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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  June 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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in the of the hello, i'm a little rock. this is in use. our line from joe are coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 210 palestinians killed in central gaza. and one of israel's biggest assaults from the fair land and sea israel says during that mass of operation for of its captives were freed, after fierce battles with palestinian fighters and panic. and you say that's a refugee camp. hundreds of college stadium, families,
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sleeve or shelters. after coming under heavy is riley bombardments and is really fighter jets attack areas around us. the hospital that struggling to operate on a single generator doctors desperately appealing for blood donors and also a have us presidential button begins to state visit to friends with israel, ukraine and trade topping the agenda. the it is 15, g m t and we'd be getting this news. our and central gaza, where more than 210 palestinians have been killed in a major operation by his really forces to free for captives held by him. os. palestinians are reeling from the intensity of the assault by air, land, and sea, on the hearts of the strip passion. the bar begins our coverage. the
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cottage again in garza. this is the moment he's ready. pools is shell, the disabled come the attack was when done. class fighter jets struck residential areas near the hospital in dated by the bodies. my on the streets, best to work is take great risk to reach the targeted areas. this was the scene of the nearest hospital towns, the and we just, barons desperately ask about the children. this woman is told her loved ones, didn't survive. one of the attacks if father struggles to find the right words to say good bye to his dead son, he pauses and then says medea this is that i want to say
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hello. these riley forces have targeted without any warning full houses, hosting a lot of people. the forces advanced towards east darrow bella and force the palestinians to leave the areas about local people couldn't believe what's happening. evicted from the homes displays time and again they had to be the area once again. they have suffered great during the last 8 months, but today they think only about escaping death and protecting that children. one of the messages i just received was the fact that they were worked in the emergency department that it was a blood bass. and that it was extremely hot. these by the army said tom gets it from us. and these law makes you how to hide out as well as me to, to infrastructure. both health officials in gaza insist most of the casualties of children and women, especially my brother. i was just the right and you know,
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for the file this report by phone, from the alex, the hospital and the as events unfolded in the hospitals are over as well. you can imagine the people are on the floor, methics volunteers. everyone is trying to help them. there is no place for them. i was there even trying to put up more injuries in the and other department in the hospital at the doctors are trying their best to rescue as much people are as possible. but there are a lot of to be or could you go into these big now and everyone is terrified. people are clarified like the hospital is not only a hospital, it's also a refuge in the shelter for hundreds of thousands of palestinians that speak to huge in the cost of those 4 months right now. and now they bought this a warning from one of the journalists who received a call from the is right, the army, telling them that they were going to target
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a couple of tents in the courtyard of the hospital. we're seeing people running, we're seeing people looking for a safe place. everyone is left to the hospital to the area surrounding the hospital and and, and people are literally, it can't find anything said they do not know where to go. they're searching for a place. they're trying to move west once again. our headquarters, there are quite competent people are hearing lots of munitions or fears are tell every sunday and it's also not safe for them to evacuate from outside the hospital . this is the scene right now, and no one can understand anything, because with that, can we think it's part of escalating in one hour of the herd is i'm going to say i'm just in closing people crying children crying mothers looking for their children. not right now. a doctor james smith is an emergency physician who just returned from gaza, where he was treating patients at all. ok,
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so hospital and insurance does not live from a london doctor. we spoke a just a week ago when you were still inside this very hospital. that's not what focal point are you in touch with some of your colleagues and what are they telling you? what are they shared with you when we spoke a couple of days ago, i was speaking to you from the hospital in, in the sense of i've spoken to colleagues who were working there today. and i have heard back from them some of the most terrific testimony that i have heard over the course of this conflict. and in fact, in my entire life and the out of hospital in the setup is, is tiny, it's, it's a specialist mit sending it to the hospital. during this conflict, they created an expanded emergency room outside of the hospital. the tenants with an additional $12.00 to $14.00 beds, they have about 20 beds in total today. uh i heard from,
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from the team that we worked with that they had received a 120 people that were killed on more than 250 injured. and not only allowed a hospital, so which is now one of the main receiving hospitals, or frankly, that need be the only major receiving hospital for the middle. larry or casa, received a similar numbers of, of, of killed and injured people. i was working at alex, up back in december of last year through to early january islands. my impression from what i've heard today, the photos and the, the, the video recordings that colleagues and share with me is the, what has happened today. instead of sending that out by far exceeds anything but those neighborhoods of experience. since a saw this conflicts, it is a masika almost beyond comprehension. you know, obviously since you left things have taken
