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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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and said as rainy as salt residential blocks have been completely destroyed and the nose in gaza, city gunship some phone bothering the area around the fishing ports, but its in central garza, what is riding forces of cowed at one of the most famous attacks of the war so far from the land and sea they sheldon found residential areas around darrow. paula, at least a $150.00 palestinians are known to have been killed so far. that number is expected to mount hundreds of all those has been injured. the main hospital in the area has been overwhelmed. medical staff is struggling to cope. patients has been dying on the floors as they awaits treatment. we suffer. c. v is sold, the mid it goes, stall, the medicine, medical supplies and we've got a lot holes. all these numbers of mothers and wounded people in the hospital is full of patients. and we have no spaces for more individuals. but that and
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so hospital that works now on one gen the right to. because the other one has stopped, the generator has stopped. and the stoppage of one of these generators can lead to a cat. this 12 feet is where else has the operation in central guys as successfully fried for is riley captives from 2 separate locations in the se rod's captives have been taken to a hospital in tel aviv where they were met by celebrating crowds. is there any minute teresa sat, today's attacks on central gauze had been planned for weeks, one soldier was killed. this was a high risk complex commission, based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in 2 separate buildings. deep inside garza while on the fire, on the fire,
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inside the buildings on the fire, on the way, how on the way out from because of all forces rescued, all hostages is really forces have been preparing for this rescue mission 4 weeks. they are on the went in intensive training. they risk their lives to save the lives of all hostages. this is what we do in israel algae. there is how shall have brung up barbara brings us of this report now on the attacks on gaza today. cottage again in gaza. this is the moment he's variety of forces shell, the disable outcome. the attack was relentless by 2 jets struck residential areas near hospital in data. buff. buddies lie on the streets, best to work is to great risk to reach the targeted areas. this was the scene of the nearest hospital chaos. the and we
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just barons desperately though that children this woman is told her loved ones, didn't survive. one of the attacks if father struggles to find the vine woods, to say good bye to his dead son, he pauses and then says medea this is that i want to say hello. these riley forces have targeted without any warning for houses hosting a lot of people. the forces advanced towards east darrow bella and force the palestinians to leave the areas about my bad local people couldn't believe what's happening. evicted from that homes displays time and again, they have to see the area once again. they have suffered great during the last 8 months, but today they think only about escaping death and protecting that children. one of
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the messages i just received was the fact that they were worked in the emergency department that it was a blood bass. and that it was extremely hot. these by the army said tom gets it from us. and these law makes you how to hide out as well as me to, to infrastructure. both health officials and gaza insist most of the casualties of children and women passion by the 0 journey is now is out is there is tag, i will assume on the fund from outside the i likes hospital in dire all by what can you tell us about the situation around your topic, a patient is reading, dia has that card continued over the central areas of his treatment and breeding them. so right the thank god, the nature of the ration has been taking place. the, as the is very special does not have to really fully been cop cuz from the rock
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rescue did come. now what we do now is that at least $150.00 pounds in these 2 in the past couple of hours. i think of a of what this is subject to is in by a power of land and see and what is going to be an input level of because of that applies to the hospital. so didn't woman, but the thing to be covered with a lot that quickly can get from the bottom induct was in this per minute. but we have to put it into the house, the market or the possible probably to cover for the military operation. but like that, but now we can get it found that because the government, the whole ring on the in some area, i think that that has the back to way to the top to has that in the city. i'm interested in here in the central area. the golf is going to be
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minus 26, and then back to the very top to bottom the on the bottom of the don't forget the southern parts of gauze including the district the, you know, the fine. thank you so close to the, to the uh was 10 areas and it goes to a milwaukee where you just have thousands of companies that have been teaching graf use. and this is the grim reality that is ongoing escalation of the tax. meanwhile, the policy and have been experiencing a very unprecedented psychological tre, my because the sense that central areas will be facebook from button and can see you're in the pub, especially in the vicinity of i lost the hope that the youth to the quote, the i as. busy palestinians, but really shocked by the pain of the damage be inflicted on getting great spot. now we continue to be the kind of of abutment of the the i'm getting the made by
