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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the the . ringback the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm sorry i'm to my the welcome to the news our live from dough ha. coming off in the next 60 minutes. israel launch is one of the biggest souls of the world so far from me as mind and see is forces pound residential areas of central gaza. a 150 people are killed. hundreds more has been
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wounded. the areas remaining, hospitals, overwhelms, don't, isn't medical stop unable to treat the sheer volume of patients, many of whom live dying on the floor. meanwhile, israel is saying that 4 of the captives held by a must have been freed, a live of to fish bottles with palestinian fighters. the o continues our, it's just gone. 1300 g m t. that's for pm in gaza by palestinians across the district, the reeling from an unprecedented as riley a sold residential blogs have been completely destroyed in the north, in kansas city gunship sip on finding the area around the fishing port. but it's really in central gaza where is there any forces of coward at one of the most serious attacks of the war so far? from the land and sea,
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they shelled and bombed residential areas found out by law. at least a 150 palestinians are known to have been killed so far, but that number is expected to rise. hundreds of all those have been injured. the main hospital in the region is overwhelmed. medical staff is struggling to cope. patients have been dying on the floor as they await treatment. we suffer. c. v is show the mid, it goes style of medicine, medical supplies, and we've got a lot how slow these numbers of mazda the people in the hospital is full of patients. and we have no spaces for more individuals, but left. so hospital that works now on one gen the right to. because the other one has stopped the generator, it has stopped. and the stoppage of one of these generators can lead
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to i got those 12 feet is rather saying that the this authoration and central gaza resulted in the successful release of full is really captives from 2 separate locations in the se, rods in gaza. the captives have been taken to a hospital in tel aviv while they were met by said of bracing crowds is ready minutes recess. and today's attacks on central guns that had been planned for weeks . this was a high risk complex commission based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight into separate buildings. deep inside garza while on the fire, on the fire, inside the buildings under fire on the way half on the way out from gauze up all forces rescued. all hostages is really forces have been preparing for this rescue
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mission for weeks there on the went in intensive training. they risk their lives to save the lives of all hostages. this is what we do in israel. we've been hearing from him the other country throughout the past few hours. she is on the phone from the alex hospital in darrow by law. i did not coming in clyde or the hospital from different areas. we're talking about areas like getting this. i brought my feet to come today and, and because the course this area has been under intense uh, bombardment since the early hours of the morning. we're talking about our southern returning. we're talking about air starts and we're also something about live and munition from the worship. we saw a couple of a target the there was a massive industry for us on one of the houses, very close to the all of the hospitals where,
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where you are right now and we're top and they can't lead because it's very dangerous. ambulances did not stop transferring injuries, i'm not only ambulances, we're talking about people don't get cars, cars, anyone trying to has as much as possible. i talked to a lot of injuries, some tremendous different content. these types of it will come on, intense are kindly return it where but steps in the show of the houses and they got injured and it was a merry cool house that you talk. you waited and got out of their houses because those are the tanks. are stationed on i'm still not being road, it's still intensifying me to still here are tend to be shunting in the background and the hospitals are over. well, you can imagine the people are on the floor. metix volunteers. everyone is trying to have some people to do this area. theory. air strikes,
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look like down. there's no c. placing garza and people are now homeless, certified or applied theory. another way of barton is an extra and they don't know where to hide or where to go. there's a house that was targeted to so i left the hospital and were talking about the sidewalk 3 times surrounding the place where, where people were displaced to the area up. so it's not only targeting house near the hospital, it's targeting this place, positive news process. the middle area will say, but also when to put the churn in. this received the call from that is where the army telling them that they will target on inside a lock the hospital. and that's why everyone's horrified. we're talking about a place like the hospital is not only a hospital, it's also a refuge in the shelter for hundreds of thousands of palestinians that speak for a few in the hospital for months right now. and now they boxes of warnings from one
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of the journalists who received a call from the army, telling them that they were going to target a couple of times in the courtyard of the hospital. we're seeing people running, we're seeing people looking for a safe place. everyone is that's the height of the hospital to the area surrounding the hospital and, and, and people are knitter deep. it can't find anything said they do not know where people are searching for a place they're trying to move west. but again, are handicapped or is there are lots cop, just people are hearing live the munitions there are times every sunday and it's also not safe for them to evacuate from outside the hospital. the scene right now, and no one can understand anything because with, except me think it's far too that's collecting in one hour on the herd is i'm going to, i'm just in closing. these are crying children crying mothers looking for their children