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a turn for the worse. so as you for outline, we also understand that already overwhelmed hospitals across a garza may soon be out of service because of the number of generators that will stop working pretty soon. the i'll oxer hospital for instance, is struggling to operate to, to function with just one generator. just explain to us how important it is for, you know, these generators to get, to have fuel and to be able to function. i can explain the incredibly clearly with a very personal reflection on the last day that i was working in the emergency room . and alex, on the 5th of june, we had intervened said, what ventilating a patient who had been very severely injured. as a result of a blast injury sustained drury and his reading. the strike and the power went out in the emergency room and the ventilator stopped working,
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and the patients died in the emergency room during the power outage. we worked on several occasions and by torch lights we were treating patients who was, scott said, across the floor with the lines from our phones as we were trying to place ivy lines and inside the chest drains and conveyed people to the operating see it says it is impossible to work under these conditions and of course a lack of electricity. a lack of power means that you cannot do you kind of fulfilled the most basic functions that are required of a hospital. and what type of care can health care workers provide under these most trying of circumstances. i just want to kind of say and colleagues to people that i've worked with for the last 7 and a half weeks in gaza, or uh, some of the most incredible people that i have ever met and had the privilege to work with. but the reality is that there is no hospice in the world that can
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respond to this level of trauma. we talk about mass casualty incidents being a situation in which a hospital receives in a very short space of time. many injured patients were talking today about 2 hospitals to very small hospitals that have between them receives and we believe upwards of 400 dead, an injury to people. there is no health facility anywhere in the world that could respond under those conditions. they have run out of some of the most basic trauma equipment that they needs to stabilize patients. and then of course, even if you are successful in stabilizing a patients, many of those people will require immediate surgical intervention alarm. so hospital that will have full operating theatres which are being run around the clock. fine. orthopedic it'd be skill of in general surgeons,
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but they simply cannot cope with the scale of, of, of need. so what remains of the medical infrastructure and also a very late so i tried to go today and search and finally commits its healthcare workers, but hospitals but were on the verge of collapse back in october and back in october, we were told that the health system had to say that it had ceased to function. it has not been a day since then, but that has been a single fully functional health care facility in gaza. we're talking here about delivering effectively basic 1st age. and these people survive a major traumatic injury. and it is, it is often by, by she is locked in the determination of the health care workers that have treat to them. but then of course, if they do survive as a very high risk of wound infections, have very high risk of loss of lame in the events of
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a traumatic claim injury. and then patients that will require further surgical interventions to 0 therapy, ongoing psychological support for months, if not years in decades, and next to none of those specialist services exist at the current time. i'm versioning health crisis that you were to pick fair, dr. james smith. thank you sir for, for joining us. and we couldn't join alger 0. so thought all boys who now from outside along the hospital and they are and better. and he joins us on the line of thought. there's been more deadly strikes, i'm told on central gaza. why this intensification of attacks in this particular area of guys on the day as for example, that comes among palestinians. and one of the people who have gone to the
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government media office at least 210 california, and have been killed in the pac on a rock, directv cam while pull 100 of the wounded. now this attack has been carried out in order to release any type of credit or from a loss if you cannot because what it says that stated them instead of just as a nation, be managed to get the i did the part vacation of the top clips and they talked about the fact that the correction has been conducted has been conducted on the ground and a very busy time at via cover for a month and the closing date. it only has been trying to reach and one of the. busy they didn't, they didn't have them through the month, but then there's also to come to the completion of the holiday. and i'm interested in that since the beginning of the world and physically what a, the box maybe what could be the talking to a young children,
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a woman and not in the hospital is overwhelmed with these, from the people as the occupant. you know, is it going to be quite a shortage of not been met? it's on the ground that got into the level of often to talk to them. they are going to have gratian and that's it may have been. busy i ended up in the corporate body big and this is the global warming. i see a mock, a movement husband, the that is going to mother to have to day. oh, it's been kept. it brought me up to having a long number of the i'm back to the high tension between the touch, the key. i'm a very multiple at the bottom up between both part from the ground. and as i took, this is going to, i'm getting, it's part of the $550.00 central and it goes to be paid the $100000.00 the
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company itself by taking this area. sure. and if the, if i can ask, you are ambulances and emergency services able to respond and transport, the injured from the areas that you just described that are being targeted. you have, i never have even in the world in any case. and then there is a very limited number of cars that we can see in multiple cases that a civilian have been a brain gimme the casualty to the hospital, it by using their own transportation in the 4 box. the green reality. you've got all kinds of empty and it's called the really, you know, to deliver on to them to bring back the number of victims and can keep to the hosp the prison. like also the repeat said, i've been imposed on punched into friday is in a multiple and tell you that before on the same time, the great rest they might take in order to get to the application due to the content of the bottom income. we have taken reports and during the past couple of
