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tv   Witness Remains  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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from the moment to the dr. tania, how some we really do appreciate your insight into what it must be like. yeah. okay . alexa, can i just add one more thing? you know, you asked me about how these, these patients are trashed in the situation with today. i just want to say what that means in human terms, because i understand that was technical. it might be hard to understand what that means in human terms. it means that the patients who are dying will die, suffer it. you will not be able to tell that to the patients that they that are dying, they will die scared, they will die suffering. it means patients that would have otherwise survived will die because the system is overwhelmed and cannot for substitute them. and it means patients who have limbs that you may have been able to salvage will possibly lose those limbs because you do not have the resources to manage them. and the repercussions of this will continue for many, many years to come. tanya, thank you. once again, we really do appreciate your insight into what it must be like this at all. ok,
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so hospital at the moment these really military spokesman, so satisfies attacks on central guns. i have been planned for weeks. daniel garza is ready for his risk and full captives from 2 houses and the sore house. this was a high risk complex mission, based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in 2 separate buildings. deep inside garza while on the fire, on the fire, inside the buildings under fire, on the way half on the way out from gauze up all forces rescued. all hostages is really forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. there on the went in intensive training, they risk their lives to save the lives of all hostages. this is what we do in israel. hello and welcome to the program. its just gone 12, gmc, gmc,
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3 pm and gaza. this is what the, how the city is across the strip for reading from an unprecedented is really a sold. it's forces cowed out attacks by land and sea. residential blocks has been completely destroyed in the north, in gaza. and the gunship to bombarding the area near its fishing port at least 18 palestinians have been killed. dozens more injured in his re strikes. and darrell, paula medical stuff for the locks. the hospital, overwhelmed by the large numbers of injured people who are pouring in those seeking shelter. they've received at least 5540 is that is the official casualty number. at this point. moments ago the is rodney ministry and now so i had rescued full captives during the operation. and no said rods, they were taken on october. the 7th. the is there, any ministry spokesman says that south today's attacks on central guns that has been planned for weeks. daniel has already said that the is there any forces rescue
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for captive from 2 houses in the se? right? this was a higher risk, complex mission, based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in 2 separate buildings. deep inside garza while on the fire, on the fire, inside the buildings on the fire, on the way half on the way out from gauze up all forces rescued. all hostages is really forces have been preparing for this rescue mission for weeks. they are on the, went in intensive training. they risk their lives to save the lives of all hostages . this is what we do in israel as well. these ready government has bound out as they are from importing inside israel. so in wrong con instead joins as from retro dining capital, amman, tell us more about what we have had from is riley officials about these attacks and
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run. and these 4 hostages, who has now been rescued as well. daniel gar actually mentioned the fact that one of the sold as well as a critic the injured in that rate at one location they or so saying that's one of the locations. it was a fun, easy, a fight to rescue one of the hostages. no, i go romani the other one was a much of a tougher fight. now the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is on his way to tell hash him at hospital to meet with the is really the captives who have been released . there already seems all of jubilation outside all of that hospital right now. compare that to the scenes outside of like the hospital where it's simply fit and chaos. half of it. now, the primary stuff is already released a statement. he says he spoke to one of the free prisoners know a good money and a phone conversation. he says, no, i said,
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i'm very excited. i haven't spoken hebrew for a long time. i'm fine. so everything. the problem is to says, we did not abandon you for a moment, don't issue believe that, but we believe just a know, it says i didn't expect that these ready effect as also responded. he's ready cats, he says, huge of joy and the hall explodes of with happiness. we will bring them all back. thank you to the risk and respect to the soldiers of these are the army shouldn't but and they are right. i am in forces who risk their lives for the holiest cause this is going to be spawn as a big success for the is right. and these already progress. and then benjamin netanyahu was allegedly said he authorized the operation. but under iceland is right in the military law, he's already left to do that. so he's already, everybody is going to want a piece of this particular action. they often say that success is, has many fault as often is a failure, failure, result know from. so this is going to have everybody saying that this is a massive success for us. it was a success departments of benjamin netanyahu,
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desperately needed. he's coming under a tremendous amounts of pressure. a poll really is by telephone use. that's 62 percent of people simply wouldn't qualify them again. almost like 56 percent of the respondents said that they thought he was storing on the deal to release the hostages deceased by the because of political reasons. he's going to start talking tough. we're expecting a statement from him. that's how i showed my hospital off that he's met the release captive. expect him to say something like along the lines of this was a massive success for us i. we will not rest until everybody comes back home. now i had been use earlier and on the penny guns was expected to resign from the war cabinet today. is that still likely to happen? well, what we're hearing from by the guns is kind of based that he's actually canceled that announcement with the counselors the right with perhaps bespoke and might be
