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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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to waited again and get the rare opportunity to receive treatment outside of the war zone. the . ready the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes as well, blacklisted you and is heading this round to a global list of countries in the groups accused of committing crimes against children during complex. he always asks me with my hand, grow back or not just one of the questions to thousands of palestinian children who had their lives advertised at the asking the parents how to being injured in cancer
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europeans go to the polls. who are like latest e u parliaments, right? when pa, visa project, it's when 100000000 thoughts and a warning that the number of disciplines people in so time could pause 10000000 is fighting between the army and parent military forces escalates. the united nations is adding israel to a level blacklist for its violations against palestinian children human rights watch an amnesty international site as well as inclusion on what's known as the list of shame is quote, a thoroughly justified state. for most 15500 children have been killed in gaza since is where i launched it's for like 2 months ago. the you in children's rights agency uni, sips is $9.10 pellets indian children and gaza, living in severe food poverty and save the children,
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says more than 10 children lose their lives daily on the strip. many a being advertising with out anesthetic heroes. gabriel, alexander begins coverage from you in headquarters in new york for the 1st time is real is being named among those who commit great violations against children during armed conflict. the designation part of an annual united nations report by the secretary general. the move comes as more than 15000 children have been killed in the past 8 months during israel's war on gaza. is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has reacted angrily to the news of this country, being named to the so called blacklist or list of shame is commonly known. he posted on social media, the un has put itself today on the blacklist of history. re odd man sewer. palestine is ambassador the un has welcome to the news. it's an important step in
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the right direction towards ending the double standards and the culture of impunity . israel has enjoyed for far too long, and that left our children, vulnerable to its consequences. he posted the report has yet to be made public, but the lat or den. israel's un ambassador, unexpectedly posted on social media, the recording of a coal he received from the secretary general's office, giving him a courtesy heads up. they would be included. the un was upset that he did that is invested or, or does video recording of that phone call and the partial release of that recording on twitter is shocking and unacceptable. and frankly, something i've never seen in my 24 years serving this organization for years is realized by hard to be kept off the list despite countless incidents of abuse in killing a palestinian children. i. so oklahoma, russia and f ganna, stan,
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or just some of the parties to conflict that have been named in previous years of us, both person for the secretary general said he would not be making any comments about the details of the report until it's released. he said the report will speak for itself and well being included on the list will not have any immediate consequences for israel. it could have political and diplomatic ramifications, further isolating israel from the rest of the world. gabriel's on to i'll just need it at the united nations in new york. well, these are, the government has been, they'll just arrow from reporting and as well. so in run con is joining us now from the jo, dining and capital mine. and in that story, we soon didn't know who post angrily on, social media and around, but every heard any through the response from is riley officials. yes. so what i think the general response uh can be described in one word. it's absolute, the live it that's actually to us department. it's not like is that you've just
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said. it said that you wouldn't put itself on the black list of history. it goes on to say the idea is the most moral only in the world and no delusional decision by the un. we'll change that. that was the code by israel caps of the foreign minister, who said this is a deliberate disregard. now for the 1st time of how much is attack on october 7th and get at it and who you also heard in that report also use the was the most moral, all mean the world that's the push that is ro is doing the we have the most of morrow and the world is almost a tenant of faith in israel. they repeat that line comes of the consummate calls for me and they'll be doing it again and again and again. i'll position ministers and also members of the far right coalition. pulitzer singles have been speaking. but those what church, the finance minister says, all future destiny are in all hands. and when it becomes clear that loves our children at stake, we have no choice but to provo. site, lots of angry reaction,
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those of livid reaction, but this has really low potential consequences for israel. those countries that take the least seriously are going to have to really look at that, the plastic relations with israel and may, will have a business impact as well. for companies who don't want to be associated with something like this, especially when it comes to protecting children in the conflict that's always been the worry, is role and now is becoming a reality. this diplomatic isolation strategy. the israel fab, when it comes to decisions by the, into the cause of justice, the actual criminal court there were able to dismiss those, but this is a much more serious charge and something that will have a real world consequences for these riley's yeah, and they didn't run, we're also expecting of the political developments out of as well today, including potential resignation from a member of the as ready will cabinets. that's absolutely right.
