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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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right and tapped on the new app from algae 0 new at using is it the to you and is adding is products with local black list of countries and groups accused of committing crimes against children, children the 0 live from to so coming up as well. continues it's intense, phone, bottom, it's of refugee camps across central composite designs, tracking for each and targets. and they have the main hospital a warning that the number of internally displaced people in sit down could cost in
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many and is fighting intensifies europeans go to the polls to like leaders to the parliament. right. when policies are projected to win 100000000 fox news the united nations as adding israel to a global blacklist of countries humming children during conflict. human rights watch an amnesty international site as well as inclusion on what's known as the list of shame is quote, a thoroughly justified step. more than 15500 children had been killed in dallas and since, as well, launched its 8 months ago the u ins, children's rights agency, eunice, it says 9 and 10 pellets. and the, and children and the strip face a severe lack of food and save the childrens has more than 10 i losing limbs every day, many of the amputated without anesthetics. gabriella alexander, begins coverage from the u ins. headquarters in new york for the 1st time is
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real, has been named among those who commit great violations against children during arms conflict. the designation part of an annual united nations report by the secretary general. the move comes is more than 15000 children have been killed in the past 8 months during israel's war on gaza is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has reacted angrily to the news of this country, being named to the so called blacklist, or list of shame is commonly known. he posted on social media, the un has put itself today on the blacklist of history. re odd man sewer palace stein's ambassador, the un has welcome to the news. it's an important step in the right direction towards ending the double standards. and the culture of impunity is real, has enjoyed for far too long, and that left our children vulnerable to its consequences. he posted the report has
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yet to be made public, but the loud or den, israel's u. n. m. passenger unexpectedly posted on social media, the recording of a call he received from the secretary general's office, giving him a courtesy heads up. they would be included. the un was upset that he did that is invested or, or does video recording of that phone call and the partial release of that recording on twitter is shocking and unacceptable. and frankly, something i've never seen in my 24 years serving this organization for years is realized by hard to be kept off the list despite countless incidents of abuse in killing a palestinian children. i. so oklahoma, russia and f ganna, stan, or just some of the parties to conflict that have been named in previous years of us, both person for the secretary general said he would not be making any comments about the details of the report until it's released. he said the report will speak for
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itself and well being included on the list will not have any immediate consequences for israel. it could have political and diplomatic ramifications, further isolating israel from the rest of the world. gabriel's on to i'll just need it at the united nations in new york. is wireless currently conducting intense aerial assaults, right across the gauze. residential blocks have been completely destroyed in the north and in kansas city and gun ships bombarding the area near the pools and central guns. at least 6 palestinians from one family had been killed by his early forces after they show the home and on parisian refugee camp on saturday morning is ready forces have also been targeting areas around the locks. the hospital in del bala is ready. military has intensified attacks and central and southern guns are showing several districts without warning over the past week. what communications
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a down in del bala in scott already sent this report a little earlier from outside the hospital before the attack took place of the late . this is an explosion that we heard right now, and in the past couple of hours, the art salaries telling did not stop explosions are being heard every single minute. the light just air strikes that we knew that killed policy news was a house that has been targeted with our tele reselling in the days that killed 6 palestinians from us. haines, how many an injured one palace in units took the civil defense themes, hours to go and rescue these policy news? there was another selling i know quite the hospice in and drop off is ready. tanks are also moving deep or at towards the western parts of roughly where we saw a foot footage of the tank station in the western areas of griffith, where people were displaced and moved to that central area. we're talking about
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intensive air strikes and selling in both roof off and in the middle area. at people in the middle area were supposed to evacuate to this area. they thought that this area was safe. but since the early hours in the morning, more people are being displaced. we're seeing people relocating from the eastern parts of the middle area to the western parts. there has been also intensive air strikes in the saw you dots. and because the and the bridge in the past couple of hours, and also there has been a couple of air strikes in as a to neighborhood in the cause of city. is ready. will cabinet member began? so is expected to announce he's pulling out of the country's emergency. government can scape prime minister benjamin netanyahu a june 8th deadline with a threat to resign. of his handling of the war between man has been it owns about israel's military offensive and the plight of captives held in garza. the is there
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any government has been l g 0 from reporting and is around so and run con is this report from the jordanian capital a month? so many guns key will minnesota is expected to attend to his resignation. um this evening he actually threatened to resign on june 8th, but deadline is today. if these ready to government didn't take certain steps to get the captives back, that hasn't happened. so we are expecting him to make that decision. now benjamin netanyahu may will be able to wear the his resignation because he still has support of all of those fall right cost. and that means the coalition is still holding, but he is becoming more and more unpopular. a poll that was recently released by the channel 12 is really kind of 12 fairly sympathetic towards a problem. this. the benjamin netanyahu in the coverage suggest that 62 percent of his right. these would not vote for the prime minister again, 52 percent of people off. do you think he should get the deal done?