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right now. well let's now speak to him. wrong con, he joins us from amman and jordan because he is really government has found out his air from reporting inside israel. so we go to jordan now and, and ron is evan anymore. why? from his riley officials about the attacks and gaza today and the release of the full hostages. the only the it is a hero. it victory for the israelis. that's how the government is spending all of this. now problem is that benjamin netanyahu is already on his way to tell her she met hospital to meet with the captain. he's already had a phone call with one of the captives where he said the, we never forgot about you. is all caps the is ready for him and it still has also been speaking, says he's happy and joyous. this is the language that's being used in israel. this is being seen as a massive success. daniel, regarding the is ready ministry spokesman also gave you some more details about the
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operation that you said that one is right. the soldier was critically injured in the operation that it was a hard for operation in 2 different locations. one of them was a far easier operation than the other one. but what we're also hearing is that this was a mess of operation. utilizing old branches, all of these ready ministry intelligence at land and see the reason for using that and see is that that's how you overwhelm an area. that's how you close kyle: so you send in and have you called the gun ships? you send the missiles from the sea and that allows these ready army to mount a ground operation. and that's why they went in, but that's a. so the reason why the death toll is so high, a 150 of how this thing has been killed. and that figure it seems to be climbing almost every 10 minutes. now. no one in his role is talking about the palestinians . actual, uh, this is simply being seen as a successful operation. now you look at the themes and tell the harsh of
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a hospital celebrations outside these, right, these waving flags, and then you compare that to the scenes outside of. i'll accept hospital where it's simply fit and chaos to tell us and run. we have seen probably test in israel, people wanting to see the, the urgent release of is there any capt as being held inside cause that i felt for a long time that benjamin netanyahu and his governments have not been doing enough to secure that release? what impact will today's news have on those protests? well, i think today of the regular, fast as a protest. they will be a scene of celebration for many of his writings. they'll be thankful that these are full people have been released, but it will be tempered by the fact that the, the host these, these problem, these form is long cold for a ceasefire. a seat by a they say is the quickest, easiest way to get a 120 hostages,
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but i left back out as quickly as possible that these minute treat operations dangerous. we've seen these red, he's died in military operations mounted by b is reading all me and they'll be tempering the celebrations with that kind of language. but we're also hearing for one of the key ministers, benny guns benny guns. remember, has been a, has been seen as a motor within these rating politics. i've distressed sites within his reading politics. he seemed as he was about to resign his post from the government. and as a woman is the box, he's put that in now it's been oh, face offices, the announcement has been cancelled. that's this a sign of how respectful they all when it comes to something like this. they don't want to take away from this celebration that is going to be taking place in israel and once again after stress based celebration is taking place in israel. but no one has mentioned thousands now. and also
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a lot of interesting that we were expecting to hear something and announcement from any guns today and that there was a lot of eager anticipation ahead of that. oh yeah that's, that's the right. that's what i just mentioned. many guys it was about to resign, use canceled. his speech. like i say it is about assign a respect. they don't want to take anything away from these celebrations that are happening. but prime minister benjamin netanyahu has a secret weapon, but any guns can resign and that will be fine because he has the far right coalition. it was sticking to that guns. the coalition still stands. so he's able to with any kind of political developments. but if any against us resign is not going to happen today, we are hearing, but it might happen in the coming days or weeks. it does mean the other politicians baby will decide that that's what they wants to do and then they will join him. okay, thank you very much and on kind of reporting to us from amman and jordan. and just
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to remind you that the reason iran is there is because the cabinet of son benjamin netanyahu, his band out there from reporting inside israel. but we can now drawing out his ear as tired as and we've been trying to establish a connection with him. he is outside the i likes the hospital in darrell by law and terry kind of communications have been very difficult. you are at the lock, so hospital now, can you tell me what you have been witnessing that? yeah, yeah. okay . as well and it is difficult and communications are very difficult because there's a lot of chaos. very difficult situation in the area. but of course, we are seeing that that is the case so many months. but now there it seems outside
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the alex hospital of children being fulton in stretches and medical workers struggling to treat people at least a 150 people have been killed in the attacks mass casualties in gauze or in many hundreds have also been wounded earlier on i spoke to talk to tanya hodge house on and that she has a pediatric intensive care physician with gauze medic, voices. she was only recently working in gaza at that hospital at the alex, the hospital which has been the scene on the is riley attacks today. and she was just speaking to calling. so inside the building now and they were telling her that there's so much blogs everywhere inside the hospitals, emergency department, the colleagues have been saying that it resembles us little to house. one of the messages i just received was the fact that they worked in the emergency department, but it was a blood bass. and that it was extremely hot. so the 1st thing is it's very hot.