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civil defense. look good. cool. all right, now trying to pick who the russell in order to find more bodies and that can be dealt with from such attacks. this is a thing you have ambulance is filled with patients being brought to the alex hospital of to the attack there. and the site out which is just north of the area where you are and we know that hundreds of people have been injured at the same time. you will have all the people often digging into the rubble with that bad hands to find people who to try and find their loved ones, that relatives, the friends and neighbors, members of that community and been buried underneath the rubble because they simply don't have the equipment to be able to, to reach them any other way and tell me more talk about what is happening at the hospital itself. because i know already we've been reporting all these weeks and months about attacks on areas that these ratings themselves designated at safe
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zones. but of course, there is no essays because we have seen people despite multiple multiple times. and then that tens and refugee comes, are subjected to attacks. the locks the hospital, it seems, and the area around it was something of a haven, not just as a medical facility to treat wound, to treat the wounded, to treat the victims of israel is attacks, but also for the families of people gathering their inside the hospital and in the streets around the hospital to seek some sort of shelter in safety. and now it is so you know, that explains this sort of sheer terror or they would feel from the is randy attacks in, in this area has had this area been attacked before and this way with that smart city a beyond the block. so how something has been, just before a couple of months,
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he called me said by the way, a 10 foot policy and did, and it has been directly paid. so now we need to go with the, the internet, a cost which is what just need a medical compound, but it's on the back to ancient and both desperate somebody who did not find any proper show in order to the family members know why we were touring, inside the hospital, even off side, we can see families are just leaving the ground that point. okay, good. so well being in the hospital, i'm sorry, come talk, i'm sorry to interrupt you there. but to target i was in forcing to us from central gaza or in debt. now sir. hi, rot, sorry, joins us from amman and jordan. and sorry, tell us about the latest the, you know, as of in any 5, the reaction from is really officials on the freeing of these captives. small v is riley. so i should be saying that this has been weeks in the planning. it was
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to operations. we know that from the ministry spokesman daniel mcgarry confirming that they carried out to operations, one of them was much more complex. he said then the other happening photos in central garza. and he said the best in both hundreds of military personnel involved in freeing the full captives, also adding so that it seems that one of them who's been wounded now has died from those wounds. but nevertheless, just as being seen as a great success, certainly by the ministry, as well as the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose jew to speak from the thoughts is riley hospital. whether it is full, a captives, her own life, have been taken to partly they are in good house in good condition, but they, this is part of the process. they always take them that to be checked as soon as possible and show that they all okay. but we've also been hearing from the prime minister himself releasing a statements cooling this to her ro 8 commission. i'm saying,
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but so throughout all of this, but the number one priority has been the rescue of all of those fits have been held captive in the gaza. strip and adding, but it's because of the car edge of those in the ministry that they were able to carry out this operation. we've also been hearing from you all good, lot not to defense minister once to get him say that this is probably one of the most heroic and complex operations in his 47 career. this it seems as he was watching it on falls and guessing updates constantly throughout the operations. now in terms of who those all that were held captive, we know that noah arctic romani she was let's say the face 50 like all the video she was being taken by her mom stories i meant to have fights is from the knows assessable. many of those that were, comes, it happens, this does it raise and she was on the by to, by can you see how
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a pleating of for her all the halls to help her. so she became the face of those, the warehouse concepts and her family and all of those are the families of those how come to constantly maintain, screw this, but this would need and as soon as possible, what 70 like says that was put forward to accept it so in show that they could bring back those concepts a life and they said even days that would that bring them back home, but they wanted to know the cops is all back home now. so then this will be seen as a positive thing. so 24 prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been facing incredibly tough times within his own country. okay, so hi, right, reporting to this from amman and jordan. let's take your life to paris now, while you, as president joe biden is on his 1st a visit to from, from he's holding a pressure event with the presence of a manual, not on critical stage as well. and of course, the nature of some of that in washington dc. as regards the human framing is yours,