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do you think he should release the palestinian prisoners in exchange for the captive? said yes, you should. but they also say that they're all political considerations involved with just a reminder, again, benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has banned al jazeera and israel. that is why we're reporting from neighboring jordan. hello, joining us now. it's time i committed to associate professor of public policy at the hot institute, a full graduate studies. thanks so much for joining us again. we're just getting some information about food. he rides the targeting the entire south of kansas city, as well as 5 helicopters flying over the central part of gaza as well as near the ports of it's a huge military. uh, this is what conducting huge military operations right now of all the way through god. so the can you explain the significance of central cancer in particular and why as well military would be targeting that the in particular. so tom sometimes
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does a has a 2 key and a few g caps a has the i'm gonna say about the fiji comes, which is what i'm uh, has not yet fully encroached or occupied. and also then you have the and then you have a section also from the last, the also that's good on. so central does a more or less that there is, there is a claim that the claim of cause the promises to have some forces. the 2 big aids or something like this, and the discharge, including the hot spot to put up a which is that it has not. and so did this of the only it isn't the got a slip that they have not a fully occupied, you know. so basically for them the image of the, or the idea of achieving a physics that is going in every part of the system. so these are the last, the remaining parts, that is what it has not fully entered yet. but the problem is that these are the,
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the last parts with the 1500000 in turn. it is place, but a scene is odd, hiding, know, taking it a few, which i'm sorry, and it's sadly it's is what i continue with. it's the, i mean, the window discourse of equipment and what for the gym inside them looks good. and back to guys a bigger city. the fact that again, to know attacking does it signal is that they have not been able to get tired of having us basically because the moment they withdrew from a neighborhood, they have entered the hamis 7 or the security forces will the image and the control again so i think in the mindset in the minutes a months, if i'm not the expert, but the thing that maybe keeping doing this, you know, the, occupying the withdrawal, linkedin heading back again and again and how most disappear seems so that's what the aiming got in my opinion until they come up with
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a governess structure for because of that does not the real time us but just increasing the pressure of apartments. that's what they want to do. things like that that will disappear by motor, if injustice of you i, it's hard to see it happening because how masses, mainstream movement, the state of society and i don't is just an idea. it's not about the capabilities because it can always the best be submitted. this would be what the nice, you know, as long as you have a course and the course is in think is a little compassion once on forever. and this is where the discussion should be focused in think, occupation, not of the tactics dismissal feed into a penny, kansas, a criticism, all of the floor plans that netanyahu and the whole cabinet put forward. i mean, we understand he's going to go forward with his resignation. positive because that doesn't seem like there is a plan for off to the will. i think that's the key issue that the government has not present to the operation and what company plan for the afternoon guys. i
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think that's a big problem because even the americans are pissed off, like they're like, what is this that, and these are, these are the lines of what we have been hitting old or editing some things. thanks that them things to promote some ideas on, on this the after like the woodson center set, the agenda of the item himself like, you know, he, the adults at a new plan. i mean, these are all that a petition of the old plans that does not work and it's not going to work. however, when it comes to many guns and nothing else, the problem is that did disagree over the tactics on the short term spinney guns has an interest to secure that at least some of the captives and the ones who is pushing nothing else engaged in a deal where the bizarre look up, disability. nothing. i always loved 30th, but both of them there's been holding on the, on the same long kind of gold which is and then come ask me what combining does that in for the new governess, structures. and both of them do not fits any formula for the or not the not see the spartan, those 2 bringing settlement piece ending. the 1st thing is the, the conflict, the just the 2nd one,