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but benny guns key will minnesota is expected to turn to his resignation this evening. he actually threatened to resign on june 8th, but deadline is today. if he's ready to government didn't take certain steps to get the captives back. that hasn't happened. so we are expecting him to make that decision. now benjamin netanyahu may will be able to wear the his resignation because he still has support of all of those fall right cost. and that means the coalition is still holding, but he is becoming more and more unpopular. a poll that was recently released by the channel 12, he's really titled 12 fairly sympathetic to was a problem is the benjamin netanyahu in the coverage suggest that 62 percent of his writings would not fight for the prime minister again, 52 percent of the people aust, do you think he should get the deal done? do you think he should release the palestinian prisoners in exchange for the
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captive? said yes, you should. but they also say that they're all political considerations involved. okay, thanks so much and run and run con for us there in amman, and just to remind to benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet has been delta 0 is realm. that is why we are reporting from neighboring jordan cabinets. now go to him. del country who is in dell by law in central cancer and him to understand there have been more daily strikes, of, and not into this morning. can just talk us through the license in regards to that well, it has been intensifying in the middle area where we are right now in den and but that where is the, is there any horses targeted a house and a good age? east. east has been raised with our territory selling and 6 policy means were killed and one was injured. the 6 palestinians were transferred to alexa hospital and there has been more r teller be sending in different areas in the eastern part of the bed. and my last
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rage and my eyes, either husband, also and expanding in israel when a military operation ended in. but after we're talking about the area between that and can you, this is the eastern parts and also this hinds reached western, a bit of the philadelphia car doors, its end on supplying the palestinians in the central area that they did not see from the amount of explosions heard from the artillery selling. we can also hear in the background. so explosion still happening as policy news in the area are also being displaced. but let me remind you guys that this area was a, just like me to say from those really forces they ask people say back to wait from roof off to the left. and now people are being raised in those areas. so now more people are being displays from the eastern parts of vetted but off to the western sides towards i've received a street also hearing medical teams that
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a going out to the strikes to help people, they're finding it hotter and hotter to access the injured. after these try, so what, what can you tell us about this? well, let me tell you and walk you through the last incident that happened in a good age. we're talking about a house that has been targeted at 6 am the civil defense themes. me that to the house after at least 2 hours and found 6 palestinians killed. they're saying that they had at they were unable to reach the house. there were a lot of that and our tele re sending. there was also a lot of live. i mean, it's in front of the class comforters. it was very dangerous for them to reach the area, but they were trying their best to go and rescue as much possible policy and use as possible. and this is not the 1st incident. we have been always talking to civil defense teams, and they're telling us that every time at their needs to go and rescue people.
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those people either july or either get a very severe house and critical condition such as amputation and we visited and talked and interviewed some children that were anticipated due to the risk of not being able to transfer them immediately to the hospital. israel's war and causal is creating a generation of traumatized entities. thousands of children across the street have lost one or more of them since the onslaught because tom is one of them all about shawn was standing near the door on a piece of shrapnel head to hand. i run outside and found a hand hanging by a thread. it took her hours to be seen by a doctor as not a single hospital in gauze as fully functioning. despite the heart of her
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experience, she was one of the luckier ones. her amputation was performed with many other children must enjoy having named, empty, painted without pain relief. can we have the situations way beyond the medical stocks control, given the substantial number of injuries and the lack of medical equipment and resources that are required to deal with these cases. without access to proper medical treatment, child entities are unable to heal, physically or mentally. and money, so i'm used to be a quite comp child, but his mother sees he's now angry and stubborn as he struggles to accept his new reality. no penny was handling it because that's exactly what it has for jenny. you always ask for me with my hand grow back or not, and i do not know what to tell him that he thinks his hand will grow back. he does not know, and i do not know what to tell him. it keeps asking me, how am i supposed to play football? how am i supposed to hold the boat?
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this little boy may never take his 1st step. and some of his father saved me. a bone graft needs to travel abroad for the medical evacuation have stopped since as well to control of the roof of crossing early. may say is the one that he has not seen anything yet. he is constantly suffering and screaming in pain. what has he seen of this world? his condition is terrible. i ask that my son be allowed to travel abroad and receive treatment, or he will lose his foot. doctors without borders has one of the keys in gospel or a to risk of bottle complications. because of lot of proper medical treatment drugs and it is a specialized care because their bones are still growing care policy and children are being denied since and who the i'll just say to that is black,
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gaza palestine. doctor mohammed the father worked at the european guns a hospital in con eunice last month. he says, most of the victims he treated with children as soon as we got there, there was clear as a, do you want official said before that this is a war on children, you know, walking into the hospital. it's a hospitalization alter. there's 30000 people of sheltering their family, these children. and so as soon as we showed up, we were bombarded by hundreds of kids. those giving us hugs high 5 years. but you notice that a lot of them were so thin, malnourished. a lot of them had closed the kind of holes in them. they looked like to have a beef in weeks. some of them have emptied stations. and so this was just outside of the, the hospital walking into the hospital. i went straight into the e. r a student my 1st day there. i saw a young boy about 2 years old, screaming in agony as he had a severe burn on his 4 arm. and just right next to him,
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the girl with curly hair who was screaming with, from a large cut on her foot, their home and just bombed. and so that was the comment and trend. the children were overwhelmingly the victims of this war. i work in the, i see you so it worked a nice you at your p and a hospital majority of the victims. the of our patients. nice you which filled in with severe, explosive injuries track know all over their bodies. legs amputated, severe burns, where you can even recognize their faces, and they're all head dressings, all these birds that were weeping and looking infected because there's no hand. so for physicians and some infections were spreading like crazy and these children, and unfortunately the majority of them did not survive. i would say 8 out of 10 of them would eventually pass. can we're going to go now to get a young lady who is a columnist with these rarely tiny pipe a hard c joins us from london. thank you again for joining us here on out to 0. first off, the you in is edits these where the army to a child hom blacklist which we've been reporting on for the last few hours. first
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of all, what does it say about the way israel has conducted this for specially as claims that it is the most moral in the world that we don't need, that you have to know the truth. so the draws his informants, the gaming, the main victims. so they is really just takes away a trip to statistics. this takes point sense, but it's not only about so this big sense of the fact that is right in june. sound in thousands may be 15000 children. is the industry in history claims in gaza when it's big 1000 sure of that as the u. m. a claim, in any case, it's always find the good. it is right now and the store being without a result of the un. but the phrase when this is justified, yeah, it's now listed alongside the likes of i salute in boca her. i'm well, what kind of pressure does that actually create on this?
