this is i'll just say a lot from also coming out. it's rarely as strikes target schools and refugee camps across concepts. kidding, at least 77 palestinians in the past day. struggling to stay in business. how the boy has met so many racing or financial crunch and occupied. westbank boots in that
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says, europe is defenseless against russia's nuclear oscar economic for some features by the u. n. it says it will place israel on a global blacklist for its foundations against children. more than $15000.00 palestinian children have been killed and is really a tax on the goal is a strip in 8 months of war. i'll just here is gabriel is on the reports from you in headquarters in new york or for the 1st time is real has been named among those who commit great violations against children during arms conflict. the designation part of an annual united nations report by the secretary general. the move comes is more than 15000 children have been killed in the past 8 months during israel's war on guys
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a is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has reacted angrily to the news of this country, being named to the so called blacklist, or list of shame is commonly known. he posted on social media, the un has put itself today on the blacklist of history. re odd man sewer palace stein's ambassador, the un has welcome to the news. it's an important step in the right direction towards ending the double standards and the culture of impunity. israel has enjoyed for far too long, and that left our children, vulnerable to its consequences. he posted the report has yet to be made public, but the lat or den israel's u. n. m. passenger unexpectedly posted on social media, the recording of a call he received from the secretary general's office, giving him a courtesy heads up. they would be included. the un was upset that he did that is invested or, or does video recording of that phone call and the partial release of that
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recording on twitter is shocking and unacceptable. and frankly, something i've never seen in my 24 years serving this organization for years is realized by hard to be kept off the list despite countless incidents of abuse in killing a palestinian children. i so boca hurrah, russia and f ganna. stan, or just some of the parties to conflict that have been named in previous years. while the spokes person for the secretary general said he would not be making any comments about the details of the report until it's released. he said the report will speak for itself and well being included on the list will not have any immediate consequences for israel. it could have political and diplomatic ramifications, further isolating israel from the rest of the world. gabriel's on to i'll just need it at the united nations in new york is ready. politicians have been reacting to
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the united nations move so hard about reports from a man in jordan. as a reminder, israel has shut down obviously, or is opperation certainly reporting from that side as well. there's been a few statements with the same sentiment we heard from v is ready for him and his to is route cuts and he posted on the x thing is shameful decision and acts of ability. he cooled it, but he also says the antonio gutierrez, will be remembered in history as an antique domestic secretary general, who chose to ignore how mazda is a sexual crimes and is rose right to defend itself. and of course, i think that so so statement they've always maintained throughout that they are the most moral all me in the world. and then we've also heard from one of the wall cabinet members benny guns and a statement saying that we will continue this flight. i just will, he says the inputs is around the same votes with ice as well as row is waging
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adjustable and it's in a, in accordance to international. i know you've also had a and this is being reported by local is really media. it's not going to be the national security administer, the destiny always has something to say. and he is saying that the response to this dangerous mazda must be harsh, and should include sanctions against un officials. their mind who again benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has a band of 0 in israel. that's why we're reporting from neighboring joint musket reaction from gauze itself. now, honey, my fluid is outside the exit hospital. in the alba, the, the vast majority of thoughts of casualties have brought to the hospital are made of either children or women. but we're seeing the children here across the gods through for the profit months are being murder of the a record number given the intense bombing campaign they've been targeting entire families inside their residential homes or evacuation goals,