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i just want to be on the do a c i to, i respect for international the purpose, was it, and then he was freed in the 2. and us, you a c, c phone, determine their own future dog to self determination and thank you for being the ad should have signed, disclose, cooperation between from since united states as well to put the consent to other crises as well. they should be no jewel standards, and although they are many crises around that will be still applying the sales, the same principles with itself seem to get a nation in gaza near the us. so we want to obtain the immediate yes. and then we'll finish integration of sausages and we can only bulk and found on the depletion of for hostages will soften by these ready army. i want to achieve need media ceasefire and open up the prospect of a political solution, which is the only one job that can bring it back to them on the fed lobsting fees and meet the security chief concerns of both people. and that is why,
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because we're supporting the comprehensive because we're that the united states of america just after 9 months have come to the situation that offer and the, the human and consequences went on acceptable with is not acceptable. that israel should not open the old checking point is more to human, that humanitarian aid, as requested by the size of the midnight to your international communities and low speed was last week. operations is really operational trust of the united united nations security council has enrolled today that of course, 20 google double down to avoid a regional escalation mohammed for that is and i take the in depth and on the way we are working on the escalation, i do 9 this and on the institutional aspect in those countries. networking with those individuals, stakeholders just under the all to and then ensure that all parties come back to their senses regarding around. we note the same thing. there is an old,
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out escalation, unprecedented to attacks against israel, the distributed additional issue. now, nations of regional d stabilisation. and of course, the rand new nuclear program, both country and is determined to bring pressure too bad to encounter this trend. and this was demonstrate your recency enough a few days ago, the phone with somebody um, what is known by a donkey adopting a resolution at the international admin, causing us to make energy agency about self same detriment determination is that we do not wish to apply double standards, and that is why we coordinate our efforts in africa crisis in sit down in the east of the, on some of the social vision of democratic republicans come gumbo. and they found him in song, throughout the region. and over and beyond me is 2 countries with the mean sense of leadership for the address, but the challenges that all the time, especially those that significant new hold on for all of us to not touching the
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most valuable country. so we do wish to achieve a fair international order that is the meaning of the fee and the phone powers back to the people independent. but also initiatives for a more efficient likes to attack system level. we are stepping up to the exit from the cold seal. cool, initially they will be coming from sun the ocean and indeed we um, mobilizing efforts on your global health. and indeed, we will be both involved in organizing the, the coffee conference here in paris and, and that is also what lies behind this proposition of a link. oh, little thing to truly switch from the post by the un here just a few days ago on the economic phones we are both concerned about trying is unfair trade practices, which bring about that over capacity. this is of such importance for the global economy that we have to act on the board and needed cash, and then this is equal to my visits in december 20 to explain the consequences of
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inflation reduction act on the sugar cane economy. we discussed this again that it'd be some legislation is useful because it makes it possible and you did the steps up to the d compensation of the american economy and that for the invitation of in paris agreements. but of course, we want to reset as it for both our economy to use that is, and so the european economy and put them back to the united states of america in terms of the regulation investments and on such issues as a clean take artificial intelligence. and then we to add food issue, let's just sort a bit of course to be you want to come about actual level of drawing for better cooperation. that account is also american students. american scientists make american entropy nerves. i'm more than welcome in this country as we wish. that would be more of an option. but we also have cooperation based since the state