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it's summer right now. uh, the gaza strip has been having very high temperatures of late and it's complete chaos. so it's very hot. there's no air that's just on a simple kind of the environment level. and then of course, there's the oxygen supply. so the oxygen supply won't work. the ventilators can't function, so your intensive care, for example, uh, all of the patients that are on ventilators will have to then be backed by hand of the emergency department. i don't know. so that doesn't really and hospitals on the windows, on the inside. and so it does mean that it's dark and they don't have lights. so people start using their phones as stories and flashlights. and this is all in a state when it's already completely pay on it. and for many who are, were connected to the hospital wi fi network, it also means that they've lost connection with the outside world, including my colleagues who were messaging me just one hour ago. 2 of them who are
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and i guess using that network because my messages aren't going through them anymore to no longer need and this is at a time when the emergency department and also hospital is a complete flood that, i mean, it is sorry to provide the start sort of grasping, but i think it's important for people to understand what a gnostic are like this looks like it looks like a slaughterhouse. that the images and videos that i've received. 2 patients lying on the floor everywhere. a pools of blood with missing extremities because they're lim, percent that blown off. that is what announced the group escaped. that looks like it means parents running around, covered and securing their children who have blood running from their head, trying to find a health care provider to treat them. but it's so chaotic and there are so many patients vastly outnumbering the uh, the, the, the health care abilities to care for them. that is the kind of chaos we're dealing with. and then on top of that,
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there's obviously the emotional stress that nobody knowing what's going on. people have been received, evacuation orders to evacuate the same place, that it's all her levy and completely overwhelmed with patients and health care providers themselves. worried about their family members to they're now unable to reach who lives in the vicinity of the hospital. i reminds anybody watching your program that did it by the right off the hospital is in the middle area of cause i the area people in and off our a lot to waiting to when they were told is actually what was considered a safe. so, and that's why there's, they were told no go to alaska, you go to did it by and so about a 1000000 of them did. and these are the people now that are in dead sleep, living in the same area that is currently being balkans. and what i'm hearing from colleagues there over and over again is the casualties coming in our, our, our scores of civilians that are,
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these are the ones who have not already been designated or very clearly dead on the scene. because those just go straight to the, the, the martyrs area where the, the more, and we know that that's completely full and they're talking about putting bodies outside of the hospital and cancer elsewhere because there's no room in the morning . it is a utter and complete mat massacre and i do not know how you could see the footage we're seeing here. the stories we're hearing and not be absolutely convinced that this is a genocide that needs to be stopped immediately. answering knowing stain as an independent journalist and author of palestine to bar tree. he joins us live now from sidney. we have been reporting over the past couple of hours of an unprecedented and brutal attack on gaza that is affecting or all corners of the strip. and escalation in the south attacks and in, in central cause are and then also in the,
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the say about refuge account. we know that a of all the hospital system has been dismantled and now the loss paps. what is the last remaining facility is under a great deal of pressure as hundreds of when the patients from the say right arrest the likes hospital in central cause a. what are your what are your thoughts as you, as you watch all of this, anthony? what is, what is going through your mind right now? it looks kind of through my mind the path from just the she. uh huh. of saying these images is the lead faces and bodies in gaza is effective. these riley government and the military. this actually is a sign and a weakness, not strength. they're actually desperately trying to find some kind of victory. what i mean by that is that after a plus months, the war has gone. disaster sleep for israel days pain. obviously it's gone from what his options say for palestine. answer the phone has been 425-0000 killed. but
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i'm saying that the military, james of israel, nothing. one it will come us to list is less standing. they're still fighting, and it's probably while is increasing escalation in the know because many of these really military looking into some kind of victory, which they have not caught in gaza. and this dicing appraisal called maya in gaza and escalating is so, i mean, it really reminds me, in fact, when i also installed with the us in iraq and afghanistan in the last 20 years. when old invitations were that they were losing badly, which of course they did in the, in the an escalade. and even mostly potentially, if there is a ceasefire arrangement, at least the 1st part of that agreement, the present and bottom put forward recently which doesn't in the world, but potentially inquiries is some kind of hostage negotiation. assuming that even happens, these are all often escalates. that happened that was that last day before the deal today. so my thoughts are the other within these relative sales, palestinian lives are cheap, and the decimal 100
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a 160 pallets the needs. if that's what it is, is shocking and it should basically offend all of us. but we think these relative cell size voices and sizes almost invisible. anthony to stay with us because i want to continue our conversation. we do have what now tank i was in is was out as they are, has been reporting from outside the i likes hospital in there all by law and target . tell me what is happening around you. what have you been seeing over the past hour or 2 in the past couple of hours really critical and not really bad. the studies the button and did not come during the entire central area to include in the schedule. and the lady took you to come back and what's happening is a patient of elizabeth difficult into the pd come up over the weekend. i've been carried out. the correction has been