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a better. what i think is out of respect certainly feels like is that respect for the families? i don't think he wants to draw attention to himself. well as the, there's a scene of celebration going on in israel right now. it's. that's the level of how seriously this is being taken as a victory as well was desperate for a victory. but remember, no word from these, right? he's about the 47 palestinians been killed. we don't know how many posting has been injured. we nothing from these riley's own anything that was happening, the collateral damage, whether it. ready you know, the house has been destroyed. the syrup a u g cap, also being almost flattened in several tanks, taking place including this one which is about to buy at land and seats. this is very simply a successful is ready operation and everybody is going to spend a the right and wrong. thank you very much. and ron con, reporting to us from amman and jordan. and just a, just
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a reminder to you that typical cl reporting that from jordan instead of israel itself because the government of benjamin netanyahu, his band algae 0 from reporting inside israel, but value see life pictures coming to us from tel aviv web people a celebrating this onto the news that in language just reporting that israel saying that it has rescued for hostages for hostages, who were kidnapped in that attack on october 7th. they have now been rescued by the israeli army. but of course, this is the results of the massive set series of attacks. we have seen single pennies attacks and gaza, very different scenes, obviously, over that mass of attacks attack the by a land and sea. now we have seen an assault on move in gaza, central gaza on the southern part of the god there as well. at 55 people has been
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killed. women and children are included in that number, but to the people who is celebrating here as a set of bracing the hostage release, the army saying that it's rescued. no. are the money on the right cause love. and to show me this now is ready on me, obviously had information that they were in 2 separate locations, 2 separate locations in the site out. and so they were rescued from the state. often that is why we have seen a massive escalation of as riley attacks that cause cause or is very densely populated. there is no was safe in gaza. and so we have seen civilians course up in this as we have seen for the past 8 months. so, so as we have seen, people have been displaced now being attacked again. and so information from israel today,
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initially at saying initially released the statement, saying that they were attacking minute to how massive ministry infrastructure they said in the se, dot. and then the news that for hostages had been released from the area. let's pretend alco dury, who joins us now from daryl by law. and you've been describing to some horrific scenes over there. we are watching a separation celebratory scenes in intel of these. but of course, this comes, i made a massive attack on gauze the old corners of the strip, including darrow. by the way, you are an inc, including the area around the hospital, a very important facility, alexa hospital, which is still functioning quite miraculously. despite all the pressure is faced and recent weeks and months. but that what is really arabs in the area around the hospital. what have you been seeing and hearing, and in the past few minutes,
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before i celebrate the, there are a to at least a policy means that we, that there has been an dozens of others have been injured. and we're talking about dozens of palestinians that were transferred to a local hospital. we have been seeing people covered a lot of people who had their an amputation on the floor of the hospital without any a tech. we have the medics up trying to serve and trying to give an immediate medical care for people in severe critical condition all of the hospital monday, except i call in great now for that kind of thing you to the need for blood because the hospital run out the blood you missed and there is a huge number of injured palestinians who are in severe need to blood unit other
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palestinians got what we're seeking refuge and all of the hospital. i can be terrified at searching for another area, but they are child because they say that there is no place they can go to their top in the central area. as a, there are still a couple of strikes happening in the central part of the causes trip. and it still being it is, are through trying to reach people in the fight authors through trying to rescue as much people as possible. but the civil becomes the best thing that there are people still concert on the roads. there are still people under the level where you have been talking to the policy that were injured in the paid off. and they said that it was very hard for the medical that the civil p as will be sent to the medics to reach them. that other people said that they were bleeding and injured for hours
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and, and, and some people die because the meetings were unable them. that that goal is expected to live because all of critical injuries and, and, and it's, it's the past couple of hours. we're terrifying for everyone in the central area, of course, and i think just to confirm the information you are getting a few people you people have been killed. i know we're expecting that number to rise because of the severity of the attacks that we have seen and, and said often these patients being bro, 10 massive influx of patients and wounded bring being brought to the deluxe the hospital. and so many of those are unlikely to survive, but as things stand at the moment, just updates us on the casualty numbers and to let actually we were trying to reach a number from the multics. and they said that they do not even have the ability to
