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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2024 2:30pm-3:00pm AST

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who is a political analyst and contributed to hearts he joins us now from tel aviv, thanks again for joining us to keep us. first of all, what's been the reaction there to this operation that we've seen play out for the last few hours in gaza? you know the unit to receive a change. good news and uh bringing battery cap. this is uh good to go. um and uh i was just following up about the categories of the damage in garza. uh, unfortunately. so these are a pretty good reason. as i spoke to the guy you said, uh yeah, we need to pay any price. uh, especially when uh the dry stir is going to forward to see him be bringing back to the characters is uh,
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close to the you know, getting the buyer in the drawers or the other thing is there is a kind of rules so to speak, that the attorney out was arguing these cabinets is that uh, the only way to get the executives back to their line is by including little more pressure meetings, every pressure on the ceiling and uh, the side change. so where is the timing of a gas station is that is we expect to leave here in a few hours about uh, is the united uh, from the cabinet and the most difficult way now, mr. know is especially in taking ready for successors. and this is the cost of seeing that as a major success uh,
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nothing to do is go in today. ready it was for the disability for failure, but uh, he keeps promising. that is, uh, he will not show, oh, having to be sure really and get in the us. and this will, you have to raise some more leeway and you know, in the community when it comes to genocide to actually is what has already lost. so there is nothing much to use more ways to use the just showing the 0 and date it can. we just talk a little bit about the timing of this because as you mentioned, been against one of the will cabinet members was due to resign in the next few hours. it also comes not long after the you and added the is randy on me to this child, how blacklist does this actually help? they use some of the pressure that we've seen build off on missing yahoo in the
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last few weeks and months if you're, if you're the day the during the furnace. so i'll get the ball the published yesterday. the show began between the gospel and his body had all really good and uh and uh, the uh, probably mall is way snow will take the most seriously. and then the house drawers in the community. man julian battery, all these years. a buyer in the day where was that? uh, no, many assume i live and the other thing is that uh going what was the newsletter that uh, do you always get a close to, to uh, my dash and uh, to see why. so uh,
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the message to these ready people as well and everything would be okay. uh and uh, uh, fortunately, i don't see the 6 wow is getting the same message. now what's happening is all the battery also just fuel. ready but uh, we are looking at students e n s no, any not on. we may have another frontier and more casualties and maybe more cavities or keep it as you've been speaking, we have been seeing photos of the for is ready, captives. that will risk huge by these riley miller tree in the last few hours. there were more than $120.00 other captives still being held within gaza
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. what is the? well, i guess the question i'm trying to ask here is what, what sort of pressure the family is going to be putting on making yahoo to double down on the miller trees. if it's to keep going back and, and uh, and trying to pull off more operations like we've seen this morning as well, is that really, really low pressure and we expect to be most raging today because the good news is that they're all kept fish alive and each lot just bringing good bodies back to home. so we're going to be more pressure about on the, on the. ringback bench on the other side or so the arrive between those say you see, uh, what we are doing is putting more pressure so it allow us to do it and uh, raising uh, you know, this is a kind of james ball, the pro ration it looks like
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a good movie and a, is there a lot that he was the, the images, all of the categories and guessing ways that the families is uh, uh, broadcasting again to get a new and now we'll probably take some word strongbox, so it just makes it more. okay. we're going to cut away from a key for the we're going now to lock the hospital where we are here to do this. what does it mean? it goes to the of the suspect attack that has, makes, at least i see people, the central gaza massacre in the unless that if you do use cab is a full size directly to get the people and the refugees and the time. and this has led to dozens of martha's and the good, the good,
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the wounded people 55, martha's and tens of wounded people have arrived to of that hospital and the still, we have a lot of martha's, and the one the people in the streets of the most, i am all of the, the fuel use curb, who we did the manage to bring them to the is with the is really talk to patients also is committing the brute mazda because regularly and all right. and taking our hospitalized out of service. the story and the health system is guys the script. we are seeing that in front of our eyes here in the mosque. this is the only most columbus, the on the right. that's going give me the color that has to do 1000000 displays paper. and we suffer, c, v is sold, the mid it goes thought of a medicine medical supplies and we've got
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a lot house. all these numbers of mothers and wounded people in the hospital is full of patients. and we have no spaces for more individuals, but left. so hospitality works now on one gen the right to because the other one has stopped the generator, it has stopped. and the stoppage of one of these generators can lead to i got those 12 feet. oh yeah, i've got those 12 feet and the is the site gun and then the rates are, is not working anymore. then a crisis that got the sort of fee is waiting for every $1.00 of us. we need an urgent and dimension to say this hospital, and we do that by the senior citizens or govern rate, to go immediately to allows the hospital to donate blood the to