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a combined by white bread. it strikes the plant been button and that had destroyed the number of goods instead of houses and even on the market to create the traction name. tell them to have the 55 kind of even within the past couple of hours in the camp and that had not been there now, but it's been getting a connection and the lights on the a great time to go to the pop, our boy to kind of thing has happened, the thing to go because they are in patient or even on the blade and the things kind. there's do now a great book struck among palestinians because there was a very wide painted areas in document and then some areas because that
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is the place that they could control over the period of guns. i thought they were going to be quite different as they get really there class we come up 5, but then you get try to think of indication that the images and even inside of the hospitals or the course of the, of the, the, to print when i let and that was using treatment in depth and couldn't quite cost to move them because this is becky begins capacity, at least the bodies that those are the buyers of bodies lined up on the ground. but just bear with them as they want. the glades pays to pay a month. i did not know where to go to get prepped in a very tiny piece of land until a they've gone away. but now i can see now the found it with the button and the
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what kinds of like you down the you've been very hard with him to talk about and the line is breaking up a little bit. but i do want to keep going with this type because you are there with wind darrow, by the, in the vicinity of the alex hospital. why we have seen some very difficult scenes of children. and, you know, i've seen children including a young go as a toddler who is covered in blood and bring pro into the hospital. can you tell me what, where exactly are you in relation to the hospital itself? and one of you been seeing in terms of, in terms of who is being brought in june, you know, in this sort of proportion, i know it's difficult to count them all in such a pay all take situation and this sort of proportion of, of children that you might have seen so i'm just in the
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part of the town, the city it's going to get in at one to i'm going to need to be back in contact with our team on the ground. bad to happen confirming situation to be looked at 65000000050 minutes to have somebody come on the government phase back to try to get into the real challenges that the b, b o, and apologies to that tag. i was even reporting tests from the lock sounds, but lynn down by law, at least a 150 people, have been killed in a massive on the floor to bombardment of the gaza strip that test on to just past midnight in the in a say it out to the future, you can also in central gaza and then also an escalation in the south. hundreds of people has been killed in these attacks. but it's
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a situation where there isn't and attends a sold right across gaza, where at least a 150 people has been killed in this hospital that was already running its 3 times above its capacity completely overwhelmed by the number of casualties. they don't have the supplies to treat people and the medical work as adults has their own turned off of them either. the fuel is also in short supply with one generates having broken down the hospitalist functioning on one generator. uh the they have or they have also issued an urgent call not hospital official honey law. the crohn was speaking early or any issued an urgent call for some sort of intervention to save this hospital to get more supplies to the hospital in the field to deliver it to the hospital. but most importantly, for that to be no. ariel strikes or on 5 men committed trip home apartments in the area of this hospital with uh, you know, patients uh, in the streets because they are unable to access the hospital itself. anthony known,
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seen as an independent john list and officer of palestine the board tree and he is still with us on the line from sidney. and so the, they're all see sign negotiations going online and say, i'm not sure how closely you've been watching those. but there is obviously a case against israel at the international court of justice. and israel appears to become increasingly isolated on the global stage with perhaps a shift in international opinion, but also domestic opinion within america. what is happening in gauze that could potentially move an american election? ok, and you have people like you and the special rock the to for the occupied palestinian territory is saying there are reasonable grounds to believe that israel is committing genocide against the palestinians. and yet we continue to see attacks like this that appears to be no threshold that can be crossed. that would bring
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about an actual intervention to stop this will because ultimately way the paralyzes washington, and by that and has shown and really for decades. so there's certainly some, some type of 7 that there is a data and t palestinian racism within him. i mean that's not a secret. he's experienced a lot of admiration or israel so decades and since on the type of said and that's really being shown. so explicitly width ends, us still being shipped to israel from the us. none of these actions messic is of south any of that. they're also still coming by the way from the u. k. and germany . none of that has stopped and really i think shows is growing divine as he sat in the us and many wasting countries now between the late to generally support his ro and mini in the public. he simply do not. and the public opinion polls showed that, but equally americans and 18 to 75 and young people in other western states as well, who would this day? 50 solutions. and as you say in the us,
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if trump linsey she will not solely be because of gaza because obviously trump is frankly a till the goal for long gaza. it's so many people i know many posted in friends of mine errands in america, muslims, and just average americans in general say we cannot and will not invited to bind to . we're not going to vote for trump, but we're not going to vice a bond because it's on acceptable blind support. and now i'm being of these ro, when it keeps on committing messic aircraft and mexico. and i think it also does finally shows that there is a strong dissolution incorrectly with this nonsense that we came hearing out of the us and many western states international rules based so that it does not exist. it does does not exist because people are talking about the things that one that didn't say russian ukraine, but it doesn't apparently applies to israel guys and then doesn't exist now, replies for old or doesn't apply to anyone. and i think many, many people and pretty decent will usually make the whole concept of international law. except if, for example, as we've seen, international criminal court is trying to rightly get