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count. the ambulances were horrifying inside the hospital every single minute. because there were a lot of injuries and not only ambulances were transferring injuries, but also but also if there's a, is it like civilians with their own cards and also people on the cards. there were a lot of people, injury and, and, and the medics were over when to tell us the number. they're very overland to count the number of, of people who were killed and injured. the only thing they were trying to keep track is the people injured and trying to say as much people as possible. and just to just want to also recount a little bit of what has happened over the past few hours a past 24 hours a hand that has
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a series of raids in the area around the lock. so hospital in darrell by law. so if people have been killed and wounded from that as the, the, as also have been a, an announcement from the director of the crazy hospital in ross who says their corpse is on the streets. and as a result of these are people who've been killed by these riley ami rescue will cuz they're not able to reach the injured people there. and then also we have been reporting on a series of attacks and the site out. can you just tell us what's been happening in new site on the location of the site, not, and how and how roughly the distance between the site out and where you are. the moment because many of the, the patients that being brought to the i likes the hospital to let them let me 1st clarify that the intensity of them bergman started after midnight. star tele, resetting. did not stop people in the middle area did not sleep because the amount
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of explosion is, was, must have explosions. and it started after midnight. so people were, were, were, were not understanding what was happening. they said that they evacuated from the side because they said that the, the middle area was a safe area. so all of these people were densely populated in the middle area. very . but i had to say that there are not very far away from each other. we're talking about a couple of miles only the central area. the cause of 5th is a very small area. there is no use distance between just say dogs and at that in bella. and what the reason why everyone has been rushing to unlock the hospital is because a lot of the hospital is one of the only hawks because fully functioning in, in, in the culture. not only that, it's also has all of the departments been operating and going on, but there was a series of as to extend the morning in the,
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in the area and in the city. but then at the past couple of hours there was an air lawn and a d grades from as the where from the north west, the sellers in the east parts of the central area. and, and it was very obvious that it's the study of the i was like targeted and not only, not only in the say that, but there was a very massive s, right on the house, the rounding all the hospitals. and that's why people started is not to 18 and seeing all of the hosp the could because they thought that there will be another a pop on, on a hospital. it, it was, it was a couple of hours of, of hired by a few days to see the footage emerging online and see how horrified the people were . and until this point,
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it's still i have to know how to do more and either use i b consulate and also at more easier use are i'd be asked for medical treatment as soon as possible. and it may be wes, recapping the, the situation at a lock. so hospital and it's causing a when we've been speaking. we've been speaking quite a bit over the last couple of months. and in those conversations you've been explaining what has been happening to the health system in gaza. these are hospitals and health facilities that have been attacked and are not able to function a tool. so, you know, come out, i'd want hospital has been hit, the allowed hospital has been hit, these are hospitalized. but obviously they're not just for the wounded, but also for people who have chronic illnesses. if you have pregnant,
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you of babies. you have people in intensive care units, you have people with chronic diseases including kidney failure, they're required dialysis. and so one by one, we have seen these hospitals and health facilities attacked and then essentially break down. not able to treat people and goes there any longer. but you have here in central cause a v i likes the hospital that has managed to survive somehow. you know, we've had reports of doctors using the light from them up on the funds to attempt to print and show babies and to treat patients. we've had of these, we've had desperate calls from the spittle for fuel. they need to thousands of liters of fuel to be able to function. but not it's not coming out that's not coming into gauze because the land crossings have been closed. and so the siege of gauze that means that there isn't enough fuel coming into the hospital to be able
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to function properly at this hospital while it is on the sun lot strain and pressure remains very much a lifeline for people. that doesn't. it absolutely is the lifeline of people because it's one of the only hospitals that still has the kidney dialysis treatment. it's one of the hospitals that are still operating and do surgery for the use injured. and there is a lot of premature babies and it's the only hospital fully functioning. we know that and community not have an up. the ability to treat all of these people that need all of these medical care. there's only one hospital left in community and other hosp because i only feel hosp because with very low cap abilities, a hospital is not in the hospital. it's also as childcare and the refuge for
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hundreds of palestinians that have been eating shelter in the cost to go for months . now, not moving to the patients and the injury, the hospital has been going through a lot of challenges. first of all, the medical supply. if you look at the doctor and i really think they have been wrecking cheaper, the bosses have at, with very know at resources and medical supply. because 3rd, that is really quite this started the medicaid operation and there has been a industry because trips the way it used to. and there has been no medi 8 at a transfers to the hospital. that's why the, for a lot of us, because of a lot of engine is on it. but the doctors today were telling us that they do not have an anesthetic treat, goes in and, and we can hear the screams. and the a,