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the tactics here in time of the so comes us the, you in it just added fee is ready on me to this child, hon. blacklist. i mean, it joins the likes of, i saw in bunker around who also on that list. what's kind of pressure does that create on the yahoo in the is reading military as well. and the way that they conducting that will i think this is will increase the vision among design society and among the jewish people. that's what we have seen this grateful within the us with so many jewish americans have demonstrated uh, cutting the slogans, nothing. i what name they want to see an end of this as an aside the word and then we have the zionist old, the pro commission. come, i mean, the facts know that is what it has to spend. and in left, in this dense, 90 or bits establishment is it is a states from, from a nation that has suffered from the heart. of course that comes with the close to a nation. and this, the not to you is that is facing now. so many cases spending headed for international justice and they have to ask them for all these cards. i think this is big and it's important. i think so much for breaking it all down for us. that's
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time i can thank you so much. but we're going to go now to him till country who's in debt. i'll bullet in central kaiser and hinges. we've been mentioning it sounds like there have been some intense strikes the in the last hour or so. can you just talk us through exactly what has happened to where you are? so, okay, so there was the person very close to the hospital and then i'm getting into parts of transferring they're using kill people inside of the hospital. more are tend to re sending is being heard, explosions are happening, we think of minutes. it's a chaos in the hospital to be taught children being injured because women and there's had been a lot of you, but i do hear in the background. there has been, are tend to resend the i'm, you know, they are right now. no one knows what's happening, but we know that could be targeted because the looks like it was on the
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faces are being targeted. we're talking about the center area. we're more than the 1000000 of how do you evacuated down in the past month to this area, we're talking about hundreds of thousands of people. tracy being terrified and high apply because they do not know where they should go. based off that this was a, the, is there any portions claim that ask one of these people to come, but these people are now terrified, horrifying. pardon me, the streets not knowing where to go and still refill here are 10 the resounding in the background. and it's a chaos we're. we're actually trapped in the hospital because we believe that's all the area surrounding the hospital are very dangerous and very hard for us to travel or to the hospital. it's a phase of an open story. and in the next couple of hours, we're going to know what's happening in the central area. oh, okay,
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thanks so much. and we really do appreciate that update gets in the day for us in the off, mama was still a hit here on al jazeera volt versus in bulgaria. prepare for 6 election and 3 years. but many believe in you government one tech, a widespread corruption, the the so the seasonal writings doing his job across indo china. but there are still marietta charles elsewhere. and they've been focusing on the philippines. probably this posit bonia, north and east and down to what sort of way see, but the rush as i returning to java and see march is almost think is a way of at that all the same. however, we should probably look here for the concentration, right? who would you mean a fair example, 3 days of something the storms probably bit of sunshine in between. nothing to move
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them on. so it's very difficult when is the human time of the year and it's a wet time of the recent flooding and sydney, we're in new south wales typically because the rain is falling is on saturated grindsley very easily. you get an overflow from rivers. now the stone broken is moved, offering to the task unseen towards an easy, then leaving a much better picture for sydney and camera, it still looks potentially showering victoria. at the same time, the light has been circulating off west in australia is giving rain or showers from most of the southern half of the states moving into south australia as well. the whole thing then wind up into the bites and probably eventually end up in victoria . otherwise, it's a drawing looking picture. but you know, it's not going to be in new zealand. you've got 2 days of this, i think as it comes across the task, gonna say it's not particularly cold, but it will be especially wet 1st on the south side and then to find the
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. ringback the, the in the the, if you're watching you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl is wireless currently conducting and 10 strikes right across the kansas trip. they have been multiple explosions in the
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area around l. oaks. the hospital in del paulette and central kansas. a family of 6 palestinians were killed in a separate attack and allegories, refugee camp, which is also in the central concept. and in the north as well as targeted residential blocks and an area near the ports in kansas city. the u. n. is adding is around to a global blank list of countries humming children during conflicts. the move was revealed by his roles, impassive. it's the due when the end is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu criticized the decision the number of people internally displaced by conflict and so down could exceed 10000000 in the coming days. that's according to the international organization for migration, more than half of those forced from the homes of women and children. now funding between the army and the parent military record support forces the stumps, the entry of i and forced funds to flee the land. the you in bones there is a risk of famine will vices in slovakia,