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and yeah, and the is riley military. unfortunately, you know, cleaned up because i'm not. busy the words got some very harsh resolutions told is ryan, but none of them has any branch, meaning those are new words and exaggerations, and straights and, and said sizes from the american administration. but none of them is a companies by, by any kind of function. so actions and therefore is a kid and we know what days blame the owner was blame the one is on the same. i blame the your and as being in the black knees and continue to venture it. well, what is the motive, as well as the initial response to this move? i'm in the and best of the rooms, given a courtesy heads up, he recorded that phone conversation and then he released part of it. what, what do you make that is really and good? everyone at the window said that i've never seen a move like this before. a decent buses or from the 1st day and all of these that's
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of care about the way and he cares about the central committee of that. he called about the big home these carrying care about the next step in the discovery, or he knows that in the let me call these coffee table. we like kids, how strong is through the games, the photos of the semis against the un, and being in fairly childish way. i must say he's doing gordon or these kind of for, for really playing jane send that. see me the instructions like you did yesterday again. yeah. can we just change tech briefly now? we had sent been against is threatened to resign. if the government does not adopt a new plan for the end of the war, advance, the rate is due to expire. i believe by the end of today, what are the chances he's actually going to follow through with that and resign? it seems that he's going to resign today. he has no excuse not to do so by j is
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that also way your photo rebuilt that us from about me. it's really not a fix this government. this government will continue to be quite the solely. courtney show that as long as the rights ring goes, it'd be wise and it's on y'all's policies. these governments, we continue, we spinning guns, and without you as always, gideon, we really do appreciate your insight and your time getting them to be there for us in atlanta. thank the the 12, the news now nearly 400000000 people in 27 countries of focusing an e u. elections, migration, security, and green policies. uh, the main issues found a ride policies and protected predicted to make the biggest gains, though bouts will the goal to form a large block in the european parliament succeed. i'll sit by some went to the
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netherlands in germany to find out more. a file right, lead us here to bill. this is no longer campaigning for next it's the dots version of rex it. instead the n t u n t immigration, an empty islam politician is aiming for more influence and brussels. the changes you are paying union from the inside. i'd also have a buffer asylum and immigration policy. i won't argue that all national sovereignty will not evolve more to the, to brussel. it was back to the nation states weaker in your opinion, if that's what you're competing. while you know, if, if the union has less power or less, the issues to be involved with doesn't necessarily mean that they a week or, you know, you can become smaller and stronger a message to them and you're like to hear. yeah, things time to change, the people are concerned about this issue. not just never heard of your 2 months. immigration, they have to be back to come to nurses. i mean,
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i want to most acute germany, which does not catch too much about the countries presenting the image maureen, listen of the french riley party recently expelled the alternative for germany party or a of the, from the european fluoride identity and democracy group. considering them to radical quite a far right and europe t a of the is important to build a logical relation in brussels, but also commons by the main tended to that not all, not as, as members with criminals and all those scandals fall right. need us in europe have no distance themselves from the, at the to reason stopping attacks here in mind. hiv aids at the far right, politicians, costing the life of a policeman to support for the a if the researches say despite its new image, the file right has not changed. it's ideas they say mainstream part and select the european people spots of ers left on the lion have moved to the right from the lion
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has hinted at a partnership with georgia maloney of the right twin brothers of italy party. the forward is that they have lost to the radical right. they hope that that will detract them again, by becoming more radical on, in particular, the issue of immigration. however, that is not what else happens. what is happening is that they have legitimize the far right and the far right has become more successful because of that. a possible success at the bowling stations across the european union worries these vote testers will say the economy full provided their real intentions by default, right? wants to destroy our democracy and our land expose prove to be correct. fall right part is good, secure, 25 percent of the seats and the european parliament include become the 3rd largest law steps last and i'll just say rough manheim, germany. well, for more of this, we're joined now by somebody, delilah telling me who is a professor of international political economy and the direct till the sense of italian politics at kings college london. she joins me live from there. now,
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thank you very much for joining us here. announcing 0 festival and the senate almost a 100000000 people could vote for 5 rod potties and these upcoming elections. what is behind the rise of the file right in europe? is it purely down to immigration policies to now i don't think it is purely june down to migration for the see immigration needs. it is a huge subject for these in not such a new one as the honestly think one of the reason these there were a new grain on there is a lot of florida is ation amongst the bodies boxed is on whether or not do we should continue these as sort of supporting that ukraine is due to their own saver in practice, there is another division in europe for special needs, right? tween part is a more next, but they need that. and of course, you know, the survey needs very much against continuing supporting the def effort to ukraine, that uh, and you would ask for sort of ukraine and that others by core bundle for us. and we're very much a base to us is,