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the kind of thing is laying on the go for ceiling, and it's very heartbreaking that you can have those kind of things in any other way . there's no medicine, there's no as pain killers, and not only about the last others, how does the dining? because they come to the wound up. it's it's, it's very hard fighting in the hospital. but despite all of the challenges, it's continued to stand on his feet and retreat all of these injuries at one, especially in cost incident like today, a lot of the hosp, the code today receive dozens of of, of injuries and extend this even more in the mix there are kind of the best to get the cookies need to as much people as possible i, i attend. if this is a testament to the, to the incredible dedication and bravery and courageous most of the medical work,
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cuz many of them have lost close family members. many of them who can't even make contact with members of their family. they don't even know if their relatives and their loved ones are still alive, but they continue to try and treat patients as best they can with the hospital already saying that it's 3 times of a capacity there is of the of to generate has one generator is not working. so it is difficult to imagine the conditions inside this hospital as you see, the injured and the wounded being frozen ambulance off to ambulance arriving at the like the hospital and doctors and medical workers frantically trying to help as many people as they cannon. and alpha they were forcing to us from darrell by the we will speak to end a bit more later on. we also did hear a short while ago from i need all the kron spokes person at the alex, the hospital who said that the situation is overcrowded. there was no more room to
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accommodate the injured we suffer. c. v is sold the edge of mid it goes thought of medicine, medical supplies and we've got a lot holes. all these numbers of mothers and the people in the hospital is full of patients. and we have no spaces for more individuals, but that so hospitality works now on one gen the right to. because the other one has stopped, the generator has stopped. and the stoppage of one of these generators can lead to i got those 12 feet. let's go ahead and run con, now is reporting test from amman in jordan. and so am on, are you hearing anything more from is riley officials about these attacks? i mean what we've been reporting previously, but interestingly enough i,
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we have now heard from him as a senior. i must have visual so i mean, it was already actually told the reuters news agency after regaining full captives of the 9 months of fighting is a sign of failure notes and achievement roles. i heard from a senior i'm about 3 days now. i need a saying is all kind of forces choices on a mass, and the group will accept no deal that does not achieve security for the palestinians . and they, again, he was speaking to the reuters news agency. but these were, these went, say like, these really is, like i said, actually celebrating this. the problem is that he's on his way to the hospital to meet with the caps, who's done, you regard these ready all these folks and said this was a complex operation. it was led, it was an intelligence lead operation. also hearing that there were 2 locations, one of them was a fairly simple operation to get one of the policies out. but the other operation, the 2nd location, was much more complex. and this involved,
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the full might of the is really all me at land and seat, including a lease one headed call to gunship. so i've already said that it was a heartful operation that i have to fight that way in and fight that way. i don't have that use, it says that there was one pause when he's ready hold. yeah, he was critically injured. who's in the hospital in israel receiving treatment. but again, all of that is going to pile in comparison to the language we will have from is ready politicians saying that this is an unparalleled success. we've already heard from israel caps. who is these writing? pardon me? is this thing? this is a happy and joyous moment and thanks he goes on to think of the is ready for the actions that regard. you also is saying that, you know, this is what we do. we call we risk our lives to get people back. no mention of the policy and you know, mention of the desktop which is rising and rising no mention of the call stuff. all of that. so we are expecting protests a little bit later that happens every such
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a day off the, the religious, all the day own sabbat expects a lot of celebration in those protest. but i expect a lot of criticism as well. uh, this could have happened 8 months ago. uh say the hostage problem is for me, if there was a c spot, you could have released all of the captives that was alive. i'm the bodies of those that have died and you could have done it very quickly and we wouldn't have seen is ready, captives died in gaza. that's the language they'll be using, but the prime minister benjamin netanyahu will be spending this as a method of success. and he'll be hoping that he can try and we know some of those people that aren't supporting. and in any vote there was a pole on channel 12 uh that suggested that 62 percent of voters responded to that poll. say they simply wouldn't bite from again, i may say 52 percent said that they were simply thinking that the prime minister was using the hostages as a political tool. thank you very much. and long con,
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reporting to us from online and jordan. just a reminder, the reason we are there in jordan instead of israel itself, is because the cabinets have benjamin netanyahu. his bond out there from a forcing inside israel. joining me now is akiva elder political analyst and contributed to her as you joined us from tele v. from where we can see these life pictures of people celebrating the release of these hostages. do you think it will increase the sort of tolerance levels of v is ready public to keep this will going . uh yeah, i can just tell you a little that uh, a close friend of mine is full. uh, this is just call me asking what uh she should do tonight. uh she was invited to address the the one. ready and uh, one of the students that runs the the and she said, how can we call today to bring down the government. but