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costing the balance on the 3rd day of elections, the seats and the european parliament. though it has been overshadowed by the attempted assassination to prime minister, real good faith. so last month, some endless side of the attack could boost boats for has left us positive. that's part of the governing coalition. within 350000000 people from 27 countries that choosing the next year, paying parliament, migration, security and green policies are the main concerns of vs, right across the e here. the far right policies on protect it to make the biggest gains and now i'm into full a large block in the european parliament, said voss and went to the netherlands and germany to find out more far. right. lead us here to bill. this is no longer campaigning for next it's the dutch version of rex it. instead, the n t u n t immigration, an empty islam politician is aiming for more influence in brussels. the changes you are paying union from the inside. i'd also have a buffer asylum. and immigration policy, i won't argue that all national sovereignty will not evolve more to the,
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to brussel. it was back to the nation states weaker in your opinion, if that's what you're competing. while you know, if, if the union has less power or less, the issues to be involved with doesn't necessarily mean that they a week or, you know, you can become smaller and stronger a message to them and you're like to hear. yeah, things time to change, the people are concerned about this issue. not just never heard of your 2 months. immigration, they have to be back to come to nurses. i mean, i want to most acute germany, which does not catch too much about the countries presenting the image maureen, listen of the french riley party recently expelled the alternative for germany party or a of the, from the european fluoride identity and democracy group. considering them to radical for the far right and europe t a of the is important to build a logical relation in brussels. but also commons by the main tended,
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is that not all, not t as, as members will criminals, and all those scandals fall right. need us in europe have no distance themselves from the age of the 2 reason stopping attacks here in mind. hi, aids at the far right. politicians, costing the life of a policeman. good to support for the a if the researches say despite its new image, the file right has not changed. it's ideas. they say main swing parts and select the european people's parts of earth. left on the lion has moved to the right from the lion has hinted at a partnership with georgia, maloney of the right wing brought us of it to the party. the forward is that they have lost to the radical right. they hope that that would attract them again by becoming more radical on, in particular, the issue of immigration. however, that is not what has happened. what has happened is that they have legitimize the far right. and the far right has become more successful because of that a possible success at the bowling stations across the european union worries these vote testers will say the economy full provided their real intentions by default,
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right, wants to destroy our democracy and our land is bulls prove to be correct, all right, part is good. secure, 25 percent of the seats and the european parliament include become the 3rd largest law steps last and i'll just say rough manheim, germany offices and bulk area go to the polls on sunday. in the 6 paula mitre election and 3 years, the snap voted was triggered by the collapse of the coalition government in march. the state has faced political upheaval and corruption scandals in recent years and some metal assign. that's something the selection wants to change. the cos i'm sure a for pull, it's from the capital, sophia, some of us lecture and season in bulgaria, once again, the southeast europe in country is holding it 6 parliamentary election in 3 years for voters like i said, bela kin, it's a timing exercise to keep voting for politicians who haven't been able to form
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a stable government that will allow me to tell it. but if we don't have a choice, we have to budge my family and i will vote for continue the change. they will bring in reforms. they not corrupt, economic and stability and corruption, a major concerns into your opinions for this country. in 2020, by gabrielle, so must of antique corruption, protests force and den. from mr. michael bought a so to resign, since then inconclusive elections. and sir john coalitions have left the country with can take the government and the depot political crisis. surveys the head of the election suggests this literature on surface tables coalition. over the last vote, the parties are making last ditch effort to win enough support. they have a clear choice either to have with the that the progress that we saw in the last 3