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risk you the lives of dozens of the one that fatal ended favor. and i left so hospital, we urge the international community, the international organizations to intervene immediately. those say the ok hospital and risk you the government medical situation and this internal deb on the right. and evidently in order to be able to offer our services to the citizens, we need jen. the rate is for the hospital though to guarantee that ongoing services for the palestinians we condemn this really attack again is on the site rot refugees gump. and again, is this enzyme you've got on the right, and we do the international community, that's an option of organizations to do whatever it takes an older to stop this
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brutal attack by this, right? and it falls is we need to stop these genocide. immediately they bought as the ministry of had of locked so hoss, but the guys left by the spying saturday, the 8th of june 2024. that was uh the hospital spokes person for all oaks uh hospital speaking the outside and uh i'll bala, he said, a brutal mexico was carried out today the day these rarely military taking hospitals out of service. the targeting make medical centers deliberately. he also talked about the lack of medical supplies that the hospital is completely full. there was no spice for anyone else. he also talked about this, the fact that there's only one generation is still working. the other one is stopped and that that is going to leads to a direct catastrophe. he said
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a crisis is waiting for every one of us. he said we need urgent intervention to save this hospital. okay, well let's remind you about breaking news. the ssl is wireless conducting intense assaults, right across sconces by land and sea residential blocks have been completely destroyed in the north, in kansas city and gun ships. a bone bothering the area near is fishing pools and central guns that at least 55 palestinians have been killed and dozens more injured in is randy as trunks. and to all paula medical staff at l. x. a hospital, overwhelmed by large numbers of injured people. and those also seeking shelter, moments ago, these running military announced that had rescued for captives during the operation and those around they were taken on october the 7th. well, to get the latest from a guys, are we going to be joined now by tarka? bu a zoom who was on the phone from debt. i'll paula to our can you just give us an update on exactly where you want and what is happening there of what was
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happening to each of their lead xbox unpredictable detectives is a upgrade. some to the need for his money from a company in the prison in particular. and watch if you can tell me the nature of patient is started with an uncover. is there any? is there any thoughts on the ground that was a great thing and i'm so glad that you did tell me which has been using a whole ton of invitation and for the lead. now, sounds of explosions of even pipe change that they come off by to the special it's cost it and that has been a combined on very on this event came up with the land. and now that is the truth books that's been that. that's right. you shouldn't have been carried out based on very points that military intelligence estimation about the location of the prostate and the dog park. it has been started out. it's using
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a very defined power and they have been cutting off in the bottom. and that could be multiple areas in, into the areas of the ship. now, these pockets attack a watts market market and of course, residential houses just to make a kind of dispatch and promise to not know anything about the on the 25. the truth is the neighbors should have been attacking the system on the, on the town as amended. people wanted to arrive to the hospital, which had been completed at plugging in order to cope with the baby for the number of the leading cause. it was about $65.00 in the day of children. one of them moved to the placement of a hospital. now the change and how to make it better than that.
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ok, i'm getting a solution on the, on the x 35. now you've been on the laptop. it principle dysfunction of course, is that what we have been from the army? we are going to work the full comp. i'm comfortable with the border given this account because it means that the my story time they took it in order to get it. it's very cool. now there's going to be efficient comments on my side about the operation by what we need to know from the ground, the honda place and all the time that i said be the integration of what it's doing now by the defense to them. just in order to recover from under the level of the display houses that says it's not completely positive declaration to get to erica, i just want to remind people that have watching just that might be having some
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difficulty in hearing exactly what you were saying. but this because of the connection issues that we've been having, obviously since the, this operation began because of the, the chaos that has been re, not all will just only on the buildings and the people there. but on the communications. 3rd, i want to ask you, you've obviously been dealing with us since the war broke house. we've heard that today is unprecedented in terms of the scale of what we have seen. so how does today compared to the other day in terms of the master code that we've seen on the phone over the last few hours of the month because that had been collected, but it is, but on the section of the integration, they manage to target the president your buildings without getting getting any kind of quite a warning. now i can see it, the sound good. that he's very fine because i'm going to go ahead and pull, bring in the call. you've got ready by verifying that they need to have been
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multiple and kind of the best place after multiple days eclipse without ending up in the middle. and that was supposed to be based on the optimal grade, the past and touch areas, including mr. ross, which has been the focus for the past, the date on the consent to the now the density populated areas has been wide. yeah, i bet there was a very good way you can of a label and even black box on the, in the town of congress to come to the hospital in the book. so the agent, the coke with this, i'm giving a task. okay. let me know when it's off the hospital is trying to provide all kinds of course the data lock is supposed to medicaid the population of the patient. the truth