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weeks that i'm off the whole and possibly of some different kinds of short, you didn't sound so you're going to tell you in the elements in terms of even the ability to customize them. so i'm showing d, i which killed peroration. so what we just see on the ground is actually a 16 y at the 2 eyes and even look talking about struggling to bring a there's a big can or getting some funds to help them by bringing them by don't to call even by their own transportation them always say some cases that came to the hospital by both by the house or be and the vision. so i'm trying to give a help for this one of the people, this is absolutely not the nation. it's very grim situation now. your reporting on that occur assume are reporting. thank you. with that one thing. now these really military says it has fried for kept, is held by a mas during an operation that kill dozens of palestinian civilians in new say that
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while the captives were taken to a hospital in tel aviv, where they were met by celebrating crowds, israel, so saturdays attacks on central gaza had been planned for weeks and one con reports the, our celebrations outside the ship. it tells us of a hospital on the outskirts of tel aviv as news. the full is really captive, so afraid. in contrast, the entail sounds sort of like so let's bring goza as dozens of casualties arrive, as a result of israel's intense assault on the necessary refugee camp. an operation is ready, military failed as a success. this was a high risk complex commission, based on precise intelligence conducted in daylight in 2 separate buildings. deep inside garza while on the fire, on the fire,
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inside the buildings under fire, on the way half on the way out from cause of all forces rescued all hostages. these are in the army, said rescued noah. our demonic logan may have john andre cause low and slow means if they'd all been taken from the know the music festival on october the 7th. it also confirmed that they were rescued. an intelligence lead operation that used old branches of the miller treat by atlanta and see it as well as being seen as a major victory, one that was much needed for the under pressure prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we're committed to getting the use of all the hostages and we expect from us to release them all. but if they don't, we'll do whatever it takes to get them all back home. a mouse is committed war crimes every day, including the holding of the sausages. roland braces and smiles as the captives are united with their loved ones. but while others join his ro,
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its misery in palestine is a desktop keeps climbing. and the number of injured arises in an environment of the chaos. iran con, i'll do that on. and the said i had to joyce's now live from a minus. so what more do we know about the this operation that israel conducted? and then how has it unfolded? well, as you heard this from the statement from john, you'll have already given you a bit more detail as to how this operation was held. but we have heard from the prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that this will go down in the books of history. it is really a history, is it being a success? and i mean, correct me if i'm wrong. i think it's maybe the 1st time that he's immediately gone live with a statement soon off to visiting those of full captives in hospital. we will also hurts from the hospitals direct to say that in full all in good condition and even
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said in good spirits, the local meat has been reporting, but one of them had been writing in a notebook every day, one of the captives saying that so that posts, not all my life for another day, they probably had expected that this would take a long time. and now in terms of other statements, we've also heard from the minister of defense you off kalonde. that has said that this is probably the most one of the most memorable, he said, moments in his 47 gigs of career. clearly this will be seen on marks as a great victory for the israelis considering with 8 months into this war. and randy, the law. * just number of those health captive came back a life was through just one that sees 5 deal that was back in november. a sort of the captives we understand were rescued under heavy fire. it seems so it seems that there had been a face,
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a heavy fight. this was in the fire at refugee camp a very densely populated area. it clearly took them a long time, they'd already been in central goals. let's remind our views of this is the 1st time these ratings have been in central goals. and since the whole thoughts, if they've started off in the north, moved onto the center and then on to the south and dropped off, but then decided to go back to specific areas in central garza now, we are expecting a statement from the families of those held captive at any moment now in fact, and that also a one of the fathers of noah. he spoke out earlier, encouraging and urging people to join them at 8 o'clock in the same place. they've gathered every spot today with tens of thousands of israelis have gathered, protesting, so that governments to take on accept any sort of deal. but he also reminded people that there are still a 120 captives remaining in the gaza strip. so yes, this is a plus for prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who's received heavily. criticism may have been credibly criticized lately,
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but slots in the a 120 captive still in gaza. and the israelis know that the only real viable way to bring that many people bought is through a cx 5 deal with him. us. all right, that's not a hired at the reporting or from a minor. thank you very much. i us. and just want to remind you again, benjamin that now is a communist, has bound al jazeera and israel. and that's why we're reporting from neighboring jordan. well, about to $250.00 people were taken captive by a mosque during the october 7th attack and southern israel. 138 captives has been freed, or their bodies returned through exchange deals and is really military operations. $119.00 captives are thought to still be in gossip. and his early officials believe $43.00 of them have died. alright, let's bring in the you'll see a viewing the, a former is really minister of justice who initiated the also peace process and
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1992 drawers is now live from tel aviv sir. um, i'm hoping that you can contest, contextualize this moment for us. you know, we have an in battle prime minister who is feeling, perhaps a sense of indication who i am watching tv. regretfully, not just because the most well being from it for work and somebody is very pleasant, very big mistake of these rarely government. but i am watching tv, and i see on the one hand a is wireless is very heavy of closing to the my sense said to see that they age ino sent the hostages civilians they were released. on the other hand, they, they said the big chill on the police didn't know side and the victims the and do say to sense, how can it and we like always be blamed each other and we compete.