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years. and the other option is to go back to the years before 2020, where we had a lot of protests. so lots of corruption scandals, rushes blown ukraine is also fueling divisions and bulgaria. although sophia supported sanctions against most cool parties are divided over providing ministry a 2 keys and containing a neutral stand. some believe the current political instability could have pro russian and due to a skeptic potties. well gary, a is deeply rooted in the u. n. nato. but at the same time when it comes to probably got to choose. uh, there are significant pro ration sentiments in the country, which are the result that if you start the distortion plug in, if you need to stay boot ultman for you funds and support, it's blum's to join you to zone have been pushed back twice as a mis installation targets, after a 13 year wait, it partially drawn, europe's opened boldest hanging program. this election,
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fatiguing by guerria. i'm going mistrust of the political cloth. successive governments who promised to fight corruption have landed up pulling free to it. as the guidance had to pose this time, hoping for the government that stays and that they don't have to head to pulling boot any time. so i'll just so fucking sounds, lee, that has promised to ensure the safety and security of chinese workers as he expands is on the balance cooperation with beijing. during the 5 day visit to china by prime minister chavez sharif. both countries agreed to upgrade the china focused on economic kartel infrastructure project. but it's been planted by concerns. i have a safety as katrina, your reports from beijing, good neighbors, good friends, and good partners. that's how chinese presidency didn't pick and describes the deepening partnership between china and pox done when meeting prime minister issue buys reef on friday. c has pledged to help pockets done,
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but it's social and economic development. to re visit his 1st since the beginning, his 2nd 10 office in march comes as pocket stones academy is experiencing a debt crisis, high inflation and widespread poverty. speaking at a business for him, the pockets donnie leader praised china is rapid development and said his country should lead from its progress. china is controlling the sources by north purchasing memory raised an expensive car, but mostly, and it's used in education in his aging. and his mom about agreed to upgrade the china focused on economic cordele for c pack, the 62000000000. the infrastructure initiative was launched in 2015 and healed as a game changer for focused on the economy. but progress has stalled on sites which has been played by security problems. in march 5 chinese workers and the driver
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would killed in a suicide bombing on the way to a hydropower dam project. dozens has been killed and similar attacks, but of the group since 2018 chinese officials have called on is i'm about to step up efforts to ensure the security of china is nationals and focused on. but some say badging should also contribute to improving safety, etc. pick sites, they should be a consented, cooperative strategy, which is comprehensively, jointly that on those good just there is a god. this is a concept and doesn't cause no borders pocket. start a strategically important full of aging. the china pockets on economic court all links to on his wisdom should john province to the arabian sea and to the middle east. because of this, china has become a major lend just to pockets on cash strapped economy with is lombard owing badging . about 13 percent of its total foreign debt sharif also visited the southern tech help of sion jen,
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and well and his 5 day trip in the northwest and city of she. and so she, one memorandums of understanding was fine between the 2 sides, covering areas including technology, energy, agriculture, and trade, khatri ne, auto 0 day or for the oregon. so it has significantly affected the economy and the occupied westbank since october palestinians have been prevented from going to work inside as row and does need to. abraham reports the missing yahoo government is withholding the tax money a collects on behalf of the palestinian authority. that is causing people great financial difficulty. these are the 1st days of summer break in the occupied us bank. it's a weekend and this cassie is in the heart of the moment. this is usually a recipe for success. but since the world goes a started, the cafe owners say there's here, they'll be forced to shut down the arms, but we haven't been able to pay the ring since the most daunted have checks bouncing back. we have so much due to our service,
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provided the huge with you at this time of the year they would hire extra workers. now they've had to lay off half of their staff. so i had indeed kept her job as a waitress. she's an interior designer who says she's lost to job since the war started a couple of them, even a discovery, they laid off many male employees and needed me because my salary is less, for me in the pay is not enough to sustain the family. how the city and workers in israel used to bring much needed cash to the occupied to us to bank. they were estimated the 22 percent of the workforce before the war. now that israel has found their entry, they barely make up 2 points, the percent according to a recent survey by the international labor organization. another office to can facing the economy is israel's decision to withhold tax revenue that belongs to the policy.


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