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is to ask because i know if i did study on these got to be trying to, to me, it was the, the, the, the other thing i want to know that really what we hear back the, the why did they have only one in children are the only people who have the a good thing, i'm suspended from the tax and now. okay, thanks so much terica. we really do appreciate all your help with this time it goes in for us. the idea. i'll bala, well we go to be joined again. now by adopt atanya hodge hassan who is a pediatric intensive care physician with gals admitted voices. she works in august a hospital and she joins us now from run. thank you. once again for joining us. first of all, we heard today from the likes the hospital spokes person just a short time ago that uh the hospital is now down to one generation after the other
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one stopped working after this offensive. can you just explain for people that won't have much of an idea of what happens in a situation when a hospital length is already on the so much stress and so much stress suddenly loses half of its power. uh so one of the messages i just received was the fact that they worked in the emergency department that it was a blood bath and that it was extremely hot. so the 1st thing is it's very hot. it's summer right now at the gaza strip has been having very high temperatures of late and it's complete chaos. so it's very hot. there's no air that's just on a syllable kind of the environment level. and then of course, there's the oxygen supply. so the oxygen supply won't work, the ventilators won't function. so your intensive care, for example, all of the patients that are on ventilators will have to then be bags by hand of
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the merger. see department, i don't know that doesn't really a hospitals on the windows on the inside. and so it does mean that it's dark and they don't have light. so people start using their phones to start using flashlights. and this is all in a state when it's already completely k audit and for many who are were connected to the hospital wi fi network. it also means that they've lost connection with the outside world, including my colleagues who are messaging me just one hour ago. 2 of them who were, i guess using that network because my messages aren't going through to them anymore to no longer communicate. and this is at a time when the emergency department and also hospital is a complete blood that, i mean, it's a good story to provide the start sort of graph type. but i think it's important for people to understand what a massacre like this looks like. it looks like a slaughterhouse, that the images and videos that i've received to patients lying on the floor
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everywhere in pools of blood with missing extremities because they're live percent that blown off. that is what a gnostic group escaped. that looks like it means parents running around, covered so caring their children who have blood running from their head, trying to find a health care provider to treat them. but it's so chaotic and there are so many patients vastly outnumbering the uh, the, the, the health care abilities to care for them. that is the kind of chaos we're dealing with. and then on top of that, there's obviously the emotional stress that nobody knowing what's going on. people have been received is activation orders to evacuate the same place. that it's all her levy and completely overwhelmed with patients and health care providers themselves. worried about their family members to they're now unable to reach living in the vicinity of the hospital. i reminds anybody watching your program that they buy that right off the hospital is in the middle of a cause,
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lives to area people in and out of our a lot, 282 when they were told to evacuate. what was considered a safe zone. rafa there's, they were told no go to alaska, you go to, i didn't buy that. and so i bought a 1000000 of them did. and these are the people now that are in decorously living in the same area that is currently being bought. hans. and what i'm hearing from colleagues there over and over again is the casualties coming in our, our, our scores of civilians that are, these are the ones who have not already been designated or very clearly dead on the scene. because those just go straight to the, the, the marks area or the, the more. and we know that that's completely full and they're talking about putting bodies outside of the hospital and cancer elsewhere because there's no room the more it is a utter and complete not massacre. and i do not know how you could see the footage
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we're seeing here. the stories we're hearing and not be absolutely convinced that this is a genocide that needs to be stopped immediately. and that any country or body or leader who can justify this in any possible terms, is complicit in, in, in the murder of tens of thousands of people. and i do believe that your numbers are under estimates, not because you're not accurately reporting, but because we do not know right now and receiving messages, saying that the ambulances are unable to reach the wounded point you in your program just minutes ago, talked about there being reports of 80 people, campbells, when i look at the videos in the emergency department right now, i can tell you that a large number of successful in the footage that i've seen, we'll go from there injuries. yeah. we have had to do that, do not have the capacity to keep those alive. so the that number will just climb. of course, we also heard from the a lot of the hospitals,
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folks prison on that point that this is going to lead to a catastrophe. there at the hospital, the crisis is waiting for everyone. he city just to touch on the point you might a little while ago. he said the international community needs to intervene immediately to save a lot of the hospital. they should also be looking at the pictures that we've been showing over the last hour or so and doing something. what is it that the international community, a part from denouncing? what does happens with this is riley military operation over the last couple of hours. what is it that they actually need to do to make a difference to alexa in particular? yeah, that's a very good question, and i'm not a politician, right? i have been trained to, to keep children a lot. i, i'm an intensive care doctor, i'm not a politician. so what would make a difference from a medical point of view in, in, in what would make a difference to this particular hospital? i mean, the international community should have asked it when,