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oh victim. i think that the only way on the way is for him us to release the just the remainder of the hostages. a full exchange, a weekday, but it's doing in a ways on this is way to allow a kind of interest the she and i love a google both states to replace come us and manage today a does us 3 before y, d. e. as in other arrangement to meet that by the students themselves are reading guys, hopefully in a context of it, but as being in statement for sir, i think that did jen and the whole story tomorrow because otherwise you'll get into we will be and i would try to defend these riley view outcome that out of the
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little 8 months ago, the how much it decided to few thousands of these wireless. and, and the, the 1st thing is i'd really k, we'd say outcome that these are these, i'll bombing the hospitals. everybody will be right and everybody will be wrong for april lesser, i mean there is no incentive now for permanent. so now yeah, he just bought himself more time with this. a wait. i don't know exactly what was that. it was a motivation, but one has to take into consideration is why it is not a pulpit rating. a individual. it is operating in the context in which the, the don't use the word and especially united states. and a, i think that the 10 year old who is saying that and he will do what is it whatever is important for his way to invite them for ease, right. even if the american so good thinking not to do that is quite at least to
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know and both least a new the, to the very good has up to now struct. off any pressure, direct pressure exercised by the president of the united states by jo bye and he has just shrugged it off, says one thing in public, and this is something else to members of the work cabinet. vistas is not a leader who is susceptible to us pressure. and i think that, i mean, i'm the deluxe best. i mean the, what to do is going good to defend it down the hours, you know. so i don't want to find myself in such a situation of being his advocate. what i can say is that he is not immune to their fault from pressure. and that's some of the steps that he took, including the kind of, hopefully they'll duration. now, a new alpha a resides of the domain. so say of the americas a and i believe that the suggestion of the president a binding
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a which you know where he is in the region on, usually a suggestion. but i'm not sure that this is that exact story. let us say that the american propose that is something that is a good except to, to accept. and i hope that also the 1st thing upside with it's okay. i just have a final question or for you or your so your bill, i know we're cabinet minister benny gone. so i mean, he had his deadline. i mean it's kind of eclipsed by the events that we're seeing right now. it doesn't seem like he's going to follow through on his threats, to leave the cabinet. what are some of the options he'll be looking at at the moment? just to full. i hold that to release the government as soon as possible and hopefully today i think that to make that mistake, joining today is very much right. is government of the now we've been clean and simple to each day and that he is doing the right thing. now,
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when he is leaving you, i also hope that as a result of a, he's a resignation. a they protest against the government will increase and the demand for early elections wouldn't take place. i tell you say the former is really minister of justice. thank you sir. for speaking to us, thank you for having me. us. all right, and let's switch you now to washington dc to get that perspective from there, we can speak to options. there is a heidi through a cast or heidi um, any reaction yet from from the white house? i know the president is in france, but still that's right. and we did hear from president biden himself, who studied quote, welcomed the safe return of the hostages. we did also get a statement just recently from jake sullivan, the national security advisor. he said that this was quote, a successful operation. and he also said that the us supported all efforts to
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secure the release of these captives. he said that included ongoing negotiations as well as quote other means. now that really leaves the book open to what those means are. and we've been trying to get confirmation from some reports that the us may have sent a hostage negotiation team or, or a quote, a hostage recovery team to israel to aid in the intelligence that led to the, the release of these, of these captives. but again, we're still waiting on confirmation for that button. this thing among the reactions from all these top used officials is really any response to the civilians, the palestinians who were killed as part of this operation with the the, the statement from jake sullivan. again, the national security advisor did say that the ceasefire proposal, which was announced by president biden late last month and is currently on the table. he said that not only would this deal secure the release of all captives and