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depends to gaze the fees is off being credited the situation we have, what are you currently is becoming difficult to sustain for you will be m c designs . and that's might be one of the reasons why there is this for my, for the station at the moment thinking, what are the chances of successful? well, some of these found right candidates in the upcoming election since it's the success and the polls actually going to translate to them being both of them. do you think of as i'm, you know, usually their projects you to get more votes just so that is going to be a certain degree of success a lip and i think is the one which is the most. the one is going to win the most, as i'll say the situation in strategies then we'll see do some to obviously there are the situations for example that they need to know usually did a is maloney services and support. i mean that you said a supposed to get the majority votes and she, we get to the majority of votes in the election it on 2627 percent of do i have to say, that doesn't mean that the this we know gets votes like right if you would get that
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on 2122, but they're not that far away. but another case use is not so clear across the or mr. saturday. getting so much i meant at least they projected the support that they were supposed to get. like if, for example, in the netherlands, it seems that the exit polls the, the, or the got more votes, we just got more votes, but not as many as it was projected. that is a certain degree of, uh, let's say, mundane. and so what's the cause of the situation for the inconvenience and for the, for the labor party in the exit polls the, to the game or votes that it was supposed to get. so it is not yet, they have not yet that. and i see, i mean, they were saying this interest politicians trying to quote uh versus moving further to the right. i mean, and doing so have i legitimize those policies and the policies of i'm,
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i'm not sure about this. the thing is, as i said before, that i'm not sure that the you will be in the party is actually moving to the i it said there are some right wing 5 to just getting more votes for the reason we discussed the. but we did our or so there is the logo for the citizens who are in favor of not necessarily last week, but it's a sensor at a one other cases, the case of with hungry. i mean, obviously he's challenged by the sunset at the moment that he would get the most of the votes for these 10 inches at the center. so i will do go as part of saying that the you will be on 40 these moving to the right. there is some tendency towards there, but there are also but, but the marriage because the extreme and with us that the support. yeah, there's does not seem so important because it's not that extreme, but the, my impression is that we, it doesn't necessarily mean that the or these will be on parliament is moving to the right. i don't even think the majority to move to that i,
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it's uh they might have the numbers, but they need to strike the people. he needs to strike a deal with the id as to be to, to get them right. we majority or do you to be on parliament and it doesn't seem to be the case. i mean that the, for example, the either the, the frontier doesn't it doesn't want to strike you did with me slipping. and that does, this could mean that we stay in the center in the european parliament majority. and as we are at the moment, we will have to leave it there. but we will certainly be keeping a close eye on how this all plays out. that is someone that laila tele, any previous events, national political economy at kings colors, london, thank you so much for joining us. thanks. and so it was still a huge hit on ellen, desirable gary, and prepare for 6 dollars and 3 years. the many believe the new government born change the problem with corruption and flattened me. a persian says, europe is defenceless against russia's nuclear arsenal. during an economic foreign institute petersburg,
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the natural central year. there's a line of cloud which was a call from 10 admission to the edge of the northeast calling me as the science. but it's just slow moving and breaks. yep. it's very tippy followed by occasionally, thunderstorms quite spec smockey ones as well as they were in, you know, straight and they will be again, i think a bit further science in slovenia and over the outs in particular. and i've generated a lot of rain in northern spain for which that's a boring, if a potential flash drive. but this is sort of summer where this is not what's happening in denmark and southern sweden on the south. they look for other western windy and disappointing considering said the g, but will concentrate a bit further south cuz i think was developing in the central and southern part of the prompts that comes out of spite. and these big thunderstorms could pose more of
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a risk, has already been some flooding in southern friends not that long ago. so that's repeatable and known valley. the po valley initially same sort of thing. temperatures are in the high twenty's or maybe low, such as the size and the low twenty's to the north disappointment here. it's also still in north africa. of course, in egypt is typical. there is a little bit cooler in colorado. as the seasonal cheryl is the reaching size, sudan central after republic, and the concentration in the right hand corner inaji are the bit of a bad patch until we reach c earlier. and this does look what of the ancient human remains. cold between science and spirituality. both seeking to understand and the owner of those who came before us the danish scientists requests to interrogate the dna of earliest people in the united
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states reveals shocking. at the cool and personal dynamic remains. a witness documentary on a jersey from palestine to pakistan from syria to being donasia. ok, foundation is delivered to bonnie to over 3300000 people. this year we will be delivering to bonnie to over $23.00 countries across the globe. supporting communities in areas affected bible funding, poverty, empty se. your coupon a is a lifeline for someone in the donate. now with confidence give your coupon each day without kind of foundation the . the