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when the same fate was when i just have a hospital was coming to the same state. when i lost that hospital was besieged, destroyed, when mtc come on, i want every hospital. the fact that we're still talking about what the international hospital should do to stop a hospital from being attacked is, is utterly incomprehensible. to me, we're is the international outrage. where's the international outreach from politicians? our some countries still army israel and not sanctioning after every red line that has been crossed after every international humanitarian law has been violated. after every un resolution after calls from the security council, after the majority of countries on this planet bar, many countries in the global north have said enough. we do not accept genocide in the society. we want to live in and you still have countries. something is real, what pins the united states,
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just alarming israel and justifying what is happening. singles for many countries in europe. it's, it's frankly, inc. comprehensible to me. and every single body or leader who is still funding this for justifying it is complicit. generally using all or voice you, you said earlier that you've been speaking to some of your colleagues that are still working at like so today they described it as the worst day they have if a heads there, i mean, can you just explain how the medical professionals actually go about prioritizing those who get kids 1st and does that big come then? because there is so little results is and so overwhelmed by the number of engine does that then become a matter of life and death between who they can save and, and who they can't. absolutely, and, and i mean that, that's the principal about specialty management. is that what i'm asking, as will be, comes in, you decide who is so critical that you do not have the time or the resources needed
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to keep them alive. and you provide them with compassion that care who is critical . but you feel if you're able with your resources to save them and you invest the most immediate energy into those patients, to try and keep them alive to try and we're substitute them to try and make sure that their injuries do not kill them. and then you have those who can wait, which in a situation like this, unfortunately, will be people with awful displaced fractures that are exclusively painful with burns. that cannot be urgently treated because there are more severe cases with leading wounds that aren't frank, a massive hemorrhages and so can, can wait for some period of time. and this includes, you know, a lot of the young children we see cannot see. because there's blood running down over their eyes. many of those children will have to wait because there are children with more severe injuries that need to be to be treated more quickly. there's usually a very worried organized process that helps you make these decisions. you color,
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classify these groups of people into red and yellow and green, and sometimes other colors like gray and black. and that helps you to decide who receives the most urgent care. you cannot do that off the hospital right now. i don't know if your viewers are seeing any footage of what the emergency department looks like, but it is chaos. it is hard to even find the patients that need care and sometimes being able to decide which of those needs need treatment quickly involves doing things like checking that are vital signs or, or does that mean the more closely you cannot do that it's other and complete chaos and the way the hospital structured because it's a small hospital that is not constructed to deal with these sorts of casualties. in fact, i don't think any hospital in the world is, is equipped to deal with a mass casualty. ready of a 170 people arriving at once, but this hospital certainly is not, it's one of the smaller hospitals. and so the rest substitution area, for example,
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only have 3 beds, the main, your solicitation area. so all of these patients are being were substituted on the floor of that area or in what would be called the yellow area. the last severe area is actually filled with very severe patients who are being were substituted on the floor. so it's impossible to apply mass casualty protocols to a mass casualty of this state and constant nature. this has been going on since october. they have not had a break. there has been no rest plight. it's just been one last casualty after another. you cannot replenish your stocks. you can barely even clean the floors of the blood pools before the next natural mass casualty comes in. and for all the patients that need admission, where do they go? at the moment, they're going into tennis. they're going into a stair stairwells. there is no where to put the patients because one, the number of mass casualties completely overwhelms the capacity and to israel has
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systematically and intentionally annihilated because of health care system by destroying one hospital after another. if you hear me soundly angry and exacerbate it, is because i am. and if you're a health care provider watching this and are not outraged, i don't know where your world compass stands. these are hospital polls in this picture that we have saying, no you, despite the pictures that we have seen coming from the hospital and they're all bala in general, it really is almost impossible to imagine exactly what is happening inside that hospital as a just dealing with a completely overwhelming number of people that have been killed and injured in this attack, we will have to leave a different moment to the doctor tania house. um we really do appreciate your insight into what it must be like. yeah. like so can i just add one more thing?
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you know, you asked me about how these, these patients are trashed in the situation with today. i just want to say what that means in human terms because i understand that was technical. it might be hard to understand what that means in human terms. it means that the patients who are dying will die, suffer it. you will not be able to test it to the patients that they that are dying . they will die scared, they will die suffering. it means patients that would have otherwise survived will die because the system is overwhelmed and cannot re substitute them. and it means patients who have limbs that you may have been able to salvage will possibly lose those limbs. because you do not have the resources to manage them and the repercussions of this will continue for many, many years to come. tanya, thank you. once again, we really do appreciate your insight into what it must be like there at all. ok, so hospice.


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