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visit of december 2020, to choose the around the civilian nuclear industry and the space industry. we want to go further. indeed, a number of agreements was signed between c, n e s, and also the on the opposite ation on d. d and partridge news program and also products to announce that the, the 1st high speed american high speed chain billed by aus thomas will be commissioned during the united states by the by years. and then back to is also assigned to the increased cooperation between us, not a red road industries. and this is a sign of economic cooperation that also is step towards the energy transition. resorting to farm says takes a logical accidents. i would also like to signal the importance of american investors and funds that was due to a strong summit in concert francisco. and i started a new foundation with a 100000000 euros to promote university exchanges and exchange programs of research
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between 2 countries. i would have to think of companies that drunk this, in particular, c, m a c. jim was very much involved. this new initiative comes after the 6 as a to z to i left team projects ease of us with the, with several of the cities in new countries or received a as many as 180 creates as an introduction in a matter of 2 years in about 50 said his own shop to speak longer, but i would like to say it was that's regarding the wars on the lease around the well, i think on the 16 pain around it will only take international issues in on the by natural from together with president biden, we want to have the joint roadmap and we need to trust in the future. trust enough is in the progress trust in innovation the, the credit is on was a determination to create job such as to get us within the unit as well. so on dealing with the dekalb and we want to be the, when the economy is property, do compromise that you're going to build
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a solution. we mustn't be now. you must go to the side of those who resist. we must talk the night. in other words, we need to find that on demanding solutions, but that i would like to thank you, mr. president, to be the present. not just that the 1st of the greatest will power that you being for your annual partner who respects europeans. and he wants to build on these agreements, the portfolio from the ukraine to the middle east, to west with, for the picking up today on the economic front. thank you. please also thank you for being with us today and thank you for agreeing, harris, normandy and phone. so i did the things you said abrasions, would you state to visit to thank you mr. president. thank you. it's just kind of great honor to be here. i'm in the normandy ranch, but it was a moving experience for
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a students such as the to the south of these days, there was a movie, the experience, rice whole delegation. um you know, franks was our 1st trend remains. are one of our best friends. there's way to clear from the friendship in a deeply meaningful way. but before i begin my remarks, i want to echo president crohn's comments. welcome to say fresh q for hostages. that for return to their families use. it won't stop working until all the hostages come home and, and see as far as reached at is essential to have you know, together remarketing anniversary. the allied operations saved europe and incredible heroes carried out. i found it a $180.00 brave man happened to be long minutes time. okay. and back to normally do
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this week with such pride and sense of devotion. i don't think anyone who got to meet them, check their hands or hear their stories. whoever forget their stories was looking to rise and try, they took what they did. but you could also see the, remember, you know, last coming to the same time. you know, the fact is that, uh, i know i will forget it. i want to fact present the chrome missing a crown for the people of france for making our heroes feel. so welcome is a ditch you welcome. you could feel it. you can see it will never forget. will never forget what they did. and this week we have show the world once again the power of allies. what we can achieve when we stand together. patch of this relationship between france, united states exemplifies as you know, we see the cranes for our 2 countries are standing where you create new people as a fight off approval of rush yesterday. announce $225000000.00 and new security
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assistance ukraine. and as a 6 packets, we provide that sensory sign, the national security legislation earlier this year. i wish we could have done it when we wanted to 6 months earlier, where we got it done with $61000000000.00 an additional 80 ukraine. and i come out in france and our european allies for their leadership as well. yours pro, provide it over $107107000000000.00 and assistance to cran. sense the war began. because we know what happens at prudent succeeds is in subjugating ukraine. and it won't, we won't start, you know, you know, for lack of stop and ukraine. there such as your credit is about much more than all of your will be threatened. we're not gonna let that happen in the united states to stand strong with you crazy. we're standing with allies and we're standing with friends. we will not. we will not say it again. walk away a hey,
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around the world. frank's united states working together strengths of concerns and security and shared prospered. in the end up a shipping. we stand together for freedom of navigation, transparent coverage as well as for economic practices. in the middle east, north africa, we worked together and issues critical, the patient's ability, like social security and counter chairs. an ex special tread of climate change which is just growing greater. we're working together to accelerate the global transition to net 0. it is the extra structural threat to humanity long. the only ex, essential threat to matter, including nuclear weapons, is if we do nothing in a climate change. i can go on every day, the french people in america reward connected in countless ways for economic ties, collaboration, science, and technology. educational exchanges. reason we don't have more americans coming in, we're afraid they won't come home. such