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also offer security assurance as to israel. he said that it would also provide relief for the innocent civilians in gaza. of course talks there are still ongoing indo ha to try to get him off and israel to agree on the terms of that deal. all right, so how does our cost are? thank you so much, heidi and as we just mentioned, to us present to barton is in front of emphasizing the power of allies, as he's on his worst state visit to france. he's met the french president and when you are my call, there are highlighting their partnership on global security and support for ukraine . and it's, we're with russian latasha butler is joining us now live from paris, latasha, the president, the president, my co hosting the american president. so they have of course, historic ties between their countries. relations have not always been smooth. i
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know they happens, but they certainly seem follow on the same page now the fridge presidency. manual micro on us present, joe biden, to pause in this, everybody and central pass. the much all of these a little bit earlier before having a working lunch here at the lease a pa does that. we've heard from a bodies leaders. they held for a priest, a brief press statements like a brief press statements a bit earlier. they 1st talked about the fact that these many res ready ministry says that it is secure the release of full hostages, lead as well combat news with j bite, and also saying that we will continue to work. he said, until all the hostages come home. the french presence amount of michael will say, talked about the price of palestinian civilians. he said the situation which schumann toll in our goals are in rough is absolutely unacceptable in the cold on israel to allow in more humanitarian aid. the 2 leaders also talked about ukraine
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now that it's a new topic that they have both being right aligned on in recent months. emmanuel, my chrome, saying that support for ukraine would continue from falls full as long as it takes he said, my call, who just recently said the frogs would send a move flight to jets, to ukraine, and train ukrainian pilots in phones. also a joyful item in the press statement said that the us had a pledge, $225000000.00 us dollars a 2 teeth in military. we know that's mainly going to be used for things like defense systems, but i just find them out in my crow, met ukraine in present flow to me is lensky in paris earlier this week? just all of the day can memory, sions, which was a full day to meet, has come together with a number of all the world leaders, j bought into the end of his press statement said that it was important. the future was defeated because if he's not defeated in ukraine, he said he might go onto the rest of the other european nations. natasha butler
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reporting live from paris. thank you. and tasha and the monthly stuff for the young is letter in political science as solved on the university and geopolitical political consultants, consultant, brother and he joins us now also from the french capital. well. 6 i mean, both men have publicly stated their unwavering support for ukraine. presidents my call, i recently floated the idea of potentially sending military instructors to ukraine to train troops. what has been the reaction in france and is the us, you know, on board with the, those types of proposals. and i think he, he went a bit bit further even though uh earlier this, this disturb because he was talking not only about sending people to train soldiers only in creating in the ground. but he was thinking about the possibility of
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sending soldiers on ukrainian grounds. so is this something that is continuously his way of trying to push a bit further? not on the on the quantitative basis. velma way of, of trying to push forward for, you know, uh, armies find armies to be uh, probably set on the credit. and so this was an issue in false as well as in your oh, with the you have been partners because 2720 uh the 6 countries of the european union were not on the same line. even though private conversations were trying. and the micro will say people were okay, but were not willing to tell their domestic audience about this issue. so it was quite an issue. so we came back to training people on a crate in ground through. i mean, a fine soldiers training, try as a premium shows us to the moment on not willing to do so. this is something not an issue, but it's something like attention or not attention,
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but it's something very different. and present biden didn't say he was okay with that. i know moma either officially or outside this official conversation. all right, so shawn case i shante stuff going on, please stand by. i want to continue our conversation, but we have a life event. so these are the family members, the relatives of the captives that have been released and aren't back in the hospital. let's listen emily of the so who loves his life and the lank on the cap is to be back as soon as possible we own as the people have as an we own our live. and thank you very much.