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or even they are trying to exactly to chrome one place to another, we all seen that a video of him how motto was inside a car and then did you really monitoring new? it was a little charging the car. but in any way, if you was shot and killed inside the car, waiting for the policy with griffin and pearl in south vendor through rest care from the area. this is the situation for for palestinian children across the gaza strip. the trauma they are, they are going to live with those what been separated from their parents. and those would be made for friends because their entire families have been killed. a or the are stuck, let's say in, in the northern part. and they haven't seen them for the past 8 months. they are documented cases of many children inside evacuations on a being separated from their parents for the past few months. in fact, there's one case here at the hospital here for one child who has not been with his
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parents. for the past 6 months though, nobody knows anything about about his parents and their where, where about the active this, the trauma, the right now the lack of basic supplies, the food supplies, the medical supply, the highest, d and d, the proper environment for children to grow and to prosper and socially economic and intellectually does not exist. the doctors in the guys that say as many as 3000, the palestinian children have lost lives and as well as all, many of the amputated without an aesthetic. and i'll quickly reports from the of, of the warning, the images in her report all distressing israel's war and causal, that it's creating the generation of traumatized entities. thousands of children across the street have lost one or more of them since the onslaught. because tom is one of them all about shawn was standing near the door on
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a piece of shrapnel head to holland. i run outside and found a hands hanging by a thread. it took her hours to be seen by a doctor as not a single hospital in gauze, and it's fully functioning. despite the heart of her experience, she was one of the luckier ones. her amputation was performed and many other children must enjoy having groups empty, painted without pain relief. can we have enough of the situations way beyond the medical stocks control, given the substantial number of injuries and the lack of medical equipment and resources that are required to deal with these cases without access to proper medical treatment, child entities are unable to you physically or mentally and manny, some used to be a quite comp child, but his mother sees he's now angry and stubborn as he struggles to accept his new reality. no,
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can you believe it's time to eat it because that's exactly what it has to be. always ask for me with my hand grow back or not, and i do not know what to tell him that he thinks his hand will grow back. he does not know, and i do not know what to tell him. it keeps asking me, how am i supposed to play football? how am i supposed to hold the boat? this little boy may never take his 1st step. as tom, after his father saves you a bone, graft needs to urgency, travel abroad for the medical is actuation. have stopped since, as well to control of the crossing early may say is the one that he has not seen anything yet. he is constantly suffering and screaming in pain. what has he seen of this world? his condition is terrible. i ask that my son be allowed to travel abroad and receive treatment, or he will lose his foot. doctors without borders has one of the keys inc also are
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a to risk of bottle complications because of lack of proper medical treatment. drugs. interest is a specialized care because their bones are still growing. care policy and children are being denied since and who did the i'll just say to that in black garza palestine. talk to mohammed of the fact what at the european, the goal is a hospital in on you this last month. he says, most of the victims he treated with children as soon as we got there, it was clear as a do you want official said before that this is a world and children, you know, walking into the hospital. it's the hospital is the shelter. there's 30000 people of sheltering their family, these children. so as soon as we showed up, we were a bundle, guarded by hundreds of kids, those giving us tubs high, 5 years. but you noticed that a lot of them were so thin, malnourished. a lot of them had closed the holes in them. they looked like they have to be in weeks,
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some of them had an empty stations. and so this was just outside of the, the hospital walking into the hospital. i went straight into the e. r a student my 1st day there. i saw a young boy about 2 years old, screaming in agony as he had a severe burn on his 4 arm. and just right next to him, girl with curly hair who was screaming with, from a large cut on her foot or home and just bombed. and so that was the comment and trend. the children were overwhelmingly the victims of this war. i work in the i see you so it worked a nice you european hosp. ready majority of the victims, the of our patients nice you which filled in with severe explosive injuries track know all over their bodies. legs amputated, severe burns, where you can even recognize their faces and they're all head dressings on these birds that. ready really being and looking infected because there's no hand. so for physicians and so infections were spreading like crazy. and these children and unfortunately majority of them did not survive. i would say 8 out of 10 of them.