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do what you notice here a reminder of our top stores, the salad, the u. n, is adding is round to a global blacklist of countries that have homes, children during cold conflict. the move was revealed by, as well as on past that the to be you in the and those are any prime minister. benjamin netanyahu criticized the decision. well, thousands of palestinians have been detained in kansas since october last year. many site, they would be some port should. instrumentally i said, while in the custody of his writing forces, almost comes abo halima, this picture taken in february and uploaded by is ready for us to show him stripped and coughed and wounded. the wind viral a few months ago, he's delivered a message to the world about the plight of palestinians in the strip on the israelis remain on the enemy simply because they are ok, you probably know a whole month. once they go away and re restore our homeland, they will no longer be in none of these really occupation forces or
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a murderous entity. killers of women and children. this is all message stays rabies of the entire well. the jews of spain, for example, on not all right. i mean the jews of the west, we're multiplying our land on not our enemy of the country. we can be friends, but those are occupied with land destroyed all homes, killing women and children. they all are trying to miss the palestinians, a weak people that gain strength and good will victory is inevitable. at the end of the day, the palestinians will be healed and ruled. it is, riley said, let us have set fire to all of the trees and the village of baccha is to from allah and the occupied with bank. the head of the local council says they've been holding a 1000 square meters of agricultural land. st. louis have become increasingly violent towards palestinian since the more and gaza stuff is in october. when you an estimated stuff karen down for a tax a day against palestinians on average, a little more and goes ahead significantly affected the economy in the occupied westbank since october. the palestinians have been prevented from going to work
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inside his room. and is it even him to pulled spending? yahoo government is withholding. the tax money collects on behalf of the palestinian authority that is causing people with great financial difficulty are these are the 1st days of summer break in the occupies last spring. it's a weekend and this kathy is in the heart of room one. this is usually the recipe for success. but since the world goes a started, the coffee owners say there's here, they'll be forced to shut down the arms, but we haven't been able to pay the ring since the most dont have checks bouncing back around. we have so much data of service provided the huge with you at this time of the year they would hire extra workers. now they've had to lay off half of their staff. so i had indeed kept her job as a waitress. she's an interior designer who says she's lost to job since the worst started. even
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a discovery they laid off many male employees and needed me because my salary is less for me in the phase, not enough to sustain the family. how the city and workers it is really used to bring much needed cash to the occupied to us bank. they were estimated the 22 percent of the workforce before the war. now that israel has found their entry, they barely make up 2 points, the percent according to a recent survey by the international labor organization. another office to can facing the economy is israel's decision to withhold tax revenue that belongs to the palestinian authority? the p a has been struggling to pay into use their salaries in full which hinders the economy cycle even more. so it is real, has been systematically undermining the palestinian economy for decades by controlling the palestinian resources and the lands. it created a weak economy dependent on israel's,
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and withheld the palestinian authorities money to minimize its rule in dealing with the crisis. business owners say they are left alone facing the financial crunch. that's what some of the local authorities and not making an urgency, laws or decisions to help us of on this task period. one of the hardest hit sectors in palestine is tours in the church of that activity is one of the main tours that directions here. and the main source of ink for palestinians know, many stores here have closed down and people say every day this will continues. it adds another burden on the short and long term. one. they might need decades to recover from the day, but i am just the to the occupied westbank palestine and the number of people internally displaced by conflict. and so don could exceed 10000000 in the coming, dies, dance the morning from the international organization for migration,
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more than half a women and children. a funding between the army and the paramilitary rapid support forces has prevented the entry of aid and forced fond as the fleet the land. the un has warned. there's a risk of looming famine. but for more on this we are now joined by michael dunsen and i rather he is from the wilford program as the regional director of east africa . thanks for joining us here on how to 0. the things, one thing is really clear from this war has inflicted suffering, huge suffering on the people of sudan, and there's been very little response from the international community community. how would you describe what has been happening to civilians and sit down to 14 months now? it is nothing short of a tragedy. the situation instead of it's a country on the verge of collapse and waves the well to program. and we felt like humanitarian act is doing everything we can. but simply trying to reach the
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population because of the conflict because of the lack of humanitarian access is making that extraordinarily challenging. and before you can reach the population, the population will struggle to feed themselves. you were saying obviously intense filing, an el for sure. that's really important to getting aid into, sit down and then getting it through to those who need it most. how difficult has it been when there was just so much fun finding, just placing so many people and trying to keep up with with i are actually going well, this is one of the biggest challenges with, i think because of the displacement, because people are constantly on the move without having to constantly change distribution points so that we're able to meet those people. this is one of the most, if not the most difficult operation i've seen and 25 use the size of the scale of the need. the challenges that we face the in security,