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a beautiful harmony is of such as the credit of a country. it's a beautiful country. and you know, the fact is that these are cherished ties between our families and friends continues to grow. the bond between our nation are strong, vast, and rooted and most important element. shared values that's true today is banned from the very start. the few weeks united states will celebrate the 4th of july, our day of independence. that fee would not have been possible, not high probability would not have been possible or not for france, company, nor a where that where a nation because of france of large par, stepped up when we needed help. and you did it as a 4th of july. so by that faith would not have been possible again without your support, without french today, i proudly stand with francis board freedom and democracy around the world. that's what this spectacular week is all about. mr. president, there's much more we had
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a chance to talk about really continue talking, become a good friend and i really appreciate your, your cooperation and your insights. thank you. thank you. thank. yes. so just by listening to prizes bite and then the manual, not crohn, they all meeting in paris holding talks on trade, ukraine and gaza. let's go to in touch butler, whose life versus the lease a palace in paris with the latest natasha. yes, we just heard that from the french presence and the us presence of the working lunch and folks at the lisa here in paris, us present a job item and a manual. my call by saying that they welcome the news that these ready ministry says that it is secure the release of for hostages, present bite, and getting on to say that we will continue to work until the hostages come home. present my call talk to bit more about the situation in the middle east in garza.
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she said that it was absolutely unacceptable that there was such a high human cost. the he said that as well must allow in more humanitarian assistance, more humanitarian aid. and he also said that it can be no regional escalation of the us and falls, working very hard on that present. j biden. to a bit about what else he's been doing this week. he's been in falls for the day commemorations. the ac is out of a 3 of those landing. so normally the features that he attended, he said that that showed the real power of allies. when a lot of allies get together, he shows what they can do, and he praise frauds for hosting him. so well, keep that, does that this also make some think about ukraine and how false and united states are united in that commitment to support ukraine for as long as it takes, as he says, that exclusion is no stokes and ukraine, the cooks for us and the whole of europe. all right,
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thanks very much. it's actually about are in paris. i want to bring you more on what's been happening in the gaza now. palestinians across the street reading from an unprecedented as riley is sold. residential blogs have been completely destroyed in the north, in gaza. city gunship on boarding the area around the fishing ports, but it's in central gaza webb. is there any forces of carried out one of the most 5th attacks of the war so far? from the land and sea, they shelled and bombed residential areas around darrell fi. at least 210 pallets. thing is a known to have been chose so far, but that number is expected to mount. hundreds of others have been injured. the main hospital in the region has been overwhelmed. maybe post office struggling to cope. patients has been dying on the floors as they await treatments. dr. tania hodge has son is a pediatric intensive care, physician of gauze and medic, voices. she worked in gauze there at the i likes the hospital,
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joins us from run. when we spoke earlier, you were in touch with some of your colleagues who are inside the like the hospital . now, have you heard from them since then? what are they telling you you know what we've been texting? well, i've been waiting to come on. um, obviously the i or any of this whole situation with a thing to come on to tell you about how kind of a strategic the situation is and how it is a full on genocide. as i'm listening to bite and talk about the the and how will stand together against atrocities and how he will continue supporting this as long as it takes to bring the hostages to hosted to 3 choose today, it is 200 at least as he said, just now at least people killed, not to mention all those in the emergency department, one of my call,
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the police just sent me a video. the video looks in south me. he's sweating. he is exhausted and he's sitting on a chair and they're a substitution area. he said it was himself a single nurse and 3 other health professionals that had twins. he says that they were trying to resuscitate, for health care providers for red cases. red is the color of the tree up. the no, you're right. now if function a health care system, we'd have probably for health care provider for the health care provider for 20 key 90 read cases. that's just not possible.


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