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a rest lawrence for 3 homeless leaders and it's in yahoo and you go on the defense, minnesota. that is a legitimate line of questioning any international law or in that way should be blind. in fact, in the use pass, it often has no pain, but it should be and it's usually, you know, spoken about the genocide case against is around all sorts of was, have been used as medical work is inside the hospital. you know, these are not international law or aspects of politicians obviously, but they are inside the hospital inside the likes hospital right now. they say that what they are seeing, the indiscriminate nature of these attacks, the children and the women and the all the civilians that are being boss. and they all saying that what is happening right now is a brutal massacre. but the striking thing, anthony, about this war over the past 8 months, is that it's, it's very difficult to keep pump in a way because yes you have to do,
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you have the actual killing. and then the crimes against children is ro was just on the yes today often many is um only yesterday the un placed israel on a blacklist of, of shame for crimes that parties to conflict commit against children. but then, you know, there are these, all the violations of international law, right? so if people have a right to medical treatment, destruction of causes health care system, the denial of treatment for pot as a new patients, that's considered a war crime, collective punishment to the point where you are denying the entry of basic goods into the strip. so that people don't have enough to eat there is now $5000000.00 of that is also overall crime. so it seems as a, at each day, you know, we report on what is happening, but you know that and so, so much has accumulated over many, many months. and yet it to the impunity goes on a lean. kennedy is deep. and in fact, i would say, as i've said,
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some mountains relates in soft toys on the mess. lower side is the point that is exactly the point. the idea of trying to make guns on livable from these rarely perspective as being, frankly, largely successful has been no red lines that israel apparently can cross. the western states will stop for full street in the us as we discussed. weapons ok flowing. but what each row has not done from militarily failing miserably and galleries legitimacy speaking, they have a major problem on their hands. why they know that it doesn't stop the war today or tomorrow, tragically. but in many parts of the world, these roles image as tanks to put it bluntly, sanctions boycotts and bad guys aren't as being talked about. they're actually in some places, not all, but some places being enacted in some of these. riley press, the cleaner alons, the ones that are more understanding of what these rel is doing. guys are under opposed to if i'm reporting on that, they're saying that israel is increasingly isolated now not in washington for
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london or billing. this is true, but in many places in the universe, city campuses, across the globe. so these are all slicing and legitimacy problem. and in fact, when he said including this, this week, and you know, times and how are these rarely newspaper had a late story talking about this information, campaign push down plays around and try to influence american politicians to support israel. this is always rel, is gone. more this information, rob, and actually changing the policy and guys are all stuffing the war is to try to convince people essentially billed us, them to support it and that's not going to work with huge amounts of people is fixing the yeah, that's the problem that is real size is moving forward. well, thank you very much on st lowenstein. i do appreciate you taking the time to speak to us on the hours there and use our answering non staying independent john list, an officer of palestine, the bar tree joining his staff from sidney. i want to take him out of washington dc and speak to heidi joe castro is,
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have been any reaction the tool to what we've been seeing and gaza. well marianne, on surprising way here in the us there has really been no reaction as far as the palestinian casualties that were a result of these campaigns by this really military. but there has been a lot of celebration even jubilation over the freeing of those for is really captive. we have us senator ted cruz responding and twitter saying that the us should support israel as increase every last hostage he rice and utterly destroys. from us, we are still waiting to see whether president biden will react to this development . he is, as you know, in france now, meeting with the french president. he's expected to address cameras during this, our unclear how to speak of this, but it's likely that he would dress suspended the 3 of those hostages as captive as
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a when of course, overpaying all of this or the continued ceasefire tops. the us is trying to mediate in that thus far, we really still have no developments to announce from that reports of us involvement in these really oppression. and the say, right, kind of what more do we know about this a yes. so we're seeking confirmation right now. from the us pentagon, but according to the new york times, there were american hostage recovery officials. the report is real, who assisted apparently with the intelligence that led to the rescue of these captives. also, axia was intimate, another american publication reporting that a cellphone belonging apparently to a us hostage us captive was used successfully in aiding this this operation. but there's still a lot of unanswered questions, of course,
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and we're hopefully get some answers on the president addresses the media. what about the impact on the sci fi talk? so, you know, there are negotiations being mediated by the objections also by cats are biting at present bite and made a very big announcement of what he came was in his really proposal. a 3 phase plan to bring this for to an end. but could that be, could that be possible impacts from today's is riley strikes on sci fi tools that that would be to our circulation, but certainly there's likely to be an impact. what that will be, is unclear. what we know is that the u. s. continues in its effort to be a mediator in those talks. william burns, a c i, director has been in doha since last week. on monday, the us secretary of state anthony blink, and we'll be heading to the middle east as well to assist in these talks. but really, the big question has been whether this deal that was announced indeed by president
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biden late last month. whether it is as he claims and is rarely deal. because there has been a lot of doubt coming from us leaders about whether this truly represents the position of the is really government. and the part that's really showing this doubt is present in biden's saying that the 2nd phase of this plan will lead to a permanent ceasefire. but of course, benjamin netanyahu, those really prime minister has said he would not accept a permanency as far without destroying him off 1st. so a lot of questions about how those 2 sides could possibly come together on that front. but those negotiations do continue indo huh. thank you very much, heidi joke house from washington. the the you of al jazeera life from the recap of the headlines now. these right the minute