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and unfortunately the lack of global attention. it's not that it's being forgotten, but it certainly has been neglected because of what is happening elsewhere in the world. and at this very moment we need the eyes of the world on saddam because we need all the support we can get. yeah, as you mentioned, the shift scale of this, i mean is the world's largest displacement. it's like is it's one thing to be fighting between boring potties, but why is this brutality against civilians there? i mean, why does it have this particular dimension to it? i mean, we've seen villages being raised to the ground and people being deliberately stopped or i can't explain the justification. oh, why this is happening, but you right. it's lisa the level of disruption across the country. in cartoon, the capital that has almost been raised elsewhere. we've got to see each ongoing, you know, fashion, and unfortunately civilians are often targeted and we've seen that during the
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course of this week with the massacre. we really need to see an end to the conflict . so that we, as humanitarians can scale operations, almost 2 industrial levels to be going to meet the needs of the population. but today is not enough food. there's not enough medical supplies, there's not enough water and sanitation. the entire system is collapsing. the rainy season is due to begin shortly and so down. how's that going to impact, getting i to those who need it most? well, this is just going to make the situation even more challenging for us. we want to be able to bring food from the neighboring countries. we want to be able to bring food down throughout. but trying to negotiate all of the check points, trying to bring food and commodities across the line from territory controlled by one party to the next. the latest estimates suggest that it's not just 2 warring
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parties. they're actually over 40 militia groups involved in the conflict. and we need to negotiate with each and every one of them before going to reach the final destinations. and this makes the operation extraordinarily difficult. you talked earlier about all the odds of the world need to be on so down because the scale of this process is almost unprecedented. how do you go about doing that? how do you go about getting people's attention when there are so many other conflicts going on right now? we need to highlight what the scale is, but also what the regional implications are already this region of the whole one was very fragile before the war. when you consider the neighbors such as south to don, needed humanitarian support for 75 percent of the population before the conflict. and there is already starting to have a massive impact on their economy because the pipeline has collapsed. you had tried, you look at ethiopia and then also egypt and the red sea, this whole region,
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which was starting as very fragile is even more so today. you talked to earlier a little bit about it's not just the 2 main policies that are finding that is for the groups that are also involved in this conflict. and negotiating with them is obviously extremely difficult. are you being deliberately and painted from getting i to people who need us? absolutely, we simply do not have the level of access that we want. we want to be able to use every possible car door entering the country. we want to be able to use multiple neighboring countries to launch our responses. we don't have the conditions that we need and then internally, even if we get an agreement at one level, by the time we move down the road and have to negotiate with soldiers on the check points. we often need to stop at negotiation all over again. so at every point the
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ability to scale this operation and meet the needs of the population is challenged . and it's i commends my colleagues who were trying to do this work and very dangerous conditions. but you know, they are putting themselves at risk, trying to reach and support the population michael dump and we really do appreciate your time here on to 0. that is michael dunford from the world food program and the regional director for east africa. thanks so much. i, so, russia's economy is growing despite of being on the tough wisdom sanctions following its invasion to view crime increased by 3.6 percent loss. gibb, and russia's finance minister since the economy will also see growth of at least 2 percent by the end of this year, president vladimir pose and prized relations with the countries allies during an address and a major economic form in st. petersburg. he said, the accountant of 3 quarters of russia's trade volume since 2020, really
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a shovel of, of a has more from st. petersburg. it's my sounds and spatial, but the growth rate of the russian economy is ahead of the world. everidge and russia has a ready overtaking japan in germany in terms of the size of its economy. thurs, where the was of the russian president of the st. petersburg, economic for retail compression level that was made at the end of last year. russia's g, d, p growth was 3.6 percent and then the 1st quarter this year, 5.4 percent. alright, succeed, the willed average. it's especially important that such dynamics are determined primarily by non natural resource sector in the world. according to pay sending countries friendly to russia, accounts for 3 quarters of its trade turnover. it should be noted that russia's main trading problem is after the start of the conflict with ukraine, a, china and india, which have become the largest bias of russian oil. and they've got it with a big discount piece of promise that russia would increase payments in national
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conferences without the countries flashing the amount of western currencies. you'd be interested in that, let's know. so you could, the trust in west and payment systems has been probably on the mind and by western countries themselves. in this regard, i note that last year, the share of sentiments version exports and the so called it talks. it comes ease of unfriendly states. the part of to excuse nick, was talking about domestic ensure your space instead of russia has reco low unemployment rate, slightly about 2 percent. but critics say the main reason for it has nothing day was the successes of the russian economy. a small number of young people has now entered the labor market. and since the beginning of the conflict with you pray, democratic programs have intensified you to immigration on the truck. but still statistics try people's wages growth, especially for those who are employed in the middle, treat industrial sector as the country's economy is being increasingly paid on a pop up. we'll say russia has allocated unprecedented sums of money for his