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but eventually passed. thousands of palestinians have been detained in garza since october last year. many of them say they were beaten torture down to many age in the custody of israeli forces. one such case was holmes. i wasn't in this picture taken in february and upload, advise really forces of him stripped hancock and wounded, went viral. a few months ago. he's deliver the message to the world about the plight of palestinians in garza. the all the, all these ratings remain on the enemy simply because they are ok, you probably know a whole month. once they go away and re restore our homeland, they will no longer be in none of these really occupation forces or a murderous entity, killers of women and children. this is a message to is ray news of the entire well, the jews of spain, for example, on north our intimate, the use of the west. we're multiplying our land on not our enemy, on the country. we can be friends, but there's
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a few power lines destroyed. all homes, kill all women and children. they all will. all china means the palestinians, a weak people, that gain strength from god will victory is inevitable. at the end of the day, the palestinians will be healed and ruled. it is rarely stuff. let us have set fire to olive trees in the village of backup, which is east of a modern occupied westbank. they had all the local council says the secular spend more than 1000 square meters of agricultural land is rarely set to the violence against palestinians has been increasing. you an estimate step in it for secular attacks a day against protest, an instance of 10, but the war has led to significant economic effects and occupied westbank since october is rarely officials have prevented protest in well, because from going inside as well. and as neither abraham not reports, the nothing your government is accused of withholding the tax money it collects on the hub for the palestinian authority. these are the 1st days of summer break and
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the occupied us bank. it's a weekend and this cassie is in the heart of room on. this is huge with the rest of the for success. but since the world goes a started, the cafe owners say there's here. they'll be forced to shut down the arms but we haven't been able to pay the ring since the most dont have checks bouncing back. we have so much data of service provided the usually at this time of the year they would hire extra workers. now they've had to lay off half of their staff. so i had indeed kept her job as a waitress. she's an interior designer who says she's lost to job since the war started. even a discovery delayed off many male employees and needed me because my salary is less, for me in the pay is not enough to sustain the family. how the city of the workers, it is really used to bring much needed cash to the occupied the west bank. they
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were estimated the 22 percent of the workforce before the war. now that israel has found their entry, they barely make up 2.3 percent according to a recent survey by the international labor organization. another office to can facing the economy is israel's decision to withhold tax revenue that belongs to the palestinian authority. the p a has been struggling to pay it in to use their salaries in full which hinders the economy cycle even more so in israel has been systematically undermining the palestinian economy for decades by controlling the palestinian resources and the lands. it created a weak economy dependent on israel and withheld the palestinian authorities money to minimize its rule in dealing with the crisis. business owners say they are left alone facing the financial crunch. that's what the local authorities and not making
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any agency laws or decisions to help us of on this task period. one of the hardest hit sectors in palestine is tours in the churches in activity is one of the main tours that directions here. and i mean, source of ink for palestinians know, many stores here have closed down, and people say every day this will continues. it adds another burden on the short and long term one. they might need decades to recover from that, but i am a jersey to the occupied westbank palestine still ahead on the eldest era, fighting escalates nest to down capital a day off for a house full time minutes, frequent use of killing function agency the
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the merits, particularly hot in the distance south, west of the us was tempted in the middle for people that weren't lost. i'm just coming down. so i stay in sunday and we still got a warm feed up through the plains states. so we still looking to build some big thunderstorms, where cooler me is, what am i to it's running across kansas, maybe and missouri to get the biggest thunderstorms. and yes, they might produce an occasional tornado enough in most dangerous times. yeah. but we comp, roads are completely and it looks far more likely during sundays that front of system moves or have find the class be slow. do you say you might get some challenge of west in texas, cuz i don't particularly big ones. the bigger ones seem to be able to, but i came in on and maybe this half of florida. and so to the bahamas, these offices to repeatable flashlight, the type things which then stretched down towards the time. maybe billy's mushroom exit kind of looks fairly dry and the smaller arrives the eastern candidate with
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a steady when they're both by day and night. we'll see only passing small showers, the seasonal right inside. so for the confident is more or less i to presume that i could produce in flooding more funding in columbia and some venezuela best to preserve that still looks dried despite both flooding. there might be on the ground with close winters in july and fairly obviously. so of the in india illegal mining is having a devastating impact on an ancient mountain range and don't local residence. tiffany: look at how much dust there is everywhere. my father is staring destined to face $1.00 oh, $1.00 east travels to india to investigate mining. gimme a ralph, as he mounted on out to see about the showcase of the best documentary towns from across than on the 0.