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a guy says you were both or just, or has cancelled his press conference. and we have to enter saying that the, the. ringback cavities and the rest of these, the mothers and fathers were going to get some in the every as a living every day. and there are a must be the names they know um oh. busy fathers, mothers, and um, i can tell you when the gods made announcements today, the beaches and um, the the i see is oh and the, such as the people who are surveying and ultimately there is no compassion for the senior and women and children that are suffering and dying in alaska and reading
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a lot. so most of the lady gara and the color is that the children are not using civilians is where you, women and children as well as human shields. and then people will choose the people that should remove the c, y from 11 to to keep her off the oldest time. it's uh, 8 months of rule, but obviously many years of occupation. and we have seen these periodic rounds of fun. is there any bombardments of gaza, so densely populated area, so it's inevitable that women and children and civilians will be killed whenever this happens and we have seen so many is for decades. even the results of
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these attacks on the strip does it come really? is any surprise to you that there is little to no compassion or sort of humanity for what is happening that you know, this is sort of the humanize ation of the palestinians. it just seems as though it's something that is, is this of ingrained and is right, a society on the phone. my so i see very bad to be nice the using. so every child in the innocent people who are losing the actually and god. but unfortunately, you know, i am body of shaving minority in this way. and the bottom line is that as long as the international community
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made united states using unity where it goes to those images. and with this footage, the a is way to get also big was this, i think that was what happened today. use the now and he's supposed to be choosing the most is are, is there any more than anything which is time i am really there is an attorney hours still holding and gambling on the don't know the drums to be 3 and this will be so i am the officer. busy the option to read in the other because as we know um, compression is not the one that calls the drugs uh, quantities. uh, one of the nice now is imagine prizes in the way these
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very, oh me. where is uh more. are you ready to boss to get ready for a letter? no, because these letters are still looking at the noise. they see the noise in the fire and imagining compression fracture. so $60000.00 is ways for refugees in their own country. in the last, uh, 18 months and the see, we got some more. uh, i'm going to, uh, inside it. uh and uh, we're assuming i'm fully in the blank ink and the mouse increased by nobody's talking. i mean, only our to same is a split to induce in the broader perspective of, uh the uh, q ration that we just bought a few days ago. 67 years. we know like the, what we're use more and more blacks downs. and what video is,
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as game today is more dying. so guys and more time the national community that may pick up on something you just said the keys, which is the israel, has been fighting. it has been active, let's say on multiple fronts that have been tensions and attacks between israel and has. paula is enough attention being paid to the possibility of this becoming an all out war is that site is not a risk that is being underestimated at this point. i was here, this is a good question. the last few days the looking more to the know because a lot of you all the attacks from living um and the damage.
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um, unfortunately, uh not too many casualties, but uh, people usually hold on getting back to their homes. people have to register to move to the next task. we're in september and they don't see and add to this. so yes, a people. busy oh, really no, no, that the if we don't stop the war and you guys are, they will not be ceasefire in. the fire will grow in the nose and we may be looking at the product is a movie. you are also get the in just a few weeks ago as well. i was attacked by massage to be wrong. and it seems that there is a clear leakage between. yeah,
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and you uh, baseball, uh and some us and he will not be responsible go back to be a will be and the guys will leave the government. the cabinet bang via will be the leader of the new policy and will exchange the, you know, that we have to retire magazine and be talking about this because they're not as well really be measured by me. see, i think people, the is the minister of the dresser and the service on national security. and so when it, when use to speak about these that are mess on it. if it goes out in his writing politics, how do you, how would you describe this to people who are not so familiar with the detail,
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the history and the nuances akiva? because, you know, there are those who describe, you know, we know about the occupation that this is a, by that this is a control fit for territory. a battle to control as much territory as possible to seize as much land as possible to bill settlements. we've had members of the the far right extreme members of an s and you all his cabinet, even speak about recycling, gaza, about building settlements there that even if the goal which and they have no intention of leaving. and as we see, cause there is completely uninhabitable, you know, the infrastructure, the homes have been reduced to rubble. so the right the tool for the palestinians to actually return to know they are confined to, to tense and, and living on the streets right now. but how would you describe this mess, ionic religious, ideological vision, and that,