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defense and security base yet. but the inflation grows to safe work is like teachers, doctors, social workers as well as pension, is for me financially and secure national above all of ultra 0 st. petersburg. but during the event on friday, president pollutants of russia had no need to use nuclear weapons to secure a victory, a new crime. and we can tell them to describe europe as defense, less than the face of russia's nuclear arsenal. here's the new they will, they, everyone must on the sun. russia has a nuclear missile early warning system. the us also has that nobody else in the world has such develop systems. we have in europe does not have a developed early warning system. in this sense. they are more or less defense, less you think we should. bulgarians will vote on sunday in the 6 parliamentary elections and 3 years. the snap vote was triggered by the collapse of the coalition governments in march. the u state has faced political upheaval and corruption in recent years, which some analysts say the election would change. let me close them. sherry,
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proponents from the capital associates in the system of the election season in bulgaria, once again the southeast europe in country is holding its 6 parliamentary election in 3 years for voters. like i said, bela kin, it's a tiring exercise to keep voting for politicians who haven't been able to form a stable government. that legalities would retard. but if we don't have a choice, we have to budge my family and i will vote for continue the change. they will bring in reforms then not corrupt, economic and stability and corruption, a major concerns into your opinions for this country. in 2020 by gabrielle, so must of antique of option protests force and den from mr. michael bought a so to resign. since then, inconclusive elections. and sir john coalitions have left the country with can take the governments and the depot political crisis. so he's the head of the election
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suggests there's literature. and so for staples, coalition of the last vote, the parties i'm making last ditch effort to win enough support. they have a clear choice either to have with that at the progress that we saw in the last 3 years. and the other option is to go back to the years before 2020, where we had a lot of protests. so lots of corruption scandals, russia as well. and ukraine is also fueling divisions and bulgaria. although sophia spoke to the sanctions against most go potty subdivided over providing ministry, a 2 keys and containing a neutral stand. some believe the cut on political instability could have pro russian unusual skeptic. potties will gary a is deeply rooted in the un nato. but at the same time when it comes to probably got to choose, uh, there are significant pro ration sentiments in the country which are the result of
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historical distortion plug in. if you need to stay below guffman for you funds and support its plans to join you to zone had been pushed back twice as a miss inflation targets after a 13 year wait, it partially drawn. europe's open boldest hanging program. this election fatigue in bulgaria. i'm going mistrust of the political cloth, successive governments who promised to fight corruption have landed up following for you to it. as the get in type to pose this time. you're hoping for the government that stays and that they don't have to head to pulling boots any time. so i'll just see sophia, facilitated here on al jazeera, you as president, john von, and coles for the defense of democracies during the day anniversary speech enrollment to the
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the past 2 weeks. so the total no content
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the the us president job bonding has given a speech on the beaches of normandy commemoration. the 80th anniversary of the d di landings, the prize, the americans who force and size rog and the box they asked the harvest of things to believe report or something bigger than ourselves. so democracy begins with each of us. begins with one person to size. there's something more important themselves when they decide the person they're serving alongside of somebody to look after. when they decide the mission matters more than their life. and i did decide that
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the country matters more than they do. natasha butler has more from northern front . us present, j biden has made a speech about democracy and freedom here in normandy. he chose a symbolic location point to okay. it is a place where a to years ago during the day landings, us ranges, scale the cliffs of point york in a row. the diary and courageous military operation to destroy the gym and positions present by them said that was a symbol of the sort of values and courage that we still see in the us today. he also said that those ranges were fighting for freedom and against the tyranny, the sort of tyranny. he said that ukraine in forces also fighting against ukraine has suddenly been something very much on price me biden's mind during these the day commemorations. in fact, earlier in the day he met the ukrainian prices below them is the landscape in paris
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before traveling up to normandy, promising lensky some $225000000.00 us dollars in a extra military age. we understand, much of that will go on at defense systems by doing will continue his state visit to friends on saturday with a meeting with the french presidency. my new my girl, i believe se palace was actually popular. i'll just sarah normandy, bronze. i'm calling cause the director of research and the super fun group. he thinks jo, abundance remarks of significance and the lead on to the presidential election in november. i think democracy is on the valid as many would suggest, given former president trump statements about wanting to be a dictator from day one and discarding the constitution in order to a chief as objective. so i think many of, especially in europe, our nato allies, are holding their breath. i think, you know, ukraine is obviously watching this electric closely as most of the world is there