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the the, you're watching out. just a reminder, our top story is this. you and the ads israel to a global blacklist for violations against protestant in children. move was repealed by israel is i'm fast to that, to me when we're done with these very prime minister, antoinette to john nash down to the decision is very strikes have intensified on the range of this or at some of the gauzy thompson central concept with tens of thousands of displaced products to a shelter the conflicts in sit down the gun more than a year ago was escalating. at least 40 people were killed and fighting at
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a suit in these capital call 2 on friday, pro democracy activists say the rapids support forces targeted residential areas and on demand of audience comes as fast bottles continue and nearby ultra 0 state and the city of alpha sure enough for well justin lynch is the co author of saddam's, unfinished democracy. explains why the fight. oh gosh, it could be a turning point in the conflict. this is the last stronghold of the seed in these armed forces in dar for and what this means if this is taken over by the r s f is that they have taken over the entire state. and many of these areas are not areas where they are originally from, and it means the huge devastation forces going into the city. both the student is armed forces and the rapid support forces are blocking a coming in. i know that there is aid waiting in andre in child across the border, but both sides are over the blocks and the delivery of that
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a. and so this is one of the main problems that diplomats are facing. and there's really no solution. when you have both sides, we're unwilling to make compromises and are willing to, to, to have the basic, um, kind of decency, to protect us with their populations. i think there's a whole number of reasons why this is happening. and those reasons include climate change so particularly and are for you're seeing farmers and herders really be coming in conflict more and more. and that is causing some of this conflict. of course, one of the biggest drivers of this conflict is the for and money. and that, and this kind of hunched for resources, particularly gold and are for an oil free sudan. so there was a real international development here and it's a real regional aspect here that is really driving the conflict and, and, and if this is going to end, you know, that kind of key to stopping this is, is,
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is by looking at the region, particularly the u, a and saudi these, these 2 countries are the ones that can have influence on the warring parties and, and try and find a path forward. the russian president, vladimir putin, has an interest in economic form and some features, but must go to wants to show raw fits economy by strengthening business on investment ties with allies. the country has been hit by severe sanctions because of its war with ukraine. you know, shop a lot of them has more from st. petersburg. it's my sounds and say tional, but the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. everidge and russia has a ready overtaking japan in germany in terms of the size of its economy. thurs, where the was of the russian president of the st. petersburg, economic for retail compression level that was made at the end of last year, rushes g d p growth was 3.6 percent. and then the 1st quarter of this year,
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5.4 percent. all right, succeed the world average. it's especially important that such dynamics are determined primarily by non natural resource sector in the world. according to pay sending countries friendly to russia, accounts for 3 quarters of its trade turnover. it should be noted that russia's main trading problem is after the start of the conflict with ukraine, china and india, which have become the largest bias of russian oil. and they've got it with a big discount piece and promise that russia would increase payments and national conferences with other countries flashing the amount of western currencies. you'd be interested in that, let's know. so you could, the trust in west and payment systems has been probably on the mind and by western countries themselves. in this regard, i note that last year, the share of sentiments version exports and the so called it talks. it comes ease of unfriendly states. the part of to excuse nick, was talking about domestic ensure your space instead of russia has reco low unemployment rate,
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slightly about 2 percent with critics say the main reason for it has nothing to do with the successes of the russian economy. a small number of young people has no end of the labor market. and since the beginning of the conflict with you pray, democratic programs have intensified you to immigration on the truck, but still sophistic strive people's wages growth, especially for those who are employed in the middle tree industrial sector. as the country's economy is, banks increasingly paid on a pop up. we'll say russia has allocated unprecedented sums of money for his defense and security base yet. but the inflation grows to safe work is like teachers, doctors, social workers as well as pension, is for me financially and secure. national above all of ultra 0 st. petersburg. but during the events, preston boots inside of russia had new need to use nuclear weapons to secure victory ukraine. and went on to describe your pest defense this in the face of russia's nuclear. also. yes, he knew they will. they,