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tree carried out one of the most famous assaults on central causes since the war began. forces launched attacks from the land and sea shutting residential areas around darrow by law. at least a 150 pounds of citizens have been killed so far. but that number is expected to rise. one of the causes loss functioning hospitals has been overwhelmed by the large numbers of injured palestinians. medical solve, the deluxe hospital are struggling to cause. patients have been dying on the floor while waiting for treatment. these right, the minute tree is saying it's on probation in central cause it resulted in the freedom of 4 is really captives from 2 locations in the se rod's captives has been taken to a hospital in tell of eve. israel says one of its soldiers was killed in that operation. do you want to turn to some of the news vis now now, and any 400000000 people in 27 countries? a low seeing an e. u. elections, migration, security in green policies. the main concerns fall right,
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policies are predicted to make the biggest gains that right me to form a launch block in the european parliament step was lost and went to the netherlands and germany to find out more. to finalize, lead us here to bill. this is no longer campaigning for next if the dots version of rex it instead the n p u n t emigration. an empty islam politician is aiming for more influence in brussels to change as you were being union from the inside. i'd also have a tougher asylum and immigration policy. i won't argue that all national sovereignty will not evolve more to the, to brussel. it was back to the nation, states weaker in your opinion, if that's what you're competing. while you know, if, if a union has less power or less, the issues to be involved with doesn't necessarily mean that they a week or, you know, you can become smaller and stronger a message to them and you're like to hear. yeah, things time to change,
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the people are concerned about this issue. not just never heard of. you're too much immigration, that it has to be best to come to mars this. i mean, i want to most acute germany, which does not catch you much about all the countries present in the image, maureen, listen of the french riley party, recently expelled the alternative for germany party or a if d from the european fluoride identity and democracy group considering them to radical for the far right and europe. the a of the is important to build a large coalition in brussels, but also commons by the main tended to that not all, not as s member as well criminals. and all those scandals far right. leaders in europe have now distance themselves from the age of the 2 recent stopping attacks. here in my high age as far right politicians, costing the life of a policeman to support for the a. if the researches say despite its new image, the file right has not changed its ideas. they say made sweet spot and it's like
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the european people spots of earth left on the lion have moved to the right from the lion has hinted at a partnership with georgia. maloney of the right wing brought us of it to the party to forward is that they have us to the radical right. they hope that that would attract them again by becoming more radical on in particular the issue of immigration. however, that is not what has happened. what has happened is that they have legitimize the far right. and the far right has become more successful because of that, a possible success as pulling stations across to europe in union worries. these both testers will say they call the full provide their real intentions. by the far right wants to destroy our democracy and our land is bulls prove to be correct. fall right. part is good. secure 25 percent of seats and the european parliament include become the 3rd largest law step class, and i'll just say rough manheim, germany. meanwhile, a riley against the rise and support for fire. right?
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politics in germany is underway in the capital. by land. it comes the day before jam is in the year of pain parliamentary elections. reason polls show support for the right wing alternative for germany. policy stands about 30 percent in the eastern states. critics. the far right support will erode germany's democracy. mr. china is life for us now. the and t fall right. protest in violent. tell us what is happening there. and uh, what's the turn out like yeah, we are seeing several 1000 people before the end of the day is out there expects the organizers are suspecting more than 10000. we've seen people on stage thinking, rawlings fancy, and the big turn out at the group out here in berlin, in the course of context. the 1st mind that people have come out in defense of democracy against far right extremism. not just here in berlin, but across the country here in germany. because over the past few months, we've seen
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a lot of rallies against the rise of the far right at its highest point. this party decision stream is party was coming in 20 percent across the nation. and they are frequently tied in cold for 2nd place. and the various political parties such a really troubling development that a lot of people here in portland, a lot of people here across germany are turning out against okay, thank you very much meliss channel, forcing to this room that and t fall right? rally that is taking place in berlin right now. sorry. and heartland is electra at the i state university and a political consult. and he joins us live now from vienna. is the far right growing and support and is that going to translate to a strong showing and european parliamentary elections? um let's see a way to the not in this case split um, if i, if the had some scandals like them. i mean, the pin,
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the big theda phones friends went to this, then store they, i'd be able to find that potential, but they are declining a bit. yes, there's a important that effect of up to that. uh, this is, kendall is about some fashion chinese is feel nice about this old coach, cribson tiny dog mike c medium. cough and this was true. i think there might be but 30 percent is pretty good. know 30 percent support is in the eastern states eastern . so many, but in the eastern term of the us in the out kind of the upcoming election single term, but not sort of your pin in excess because they had this so called scandalous. and they also had this media campaign against them starting in january. and that's why the topic know about this and on key fob, i po, to simpler and,