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that members of, of, of the cabinet have. there are like many of the sellers. um, the 2 ladies raise their hand, enjoy their lives and didn't really visit those categories. they don't know 70, it's like so there is a way to move. um and uh, i mean, yeah, i was also, you know, so busy with the single part of the things as long as each one of these, it wasn't broken. we didn't want to fixing it, it seems that the, you know, who has been in charge for more than 15 years now. he's a magician. the. ready troll at the same time history, all of those india and uh make sure that uh, nothing is broken. the d including our calculus,
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we look at the, the goals, then the assign why is why it was booked to by the categories. so uh for the ever, just barely, uh, good weekend. you too busy. uh, we can even, uh, most normalization with air categories including morocco. so the best way uh, you know, is ways we visited the uh, recently. uh so probably the somebody is ready to believe that they can uh take a look at by jerry lewis and have it certainly interesting to talk to you a key and hope we can catch up. again, a keys elder joining us. the arts contribute to her and we will um,
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definitely speak to again, continue this conversation a bit later on, but i do just wanna recap on well, right, right now it has uh just gone. it's about to go 12 for tgm t, that is 3 40 pm in gaza, with palestinians across the strip of reeling from what has been an unprecedented is radius sold even by the standards of what we've seen so far. and it was a mass of attacks by land and sea. residential blocks have been completely destroyed in the north and gaza city gun ships football bonding. the area near the fishing port, at least 80 palestinians have been killed, thousands more injured and is ready as strikes. and darrell impala, these figures are of course likely to rise. it's very difficult to get the exact figures right now. medical stuff with the likes hospital are overwhelmed by the massive influx of people injured people who are trying to get some sort of treatment. they're also seeking shelter from the violence and the phone bottom and they have received at least 55 bodies. and so we have the described absolutely
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frantic, desperate scenes inside the hospital with patients trying to receive treatment. they're on to enough doctors of course, to go around the hospitalist issued an urgent call for blood donations. and we have heard described to a scenes by a correspondent of a blog on the floors and people having to have legs amputated without any anesthetic cause. the ambulance has continued to bring more and more people to the deluxe the hospital. so of course we've also had the news today. we've also had the news today from is around that for hostages for hostages . what, what do use and we were just getting a bit of reaction to that as well. but we did hear from dr. muhammed and well there who is what the cause of civil defense. he told us about the impacts of these latest is riley strikes is riley forces,
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have targeted without any warning for houses hosting a lot of people. the forces advanced towards east to do euro bella and forced the palestinians to leave the areas. the alexa hospitably received many dead and wounded people. following these riley attacks, the ambulance and civil defense teams, us to recovering bodies and injured the people from under the rubble of the capacities a very weak. and there are only 3 fire engines in the central area. we're facing a lot of challenges and we talk, reach every person. these riley forces have evacuated the whole of the outcast to neighborhood without prior warning, and without declaring it or red zone. despite the fact that elizabeth district in rafa has been announced as a red zone, there are still a lot of dead and wounded due to these rightly attacks on friday distress. kohls, haven't stopped from this district where a lot of people as go trapped under the rubble. we went to help them and i thought
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we were prevented by these riley. um vehicles. what i'll do there is tag i was enjoying just live on the phone now from daryl by la tarrant. tell us what is happening. there are a couple of the 24 hours ago from darrell bonner. of course communication is a little bit difficult, but i think we have you on the line with us stark dark, not sure if you can hear me. we've been are connected to darrell by line. central guys have been reporting for the past couple of hours. these are scenes from just the area the on august, the tool in the central parts of gauze. the topic is with us actually, i can hear it, but we just need to establish his connection on the but these are scenes. people are being brought into the hospital following is riley arabs in the area around the
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alex the hospital and also in the area of that and the say, rock that is just a little bit north from here. many patients being brought in for treatment topic and i know that you are there and darrell bala, what can you tell us about the what is happening around you? what are you seeing and hearing at the moment. okay, so we'll just give that. yeah. just give that a few more minutes about the c communications. obviously, going to be very difficult right now, but these are scenes coming to us from the alex hospital and it's very difficult to describe what we are seeing. you can see a child there. i mean, these are children, women and children have been caught up in these attacks and a correspondent handle coronary, did spend some time inside the alex the hospital. and so she was saying that
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there are people who are really struggling with the injuries and that one's they, she was saying that that had to be amputations on the floor of the hospital because they don't have that is how difficult the situation is that people are just being rushed and massive influx of people often we so multiple strikes on cause or it, it's an attack by the land air and see that we have seen today. and of course, many of these people have been displaced multiple times. and so they are concentrated. you have many people concentrated in these parts of gauze are and so when the strikes occurred it stands to reason that that will be many casualties. and we have seen ambulance is arriving at the alex hospital with wounded patients seeking some sort of treatment. but this is a hospital that's already been incredibly overwhelmed,