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everyone must understand that russia has a nuclear missile early warning system. the us also has that nobody else in the world has such develop systems. we have in europe does not have a developed early warning system in this sense. the more or less defense logistically, she's david ross. she's a professor at the national defense university. he says futon is using an older strategic model by playing alone. well, this is kind of an old playbook. basically what he's trying to do is, uh uh, he's playing the long war. he, he's betting that wester will, will run out before the war ends. and he's also getting that by raising the specter of nuclear war, he can cleave off a proportion of western public opinion. you know, who doesn't want to go to the difficulty of re establishing their defense, industrial base, you know, making up for substitution for russian l. n. g and all those sorts of things. but this, this, as i said, this has gone on with since day one of the ukraine. and basically he basically just
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wants a free hand and that'll do it. i, i think the model he's looking at is during the cold war, when the west abandoned the neutron bomb, which was a bomb that would, uh, it was described as the ultimate capitalist weapon would kill people. but it's not destroyed buildings. and basically, there was a, we now know the soviet inspired movement in the west, in some genuine believers who basically abandoned work on that. i think he's trying to recreate that success with the alliance and be giving a free hands to take the parts of ukraine. he wants um, you know, and given the, uh uh, you know, as to 2 generations of defense on your investment. it may have seems like a smart bet when he invaded ukraine 2 years ago. but its looking a little less like right now. u. s. president try to buy it and his opponents all it is for the months long, hold up and approving weapons for ukraine and has it reaffirmed supports for the country on the sidelines of the events mocking the 80th anniversary,
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dates and things in front. biden also announced a $225000000.00 package to help reconstruct you trains electrical power grid. he is pushing, it's all lies in europe and the west to increase the treat. 8 increasingly war is changing, ukraine's labor force women are stepping up in danger. so harmful industry's way, they were traditionally banned from working from home and reports from keith is driving test times, the honda and she's going big for has meant change and ukraine's labor force. women are entering traditionally male dominated professions like truck driving the n g o rece getting women says it has more than a 100 people in its program literally license honda is now the latest. so use for thought out or is that a system? yes, of costs or tests, i'm good to get to the driver's license. so if you see
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a gun on the road in a truck to more, right, maybe it's me. much of ukraine's may labor forces away. it will. some are injured. others, a hiding will fling from the draft. it's meant more female faces and clauses like this one for public transport drivers. it has the potential for the most of them have the thing as being shown after the full scale invasion. the number of trainees e mail drive is increased by 30 percent and not just here in guest stations. the mines ukraine's had to move with the times. and so how these companies and the so not to keep them, then unfortunately the was still a train before. and when employee is rude to drop, as only considering men in part because they believed that a woman could into a certain job because it was hard physical was, well, just simple jane. the scary types was now little by little. that's beginning to change, which meant not change in attitude could only increase his moment of drafted into
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cranes for if they were on me. i should go this april means the moment of being pulled up. i woke up in the country, you'll be as husband serving while she's driving trends. if there's, if this was the one that says it's clear that there are not enough men for everything. and what makes women west and the mind women can do a lot to what's not know what will happen often the will, will men expect their own jobs back when and continued to brown teams of previously of limit industries? one things for so and now these trains moving is going to be hard to stop john home and i'll just say to keep you as president joe biden is given a speech on the beaches of normandy, commemorating the tooth. on the 1st few of the day landings in france, the praise the americans who fought and died saying they selflessly sacrifice themselves. american democracy asked the harvest of things to believe or
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part or something bigger than ourselves. so democracy begins with each of us. begins with one person to size. there's something more important themselves. when they decide the person they're serving alongside of somebody to look after. when they decide the vision matters more then their life. i do decide that their country matters more than they do. it's also buckler is in northern fronts covering the commemorations. us present, j biden has made a speech about democracy and freedom here in normandy. he chose a symbolic location point 2. ok. it is a place where a to years ago during the day landings, us ranges, scale the cliffs of point do all in a row. the daring and courageous military operation to destroy the gym and positions present by them said that was a symbol of the sort of values and courage that we still see in the us today.


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