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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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just seen so many people traveling with children, thinking a long and difficult to explore an abundance of world class programming. every time we do, an interview was met with soldiers, voices from different quote, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a, with this today here. now programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from, well today on algae is here today. and it has the world's largest number of displaced people. and the majority are facing fairly often more than a year of conflict for fighting is now spreading to other areas. so what we're bringing in to this conflict. this is inside story, the welcome to the program and several then yay!
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the people have sedan faced, the devastating conflict for a little more than a year. no millions of people have been displaced, thousands have been killed. and now there's a threat of famine agencies or warning. the nation of 49000000 people is at risk of collapsing. sedan sits in a strategic area of ne africa with 7 other countries sharing borders and resources such as the nile river. so what are the regional implications of this conflict, and what can the international community do if anything, could bring sedan back from a nationwide food emergency? we'll put this to our guests in a moment 1st. so this report from image and camp. so done, just become the world's biggest humanitarian crisis. 18000000 people are going hungry. time is running out for millions of people, including $3600000.00 acutely malnourished children quad risk of famine. and they have displaced from the lands, living on the bobbins and cut off from here many terry and 8. he added a farm and would like to take hold in parts of the country. some production site,
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it could be 500-0028 1000000 deaths. a it is very difficult to deliver. when it gets through, it may be looted, fortune, you know, to 0 provence, dealt the bread boss, get the country as well as and with more than a 100 people recently killed and the tax lined on the rapids support forces. and this means even less speed produced 70 percent of health facilities and more effective areas are no longer functional. according to age groups. with increasing parlance and hunger, that would be more refugees. 9000000 people have already been displaced most internally. but 1800000 set to neighboring countries, egypt chad, ethiopia, and start to see don who is a result of the conflict. again moving here, we're going between the army and power minute tree rapids of pizza. this is general
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up to thought to overhead is leading the seed in these armed forces. we will not submit, nor will we retreat to a surrender until they lay down their weapons. these back to will definitely. and did you pick treat of the suit and these people and the victory of the suit and these armed forces? well, mohammed him, don zigler, is the head of the rapids support forces once operated by the seed of these only possible genocide has been reported in western doleful while the records of people season they're always coming up to 15000 people. the intense pointing continues in as far as you know, the full state book is controlled by the sudanese army among which is not hurt to see our ss and other groups. one of the things that to me captures just how invisible and or if, if this war is the we don't have a credible death count, we literally don't know how many people have died possibly to
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a factor of 10 or 15. the number was mentioned earlier, 15230000, so i'm thinking that 850000 tarianna also says the conflict is at risk of escalating with weapons flowing across borders. of the people of c done, there appears to be no end to the suffering image and kinda i'll just sarah the inside story, the types of bringing our guests in cairo. i'm god for read as kind of executive director of the sydney's thing. thank vick roof. his studies and development and addis ababa, dr. le, didn't know good. a leadership member of the pro democracy movement, the civil democratic forces alliance and in boston, alex deval, executive director of the world peace foundation, based at the fletcher school. a tough to university, a warm welcome to each of you. i'm good. let me start with this. is it possible at this point to say, who is winning this war? we're about 12 months, 14 months into this, who's winning a, a safety service,
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but actually the no one is me. this is our. so between 2 actors are both losing. as the biggest loser, the existence varies. the series get back from either because i'm getting car back a few more around the with the army or the lose huge ground. i'm beginning growling. the song of a is, but it's losing going over all over going for a long over. is it going to be the same thing as all of us, if you decide to use me, she has that over. and so not to have a project to hold on just a series, no. any sign of normal life, easier areas of control by his honest it's and in addition to that, some of the bc deals, international initiatives and competing bees. their products designed are move on to the email he done on mobile phones in bringing in to uh to the
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company about these music on one of the, this is, is so funny and use me to use it. all right, and then i'm going to put essentially the same question to you when i speak to my son needs, colleagues, they're telling me that you know, within their circle of friends and relatives, the general consensus is yeah, the, our staff is gaining ground the, our staff has the upper hand, what does it look like to you? but yeah, thank you for having me here. yeah, i think uh, what have you said is uh, the 2 that uh, the biggest loser and before industry days, people that i barely can, we turn it causes a large number of getting to dispense people. if i mean hours on that, that is that can you already post but this, as you said, the many when you speak with me on this are day, he's going to say that the other step is getting the handle on the ground but, but actually question oh, the importance of was the ministry shields before who didn't benefit from before.