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something to critics would have called the us. uh, you know, a bit have pocketful in the way their support and ukraine but also kind of continuing unfettered support to israel when there's real questions about the audience conduct in gaza and some of the blatant violations that we've seen there. and so i think, you know, there's a lot of soul searching going on within the body administration. that's going to be another important factor come november of buttons does a policy. and, and what happens next with this attempt to bring a ceasefire to gaza and figure out a post conflict scenario for what happens next. things are extremely challenging. you know, we're in a state of hyper partisanship here in the united states. there's very few things that republicans and democrats agree upon, and i think, you know, given the war and you frame, given the war and garza given some other terrorism threats and the powers olympics coming up, you know,
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soon. and that's something united states as attempting to help french with a sub saharan africa kind of deteriorating. so a lot of challenges from the foreign policy perspective, but also a lot of challenges domestically here for the body administration. so a full plate and a president that's been questioned in terms of his age. she goes, he losing a step or 2. and again, you know, a lot at stake come november. it's finished 5 minutes of research. so nick has apologize for leaving those d day to memorize sions, early on thursday, opposition politicians and others criticize so next to showing a lack of respect towards veterans of the conflict. so next is he left early to prerecorded television and to view as part of his campaigns in general elections june next month. the identity for these events was set weeks ago before the start of the general election campaign. and having participated in all the british events with british veterans, i returned time before the international leaders event. later in the day on the
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section. that was a mistake. and i apologize. i think it's important that you've, given the enormity of the sacrifice made, that we don't politicize this. the focus should rightly be on the veterans who guy so much of a sounds like that has promised to ensure the safety and security of chinese workers as he expends as on the balance cooperation with badging during the 5 day visit to china by prime minister issue the issue of race, both countries agreed to upgrade the china focused on economic cordele infrastructure project, but has been plagued by concerns or the safety is katrina, you reports from badging, good neighbors, good friends, and good partners. that's how the chinese presidency didn't pick and described. the deepening partnership between china and pox done when meeting prime minister issue buys to reform friday. c has pledged to help pocket stones that it's social and economic development to re visit his 1st since beginning. his 2nd 10 office in march comes as pocket stones academy is experiencing a debt crisis, high inflation,
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and widespread pull the t. speaking out of business for him, the pocket stony leader praised china is rapid development and said his country should lead from its progress. china is gonzalez and its the sources to buy north to put gazing, memorized an expensive car, but mostly, and it's you in education, in the head stating at his mom about agreed to upgrade the china focused on economic cordele for c peck. the $62000000000.00 infrastructure initiative was launched in 2015 and held as a game changer for focused on the economy. but progress has stalled on sites which has been played by security problems. in march 5 chinese workers and the driver would killed in a suicide bombing on the way to a hydropower dam project. dozens has been killed and similar attacks, but um, to groups since 2018 chinese officials have called on his drum about to step up
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efforts to ensure the security of china is nationals and focused on. but some say badging should also contribute to improving safety, etc. pick sites, they should be consented. a well creative strategy which is comprehensively jointly. that of those sco just arisen because this is a concept and doesn't because the borders pocket stock is strategically important full of aging. the china pockets on economic court or links to his wisdom shall improvements to the arabian sea and to the middle east. because of this, china has become a major, lend just the pocket stance cash dropped economy with is long about owing badging. about 13 percent of its total foreign debt. sharif also visited the southern tech help of sion, gen and will, and his 5 day trip in the northwest and the city of she. and so she, one memorandums of understanding was fine between the 2 sides, covering areas including technology, energy, agriculture, and trade. katrina,
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elder 0 paycheck. well, it, so for me, tell mccrae for this these out. you can find much more information on that website . i get to alex's here and don't come live. we'll be back in just a moment with much more of the guys news to service the israel's war on gossip be coming in forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, hearing this tax chart, populations is declined 70 percent and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that floated
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reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out. as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house at the story pod came in to be israel and obstacles piece. i think that's the new thing, the f one, his government with these 5 digit you say getting less of a thought provoking nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that he was suddenly present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era, this is the 1st one they saw that we see in real time, it's the victims themselves. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an
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attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the a israel blacklist, it's the u. n. is heading is round to a global list of countries and groups accused of committing crimes against children during conflicts. the ultimate right, this is ellen to 0 live from. so coming out he always asks me with my hand, grow back or not just one of the questions, the thousands of palestinian children and cancer who have had legs amputated that asking that parents.


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