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and in some other states frozen. yeah. so you've got the most to about that because he was speaking to our for to is that a protest, but this is a one that is against the fall, right. what do you suppose has a driven so many germans to suddenly protest against this? extreme is spotty, the listen to shade or listen to light off. um empty. com pains and uh, this is the way to link those. so to the uh, drummond boss and there's no social listening. and uh, this is actually very expertise and also the media very much, i can say i've the and most of the political establishment. and this is a bit also the direct. i'll come on out of this. so i apologize for the if the but
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we faced in germany in the last months are all right. well, thank you very much. it was very interesting to speak to floor and heart lab luxury at the university. you are a police consultant consulting. i do appreciate you joining us the from vienna the what you as president joe biden is on his 1st state visit to funds is meeting with president emmanuel mack corner is meant to highlight a partnership on global security and hopefully move past previous trade. tensions to date as what was expected to discuss a role in ukraine. so that's good and passion, butler, she is life for us at the say palace in paris with the latest on this. so what's likely to happen then in the next hour or so? so that's what you've already seen, are those pictures that old us present, j biden,
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and the french present to manual micro on the power since famous a show for these a avenue that was ceremonies that are the off the trail. we understand that they've had a working lunch here now at the least a palace and of being deep and discussions and the conversation. we know that the talking mainly about international issues, the situation in the middle east. and it will be interesting to see if, when they come out and get those press statements, whether they will talk about is ro stepped up involvement of calls we've seen in recent hours and days. where does that also talk about these ready ministry saying that it is released for hostages? so we'll have to see what they say about that. but we know that those present macro, i'm present bite and i've been calling for a ceasefire. so we can certainly expect one or both of them to mention that they are also talking about ukraine, something that both white and, and michael have repeatedly mentioned over the last few days during the day commemorations here in faults. both the leaders also,
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i met with ukraine in preston for the ms. lensky here in paris or a person biden has said that the us will give another $225000000.00 us dollars and military a to keep, particularly for things like a defense systems. for us and my call has set the false uh wants to gave you crane um a rush for it to jack centers offering to train ukrainian pilots in falls. we will say notifies micro all said last week that phones is considering sending ministry trainers to ukraine. as you say, ukraine will be top of the agenda that also be discussing trade and pops. what is happening in gaza at biden. likely to mention the release of those for as righty captives. but to tell us, natasha, what is the dynamics between a president biden and not calling today? share a warm relationship as well. the relationship,
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but also to a tricky store is a disagreement over a submarine contract. but since then that has been pretty much on the same page when it comes to the situation in ukraine and they've been working very closely all in the middle east. what we've seen from by flight and, and ukraine over the last bite. and i should say, micro, excuse me, as the last few days when they've been at these d de commemorations here in faults. as both of those presence of where to use the opportunity to give speeches which they have to abide by personal commitment to democratic values, to multilateralism in an increasingly politically polarized world. and look, i think the optics, the both of those present a the last week as being a very important because you have present michael, who's going into the you election here in frauds. and his policy is i can fall behind for a ride candidates. so he's been using this week very much to publish his instructional credentials, hoping that might give his party candidates a boost your voice as cool as gold,
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a price and bite. and who knows that he is facing us for like election against his main rival, the republicans don't know from and we know of course it present button is been a staunch supporter of israel. what is present? not chrome stand in recent long since they've been any shift in his position. when it comes to the war on gaza, let's say in the month when the wolf started to where we are now. for some microwaves position. you could say he has repeatedly, many times in recent days, particularly in a high profile interview on television. just a couple of days ago. he said look, when he comes to what is happening in the middle east. he says of false is always sides is what it is pushing for. what it is looking for is, is a 2 state solution. he was all strand television interviews,
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whether or not it wasn't time for folks to recognize a palestinian state to some of the european nations have including spring an island . for example. in present michael said look, we get all set over. and again, we feel that the time is more, right. we feel that recognizing a palestinian state to certainly something that phones would like to do, but it wants to do it in the context of any future peace negotiations in the middle east. so that is what a present my calls position is at the moment. and i think that from has put his name on his statements and released the state. you mentioned the last few days alongside the united states and more than a 1000 other countries, a cooling for a ceasefire deal hostage really still on the table to be accepted. all right, thank you very much. it's actually about are the se powers at thomas in paris, and of course you will get back to the scene when we hear from president spiting
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and my phone in all the news verses and bill gary go to the polls on sunday and that's 6 parliamentary elections and 3 is not vote, was triggered by the collapse of the coalition government in march. each day is faced political upheaval, incorruption scandals. and reason is some analysts say that is something that this selection won't change local. so sharif reports from the capital, sophia, some of us election season in bulgaria, once again, the southeast europe in country is holding it 6 parliamentary election in 3 years for voters like i said, bela kin, it's a timing exercise to keep voting for politicians who have them be able to form a stable government that will allow me to tell it, but if we don't have a choice, we have to budge my family and i will vote for continue the change. they will bring