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and this always had been pointing to the most, it brotherhood or the ncp, the latitude you did, you sold a bunch of people that the national congress bought the that's why the country productivity and religion was, uh, what was the very reason was from them. and they, they get now from follow. and these be what i can say back. why do you say they are the beneficiaries of this war? yeah, just a simple question because uh they are getting use of this water uh to put the seat that needs to be put between the choice ball on the new door with all their properties. they are going back to color because in the transition and uh after the engine this uh part to get it sold for a full. ready associate. busy iphone, all the institutions were on their ministries and their biggest for this in the security secondary i, in the army, i mean the parties of, instead of just about to be both for this month. and so that's why the, before,
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especially the agreement that was asked didn't be just marketing this uh, this bought them from the army on, from the security. so you're, you're accusing the stuff, orders that you're choosing the supporters of a former president who's no jail tomorrow. this year and who was deposed of instigating this conflict between the r assess and the army so that they could ultimately prevail on a, over a, a subsequently broken country. yeah, exactly, exactly. does this exactly the disorder and the what the team they have like for us to not understand what they, what the file for. uh, and this, what i actually need to finish on the most importantly to finish on disabled saw and distributed coordination. that is, add the, that submitted a pointing a bottom based on the function, you want to use the one what the,
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the payment i can even because it's pretty much how you might have one of these and see the other thing that you felt in this prospect of any of the general safety, i guess it operates on 66 hour days or 2 weeks. and then they go to the destruction of the infrastructure of the company. that is this what i need to do to help and to, to inform the choice that they can be by the team to explore. and then they go or be stephen, what's the not happening right now? the 2nd part of the people and as been headed, speaking between the, between the tribes. so this is obviously not as well this, the, to alex, you've been a student of sedan for decades. does that explanation that we just here match with how you look at the situation? because we, we are talking about this conflict as a conflict between 2 parties, the are assessing the army and now they have the intel of this bill. he's telling us there's a 3rd party that's operating in the shadow of 2 to try and be the victor essentially
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after the, after the are assessing the army have, are done killing each other. i'm paraphrasing here. so i think see the exact origins of the outbreak of financing some 1213 months ago who's going to be contested to those accounts. and narrative septic was actually an under attempted. cool. by a general have meant to you are assess that was the immediate trigger on this no doubt that he has his science on, on the holding party and putting pumps to pay a civilian front to the pounds. but i think the key point is that the fighting his starting point described was the state. now it's destroying the certain these people, the question of the survival of millions of secretaries is in doubt. and as the board has gone on without a credible or an effective conflict resolution process, it has become entangled in regional and now doable rival rates. so until recently i
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think the argument could be made, but the keys to resolving this light and the are well and re out an apple topic. but now out of desperation, i think the suit, the signees armed forces has turned to the wrong and to rush, while the, the recess is, is dumpling, down on its alignment with united arab emirates. and this is making an attempt to resolve it in almost impossibly complicates, and we will drill down on the, the regional tentacles of this conflict. but since you've all mentioned obviously that the, the biggest loser here is the sidney's people that we do want to put this highlight this and put this on the map right now. earlier in the conversation, this is alex arguably the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world, right? it is a numbers, the biggest displacement crisis in the world. there's no debate about that. more
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than 8000000 people have been displaced. is some internally, some of cross borders and they've become refugees. so big is displacement crisis in the world. but also there's a fam and looming for millions of people. so if, if god series, the most intense episode of the best of ation into the world today sit on is the launch is by magnitude. the numbers of people are fed to the numbers blank. keep to die and it comes about not just because of the war, but because of the result legacy is a previous, was the people who were displaced and previous photos enough for and the new by mountains the, the food crisis and the collapse of the economy need but most particularly the fact that the 2 key belligerents of both using stop ation as a weapon. so we are assessed, we can characterize as a live between machine ever with every where it carries like a swarm of locusts. it consumes everything necessary for survival,