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functioning that 3 times above its own capacity target was in. i say you are with us now. it would be uh if, if i can ask you what is happening there in in darrow bala? yeah. no. sounds good as well. there is a bit of a delay. i know there's it, there is quite a long delay actually to tarik who is on the line from daryl by the in central gaza . but one interesting thing is that we did hear, we did have an update from a hospital official, the alex hospital official. and he called for a gent, international intervention to save this hospital, he said that he is cooling on international bodies, international organizations to take action. now he said there to generate says that
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a keeping the hospital running one i think has already broken down and then if they lose the other, then yes, hundreds of people would almost certainly die because they wouldn't be able to continue with that treatment. so he said the hospital is operating with the use of one generator because the of the is broken down. the other thing is, you see these scenes of people being rushed in k all take frantic scenes of children lying on stretches covered in blood, being washed into hospital. this is a small child you see here and the thing is, is a severe shortage of stuff. so they're on enough doctors to treat these patients. they're on the medical supplies, either to treat them properly. and so, you know, this is the only hospital, this is one hospital that is not that big. actually it's, it's relatively small, but it's missing potentially
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a 1000000 people who have been displaced. it's overflowing with patients. and you know, some very strong words used by the hospital official when he delivered his update earlier on he said that had been a massacre. an estate out, this is why the is ready to ami, went into this area to free the for hostages of an intense, also on the site out that resulted in the desk of women, children, and many other civilians. we don't have the exact figures right now. he said that he's ready all me uh, committing brutal mass because he said they all taking hospitals out of service. well, i mean, we also have from honey and all the chronus folks pass in at the unlocks hospital. here's more of what he had to say. we need an urgent and dimension to say this hospital and we did it by the senior,
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the sensor we've got on the right to go immediately to a left. so hospital to donate blood to risk you the lives of dozens of one that they do in good faith in. and i left so hospital, we urge the international community, the international organizations to intervene immediately to say the hospital and the risk you the government medical situation and this internal dev on the right. dr. natalia hodge. hassan is a pediatric intensive care physician with gauze and medic. voices and she has been some time in gaza working at the alex hospital, which is the hospital that we've been watching today. she says that the facility was already overwhelmed with patients with severe trauma from is riley shelling i, i'm struggling to even i'm struggling to eat tea to even process the fact that
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this is happening right now and has happens repeatedly systematically. i just lost it up to my headline at and t c at every single hospital that have all been lifelines. i just heard your corresponded right now talking about and also being a lifeline. why is that not even a lifeline. it's one of the smaller hospitals in gaza. it is completely taken over it because of health care system because every of their major hospital has been destroyed. so even the fact that its functioning the way its functioning right now, it needs to be seen in the context of the fact that it is uh, taking the place of what should be a quick turner center when it's not is a small hospital. and at the moment it's functioning as causes main hospital i. when i was there a couple months ago, it was jam packed with patients everywhere,
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cord or staircases. and we were operating 247. the operating rooms were expanded, the maternity ward was taken over by trauma patients. every police small hospital was taking over by trauma patients. and what we've been hearing in the last 48 hours. and i want to show the testimonies from a colleagues that i've been corresponding with their yesterday and today, but they are horrific. they're describing and i quotes about 20 minutes ago, i received the message for one of my colleagues in the emergency department saying at dr. sonya, it's a full blown full blown comprehensive genocide. they are the bombing at the middle area of gaza. he said he kept repeating the word massacre, massacre massacre over and over again. and then he sent me videos from their association of area of the emergency department, and it is a slaughterhouse. there is blood everywhere. there are many people missing
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extremities. it was so her effect. i have to look away from the video. that is the video i received just now my other colleagues as senior in the emergency department as well as senior physician, sent me a few messages saying it was complete chaos. today's the worst day they've had so far, which says a lot. because just 2 days ago, they received the casualties from the massacre on the honor of school. and at the time they received over a 170 patients at trauma patients in one go. that is a mass casualty that no hospital in the world would be able to cope with well and a $170.00 mass casualties multiple with multiple amputations, we had reports of a pregnant woman whose abdomen had had to add to amputations was her right arm and right leg and her out, her abdomen was bogged open. they could see the fetus inside her house. and then