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in reforms the not corrupt economic instability and corruption. a major concerns into your opinions for this country. in 2020. but again, the esl must have anti corruption protests force and den from mr. michael bought a so to resign. since then inconclusive elections. and sir john coalitions have left the country with can take the government and the depot political crisis. surveys the head of the election suggests this literature on surface tables coalition. over the last vote, the parties are making last ditch effort to win enough support. they have a clear choice either to have with the that the progress that we saw in the last 3 years. and the other option is to go back to the years before 2020, where we had a lot of protests. so lots of corruption scandals, rushes blown ukraine is also fueling divisions and bulgaria. although sophia
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supported sanctions against most cool parties are divided over providing ministry a 2 keys and containing a neutral stand. some believe the cut on political instability could have pro russian and due to a skeptic, potties. well, gary, a is deeply rooted in the u. n. nato. but at the same time when it comes to poverty, got to choose. uh, there are significant pro ration sentiments in the country, which are the result that if you start the distortion plug in, if you need to stay boot ultman for you funds and support, it's blum's to join you to zone have been pushed back twice as a mis installation targets, after a 13 year wait, it partially drawn, europe's opened boldest hanging program. this election, fatiguing by guerria. i'm going mistrust of the political cloth. successive governments who promised defied corruption, have landed up pulling free to it as the getting set to pose this time, hoping for the government that stays. and that they don't have to head to pulling
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boots any time. so i'll just. so i want to focus on sit down now the number of people internally displaced by the conflict that could exceed 10000000 in the coming days. according to the international organization for migration, more than half of those falls from the homes of women and children. fighting between the army and the pine military rapids support forces has stopped. the entry of aid enforced farm is to flee. that line the when one's there is a risk assignment or violence is broken out in kenya's coast over a government plan to build a country's 1st nuclear power station. can use one of a growing number of african countries as nuclear ambitions on the south africa in egypt currently using escape power. thousands of people were injured when police broke up the recent protest against a proposed client in the village of o. u and the president and activists say the pals station will destroy their livelihoods and damage
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a walls. same as marine was of that time to carl. we've dolphins and the other endangered species, malcolm lab reports now from county the deals. it wasn't a normal day in the coastal village volume they, when these people say, please bring their arms with buttons. it was just david, 2 weeks ago. work is from kenya is new k, a power agency came to put the weather monitoring mazda in the village school. the government says it wants to build a nuclear power plant around here. residents that once age, they say district officials have been paid off. well, they've seen the news. please say they have to use gun fire into a gas to break up a dr. so it will kill people if you look at pictures of waste, such projects have been before pregnant. women have given birth to children with one leg or with no eyes. that's why i don't support this project to come to the communities to cite the mouth of
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a creek flowing into the indian ocean. most people here survive by swimming coconuts or fishing among dry forest along the sides of the creek of crucial for fish, reproduction further down the channel. so those legs on the beaches and the coal rece house to see the little same pre show for fish reproduction. where we are right now is it protected. moving wildlife is a very being considered for the power plants is here. scientists say the water emitted by nuclear power station would be disastrous for the sea life anywhere in this area. and so the tories to come to see it environmental activist, phyllis and me do, says the location couldn't be west, and kenya is nowhere near being able to manage nuclear waste. a she's one international awards for how campaigns a sites and now set on the nuclear plant, which the government says he wants to borrow around $4000000000.00 or about
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$500000000000.00 kenya shillings. part of it is because the entrance to corruption, they're just looking at $500000000000.00 the amount of, of, of course shots they would get and kicks locks and all that. you know, they are trying to push this thing down to, to, to skin us. because a $500.00 p m, but mostly costs can you also have benefits for only a few men within government would benefit from the international atomic energy agency says kenya is on track to have a search react to by the 20 sets ease by which time the government says it wants the coastal power plant to be fully operational here. several african governments have signed deals for nuclear power stations in recent years, mostly with russia and china. looked on a kanga who took us fishing near the proposed size. doesn't want kenya to be one of them. he says, radiation poisoning will destroy his livelihood. demitria energy agency told us the final decision on the sites will meet all kenyon and international laws and seeking
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a foreign partner who deal with nuclear waste. if we do studies and determine that it's the right place, i can also look at doing that. i am telling you that as a government one, this one that is a sponge wandering these. we do it in a way that we did not fix the environment, especially or be boys any danger to our people. government says the power station will bring development to the community around it, but nobody's yet found a permanent solution to dispose of nuclear waste, which remains dangerous to all life forms for tens of thousands of years. of the residents of the we spoke to say they don't want to change the way of life and they don't want that problem here. malcolm web address era county can yeah.
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the hello. it's just going to $1400.00 gmc 5 pm and gaza. what palestinians across the strip relaying from an unprecedented as rainy as sold residential blocks have been completely destroyed in the north and gaza city. gunship simple and bothering the area around the fishing port. but it's in central garza what is writing forces of count out one of the most famous attacks of the war so far from me at 9 and see they sheldon found residential areas around darrow. paula, at least a $150.00 palestinians are known to have been killed so far. that number is expected to mount hundreds of all those has been injured. the main hospital in the area has been overwhelmed. medical staff is struggling to cope. patients has been dying on the floors as they awaits treatment. we suffer, c. v is sold, the mid it goes stall, the medicine, medical supplies and we've got


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