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camille lisa name of the notary and i don't. how do i am a supervisor done a mother of my son who came back and oh but look up. he was to me right now shop to tell you that we have a strong people. thank you very much. by support our fighters and i wish all the cap davis will come back say to the nation. i'd like to add that on a big thank you. to me,
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to our soldiers. the great ones. let's see, shop it's thanks a lot of people, but great people. the great people who are still feeding coffee and feeling strong, i can understand the joy of everyone. thank you very much. will everyone who supported us thing. go out for everything and thank you old. no. and then we will never forget the captives who us to the nga and we will continue our struggle and find to, to turn them back old is alive, and also those who are the who lost the lives and the i pay my condolences to the family of on them who loves to live in guys,
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a port i like to say the, the is really people know is strong and we are so happy mom and with the families. thank you very much. all right, and those are the relatives of the 4 captives that have been rescued in the operation that today in gaza. that has come at a heavy price for a palestinian civilians. a 210 counting have been killed. we're going to dip out of this press conference, and before that i had a started conversation with vision increased stuff again his lecture and the political science at southern university. he's back with us, sir. thank you so much for standing by. we were talking about the us and francis
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unwavering support for ukraine, and we got interrupted when you were explaining that presence. my call is laying the groundwork for sending potentially french troops and other european troops, potentially, or to ukraine if he can cobble a coalition of the willing a, so to speak. but do you think his counterparts, the u. s. president, is there an appetite for that? you know, i, i think it, i think is quite difficult because for, for 2 reasons. main reason both. i think the military's thinking even in, inside the nate. so there is not a full majority around them this way of thinking and, and 2nd problem, probably more important is that we have an extra time in, in, in the us. so this is something that could be, you know, kind of domestic strong issue that mr. biden can not handle and for the rest of
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trauma that want us to probably to get out of the european, you know, security responsibility as us has done just so now. so it's something that probably no way would be a kind of ok or a go for our from the us pot for this moment. i don't, i don't know what are some of the risk involved because he's going out on a limb here. yeah, we have did that thing, we need to get back to this probably the ground issue, which is about thinking my coins obsessed with you know, the fact that something could change in november or coming because it from the twins uh the election. he's already have been talking a lot of push, pulling back from your or pulling back from a to so putting your be in front of their responsibilities as a, as securing their whole geography as a blog. and today something is not, you know, made to,
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has been growing up so feeling through sweden, accession, but now the debates is around for my call. how can you handle these on security without waiting for the help of us an insight, even though, insight, nato. so it's more about your pin, i use ation of nato them or 10 days ation of europe. and this is something that today is mean to me, the ground line of this whole thinking about the ukraine situation because of the cost. another cost is about you printing coming into the you or not so exceeding to you or not. and my call already said this week that he wanted to accelerate the pace of this kind of conversation around the train and getting into the you as a member. so it takes time as close, but he wants that to stop in the middle of the summer, which is something that is quite new for the moment. right? so this is all part of a broader collective of security texture. all right,
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so thank you so much as you increase stuff go. yeah. electra and political science at saldonya university. thank you for joining us. i paid it us and you're watching else, is there a reminder of our top stories is our is really military carried at one of the most fierce assaults on central garza since the war began. its forces launched attacks from the air, land, and sea sailing uh residential areas around them. at least 210 power steering is killed so far, that the number is sadly expected to rise. and these really military says it's operation in central gas. it resulted in the freaking of 4 is really chapters from 2 locations in say that the captives have been taken to a hospital until a v. o. israel says one of its soldiers was killed in that operation. and one of god's as last functioning hospitals has been over whelmed by the large numbers of
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injured palestinians. medical stuff as well. ok, so our struggling to cope patients have been dying on floors while waiting for treatments or a journeyman. now is some stuff about good to you. he's the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative and former information minister new joyce's on skype from my law ser, oh we're seeing distressing seems all day of carnage and gaza in an already deadly week. how are you seeing this moment? i wouldn't have been here on the inside of the building one more time, the worst so critically minutes. but they've done today, and garza is a ton of a serious massacre. killing $210.00 police to me and civilians and engine, i didn't know there's done $400.00, many of whom was dying because isn't or is also destroyed and had to come facilities in the area and everywhere and grocer,
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etc. but the total of my seco and the question is did not time you all need to do all of that to, to use the president and you could have released all of them. is that safe? my now without killing so many police doing is if you have agreed to deal with the exchange of prisoners. but uh this thing, it, it took the months to, at least for the present, noticed then he would need 20 more years of bombardment unless it goes to least the rest of the $120.00 certainly presidents. it is totally insane. and that is totally in saying that he's even joyful on celebrating so new, but i think this don't have a lot of crime. add to the fact that this limited to patient does not mean that you have succeeded in door a all the indications i've shown that he has family to lee has fared politically, has friends for the modem, perspectives. the key was due for the crimes by the international criminal court