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leaving the people absolutely desperate. while we ami generals on the other side, are you trying to strangle b, r ss by shutting off or material access all surprised to carr seth controlled areas in the code. so that will bring the, the reset to its knees and in the process the suit needs. people are called isaac, where between a 100 pounds though, and descending into ferment on the, on a scale that we haven't seen for, for, for decades. it's f a. so good, both sides, both the, the r assess and the army have been accused of atrocities and violations of international law and human rights law. the are assessed in particular is notorious . they using sexual violence and for using starvation white. and i forgive me for this now you've question 14 months into the conflict, but why? why do they inflict all this pain on civilians whom their port eventually at some
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point in time to govern if they win this war, or indeed is a whole is taking place. as i said earlier between 2 about 5 since he use a corrupt display of the scroll distributed solution that has been going up the by many small files by any hand you bought them and you call me and i'm going to use both of those all this is these feeds in nature, it's a 5 she needs. yeah. so as long as you stop by then, but she you, you on the brother, he's very uh, by the brother on to uh to, to conduct the center. most of these teams. they're behind. right now. they are conducting the same sort of atrocities, of buying and so forth. disabled services. see if it's section one, how tools it can be used buying to provide the things that people are not buying, we need uh, their products. and this is also mainly going to, uh,
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one of the factors just boomed you the, which is, which is the easy because then that is how about to start the one who was benefiting from me. so i didn't do as far as the sir for the jim dot like so i'm eastern is deemed uh uh, which allows me to get the people that they're doing. they go on all of this, that is one of the, of the, in order to define the people inside be resolved. okay, excellent. being the honest, if i as an actual the guy this was due by loans, the diesel, the meetings or distribution on these just the bottom of the difficult v as in times one. but you can grab it, go changes on before we leave this. so then use um, united states, i believe those, you know,
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without exactly be just clear to some already been met. it is that's in the ged laws i would say to them be about to stop as old as me. give me the stoppage, or even before the end of life, giving him to complete the deals and drive to create the energy store disability. we'll see from that. joseph new homes are here. so killing the day before yesterday, the the honest to jump over 150 cd, you're getting more small, you need to give a one. been more on the stand it on the inside. i was to give you the speed of the thing is we just didn't use the coffee. if this is a small city, the way to see the 5 you so that there was 55 julie by, i mean go by the things that are on time. legally is that those
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55 just really weird. it's $75.00 being again his dollars. yeah. the are assess at that they were actually fighting uh, the army in 3 camps outside the village that was ultimately attacked. the army and intelligence forces and the, the, the local civilian groups that have organized for a few years now in sedan across the country have said that more than a 100 people were killed. the un says, of called for an investigation. and we don't know the exact circumstances of what happened, but there were, there were videos that came out of that of that attack that clearly showed many see the case. you did you the probably this is the just man and i told him that we don't. exactly, we don't know exactly what happened once. we know that there is 100 of these people that needs to get here to my daughter safety 5 of 0 to me. there is no justification for that. there is no way to watch since that part of the the yeah
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the, the you ingles, these are really all wheel drive. yeah. because the usually here this box is it gives us the ease mobilizing the feeds drive this kind of leaving of unity chosen the beautiful this at the heart price, all of the lifting these prices. yeah, no, look they, they, you and wasn't saying we're not sure if the or a stuff is behind is that you and just wanted more information that did say that the videos emerging out of that event were absolutely heartbreaking. i haven't heard any voice in this conflict who came out and said no, the are safe is not behind this just to be just to be clear about that. you when you use the i see the only east thoughts. uh uh, the honest if you just don't know, so for me is that there are people. what do you just the funny circumstances towards the honors, it'd be in