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let's go to washington dc. now speak with doctor. they are his id, joe castro. what is the latest is riley strikes mean for this, these fi adults to mary, and we expect president biden to be making remarks in france in this coming hour. and what he'll say is likely he will tell this release of those captors as a win. but as far as what this development and israel's attack on gaza, the latest one means for the cease fire deal that's would be pure speculation. what we do know is that the us led effort to mediate a cease fire deal continues. the c, r is director william burns, has been in doha over the past week. he remains there now joining a junction and guitar, a mediators to present the steel to a moss course. this deal is the one that was announced by us president biden last month in which he said that eventually after a temporary cease fire,
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it would lead to a permanent cease fire that hang up. apparently, according to statements from us in these negotiations, is that there's this trust and exactly how committed israel is to it's end of the deal, which by and has said isn't as rarely deal. however, there has been really lackluster support from it, at least publicly from is really officials and how mos say that there is no written permanent ceasefire proposal from the as rarely side. so still many questions hang over this latest development. unclear exactly what impact it will be, but the u. s. continues its effort to try to mediate the steel sending secretary of state antony blinking now to the region on monday. all right. how does your castro, i didn't pass her, bring us all that i just from washington. thank you very much speaking there about the implications of this massive attack on gaza for the facies 5
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tools which are taking place and mediated by egypt and can't talk when the palestine solidarity march is underway right now in central london, tens of thousands of people calling for an end to the will, would you say or is or challenge is that covering it? this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15 in london and the boxes doing their best to try and keep the guard. take the pressure on the politicians to find out where the problem for the demonstration is, is that you guys now in large election mode and that's no, you're fine from either of the 2 main policies. the conservative or opposition liaison back gaza is much of another action issue that side of the no commitment from either of that to latest. so on april, for example, the march is going to try to convince them that garza is a vote issue is an election issue. so on tuesday,
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the campaign is launching the rights palestine time fight, and whether it's in peoples or right like with 6 specific saws or related questions about garza is more of an issue for the less than it is for the rights and the time paid as much as they are often more angry with some of the opposition lead of them, they always receive soon after 5 minutes. they feel that if foam or the life of data should be on that side, assign behalf of that is hiring through the library a for that or a science coming from within the policies that that are election manifesto. places for this selection will include a commitment to recognize the stakes of palestine, the whole, the end of any piece process. meanwhile, across the mattress box or how does the right hand on breaking news story this out in gaza web palestinians across the territory are reading from an unprecedented as righty. a sold its forces carrying out attacks by
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a land and sea residential blocks completely destroyed in the north of gauze or in gaza city gun ships of bombarding the area near the fishing port. at least a 150 palestinians have been killed. thousands more has been injured and as riley strikes that we have seen in central gauze, a medical solve at the alex hospital are overwhelmed by the large numbers of injured people who has been rushed to the hospital with serious wounds and injuries needing a june of medical treatment that the hospital will struggle to provide them, but also there are many people at hundreds of, of people inside the hospital seeking shelter as well. of course one an earlier saying that some 8000 people inside outlook, so not just the injured but the families who have no or else to go because that is no was safe in gaza because of the areas that have been designated safe done,
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including refugee camps for the displays of being found. another person coming up very sure you're watching alger 0. the looks property wintry in july, an option to, you know, with cloud connection with pacific giving you rain. sometimes scenarios are not currently on the, the, on the in chain. and that waiting to cause quite strong at times. but often it's bright or even sunday, an option to attempt just tend to vary wildly. at the moment we're up to about trance to him one of the day, a 19 in by a blanket, but without a single fingers. sciences at some point time. right. and so for only about 4 to re of this is particularly extraordinary. it stopped raining. that in the southeast of brazil on the south here that commerce, if that's something you're to go out and off. sure. so dr. picks if i'm not sure, but as far as not booting, unfortunately,
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the seasonal rate is to the north in venice. white or in columbia. they've been recent flooding here, which is seasonally, to be expected, because it does bring land slides with the heavy rains back for us to get into kind of our maybe cost to recap. but we've had some particularly heavy rain recently in dominican republic. i think has been funding here the full cost of coal springs it so the west through cuba, and possibly jamaica, and also the cayman islands, and this now in the time peninsula and the rest of mexico sees a few light chairs. so it's cooling down a little bit here, and indeed the heat wave in the south west of the us is, is, is reached, is peaking, is going away. and as we look again to build big shadows across the plate in space, missouri 6 up in ohio. the
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. ringback the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry, i'm demise the. welcome to the news. our life from dough ha. coming off in the next 60 minutes. israel launch is one of the biggest souls i'm the was so from the mind and see is forces pound residential areas of central gaza,


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