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and those for committing genocide by the national court of justice. but the, what is really shocking is the fact that some american and british troops on plains participated in this message. this is totally unacceptable under mix these gone to this complicit with a lot of connections that have happened. there was another way to do these, not only these for business, but on the internet presence. if a deal was concluded, oh, there's nothing else stumps obstructing the possibility of id. let me also remind you of the fact that the y, the 120. is there any presenters on the other hand that out of 14500 police to me in prison? oh, so out of subject to the 3rd but of the picture. terrible conditions and that has led to the depth of 52 palestinian prisoners from guys on the west bank. and is there any presence in comparison to the fact that is there is estimates the photos
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that are already present? how did they manage to the lease? well, in good towns and in good shape, i'm going to take an off taken care of. so that gives you an idea. if you compare about the 2 situations. this has to stop this war. this is general side, that's the stop. and the way to release the present. no, there's nothing by continuing to cut it so many palestinians bought by accepting a deal of exchange of prisoners. nothing's at the moment. are looking very bleak. um how do you think this will impact the the ceasefire road map? the proposal, is it on live support? i think nathaniel doesn't want ideals and probably this operation will make him even more stuff on a, on the other fascists and there's government and the it is not with a duty under the responsibility of the united states of america to put an end to this. nothing, you know knows very well that the end of this war is the end of his political career. he knows very well that he will be investigated and that he was still
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fairly. and on the 7th of october, he wouldn't be able to use the filter. the engine and running this war and he would also have to face 4 cases of corruption, each of which could take him to j. so he's not interested in any way in stopping this, what he wants it to continue or he doesn't care about so many people can or injured even as rains. but what, what, what many people one about know that this is a very successful for the losing for presidents. good lead, nothing else more adventures. military adventures getting multiple listing is, but also possibly coming most of the is it a, but isn't those themselves? that's where we stand, and that's why this precious behavior has to be stopped. and the united states of america has the greatest responsibility here to, to force nothing at all to accept a deal of an exchange of presents. now, as you know, sir, we've seen the us administration tie itself into knots over. this is really
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ceasefire proposal that was made public by the us. the president. do you expect president binding to keep pressuring the israel ease to bring an end to this war? i hope so. i hope these are still on the hill details nothing. you know that you cannot continue to play them just because of the proposal that was made by missed and by done by presses, implied in saying that it was an incident and you propose as given to him. let's grab defense from what is it, or is it himself, but isn't it inviting to the stadium site that was serious differences? and that means that something you know, continues to play. there is games in the previous uh, around how much accepted the offer and then nothing you know, changed his mind. so clearly here, nothing you know, continues to many of the units done by then those with us what, what is at stake for him. he knows very well that you could lose the future,
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the elections, the elections in november if this. busy continues, he is losing go to the lots of support in the united states because of his thoughts on the bass to is it or because of his support to the state or been criminal or so . and then i was, i look at state k, a port listed by them, sometimes sort of the american administer nation at the end of the day. so my seconds of that happening will also have an impact light and they are having an impact to do i visit. it is now isolated and it is a bit out of so very serious cases in the nation of go to the justice in the nation of criminal records. most recently, godaddy's from sentence have what there is an early autumn in the blacklist the united nations because of the so many children. that's where it comes by. is it an today and at the time? but it's more, it's so that as we are talking about no less than $16000.00 palestinian children could buy those that are the army so far,
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no less than 10000 palestinian women. 82000 people injured menu, a form will die because they have no access to me. the kind of kid under the cub facilities since nathaniel has already destroyed most of them and become frustrated . this is a disaster situation. and this has to stop. and the whole decay is the responsibility of stopping by pressuring about 10 year old to accept ideas for a complete and total excuse for and stuff all but all to your secretary general as a palestinian national initiative and former information administer. thank you. thank you so much. d. a and her brother have been displaced multiple times during israel's war on god. so they witnessed is really forces reading. she for hospital in northern gosh, out where they were separated from their family. and here's her story. could not
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have somebody has that i just know we were in northern god and we have witnessed the catastrophic situations, the stuff, ation hardship on them and being trapped under the rubble. but what on, what if i thought was and then hopefully it all of them had the arts and if you had been my uncle, good, injured events, i'll she for medical complex as we were forced to leave to southern garza of to is really forced to show in rate, at the complex, i'm a mazda also for the cause, and so couldn't i know a when i was alone and my brother away from my family, what we loved the concept to think of some days before we managed to tell them that we are still alive i issue the connected at the moment we arrived to and my family was worried about us for 2 days there was no connection, but then after a few days we could contact them to also allow acquisition of sellout. it was a has our like to say that the last i left my area and went to the i was with my