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a conflict. any conflict usually ends when either one side wins or when both sides come to the negotiating table and strikes some kind of deal. do you see either of those options happening that there's been many piece efforts? none of them have come through between the are assess and, and the army. and it also doesn't look like one side can convincingly wind militarily. ok, that's, that's an important question. and actually to ask this question is important to have a better. yeah. and it to a negative data. so you said, i'm going to say that to be executive. it actually is on the list. amazing the part of it. i'm the sort of these countries or 30th the course. now there are 2 sides of that. now there are 2 sides fighting is the, are assessing the army, they are the ones we're deciding sedans, future right now. yeah. but, but actually, but actually the. busy most people did, he controlled the t of before i move it up to what i was benefiting from before and
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who was responsible for supporting the piece black balls. and these parts, which is it was on board and 40 on the piece that goes white people. they don't one or 2 and they did all the one and called this morning and they on the table for a do they have a decision on what's happening in the near future or in the low future or the apartments are also down. and this is the, is not exactly sure what was happening. the sep, there was a brother, the can support and yet the printer and it can be, i'm being suggested instead of just being done at the end of the social life and then a situation. so they point the transition or video or they were behind the goal. and the 2021. yes, it was done by what kind of it might be, but she meant to let it all set. okay. we here and i let me say, i need to come back by the, the payment and the last agent. and, well, let me just get off the floor so that i'm going to be show you. and the complaint i
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hear what you're saying, i hear what you're saying. you, i hear what you're saying you've and you've made that point. but my question is, let me take this to alex now, why have the peace efforts failed so far? it's not like nothing has been done. it's not like there has been no diplomacy. there has been the jet. it talks mediated by saudi arabia and the united states. there's been a patient based initiative under egypt. leadership, there's been, i dad, the african original block. there been discussions in byron, so they've been multiple attempts to bring the 2 sides are assess and, and, and the army to the negotiating table. none of it has worked. why? so the only reason is watching these efforts eventually cancel each other out. it's being really a, a dismal failure. all 1st of all, americans and do united nations diplomacy. the americans gave the file to, to saudi arabia without the real plans of what to do. and very quickly, they got one agreement on a between the 2 sides on respecting symposiums and providing to monetary and access
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which has been a deadline to hasn't been observed. but then when it became clear that nothing was really happening in this processing jetta, others began to pilot and it's been a failure of effort come diplomacy. it's been a failure of, or a diplomacy to i'm part of the view along with, with many of the, the, the strings of really being pulled at, in, in the middle east in the are well the, the road to peace and sit on, runs through react in upper darby and to some extent, even to lafayette because of that as well. and indeed kind of wrote and i'm guessing those plans on board and getting a should understand all the very least minimizing the damage standing. but everyone has that, that favorite horse in the ranks, but as the race is running, late, the right is a forwarding and in into this area and into this neglect, without any international leadership the, the,
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the chaos that we are seeing is, is on folding. and it's getting more and more difficult with every posse month. so i'm good, what's good? what's it going to take? you heard alex explain. you know, how deeply involved, many regional countries are in what's happening in sedan. the united arab emirates has been accused by you an investigation of supplying drones to the recess. iran is now reported to be supplying drones to the other side to the army, which also has egypt backing russia is now getting involved in possibly switching sides. because the wagner group was initially reported to be helping the, our assess, still are reportedly, but now the army is dealing with russian officials to maybe have an arms for port arms for port deal, right, where the russia would get a port on the red sea. and an exchange the army would get russian weapons. so this all complicated and i'm not expecting to yours to necessarily explain like follow
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every little tentacle of it. but the point is to say there are plenty of countries that have an interest in what's happening in sedan. rent right now, and the question is, with all of that in mind, it does that how, how can a solution be found to be found if there are so many diverging interest? yeah, i understand that leaves you on how that some of the pieces equals the the folks have been a product isn't long before the lack of a lot of hands. uh, sort of the structure of getting that by the way, needs to be limited by and i see for a demon, but there was never human being born in forrest man because he was not. it was me if it is to go ahead, zane said why? because the, the point design, negotiation has always been so focused on the edge and i just wanted to kind of leave it. i think this is on getting to the point i think we should just stop by initially they have to in addition, those are the early days. you know, if they don't get in boxes on the very low speed on the projects and i'll send you
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an item that is that we need to give it. definitely because you said it gives you saturday to day. and that means that you separate it from any other wants that i mean, its tom was, uh, we need, we need an invoice made, make any games, time one of the jersey kind of look what would that look like? they're all these mckinney names that are in place. they have to get this done by full eve of all that. so this one is expedited even better. and also that he's doing for his drums out of the he said that last year and actually the rates are going to be gone. so uh, with the source is the additional thoughts difficult to read? you're not sources. so what's needed right now is the need a few homes that you in and for the to the general the uses. but what i'm the do you mind? i'm off the security gone to visualize the sure. how about how long does it use the
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server to the limited by just me getting seems to uh, to ensure us in sarasota, even the smoke sideboard where you can see it seems more how big the visibility associated about being a little bit of one of our vision that is all of this new, the vision. ah, he's a sci fi. we need a few years. so there is narrative for 2 minutes associated about big because the before we go into that goes to choose united times batteries from dish and then uh, what is it gonna cost? is that not? does anyone get same results? were committed crimes given to die for to is that or if the police should know it was a warning box? i think there's all needs and as long as i did want to size, it's a structure. i mean, the owner was there me just move slowly. you know,
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the job and all this it needs to be dismantled and it seems to just, you know, ah, there's the green way to that email that i would would need and i don't just keep getting on to be there. so you know, the existence things are all it is a big data about a, the, the parts of the community bought the engine was drunk. florida visa, however, they bought them to gave you, give me a call to uh, hold to go. uh that is the price is gonna be, you know, the 2021. and then after that they see that 0. 072. uh the account was closed due to the committee money, the task. hello sir. the gentleman. that's all the time we have for this discussion today. we want to thank you very much for the time you've given us today. i'm good
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for read, i'm tired. doctor. i like the new good and alex deval. thank you very much. thank you too for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, delta 0 dot com and for further discussion, good, our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. you can also join the conversation on x r handle at a inside store for me several, then you and the entire team here in bo, bye for now. the the latest news as it breaks in years of was false. that's going economy yet. experts say it's high g d, p must accept some challenges with detailed coverage. even the rush of the defense budget is unprecedented. 7 percent of g d p. the crowd funding platforms are still raising money from around the world. springs declaration is to evidence of a growing cents a month to month,
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even western nations. the us policy is failing to bring a 2 state solution any closer before the war, $8000.00 patients cross the alpha and beta noun crossings every month to receive treatment abroad. that number has dwindled to less than $5000.00 evacuated, and 7 months of conflict. pushing through the pain 11 year old doreen by a can finally walk again. dream couldn't move her legs after an air straight killed 60 members of her family and gaza on chest. good, good. i thought i'd have to stay for more than a year in the wheelchair. i was asking my aunt if i'd be paralyzed forever. this facility was filled with the 22 world cup. now it's been turned into a place worth 500 patients receive treatment, education and psychological support. what the doctor, even when i had to sit teen, i met between the moment i got injured and now i've had a round 61 surgeries. it could be weeks before anyone can be safely evacuated again
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and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the . ready ready the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes as well, blacklisted you and is heading this round to a global list of countries in the groups accused of committing crimes against children during complex. he always asks me with my hand, grow back or not just one of the questions to thousands of palestinian children who have had their lives advertise at the asking that parents have to be.


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