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uncle. it i like the hospital. then i went to the doctor that was back to the german. i love it and the for the heart and we just kill time all the day long. let me go to my friends houses to sleep during the night and have them look out. and i had, i had that ever said, this is my son son, that you to not cruel and say mom and dad. i haven't seen him. so the last 3 months is send me videos of him. and this makes me very sad because my son is growing up without me. i want to see my son. if i can smell him. i saw for the fish and all the sorrows and on top this is very tough. i sent and i want to live like the dead this that and this my area, my family and my relatives and i missed the gatherings so i missed my room with
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that and i miss everything. and joshua corey is the head office and dr. muhammed and i moved here is the gaza. civil is with the gauze. i civil defense, and he told us about the impact of the latest strikes. it is riley forces have targeted without any warning for houses hosting a lot of people. the forces advanced towards east 0, bella, and forced the palestinians to leave the areas. the deluxe, the hospital received many dead and wounded people. following these riley attacks, the ambulance and civil defense teams, us to recovering bodies and injured the people from under the rubble of the capacities a very weak. and they were only 3 fire engines in the central area. we're facing a lot of challenges and we talk reach every person. these riley forces have evacuated the whole of the old test to neighborhood without prior warning, and without declaring it or red zone. despite the fact that elizabeth district in
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rafa has been announced as a red zone, there are still a lot of dead and wounded due to these rightly attacks on friday distress. kohls, haven't stopped from this district where a lot of people are still trapped under the rubble. we went to help them and i thought we were prevented by these riley um, vehicles. uh palestine solidarity march is underway in central london. tons of thousands of people are calling for an end. israel's war on garza for re challenge is there. this is probably your policy and demonstration number 15 in london, and the mazda is doing their best to try and keep guard. take the pressure on the politicians to cease by now on the route for the problem for the damage rights is a fax to you guys now in election mode and that's no, you're fine for me either of the 2 main policies,
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the conservative or opposition liaison back gaza is much of another action issue. that was a no commitment from either of that too late is to sell on a route. for example, the march is one to try to convince them that cause that is a virus issue. he's an election issue. so on tuesday, the campaign is a launching device, talestine time pain, whether people's a right to have like with 6 specific jobs that are related questions about god. that is more of an issue for the last that it is for the rights and the time paid as much as they are often more angry with some of the opposition leader then they all with versus soon after 5 minutes, they feel that if some of the labor data should be on their side, assign behalf of that is hiring through the library a for the science coming from within the policies that that are election manifesto . pledges for this election will include
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a commitment to recognize the stakes of palestine. the whole, the end of any piece price that meanwhile, across the monstrous mach shown for each items. how does that run? and before i let you go, want to recap our top story or for you. these really military carried out one of the most fierce assaults on central gone since the war began. its forces launched attacks from the air, land, and sea, showing residential areas around them. at least 210 pallets. 10 used to so far. but that number is, sadly, expects us to rise is really military service is operation is central guns have resulted in the free of for is really captives from 2 locations in the state as the captives have been taken to a hospital. intel, as a israel says, one of its soldiers was killed in that operation in one of costs as last function.
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hospitals whelmed by the large numbers of injured palestinians, medical staff at ox, struggling to cope. asians have been dying on floors while waiting for treatments. all right, we'll have a lot more for you in the next step for now. this brings this news our to reclose. i. you can find this online at any time by a heading it to our website stats out to 0, dot com. and i'll be back with more of today's news in just a couple of moments for now. thank you so much for spending this part of your day with us. the
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a pod his i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece of i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell late thought prophetic thing on the e, you made weapons of being used in guns no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we do it or some we cannot take the effective use of the present as not that important factor via the story on talk to houses here. in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they are managing the crisis one day, the internal security ex, again, spotlight is and then i don't do anything for us. human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force
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them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review and the latest correct them. security forces are closing shops be legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the governments into voskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. this is the 1st one they saw that we see in 3 of the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we're witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to get out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered to the at least $210.00 palestinians killed in central garza and one of israel's biggest assaults from the air, land and sea. the on my little rock, this is ultra 0 life, although ha, also coming up. israel says during that massive operation for of the captives were freed after fierce battles with palestinian fighters.


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